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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Nov-2022
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Primo piano

"Giornata dell'armonica 2023" - Austria
Moldo Duo si esibisce alla Festa Nazionale della Romania - Danimarca
Romano Viazzani si esibisce al Joanna Strand and Jacqueline Tate's Christmas Show - UK
Marie Evelyn Jones (93) è deceduta (dal 1928 al 2022) - Nuova Zelanda
Concerto di Natale di Skipinnish - Scozia
XIX Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Lasarte-Oria - Spagna

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Hyperion Ensemble 2023 Tour to Argentina
Franz Schubert: Winterreise Performed by Bo Skovhus (baritone) and Nikola Djorić (accordion) - Austria
Renzo Ruggieri Podcast - Italy
Video: 2022 Pantonale Peace Festival Philharmonic Part 1 - Germany
Linus Akesson Unique Accordion Design: The Commodordion - Sweden
Klaus Paier Records with Camerata Sinfonica Austria - Austria

Future events

Folk Trio Entertain at Rokiškio Cultural Center - Lithuania
“Black Pencil” Perform Baroque Trilogy - Netherlands
“Café Operana” Performs Lunch Concert – New Zealand
Accordion Orchestras Perform “Music is in the Air” Concert - Germany
March Accordion Orchestra “Winter Magic” Anniversary Concert – Switzerland
Heather Gladstone Performs in Deck the Halls Concert – New Zealand
Maciej Frąckiewicz Performs at 20th Silesian Contemporary Music Days - Poland
Ghenadie Rotari Performs at "Nei Suoni dei Luoghi" Festival – Italy
Christmas Concerts with Marc Pircher & Michael Hirte Duo – Switzerland
Scottish Tango Ensemble Performs at Special Celebration - Scotland
Bernhard.t.iner Akkordeonorchester Christmas Concert - Germany

Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

New and Updated Sites

Sito aggiornato: Pubblicità concerti Aotango Quintet - Nuova Zelanda
2023 Accordion Days, Sursee - Switzerland
Finnish Accordion Association "Crociera della fisarmonica" 2023 - Finlandia
CNIMA_Ludovic Beier Masterclass di Gypsy Jazz 2022 - Francia
Christmas Presents for an Accordion Enthusiast - UK

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Primo piano

"Giornata dell'armonica 2023" - Austria

Tag der harmonika logo
Werner WeibertWerner Weibert (foto a sinistra), Presidente dell'Harmonikaverband Osterreichs (HVÖ) ha annunciato che il Tag de Harmonica (Giornata dell'Armonica 2023), si svolgerà dal 18 al 21 maggio 2023 a Stainz, nella Stiria meridionale, in Austria.

L'evento comprenderà il concorso austriaco per fisarmonicisti solisti, duo, ensemble, musica da camera e world music.

Inoltre, si terrà il 4° Concorso internazionale commemorativo Erich Moser per armonica della Stiria.

Le iscrizioni apriranno a gennaio 2023.
Harmonikaverband Osterreichs (HVÖ) header


Moldo Duo si esibisce alla Festa Nazionale della Romania - Danimarca

Romania banner
Molda DuoIl Moldo Duo, con il fisarmonicista Radu Ratoi (Moldavia), suonerà in occasione delle celebrazioni della Festa Nazionale rumena che si terranno presso il Teatro Skive di Skive, in Danimarca, il prossimo 3 dicembre 2022 alle ore 10:00, organizzate dall'Associazione culturale rumeno-danese a Skive.

L'evento includerà varie attività per bambini e adulti come palloncini a forma di animali, degustazione di vini, prodotti realizzati da imprenditori rumeni, intrattenimento e musica.

L'ingresso è gratuito!


Romano Viazzani si esibisce al Joanna Strand and Jacqueline Tate's Christmas Show - UK

Joanna Strand and Jacqueline Tate
Romano ViazzaniRomano Viazzani (foto a sinistra) si esibirà allo spettacolo natalizio di Joanna Strand e Jacqui Tate che si terrà al Pizza Express di Holborn, Londra, Inghilterra l'11 dicembre 2022 alle 13:00.

