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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Jul-2014
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BREAKING NEWS: World Record Smashed - 1,361 accordionists in China
Yuri Shishkin Artista Ospite alla Coupe Mondiale di Salisburgo - Austria
2014 "Hohner Cup" Campionati Nazionali, Tentativo Guiness World Record - Cina
Celebrazione della Vita di Faithe Deffner, 13 Luglio 2014 - USA
Video Teaser: In Harmony of Time - Europa/America del Sud
Chiusura Iscrizioni per l'Harbin International Summer Accordion Art Week 2014 - Cina
Gino Pigini Commemorative Stamp - Slovenia/Italy

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Jelena Milojevic Looks to Victoria’s Youth - Canada
Tommy Newcomen Entertains, Scotland – UK
Anthony Galla Rini ‘Collectors' Edition’ CD – USA
Video: Rogerinho do Acordeo - Brazil
Video: Piotr Krzaczkowski - Poland
Los Tres Tristes Tigres - Mexico
Video: FLOREIO programa terra UCS TV - Brazil
Video: Sultanbeev Viktor - Ukraine
‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Accordion Crimes’ published in Japan in July 2000

Future events

Classic Buskers Tour – China, Hong Kong
Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra Outdoors Concert, Surrey – UK
19th Festival of the Accordion, Le Bourg – France
Alex Meixner Band Midwest Tour and New CD – USA
Ksenija Sidorova with French Chamber Orchestra, Salzburg – Austria
Walter Eriksson MusikFest, New Jersey – USA

New and Updated Sites

Dan and Kim Christian Releases CD - USA
Paul Chamberlain's new CD 'Accordion Sensations' and Tour – UK
Dan and Kim Christian Releases CD - USA
Dan and Kim Christian Releases CD - USA
Presentazione del libro "Romanzo di una fisarmonica" - Italia
Donald E Grzanna Releases eTracks Album - USA
MusicForAccordion.com Site Updated
Donald E Grzanna Releases eTracks Album - USA
Donald E Grzanna Releases eTracks Album - USA

CD Reviews

“3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES

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Primo piano

BREAKING NEWS: World Record Smashed - 1,361 accordionists in China

World Record
BREAKING NEWS: World Record Smashed - 1,361 accordionists in China. This is a new Guinness World Record for Largest Accordion Ensemble. An official of Guinness Records, Mrs Lisa Hoffman attended and counted the people and made the official certificate.

See the pictures at: 2014Guinness

There was huge media coverage in China including many major newspapers, some front cover stories as well as national TV coverage.

The previous Guiness World Record "largest accordion ensemble" consisted of 1,137 participants conducted by Martin Tezak at the 2011 Panonika Harmonika Festival in Cerklje ob Krki, in Slovenia on 8 August 2011.


Yuri Shishkin Artista Ospite alla Coupe Mondiale di Salisburgo - Austria

2014 Coupe Mondiale
Yuri ShishkinYuri Shishkin apparirà come artista ospite alla Coupe Mondiale di quest'anno a Salisburgo come ulteriore attrazione per l'evento. Artista Onorato della Russia e Solista della Filarmonica di Stato di Rostov, Yuri Shishkin si è diplomato al Conservatorio Rachmaninov Rostov nel 1989 e ha compiuto i suoi studi post-laurea presso l'Accademia Russa Gnesin di Musica di Mosca nel 1992 (classe del professore Viatcheslav Semionov).

E' vincitore di concorsi internazionali in Germania (Klingenthal, 1988), USA (Kansas City, 1990), Italia (Castelfidardo, 1991). Al giorno d'oggi, Yuri Shishkin è uno dei musicisti più ambiti.

Il suo repertorio comprende non solo le trascrizioni di J. Brahms, A. Glazunov, S. Prokofiev, I. Stravinsky, M. Mussorgsky, PI Tchaikovsky, C. Saint-Saëns, G. Bizet, D. Shostakovich, J. Strauß, A. Copland ma anche opere originali di A. Kusiakov, Viatcheslav Semionov, V. Podgorny.

Organizza festival, concerti, promuove il bayan e la fisarmonica facendo lezioni e masterclass nelle principali città di tutto il mondo, si esibisce in varie regioni della Russia e in festival e concorsi internazionali.

