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Weekly News from Around the World - 17-May-2019
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Primo piano

13° World Music Festival, Innsbruck - Austria
Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica, 6 Maggio 2019 Attività e Report
"The Year of the Duo" al 79° ATG Accordion Festival - USA
Report Fotografico e Risultati: Klingenthal 2019 - Germania
Concerto di Gala per la Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica, Skopje - Repubblica del Nord della Macedonia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Poland Golden Cross Award Presented to Ricardas Sviackevicius

Future events

Dick Contino Tribute Show at Chicago Accordion Club - USA
Ludovic Beier Ultimate Masterclass - France
Cody McSherry Performs for the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society - USA
NZAA Concert Poster for South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand
Ærø Harmonika Festival, Sejlmagervej - Denmark
“From Myth to Masterpiece” by Vardos Trio - Australia
Registration Closing Date for 13th Annual Accordion Art Festival – Italy
Carismàtico Tango Band Concert - UK
Video: George Lambie Promotional Video - UK

New and Updated Sites

AAA 2019 Flier Updated Online
Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925 - 2012), MusicForAccordion.com
Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

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Primo piano

13° World Music Festival, Innsbruck - Austria

13th Festival header
Akkordeonorchester Baltmannsweiler e. V.Il 13° World Music Festival si terrà a Innsbruck, in Austria, dal 30 maggio al 2 giugno, organizzato dal Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV). Diverse migliaia di partecipanti e visitatori sono entusiasti ogni tre anni quando il Deutscher Harmonika-Verband tiene questo festival.

L'evento includerà un concorso per orchestre di fisarmoniche, ensemble e gruppi più le categorie soliste per armonica e fisarmoniche diatoniche. Inoltre, si terrà una serie di concerti e l'evento "Evening of the Nations" presso il Congresshaus Innsbruck per celebrare questo festival unico in tutto il mondo.

I concertisti includono i vincitori dell'ultima competizione del festival Akkordeonorchester Baltmannsweiler e. V. (nella foto - diretto da Thomas Bauer), The Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra (Finlandia) diretta da Raimo Vertainen, duo Joe Kenney (marimba) e Felix Fritschi (fisarmonica), 1. Kölner Akkordeonorchester 1935 e. V. (diretta da Hans-Günther Kölz e Matthias Henneck), Southern Cross Accordion Ensemble (formato appositamente per questo evento dall'Australia e dalla Nuova Zelanda) e Fireworks of the Styrian Harmonica - i giovani vincitori Michael Rettig, Alexander Pamer e Mattia Demetz.

I gruppi di giurie sono:
- Prof. Bogdan Dowlasz (POL), Johannes Baumann, Hans Barten (NLD), Ladislav Horák (CZE), Heidrun Neugebauer.
- Hedy Stark-Fussnegger, Volker Gerlich, Dr. Jörg Mehren, Lutz Stark.
- Wolfgang Russ, Fabian Dobler, Christine Fischer-Fahs, Werner Osten.
- Kimmo Mattila (FIN), Gerhard Koschel, Alfred Melichar (AUT).
- Mirco Patarini (ITA), Alma Flammersberger, Werner Glutsch, Jörgen Sundeqvist (SWE).
- Andreas Nebl, Kathrin Gass, Konstantin Ischenko (RUS).
12th festival picture


Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica, 6 Maggio 2019 Attività e Report

World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logoIl sito Web della Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica riporta eventi di 14 paesi. Il report include 20 video, immagini e molti poster. World Accordion Day


"The Year of the Duo" al 79° ATG Accordion Festival - USA

ATG Poster
Joan Cochran SommersIl 79° ATG Festival annuale sarà caratterizzato da “The Year of the Duo” (L'anno del duetto) e ci saranno alcuni duetti eccezionali per deliziare, intrattenere e ipnotizzare. L'evento di quest'anno si terrà a Denver, in Colorado, dal 24 al 27 luglio presso il Double Tree Hotel, 7801 E. Orchard Rd, Green-Wood Village, Denver, Colorado sotto la direzione del Presidente di ATG, Joe Natoli.

Le esibizioni dei duetti saranno date da Kim e Dan Christian che porteranno il loro speciale marchio di intrattenimento tecnico e artistico con arrangiamenti speziati e originali per i quali sono ben noti.

John e Madalynn Neu vi delizieranno, Jamie Maschler e Gabe Hall-Rodrigues suoneranno con la loro passione fresca e piena di energia e Augustinas Raukauskas (fisarmonica) e Greta Staponkute (viola), sono i vincitori della Coupe Mondiale che vi stupiranno con un'incredibile musicalità.

Per sostenere ulteriormente "Year of the Duo", Joe Natoli eseguirà un nuovo brano per duo di fisarmoniche intitolato "Friendship" con Kenn Baert.

