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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Jun-2020
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Nota dell'editore: grandi notizie!
PIF 2020 Covid: un'edizione speciale, Castelfidardo - Italia
VI International Accordion Days a Praga - Repubblica Ceca
Il duo "LiubAnya" riceve oltre 2 milioni di visualizzazioni del video in India
Stas Venglevski si esibirà all'AWAM a luglio - USA
Composizione "Anantango" Vincitore Video Italia, Belgio Jigsaw Puzzle & Performance della Cattedrale Ceca di Praga

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordion Features on Sesame Street & CNN Song on Staying Safe During Covid-19
Nihad Hrustanbegovic Entertains at Resort, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pierre Eriksson: The Accordion Show – Sweden
Video: Phileas Rogue Plays the Theme from “Alien”
Achilleas Panagoulis Entertains at Athens Restaurant - Greece
Jon Hammond from Pandemic Quarantino - USA

Future events

Accordion Concert & Podcast Takes Centre Stage in the Leeds International Organ Festival 2020 – UK
Terry Cavanagh Online Accordion Festival - USA
June Accordion Gala in Tulle, France
Stanislav Angelov Performs Vivaldi in Stellenbosch – South Africa
Sharon Shannon to Perform at Cropredy Convention, Oxfordshire - England
IV International Bayan and Accordion Competition “AccoPremium-2020” - Belarus

New and Updated Sites

2020 Coupe Mondiale, 5 - 11 October, Castro Marim - Portugal
2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships - New Zealand
Remembering and Honoring Eugene Ettore - USA

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Primo piano

Nota dell'editore: grandi notizie!

Nuremberg Accordion Orchestra
Germany rest home concertGrandi notizie! Siamo lieti di riferire questa settimana che alcuni paesi in tutto il mondo stanno lentamente iniziando a riaprire con cura dopo il Covid-19, pur mantenendo alcune norme di allontanamento sociale e standard di igiene per la sicurezza.

Questa settimana dalla Germania, la Nuremberg Accordion Orchestra Willi Münch e. V. (foto sopra) inizierà le prove questa settimana. Georg Hettmann, vicepresidente del DHV, ha anche annunciato che la sua orchestra stava tornando alle prove con le appropriate distanze.

Inoltre questa settimana, Maxi Lörcher, 8 anni, ha intrattenuto i residenti del Novita Senior Center di Pfaffenhofen, nel Baden-Württemberg con l’insegnante Chrissi Pfeifer, con grande gioia del suo pubblico (foto a sinistra).

Le North Shore Accordion Orchestras di Auckland, in Nuova Zelanda (foto sotto), hanno annunciato l'intenzione di iniziare le prove settimanali il mese prossimo (dopo le vacanze scolastiche di luglio).

Alcune aree degli Stati Uniti stanno iniziando a riaprire. In altre aree i fisarmonicisti offrono spettacoli di strada e concerti drive-in.

Stiamo anche iniziando a ricevere notifiche sugli eventi futuri che si terranno quest'anno in vari paesi, tra cui Francia, Sudafrica, Regno Unito e Bielorussia, quindi date un'occhiata a questa sezione delle Weekly News di questa settimana e partecipate a questi eventi se possibile.

Mandate un’e-mail a: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz con i dettagli delle prossime prove o esibizioni dal vivo in modo da poter far conoscere a fisarmonicisti e appassionati di tutto il mondo queste notizie positive sul nostro amato strumento.

È emozionante vedere il mondo della fisarmonica iniziare lentamente ad aprirsi di nuovo!


PIF 2020 Covid: un'edizione speciale, Castelfidardo - Italia

PIF 2020 header
Renzo RuggieriÈ stato annunciato un grande cambio di formato e un primo mix di tecnologia e tradizione per il PIF 2020 dal direttore artistico Renzo Ruggieri che scrive:

A causa delle condizioni eccezionali, è necessario limitare il numero di iscrizioni. Abbiamo avuto bisogno di numerosi incontri per valutare un'edizione del PIF sicura e innovativa in questo anno difficile. La pandemia di COVID-19, ancora in corso in tutto il mondo, non consente di prevedere cosa accadrà nei prossimi mesi.

Ogni paese applica restrizioni diverse che rendono tutte le decisioni approssimative. Al fine di garantire regolarità e uguaglianza delle condizioni tra i candidati, ci sarà un'edizione speciale in due fasi:
- Selezioni (con video online)
- Finale (in live streaming o attraverso un'esibizione dal vivo in Italia al Teatro Astra).

