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Weekly News from Around the World - 17-Apr-2020
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Primo piano

N. 1 su iTunes - "Skerryvore" Video Tributo a NHS Workers - Scozia
Luigi Bruti COVID-19 Ritorno alla fisarmonica - Italia
Nuova uscita del CD “Gorka Hermosa & Blanchard Strings” - Spagna
Rinviato International Accordion Concerto Competition - Croazia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Leavenworth Accordion Celebration Postponed to 2021 - USA
Video: Joseph Natoli Performs His Newest Composition “Alone” - USA
Review: Michael Bridge Xenia Online Concert - Canada
Changes Announced to Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival, Kent - England
Outside Covid-19 Entertainment - Sweden
Video: Chamber Music Quarantine Style - Italy
Cancelled - 45th International Accordion Competition, Pula - Croatia
Virus and Lockdown Jokes

Future events

Texas Folklife Big Squeeze Announces Online Finals, May 1st - USA
“Mr Accordion Man” Entertains in Perth – Australia
New Date for NOVAM Orchestra Festival – Netherlands
60 Seconds of Accordion – Croatia
"Bayan and Accordion Stars" Concert Series, Moscow – Russia

New and Updated Sites

New Article: “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” Delightful original compositions by Guy Klucevsek
News in Russian Updated
Free Album for WAD - "Harley Plays Gary" eTracks Album Released Online - New Zealand

CD Reviews

Romano Viazzani Ensemble "London Tango" CD Review

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Primo piano

N. 1 su iTunes - "Skerryvore" Video Tributo a NHS Workers - Scozia

La scorsa settimana Accordions Worldwide ha presentato "Skerryvore" che hanno registrato un singolo e un video speciali in tributo ai lavoratori del NHS che combattono il coronavirus.

Vedi articolo: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=10-Apr2020&lang=en#art16369

Durante la Pasqua il gruppo ha annunciato "Grazie alla vostra incredibile generosità e supporto siamo assolutamente stupiti che 'Everyday Heroes' sia attualmente nella posizione numero 1 nella classifica dei singoli di iTunes!!"

Il singolo è stato arrangiato, mixato e masterizzato da Scott Wood di Skerryvore ed è stato scritto dal fisarmonicista Martin Gillespie.


Luigi Bruti COVID-19 Ritorno alla fisarmonica - Italia

Luigi BrutiVideo: Luigi Bruti esegue "10 Km al finestrino" di Luciano Fancelli

Luigi Bruti ha una storia stellare con lo sviluppo della Roland V-Accordion e la storia di questo è a:

Dopo che Roland Europa si è fermata, Luigi Bruti stava lavorando con Dexibell alla progettazione e allo sviluppo di tastiere.

Luigi scrive: ci è voluta la pandemia del 2020 COVID-19!
Tutti a casa, con la forza e con l'obiettivo di trovare qualcosa di interessante da fare.

Nell'ottobre 1992, mia figlia Anna è nata e non ha vissuto i miei primi anni legati alla fisarmonica, il sacrificio dello studio, le vittorie dei concorsi musicali, commentando le molte foto dei miei album (foto sotto).

Avevo dedicato la vittoria del campionato italiano "Sora" nel 1976 e del campionato internazionale "Recanati" nel 1977 a Luciano Fancelli, e una lettera dei genitori di Luciano Fancelli scatena una straordinaria reazione con Anna che chiede di quei tempi e poi dice: Papà, studia ancora la fisarmonica e fammi ascoltare!

Ho spolverato la vecchia fisarmonica in soffitta e ho iniziato un percorso di oltre un mese per trovare l'agilità dimenticata. Non è stato facile, uno studio di oltre 4 ore al giorno con il desiderio di poter lasciare una testimonianza della mia esibizione di questa canzone.

Avevo deciso di organizzarlo in modo moderno con elettronica aggiuntiva e alla fine l'ho realizzato. Proprio oggi, il 10 aprile 2020, 92 anni dopo la nascita di Fancelli, dedico questo video della mia esecuzione di "10 Km al finestrino" a Luciano Fancelli e ovviamente anche a mia figlia Anna, che è riuscita a spingermi in questa "missione impossibile".
Luigi Bruti and Anna Bruti


Nuova uscita del CD “Gorka Hermosa & Blanchard Strings” - Spagna

CD cover, back coverVideo: composizione Gernika di Gorka Hermosa, eseguita con María Blanchard Strings

Il 24 aprile, Gorka Hermosa caricherà il suo nuovo CD "Gorka Hermosa & Blanchard Strings" gratuitamente su Spotify.