"Questo divertente spettacolo jazz presenta una varietà di alcune delle migliori canzoni natalizie mai scritte, dai medley natalizi swing ai nostri vecchi blockbuster preferiti in stile crooner."

Romano si unirà a John Bailey (piano), Jason Reeve (batteria) e Nick Pini (contrabbasso) allo show.

Per ulteriori dettagli telefonare al numero: 020 7439 4962


Marie Evelyn Jones (93) è deceduta (dal 1928 al 2022) - Nuova Zelanda

Jones/Masefield Family generations
Marie JonesVideo sopra: The Holy City composta da Stephen Adams, uno dei preferiti di Marie Jones, eseguita da Alanah Jones e dal padre Maurice Jones in occasione della celebrazione della vita di Marie Jones il 13 novembre 2022.
Marie Jones nella foto sopra a 90 anni con famiglia.

Poco prima del suo 94° compleanno, Marie Evelyn Jones è morta al Lady Allum Care Suites. Dopo aver recentemente sofferto di Covid, una gamba rotta e due ictus, ora è in pace.

C'è stata una cremazione privata, e una Celebrazione della Vita tenutasi il 13 novembre, per onorare una vita dedicata alla fisarmonica e alla famiglia, che è stata lunga e ben vissuta.

Marie Jones era la madre molto amata dei fisarmonicisti Harley Jones, Maurice Jones e Heather Masefield e l'amata nonna di Amber Masefield, Grayson Masefield e Alanah Jones. È ancora viva sua sorella Nita Rotherham, l'ultima dei suoi 6 fratelli.

Vivere al 4 O'Neills Ave, Accordion House Importer/Retailer, per quasi 60 anni, significava che ogni giorno c'erano molte telefonate e visitatori che venivano a trovare prima suo marito Allan Jones e poi, dopo il 1980, suo figlio Maurice Jones, che importava fisarmoniche per il mercato australiano in questi locali.

Nell'ottobre 2003, Marie Jones è stata la prima persona insignita del premio Honored Friend of the Accordion Award della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) al Congresso della CIA in Ungheria per il suo pluriennale contributo alla fisarmonica in Nuova Zelanda e per il suo lavoro in occasione di eventi internazionali tenutisi in Nuova Zelanda.

Per ulteriori informazioni e molte immagini, visita il sito: Marie Jones
Marie Jones at 2011 Coupe Mondiale


Concerto di Natale di Skipinnish - Scozia

Skipinnish Christmas Concert poster
Angus McPhailGli "Skipinnish", con il fisarmonicista Angus MacPhail, hanno annunciato che il Natale è arrivato in anticipo con i biglietti per il loro concerto di Natale ora in vendita.

Il concerto si terrà presso l'Inverness Leisure Centre di Inverness, in Scozia, il 16 dicembre 2022 con ospite speciale Sandi Thom (cantautrice).

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: info@skipinnish.com


XIX Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Lasarte-Oria - Spagna

XIX Lasarte-Oria International Accordion Festival poster
Il XIX Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Lasarte-Oria si terrà presso l'Auditorium Casa della Cultura Manuel Lekuona a Lasarte-Oria, Paesi Baschi, Spagna, il 19 novembre 2022 alle ore 19:00.

Tra gli ospiti figurano il fisarmonicista Radu Ratoi (Moldavia) e Antonio Serrano (armonica).

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: zerosettekom@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Hyperion Ensemble 2023 Tour to Argentina

Hyperion Ensemble
Video: Hyperion Ensemble performance at the 2022 Mallorca Tango Festival in October with Martin Troncozo & Lucas Boock.

The Hyperion Ensemble will tour Buenos Aires, Argentina from February 9th to 26th, 2023.

The group, which includes Nicolas Maceratesi (bandoneon) play a variety of tango music.

