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Weekly News from Around the World - 17-May-2013
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Primo piano

Iosif Purits vince il 50 ° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica di Klingenthal - Germania
Akud Sonja Marinkovi Orchestra vince l' 11 ° World Music Festival 2013, Innsbruck - Austria
IV Festival Internazionale e Concorsi "Accordion Plus" - Russia
'La Fisarmonica nel 19 ° secolo' di Gorka Hermosa, ora disponibile in stampa - Spagna
Video: Patrick Harison Incluso nella Hit di Jack Klatt e Cat Swingers "Life's a Drag" - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

ITV News Reports: Major Record Deal for Lady Gaga Covering Accordion Player - UK
‘Starr Music Box’ CD and Download, Edinburgh – UK
Stas Venglevski Performed in New York City, May 3-12 - USA
‘14 Years Ago’ – Domenic 'the Accordion Beatles guy' Amatucci

Future events

Dr. Robert Young McMahon Premieres New Work for Accordion, Chorus - USA
‘Cricket & Snail’ Charity Concert, Seattle – USA
‘Accordéon Franco Belge’ Concert, Vlamertinge – Belgium
Aleksandar Kolovski - Macedonia
Pascal Contet Concerts, Paris, Berlin – France, Germany
Helen Rich @ North Staffs Accordion Club, Staffordshire – UK
‘Musea in Musica’, Castelfidardo – Italy
1st International Contest of Classical Accordion "Città di Riccia" – Italy

New and Updated Sites

John Raczka release 4 new music
Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions
Gary Dahl Site Update for eBook Collection, Favorite Polkas and Waltzs - USA

CD Reviews

Stories of Lucile CD by Murl Allen Sanders

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Primo piano

Iosif Purits vince il 50 ° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica di Klingenthal - Germania

Iosif Purits
KlingenthalIl segmento finale per solisti (categoria IV) del 50 ° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica di Klingenthal si è tenuto ieri sera, Domenica, quando i quattro finalisti si sono esibiti con la Vogtland Philharmonie Greiz / Reichenbach condotte da Stefan Fraas.
Il vincitore Isoif Purits (foto sopra) ha eseguito "Impromptu" del compositore tedesco Wolfgang Jacobi con l'orchestra. I risultati per la IV categoria sono stati:
1 ° Iosif Purits (Russia),
2 ° Marko Sevarlic (Serbia),
3 ° Hanzhi Wang (Cina)
4 ° Maciej Frackiewicz (Polonia).
Degno di nota è stato il successo dei concorrenti provenienti dalla Cina, che hanno ottenuto un 1 °, 2 ° o 3 ° piazzamento nella maggior parte delle categorie.
I risultati del concorso per tutte le categorie, fotografie e video sono parte della Relazione evento: 2013 Klingenthal
L'evento inoltre ha incluso concerti da artisti quali:
Friedrich Lips, Juan José Mosalini, Stefan Hussong, Bayan-Mix, Beltango, Elsbeth Moser, Tobias Morgenstern, Concertina, Matthias Matzke, Victor Hugo Villena etc, insieme con l'orchestra sinfonica Stadtorchester Klingenthal e Vogtland Philharmonie Greiz / Reichenbach.
È possibile scaricare il programma completo su: 2013KProgram
Risultati, foto e video sono online all'indirizzo Reports: 2013 Klingenthal


Akud Sonja Marinkovi Orchestra vince l' 11 ° World Music Festival 2013, Innsbruck - Austria

11th World Music Festival 2013, Innsbruck banner
DHV logoUn reportage fotografico con i risultati completi è online all'indirizzo: 2013InsbrReport
L'Akud Sonja Marinkovi Orchestra di Novi Sad, Serbia diretta da Goran Penic (foto sotto) ha vinto la categoria principale del 11 ° World Music Festival 2013, Innsbruck, Austria.
Questa è stata la prima orchestra da fuori della Germania a vincere questo prestigioso concorso di orchestre di fisarmoniche e lo hanno fatto con una straordinaria esibizione che ha ottenuto una standing ovation dalla folla.
I risultati sono stati annunciati Domenica mattina presso la premiazione, tenutasi allo stadio Olimpico di Innsbruck, essendo l'unico luogo abbastanza grande per contenere tutti i partecipanti e il pubblico. Complimenti al DHVev per un evento superbamente eseguito.
Un reportage fotografico con i risultati completi è online all'indirizzo: 2013InsbrReport
Akud Sonja Marinkovi Orchestra


