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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Mar-2022
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Festival Internazionale ATG 2022 – USA
Primo webinar di Accordion Artisans "Come funzionano le ance?"
Sibelius Academy Festival della fisarmonica – Finlandia
VII Concorso Nazionale di Fisarmonica Motion Music Festival – Polonia
2022 Orkney Folk Festival, Scozia - Regno Unito
Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

5th Styrian Harmonica Award 2022 in St. Peter-Freienstein, Upper Styria - Austria
Winners of the 2022 Orpheus Award Announced – Italy
Accordionists Entertain at Savannah Music Festival - USA
Video: Liub Anya Performing Peer Gynt - Russia
Video: Global Accordion Music Festival Akkordeon Akut 2021, Landes-Akkordeon-Ensemble Sachsen-Anhalt (LAESA) "Klangwelten" - Germany
“Lemon Bucket Orkestra” Celebrates 32nd Anniversary of Opera House - Canada
Accordions Stolen from Ken Hopkins, Northern Ireland - UK
Video: Júlia Masnicová, accordionist and singer - Slovakia

Future events

Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand
John Kirkpatrick Performs Shropshire Folk Music Concert - UK
TOEAC Duo Performs at Theatre Production - Netherlands
Online: "Around the World in 12 Folk Tunes" Concert – UK
“Mixed Doubles” Concerts in Paris - France
Concert L’ame Slave - France
Trio Hiltula Perform Tango Live Concert – Japan
Sharon Shannon Band "Unlocked" Tours – Germany and Ireland

New and Updated Sites

Three Expanded Historical and Analytical Articles by Dr Robert Young McMahan - USA
Corsi di fisarmonica CNIMA Aprile 2022 – Francia
Updated Sites by MusicForAccordion.com

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Festival Internazionale ATG 2022 – USA

ATG poster
Mary Ann CovoneLa Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) guidata dalla Presidentessa Mary Ann Covone invita tutti a partecipare al Festival 2022. Venite a celebrare la fisarmonica e gli oltre 80 anni di ATG come un'importante organizzazione per insegnanti di fisarmonica, fisarmonicisti professionisti e altri fisarmonicisti e studenti.

Il Festival comprende quattro concerti separati; un "Petting Zoo" aperto gratuitamente al pubblico, che offre ai curiosi e ai giovani un'esperienza pratica con una fisarmonica; l'opportunità di suonare in un'orchestra di 80 musicisti su un magnifico palcoscenico da concerto; espositori; concorsi con premi in denaro e trofei; esami di competenza; workshop; un banchetto di gala e, soprattutto, la rinnovata opportunità di incontrare e godere della compagnia di colleghi fisarmonicisti provenienti da tutta la contea.

Il Festival si svolge dal 20 al 24 luglio 2022 a Lisle, Illinois, in due sedi: il Lisle Hyatt Regency e l'Armerding Center for Music and Arts and Barrows Auditorium del campus del Wheaton College.

I tre concerti serali si terranno nel campus del college. Il concerto serale al Barrows Auditorium vede la partecipazione dell’ensemble di fisarmoniche UMKC diretto da Joan Cochran Sommers.

Il concorso includerà una varietà di categorie di gruppi di età per solisti, duo, ensemble, gruppi e orchestre. La data di chiusura per le iscrizioni è il 15 giugno 2022.

Scarica qui il regolamento del concorso: 2022ATGRules.pdf
Informazioni sull'hotel, iscrizioni, programma degli eventi sono tutti online all'indirizzo: https://www.atgaccordions.com/2022-festival-lisle


Primo webinar di Accordion Artisans "Come funzionano le ance?"

Voci ArmonicheIl primo webinar di Accordion Artisans si terrà il 22 marzo 2022 alle ore 15:00 UTC. Questa serie di webinar è intitolata: "Come funzionano le ance?"

Accordion Artisans è una comunità senza scopo di lucro che dà l'opportunità di imparare il funzionamento interno della fisarmonica. Stanno fornendo seminari online di fisarmonica per tutti i tipi di fisarmoniche ad ancia libera con specialisti della fisarmonica in tutto il mondo.