Oltre a "Rhapsody in Blue" di G. Gershwin, Shishkin si esibirà nella nuova "Reminiscence of the Future" di Semionov Sonata No. 3, che è dedicata a lui dal compositore. Per leggere l'intervista: Inglese: Semionov-EN Russo: Semionov-RU

Ulteriori informazioni riguardo l'evento online: Coupe Mondiale
6 eTracks album e CD disponibili online all'indirizzo: Yuri Shishkin


2014 "Hohner Cup" Campionati Nazionali, Tentativo Guiness World Record - Cina

2014 “Hohner Cup” National Accordion Championships, China
I rapporti giornalieri con immagini, video e risultati del concorso verranno pubblicati su: 2014HohnerReport

Si sono registrati circa 1.500 i giovani per partecipare al Campionato Nazionale "Hohner Cup" 2014 che si svolgerà questo fine settimana a Shen Zhen.

Sotto: Immagine dell'enorme striscione fuori della sede principale. Sui gradini e di fronte a loro è dove il tentativo al Guinness World Record con oltre 1.300 fisarmonicisti che suonano, si svolgerà Domenica mattina.

Report giornaliero a: 2014HohnerReport
2014 Hohner Cup


Celebrazione della Vita di Faithe Deffner, 13 Luglio 2014 - USA

AAA Header
Video: Slideshow
Faithe DeffnerUna celebrazione della vita di Faithe Deffner ospitata da Angelica Bargou si è tenuta Domenica 13 luglio al Double Tree by Hilton, Tarrytown, New York, subito dopo il Festival di AAA.

Video: Proiezione di diapositive preparate da Joan e Dan Grauman mostrate a questo evento commemorativo.

Necrologio ufficiale da Helmi Harrington a Faithe Deffner Obituary


Video Teaser: In Harmony of Time - Europa/America del Sud

Paolo Gandolfi"In Harmony of Time" è un documentario diretto da Nicola Nannavecchia sull'amore per la musica che racconta le esperienze di Richard Galliano, forse il più famoso nella storia del mondo della fisarmonica, e la storia di Paolo Gandolfi, un giovane da una famiglia rurale italiana, che negli anni Cinquanta stava vincendo concorsi internazionali di fisarmonica all'età di 21 anni. il documentario uscirà a settembre.

Direttore: Nicola Nannavecchia.


Chiusura Iscrizioni per l'Harbin International Summer Accordion Art Week 2014 - Cina

Harbin 2014 logoProf Wang HongyuLe iscrizioni per la Harbin China International Summer Accordion Art Week 2014 chiudono il 25 Luglio 2014.

L'Harbin China International Summer Accordion Art Week 2014 è organizzata dal Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica Popolare di Cina e il Governo Municipale Popolare di Harbin, realizzata dall' Harbin Normal College, Harbin, in Cina.

Le informazioni complete sull'evento, le regole e il modulo di iscrizione al concorso in cinese e inglese sono a: 2014Harbin


Gino Pigini Commemorative Stamp - Slovenia/Italy

Gino Pigini Commemorative Stamp
Gino Pigini nasce a Castelfidardo il 24 marzo 1914.
A dodici anni inizia a lavorare, andando tutti i giorni in bicicletta Sirolo (10Km),
come apprendista per imparare l'arte delle ance (voci) per fisarmonica fatte a mano.

A diciotto anni è già conosciuto nel settore quale “vociarolo” tra i più esperti e ricercati.

Aiutato dai suoi fratelli inizia bel presto a costruire fisarmoniche e nel 1946 contribuisce
alla fondazione della "Fratelli Pigini”· il cui prodotto viene immediatamente apprezzato dal mercato per l'ottima qualità del suono.

Dopo aver assunto i1 ruolo di unico titolare dell'azienda, con l'aiuto della moglie Albertina e di validissimi collaboratori, lavorando 14 ore al giorno, festivi compresi ricoprendo ruoli produttivi, commerciali e dirigenziali, pur non conoscendo lingue straniere, fu capace di esportare il 98% della sua produzione senza mai partecipare a fiere o concorsi speciallizzati.

