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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Apr-2014
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Primo piano

'Guardia Nueva' Tango Gala, Berlino - Germania
Duo "Una Sinistra" Attività Inverno/Primavera - Russia, Italia, Croazia, Cina
Corsi CNIMA J.Mornet con Franck Angelis, Claude Thomain e Ludovic Beier - Francia
18° Semana Internacional Do Acordeao, Alcobaca - Portogallo

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Il primo album da solista di Lucy Alves
Video: Mika Väyrynen Performs Two World Premieres, Helsinki - Finland
Pamela Zahra in the 5th Sanremo Junior Contest, Valletta – Malta
Video: Viatcheslav Semionov Performs Caprice No. 3 With Roland - Russia
Review of Royal Academy of Music Concert, London – UK
Video: Mikhail Ovchinnikov Performs Chaconne by J S Bach - Russia
Video: Server Abkerimov & Orchestra Performing "Gypsy Airs" - Russia
‘14 Years Ago’: An ‘Accordion Gathering’ in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Future events

Peter Soave Concert, Michigan - USA
Helen Maher’s April Gigs, Liverpool – UK
Beto Caetano Entertains, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil
2014 Big Squeeze Finalists, Texas - USA
Murl Allen Sanders Concerts, Oregon – USA
Mika Väyrynen in Concert in Croatia and Spain
Joâo Gentil Concert, Coimbra Da Foz - Portugal
Syros Accordion Festival, Syros - Greece

New and Updated Sites

Finland Recording Site Update adding sound samples - Finland
Karen Fremar New Site for CD 'Night at the Pla-Mor' - USA
Australian Accordion Teachers Assoc (AATA) Website Updated - Australia
Updated Site of Harley Jones Recording of the 1990's - New Zealand
Site Updated: Gary Dahl eBooks Collections #1 to #6 Special Price - USA

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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Primo piano

'Guardia Nueva' Tango Gala, Berlino - Germania

Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra
Raimo VertainenLa Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra, da Ostrobothnia, Finlandia, si esibirà in concerto Venerdì 6 giugno presso la Chamber Music Hall, Filarmonica di Berlino, per un concerto solo in Germania.
L'ampiamente acclamata Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra, Direttore Raimo Vertainen (foto a sinistra) ha un repertorio che comprende Astor Piazzolla, Richard Galliano, Gotan Project, e Finnish Tangos tutti appositamente arrangiati per questa orchestra.
Il Tango Gala sarà il primo evento di tango finlandese presso la Filarmonica di Berlino.
L'orchestra Guardia Nueva suonerà nel suo modo unico, completando il ritmo di habanera con i suoni morbidi della fisarmonica e cantanti scandinavi allettanti.
La performance metterà in mostra la forte tradizione del tango finlandese, sviluppatosi durante più di 80 anni. Guardia Nueva è una storia di successo da Ostrobothnia, le sue interpretazioni virtuosistiche di tango hanno intrattenuto folle da paesi lontani come Argentina e Turchia.