IV Festival Internazionale e Concorsi "Accordion Plus" - Russia

Video Report sopra da Rostov società TV DON-TR
Ampio rapporto in lingua russa da Mikhail Imkhanitskycan a: 2013Plus
Il Festival IV Festival Internazionale e Concorsi "Accordion Plus" si è tenuto dal 29 Marzo al 1 Aprile 2013 a Rostov-sul-Don. L'International Music Center "Armonia" associazione, gli organizzatori, hanno visto le iscrizioni aumentare da 43 nel primo anno, a 65 l'anno scorso e ora 115 concorrenti provenienti da Russia e Ucraina.
Il concorso è incluso nel sistema russo di selezione dei fisarmonicisti per rappresentare la Russia alla "Coupe Mondiale 2013" e "Trophee Mondiale 2013».
Scarica l'elenco delle categorie e delle regole a: 2013Rostov
L'evento ha incluso artisti famosi come: (Elenco delle persone da aggiungere)
Il V Festival Internazionale e Concorsi "Accordion Plus" 2014 si terrà dal 27 al 31 Marzo 2014.


'La Fisarmonica nel 19 ° secolo' di Gorka Hermosa, ora disponibile in stampa - Spagna

'The Accordion in the 19th Century’ poster'La Fisarmonica nel 19 ° secolo', scritto e coordinato da Gorka Hermosa, docente di fisarmonica presso il Conservatorio de Santander, in Spagna, è uno studio di stile accademico e un'analisi delle origini della fisarmonica nel 19 ° secolo .
Questo lavoro ben studiato, con il testo in inglese, è un punto di riferimento importante per tutti gli insegnanti e gli studenti di fisarmonica. L'autore Gorka Hermosa vuole che la conoscenza di questo libro si diffonda il più ampiamente possibile, e grazie a lui, si può scaricare il libro gratuitamente presso: 19thcentury.
'La Fisarmonica nel 19 ° secolo', ancora disponibile come download gratuito pdf, è ora disponibile anche da Gorka Hermosa come libro stampato. email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Video: Patrick Harison Incluso nella Hit di Jack Klatt e Cat Swingers "Life's a Drag" - USA

Il gruppo di Jack Klatt e Cat Swingers, con sede in Minnesota, hanno avuto un successo dal titolo "Life's a Drag". Video qui sopra.
Questa hit include il fisarmonicista Patrick Harison con la sua fisarmonica jazz. Patrick suona anche in gruppi come Patty and the Buttons ma anche come solista. Patrick si è esibito come solista con l'Orchestra del Minnesota, Florida Orchestra, North Carolina Symphony e la Minnesota Opera.
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: Patrickharison@yahoo.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

ITV News Reports: Major Record Deal for Lady Gaga Covering Accordion Player - UK

ITV.com News reports on 16th May including the two videos above:

A Lithuanian accordion player who covers Lady Gaga has landed a major record deal in the UK.

Twenty-two-year-old Martynas Levickis, a world champion virtuoso accordion player, and graduate of London's Royal Academy of Music, has landed a classical deal.

The Lithuania's Got Talent winner said he aims to bring the keyboard to a wider audience, as the first accordion player to be signed by Decca Classics.

His album, which will be released this summer, includes classical standards such as Air On A G String, Hungarian Dance and Rondo Alla Turca, as well as Lady Gaga's chart-topper Telephone.

Levickis' talent was developed after his godfather gave him a tiny accordion as a child in his native Lithuania.

He studied with one of his country's leading teachers at the Saulius Sondeckis Music School before graduating from London's Royal Academy of Music.

He said: "I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Decca and bring the accordion to an ever larger audience."

Paul Moseley, managing director of Decca Classics, said: "Martynas is the master of an instrument lodged deep in most of our musical memories. His mission is to bring the accordion back into the mainstream where it belongs. His unstuffy virtuosity and showmanship are the advocacy this wonderful instrument needs and Decca is delighted to be breaking boundaries with him."


‘Starr Music Box’ CD and Download, Edinburgh – UK

Will Starr‘Starr Music Box’ CD cover‘Starr Music Box’ is a compilation of tracks by Scottish diatonic accordionist Will Starr, and is available both as a CD and as a download.

Will Starr (1922 - 1976), from Croy, Lanarkshire, has become a legendary figure amongst Scottish accordionists. He pursued a career as a concert player rather than a dance musician, and is one of the most influential and inspirational accordionists of his genre. Starr was a very successful composer, arranger, stage, radio and TV performer and recording artist. His musical range included traditional Scottish song, dance and pipe music, to the expressive French musette music.

