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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Dec-2019
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Primo piano

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
2020 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations Released, Castro Marim - Portugal
31° Festival Internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists", Mosca - Russia
Cambiamenti Italcinte per il 2020 - Italia
2020 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Prospetto del Festival - Nuova Zelanda
Concerti di Capodanno di Ksenija Sidorova con National Symphony Orchestra - Lettonia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Album release: "MARY plays GARY" - USA
Accademia del Ridotto - 3rd Stradella International Music Competition – Italy
"Jingle all the Way" Concert a Roaring Success - New Zealand
Salvatore Cauteruccio New Recording - Accordion Solo
Closing Date in 2 Weeks for Accordion & Flute Compositions - Worldwide

Future events

CNIMA February 2020 Courses – France
“Fuelles Salteños” at Encuencro Tradicional de Saucedo - Uruguay
Daddy Squeeze Lunch Concert, Minnesota - USA
Accordionist “Jenny J” at New Year’s Eve Party - France
Zoltán Orosz Christmas and New Year Concerts - Hungary
“Pearl Django” Concert at Jazz Alley in Seattle - USA
Eastbourne Accordion Festival – UK
Brandon McPhee at 2020 Tunes by the Dunes Music Festival - Scotland

New and Updated Sites

Rob Howard: Accordion Anthology 2 Book Review
Insegnanti: Vinci un viaggio in Nuova Zelanda, 5 settimane alla chiusura dell'iscrizione - Nuova Zelanda

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Primo piano

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo

Christmas graphic
Merry ChristmasAccordions Worldwide desidera augurare a tutti i nostri lettori un Buon Natale e un felice anno nuovo. Ci auguriamo che le news vi siano piaciute nell'ultimo anno e AWW continuerà a tenervi informati sugli eventi della fisarmonica ovunque si verifichino.

Le prime notizie per il prossimo anno saranno venerdì 10 gennaio 2020.

Possiamo ancora ricevere notizie dei vostri prossimi concerti durante le festività natalizie all'indirizzo:


Tutto il meglio dal team di Accordions Worldwide


2020 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations Released, Castro Marim - Portugal

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
2020 Coupe Mondiale posterThe 73rd Coupe Mondiale will be held from 05 - 11 October 2020 in Castro Marim, Portugal, hosted by the CIA member Mito Algarvio - Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve, President: João Pereira.

The festival with 20,000 Euro in prize money will feature competitions as follows:
• 73rd Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Junior International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Chamber Music - Classical
• Chamber Music - World Music

2020 rules and regulations at: Coupe Mondiale
The on-line entry system will open in Spring and the entry closing date is 31 August 2020.

The Coupe Mondiale festival will also feature the magnificent World Accordion Orchestra XIII, to be held on Sunday, 11 October 2020 at the conclusion of the festival competitions.

You will find a complete record of the 2019 Coupe Mondiale at:
In Chinese


31° Festival Internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists", Mosca - Russia

PosterSopra: video del concerto del 15 dicembre, chiusura del festival

Con il patrocinio del Ministero della Cultura russo, della Russian Gnessin Academy of Music e del Friedrich Lips Fund, il tradizionale festival internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists" si è tenuto per la trentunesima volta nella sala da concerto della Russian Gnessin Music Academy a Mosca Dall'11 al 15 dicembre 2019.

L'organizzazione dell'evento è stata guidata dal direttore artistico Friedrich Lips e Alexander Gataullin (foto sotto).

I video di 4 grandi concerti e un report scritto dal dott. Herbert Scheibenreif sono a: 2019Moscow
Alexander Gataullin and Friedrich Lips


Cambiamenti Italcinte per il 2020 - Italia

1914 photo
Beniamino BugiolacchiItalcinte lavora per voi e con voi dall'inizio del 1900: quattro generazioni, una famiglia (foto sopra). Italcinte è un'azienda artigiana specializzata nella produzione di accessori esclusivi e totalmente personalizzabili per fisarmoniche e strumenti musicali: cinturini in pelle regolabili, con tutti i tipi di imbottitura e borse per fisarmoniche di diversi materiali, colori e dimensioni.