L'evento sarà trasmesso dal Teatro Astra con professionisti del settore per garantire le stesse condizioni a tutti i candidati.

Programma Audizioni 2020
17 settembre Classical 1
18 settembre Jazz, Virtuoso
19 settembre World, Premio Gervasio Marcosignori
20 settembre Premio Astor Piazzolla, Classical 2

Tutte le regole e i requisiti video in inglese e italiano a: 2020Castelfidardo
PIF Know the rules


VI International Accordion Days a Praga - Repubblica Ceca

Prague banner
Prague logoI VI International Accordion Days si terranno presso il Conservatorio di Praga a Praga, Repubblica Ceca, dal 29 al 31 ottobre 2020, organizzato dalla Czech Accordion Association, dal Dipartimento di Fisarmonica del Conservatorio di Praga e dall'Agenzia CTA.
L'obiettivo principale del concorso è quello di mantenere e sviluppare una forte tradizione di fisarmonica nella Repubblica Ceca, partendo dal festival europeo delle orchestre di fisarmoniche a Praga.
Il concorso includerà lezioni per solisti di fisarmonica, ensemble e orchestre in varie fasce d'età. La data di chiusura delle iscrizioni è il 23 settembre 2020.
Scarica le regole di concorso qui: 2020AccordionDays.pdf
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: cta@iol.cz


Il duo "LiubAnya" riceve oltre 2 milioni di visualizzazioni del video in India

LiubAnya DuetIl duo di fisarmoniche "LiubAnya" di Mosca, in Russia, ha ricevuto oltre 2 milioni di visualizzazioni per il video Youtube di Pirati dei Caraibi. Il video è stato registrato durante il loro concerto di febbraio 2020 per gli studenti delle scuole di Calcutta, in India.

Il duo è composto da Lyubov Akhanova e Kristina Krahmal.


Stas Venglevski si esibirà all'AWAM a luglio - USA

AWAM banner
Stas VenglevskiHelmi HarringtonA World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) sta gradualmente e con cautela ripristinando la funzionalità con orari di apertura ridotti, quindi gli ospiti che desiderano visitare il museo sono pregati di fissare un appuntamento telefonando al numero 218-393-0245.

Il 6 giugno, l'episodio finale del WAD ospitato da Kevin Friedrich e Grayson Masefield presentava AWAM e un'intervista con il curatore Helmi Harrington (foto a destra).

Prossimo concerto:

Stas Venglevski (foto a sinistra) si esibirà il 19 luglio dalle 15 alle 16.15 presso la sala concerti AWAM. Il suo programma includerà la sua nuova composizione "Petting Zoo Suite" e la prima mondiale di "Eleven for Accordion" di Josh Schmidt.

La sala da concerto consente il distanziamento sociale tra i membri del pubblico e si incoraggia l'uso di mascherine come raccomandato dalle autorità.


Composizione "Anantango" Vincitore Video Italia, Belgio Jigsaw Puzzle & Performance della Cattedrale Ceca di Praga

CathedralVideo in alto: Questa settimana il video di "Anantango" composto da Gorka Hermosa e interpretato da Armando Rizzo ha vinto il "The Gulf of Naples Independent Film Festival", tenutosi a Napoli, in Italia.

Il fisarmonicista belga Lieke Opt`Roodt ha realizzato un puzzle di Gorka Hermosa intitolato "Anantango".

"Anantango" è stato scritto nel 2003 ed è un pezzo triste per un amore perduto chiamato Ana. L'opera è stata presentata in anteprima alla Casa Encendida di Madrid nel dicembre 2003 ed è stata registrata da Christine Rossi nel suo cd "Gorka Hermosa: Works for Accordion". Lieke ha scelto di fare un puzzle dal pezzo perché lo adora.

Inoltre, il pezzo è stato eseguito nella Cattedrale di San Vito a Praga, nella Repubblica Ceca, il 12 giugno 2020. Si ritiene che questa sia la prima volta che la fisarmonica viene suonata in questa Cattedrale.

Gorka afferma che è un onore che il suo "Anantango" sia stato scelto per essere eseguito nella Cattedrale da Ladislav Horák in coppia con il noto violinista Jaroslav Svecený.

Foto sotto, da sinistra a destra: Jaroslav Svecený, Gorka Hermosa e Ladislav Horák
St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordion Features on Sesame Street & CNN Song on Staying Safe During Covid-19

Dr Sanjay Gupta (a practicing neurosurgeon and multiple Emmy award-winning chief medical correspondent for CNN) brought his accordion along to accompany vocalist Erica Hill singing a Covid-19 song with Sesame Street characters.