For details email: ensemblehyperion@gmail.com


Franz Schubert: Winterreise Performed by Bo Skovhus (baritone) and Nikola Djorić (accordion) - Austria

Bo Skovhus (baritone) and Nikola Djorić (accordion)
A year before his death, in the fall of 1827, Schubert completed "Winterreise" as a song cycle based on texts by Wilhelm Muller. "They criticised me more than for any other song" said the composer of his work.

True to the notes, without arrangements, Schubert's scores sound 1:1 on the accordion and enable the listener to experience the work he is familiar with in a completely new timbre, a dynamic spectrum previously unknown. The accordion, with its complexity and ability to "sing" offers an incomparable attraction to accompany Schubert's songs.

In addition to performances at all major opera houses worldwide, Bo Skovhus dedicates a large part of his time to singing lieder. As the top interpreter of his generation, he is regularly invited to all the major festivals and music centers in the world.

Nikola Djoric, accordionist born in Bor (Serbia) and living in Vienna, is considered one of the most talented in his field in Austria. Not least, thanks to his great musical devotion on stage, he has already been described as a “poet of the accordion”. His successful striving is to present new and hitherto unknown tones in works by Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart and Tchaikovsky with the sound spectrum of the accordion.


Renzo Ruggieri Podcast - Italy

Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri (concert accordionist, composer, teacher of jazz and modern accordion) released a podcast this week.

Renzo says: “I've been thinking a lot about how to start this podcast. Talking about yourself is always dangerous. However, I am convinced that it was necessary to do so in order to understand the reasons for this initiative….my artistic activity follows 3 distinct paths: Performer, Composer, Teacher. After all, audio without images does not differ from a photo without color, in black and white.

Today's society offers too much of everything and the contemporary artist cannot fail to be influenced by it. His poetics is enriched daily with stimuli at the expense of deepening. He finds himself continually creating new and varied projects. Here... this podcast wants to tell my music by describing the different projects and the choices that generated them. The song I chose in the background for this podcast is called “La Letter” and it's part of a very important record for me: Opera."


Video: 2022 Pantonale Peace Festival Philharmonic Part 1 - Germany

Video: 2022 Pantonale Peace Festival Philharmonic Part 1 includes performances at the Berlin Philharmonic in Germany by Yuri Shishkin, Eduard Akhanov and the Russia String Quintet Berlin and the Kollektiv Duo. The festival was held in September 2022.

See report at: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=23-Sep-2022&lang=en#art19290
Picture report: 2022Peace


Linus Akesson Unique Accordion Design: The Commodordion - Sweden

Video: Swedish accordionist Linus Akesson has made two old computers (Commodore 64s) into a working fully functional 8-bit accordion with bellows made out of floppy disks.

The video above shows how he made the instrument and he demonstrates it playing.


Klaus Paier Records with Camerata Sinfonica Austria - Austria

Klaus PaierCSA orchestraVideo: Klaus Paier performing "Premiere Suite" for accordion & orchestra with the Camerata Sinfonica Austria conducted by Davorin Mori, at St. Pauler Kultursommer 2021. This work was composed by Klaus Paier.

00:00:00 I. Encuentro
00:06:17 II. View to Horizon
00:11:53 III. Tarantella Arabesque

Klaus Paier (picture above left) will record five new compositions for accordion/bandoneon and orchestra with the Camerata Sinfonica Austria conducted by Davorin Mori (picture right).

The recording will take place on November 25th and 26th, 2022 at the Alban Berg Saal, Carinthian Music Academy (CMA) in Ossiach Abbey, Ossiach, Austria.

The recordings will be released on CD and LP in autumn 2023 on the Skip-Records/Hamburg label.


Future events

Folk Trio Entertain at Rokiškio Cultural Center - Lithuania

Folk Trio poster
The Folk Trio will entertain in the Great Hall of the Rokiškio Cultural Center in Rokiškio, Lithuania on November 19th, 2022 at 4pm.

Trio members Nerijus Bakula (accordion), Ineta Meduneckyte (vocals) and Jan Maksimovic (saxophone) will perform program of “Lithuanian folklore songs and combine it with classical, jazz harmonies and improvisations.”

