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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Dec-2008
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Primo piano

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Happy Xmas and New Year
20° Festival Internazionale di Mosca "Bayan e Bayanisti" - Russia
Trionfale concerto di Frank Marocco, Rostov - Russia
Owen Murray e il Quartetto Smith in Concerto, Londra - Regno Unito
Accordion Magazine - 'Hanuri', Ikaalinen - Finlandia
“Accordion Repairs and Sales” - Italia
Tango Nuevo Trio, nuovo CD 'Adios Astor', Aarhus, Danimarca
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Concert "In Memory of Teachers", Rostov – Russia
Happy Xmas and New Year
Bruce Millers European Accordion Festival, Aberdeen – UK
Festival of Arjona, Bolivar - Colombia

Future events

Christmas Jug Band, California - USA
Richie Ahearne Concert, Guildford – UK
Guy Klucevsek and Alan Bern Concerts, Pennsylvania – USA
New Year’s Eve Entertainment, Prague = Czech Republic
New Year’s Eve in Cape Cod Village, Maine – USA
Rafal Luc at the Purcell Room, London – UK

New and Updated Sites

Coupe Mondiale 2009 Website Updated
Yulia Amerikova New Site
Vladislav Pligovka New Site
MusicForAccordion new eSheet work
Leonard Stack new music
Peter Piccini new work
United States National News Updated
Gary Dahl New Arrangement and Updates
CIA Winter Congress 2009 Registration Information online

CD Reviews

Solo for Two CD Review
Beltango Trilogia CD Review

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Primo piano

Nota dell'Editore

Rob Howard, Editor, Accordions Worldwide newsUn altro anno di grande attività fisarmonicistica in tutto il mondo è passato, ed il Natale ed il Nuovo Anno sono di nuovo prossimi. Tenetelo in mente, il tempo vola, io sto addirittura pensando di lasciare l’albero di Natale al suo posto, pronto per l’anno prossimo!

Ricordate che la prossima edizione di Accordions Worldwide news sarà pubblicata il 9 Gennaio; ringraziamo sentitamente tutti coloro che hanno contribuito alle nostre pagine durante il 2008. Lo staff di Accordions Worldwide augura a tutti i lettori, ovunque essi siano, grande felicità e buona salute per il 2009.


Happy Xmas and New Year

Happy Xmas from  the Accordions Worldwide  Staff (music
Happy Xmas from Accordions Worldwide Staff (music: Jingle Bells by Renzo Ruggieri - cartoon by Roberto Mangosi)


20° Festival Internazionale di Mosca "Bayan e Bayanisti" - Russia

Natasha and Friedrich LipsCon la partecipazione della Agenzia federale della cultura, L’ Accademia Musicale Russa Gnessin e Friedrich Lips, si è svolto Il XX Festival internazionale "Bayan e Bayanisti" nella sala concerti della Federazione russa Gnessin presso l’Accademia di Musica di Mosca, dal 10 al 14 dicembre 2008.

Certamente quest’anno il festival ha visto come protagonista principale Friedrich Lips, che ha celebrato il suo 60° compleanno e i 40 anni di attività concertistica. Questo può essere detto senza alcuna esagerazione in quanto tutti e cinque i concerti sono stati eseguiti da lui stesso o da studenti e laureati nella sua classe di bayan.

Una relazione completa XX Festival internazionale "Bayan e Bayanisti", con foto, è online.


Trionfale concerto di Frank Marocco, Rostov - Russia

Frank Marocco famous Rostov Jazz Quartet ‘New Sentropezn’, led by Aram Rustamyants.  Alexander Poeluev with ‘New Sentropezn’.
Stas Venglevski and John SimkusLa zona di Rostov-on-Don ha una forte connotazione Jazz, infatti conta molti Jazz Festival in veri periodi dell’anno. Prima del suo concerto, Frank Marocco ha visitato la Scuola Jazz di Rostov ed è stato molto impressionato dall'elevato livello delle prestazioni della Destky Jazz Orchestra, che ha suonato in suo onore; scuola diventata negli ultimi anni un vero e proprio centro per lo studio del jazz.