Duo "Una Sinistra" Attività Inverno/Primavera - Russia, Italia, Croazia, Cina

Duo ‘Una Sinistra’
Yulia AmerikovaVideo: concerto "Russian accordion day" alla Gnessins Academy of Music Hall.
Il duo noto da Mosca "Una Sinistra" - Yulia Amerikova e Alexander Selivanov - ha avuto un inverno impegnato seguito da un periodo primaverile pieno di eventi diversi. Le loro principali attività recenti e future includono:
- Corsi di perfezionamento concerto duo e in occasione di seminari aperti per insegnanti croati, Opatia, Croazia.
- Concerto duo ‘Russian Classical Music’ presso il Conservatorio di Musica G. Tartini, Trieste, Italia (articolo di giornale sopra).
- 1° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica 'Bayan, fisarmonica, armonica' - organizzatori e membri della giuria, Mosca, Russia.
- Concerto " Una Sinistra" con la partecipazione di Mirco Patarini, Cheboksari, regione del Volga, Russia (foto sopra).
- Concerto anniversario del docente universitario di Alexander Selivanov, E. Anichkin, con la partecipazione di Mirco Patarini, Alexander Selivanov ei suoi studenti, musicisti locali e orchestra sinfonica, Yoshkar-Ola, regione del Volga, in Russia.
- Concorso regionale "Giovani talenti della Kamchatka", Yulia Amerikova si esibisce in concerto (in duo con il sassofono), membro della giuria e corsi di perfezionamento (foto a sinistra).
- 14-20 - master class e concerti di Alexander Selivanov, Shanghai Normal University e il Conservatorio di Musica di Shanghai, Cina
- 27-30 - All- Russia Concorso di fisarmonica 'Vivat, Bayan!' - Alexander Selivanov parteciperà a giuria (presidente) e concerti.
- 30 aprile-6 maggio - Alexander Selivanov masterclass - Nighnyaya Tura, regione degli Urali, Russia.
 Il duo "Una Sinistra " è vincitore di numerosi concorsi internazionali, tra cui la CIA Coupe Mondiale. Sono spesso invitati ad esibirsi in concerti e prendere parte a festival internazionali in Russia, Europa e Asia. Il programma del duo comprende in genere musica di molti stili differenti, come ad esempio le proprie trascrizioni di classici sinfonici e per pianoforte, musica originale contemporanea, arrangiamenti di varietà e melodie popolari, e le opere di compositori come Buxtehude, Couperin, Barber, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Sviridov, Piazzolla, Semionov, Gridin, Ganzer, e Angelis.
 Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: yulia.amerikova@gmail.com


Corsi CNIMA J.Mornet con Franck Angelis, Claude Thomain e Ludovic Beier - Francia

Franck Angelis and Claude ThomainVideo: Ludovic Beier alla recente Frankfurt Messe
Ci sono tre corsi di fisarmonica nei mesi di luglio e agosto a CNIMA J.Mornet, Auvergne, situato a sud della Francia. CNIMA J.Mornet è la nota scuola di fisarmonica fondata e diretta dal professor Jacques Mornet e Nathalie Boucheix.
Due dei più famosi attuali compositori francesi, Franck Angelis e Claude Thomain, condurranno ognuno un corso di formazione.
  Dal 21 al 25 luglio Franck Angelis, uno dei compositori classici più suonati nei concorsi internazionali di fisarmonica, lavorerà con le sue composizioni (particolarmente utile se si ha intenzioni di eseguire la sua musica in un concorso!).
 Claude Thomain, dal 11 al 15 agosto, i cui pezzi sono spesso suonati in diversi concorsi importanti, seguirà un approccio simile lavorando su alcuni dei suoi pezzi.
 Prima di questi due corsi di formazione, dal 15 al 17 luglio, sponsorizzati dalla Roland Education, Ludovic Beier, che è diventato uno dei più grandi fisarmonicisti jazz del mondo, invita i musicisti a scoprire i segreti della 'Ricerca della musicalità su una fisarmonica digitale'.
 Ogni artista invitato si esibirà in un concerto privato, una sera durante il suo corso di formazione.
CNIMA J.Mornet si trova a Les Ludines, 63950 Saint- Sauves d'Auvergne. Vi è un facile accesso dalle autostrade A71, A75 e A89, e una stazione ferroviaria locale. Informazioni presso CNIMA J.Mornet.
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: cnima@wanadoo.fr


18° Semana Internacional Do Acordeao, Alcobaca - Portogallo

Professor Massimiliano PitoccoIl 18° Seminario internazionale di fisarmonica si svolge a Alcobaca, Portogallo, dal 2 al 11 Maggio. Il Seminario prevede una master class, concerti pubblici, e un concorso.
L'evento inizia con una master class di fisarmonica il 2 e 3 Maggio, alle 09:00, con il professor Massimiliano Pitocco.

dal 9 al 11 Maggio c'è un concorso per varie età e categorie che comprendono solo, duo, trio, gruppo e orchestra.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: asacalcobaca@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Il primo album da solista di Lucy Alves

Lucy Alves

Lucy AlvesLucy Alves, cantante, compositore e polistrumentista brasiliana, finalista della seconda edizione di The Voice, ha firmato un contratto discografico con la Universal Records che le ha permesso di pubblicare il suo primo album da solista. L’album, dal titolo omonimo, è un mix di celebri successi brasiliani realizzati in collaborazione con il padre e con il prezioso contributo di alcuni degli artisti più importanti del Brasile tra i quali Marisa Monte, Carlinhos Brown e Alceu Valença.