The tracks include: 1) Under The Double Eagle 2) Dundee Reel/Bonnie Dundee/Dovecot Park 3) Burns Waltz 4) Chilliwack Barn Dance 5) Highland Schottische: Monymusk/Lad Wi The Plaidie/Lord Lynoch 6) Les Triolets 7) The Household Brigade 8) Gaelic Waltz: Dearest My Own One/Leaving Barra/Morag of Dunvegan 9) Whistling Rufus 10) Atholl Highlanders/Rakes of Kildare/Teviot Bridge/Biddy the Bowl Wife/Biddy of Sligo/Roaring Jelly 11) Scottish Waltz: Crookit Bawbee/Rothesay Bay/Bonnie Wells O' Wearie/Auld Scots Mother Mine

For further information email: info@footstompin.com


Stas Venglevski Performed in New York City, May 3-12 - USA

Highly regarded Stas Venglevski, has been part of a chamber orchestra performing in the opera, "The Firework Maker's Daughter", playing at the New Victory Theater on 42nd Street in New York City, May 3-12 with matinee and evening performances.

Above is a recent video featuring Stas Venglevski and soprano Anna Kryukovskaya.

Stas Venglevski has toured extensively across the USA and in Russia to excellent acclaim.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Domenic 'the Accordion Beatles guy' Amatucci

Domenic 'the Accordion Beatles guy' Amatucci
The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending May 21st 1999 reported news of a radio interview in Canada featuring Domenic Amatucci, the Toronto accordionist well-known for performing Beatles music. The intrepid Domenic has for years performed on the Toronto subways, and his specialized interest in Beatles music marks him out among accordionists. He has his own website, makes recordings, and is still very active.

Accordion Beatles on CBC Radio One – Canada

Domenic 'the Accordion Beatles guy' Amatucci appeared live on the Metro Morning show with host Andy Barrie on May 13th. Domenic performed ‘In My Life’ by the Beatles, his own composition ‘Wee Wool Cat’, and ‘Here, There and Everywhere’ (Beatles). He was also interviewed in between his musical performances. Andy Barrie asked questions regarding busking in Toronto's subways, which songs were most popular (‘Imagine’ and the ‘Titanic’ theme) and why some people were annoyed by buskers. They also discussed reasons why the accordion declined in popularity during the 1960s in North America and why it's becoming popular again.

The Metro Morning show broadcasts all over the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's (CBC) southern Ontario network to a potential audience of 8 million listeners.


Future events

Dr. Robert Young McMahon Premieres New Work for Accordion, Chorus - USA

AAA Board member, Dr. Robert Young McMahon, will premier his new work, "Time", for chorus, accordion, organ, and percussion. The poem was written by Valerie Bloom a Jamaican poet living in England. It is from a collection of children's poems by Bloom. It will be part of a concert by VOICES Chorale, Lyn Ransom, conductor, entitled "Time Passing, Time Standing Still: Musical Perception of Time". Dr. McMahan who was commissioned by VOICES will perform the accordion in it.

The concert will take place on Saturday, May 18, 8:00 PM, at St. Paul Roman Catholic Church, 214 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542.

For further information: grillmyr@gmail.com


‘Cricket & Snail’ Charity Concert, Seattle – USA

Accordionist James Carlson (Snail) and violinist Lucile Carlson (Cricket)
Both accordionist James Carlson (Snail) and violinist Lucile Carlson (Cricket) are composers and arrangers and are fond of great melodies that evoke street cafés, Celtic dances, Jewish weddings, opera scenes and sitting out on the porch in the summer.

Combining sweetness, vivacity, humor and refined musicianship, their eclectic mix of music seeks to delight one & all!

They perform together on Saturday May 18th, 6.30pm, at the OneLife Community Church, 3524 NE 95th St, Seattle, WA, at a dinner and concert event raising money for The Huntingdon’s Disease Society of America’


‘Accordéon Franco Belge’ Concert, Vlamertinge – Belgium

‘Accordéon Franco Belge’ Concert posterA concert titled ‘Accordéon Franco Belge’ takes place on Sunday May 19th, 3pm, at the Lido, Vlamertinge, Ypres, Belgium.

Accordionists performing include Marina Vanhee, Yves Laynaert, Albert Hennebel, and Anthony Basilico.