I relatori sono:
• James Cottingham - Ricerca acustica sull'ancia della fisarmonica: cosa possiamo imparare e cosa vorremmo sapere?
Lorenzo Antonelli - Nuovi paradigmi di qualità acustica per ance
Lorenzo Antonelli, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di Voci Armoniche, ha ricevuto di recente il "24° Premio Nazionale Gentile da Fabriano" e fa parte dell'azienda di famiglia che dal 1935 produce ance di alta qualità per armoniche e fisarmoniche. Lorenzo Antonelli è anche autore di un articolo molto informativo sulla costruzione dell’ancia e sui 7 punti chiave che spiegano gli elementi di qualità:
- Qualità in tutte le ance della gamma
- Materie prime
- 100% made in Italy e produzione interna
- Abilità e metodo
- Affidabilità e durata
- Qualità funzionale
- Qualità acustica
L'articolo termina con:
- Come potenziare il potenziale acustico delle ance.
Leggi l'articolo in inglese: https://www.vociarmoniche.it/en/concept-of-construction/
Italiano: https://www.vociarmoniche.it/concetto-costruttivo/

Il link di registrazione per il webinar "Come funzionano le ance?" è:
Lorenzo Antonelli Award Presentation


Sibelius Academy Festival della fisarmonica – Finlandia

Festival poster
Jin Yong Derek OhKimmo HakolaFoto a sinistra: Jin Yong Derek Oh - foto di Maimu Jõgeda
Foto a destra: Kimmo Hakola - foto di Saara Vuorjoki, fonte Music Finland

Studenti e insegnanti della Sibelius Academy uniranno le forze questo mese per educare il pubblico sui 200 anni di storia della fisarmonica e sulla vasta gamma di musica per fisarmonica, dalla musica popolare alla più recente musica da camera.

Il festival di quattro giorni, che si terrà dal 23 al 26 marzo 2022, mette in mostra le infinite possibilità che la fisarmonica offre in tutti i generi musicali.
Il concerto di apertura del 23 marzo presenta la prima di un nuovo lavoro di Jin Oh (foto a sinistra) per fisarmonica, chitarra, kantele e pianoforte e le esibizioni di Maria Kalaniemi-Eero Grundström Duo, Veli Kujala e il duo Tommie Black-Roff-Erika Hammarberg.

Giovedì e venerdì saranno un trionfo di giovani artisti con un concerto studentesco e due concerti di Master. Il 24 marzo Minna Ristamäki si esibirà in concerto con opere di Rofelt, Lohse, Gubaidulina, Vuori, J.S. Bach e Korpijaakko.

Venerdì mattina si terrà un concerto studentesco e la sera Sonja Vertainen eseguirà il concerto tra cui una prima di un nuovo lavoro per chitarra e fisarmonica del famoso compositore finlandese Kimmo Hakola (foto in alto a destra) e anche opere di J.S. Bach, Liszt, Kaipainen e Corrette.

Il festival culmina nel suo ultimo giorno, sabato 26 marzo, in due concerti. Il primo concerto celebra il 70° compleanno del professor Matti Rantanen con opere da lui presentate in anteprima, ora eseguite dagli attuali studenti dell'Accademia e dagli ex allievi di Rantanen. Il secondo concerto della giornata, che conclude il festival, è eseguito dall'artista ospite e insegnante di masterclass Maciej Frackiewicz. Il concerto dal titolo "to be expanded..." include composizioni polacche di Penderecki, Wielecki, Krzanowski e altri.

Quasi tutti i concerti tranne quello di chiusura saranno trasmessi in streaming dal vivo. Potrete trovare maggiori informazioni sui concerti e i link in streaming su https://www.uniarts.fi/en/event-calendar/?start=23.3.2022&end=27.3.2022&search_term=accordion%20festival


VII Concorso Nazionale di Fisarmonica Motion Music Festival – Polonia

Motion TrioIl VII Concorso Nazionale di Fisarmonica Motion Music Festival si terrà presso il Complesso della Scuola di Musica di Wieliczka, in Polonia, dal 9 all'11 giugno 2022. Gli ideatori e gli organizzatori del concorso sono Beata Mietka, Izabela Szota, Piotr Marczak, Oskar Gut.