Lucy Alves non è solamente una “invenzione” del reality show; fin dall’infanzia ha dimostrato delle doti fuori dal comune che le hanno permesso di alternarsi con estrema naturalezza tra la fisarmonica, il basso elettrico e gli strumenti a percussione, mettendo tutto il suo talento a disposizione del gruppo costituito dai suoi familiari e denominato “Clan Brasile”.

Il primo album da solista di Lucy Alves è il riflesso della sua spiccata personalità già intravista in TV e che è comune a molti artisti della sua generazione. Talentuosa, bella e carismatica, la musicista brasiliana lascia il segno di chi sa dove vuole andare: “Ho trovato il posto che mi fa volare via” .. come dice la sua canzone!


Video: Mika Väyrynen Performs Two World Premieres, Helsinki - Finland

Mika VäyrynenPasi Lyytikäinen, Paavo KorpijaakkoVideo: Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen presented a concert, ‘Danse Macabre’, on March 31st at the Helsinki Music Center, Camerata Theater, at 7pm, where he performed the world premieres of two new solo works for accordion.

The new works premiered were ‘Peer Gynt Fantasy’, by Paavo Korpijaakko, and ‘The Sound of Ice’, by Pasi Lyytikäinen.

Video 1: The Sound of Ice (2013) by Pasi Lyytikäinen (b.1975 ) world premiere.

Video 2: ‘Peer Gynt Fantasy’, by Paavo Korpijaakko world premiere.

CD Recordings available at: Finnish Accordeon Institute


Pamela Zahra in the 5th Sanremo Junior Contest, Valletta – Malta

Pamela ZahraAccordionist Pamela Zahra took part in the Sanremo Junior contest for young singers and musicians, held at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta, on April 5th, an event televised live on the Maltese channel TVM.

There were six instrumentalists, selected from an original entry of 60, and the judges declared the six to be all of about equal ability and performance. Pamela acquitted herself very well, performing ‘Espana Cani’ (Spanish Gipsy Dance), by Pascual Marquina, transcribed for accordion by Gerald Crossman, but the winner was judged to be Laetitia Amodio, a pianist.

A positive feature of Pamela’s participation is that she raised the profile of the accordion on national television to an audience of several millions in Malta, and many enquires were received afterwards about our favourite instrument.

Pamela Zahra is taught by Marthese Busuttil Cassar L.B.C.A., and is a member of the Santa Maria Accordion Band. On May 7th Pamela will take the BCA Grade 7 practical examination.

Laetitia Amodio and other winners of the Malta contest will take part in the Sanremo international finals, held at the Teatro Ariston, San Remo, Italy, from May 7th to 10th.


Video: Viatcheslav Semionov Performs Caprice No. 3 With Roland - Russia

Viatcheslav SemionovNational Artist of Russia Viatcheslav Semionov performs his own composition Caprice No. 3 on a Roland. The music is available online at: vsemionovbook1

Video by ProtaVideo, Anatoly Morozov who has over 180 videos online.

6 CD's available online at: Viatcheslav Semionov


Review of Royal Academy of Music Concert, London – UK

Royal Academy of Music logo
The Accordion Department of the Royal Academy of Music is a small one but its students never fail to come up with concert programmes of great interest and high quality of performance. 2014_03_25Review


Video: Mikhail Ovchinnikov Performs Chaconne by J S Bach - Russia

Performance by Mikhail Ovchinnikov of Chaconne by J S Bach, 23 March 2014 concert of A.V. Krupin students to celebrate the opening of the Interregional Accordion Competition.


Video: Server Abkerimov & Orchestra Performing "Gypsy Airs" - Russia

Video: Server Abkerimov & "Moscow Camerata" Orchestra Performing "Gypsy Airs".


‘14 Years Ago’: An ‘Accordion Gathering’ in Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending April 21st 2000 included an item about an ‘accordion gathering’ in Buenos Aires, featuring 20 accordionists performing. It is good to report examples of accordion players coming together to share the music and pleasure that our favourite instrument brings to people around the world.

Accordion Gathering in Buenos Aires – Argentina
Contributed by Emilio Bertrand

An ‘Accordion Gathering’ was held on April 9th at the Villa Malcom Club, Buenos Aires, organized by the International Association of Accordionists President, Julio Erman. Over 20 accordionists performed.

The aim of the meeting is to provide a place for accordionists, friends, relatives and fans to "get together" and enjoy accordion music. The next gathering will be held on May 14th and on the second Sunday of every following month.


