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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Feb-2022
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Primo piano

Online_12° Orpheus Award2022 – Italia
2022 Landes Musik Festival, Göppingen – Germania
Chevigny Accordéon Festival 2022 – Francia
CNIMA USA Teaching Tour, maggio e giugno 2022 – USA
Concorso interregionale siberiano in memoria di A. N. Romanov, Novosibirsk – Russia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Il M° Sylvia Pagni è presente con la sua fisarmonica nella fiction “FOSCA Innocenti - Italia
Marco Lo Russo, Made in Italy Tour in Mexico
50th Kleine Tage der Harmonika – Germany
Online Reunion to Remember Frank Marocco Ten Years After His Passing - USA
Castelfidardo 22 May 2022: Italy National Selection For (CIA) Coupe Mondiale - Italy
2022 AAA Coupe Mondiale Qualification - USA
Video: New Accordion Orchestra in Lagos - Nigeria
Video: “War Rhapsody” by Semir Hasić - Croatia
Academias Previale Accordion Courses - Uruguay

Future events

Online: Scottish Sessions with Guest Accordionists
Vojtech Szabó Performs at Teachers Concert - Czech Republic
Fifi la Mer French Music Cabaret - England
“Café Tango” Concert in Victoria – Canada
Alan Small Entertains on West Coast of Scotland
Trio Voronezh Performs in “Beauty and the Beast” Ballet, Oregon – USA
International Klezmer Festival Fürth – Germany
Accordion and Dancing Festival – France
“Cherish the Ladies” Irish Music Tour - USA

Childrens Corner

Enzo Emanuel Castro Receives Golden Buzzer on Got Talent Uruguay

New and Updated Sites

Site Update: eTracks Album Norske Drag by Jon Faukstad - Norway
Ristampato: Friedrich Lips Libro L'arte di suonare la fisarmonica - Germania
2022 Informazioni sul Concorso di Composizione Elsie M. Bennett - USA

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Primo piano

Online_12° Orpheus Award2022 – Italia

12th Orpheus banner
Renzo RuggieriGerlando GattoOnline: La Cerimonia dei Vincitori del 12° Orpheus Award 2022 (Premio della Critica per le produzioni di fisarmonica e l'intera famiglia di ance) a Roseto degli Abruzzi per artisti italiani sarà trasmessa il 13 marzo 2022, organizzata dall'Associazione Promozione Arte.
Il Direttore Artistico è il noto giornalista e critico musicale Gerlando Gatto e il Presidente è Renzo Ruggieri (foto a sinistra), Giuseppe di Falco (Segretario) e Andrea di Giacomo (Segretario).
L'evento sarà diviso in tre sezioni:
• Produzioni italiane per fisarmonica classica
• Produzioni italiane per fisarmonica jazz
• Produzioni italiane per fisarmonica Mondiale/Popolare/Carriera
Per vedere l'elenco delle produzioni (CD o distribuzione digitale) di fisarmonicisti (o bandoneon, diatonici, melodici, armonici, ecc.) visitare: 2022Orpheus.pdf


2022 Landes Musik Festival, Göppingen – Germania

Landes logoIl Landes Musik Festival 2022 (Festival di Musica di Stato) si terrà presso la Hohenstaufenstadt Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germania il 2 luglio 2022.

Il Landes-Musik-Festival è un festival diverso in quanto un'intera città si trasforma nella location del festival con il suo motto "Sounding Diversity". Al festival sono attesi fino a 3.000 partecipanti provenienti da club musicali e cori, che presenteranno l'intera diversità della musica amatoriale su diversi palchi all'aperto e aree apposite.

La durata massima della performance è di 45 minuti per le orchestre (incluso l'allestimento/smontaggio). Il Landes-Musik-Festival si è svolto per la prima volta nel 1998 e da allora è diventato il più grande festival di musica amatoriale a Baden-Württemberg.
Cori, orchestre ed ensemble del Baden-Württemberg e non solo sono invitati a registrarsi per partecipare. Gli organizzatori hanno già ricevuto numerose candidature da ensemble di tutti i generi e hanno ancora spazio per altri.