Il concorso mira a diffondere la fisarmonica come strumento dai molti volti e dalle grandi possibilità sonore, nonché a coltivare la tradizione polacca attraverso il suo folklore. A partire dalla quarta edizione, i requisiti hanno introdotto l'inclusione obbligatoria di composizioni basate su temi popolari in arrangiamenti per fisarmonica e composizioni di compositori polacchi contemporanei.

L'ensemble Motion Trio può, indipendentemente dalla Giuria, assegnare il Grand Prix nell'ambito del Motion Music Festival a un ensemble che esegue brani composti o sviluppati da Motion Trio.

Scarica qui il regolamento del concorso in lingua polacca: 2022MotionRules.pdf


2022 Orkney Folk Festival, Scozia - Regno Unito

Orkney Folk Fest
TannaraIl 39° Orkney Folk Festival si svolgerà dal vivo a Stromness, Orkney, Scozia dal 26 al 29 maggio 2022.

L'intrattenimento sarà fornito da Skerryvore (fisarmonicisti Daniel & Martin Gillespie), The Chair (fisarmonicista Bob Gibbon), Peter Wood Shetland Dance Band (fisarmonicista Peter Wood), Talisk (concertista Mohsen Amini), Tannara (foto a sinistra) e molto altro ancora.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: info@orkneyfolkfestival.com


Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration - USA

LIAC poster
La Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration si terrà a Leavenworth, Washington, USA dal 16 al 19 giugno 2022.

Il festival includerà una varietà di spettacoli, workshop, lezioni, jam session, n parata di fisarmoniche, danze con musica da ballo fornita dai Northwest Accordionaires, nonché una celebrazione del 100° anniversario delle fisarmoniche Petosa.

I biglietti saranno disponibili dal 2022 aprile. Vedi il poster per i dettagli.

Scarica il programma dell'evento qui: 2022Leavenworth.pdf


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

5th Styrian Harmonica Award 2022 in St. Peter-Freienstein, Upper Styria - Austria

TrophyThe 5th Styrian Harmonica Award was presented in St. Peter-Freienstein on March 12th, 2022 in front of around 300 visitors as part of the 20th ORF program "Styrian Singers and Musicians Meeting".

Gottfried Hubmann from St. Peter-Freienstein and Johann Murg from Fürstenfeld created a harmonica award for Styrian harmonica players in 2012. This award is given to honored harmonica soloists, folk music groups and to people who have worked for the instrument "Styrian harmonica" many times in their musical career.

The award was divided into the categories "Youth Prize", "Folk Music Prize", "Innovative Folk Music" and "Lifetime Achievement". With this award, the two initiators want to motivate young people in particular to cultivate Styrian accordion music and to thank outstanding folk music groups for their many years of folk music on stage.

The award was designed and created by the Weiz sculptor Albert Schmuck. With his prestigious sculptures, he is one of the most important sculptors in Styria. This award is given every two years by the Austrian Accordion Association HVÖ in cooperation with Volkskultur Steiermark GmbH.

The jury that decides on the award recipients is made up of musicians and music teachers who have many years of experience with this instrument. Many of their players have been trained to become excellent soloists and have won many first prizes at national and international competitions. The expert committee consists of: Mag. Simon Koiner (Volkskultur Steiermark GmbH), Werner Weibert (President of the Accordion Association of Austria), HVÖ board member Prof. Gottfried Hubmann, Prof. Johann Murg, Prof. Dr. Helmut Koini and Prof. Siegfried Greimler.

This year's award winners were:

• Youth Prize: Elias Zeiler (Trieben)
• Folk Music Prize: Hartl Musi (Eisenerz)
• Innovative Folk Music: Christian Bakanic (Graz)
• Lifetime Achievement: Prof. Mag. Johann Murg

The ceremonial presentation was held by Gabriele and Gottfried Hubmann with musical performances by The Filzmooser Tanzlmusi, The Steirer Musi, The Voices from Carinthia, The Dillacher and the Leoben Hunting Choir. Karl Lenz from ORF-Steiermark led through the program in a very entertaining way.