Entry is free of charge.

For details email: etnoprojektai.lt@gmail.com


“Black Pencil” Perform Baroque Trilogy - Netherlands

Video: Black Pencil performing Bach Contrapunctus I, The Art of Fugue

“Black Pencil” which includes Marko Kassl (accordion), Jorge Isaac (recorder), Matthijs Koene (panpipes) Esra Pehlivanli (viola) and Enric Monfort (marimba) will perform a concert entitled “Baroque Trilogy” at the Lutherse Kerk in Woerden, Netherlands on November 20th, 2022 at 3pm.

Their program will include the Art of Fugue by J.S. Bach “reimagined as never heard before in the Black Pencil line-up”, Concerti Grosso (RV 558) by Antonio Vivaldi and Telemann's Overture Suite in B flat Major (“Les Nations”).

For details email: info@blackpencil.org

Picture below: Black Pencil
Black Pencil


“Café Operana” Performs Lunch Concert – New Zealand

Café Operana
Café Operana (picture above), which features Sophia Bidwell (accordion), Lois Johnston (vocals) and Helen Webby (pedal harp) will perform a lunch concert at the Great Hall in Christchurch, New Zealand on November 21st, 2022.

The trio will create the atmosphere of a Parisian Salon in the early 1900s, with “their eclectic musical tastes coming together in a smorgasbord of wild dances, haunting melodies, operatic passion with a dash of gypsy thrown in.”

“They will take you on a journey to a bohemian French cabaret. A little swing, jazz, then the journey takes us to the world of opera, Puccini and Tosca, enters the great Ennio Morricone and to finish, Blue Smoke.”

For details email: concertsforchristchurch@gmail.com


Accordion Orchestras Perform “Music is in the Air” Concert - Germany

“Music is in the Air” poster
Akkordeon-Orchester Mainz e.V logoThe Akkordeon-Orchester Mainz e.V. will perform a Fall (Autumn) concert entitled “Music is in the Air” at the Haus der Jugend in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, on November 27th, 2022.

Guest performers are the Accordion Orchestra Nahetal.

Free admission. For details email: info@aomainz.de


March Accordion Orchestra “Winter Magic” Anniversary Concert – Switzerland

AOMarch poster
The March Accordion Orchestra (AOM) will perform their “Winter Magic” concert at the Buttikon Church, Bremgarten in Switzerland on November 17th, 2022 at 5pm. This concert also celebrates the 30th anniversary of the AOM.

See poster below for the concert program.

For details email: info@aomarch.ch
AOMarch program


Heather Gladstone Performs in Deck the Halls Concert – New Zealand

Xmas poster NZ
Heather GladstoneAccordionist Heather Gladstone QSM (picture left) will perform with the St Albans Community Choir at a concert entitled “Deck the Halls” at the St Paul's Parish Church in Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand on November 27th, 2022 at 5pm.

The concert will also include music by guests, the New Brighton Silver Band. Both groups will perform Christmas Carols from around the world.

See poster for details.


Maciej Frąckiewicz Performs at 20th Silesian Contemporary Music Days - Poland

Maciej FrąckiewiczMaciej Frackiewicz will perform with Przemyslaw Scheller (electronics) at the 20th Silesian Contemporary Music Days at the Boleslaw Szabelski, Academy of Music Karol Szymanowski in Katowice, Silesian Poland on December 1st, 2022.

The event is organised by the Polish Composers' Union (Katowice branch).

Their program will include:
Aleksander Nowak - Square Angels for accordion
Joanna Szymala - Mirrors for accordion (premiere)
Przemyslaw Scheller - Winter for accordion and electronics
Stanislaw Bromboszcz - Recitative in three scenes for accordion and electronics
Andrzej Krzanowski - Relief VIII for tape and accordion (arrangement of the accordion part - Maciej Frackiewicz)

Entrance is free. For details email: contact@maciejfrackiewicz.com


Ghenadie Rotari Performs at "Nei Suoni dei Luoghi" Festival – Italy

NSDL banner
Accordionist Ghenadie Rotari will performs at the 24th "Nei Suoni dei Luoghi" (NSDL) Festival, held at the Istituto Rittmeyer in Trieste, Italy on December 3rd, 2022.