In questa frenetica attività, la sua famiglia costitui sempre un punto di rifermento, una forza ed un credo.

Dal matrimonio con Albertino sono nati quattro figli: Alberto, Agnese, Massimo Francesca.
Ha sempre creduto nella creatività di quei giovani dalle idee innovative ed appassionati del lavoro manuale.

Attualmente la “Pigini", punto di riferimento mondiale della fisarmonica, è condotta da
Massimo, Francesca e Federico Piqini i quali si avvalgono della collaborazone di una cinquantina di veri masetri artigiani.
Pigini Factory staff and Gino Pigini


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Jelena Milojevic Looks to Victoria’s Youth - Canada

Jelena MilojevicJelena Milojevic, 32, was appointed Artistic Director of the Victoria International Accordion Festival, and hopes the city’s youth can bring Canada to the accordion world stage.

Raised in Croatia, Milojevic began playing accordion at nine while enrolled in Ivan Matetic-Ronjgov Music School, after she was told that she was too old to start learning piano. In 2003, she won the CMA Trophee Mondiale.

Now settled in Victoria, Jelena Milojevic spends her time between teaching Camosun College’s two-year accordion program and guiding a handful of younger students.

“There’s a strong history of accordion in Croatia, in Europe, that Canada doesn’t have,” Milojevic said. “I’m relying on these kids to make the art strong in Canada”.

This year, Milojevic is joining her husband Aleksander as Artistic Director of the Victoria International Accordion Festival, which he founded in 2007.

Milojevic will be holding a workshop alongside Tian Jianan, a young Chinese player who won 2nd place, Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment category last year, when the international accordion competition was hosted in Victoria. Milojevic’s younger students will also be playing as the Victoria Accordion Kids Band.

Tian Jianan and Russian-American player Stas Venglevski will be headlining the festival, which runs from July 18th to 20th.


Tommy Newcomen Entertains, Scotland – UK

Tommy NewcomenScottish accordion entertainer Tommy Newcomen writes, “A brilliant night at the Invercauld Arms in Braemar last night. Great crowd and loads of requests ranging from the ‘Jacqueline Waltz’ to Robbie Williams and ‘The Bluebell Polka’ to the Mavericks. Glad to say I managed them all. Luckily nobody's asked for the ‘Birdie Dance’ or ‘Agadoo’ for ages!"


Anthony Galla Rini ‘Collectors' Edition’ CD – USA

Anthony Galla Rini ‘Collectors' Edition’ CD cover collectionThe Anthony Galla Rini ‘Collectors' Edition’ CD includes such numbers as Begin the Beguine, Yesterday, Italian Medley, Speak Softly, Torna A Surriento, That Old Black Magic, Rhapsody in Blue, Accordion Concerto in G Minor, The Lord’s Prayer, Lara’s Theme, Fascination, Thoroughly Modern Millie, and more.

This release includes tracks from Galla Rini’s last studio session, with half the tracks being solo recordings whilst the other half are from Galla-Rini's 1967 Accordion Symphonette Orchestra album. The CD normally costs $15, and is special offer for $10.

Anthony Galla-Rini (1904-2006) had an extraordinarily long and successful career as a professional accordionist, composer and teacher. He was one of the first in the USA to pioneer the accordion as a concert instrument performing classical music.

Galla-Rini arranged literally hundreds of transcriptions for accordion ensembles, orchestras and soloists, and also played a major part in pioneering the development of the modern accordion, developing the treble and bass registers, as well as standardizing the stradella bass system on the accordion.

For further information email: petosa@petosa.com


Video: Rogerinho do Acordeo - Brazil

Rogerinho do Acordeon - Pisoteou (composer Neldon Farias)
Published on Jun 27, 2013
Performed at Gravado no Peppers Hall - Natal - RN - Brazil.


Video: Piotr Krzaczkowski - Poland

Piotr Krzaczkowski performs "Spinning Song" by F. Mendellssohn
Published on Jun 29, 2014


Los Tres Tristes Tigres - Mexico

Los Tres Tristes Tigres consists of three young Mexican men, Pedro Palacios (bass guitar), Jesus Gallardo (accordion) and Erick Ibarra (composer, guitar). They have managed millions of views of their videos.