Si esibirà anche la solista Betty Jo Simon (ex presidente di ATG e attuale membro del consiglio di amministrazione). Non sarà un "duo" ma può far suonare la sua fisarmonica digitale Roland come un'intera orchestra!

Inoltre, verrà eseguito anche un nuovo lavoro di Joe Natoli commissionato dall'AAA quest'anno all'ATG venerdì 26 luglio. Si chiama "Child's Play (A Tribute)" ed è scritto per 2 fisarmoniche, violoncello e un grande contingente di percussioni, diretto da Joan Cochran Sommers. Joan dirigerà inoltre la popolare ATG Orchestra e tutti i fisarmonicisti presenti al festival saranno invitati a partecipare.

L'evento includerà anche un Concerto Musicale Originale nel pomeriggio del venerdì (26 luglio) e una serie di workshop su una serie di argomenti importanti. Inoltre, si svolgerà una competizione con categorie di solisti come American Salute, Jazz, Polka, Tango, Pop, Intrattenimento e lezioni di duetto, ensemble e orchestra.

Scarica o stampa le regole di competizione ATG 2019, le categorie e le informazioni di partecipazione: 2019ATGCompetitionRules.pdf


Report Fotografico e Risultati: Klingenthal 2019 - Germania

Radu Ratoi (Moldavia)
Klingenthal logoHolda Paoletti-Kampl era presente negli ultimi due giorni. Le immagini ed i risultati sono online a: 2019 Klingenthal

Categoria IV Concert solo
1° Radu Ratoi (Moldavia - immagine sopra)
2* Tian Jianan (Cina)
3° Julius Schepansky (Germania)

Categoria VI Entertainment solo
Gustavo Aliandre de Almeida (Brasile - immagine sotto)
Dantong Wang (Cina)
Diego Gatte (Francia)
Gustavo Aliandre de Almeida (Brazil)


Concerto di Gala per la Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica, Skopje - Repubblica del Nord della Macedonia

Concert standing ovation
PosterIl progetto internazionale "May 6th World Accordion Day" è sostenuto dalla Macedonian Association of Accordionists (MAA). Il concerto è stato sostenuto dal programma nazionale del Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica del Nord Macedonia.

Il 6 maggio, presso la Filarmonica di Skopje, si è tenuto il Concerto di Gala della Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica. Report fotografico a: 2019 Republic of North Macedonia

Il concerto ha visto la partecipazione di rinomati artisti e studenti di fisarmonica della classe del Prof. Zorica Karakutovska ed hanno eseguito opere di Zolotaryov, Derbenko, Bete Ilin, Franck Angelis, Piazzolla, Gorka Hermosa e altri. Nel concerto di quest'anno, la composizione "Sunrice" di Bete Ilin ha avuto la sua prima performance di "AkordioM" (Zorica Karakutovska e Filip Stameski) con un'orchestra d'archi (immagine sotto).

La sala da concerto è stata completamente occupata da un pubblico molto entusiasta. Il nuovo edificio della Filarmonica offre una location di alta qualità che gli artisti hanno pienamente sfruttato e la folla ha apprezzato quando il pubblico ha premiato gli artisti con meritate standing ovation (foto in alto).


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Poland Golden Cross Award Presented to Ricardas Sviackevicius

Ricardas SviackeviciusAccordionist, teacher and conductor Ricardas Sviackevicius (Lithuania) has been awarded the Poland Golden Cross for merit in developing the culture of Lithuania and Poland. The Cross of Merit (Polish: Krzyz Zaslugi) is a Polish civil state decoration established on June 23, 1923, to recognize services to the state.

At the time of its establishment in 1923, the Cross of Merit was the highest civilian award in Poland. It was awarded to citizens who went beyond the call of duty in their work for the country and society as a whole.

Ricardas Sviackevicius is a professor at LMTA Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Accordions Worldwide congratulates Ricardas for being the recipient of this award.


Future events

Dick Contino Tribute Show at Chicago Accordion Club - USA

Chicago Accordion Club Poster
Dick ContinoThe Chicago Accordion Club will host a Dick Contino Tribute Show on May 20th at 310 W. Butterfield Rd, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126.

The event will begin with pre-meeting music by accordionist Bob Hoge who is a member of the “Snowbird Polka Band” in Florida and also “The Bruce Korosa Band”.

This will be followed by a performance by Lenny Leto, who will dazzle everyone with his own well-known style of playing some of Dick’s most popular tunes!

Then Judy Contino will take the main stage and present the “Dick Contino Celebration”. Judy will deliver an audio-visual presentation and celebration of the life of Dick Contino (picture left). She will share her collection of many of Dick’s most memorable performances.