Le iscrizioni si chiudono il 31 marzo 2022.
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: info@landesmusikfestival.de


Chevigny Accordéon Festival 2022 – Francia

Chevigny Accordéon Festival poster
Les Freres BlanchardIl Chevigny Accordéon Festival 2022 si terrà presso la Salle Polygone di Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur, in Francia, il 2 aprile dalle 14:30 alle 23:30.

Il festival sarà caratterizzato da un grande gala danzante con gli intrattenitori di fisarmonica Olivier Boulard, Benjamin Durafour e Les Freres Blanchard Cyril & Cedric (foto a sinistra), nonché concerti e mostre.

Vedi poster per i dettagli.


CNIMA USA Teaching Tour, maggio e giugno 2022 – USA

Mornet & BoucheixVideo: Video promozionale della Scuola di fisarmonica CNIMA

La CNIMA (Centre National et International de Musique et d'Accordéon) è una scuola di fisarmonica francese fondata dal famoso insegnante di fisarmonica Jacques Mornet e dalla pluripremiata fisarmonicista Nathalie Boucheix (nella foto a sinistra), che condurrà un CNIMA Teaching Tour negli Stati Uniti la prossima primavera 2022.

Il tour comprenderà masterclass, workshop e dimostrazioni ed è aperto a tutte le età, tutti i livelli, tutti gli stili ed è adatto per fisarmoniche a piano e a bottoni.

Date del tour come segue:
• 25 maggio dalle 14 alle 17: Masterclass di fisarmonica presso South Oxford Place (BK) a New York City
• Dal 30 maggio alle 14 al 3 giugno alle 12:30: Workshop di quattro giorni sulla fisarmonica presso l'Alliance Française di New Orleans
• 5 giugno dalle 14 alle 17: Masterclass di fisarmonica presso il Petosa Accordion Shop di Seattle
• 9 giugno alle ore 19: dimostrazione di fisarmonica presso l'Alliance Française di Los Angeles

Jacques Mornet ha insegnato in tutto il mondo ed è il destinatario del Premio Gus Viseur e del Disco d'Argento dell'Accademia Russa Gnessin e nel 2003 è stato insignito del CIA Merit Award. La tecnica di Mornet sta nell'avvicinarsi alla fisarmonica come strumento a fiato piuttosto che come strumento a tastiera. L'uso corretto del mantice combinato al tocco appropriato dei tasti crea risultati eccezionali che trasformano il proprio modo di suonare e liberano la musicalità.

Gli studenti CNIMA hanno goduto di numerosi successi, tra cui l'aver vinto un record di 126 premi in concorsi internazionali. La scuola ha formato diverse generazioni di fisarmonicisti francesi tra cui Alain Musichini, Domi Emorine, Félicien Brut, Vincent LHermet e Christine Rossi per citarne alcuni.

Per ulteriori informazioni: https://www.cnima.com/en/usa
USA tour


Concorso interregionale siberiano in memoria di A. N. Romanov, Novosibirsk – Russia

Novosibirsk poster
Il concorso interregionale siberiano di giovani artisti con strumenti folk si tiene ogni anno in memoria dell'anniversario del rinomato insegnante e musicista, Andrey N. Romanov, professore del Conservatorio statale di Novosibirsk intitolato a M.I. Glinka.

L'evento di quest'anno onora il 60° anniversario della nascita di Andrey Romanov, che ha dato un contributo significativo allo sviluppo della scuola accademica siberiana di bayan e performance di ensemble.

Sono invitati a partecipare studenti di scuole di musica per bambini e scuole d'arte per bambini, studenti di scuole di musica e college di cultura e arte, giovani insegnanti di scuole di musica per bambini e scuole d'arte per bambini, college di musica (scuole) e college di cultura e arte.

