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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Jan-2023
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Primo piano

ATG Festival 2023 con ospiti internazionali - USA
Biglietti venduti rapidamente per il tour di Sharon Shannon Trio – Regno Unito
Frank Busso Jr. eletto Presidente AAA 2023-2025 - USA
Festival Internazionale di Musica Val Tidone 2023 – Italia
Chester Folk Festival Febbraio Folk Day – Inghilterra

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Registrations Now Open: "Day of the Harmonica 2023" - Austria
Applications Open for 16th Premio Andrea Parodi Competition - Italy
Stas Venglevski Releases 30th CD “Compilation” - USA
Video: Skerryvore: Everything You Need
Video: Gypsy Song by Maria & Sergei Teleshev

Future events

Marie Andrée Joerger Recital - France
Steve Turner Performs at Tamar Valley Folk Festival - Australia
Duo Guinguette Jean-Luc Performance Schedule - France
Royal Academy of Music Accordion Chamber Music Concert – UK
Claudio Jacomucci January 2023 Masterclass - Germany
Stockport Accordion Club Guest Performers - England
Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic – “Vision for Two” Concert – Italy
Hoger Streven Accordion Association Concert – Belgium
March 2023 Accordion Workshops – Netherlands
Accordion Extravaganza – Canada

Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

New and Updated Sites

Festival 85° Anniversario AAA 2023 - USA
CNIMA_Workshop di fisarmonica Olivier Douyez - Francia
Updated Site: Karthause-Schmülling accordion publications list - Germany
2023 Convention della National Accordion Association (NAA) - USA
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Primo piano

ATG Festival 2023 con ospiti internazionali - USA

ATG header
Mary Ann CavoneIl Festival Internazionale 2023 della Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) si terrà presso il Lisle Hyatt di Lisle, Illinois, USA, dal 19 al 22 luglio 2023. La presidente dell'ATG Mary Ann Covone dà il benvenuto agli appassionati di fisarmonica provenienti da tutto il mondo.

I concerti evento si terranno presso l'Armerding Center for Performing Arts nel campus del Wheaton College e vedranno la partecipazione di Grayson Masefield (Nuova Zelanda), la Polyphonia Orchestra (Isola della Reunion), il Duo Das Kollektiv (duo austriaco di flauto e fisarmonica), Stas Venglevski (USA) con il Dr. Brett Jones alla marimba e il Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble (UMKC) diretto da Joan Cochran

Per ulteriori informazioni: Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG)
UMKC Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble, Polyphonia Orchestra (Reunion Island)


Biglietti venduti rapidamente per il tour di Sharon Shannon Trio – Regno Unito

SS Trio poster
Video: Sharon Shannon and Friends eseguono "Blackbird" al The Late Late Show - RTÉ One.

I biglietti per il tour di concerti dello Sharon Shannon Trio nel Regno Unito stanno vendendo velocemente, alcuni locali sono già esauriti. Il tour inizierà il 3 febbraio 2023 a Londra e proseguirà fino al 19 febbraio a Exeter.

Sharon Shannon è conosciuta per i suoi arrangiamenti di melodie tradizionali irlandesi e composizioni influenzate dall'Irlanda ed è rinomata per le sue collaborazioni, non solo nella musica tradizionale irlandese, ma attraverso tutti i generi musicali, Hip-Hop, Cajun, Country, Reggae, Classica e Rap.


Frank Busso Jr. eletto Presidente AAA 2023-2025 - USA

AAA Header
Frank Busso Jnr.Dal 1° gennaio 2023, Frank Busso Jr. è stato eletto Presidente dell’ American Accordionists' Association (AAA) per gli anni 2023-2025.

Frank Busso Jr. fa parte del consiglio di amministrazione di AAA dal 2007 ed è 2° vicepresidente dell'organizzazione dal 2021. È il direttore della Ernest Deffner Affiliates, i cui marchi includono Titano, Pancordion, Pigini, Excelsior, Roland e Hohner. Frank è il fisarmonicista della United States Air Force Band di Washington, DC e dirige la Busso Music School di Alexandria, VA.

Ha conseguito una laurea in amministrazione aziendale presso la Boston University, in seguito ha lavorato come istruttore e arrangiatore con le Boston University Athletic Bands.

Frank ha studiato fisarmonica con Frank Busso Sr. presso la Staten Island Music School di New York, dove i suoi studenti hanno vinto numerosi titoli regionali e nazionali in concorso.


Festival Internazionale di Musica Val Tidone 2023 – Italia

Livio Bollani2023 Val Tidone posterLa XXV edizione del Concorso e Festival Internazionale di Musica Val Tidone si terrà dal 13 al 16 luglio 2023 in Val Tidone.

I concorsi includono:
• Concorso di composizione Egidio Carella per musica classica e contemporanea con sezioni per strumento solista e musica da camera.
• Premio Silvio Bengalli per pianoforte
• Concorso Val Tidone Young Talent che prevede categorie di età per sezioni: pianoforte, archi e musica da camera.

La giuria del concorso di composizione è composta da Livio Bollani (Direttore Artistico – foto a sinistra), Andrea Portera e Barbara Rettagliati.