Future events

Peter Soave Concert, Michigan - USA

Peter SoaveAccordionist and bandoneonist Peter Soave performs in concert with Michele Ramo (8 string guitar/violin/mandolin) and Heidi Hepler (vocals) at the Kerry Town Concert House, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Sunday April 27th, 4pm. This concert is organized by the Michigan Accordion Society

Peter Soave is renowned worldwide as an accordion and bandoneon virtuoso through his numerous international appearances, both solo and with orchestras. He also has an outstanding record in international competitions, winning the Grand Prix in Neu Isenberg, West Germany, the International Competition in Klingenthal, East Germany, the CIA Coupe Mondiale in Folkstone, UK, and the CMA Trophee Mondiale in Arrezano, Italy.

For further information email: peter@petersoave.com


Helen Maher’s April Gigs, Liverpool – UK

Helen MaherAccordionist and vocalist Helen Maher’s gig list for the remainder of April includes:

April 19th, 8.30pm – solo, Unison Sports and Social Club, Bishop Rd, St Helens, Lancashire
April 23rd, 6/8.30pm – with Alla Misura, Vauxhall Vaults, Vauxhall Rd, Liverpool
April 25th, 7.30pm – with Ian Prowse & Amsterdam, Slade Rooms, Wolverhampton
April 26th, 7.30pm - private function with the Liverpool Country Dance Band
April 28th, 6/8.30pm – with Alla Misura, Vauxhall Vaults, Vauxhall Rd, Liverpool

For further information email: helen@helenmaher.com


Beto Caetano Entertains, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil

Beto Caetano Entertains posterOn Saturday April 19th, 10pm, Beto Caetano entertains at the restaurant Casarão Nativo, Alegrete, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


2014 Big Squeeze Finalists, Texas - USA

Texas FolkLife
PosterRebecca HuckThe organisers of the 2014 Big Squeeze Texas FolkLife have announced the finalists.
For the category of Zydeco:
-- Randall Jackson of Dallas
-- Je'an-Trel Jolivette of Marvel
-- DeJe'an Jolivette of Marvel

For the category of Polka:
-- Rebecca Huck of Harker Heights (picture right)
-- Chris Trojacek of Ennis
-- Garrett Neubauer of Altair

For the category of Conjunto:
-- Aaron Salinas of San Antonio
-- Luis Gonzales of Grand Prairie
-- Mariano Resendez of La Joya
and because of the overwhelming amount of Conjunto entries we have awarded Honorable Mention to:
-- Rito Peña of San Antonio
-- Alan Guerra of Mission
-- Nizhoni Begay of San Antonio

The Big Squeeze Finals & Concert are on Saturday, 26th April, 2 - 6 pm at the Bullock Texas History Museum, Austin. Free Admission.

There is an official after-party called the Big Squeeze Backyard Bash which is also a fundraiser for the Big Squeeze contest, to be held the evening of 26th April.

Debra Peters and Mario Pedone have spent time preparing Rebecca Huck (a Polka Finalist) for this competition. Debra Peters comments, “Becca can play in every key with ease and recent favorite was key of B. One day I put on an old vinyl record and within only hearing the intro she told me...oh that's the key of E.... I asked her how she knew this so quick? She said... 'it's because you taught me" and I said... no... Becca... you can do this because God gave this talent to you. She has been given the gift of knowing music”.


Murl Allen Sanders Concerts, Oregon – USA

Murl Allen SandersMurl Allen Sanders will be performing with his band on Saturday April 19th, 1.30pm, at the Tualatin Elks Club, a suburb of Portland, Oregon, for the Rose City Accordion Club. The concert will feature music from his most recent CD, ‘Stories of Lucile’.

From June 8th to 12th Murl will return for the sixth consecutive year to the Rose City Accordion Club’s ‘Ac-cordion Camp’ at Silver Falls State Park in Oregon to conduct accordion orchestras, perform and teach. Murl will be joined by co-conductor Stas Venglevski, teachers Ron Borelli and Beverly Fess. Attendees play daily in the accordion orchestra, attend workshops, one-on-one lessons, jam sessions and enjoy performances by professionals and amateurs alike.

On July 26th and 27th Murl will perform with renowned saxophonist Warren Rand and his group at the Inter-national Pinot Noir Festival in McMinnville, Oregon.