Scarica qui le informazioni sul concorso: 2022Romanov.pdf


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Il M° Sylvia Pagni è presente con la sua fisarmonica nella fiction “FOSCA Innocenti - Italia

Sylvia PagniLa nota Excelsior fisarmonicista abruzzese M° Sylvia Pagni fa parte dell’orchestra diretta dal M° Savio Riccardi della colonna sonora della fiction Giallo- Poliziesco “ FOSCA Innocenti “ che sta andando in onda su Canale 5 dall’ 11 febbraio in quattro episodi al 4 marzo 2022 con i protagonisti primari gli attori Vanessa Incontrada e Francesco Arca.

La serie televisiva è diretta dal regista Triestino Fabrizio Costa, mentre l’autore delle musiche è il M° Savio Riccardi . Nell’ultimo biennio il M° Sylvia Pagni è stata interpellata per la terza volta con la sua fisarmonica per delle fiction targate RTI- Mediaset.

Sylvia augura buona visione e buon ascolto a tutti i telespettatori della fiction “ FOSCA Innocenti “


Marco Lo Russo, Made in Italy Tour in Mexico

Marco Lo R
Marco Lo RussoVideo: Marco Lo Russo interview on the Monitor program broadcast on LazioTV from Mexico on 30th December, 2021.

Marco Lo Russo took part in a month long tour of Jalisco and Nayarit in Mexico recently, which included cultural exchange initiatives, events with other arts like painting and sculpture, as well as concerts and exhibitions.

His concert program featured his Made in Italy project that for years, he has been promoting in order to enhance Italian culture and beyond.

Performances were given at the prestigious Sanctuary of the Vidanta Resort in Nuevo Vallarta, in numerous art galleries and cultural centers, as well as meetings and television interviews.


50th Kleine Tage der Harmonika – Germany

Tage poster
The 50th Kleine Tage der Harmonika young talent competition will take place in Klingenthal, Germany on March 5th and 6th, 2022.

Young accordionists from the Free States of Saxony, Thuringia and Bavaria, the Czech Republic and various guest states meet in Klingenthal to demonstrate their skills in fair competition and to gain competition experience in addition to the coveted prizes.

Like the International Accordion Competition, this regional competition for young accordionists has done much to maintain Klingenthal's reputation as a city of music.

Attendees are requested to adhere to all Covid-19 regulations.

Download regulations here: 2022KleineRules.pdf


Online Reunion to Remember Frank Marocco Ten Years After His Passing - USA

Frank MaroccoFrank MaroccoVideo: Frank Marocco and Eddie Monteiro jam at the Frank Marocco Accordion Event, 15 Jan 2011 evening celebrating Frank Marocco's 80th birthday. Thanks to Mike Roche for the video and Bruce Lawrie for the pictures.

A virtual reunion over Zoom to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Frank’s passing has been scheduled for this month. The reunion will bring together over 60 accordion camp attendees from the US, Canada and Europe, as well as some special guests.

Participants will have an opportunity to reminisce, as well as view some previously unseen videos. A "virtual orchestra" has been formed, which will perform one of Frank's arrangements that was featured at the 2011 camp. Following the formal portion of the online reunion, participants, who wish to perform for up to five minutes, will have an opportunity to do so, either live or by submitting a video.

Internationally famous accordionist, Frank Marocco, passed away on March 3, 2012 at the age of 81. He had a career spanning nearly 60 years and was one of the most recorded accordionists in the world. He also conducted accordion orchestras and worked with many well-known artists and conductors. Other credits include hundreds of movie tracks, TV series, shows, specials, and commercials. Frank was a prolific composer and arranger of classical, jazz, and other genres of music for accordion solo, duet, various size ensemble, and orchestra. He received numerous awards throughout his career.

In 2006 Frank asked Joan Grauman and me to run an accordion orchestra camp for him. We agreed, even though we had never done anything like that previously. What followed, beginning in 2007, was eight wonderful camps in Mesa, Arizona known initially as the Frank Marocco Accordion Event.