Video: FLOREIO programa terra UCS TV - Brazil

FLOREIO Do Jeito que Eu Gosto
FLOREIO programa terra UCS TV


Video: Sultanbeev Viktor - Ukraine

Viktor Sultanbeev - Nur Dautov - Bashkir elegy
Recorded: 25 March 2014 at the Kharkiv National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts


‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Accordion Crimes’ published in Japan in July 2000

Accordion Crimes Book CoverThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending July 14th 2000 reported that the popular novel ‘Accordion Crimes’, written by E. Annie Proulx, had been published in Japanese. Written in 1996, the story begins in 1890, when a Sicilian accordion-maker moves to the USA in search of better opportunities. He is shot by an anti-Italian lynch mob, and his accordion then has various other owners across the USA, many of whom meet painful ends themselves.

Accordion Crimes now Available in Japan
Contributed by Toru Katou

The book ‘Accordion Crimes’ (by E. Annie Proulx) has been translated into Japanese by Professor Nobuo Kamioka (Meiji University). Published by Shueisha Company the book will be available from July 26th. Popular Japanese accordionist Yasuhiro Kobayashi (Coba) has written a personal recommendation of the book.


Future events

Classic Buskers Tour – China, Hong Kong

Classic BuskersThe UK-based Classic Buskers (formerly The Cambridge Buskers) Michael Copley (recorders, flutes, panpipes, crumhorns and ocarinas) and accordionist Ian Moore - communicate their passion for classical music in two of the best ways possible – virtuosity and laughter.

The audience comes away from a Buskers’ concert on a high, having been both entertained and educated. Their repertoire ranges from Mendelssohn’s ‘Violin Concerto’ and Haydn’s ‘Trumpet Concerto’ (with a tiny ocarina taking up the challenge of the solo part) to Beethoven’s ‘9th’ (the Choral), Bizet’s ‘Carmen’, Mozart’s ‘Queen of the Night’, and Wagner’s ‘Ride of the Valkyries’.

The Classic Buskers have performed in many countries, and at present are in China. Their tour dates include:

July 19th, 7.30pm - Dezhou Grand Theatre, Dezhou, Shandong, China
July 20th, 8pm – Shenzhen Longgang Cultural Center, Guangdong, China
July 25th, 7.30pm - City Hall Theatre, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong
July 26th, 3pm and 7pm - Tai Po Civic Centre Auditorium, 12 On Pong Road, Hong Kong
July 27th, 3pm - North District Town Hall Auditorium, 2 Lung Ean Street, Hong Kong

For further information email: info@lomonaco-artists.com


Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra Outdoors Concert, Surrey – UK

Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra
On Saturday July 19th, 3.30 until 5pm, the Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra perform outdoors on Ripley Village Green, Woking, Surrey GU23 6AN. This is an annual event - an afternoon for the family, with stalls, food, children’s entertainer, bouncy castle, pony rides, tractors, steam engines, and ample free parking.


19th Festival of the Accordion, Le Bourg – France

The 19th Festival of the Accordion takes place in Le Bourg, France, on Sunday July 20th, from 10am onwards. The festival includes music in the streets at 10am, an outdoor Mass inside the rectory at 11am, meals served in the esplanade of the festival at 12.30pm, music on stage with a dozen accordionists from 2pm until 8pm, the orchestra of Roberto Milesi from 9pm until 2am, with a fireworks display at 11am. Entrance to the festival: 13 € for the whole day.


Alex Meixner Band Midwest Tour and New CD – USA

Alex Meixner Band new CD cover
Accordionist Alex Meixner and his band are now on a Midwest tour, dates as follows:

July 18th to 20th – Bavarian Blast, New Ulm, Minnesota
July 23rd, 7-10pm – Glendora House, Chicago, Illinois
July 24th – Estabrook Biergarten, Milwaukee
July 25th to 27th – German Fest, Milwaukee
August 8th - official release of new CD, ‘Happiness is a Choice!’, at the Evergreen Club in Fleetwood, Philadelphia. Guest musicians on the CD include Canadian accordionist Michael Bridge, reggae singer (and son of country legend Charley Pride) - Carlton Pride, and Tex-Mex rock icon Hector Saldana (of the Krayolas).