Nel 2020 è giunto il momento che Beniamino Bugiolacchi consegni le redini dell'azienda a sua figlia Patrizia. Vorrebbe ringraziare tutti voi per la vostra continua collaborazione e amicizia.

Beniamino Bugiolacchi è stato importante nel corso dei decenni a Castelfidardo, con i suoi libri e altre opere che documentano la storia della fisarmonica a Castelfidardo, in Italia, supportando il Museo di Castelfidardo fin dall'inizio e promuovendo anche i prodotti della fisarmonica della regione a livello internazionale in numerosi eventi in diverse parti del mondo.

La famiglia augura a tutti un Buon Natale e un 2020 pieno di gioia e gratificazione.
Con gratitudine e affetto,
Italcinte di Beniamino Bugiolacchi e famiglia.

Un'intervista con i proprietari di Italcinte Patrizia Bugiolacchi e Beniamino Bugiolacchi di Holda Paoletti-Kampl è online all'indirizzo: http://www.accordions.com/interviews/italcinte.aspx

Foto di famiglia 2019 qui sotto.
2020 photo


2020 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Prospetto del Festival - Nuova Zelanda

NZAA Header
NZAA President Sonja PalinichIl Prospetto (norme e regolamenti) per 2020 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival, che si terranno ad Auckland sabato 30 maggio e domenica 31 maggio 2020, è ora disponibile a: 2020 NZ Prospectus

Le regole per le categorie internazionali sono molto simili alle regole della Coupe Mondiale. La categoria di musica da concerto internazionale del South Pacific ha esattamente le stesse regole della categoria Coupe Mondiale Masters e la categoria intrattenimento del South Pacific ha esattamente le stesse regole della categoria Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment.

Allo stesso modo categoria di intrattenimento Junior (sotto i 18 anni). La categoria per concerti da solista del South Pacific Junior ha le stesse regole del primo round della categoria Coupe Mondiale Junior.

La data di chiusura dell'iscrizione è il 17 aprile 2020.

Il presidente della NZAA, Sonja Palinich, scrive: “Estendo un caloroso invito a tutti i fisarmonicisti non solo dalla Nuova Zelanda, ma anche da tutto il mondo a partecipare ai 2020 South Pacific International and New Zealand National Accordion Championships and Festival. La nostra associazione organizza questo evento dal 1972. Questo evento attira un pubblico entusiasta e riconoscente che apprezza tutti i generi musicali.

Siamo lieti di avere ancora una volta l'uso del Raye Freedman Arts Center (foto sotto). Questo eccezionale locale moderno si adatta perfettamente alle nostre esigenze con un'acustica eccellente, illuminazione e strutture complete sotto lo stesso tetto. "

Report su eventi passati su: South Pacific Daily Reports
Il Prospetto (norme e regolamenti): 2020 NZ Prospectus
Raye Freedman Arts Centre


Concerti di Capodanno di Ksenija Sidorova con National Symphony Orchestra - Lettonia

Ksenija SidorovaLa fisarmonicista Ksenija Sidorova eseguirà tre concerti con la Latvian National Symphony Orchestra (diretta da Andris Poga) presso la Great Guild Hall di Riga, in Lettonia, il 28, 29 e 30 dicembre 2019.

Il loro programma includerà Alborada del Gracioso (Ravel), Four Seasons of Buenos Aires (Piazzolla), Gypsy (Ravel), Rapsodie Espagnole (Ravel) e Aconcagua Concerto (Piazzolla).

Per dettagli scrivere a: alice.o'reilly@harrisonparrott.co.uk
Latvian National Symphony Orchestra


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Album release: "MARY plays GARY" - USA

Mary Plays Gary album cover
Gary DaverneReleased just before Christmas was the album titled "Mary plays Gary" with American accordionist Mary Tokarski playing the music of New Zealand composer Gary Daverne.