Winners of the 2022 Orpheus Award Announced – Italy

Orpheus banner
Video: 2022 Orpheus Award Ceremony

Winners of the 2022 Orpheus Award were announced at the online event on March 13th, 2022 in Italy. The event is a Critic’s Award organised by the Art Promotion Association – Gerlando Gatto (Art Director) and Renzo Ruggieri (President).

Thirteen music critics/journalists chose from 47 productions - Gerlando Gatto, Adriano Ghirardo, Alessandro Mugnoz, Amedeo Furfaro, Daniela Floris, Flavio Caprera, Gianluca Bibiani, Giuseppe Attardi, Herbert Scheibenreif, Kimmo Mattila, Paolo Picchio, Stefano Dentice and Stefano Duranti Poccetti.

Results as follows:
• Production of the Year for Classical Accordion: Michele Bianco "Silhouetten" (Da Vinci Classic)
• Production of the Year for Accordion Jazz: Vince Abbracciante, Javier Girotto "Santuario" (Dodicilune)
• Production of the Year for Accordion World/Popular: Luca Zanetti, Paola Torsi "Danza nel Tempo" (Zanetti Records)
• Orpheus Career: Antonella Ruggiero, Roberto Colombo


Accordionists Entertain at Savannah Music Festival - USA

Savannah Music poster
Diana BurcoSam ReiderVideo: Diana Burco performing her own composition “Contigo”.

The Savannah Music Festival will be held from March 24th to April 9th, 2022 in Georgia, USA.

Performances will be given by accordionist and singer/songwriter Diana Burco (Colombia - picture above left) and accordionist Sam Reider (USA - picture above right) with cuatro guitarist Jorge Glem (Venezuela), who will entertain at the Metal Building at Trustees' Garden in Savannah, Georgia on March 27th at 3pm.

The Reider/Glem duo will perform a mix of Venezuelan and American traditional music, along with original compositions.

For details email: tickets@savannahboxoffice.com


Video: Liub Anya Performing Peer Gynt - Russia

Liub AnyaVideo: Popular Russian duo Liub Anya, accordionists Liubov Akhanova and Kristina Krahmal from Moscow, performing “In the Hall of the Mountain King” from Peer Gynt by Grieg.


Video: Global Accordion Music Festival Akkordeon Akut 2021, Landes-Akkordeon-Ensemble Sachsen-Anhalt (LAESA) "Klangwelten" - Germany

Video: Concert recording at the Global Accordion Music Festival Akkordeon Akut 2021 on October 17th, 2021. The Landes-Akkordeon-Ensemble Sachsen-Anhalt (LAESA) "Klangwelten" conducted by Victor Bolgov, perform at the Freylinghausensaal, Halle.

01:58 Feuerwerk (von Lutz Stark)
Nordische Sonate (von Léon Boellmann)
08:42 (1) Allegro moderato
24:33 Suite Gothique op. 25 (1) Introduction-Choral (2) Menuet gothique (3) Priere à Notre Dame (4) Toccata
38:21 Oblivion (von Astor Piazzolla) Solist: Camillo Dobrovsky
44:27 Clowns (von Ian Watson)
51:18 Lambada concertante op. 210 (von Jonas Tamulionis)
01:04:12 Zugabe

After a two-year break, the Global Accordion Music Festival Akkordeon Akut returned to Halle's stages from October 10 to 21, 2021. We would like to thank all partners who made this small but sustainable festival edition possible. The next festival awaits you in the fall of 2023.


“Lemon Bucket Orkestra” Celebrates 32nd Anniversary of Opera House - Canada

The “Lemon Bucket Orkestra”, which includes accordionist and vocalist Marichka Marczyk celebrated the 32nd Anniversary of the Opera House in Toronto, Canada at a special concert on March 18th.

The concert included special guests Tara Moneka and Nizo Alimov.

The Lemon Bucket Orkestra, Toronto’s only Balkan-Klezmer-Gypsy-Party-Punk Super-Band perform a mix of Balkan, Klezmer, Gypsy and “Party-Punk” music.