The four-day camps brought together as many as 60 accordionists from the US, Canada, and Europe, who participated in daily rehearsals, workshops, as well as individual and group performances. The last evening of the camp featured a concert by the accordion orchestra, conducted by Frank, as well as individual and duet performances. These public concerts were extremely popular and well attended each year.

Sadly, Frank was only alive for the first five camps. The last camp he attended was highlighted by his 80th birthday party in January 2011, that lasted almost five hours. The video above was part of that memorable party. In 2012, following Frank’s passing, the camp was renamed the Mesa Accordion Event. Stas Venglevski, appointed by Frank as Assistant Music Director in 2009, directed the musical portion of the remaining three camps and conducted the orchestra.

This reunion will remember Frank Marocco as a great musician and personality who is sadly missed by all his accordion friends.
Birthday cake


Castelfidardo 22 May 2022: Italy National Selection For (CIA) Coupe Mondiale - Italy

Italian Accordion Culture header
Sunday 22nd May 2022, 9 am, Italy National Selection for the CIA 2022 Coupe Mondiale. At the Salone degli Stemmi, the Italian National Selections of accordionists who aspire to participate in the 75th Coupe Mondiale (CIA) will be held. The 2022 Coupe Mondiale will take place in Zofingen, Switzerland, from 4th to 9th October 2022.

Italian Accordion Culture is the Premier Voting Member of the CIA IMC-UNESCO and promoter of the Italian National Selection event. They will sponsor two of the musicians chosen by the international jury to the amount of € 750 to represent Italy. The jury will also grant eligibility to participate in the 2022 Coupe Mondiale to all candidates deemed to be of suitable standard to represent Italy in the various competition categories. View categories and rules at: Coupe Mondiale

This selection is organized with the patronage of the Municipality of Castelfidardo and the International Accordion Museum of Castelfidardo.
2022 Coupe Mondiale


2022 AAA Coupe Mondiale Qualification - USA

AAA Header
Mary TokarskiEach year, the AAA holds a Qualification round where young accordionists have the opportunity to represent their country at the Coupe Mondiale.

If you wish to participate in the 2022 qualifying round, please contact AAA First Vice President, Mary J. Tokarski (picture right) with questions and the category you wish to enter, no later than June 30, 2022. Email: mary.tokarski@comcast.net

Further information at: http://www.ameraccord.com/coupe.php


Video: New Accordion Orchestra in Lagos - Nigeria

Video: This is a group of young and new accordion players called the “Accordion Orchestra from My Church in Nigeria - Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, Lagos, Nigeria”.

Each and every accordion was bought by Dr Daniel Olukoya, the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, Worldwide, who is a great supporter of music.

The orchestra are playing a medley of pieces assisted by Stephen Olaniyi.


Video: “War Rhapsody” by Semir Hasić - Croatia

No More War CDVideo: “War Rhapsody” composed and performed by accordionist Semir Sammy Hasic (Croatia) is from his CD “No More War It's Time for Love". The piece “shines a spotlight on the 1991 Battle of Vukovar, which plunged eastern Croatia into turmoil”.

The "War Rhapsody" begins with the chirping of birds and the sounds of helicopters, in the middle there are machine gun salvos.

All the works on the CD were composed, arranged and performed on the accordion by Semir Sammy Hasic.


Academias Previale Accordion Courses - Uruguay

Uruguay courses
The Academias Previale are now offering Accordion Courses at their Cultural Centre in Salto, Uruguay.

See poster for details.


Future events

Online: Scottish Sessions with Guest Accordionists

Scottish Sessions
Online: Scottish Sessions Tartan Tunes will go live on February 20th at 8pm.

The event will include “a great night of craic (entertainment) & tunes” with guests popular accordion duo Robin & Deryn Waitt "The Bon Accords", who will perform during the first half, and Alan Reid (ex "Battlefield Band" longstanding member now working with his own duo) in the second half.


Vojtech Szabó Performs at Teachers Concert - Czech Republic

CZ poster
Vojtech SzabóVojtech Szabó (picture left) will perform at a Teachers Concert at the Zlín Congress Center in Zlin, Czech Republic on February 22nd, 2022.