His solo recital will be performed in complete darkness.

For details email: g.rotari@yahoo.com


Christmas Concerts with Marc Pircher & Michael Hirte Duo – Switzerland

Marc PircherAccordionist Marc Pircher will hold Christmas concerts in Switzerland with Michael Hirte (harmonica) in December 2022.

Concert dates as follows:

• December 11th at 5pm: Marienkirche in Davos Platz. Admission free. Email: kurt.susak@davoskath.ch
• December 12th at 6.30pm: Hofstadl Albertschwil, Gossau
• December 13th at 8pm and December 14th at 8pm: Rathus-Schür, Baar. Phone: +41(0)79/450 88 41
• December 15th at 8pm: Tanzstadl, Wallenwil. Email: info.tanzstadl@bluewin.ch

A final concert will be held on December 16th at 7.30pm at the Haus der Gemeinschaft in Kleinhain – Obritzberg, Lower Austria.

For details email: info@marcpircher.at


Scottish Tango Ensemble Performs at Special Celebration - Scotland

Aberdeen uni
Uni logoPaul ChamberlainThe Scottish Tango Ensemble, which includes accordionist Paul Chamberlain (picture above right) will perform at a special celebration for the retirement of former Head of Music (and tango enthusiast) Professor Pete Stollery after more than 30 years with the Music Department at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland (picture top).

The celebration will take place in the King's Pavilion in Aberdeen on December 12th, 2022 from 8pm to 10pm.

Admission is free. All are welcome.

For details phone: +44 (0) 12 24 272000


Bernhard.t.iner Akkordeonorchester Christmas Concert - Germany

Bernhard concert poster
The Bernhard.t.iner Akkordeonorchester will hold their Christmas Concert at the Leipzig Congress Centre in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany on December 17th, 2022 at 4pm.

The performance aims to get you "in the Christmas spirit”.

For details email: info@bernhardt-iner.de
Bernhard.t.iner Akkordeonorchester


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article


New and Updated Sites

Sito aggiornato: Pubblicità concerti Aotango Quintet - Nuova Zelanda

Sito aggiornato: Video dell'Aotango Quintet che promuove la sua prossima serie di concerti:

21 novembre presso il Municipio di Warkworth
22 novembre al Westlake Girls Events Centre di Takapuna
2 dicembre presso la chiesa anglicana All Saints di Howick, Auckland
3 dicembre presso la Cappella di Cristo Re a Hamilton.

Aotango vede la partecipazione di Andrew Beer (Concertmaster dell'Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra - APO), del pianista Somi Kim (NZTrio), del contrabbassista Gordon Hill (Section Principal dell'APO), del chitarrista jazz Sam Swindells e del fisarmonicista pluricampione del mondo Grayson Masefield.
Aotango concert poster


2023 Accordion Days, Sursee - Switzerland

Ian Watson
accordeon.chThe 2023 Accordion Days Switzerland will be held from January 20th to 22nd, 2023 in Sursee, Lucerne, Switzerland organised by accordeon.ch

The events will include accordion courses by Lionel Chapuis (Switzerlnd), Silke D'Inka (Germany), Johannes Münzner (Austria) and Ian Watson (England).

Conducting Course: by Stefan Hippe (Germany).
Solo master class: by Fanny Vicens (France/Switzerland).

Ian Watson (picture above) will hold an Advanced Orchestra course with the theme of "Drama". Pieces covered will be "Sinfonietta Dramatika" (by Stevan Divjakovic) and Ian Watson's own composition "On Aldeburgh Beach".

Registration deadline is December 11th, 2022.