Accordions Stolen from Ken Hopkins, Northern Ireland - UK

Ken Hopkins
Rob H book coverKen HPicture top and above: Ken Hopkins with a few of his accordions

Well-known accordionist and collector Ken Hopkins, from Comber, County Down, Northern Ireland, was burgled on Sunday March 6th, between 5pm and 8pm, and 11 accordions were stolen from upstairs in his house. The accordions have a combined estimated value of £35,000.

This is the second time Ken Hopkins has been targeted by thieves. In 2012 a total of 30 accordions were stolen, though some were later recovered.

Ken Hopkins owns one of the world’s largest collections of accordions, featuring instruments of all makes and models, including many vintage accordions that date right back to the early years of the 19th Century. He has given many presentations at accordion festivals, demonstrating the different types of accordions from his huge collection.

Many of his instruments are featured in the book ‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’, written by Rob Howard in collaboration with Ken Hopkins, Cat No: robaccord06 cost: €6 pdf file sent by email.

For further information email: accordionken@hotmail.com


Video: Júlia Masnicová, accordionist and singer - Slovakia

La vie en rose performed by Júlia Masnicová, a Slovak accordionist and singer.


Future events

Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand

Ch Ch orchestraThe Canterbury Accordion Association will hold a Jam Session at St Stephen’s Church in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 20th at 3pm.

Everyone welcome! Music will be provided and you can bring some of your own for others to play along with you if you wish.

Come and have some fun and make music. Free entry. Please note: Vaccination Passes are required.

For details email: jkperry@xtra.co.nz


John Kirkpatrick Performs Shropshire Folk Music Concert - UK

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick MBE will perform a concert of Shropshire Folk Music at the Culmington Village Hall in Culmington, Near Ludlow, Shropshire, England on March 25th at 7.30pm.

John enjoys playing the accordion, concertina and melodeon and was awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) in the 2021 New Year’s Honours List (UK) for services to folk music.

For concert details email: yhart71@gmail.com


TOEAC Duo Performs at Theatre Production - Netherlands

Jack and TOEACThe TOEAC Duo, which includes accordionists Renée Bekkers and Pieternel Berkers will perform at a theatre production in the Het National Theatre Spui in Den Haag, Netherlands on March 30th, 2022.

The theatre production stars Dutch actor Jack Wouterse and is inspired by the age-old story of Orpheus and Euridice.

For details email: info@toeac.nl
Jack and TOEAC


Online: "Around the World in 12 Folk Tunes" Concert – UK

Aine Mcloughlin and Ilona Suomalainen
Accordion duo, Aine Mcloughlin (picture above left) and Ilona Suomalainen (picture above right) will perform an hour of well-known and popular folk tunes from around the world and across the continents.

The online concert entitled "Around the World in 12 Folk Tunes" will be livestreamed from St Cross College in Oxford, England on March 31st, 2022 at 7pm BST.

Aine has performed in musical theatre and orchestras (RTE Concert Orchestra, Camden Symphony Orchestra, and London Accordion Orchestra), as well as recording in top studios and performing in a range of operas, chamber orchestras, both original and cover bands, and traditional folk groups.

Ilona has played across the UK, working with orchestras including the Philharmonia, Aurora Orchestra, Opera Holland Park, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and Welsh National Opera. A diverse performer, she recently played in the West End production of 'Fiddler on the Roof' and featured in a UK tour with pop singer 'Irit' supporting Lisa Stansfield.

This is a free performance. For details email: events@stx.ox.ac.uk


“Mixed Doubles” Concerts in Paris - France

Mixed Doubles
Two “Mixed Doubles” concerts will take place at Studio L’Accord Parfait, a place dedicated to acoustic music in The Perfect Match studio, Paris, France next month.

The first duo concert will be held on April 1st with Frédéric Daverio (accordion) and Madoka Ochi (piano).

Their program will include Paintings from an Exhibition - transcription for piano and accordion (Mussorgsky) and Andante, 2nd mv of concerto no.2 for piano and orchestra - transcription for piano and accordion (Shostakovich).