The video clip shows Elmo, Big Bird and Abby Cadabby of Sesame Street performing the song to help children remember how to protect themselves and others from coronavirus.


Nihad Hrustanbegovic Entertains at Resort, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo poster
Nihad HrustanbegovicAccordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic (picture right) entertained at the MGallery Hotel Forest Resort & Spa Tarcin in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 19th.

The concert was entitled “World Music Accordion Solo Concert” and was held to celebrate the beginning of their summer season.

His program included a variety of classical, jazz, pop and sevdah music (traditional folk music from Bosnia and Herzegovina).


Pierre Eriksson: The Accordion Show – Sweden

Pierre poster
Video starts: 7:57 Swedish accordionist Pierre Eriksson performs regularly on “The Accordion Show” which is live streamed via social media in Swedish and English.

The video above includes performances from his June 11th, 2020 show.


Video: Phileas Rogue Plays the Theme from “Alien”

Phileas RogueVideo: Accordionist Phileas Rogue playing the theme from “Alien”, a 1979 science-fiction horror film that “follows the crew of the commercial space tug Nostromo, who encounter the eponymous Alien, a deadly and aggressive extra-terrestrial set loose on the ship”.

“The film was met with critical acclaim and box-office success, winning the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, three Saturn Awards (Best Science Fiction Film, Best Direction and Best Supporting Actress for Cartwright), and a Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, along with numerous other nominations. It has been consistently praised in the years since its release, and is considered one of the greatest films of all time”.

Enjoy this accordion version of the theme!


Achilleas Panagoulis Entertains at Athens Restaurant - Greece

Achilleas PanagoulisAccordionist Achilleas Panagoulis entertains regularly each Saturday evening with vocalist Pepi Theochari for diners at Christiana's Restaurant at the Athens Tennis Club in Athens, Greece. The restaurant boasts breath-taking views of the Pillars of Olympian Zeus.

For details phone: 2109223240


Jon Hammond from Pandemic Quarantino - USA

Jon Hammond
Hammond Report June 18 2020 from Pandemic Quarantino @Jon Hammond - Original Music and Stories from organist accordionist Jon Hammond.


Future events

Accordion Concert & Podcast Takes Centre Stage in the Leeds International Organ Festival 2020 – UK

Leeds PosterThe Leeds International Organ Festival welcomes the classical accordion to its 2020 Festival with a special podcast and concert. The Podcast with Professor Owen Murray of the Royal Academy of Music was held on June 19th.

This will be followed up with a concert by his student Qianyu Zhang on Youtube on Monday June 22nd from 1.15pm onward. Both podcasts will be available online for up to one year.

The Leeds International Organ Festival is part of Diocese of Leeds Music, the largest choral and keyboard teaching programme in England for children and young people.

Each week 4,500 children from across the region meet together in around 100 choral groups, and since the pandemic, these groups continue to meet online.

Diocese of Leeds Music began an organ teaching programme in 2016 under the direction of David Pipe, previously the organist of York Minster. This now has 60 children from deprived backgrounds, with a large number of boys and girls from a rich diversity of ethnic heritages learning the instrument.

In the near future it is planned to offer the Classical Accordion, with a three year target of 60 students from economically deprived backgrounds enjoying free lessons in schools.

For details email: bensaunders@dioceseofleedsmusic.org.uk


Terry Cavanagh Online Accordion Festival - USA

Legendary banner
Accordionist Terry Cavanagh will host his online accordion festival on June 22nd, 2020.

This free event will include performances and interviews with popular accordionists who will share their favorite tips and strategies for taking your music to the next level.

Artists are:

Alex Meixner: “Living and Breathing Passion”
Danny Jerabek: “For the Love Of It:
Carl Finch: “The Master’s View”
Michael Bridge: “The Accordion Wizard”
Ted Lange: “The Consummate Musician”

For details email: terrycavanaghae@gmail.com


June Accordion Gala in Tulle, France

Tulle poster
Tulle accordionistsAn Accordion Gala will be in Tulle, France from June 26th to 28th, organised by the Maugein Accordion Factory. The event will include an online concert on June 26th beginning at 3 pm, which will include previously unseen recordings by accordionists and a live orchestra from the factory's premises.

The following day (June 27th) there will be a “Walking in Tulle” event, where accordionists will walk the streets of Tulle from 10am to 1pm and from 5pm to 7pm.