For further information email: alex@alexmeixner.com


Ksenija Sidorova with French Chamber Orchestra, Salzburg – Austria

Ksenija SidorovaAccordionist Ksenija Sidorova, from Latvia, performs pieces from ‘Between Worlds’ as a soloist with the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris on July 19th at Republic, Anton Neumayr Platz 2, Salzburg, Austria. Mandolin virtuoso Avi Avital, from Israel, is also a soloist. This concert is an event of the annual Salzburg Festival.

The concert will be repeated on July 26th in Solonghello, Italy.


Walter Eriksson MusikFest, New Jersey – USA

The 20th Walter Eriksson MusikFest, aka SkandJam, takes place on Saturday July 26th, 5pm until midnight, at Vasa Park, 1 Vasa Drive, Hackettstown, Budd Lake, New Jersey. The chief guests for the evening concert are Angelo di Pippo, Frank Toscano and Manny Corallo – ‘The Amazing Accordion Kings’.

Also performing are SmorgasBandet, the Swedish Meatballs, and there is a reunion of members of the Scandinavian Accordion Club of New York.


New and Updated Sites

Dan and Kim Christian Releases CD - USA

World Tour CD coverDan and Kim Christian has released this CD.

'World Tour', catalog: dkchristian01 with sound samples.

Music performed by Dan and Kim Christian.


Paul Chamberlain's new CD 'Accordion Sensations' and Tour – UK

Paul Chamberlain new CD cover 'Accordion Sensations'Paul Chamberlain has released this CD with eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Accordion Sensations', catalog: cpaulCD202 with sound samples.

Music performed by Paul Chamberlain.


Dan and Kim Christian Releases CD - USA

Dan and Kim Christian has released this CD.

'Polka Power', catalog: dkchristian02 with sound samples.

Music performed by Dan and Kim Christian.


Dan and Kim Christian Releases CD - USA

Dan and Kim Christian has released this CD.

'Squeeze Play', catalog: dkchristian03 with sound samples.

Music performed by Dan and Kim Christian.


Presentazione del libro "Romanzo di una fisarmonica" - Italia

Romanzo di una Fisarmonica, La Vita di Paolo Gandolfi coverPresentazione del libro "Romanzo di una fisarmonica" di Armido Malvolti sul fisarmonicista e compositore reggiano Paolo Gandolfi, presso la biblioteca dei Cappuccini di Reggio Emilia, il 16 gennaio 2013, nell'ambito del ciclo di incontri sulla cultura popolare emiliana a cura del circolo di cultura "Giuseppe Toniolo", del Polo Culturale dei Cappuccini di ReggIo Emilia e di Anteas-Reggio.

Il maestro Gandolfi esegue alcuni brani del suo repertorio, lo scrittore Malvolti legge alcuni brani tratti dal libro.

Il libro (in lingua italiana) è disponibile online all'indirizzo: gandolfibook101

Video realizzato da www.sumisura.info


Donald E Grzanna Releases eTracks Album - USA

Accordion Music CD cover by Donald E GrzanaDonald E Grzanna has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Accordion Music', catalog: dgrzanna201 with sound samples.

Music performed by Donald E Grzanna.


MusicForAccordion.com Site Updated

musicforaccordion graphic
The MusicForAccordion.com Site has been updated so that eSheet music (over 2,300 titles) and also printed music (about 1,000 titles) can be searched by any grade from a drop down box.


Donald E Grzanna Releases eTracks Album - USA

Plays Around The World CD cover by Donald E GrzannaDonald E Grzanna has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Plays Around The World', catalog: dgrzanna203 with sound samples.

Music performed by Donald E Grzanna.


Donald E Grzanna Releases eTracks Album - USA

Holiday For Accordion CD cover by Donald E GrzannaDonald E Grzanna has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Holiday For Accordion', catalog: dgrzanna204 with sound samples.

Music performed by Donald E Grzanna.


CD Reviews

“3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES

CD Reviews Index for the Review of “3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES, Accordion, in Italian language, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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