The 2nd duo of Marie Christine Marella (piano) and Christophe Oudin (cello) will perform on April 8th.

Each concert will conclude with the four musicians performing Shostakovich's 8th String Quartet - transcription for accordion, cello and piano for 4 hands.

For details email: fdaverio@hotmail.fr


Concert L’ame Slave - France

RJ poster
Duo Roman Jbanov (accordion) and Alexei Birioukov (balalaika) will perform in concert on April 3rd, 2022 at the Bourg-Lastic Church, Bourg-Lastic, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.

See poster for details.


Trio Hiltula Perform Tango Live Concert – Japan

Trio poster
Trio Hiltula will perform a Tango Live concert at the Classic Saon Amadeus in Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japan on April 16th, 2022 at 2pm.

The trio, which includes Ville Hiltula (bandoneon), Ranna Sakimoto (cello) and Naoko Aoki (piano) will perform a program from classic tango to modern tango, including pieces by Piazzolla.

For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com


Sharon Shannon Band "Unlocked" Tours – Germany and Ireland

SS Band tour poster
UnlockedVideo: The Sharon Shannon Band Live “Rusheen Bay” at WOMAD in New Zealand in 2019

The Sharon Shannon Band is currently touring Ireland until April 30th.

This will be followed by a tour of Germany from May 11th to 22nd, 2022. See poster above for German tour dates and venues.

In February, Sharon released her new EP “Unlocked Series 1 – Inspiration” which was recorded during lockdown 2021. The series acknowledges that the world is about to come out of lockdown from COVID-19.
SS Irish


New and Updated Sites

Three Expanded Historical and Analytical Articles by Dr Robert Young McMahan - USA

Dr Robert Young McMahanDr Robert Young McMahan, Chair of the AAA Composers’ Commission Committee, has written historical and analytical articles about AAA commissioned works from 1997 to 2019.

The original version of each article published annually in the AAA Journal is listed in pdf format for historical purposes at: http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions2.php

Dr McMahan is pleased to announce that three of the twenty-two articles he wrote have been updated and expanded by the author to include additional information, commentary, and musical examples.
These are:
- AAFJ1998 Prelude and Dance, by Paul Creston;
- AAFJ2010 Sonata-Fantasia, by Normand Lockwood;
- AAFJ2011 Introduction and Scherzo, by Nicholas Flagello.

Future revisions of the remaining articles will be announced as they are completed.


Corsi di fisarmonica CNIMA Aprile 2022 – Francia

Aurélien NoëlAlain PennecCNIMA diretto da Nathalie Boucheix offre una varietà di corsi di fisarmonica nel mese di aprile come segue:

• Dall'11 al 15 aprile 2022: Corso di accompagnamento di fisarmonica con Aurélien Noël (foto in alto a sinistra). Aurélien ha accompagnato artisti di varietà come Eddy Mitchel, Céline Dion e Roberto Alagan e insegnerà come accompagnare i solisti alla fisarmonica.

• Dal 18 al 22 aprile 2022: Corso di fisarmonica diatonica con Alain Pennec (foto in alto a destra). Figura chiave della musica celtica, Alain Pennec offre un lavoro tecnico, armonico e ritmico.

• Dal 18 al 22 aprile 2022: Corso di musette e fisarmonica swing con Eric Bouvelle. Vincitore di concorsi internazionali, Eric Bouvelle offre un'immersione nella musette e nello swing con lavori su repertorio, arrangiamenti e composizione.

• Dal 25 al 29 aprile 2022: Corso di fisarmonica con Franck Angelis, compositore della fisarmonica di oggi, Franck conduce un workshop intorno alle sue opere.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: cnima@orange.fr


Updated Sites by MusicForAccordion.com

Xu XiaonanMusicForAccordion has over 2,300 tracks of quality accordion available online. The mp3 albums are sent to you by email so no postage costs or postal delays.

Newly updated with new bio information are:
Xia Gang mp3 album
Xu Xiaonan mp3 album
Mingyuan Ruan mp3 album
Ma Qi mp3 album


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