The album features 12 tracks with tracks 1 to 6 being Mary Tokarski recorded with the Moravian Philharmonic and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestras.

The other tracks are solos by Mary Tokarski and the album features compositions of many different styles.

The album of 47 mins is available as mp3 tracks for only US$10. Full information about the album and the music including sound samples is online at Catalog: mary19eT "Mary plays Gary"
Mary Tokarski


Accademia del Ridotto - 3rd Stradella International Music Competition – Italy

Accademia del Ridotto
The Accademia del Ridotto 3rd Stradella International Music Competition will be held at the Stradella Theatre in Pavia Province, Italy from April 1st to 5th, 2020. This competition is open to musicians from any country.

Winners will be awarded with prize money, concerts and scholarships to study at the Accademia del Ridotto.

Prizes include the Professional Performance Prize for accordionists:
“Mariano Dallapé” Accordion Prize
Prize money: 2,750 EUR
Indicative Schedule: April 3rd and 4th, 2020

Age Category Competition “Accademia del Ridotto” Prize:
Solo Sections
Accordion (Subsections: Classical music – Varietè/Jazz – Diatonic – Electronic Accordion)
Ensemble Music Sections
Chamber Music
Indicative Schedule: April 3rd, 4th & 5th, 2020

The deadline for entries is February 29th, 2020
Click here for competition Rules: 2020StradellaRules.pdf

For further information email: info@accademiadelridotto.com


"Jingle all the Way" Concert a Roaring Success - New Zealand

Jingle posterKevin FriedrichKevin Friedrich (picture right) held his "Jingle all the Way" Christmas concert at the Dargaville Museum Lighthouse Function Centre on December 8th to a sell-out crowd.

For the past 12 years, Kevin has organised an annual March concert, and this year was the first time the Christmas concert was introduced. The enthusiastic audience confirmed the popularity of these concerts, which Kevin now plans to repeat in 2020.

Entertainment was provided by the North Shore Music Makers Accordion Orchestra, Alanah & Maurice Jones, Lionel Reekie (who appeared as a soloist, as the Easter Bunny and also as Santa Claus in a variety of comedy acts), the Kaipara Ukelele Orchestra, choirs and a variety of vocalists.

A full report and photos are online at: 2019Jingle
Lionel Reekie, Alanah and Maurice Jones


Salvatore Cauteruccio New Recording - Accordion Solo

A new recording by accordionist Salvatore Cauteruccio entitled “Accordion Solo” is an all-acoustic performance, where Cauteruccio offers the audience a repertoire of original songs of his own composition, music written specifically for accordion by Roberto Musolino and some of the most extraordinary compositions by Astor Piazzolla.

Salvatore Cauteruccio has performed in Italy, Russia, Brazil, the Netherlands, Germany, England, Switzerland, Slovenia, Albania, performing on important stages such as Moscow's Kremlin, Ariston Theatre, Scanderberg Square, Ibirapuera Auditorium, and Auditorium of the Conciliation.

He collaborates with the likes of Geoff Westley, Mariella Nava, Anna Mazzamauro, Amedeo Minghi, Paolo Vallesi, Maurizio Morante, Eric Daniel, Robertinho De Paula, Daniele Scannapieco, Gianfranco Campagnoli, Janice Watson, Renzo Ruggieri, Umberto Napolitano, Roberto Musolino, Roberto Guarino, Fabrizio La Fauci and others.

For details email: salvatorecauteruccio77@gmail.com
Salvatore Cauteruccio


Closing Date in 2 Weeks for Accordion & Flute Compositions - Worldwide

Martina JThe closing date for the Duo Artina (which includes accordionist Martina Jembrišak - picture left) accordion and flute compositions is on December 31st, 2019.