Aleksandar Kolovski - Macedonia

Aleksandar Kolovski concert posterIn early June Aleksandar Kolovski will perform three concerts in France and lead a master class. The first concert on June 1st is in the Val’Rhonne Theatre in the city of Moncé-en-Belin, north west France, at 8pm. The second concert will be in the town of Téloché at 8.pm.

The third and last concert will be on June 8th, at 8pm, in the Coppélia Theatre in the city of La Flèche. Before the last concert on June 8th, in the afternoon, Kolovski will give a master class about tango to the students of the music academy in La Flèche.

Aleksandar Kolovski (born1990), from Skopje, Macedonia, started playing the accordion at the age of 7, and he is currently a student at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in the class of Professor Zlatko Madevski.

Since 2009 he has attended master classes in France, where he is a student of one of Frederic Deschamps. Since 2010 Aleksandar has been a Hohner artist. In 2011 he won 4 prestigious world competitions C.M.A – Tropheé Mondial, Castelfidardo, Spoleto, and Montrond les Bains-Lyon, and since 2003 has won over 15 international competitions.

Aleksandar has performed at festivals in Italy, France, Finland, Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Lithuania.

For further information email: akolovski@yahoo.com


Pascal Contet Concerts, Paris, Berlin – France, Germany

Pascal ContetFrench accordionist Pascal Contet performs, as follows:

May 22nd, 8.30pm – ‘L’Agité du Boca’ (Cavanna), with the Ensemble Ars Nova at the Théâtre Jean Vilar, Vitry-sur-Seine, Paris
June 7th – as the Duo Iceberg, with sheng player Wu Wei, Jazz Festival, Berlin, Germany

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Helen Rich @ North Staffs Accordion Club, Staffordshire – UK

Helen RichHelen Rich is the guest at North Staffs Accordion Club on Tuesday May 21st, 8pm. Her program will include music by Guido and Pietro Deiro, Pietro Frosini, G. Romani, Brahms, Ivor Beynon, etc, plus some Scottish dance music.

North Staffs AC meet at the Holditch Miners Welfare Club, London Rd, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire S75 7PT.

For further information email: accordions@northstaffsaccordionclub.co.uk


‘Musea in Musica’, Castelfidardo – Italy

Teatro Astra
The 5th ‘Musea in Musica’ concert series takes place May 22nd, 23rd and 24th at the Teatro Astra, Castelfidardo, Ancona. The details are, as follows:

May 22nd, 9pm – an evening dedicated to the Museum of Guitar ‘Oliviero Pigini’, Recanati
May 23rd, 9pm – ‘History dedicated to the accordion in art’, concert featuring Francesco Palazzo (accordion) and Mauro Squillante (mandolincello); Sergio Scappini (accordion) and Mascia Foschi (singer and dancer); presentation of the Paolo Soprani Award by the Scandalli company
May 24th, 9pm – an evening dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the founding of the accordion industry in Ancona with a concert featuring the Alain Musichini Quartet; twinning ceremony of the museums in Fabriano and Recoaro Terme


1st International Contest of Classical Accordion "Città di Riccia" – Italy

Municipal Music School The Municipal Music School "Pierino Mignogna" is glad to announce the 1st International Contest of Classical Accordion "Città di Riccia". The contest will take place in Riccia (CB) on June 29th and 30th, and has a range of age-denoted solo sections, with monetary prizes on offer for the winners of each section. Full details are now available on request. The closing date for entries is June 15th.

The contest jury members are Massimiliano Pitocco, Francesco Palazzo, Alessandro Sbordoni, Angelo Miele, and Michele Genneralli.

For further information email: angelomiele1@hotmail.it


New and Updated Sites

John Raczka release 4 new music

John RaczkaJohn Raczka - accordionist, performer, arranger, releases 4 new music for accordion available for purchase online.

'12 German Dances No.9', catalog:raczka209,
'12 German Dances No.10', catalog:raczka210,
'12 German Dances No.11', catalog:raczka211,
'12 German Dances No.12', catalog:raczka212

The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions

'Blue Belle Blues', catalog:cfranco168Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Blue Belle Blues', catalog: cfranco168,
'Bolertango', catalog: cfranco169

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl Site Update for eBook Collection, Favorite Polkas and Waltzs - USA

Gary Dahl eBook 4 CollectionThis new eBook Collection of Favorite Polkas and Waltzs has had some additional works added and the website updated.

Catalog: DH04-eB Favorite Waltz and Polkas


CD Reviews

Stories of Lucile CD by Murl Allen Sanders

Stories of Lucile CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stories of Lucile CD by Murl Allen Sanders, in English language, reviewed by Joan C Sommers.


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