Il 16 dicembre il leggendario fisarmonicista americano è apparso sul palco di Gorki, Teatro Accademico di Stato a Rostov-on-Don, con il famoso Quartetto Jazz Rostov 'New Sentropezn', guidato da Aram Rustamyants.

Un pubblico di 1000 persone ha riempito la hall per questo concerto organizzato dalla Fondazione Internazionale di Musica 'Harmony'.

Hanno suonato nel concerto con Frank Marocco il duo di fisarmonicisti americani John Simkus e Stas Venglevski. Questo duo ha eseguito la prima parte del concerto, facendosi molto apprezzare. Forte applauso anche per la performance di Alexander Poeluev con il quartetto 'New Sentropezn' .

Per la seconda parte del concerto, Frank Marocco, ancora una volta re dell’ improvvisazione, insieme al quartetto 'New Sentropezn' ha saputo creare forti emozioni, entusiasmando il pubblico.

Questi meravigliosi musicisti jazz hanno parlato senza dire parole! Frank Marocco è stato capace di creare un rapporto tra i musicisti e il pubblico dando vita ad un concerto trionfale insieme ai suoi amici americani Simkus e Venglevski, il quartetto'Nuovo Sentropezn' e Poueliev.


Owen Murray e il Quartetto Smith in Concerto, Londra - Regno Unito

Owen Murray eseguirà un programma che include Serenade on the Shores e Cosmic Ocean', con il Quartetto Smith, presso Wigmore Hall, Londra, il 5 gennaio, alle 7.30 pm. Questo è il concerto che avrebbe dovuto aver luogo l'anno scorso, ma che fu annullato per motivi di salute, e sarà una bella occasione per rivedere Owen Murray tornare sul palco ad esibirsi. Il suo programma comprende anche opere di Gubaidulina, Schnittke e Abrahamsen.

Owen presentò Serenade on the Shores e Cosmic Ocean' al Festival di Aldeburgh, brano commissionato a Poul Ruders, compositore contemporaneo danese.

Il Professore Owen Murray è ben noto per il lavoro che svolge con gli allievi fisarmonicisti della Royal Academy of Music dal 1986; inoltre con l’obiettivo di estendere il repertorio di musica colta ha scritto brani originali per fisarmonica. Ha inoltre suonato con molti importanti orchestre fra cui la BBC Symphony Orchestra, la BBC Concert Orchestra, la Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, la BBC National Orchestra del Galles, la London Philharmonia Orchestra, la Glyndebourne Touring Opera Orchestra, la Scottish Chamber Orchestra, e la Sinfonieorchestra SWF Baden-Baden.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: murray@mail.dk


Accordion Magazine - 'Hanuri', Ikaalinen - Finlandia

Finnish accordion magazine ‘Hanuri’, Vol. 4-2008,La rivista finlandese di fisarmonica 'Hanuri', Vol. 4-2008, è ora disponibile. Questo numero include diversi eventi internazionali: la Coupe Mondiale in Scozia, il Festival della Fisarmonica a Mosca, un approfondito articolo sul sistema della scuola di musica russa, le informazioni sulla competizione Roland in Italia, il 30 ° anniversario dell’ Accademia di fisarmonica Sibelius in Finlandia, il Festival di Pärnu, in Estonia, ecc

In questa rivista vi è un articolo sulla finlandese Satu Mäkelä-Nummela, vincitrice della medaglia d'oro alle olimpiadi estive di Pechino 2008 nella disciplina di tiro dalla buca. Lei suona la fisarmonica come hobby, ed è stata intervistata dalla rivista.

La rivista 'Hanuri' viene inviata gratuitamente a tutti i 4500 membri in Finlandia come pure a diversi indirizzi internazionali, compresi i membri della CIA. Essa viene regolarmente pubblicata 4 volte l'anno dalla Finnish Accordion Association.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: kimmo.mattila @ harmonikkaliitto.net


“Accordion Repairs and Sales” - Italia

Riparazioni e vendita di Fisarmoniche - Italia

Robert Rolston, di “Accordion Repairs and Sales” (riparazioni e vendita di fisarmoniche), Camerano, Italia (vicino a Castelfidardo) ha avuto problemi con la sua e-mail ed è possibile che non abbia ricevuto alcuni messaggi spediti via e-mail.