Doors open at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come for some musical fun and relaxation! For further details phone: (847) 426-4718


Ludovic Beier Ultimate Masterclass - France

CNIMA logo
Video above of Ludovic Beier playing at Gregory’s Jazz Club.

The CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix have organised an Ultimate Masterclass 2019 by Ludovic Beier from June 4th to 6th. The masterclass will include playing and improvisation in Manouche and Gypsy styles for accordion and all instruments.

For further details email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Cody McSherry Performs for the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society - USA

Cody McSherry Concert
Cody McSherry is performing on Sunday May 19th, details on the poster.

Cody McSherry is fifteen years old and is a sophomore at Lancaster Catholic High School in Lancaster, PA. He has been playing accordion since the age of six. Cody also plays piano, pipe organ, hammered dulcimer, harp, and sings. He is currently studying accordion with Mary Tokarski (in Connecticut) and voice with Joanne Abrom.

n 2016, Cody won the Lancaster’s Got Talent competition held by Lancaster Newspapers and is a two-time winner of the Carmen Carrozza Scholarship, Junior Division, held by the American Accordionists’ Association. In November 2018 Cody performed at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Millennium Stage in Washington, DC.


NZAA Concert Poster for South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand

2019 South Pacific Accordion Championships schedule online and new poster.


Ærø Harmonika Festival, Sejlmagervej - Denmark

Ærø Harmonika Festival Poster
Odd Arne HalassVideo: Norwegian singer Odd Arne Halaas singing the most famous song of Johannes Kleppevik, "No kjem ein vals".

The Ærø Harmonika Festival will take place at Sejlmagervej 7, 5960 Marstal, Denmark from May 24th to 26th. The festival will include a variety of performances by soloists and groups over the 3 day event including accordionist and vocalist Odd Arne Halass (picture right - Norway), ClassicRockAccordions, Langelands Harmonikaklub and Svetlana Stavitskaya & Vladimir Ushakov.

For further details email: info@harmonika-festival.dk

Click here for program details of over 50 performances: 2019Aero.pdf


“From Myth to Masterpiece” by Vardos Trio - Australia

Vardos Trio
Vardos Trio which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman, will present a concert entitled “From Myth to Masterpiece” at the Primrose Potter Salon, 31 Sturt St, Melbourne, Victoria. The event, which will take place on May 24th at 6pm will be presented by the Melbourne Recital Centre & Vardos.

Their program will include works by Bartok, Chopin, Brahms, Liszt and Dvorak as well as some Romanian Folk Dances, and gypsy-style classics that reflect ancient beginnings performed on early instruments such as the three-string viola and hurdy gurdy.

For further information email: vardos@hotmail.com


Registration Closing Date for 13th Annual Accordion Art Festival – Italy

13th Art Fest banner
Renzo RuggieriRegistrations close on June 10th, 2019 for the 13th Annual Accordion Art Festival which will be held from June 14th to 16th in Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE, directed by Renzo Ruggieri in collaboration with the Comune di Roseto degli Abruzzi.

The event will include the 2019 Orpheus Award and the Italia Award international competition with competitors from all over the world. Competition categories include classical accordion, virtuoso and diatonic for a variety of age groups.

For competition rules and entry form click here: 2019AAF_ItaliaAward_it.pdf

For any further information email: info@accordionartfestival.com


Carismàtico Tango Band Concert - UK

Carismàtico Tango Band
Video: “Ultimatum” composed by Saúl Cosentino & performed by Carismático which includes accordionist Karen Street.

The Carismàtico Tango Band will perform in concert at the Dorchester Corn Exchange in Dorchester on June 21st at 8pm organised by Dorchester Arts. The group includes Karen Street (accordion), Jonathon Taylor (piano), Andy Tweed (saxophone), Dave Manington (bass) and Rob Millett (percussion).

The will entertain with a mix of emotionally charged compositions of Argentinian composer Saúl Cosentino alongside music by his mentor Astor Piazzolla and Karen’s own creative and nuanced compositions.

For further details email: karen@karenstreet.com


Video: George Lambie Promotional Video - UK

George Lambie Demonstrates the Musictech Reedless Digibeat accordion.


New and Updated Sites

AAA 2019 Flier Updated Online

AAA Flier
The 2019 flier for the AAA Festival in July is updated on the site: American Accordionists' Association (AAA)


Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925 - 2012), MusicForAccordion.com

Yehuda OppenheimerUpdated Site of Yehuda Oppenheimer has had added an obituary and generally updated site in preparation for some additional works that are being published shortly. View his works at: Yehuda Oppenheimer


Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logo
The Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2019 examination dates and 2019 entry fees and entry forms.


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