Il CD include tutti i brani composti da Gorka e pubblicati con la collaborazione di Pigini Spagna.

Gorka è accompagnato da Blanchard Strings che includono Cristina Cubas e Laura Villar (violino), Rubén Menéndez (viola), Miguel Díez (violoncello) e Javier Mayor (contrabbasso).

Le tracce sono: Gernika, Neotango Concerto (Ekia, Anatango, Milonga del Vent, Galliano en Santiago), Four Dances from Iberia (Brehme, Saudade Ártica, Zelaia, Paco).


Rinviato International Accordion Concerto Competition - Croazia

IACC postponed
A causa della situazione COVID-19 e di un forte terremoto di recente, che ha scosso significativamente Zagabria danneggiando in modo significativo la sala da concerti del Croatian Music Institute, gli organizzatori sono stati costretti a rimandare l’International Accordion Concerto Competition.

Il concorso è stato istituito per identificare i musicisti di talento e aiutarli a sviluppare la loro carriera attraverso un'ambientazione da concerto (strumento solista con orchestra) che è generalmente meno accessibile alla fisarmonica.

Lo scopo era di portare i fisarmonicisti a Zagabria, in Croazia, per esibirsi in un concorso per esposizione internazionale con orchestre di spicco, debutti in famose sale da concerto, tour e uscita di un album.

I premi del concorso includevano esibizioni in Germania, Austria e Cina con orchestre filarmoniche.

Gli organizzatori sperano di riprogrammare le date del concorso il prima possibile. Per informazioni scrivere a: office@accordioncompetition.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Leavenworth Accordion Celebration Postponed to 2021 - USA

Leavenworth LogoVideo: Gary Blair Performs “The Leavenworth Polka”

The Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration committee has discussed the situation regarding COVID-19 extensively over the last several days. The consensus is, it's prudent to cancel 2020 and reschedule for 2021.

Plans are underway for the accordion celebration in June 2021 so mark your calendars from June 17th to 20th, 2021.

Accordionist Gary Blair wrote: “Sad to hear they have had to cancel this year’s Leavenworth festival in Washington state. A festival close to my heart which I have performed at numerous times... This is my composition, “The Leavenworth Polka“ dedicated to all the hard working committee and volunteers that make this festival so special.”


Video: Joseph Natoli Performs His Newest Composition “Alone” - USA

Accordionist Joseph Natoli presents his newest composition "Alone" (composed on April 13, 2020). Joe commented, “I was compelled to write this piece tonight because of the overwhelming sadness related to those who have had to suffer the tragedy of leaving this earth alone because of this pandemic. May God give them and their families comfort. "Alone" is in memory of those who lost their lives in the 2020 pandemic and left this world alone.”

Joe Natoli, is a professional accordionist and composer and also President of ATG and a co-dirrector of the IDEAS Symposium held in November 2019. Joseph Natoli has been a performer and advocate of the accordion since the age of seven. His education includes Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in music theory and composition from the University of Toronto and international competition success with 2nd place, Coupe Mondiale in 1972.

Joseph Natoli started his musical career primarily as a performer, but had always been interested in composition, and has focused on his compositional craft even more in recent years. Joe has written many original pieces in all musical styles and genres for standard and free bass accordion, including his latest 2017 pieces, Children’s Suite for accordion solo, and Smooth (a Latin jazz piece for solo or accordion quintet). All are available from janpressmusic@yahoo.com
Joseph Natoli


Review: Michael Bridge Xenia Online Concert - Canada

Xenia concertsVideo above: Michael Bridge online concert.

On April 6, 2020, Michael Bridge presented his first Xenia online video concert broadcast from his living room in Canada. The concert, which came with a downloadable program booklet was followed by a Q&A.

Michael presented the program on two accordions, the first half with his acoustic accordion and the second half with his digital accordion. Not only was his program enjoyable but it also was educational. Michael explained the difference between the two accordions as well as providing a brief but highly informative introduction to each selection. Michael has a gentle friendly manner and is instantly likable as a performer. I felt as if Michael was talking to me personally.