Se avete inviato una messaggio ad “Accordion Repairs and Sales” / Robert Rolston senza aver ricevuto una risposta, siete pregati di rispedire il messaggio e-mail a: robertrolston@alice.it

Robert Rolston esegue ogni tipo di riparazione e manutenzione su fisarmoniche in tutta l’Europa, incluso installazione MIDI, accordatura, consulenza e vendita. La sede si trova a Camerano. Tutti i lavori sono garanzia per il periodo di 1 anno.


Tango Nuevo Trio, nuovo CD 'Adios Astor', Aarhus, Danimarca

Tango Nuevo Trio, Emir Emir Bosnjak (bandoneon), Jens Munch (piano) & Mads Uldall (double bass).
Viene lanciato in questi giorni il nuovo CD del Trio Tango Nuevo, dal titolo 'Adios Astor', dedicato ad Astor Piazzolla. Il Trio Nuevo Tango è composto da Emir Bosnjak - bandoneon, Jens Munch - pianoforte, e Mads Uldall - contrabbasso. Tutti i tre musicisti hanno studiato alla Royal Academy of Music di Aarhus.

Astor Piazzolla probabilmente non avrebbe mai sognato una popolarità del genere, con la sua musica interpretata, diffusa ed ascoltata nella maggior parte del mondo di oggi. Non è davvero così strano che tre giovani che vivono in Danimarca svolgano la loro musica e addirittura dedichino un CD a lui.


Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Concert "In Memory of Teachers", Rostov – Russia

Memorial photo of Anatoli Kusiakov, Alexander Poeluev performing
Grigory HatlamadgijanYuri ShishkinIt is 80 years since the beginning of the accordion bayan department of the Rostov College of Art. In the concert hall of the college, a concert was held on December 6th "In memory of Teachers" to honor all those teachers who opened the office, worked through the years, telling about them with accompanying slide show of photos of that period.

Current Head of the office is one of the first students Sergei Galkin.

Among the graduates is some of the best known of all accordionists, winners of international competitions, People's Artist of Russia, including Viacheslav Semionov, the Honored Artist of Russia, Yuri Shishkin, Vladimir Ushenin, Anatoly Zaikin Vladimir Shishin, winners Klingental, Gregory Osmanov, Michael, Zatsepin, Leonid Bondarenko, Leonid Setrakov, bright young artistes Alexander Poeluev, Danil Stadnyuk, and many other famous artists and educators.

A Principal was the famous composer, People's Artist of Russia, Anatoli Kusiakov, whose compositions are performed in concerts and competitions all over the world.

In honor of the memory of these teachers there was a concert attended by teachers and students from all over the Rostov region. The concert was attended by bayan orchestras, ensembles, with over 100 musicians involved.

Along with the young players, two well-known artists Yuri Shishkin and Alexander Poeluev also performed. The concert attracted great interest and was a colossal success.


Happy Xmas and New Year

Happy Xmas from  the Accordions Worldwide  Staff (cartoon by Roberto Mangosi)
Happy Xmas from Accordions Worldwide Staff (cartoon by Roberto Mangosi)


Bruce Millers European Accordion Festival, Aberdeen – UK

Romano Viazzani and Ksenija SidorovaBruce Millers European Accordion Festival held recently at Aberdeen Arts Centre, Scotland, was organised by Norman English. Concert performers included accordionists Romano Viazzani, Ksenija Sidorova, Norman English, Craig Paton, Tom Orr, and Gordon Middler.

Norman English began the concert using a Roland FR7 and an acoustic accordion, playing ‘El Cumbanchero’, ‘A Bright Star in Cepheus’, ‘Highland Cathedral’, ‘Norwegian Wood’, and ‘Summertime’, as well as bringing smiles of amazement with the unique sounds of the Roland’s “scat voices” used to set off ‘Sweet Georgia Brown’.