Le iscrizioni aprono il 1° febbraio 2023. La scadenza per le iscrizioni è il 31 maggio 2023. Vedi poster per i dettagli.


Chester Folk Festival Febbraio Folk Day – Inghilterra

Chester Folk Day
Il Chester Folk Festival terrà il suo Folk Day di febbraio 2023 presso la All Saints Church di Chester, Cheshire, in Inghilterra, il 25 febbraio dalle 12:00.

L'evento includerà concerti pomeridiani e serali, ceilidh, sessioni e spettacoli di danza. Tra gli artisti che si esibiranno c'è la band folk "The Time Bandits", con Ian Jones al melodeon (nella foto sotto).

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: info@chesterfolk.org.uk
Time Bandits


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Registrations Now Open: "Day of the Harmonica 2023" - Austria

Tag DH
Werner Weibert, President of the Harmonikaverband Osterreichs (HVÖ) has announced that registrations are now open for the Day of the Harmonica 2023 competition which will take place from May 18th to 21st, 2023 in Stainz, Southern Styria, Austria.

The event will include the Austrian competition for accordion soloists, duos, ensembles, chamber music and world music.

In addition, registrations are also now open for the 4th Erich Moser International Memorial Competition for Styrian Harmonica.

The documents are available in Slovenian and English at: https://harmonikaverband.at/tag-der-harmonika-2023/


Applications Open for 16th Premio Andrea Parodi Competition - Italy

Premio Andrea Parodi
Applications are now open for the 16th Premio Andrea Parodi World Music Competition in Italy.

Premio Andrea Parodi was created in honour of the distinguished Sardinian artist Andrea Parodi, who passed away in 2006.

The Artistic Commission established by the Foundation will select ten finalists among the applicants in an anonymous way. The finalists will perform in Cagliari at the "Premio Andrea Parodi" Festival 2023, in front of a jury composed of authoritative industry professionals (singers,, musicians, writers and songwriters, poets, managers, producers, press offices, journalists), from international countries.

These finals will be held in autumn in Cagliari, Sardinia.

The prize for the Winner includes concerts and performances in some of the partner music festivals in their 2024 editions, such as European Jazz Expo (Sardinia), Folkest (Friuli), as well as the Premio Andrea Parodi 2024.

In addition, winners will be entitled to a €2,500 scholarship. The winner of the Critics' Awards will have a professional videoclip of their competition piece produced, offered by the Andrea Parodi Foundation. Some of the finalists can also be invited to some other partner festivals, such as Mare e Miniere, Premio Bianca d’Aponte, Premio Città di Loano per la musica tradizionale italiana, Mo'l'estate Spirit Festival, Musiconnect-Italy.

Registration is free and the deadline for applications is May 31st, 2023

For details look online or email: fondazione.andreaparodi@gmail.com


Stas Venglevski Releases 30th CD “Compilation” - USA

Stas CDStas Venglevski has just released his 30th CD entitled “Compilation”.

Stas is an accordionist, musician, arranger, entertainer and teacher. His repertoire includes his original compositions, and a broad range of classical, contemporary and ethnic music. He has toured extensively as a soloist throughout the former Soviet Union, Canada, Europe, and the United States.

For CD details email: stasvenglevski@wi.rr.com


Video: Skerryvore: Everything You Need

Video: Skerryvore performing their new video: Everything You Need (Official Music Video), which is from their upcoming new album 'Tempus' due to be released on 28th April 2023.

Skerryvore includes brothers Daniel on accordion and Martin Gillespie on pipes, whistles and accordion.


Video: Gypsy Song by Maria & Sergei Teleshev

Video: Gypsy Song "The Sun" (Solnishko) by Maria & Sergei Teleshev Duo Two Accordions.


Future events

Marie Andrée Joerger Recital - France

MAJ poster
Marie Andrée Joerger will give an accordion recital at the Auditorium du Conservatoire in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France on January 21st, 2023 at 8.30pm.

Her program will include works by Bach, Mozart, Abbott, Zorn, Galliano, Balbastre and Angelis.

See poster for details.


Steve Turner Performs at Tamar Valley Folk Festival - Australia

Tamar Festival poster
Steve TurnerConcertina player, Steve Turner (UK - picture left) began a tour of Australia on January 15th, 2023.

His final concerts will take place at the Tamar Valley Folk Festival in George Town, Tasmania, Australia from January 27th to 29th, 2023.

The festival will include “three days of music, concerts, workshops, poetry and fun for children.”

For details email: info@tamarvalleyfolkfestival.com


Duo Guinguette Jean-Luc Performance Schedule - France

Duo Guinguette Jean-Luc
The Duo Guinguette Jean-Luc will entertain at a variety of venues in January and February 2023.

The duo includes Jean-Luc Prié (accordionist & vocals) and Christelle Prié (vocals and rhythm guitar).

See poster for details.


Royal Academy of Music Accordion Chamber Music Concert – UK

RAMRAM logoThe Royal Academy of Music will hold an Accordion Chamber Music Concert at the David Josefowitz Recital Hall in London, England on January 27th, 2023 at 6.30pm.