Michael’s program included:
Spanish Dance no. 5 ”Andaluza” Enrique Granados
Italian Concerto I. Allegro, J.S Bach
Fench Suite no. 5 in G major VII. Gigue , J.S. Bach
Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen
Daichovo Horo, Trad. Bulgarian
Palladia, Karl Jenkins
Misty, Joe Garland
1812 Overture, P. I. Tchaikovsky

The mission of Xenia Concerts Inc. is to offer high quality music and arts performances, presentations, and educational programs. Thank you to Michael for the quality of his performance and I look forward to more performances.
Michael Bridge


Changes Announced to Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival, Kent - England

HallOrganisers of the Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival have announced that in line with other similar organisations, the 2020 Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival due to take place at Walthamstow Hall School in Sevenoaks, Kent, England in June has been cancelled.

The accordion section which includes competition classes for accordions and concertinas was due to be held on Sunday 7th June with adjudicator Raymond Bodell.

Although the main Festival is cancelled, organisers are running some competitive elements this year in a more limited form on a digital basis. Classes will continue to be available in a variety of instruments including the accordion as follows.

Own Composition classes: These are available in all sections. Entrants are encouraged to consider this creative option, even if they had not previously. Compositions should be e-mailed to the Secretary by 31st May, and will be assessed and marked by an adjudicator by 15th June. In addition, the entrant may wish to submit a video recording of the item being recited, sung or played by themselves or a nominated substitute.

Video recordings: Performances can be captured on any digital medium such as a smartphone and uploaded onto a secure site. The section adjudicator will view, assess and mark the performances by 15th June.

The closing date for the entries described above is extended to 9th May, 2020. Own compositions and video recordings should be submitted by 31st May, 2020.

Competitors who have already entered the Festival may choose to send a video recording, or receive a full refund by contacting the Secretary.

For further information phone: 01732 458 586

Picture below: 2019 prizewinners
2019 prizewinners


Outside Covid-19 Entertainment - Sweden

Sweden entertainment
Accordionist Lennart Baeckman hasn’t let Covid-19 stop him from entertaining in Mariestad, Sweden. He has continued to play sing-a-longs at elderly homes outside with good safety distances. A successful arrangement in all simplicity despite the current circumstances!


Video: Chamber Music Quarantine Style - Italy

Ghenadie RotariVideo: "Jewel" by Matteo Falloni performed by Valentina Danelon (violin) and Ghenadie Rotari (accordion)

Accordionist Ghenadie Rotari (picture left) and Valentina Danelon (violin) last played together in 2012 and this year seemed like a good time to start performing again, but then the world came to a halt because of Covid-19.

So they decided to do their own version of Matteo Falloni's "Jewel" and record it this way – see video above. It's a new experience for both.

Ghenadie says, "The idea to record the piece in this way comes from the will to do music together from the safety of our own homes in these difficult times. The entire world might have come to a halt but music didn't and it keeps us going".


Cancelled - 45th International Accordion Competition, Pula - Croatia

Dom Hrvatskih braniteljaThe 45th International Accordion Competition was due to be held at Dom Hrvatskih branitelja in Pula, Croatia from April 22nd to 25th, 2020.

Igor Krizman, President of the 45th International Accordion Competition organizing committee has announced “with deep regret we inform you that due to the dramatic development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has led to the cancellation of public events around the world……we too are forced to cancel the 45th Pula International Accordion Competition for the year 2020.

Respecting first and foremost your months of long artistic preparation for the competition, as well as complete efforts to organize your arrival and stay in Pula, and long tradition of the event, we have delayed the decision to cancel the competition to the maximum. We have considered various options for postponing the competition and at the same time followed the development of the situation, however, we came to the conclusion that... due to the uncertainty of the further development of the coronavirus pandemic, the only reasonable decision is to completely cancel the competition for this year.”

Organisers are looking forward to meeting you all in Pula in 2021.