Composers of any age can enter and the winner will have their work premiered in June 2020 at the Gustav Adolf Church in Berlin, Germany. The winning compositions will also be recorded on CD. The objective of the contest is to promote the creation of pieces for accordion in chamber music.

Composers may submit multiple works, which must be no longer than 6 minutes and written for flute/piccolo and accordion. The submitted works should not have been premiered in any public performance or through any digital or mechanical means. Works that have been previously premiered will not be admitted.

Entry is free of charge.

For further details email: duoartina@gmail.com


Future events

CNIMA February 2020 Courses – France

CNIMA logo
Alain PennecThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will begin their 2020 courses in February as follows:

Accordion courses with tutor Alain Pennec (picture left) from February 17th to 21st, 2020; February 17th to 22nd, 2020; and February 24th to 29th, 2020

Group accordion course from February 17th to 21st, 2020

These courses will include individual lessons and group lessons on one or two pieces of your choice.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


“Fuelles Salteños” at Encuencro Tradicional de Saucedo - Uruguay

Saucedo posterFuelles SalteñosVideo: Perfomance at "La Dentradora", festival Huellas de Tradicion en Lavalleja.

Uruguayan folklore band “Fuelles Salteños” will entertain at the Encuencro Tradicional de Saucedo in Salto, Uruguay on December 21st.

The band, which consists of vocalists Caterin Zaz & Vanessa Zaz, accordionists Elida Rusconi, Walter Olhausen & Carlos Seyañes, Federico Zacarias (bass), Franco Nuñez (guitar) and Miguel Acosta (drums) perform dance music and traditional folk tunes at a variety of festivals throughout Uruguay.

For details phone: +598 92 241 407


Daddy Squeeze Lunch Concert, Minnesota - USA

Daddy Squeeze
Daddy Squeeze (accordionist Dan Newton) & guitarist Pat Donohue will play music for your Sunday brunch pleasure at the 925 Restaurant in Hotel Landing, Wayzata, Minnesota on December 22nd from 11am to 2pm.

Daddy Squeeze enjoys mixing up styles and genres that don't generally seem compatible. "Music out of context", or "Ethno-clectic Bop" is the result of his genre-bending experiments with Celtic, Tex-Mex, Creole, Blues, Jazz, Scandinavian, Polka and pop music.

For reservations phone: 952-777-7900


Accordionist “Jenny J” at New Year’s Eve Party - France

Jenny JAccordion entertainer Jenny J. will perform at a New Year’s Eve party in the Salle des fêtes (Party room), 2 Route d'Orléans in Darvoy, France on December 31st beginning at 7.30pm. The event is organised by Les Joyeux Compagnons Darvoysiens in Darvoy and reservations are open until December 22nd, 2019.

Jenny J will play a variety of music including some jazz until after midnight.

For details phone: Michel -


Zoltán Orosz Christmas and New Year Concerts - Hungary

Zoltán Orosz
Zoltan Orosz will perform at a traditional Karva Christmas Concert at the Roman Catholic Church in Karva dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary on December 22nd, 2019 at 5pm.

Entry to this annual concert is free again this year, everyone is welcome.

Following this event, Orosz Zoltan and Friends will perform a New Year concert at the MOM Cultural Center in Budapest on January 2nd, 2020 beginning at 7pm.

This is the sixth time, Zoltan has held this New Year's concert, rejoicing fans with his soul-lifting music, amazing virtuosity and passionate performance.

Zoltan will be accompanied by artists Mihály Borbély (wind instruments), Mariann Falusi, Kornel Horváth (percussion), Béla Lattmann (bass guitar) and Roby Lakatos (violin).

For details email: jegy@momkult.hu


“Pearl Django” Concert at Jazz Alley in Seattle - USA

Video: Begin the Beguine (at Carnegie Hall) Gypsy Jazz group Pearl Django perform "Begin the Beguine" live in studio. Players: Troy Chapman (guitar) Michael Gray (violin), Ryan Hoffman (guitar), David Lange (accordion) and Rick Leppanen (bass).