Download event program information here: 2023Sursee.pdf


Finnish Accordion Association "Crociera della fisarmonica" 2023 - Finlandia

Baltic Princess
FAA logoAleksi LaukkonenLa "Accordion Cruise" 2023 a bordo della "Baltic Princess" (nella foto sopra) si svolgerà il 25 e 26 marzo 2023 organizzata dalla Finnish Accordion Association Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL).

La nave da crociera per circa 2.000 passeggeri "è riservata interamente ai fisarmonicisti ed è come un enorme paradiso musicale della fisarmonica per quasi 24 ore" partirà da Turku il 25 marzo 2023 alle 18:30 e viaggerà a Kapellskär prima di tornare a Turku alle 16:30 del 26 marzo 2023.

Ci sarà una varietà di intrattenimento per fisarmonica durante tutto il viaggio nei luoghi di spettacolo e nei corridoi della nave. Tra gli artisti che si esibiranno c'è Aleksi Laukkonen "Artista della fisarmonica dell'anno 2022" (foto a destra).

Per ulteriori dettagli telefonare al numero: 044 493 6113 o scrivere a: toimisto@harmonikkaliitto.fi
Cruise poster


CNIMA_Ludovic Beier Masterclass di Gypsy Jazz 2022 - Francia

Ludovic BeierLudovic BeierVideo: Informazioni promozionali sulla CNIMA Jazz Manouche Masterclass 2021 di Ludovic Beier.

Il tutor CNIMA Ludovic Beier terrà una Masterclass di Gypsy Jazz dal 14 al 16 dicembre 2022.

Il corso coprirà tutti i segreti della musica Gypsy Jazz: come improvvisare, accompagnare e sviluppare il proprio repertorio.

Ludovic Beier è un noto fisarmonicista jazz. Ha suonato con Stochelo Rosenberg, Angelo Debarre, Dorado Schmitt, San Severino, Thomas Dutronc e Guy Marchand per citarne alcuni e ha un dottorato di ricerca in Gypsy Jazz.

È appena tornato dall'esibizione al Birdland NYC, negli Stati Uniti, per il Django Reinhardt Festival di sei giorni tenutosi all'inizio di novembre.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: cnima@orange.fr


Christmas Presents for an Accordion Enthusiast - UK

Anthology 1Anthology 2Rob Howard has a special Christmas offer for his Anthology books.

The first book – “Accordion Anthology”, presents a variety of articles and biographies, such as ‘Getting to Know the Accordion’, ‘Accordion Tips and Hints’ (Steve Roxton), ‘Be a Better Player’ (Rosemary Wright), ‘Use of the Couplers’, ‘Playing For Others’ (Rosemary Wright), ‘The Accordion Concerto’, ‘The Accordion and Popular Music’, ‘Accordion Dynasties’, ‘Manfrini Accordions’ (Robert Rolston), ‘Tales & Trivia’, ‘Polka and the Accordion’, and biographies such as André Verchuren, David Vernon, Brandon McPhee, Marcosignori, Gordon Pattullo, Freeland Barbour, Helen Maher, Helen Rich, Jack Emblow, Joe Cooley, John Jones MBE, John Leslie, Ksenija Sidorova, Leonard Brown, Paul Chamberlain, Martynas Levickis, Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and William Hannah.

"Accordion Anthology 2" includes more articles such as ‘Castelfidardo’, ‘Diatonic Accordion Musings’, ‘Accordion Festivals’, ‘Looking After Your Accordion’, ‘Using the Accordion for Vocal Accompaniment’ (Jack Emblow), ‘Midland Accordion Festival’ (Barry Smith), ‘Scotland’s Accordion Heritage’, ‘Ireland’s Accordion Heritage’; and biographies, such as Gary Blair, Julie Best, Gina Brannelli, Mario Conway, Harry Hussey, Bert Santilly, Roy Hendrie, Yvette Horner, Nigel Pasby, Karen Street, Karen Tweed, Seamus O’Sullivan, Gordon Shand, and Dermot O’Brien.

Each book contains well over 300 colour photos and is a near A4 sized high quality hardback.

For special offer details email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


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