Vojtech will perform Piazzolla’s Primavera Portena (Spring) with a quintet, a Zagorova chanson and “Mercy, Mercy Me”.

For details email: office@pavelsporcl.com


Fifi la Mer French Music Cabaret - England

Fifi posterVideo: Fifi la Mer & Oliver Wilby

Fifi la Mer & Oliver Wilby will present “A journey into French music from Offenbach to Gainsbourg” at The Crazy Coqs, Piccadilly Circus, London, England on February 23rd, 2022 at 7pm.

The show “will take you on a journey through 100 years of French music, from Offenbach to Gainsbourg, featuring the dulcet tones of Fifi on accordion and vocals and the talents of Oliver on clarinet, tenor saxophone and accordion.”


“Café Tango” Concert in Victoria – Canada

VTN poster
“Café Tango” will perform at the Victoria Tango Nights event held at the First Metropolitan Church in Victoria, BC, Canada on February 25th at 7.30pm.

“Café Tango” (formerly known as Tango Paradiso), consists of Canadian musicians who share a passion for traditional tango music, while also pushing the boundaries into new and unexplored genres.

Members include Douglas Schmidt (bandoneon), Amanda Chan (piano), Domagoj Ivanovic (violin) and Michael Vaughn (contrabass).

Space is limited. For details email: victoriatangonights@gmail.com


Alan Small Entertains on West Coast of Scotland

Alan SmallAccordionist Alan Small (from the Lomond Ceilidh Band) will entertain with two concerts on the West Coast of Scotland this month.

Firstly he will play at Aulay’s Bar in Oban on February 25th from 9pm to 12 midnight.

The following evening (February 26th) he will perform at the Park Lodge Hotel in Tobermory from 8pm to 12 midnight.

From there, Alan will travel back to the East Coast to perform as a guest at the Forfar Accordion & Fiddle club in duo with Kyle Innes at the British Legion in Forfar on February 27th, 2022 at 7.30pm.


Trio Voronezh Performs in “Beauty and the Beast” Ballet, Oregon – USA

Trio VVideo: Trio Voronezh performing Astor Piazzolla's "Libertango" "Undertango" "Oblivion" and "Michelangelo-70".

Trio Voronezh will perform live on stage in the “Beauty and the Beast” Ballet at the Soreng Theater, Hult Center in Eugene, Oregon from March 4th to 6th, 2022.

The event is sponsored by Alpha IT Project support: Nils and Jewel Hult Endowment, Arts Foundation of Western Oregon Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation.

Every live theater ticket receives a complimentary livestream/on demand virtual viewing link giving you full flexibility in how you enjoy the show.

Trio Voronezh (USA) which includes Sergei Teleshev (accordion), Val Petrukhin (balalaika) and Vladimir Volokhin (domra) won the 3rd Prize at the World Accordion Competition PIF Castelfidardo 2020 (Astor Piazzolla Award)!

For further information: steleshev@yahoo.com


International Klezmer Festival Fürth – Germany

Klezmer poster
Klezmerata HamburgNarinkaThe International Klezmer Festival Fürth will be held in Fürth, Nürnberg, Germany from March 4th to 13th, 2022 organised by Stadtverwaltung Fürth.

The event will include a variety of concerts by accordionists and groups such as Klezmerata Hamburg (accordionist Valentin Butt – picture above left), Louisa Lyne & di Yiddishe Kapelye (accordionist Edin Bahtijaragic), Moritz Weiss Klezmer Trio & Styrian Klezmore Orchestra (accordionist Ivan Trenev) and Narinkka (accordionist Markku Lepistö – picture above right).

For further details email: klezmer-festival@fuerth.de


Accordion and Dancing Festival – France

Accordion festival poster
An Accordion and Dancing Festival will be held at Salle Edith Piaff in Friville-Escarbotin in Northern France on March 20th, 2022 at 2.30pm.