For further details email: maugein.direction@orange.fr


Stanislav Angelov Performs Vivaldi in Stellenbosch – South Africa

Vivaldi concert
Stanislav AngelovAccordionist Stanislav Angelov (picture left) will perform with Schalk Joubert and Petrus de Beer at Drostdy Teater in Stellenbosch, South Africa on July 3rd at 7pm.

Their program will include Vivaldi's Four Seasons, one of the best-loved classical masterpieces and enjoyed by old and young across the spectrum of music lovers. It is one of Antonio Vivaldi’s most famous works.

The Afrikaans translation from Italian was completed by Dr Dawid de Villiers.

For further details email: info@drostdyteater.co.za


Sharon Shannon to Perform at Cropredy Convention, Oxfordshire - England

Cropredy Poster
Sharon ShannonPopular accordionist Sharon Shannon (picture left) and her band will perform at the annual Fairport Cropredy Convention in Cropredy, Oxfordshire, England on August 14th, 2020. The event is a festival of folk and rock music, headed by British folk-rock band "Fairport Convention" and attracts up to 20,000 people each year.

This year's festival will run from August 13th to 15th and include performances by a variety of artists.

See poster for details.


IV International Bayan and Accordion Competition “AccoPremium-2020” - Belarus

Acco poster
Acco posterAcco posterThe IV International Bayan and Accordion Competition “AccoPremium-2020” will be held from October 30th to November 2nd, 2020 in Belarus. The competition is for a variety of bellows instruments such as bayan, accordion, bandoneon, harmonium (or any kind of harmonica), digital bayan accordion, as well as ensembles from duos to ensembles.

The competition will also include a variety of concerts with a planned program as follows:

October 30th – Competition Opening with a performance by the Simetrio Trio (Poland)

October 31st – Belarussian Bayan evening with a performance by Andrey Fedy (Belarus) and Vladislav Pligovka (Belarus)

November 1st - Concert by members of the jury including Trophim Antipov (Belarus), Vladimir Murza (Ukraine), Vladislav Pligovka (Belarus), Anatoly Taran (Belarus), Sergey Osokin ( Russia) and Artur Zajkovski (Poland).

The aim of the competition is to promote the performance skills of musicians of various levels (music schools, secondary and higher special educational institutions of culture), the popularization and promotion of folk, classical and modern music, and to preserve and increase the traditions of the music-educational and performing school.

The competition will be held in two rounds with a variety of categories for age groups of soloists, duos, trios, quartets & quintets and sextets & octets.

Download competition information and rules in Russian language: 2020AccoPremiumRules.pdf


New and Updated Sites

2020 Coupe Mondiale, 5 - 11 October, Castro Marim - Portugal

CIA banner
Coupe Mondiale posterIt is less than 4 months before the 73rd Coupe Mondiale in Portugal will be held from 5 to 11 October in the city of Castro Marim, a splendid center of the Algarve.

There is a required review of national and international health issues, including confirmation of the date.

Almost daily contacts take place with the political side and national health requirements, that see Portugal, like the majority of European nations, emerge in this period from the first phase of the pandemic crisis.

However, it is logical that, since it is a world event, it will be necessary to fulfill all Government controls and understand the evolution of COVID 19 in other parts of the globe.

"Within the next few weeks - CIA President Mirco Patarini tells us - we will be able to outline the guidelines in detail. There is a willingness on everyone's part to create a great World Coupe Mondiale competition and festival on this occasion - by ensuring everyone is safe."


2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships - New Zealand

NZAA Banner
Daily Report: Video pictures and results at: 2020SouthPac

The New Zealand Accordion Association shortened version (because of Covid-19) of the South Pacific International Championship Solo Classes were held on May 30th, 2020.


Remembering and Honoring Eugene Ettore - USA

Eugene EttoreVideo 1: “Rhapsodie Espagnol” composed by Eugene Ettore, performed by Rita Barnea at the 80th Anniversary AAA Festival in Washington DC.
Video 2: "Prelude & Scherzo” composed by Eugene Ettore, performed by Rita Barnea.

June 2, 2020 would have been Eugene Ettore’s 99th Birthday. In honor of his birthday, I am posting the link to the website I created to educate all about a unique, versatile and talented individual who made great contributions to the accordion world and musical world in general. I encourage you to visit this page at: Eugene Ettore

In honor of Eugene Ettore’s birthday, I am offering a free download of the recording of his original compositions:


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