This free concert will feature solo and chamber music with classical accordion students of Professor Owen Murray.

For details phone: +44 (0) 20 7873 7373


Claudio Jacomucci January 2023 Masterclass - Germany

Claudio JacomucciAccordionist and composer, Professor Claudio Jacomucci will hold an accordion masterclass at the Chamber Music Hall of the Folkwang Universität der Künste in Essen-Werden, Germany from January 28th to 30th, 2023.

The artistic director of the event is Mie Miki (Folkwang Professor for Accordion and Vice President for Artistic Excellence) with the kind support of Dr. Josef and Brigitte Pauli Foundation.

The interested public is welcome with free entry.


Stockport Accordion Club Guest Performers - England

Julie Best & Jean Corrighan
The Stockport Accordion Club will hold their first 2023 meeting at the Woodley Methodist Church in Woodley, Stockport, England on February 1st, 2023 at 7.30pm.

Guest performers will be the Julie Best & Jean Corrighan Accordion Duo (picture above), who will perform a “varied and uplifting” program.

For details email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic – “Vision for Two” Concert – Italy

Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic
Klaus Paier (accordion) and Asja Valcic (cello) will present their concert entitled “Vision for Two – Ten Years” at the Teatro Sociale di Stradella in Stradella, Italy on February 11th, 2023 at 9pm.

The duo, who have been performing together for ten years, will present a program from their album "Vision for Two - Ten years", which was recorded in 2019. They planned a concert tour to present the album back then, but it was suspended due to the pandemic and resumed again this year.

Their music converges French musette, Argentine tango, Balkan dance, rock and jazz.


Hoger Streven Accordion Association Concert – Belgium

Hoger Streven Accordion Association Concert
The Hoger Streven Accordion Association will hold a concert at the CC Kadans Theatre in Wuustwezel, Belgium on February 12th, 2023 at 2pm.

Tickets are selling fast for this event. See poster for details.


March 2023 Accordion Workshops – Netherlands

Jos LambregtsThe following workshops will be held at Q-Factory Amsterdam in the Netherlands organised by Trekharmonica's Amsterdam (THA).

• March 12th, 2023 from 1pm: Workshop Waltzing in irregular time signatures by Gilbert Hoek van Dijke
Level: advanced
Register by 12th February, 2023

• March 22nd, 2023 from 1pm: Beginners accordion course with Jos Lambregts (picture right).
Instrument: C/F
Register by 15th February, 2023

For details email: info@trekharmonica-adam.nl


Accordion Extravaganza – Canada

Accordion Extravaganza
An Accordion Extravaganza will be held at the James Hall, Powell River Academy of Music in Powell River, British Columbia, Canada on March 5th, 2023 at 2pm.

The event is held as a preview to the Accordion Fest 2023, due to be held in May 2023.

For details email: info@powellriveracademy.org


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article


New and Updated Sites

Festival 85° Anniversario AAA 2023 - USA

2023 AAA Festival
L’American Accordionists' Association (AAA) terrà il suo 85° anniversario 2023 presso il Marriott Philadelphia West Hotel di Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA, dal 12 al 16 luglio 2023.

Gli eventi previsti includono concerti, workshop, concorsi, mostre, attività speciali e altro ancora e Frank Busso Sr. riceverà l'AAA Lifetime Achievement Award all'AAA Festival 2023.

Per maggiori informazioni visita AAA


CNIMA_Workshop di fisarmonica Olivier Douyez - Francia

Olivier DouyezCNIMA diretto da Nathalie Boucheix terrà un workshop di fisarmonica sotto la guida di Olivier Douyez dal 20 al 24 febbraio 2023.

Olivier Douyez è professore di fisarmonica presso il Conservatorio Reale di Mons in Belgio. Il workshop è per tutti i livelli e le età con particolare attenzione ai giovani talenti (dai 14 ai 18 anni) che desiderano entrare nel programma di Bachelor presso il Royal Mons Conservatory.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: cnima@orange.fr


Updated Site: Karthause-Schmülling accordion publications list - Germany

Updated Site: Karthause Schmülling accordion publications list - Germany


2023 Convention della National Accordion Association (NAA) - USA

La Convention della National Accordion Association (NAA) si terrà dal 15 al 19 marzo 2023 presso l'Hilton Hotel, Richardson, Texas, USA

La convention presenterà versioni 2023 di American Music. La musica è una combinazione di musica americana contemporanea originata da immigrati statunitensi che hanno portato i loro valori musicali e le loro tradizioni unendosi al grande melting pot americano. La musica è una miscela di stili musicali che includono, ma non sono limitati a, melodie popolari, musica folk, country e western (C & W), ballate che raccontano una storia, rock and roll, polke e valzer, musica europea, gospel e jazz.

Inoltre, l'evento del 2023 includerà opportunità di apprendimento superiore come il pensiero creativo e l'applicazione alla musica, l'ear-training, l'articolazione e il controllo del mantice, tecniche di pratica, lettura a prima vista, teoria musicale, tecniche di esecuzione e opportunità di performance.

Convention NAA e informazioni sulla registrazione su: 2023NAARegistration
Planning team


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Russia news banner
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with new additional articles.


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