Virus and Lockdown Jokes

Lockdown joke


Future events

Texas Folklife Big Squeeze Announces Online Finals, May 1st - USA

Big SqueezeThe 14th annual Big Squeeze Accordion Contest presented by Texas Folklife, is hosting its popular Big Squeeze Finals event online this year. The Big Squeeze Finals, originally programmed to feature live youth accordion competitions and concerts at the Bullock Texas State History Museum, will now be video broadcast.
The 2020 Big Squeeze season began in February in Pasadena, Texas and spanned across the state seeking young accordion players in each of the traditional Texas accordion music genres including conjunto, polka, Cajun and zydeco. In March, the competition shifted the remaining programming and competitions to online entries.
The winners will each receive a prize package and future performance opportunities. The live event will also feature recorded musical performances and additional programming elements. 

Picture below: Eduardo Garza 2019 Big Squeeze winner.
Eduardo Garza


“Mr Accordion Man” Entertains in Perth – Australia

Mr accordion manMr Accordion Man, Frank Miranda, will entertain diners on their driveways this Saturday April 18th in Morley, Perth, Western Australia.

He will be “roaming” on a number of streets from 5.30pm for the Driveway Diners around the Suburbs Evening.

For details phone: +61 413 052 999


New Date for NOVAM Orchestra Festival – Netherlands

NOVAM posterThe Novam (Nederloadse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica) have postponed their Orchestral Festival at the Muziekcentrum van de Omroep in Hill Lane, Hilversum until September 27th, 2020.

To date, 22 orchestras have registered for the event and registrations are still being accepted. All enthusiasts are invited to attend.

For details email: info@mco.nl


60 Seconds of Accordion – Croatia

posterAccordionist Martina Jembrisak has sent out a Call for Scores. She has requested composers write a piece for accordion or bandoneon solo that is no longer than 60 seconds.

There is no entry fee or deadline and multiple entries are welcome. She suggests that composers send their scores during the Covid-19 quarantine. All chosen compositions will be played on social networks.

For details email: jembrisakmartina@gmail.com


"Bayan and Accordion Stars" Concert Series, Moscow – Russia

Maria Vlasova
The first in a concert series entitled "Bayan and Accordion Stars" will be held at the Chamber Hall of the Moscow Philharmonic Conservatory in Moscow on November 2nd, 2020, at 7 pm.

The concert will feature Maria Vlasova (accordion - picture above), Andrey Ustinov (introduction and interview), Sviatoslav Lips (piano, harpsichord) and Victor Sych (drums).

Their program will include works by Busoni, Bach, Gubaidulina, Denisov, Schnittke and Popov such as Chaconne in D minor, From Dusk to Light (1994), Concerto Grosso No 3 and Flores Malum for accordion solo (World Premiere).

For details email: info@meloman.ru


New and Updated Sites

New Article: “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” Delightful original compositions by Guy Klucevsek

Album coverAn article on “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” by Guy Klucevsek is now available online. Read in detail the review by Joan Grauman about this "delightful and mesmerizing book" containing 24 of Guy Klucevsek’s compositions for accordionists of all skill levels.

Full information by Joan Grauman including links to sound samples and purchase online at: VignettesArticle


News in Russian Updated

Russia News banner
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with new items and is now available online


Free Album for WAD - "Harley Plays Gary" eTracks Album Released Online - New Zealand

Harley Plays Gary is a newly released mp3 album of Gary Daverne compositions that Harley Jones has recorded in past years. The recordings include solo, solo with NZ Symphony Orchestra, duet and trio Gary Daverne works. These recordings have been compiled into a new eTracks mp3 album Harley Plays Gary available from major online websites.

Free Album to celebrate World Accordion Day (WAD) on 6th May. The new mp3 album courtesy of Gary Daverne and Harley Jones is available free of charge until 7th May by sending your email request to musicforacc.com@yahoo.com

For this promotion, a number of other tracks like the Harmonious Blacksmith, Flight of the Bumble Bee, Le Cou Cou are added to this World Accordion Day celebration.

View full track information including sound samples at: Harley Plays Gary


CD Reviews

Romano Viazzani Ensemble "London Tango" CD Review

Romano Viazzani EnsembleRob Howard has written a CD review on the debut album released last month by the Romano Viazzani Ensemble entitled "London Tango". CD Reviews Index

The group had planned an album launch concert in London, UK, which has had to be postponed indefinitely because of Covid-19.


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