Romano Viazzani’s program included: ‘Winter’ (‘Four Seasons’) – Vivaldi, ‘Prelude and Fugue in C minor’ - J.S.Bach, ‘Party Chambers’ - Paul Weller, ‘Tango Pour Claude’ – R. Galliano, ‘Jealousy’ – J. Gade, ‘Indifference’ – Colombo/Murena, ‘Il Silenzio Fuori Ordinaza’ - G.Stok, and ‘Carnival of Venice Variations’ – N. Paganini.

Romano admirably demonstrated the versatility of the accordion and when he handed the stage over to Ksenija Sidorova, it was obvious that the audience was about to be enjoy another dimension.

Ksenija, from Latvia, proved to be a mature, impressive and talented accordionist. Her program included: ‘French Suite’ – JS Bach, ‘12 Variations on a theme’ - WA Mozart, ‘October’ from ‘The Seasons’ - PI Tchaikovsky, and ‘Who’s the Puppet?’ – A. Vassiliev.

The finale with Romano Viazzani joining Ksenija Sidorova in an amusing musical conversation, performing ‘Clarinet Polka’ (arranged by Lars Holm), gave the audience a light hearted end to what had been a truly exhilarating evening.


Festival of Arjona, Bolivar - Colombia

Javier Alvarez of Valledupar, was winner of acordeonero aficionado.On December 7th 2008, Hansel Quesada, from Mahates, was crowned like new Accordion Champion of the 33rd Festival Bolivarense, which was held in the sports Center of Arjona, in the State of Boloivar. Second was Freddy Jattín, and third was Omar Fernández. The festival, postponed from its usual summer date, was well supported as usual, and offers a presentation of Colombian folk music, song and dance. In Colombia, diatonic button accordions were introduced in the 19th Century and are the most numerous of the free reed instruments, used extensively in traditional music.

In the Accordion Entertainment Category, the first place went to Javier Álvarez, of Valledupar; with Gustavo Rodriguez, of Monteria, second, and Camilo Carvajal, of Valledupar, in third place. The Junior Championship was won by Camilo Molina, with Duván Pérez in second place.


Future events

Christmas Jug Band, California - USA

The Christmas Jug Band, a seasonal ensemble whose members include accordionist Paul Rogers (usually to be found playing with Those Darn Accordions), have been entertaining throughout December. Their remaining performances are:

December 19th, 8pm – Mystic Theater, Petaluma, California
December 20th, 8.30pm – Masonic Center, Mill Valley, California
December 21st, 7.30pm - Masonic Center, Mill Valley, California


Richie Ahearne Concert, Guildford – UK

Irish diatonic button accordionist Richie Ahearne is the guest artiste at Guildford Accordion Club’s Christmas Club Night on December 19th, 7.30pm. Guildford AC, whose concert organizer id John Cumiskey, meets at Ripley Village Hall, near Guildford, Surrey GU23 6AF.

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com


Guy Klucevsek and Alan Bern Concerts, Pennsylvania – USA

Guy Klucevsek (accordion) & Alan Bern (accordion/piano).On December 31st Guy Klucevsek – accordion, and Alan Bern - accordion/piano, will perform at First Night®, Oil City, Pennsylvania, an alcohol-free, family-oriented celebration of the arts, which has been held annually since 1998.

Klucevsek and Bern will do sets at 8, 9, 10 and 11pm, performing selections from their two ‘Winter & Winter’ recordings, ‘Accordance’ (2000) and ‘Notefalls’ (2007).

Since its debut in 1997, First Night® has received high praise for the quality and variety of entertainment and experiences it offers. First Night® has welcomed a steady stream of between 3,000 to 5,000 people who have come despite frigid weather. Shuttle buses transport people throughout the town to indoor sites where performances are scheduled. Revelers wishing to brave the cold are warmed at the bonfires throughout the city.

People wear crazy, decorative hats, walk through rooms filled with balloons, parade down the street making noise, view two fireworks displays, visit their choices of entertainment options, and sample great food.