For further information email: MurlSanders@cs.com


Mika Väyrynen in Concert in Croatia and Spain

Mika VayrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen will be appearing in concert and conducting seminars on his upcoming tour to Croatia and Spain.
Mika will appear as the featured International guest artist as well as serve as a member of the International Jury at the 39th Pula Accordion Competition and Festival in Croatia from April 22nd to 25th.  Mika's concert will be given in the Great Hall on April 24th at 9pm.
From Croatia, he will travel to Guadarrama, (Madrid) Spain where he will perform a concert on April 26th. Additional solo concerts will be presented in Spain on April 29th in Jaen, and on April 30th in the Teatro Jovellanos in Gijon. In addition to his concerts, Mika Väyrynen will conduct a seminar on May 1st in Oviedo, Spain, at the Superior Conservatory Eduardo Martinez Torner, and on May 3rd at the Superrios Conservatory ESMuC in Barcelona.
Mika's concert will feature original works as well as those by J. S. Bach, Edvard Grieg, Paavo Korpijaakko, Herman Galinin, Pasi Lyytikäinen, Sergey Rachmaninov, and C. Saint-Saens/V. Horowitz, arr. M. Väyrynen. 

For more information on Mika, please visit Mika Väyrynen

CD Recordings available at: Finnish Accordeon Institute


Joâo Gentil Concert, Coimbra Da Foz - Portugal

Joâo GentilAccordionist Joâo Gentil and pianist Francisco Fernandes perform in concert at aCapella, Rua Corpo de Deus, Coimbra, Portugal, on Saturday April 26th, 11pm.

Their program of Portuguese, French and Argentine music includes Astor Piazzolla, Richard Galliano, Amalia Rodrigues, and Edith Piaf.

For further information email: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Syros Accordion Festival, Syros - Greece

Syros Accordion Festival poster
The 3rd Syros Accordion Festival takes place from April 24th to 29th at four venues on the Greek island of Syros. The theme of this year’s festival is ‘music and dance’.

The festival includes seminars by Claudio Jacomucci, Kathleen Delanay (dancer), K. Raptis, S. Katsatsidis, and S. Pasopoulos. There will be a repair and maintenance workshop by P. Zafiriou (‘Panaccordion’). In the morning children will have the opportunity to engage in educational activities and games exploring the world of accordion with Elpida Rigoutsou.

There will be 5 seminars of accordion and 2 seminars of contemporary dance for all, group and individual class, Alexander Technique, Thrace and Macedonia music. There is a special price on seminars for registration until June 15th 2014.

Artists performing include Alexander Tchuev, Bandoneando, Gadjo Dilo, Claudio Jacomucci, Kathleen Delanay, Konstanio. Raptis, Stelios Katsatsidis, Stamatis Pasopoulos, the children from the Ptolemaidas Conservatory and of the music school at Elpida, Syros.

The festival is organized by the Syros Accordion Group and the non-profit organisation Ourios Anemos.

For further information email: accordion.syros@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Finland Recording Site Update adding sound samples - Finland

Duo CD coverFinland Recording site updated For Duo Works For Two Accordion catalog: faicd25
with sound samples added.

Music performed by Mika Väyrynen and Angel Luis Castaño. Purchase online.


Karen Fremar New Site for CD 'Night at the Pla-Mor' - USA

Karen Fremar New Site for CD titled 'Night at the Pla-Mor', catalog: kfremarCD01
with sound samples and eTracks MP3 downloadable files. Purchase online.


Australian Accordion Teachers Assoc (AATA) Website Updated - Australia

AATA logo
Australian Accordion Teachers Assoc (AATA) website has ben updated with a schedule of events for their international competitions being held 7th and 8th June 2014. This will be the 20th Anniversary of the AATA.


Updated Site of Harley Jones Recording of the 1990's - New Zealand

Harley Jones CD coverA updated site of Harley Jones Recording of the 1990's is now online at: Harley Jones Collection
The recordings are available online as eTracks mp3 files, album € 6.00


Site Updated: Gary Dahl eBooks Collections #1 to #6 Special Price - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks covers
Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces that the Gary Dahl eBooks collections (numbers 1 -6) are now being sold as a complete set for a special price of only US$185 or the € equivalent. Cat No: DH01-06eB
Gary Dahl eBooks covers


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minorCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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