Gypsy Jazz group Pearl Django (which includes accordionist David Lange) will entertain at Jazz Alley in Seattle, WA on January 7th and 8th, 2020 at 7.30pm.

The group has a performance history spanning more than two decades, and is one of the most highly regarded Hot Club style groups working today. The band’s roots are firmly in the music made famous by Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli, its extensive repertoire includes traditional jazz classics and original compositions.

Accordionist David Lange has been an unofficial member of Pearl Django since the group's inception. He has been the recording engineer and co-producer of all of the Pearl Django CDs.

The band are hoping to have their brand new CD, (their 15th) ready for this performance.

For details phone: 206-441-9729
Pearl Django


Eastbourne Accordion Festival – UK

Eastbourne poster
The Eastbourne Accordion Festival will be held at The Queens Hotel Eastbourne, East Sussex from February 7th to 10th, 2020, organised by CGF Music.

The festival will feature four days of music the way only accordion players know how. The programme will include concerts by both leading UK and International musicians as well as a full supporting cast of traders and displays.

Over ten hours of workshop classes will also run including orchestras, group and individual private lessons. Music genres include Folk, Scottish, Jazz, Classical, Electronic and guests are more than welcome to bring their accordions along for both classes and to join in the afternoon guest concerts.

See poster for details or email: sales@cgfmusic.co.uk


Brandon McPhee at 2020 Tunes by the Dunes Music Festival - Scotland

Tunes by the Dunes poster
Brandon McPheeTickets are now on sale for the Tunes by the Dunes Music Festival which will be held at Ham Park, Dunnet, Scotland on September 4th and 5th, 2020. Popular accordion entertainer Brandon McPhee will play at this event.

Further information on the event will be released next year.

See poster above for details.


New and Updated Sites

Rob Howard: Accordion Anthology 2 Book Review

Book cover
Rob HowardThe new book by Rob Howard, ‘Accordion Anthology 2’ Catalog robaccord08 has been reviewed by Peter Ayers (MD Norvic Concordia), Norwich.

A segment of the review: "What makes the book so enjoyable to read are the numerous excellent colour photographs, the only black and white photographs being those taken a long while ago. Although Rob has written some of the articles, others are by those who are specialists in a particular area of the accordion."

Read the whole review at: Catalog robaccord08


Insegnanti: Vinci un viaggio in Nuova Zelanda, 5 settimane alla chiusura dell'iscrizione - Nuova Zelanda

New Zealand Accordion Association header
2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary DaverneLa New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) annuncia il 2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music del famoso compositore neozelandese Gary Daverne.

Questa è una grande opportunità per un insegnante e un fisarmonicista vincitore di visitare la Nuova Zelanda.

Si tratta di un "Concorso video online gratuito per fisarmonicisti di tutte le età e nazionalità" con un 1° premio di due biglietti aerei andata e ritorno per la Nuova Zelanda ai 2020 South Pacific Accordion Championships, 30-31 maggio 2020, Auckland, Nuova Zelanda. Alloggio per 3 notti incluso, più alcune altre possibilità di concerti/vacanze.

I concorrenti devono inviare una registrazione video .mp4 di una (o più) opere composte da Gary Daverne che ha un vasto repertorio di composizioni per fisarmonica tra cui:
- assolo;
- duetto di fisarmonica o fisarmonica con un altro strumento;
- trio/ensemble di fisarmoniche o fisarmonica con ensemble di archi;
- orchestra di fisarmoniche;
- solista di fisarmonica con orchestra di fisarmonica o solista di fisarmonica con orchestra d'archi o solista di fisarmonica con orchestra sinfonica.

La musica per fisarmonica è disponibile per qualsiasi concorrente gratuitamente su richiesta.

La giuria internazionale sarà composta da: Gary Daverne, Kevin Friedrich, Grayson Masefield, Stephanie Poole.

Le iscrizioni online chiudono il 5 gennaio 2020.

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