Entertainers include Michel Pruvot, Andre Loppe, David Frevier, Florine Malherbe and Tony Bruzeau.

See poster for details.


“Cherish the Ladies” Irish Music Tour - USA

Cherish poster
Video: Cherish the Ladies performing "Farewell to the Catskills", a waltz composed by Joanie Madden that she was inspired to write after leaving the Catskills Irish Arts Week in East Durham, New York and her drive took her through the majestic Catskill Mountains and this melody came to her.

“Cherish the Ladies” will perform their Irish Music Tour of USA next month from March 1st to 25th, 2022.

The group play Irish traditional music and travel with Irish dancers including World Champions, National Champions along with Riverdance and Lord of the dance alumni.

The song and dance ensemble includes accordionist Mirella Murray and Kathleen Boyle (accordion and piano).

For details email: contact@cherishtheladies.com


Childrens Corner

Enzo Emanuel Castro Receives Golden Buzzer on Got Talent Uruguay

Young accordionist Enzo Emanuel Castro performing on Got Talent Uruguay 2021. He wows the judges with his playing and gets the golden buzzer!


New and Updated Sites

Site Update: eTracks Album Norske Drag by Jon Faukstad - Norway

Norske Drag CD cover
Jon FaukstadSite Update for Catalog: faukstad203eT mp3 Album Norske Drag by Jon Faukstad. This mp3 album (also available as a CD) is a selection of the wide variety of Norwegian folk music that Jon Faukstad has played and presented over the years.

Hear music samples and purchase at: faukstad203eT

Other mp3 albums and CDs by Jon Faukstad are:
Çatalog: faukstad201
Çatalog: faukstad202


Ristampato: Friedrich Lips Libro L'arte di suonare la fisarmonica - Germania

Cover: The Art of Accordion Playing
Prof. Friedrich LipsCatalogo: kslips00 Questa ristampa di alta qualità "deve avere" un libro che ogni insegnante, appassionato e studente amerà.

L'Arte di Suonare la Fisarmonica del Prof. Friedrich Lips è uno dei più popolari libri educativi per fisarmonica con il suo obiettivo di essere: Tecnica, interpretazione ed esecuzione di suonare la fisarmonica in modo artistico.

Il contenuto di alta qualità corrisponde ora all'aspetto esteriore del libro: stampa a quattro colori su copertina rigida di alta qualità in design esclusivo con laminazione e rilegatura in carta con cucitura a filo di lunga durata.

Stampato su carta senza cloro, sbiancata, senza acidi, stabile e resistente all'invecchiamento, di alta qualità, opaca e non riflettente per una lettura senza fatica, utilizza una carta di alta qualità prodotta in Germania. La principale differenza tecnica della nuova tiratura rispetto alla vecchia è la copertina, la qualità della carta e la rilegatura: copertina rigida di alta qualità con laminazione ora invece di una semplice copertina morbida in precedenza e cucitura a filo invece della semplice incollatura.

Il libro ha un grande valore a Euro 29, Catalog kslips00 lo stesso prezzo della vecchia versione stampata di qualità inferiore.

Tradotto con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versione gratuita)


2022 Informazioni sul Concorso di Composizione Elsie M. Bennett - USA

AAA Header
Elsie M. Bennett2022 Informazioni sul concorso, premi, regolamenti e modulo di iscrizione a: 2022Bennett.pdf

Elsie Bennett ha iniziato il Comitato per la Commissione dei Compositori AAA nel 1954 con Elsie come presidente. Elsie ha ricoperto questo incarico per 51 anni, raggiungendo l'incredibile impresa di aver commissionato 33 compositori che hanno composto collettivamente 55 opere. Elise si ritirò dalla presidenza solo poco tempo prima della sua scomparsa nel 2005. Memoriale per Elsie M. Bennett.

Le iscrizioni sono benvenute da tutti i paesi. La data di chiusura delle iscrizioni è il 01 giugno 2022 a Mary Tokarski, presidente del concorso.

I vincitori saranno notificati via e-mail il 01 luglio 2022 o circa.


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