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com


New Year’s Eve Entertainment, Prague = Czech Republic

The U Fleku Beer Hall Restaurant & Brewery, Kremencova 11, near Wenceslas Square, New Town, Prague, is a large traditional Czech pub, restaurant and micro-brewery all rolled into one.

There are accordionists playing all day and evening, adding to the typical beer hall style atmosphere.


New Year’s Eve in Cape Cod Village, Maine – USA

Fintan StanleyAccordionist Fintan Stanley and the duo Irish Express perform at Cape Cod Irish Village, 512 Main Street, West Yarmouth, on New Year’s Eve, December 31st.

Born in County Louth, Ireland, in 1941, in 1955 Fintan Stanley became the first player to win an All-Ireland Championship using a Continental button accordion. He has lived in the USA since the 1970s, and has performed in several European countries and Australia.

Irish Express are John Connors – accordion and guitar, and Martin Battle – guitar and harmonica.


Rafal Luc at the Purcell Room, London – UK

Rafal LucPolish accordionist Rafal Luc, now a student of Professor Owen Murray at the Royal Academy of Music in London, performs in concert on January 6th, 7.45pm, at the Purcell Room, Southbank Centre.

His programme includes: ‘De Profundis’ – Gubaidulina, ‘Air’ – Abrahamsen, selected movements from ‘Musica Ricercata’ – Ligeti (London Premiere), and ‘Squeezy’ - Giles Swayne (world premiere).

For further information email: rafal_luc@op.pl


New and Updated Sites

Coupe Mondiale 2009 Website Updated

The Coupe Mondiale international accordion competition run by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), has had the website has updated with all the rules and regulations for the 2009 Coupe Mondiale to be held in Auckland City, New Zealand, 25 to 29 August. For the first time, the Coupe Mondiale now has a Digital Accordion Category with rules that are different than what might be expected.


Yulia Amerikova New Site

New web site for Yulia Amerikova, graduate of Gnessins Russian Academy of Music, tutor Viatcheslav Semionov. Winner of international competitions.


Vladislav Pligovka New Site

New site for Vladislav Pligovka, Winner of the Castelfidardo Competition 2008. and winner of the 2008 Coupe Mondiale in Scotland.


MusicForAccordion new eSheet work

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 6 new music of 'Giorni Belli', 'Praludium Arrangement', 'Words - Easy, 'Snow Bird', 'Stand Up For Jesus' and 'The Windmills Of Your Mind'.

Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Leonard Stack new music

A new site of Leonard Stack - accordionist, composer, publisher, performer and music writer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online.

'Lest We Forget' with different accordion parts, accordion 1, accordion 2, accordion 3, accordion 4, accordion 5, accordion 6, bass, percussion 1, percussion 2, score, tenor and timpani.

Samples of these different parts of music are available on the site. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Peter Piccini new work

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'Our Cajun Waltz'.

Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


United States National News Updated

USA News is updated with new items happening over the busy Christmas period and additional Xmas graphics.


Gary Dahl New Arrangement and Updates

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 1 new work and 6 new update works for accordion, available for purchase online.

‘Frosty The Snowman’, ‘Rag in D Minor’, 'Silent Night', 'Maple Leaf Rag', 'Sunrise Sunset' 'Its All In The Game' and 'You Belong To My Heart'.

Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CIA Winter Congress 2009 Registration Information online

Information about the 121st General Assembly of Delegates Winter Congress in Bratislava, Slovakia from January 30th – February 1st, 2009 is now online . For the online reservation form, schedule and further information, please visit: www.accordions.com/cia/winter_09_register.htm


CD Reviews

Solo for Two CD Review

CD Review of Solo for Two, a CD recorded by Alexander Shirunov and Nadia Guseva.CD Review of Solo for Two, a CD recorded by Alexander Shirunov and Nadia Guseva.

CD Reviews Index.


Beltango Trilogia CD Review

Beltango Trilogia CD Review, Beltango, headed by Aleksander and Ivana Nikolic.

CD Reviews Index.


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