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Weekly News from Around the World - 16-Oct-2020
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Primo piano

Regolamenti Tag Der Harmonika 2021 ora disponibili - Austria
Informazioni aggiornate: Concorso AccoPremium-2020 ora online - Bielorussia
Riprende il tour da solista di Coba 2020 - Giappone
Kevin Friedrich ricevimento e mini concerto per uscita CD - Nuova Zelanda
Prima mondiale di Volodymyr Runchak eseguita da Maksym Hafych - Ucraina

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Gorka Hermosa Performs "Urretxutik Mundura" Composition on Basque TV - Spain
30th Anniversary of Music Artists Concert, Prague – Czech Republic
XV International Folklore Festival "Griežynė", Vilnius - Lithuania
Sean McComiskey Mini Online Concert for Milwaukee Irish Fest - USA
Video: Jamie Maschler and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues at Museum of Making Music, California - USA
Video: Accordion and Saxophone - "Cinque Miniature" – Germany

Future events

Classical Art Stars Concert, Yanao - Russia
Louise Jallu Performs at Festival Jazzèbre 2020 – France
Zoe Tiganouria Regular Live Music Entertainment - Greece
“Twin Lakes Trio” Entertain at Milwaukee Accordion Club - USA
Canterbury Accordion Association Variety Concert - New Zealand
"Music with Mary Accordion Academy" Virtual Event - USA

New and Updated Sites

34° Convention annuale della fisarmonica della NAA, Texas - USA
AAA Historian Joan Grauman Contributes Articles on Accordion Personalities

CD Reviews

CD Review: Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips

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Primo piano

Regolamenti Tag Der Harmonika 2021 ora disponibili - Austria

Tag der Harmonika
I regolamenti per il concorso Tag Der Harmonika 2021 sono ora disponibili, si terrà a Perg, in Austria, dal 3 al 6 giugno 2021, organizzato da HVO - Harmonica Verband Osterreichs (Harmonica Association of Austria).

Il concorso includerà categorie per solisti, duo, ensemble e orchestre, nonché corsi di musica da intrattenimento, musica da camera e world music. Le categorie per fascia d'età vanno dai 6 anni fino agli adulti (massimo 32 anni).

Quest'anno ci sarà una nuova categoria: il Cyrill Demian Prize per i candidati stranieri!

Le iscrizioni dovrebbero aprire nel gennaio 2021.

Scarica le regole qui: 2020TagHarmonikaRules.pdf

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: werner.weibert@harmonikaverband.at


Informazioni aggiornate: Concorso AccoPremium-2020 ora online - Bielorussia

ACCO banner
Sergey OsokinA causa della pandemia Covid-19, il IV Concorso Internazionale di Bayan e Fisarmonica "AccoPremium-2020" si terrà online dal 30 ottobre al 2 novembre 2020.

I membri della giuria includono Vladimir Murza, Alexey Khromov, Sergey Osokin (foto a sinistra), Anatoly Taran, Vladislav Pligovka e Vladimir Orlov.

La data di scadenza per le iscrizioni video è il 20 ottobre 2020.

Per ulteriori dettagli telefono: +375 29639 55 70


Riprende il tour da solista di Coba 2020 - Giappone

Coba tour
Il famoso fisarmonicista Coba riprenderà il suo tour da solista nel 2020 dopo aver dovuto posticipare le esibizioni a causa del Covid-19. I concerti seguiranno tutti i regolamenti Covid-19 compreso l'uso di maschere e il distanziamento sociale.

Date dei concerti come segue:

18 ottobre: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. This concert replaces the April 26th performance and tickets are transferable. Phone: 076-232-2424

19 ottobre: Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall in Tokyo. This concert replaces the March 7th performance and tickets are transferable. Phone: 0570-02-9999

30 ottobre: Nagano City Art Museum Recital Hall, Nagano Prefecture. This concert replaces the April 18th performance and tickets are transferable. Phone: 025-229-5000

1 novembre: Ashikaga City Hall Small Hall, Ashiri City, Tochigi Prefecture. This concert replaces the June 6th performance and tickets are transferable. Phone: 0570-550-799

13 novembre: Harmony Hall Fukui Small Hall, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture. This concert replaces the April 21st performance and tickets are transferable. Phone: 076-232-2424

28 novembre: Aomori New House Wa Lasse Event Hall, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture. This concert replaces the May 17th performance and tickets are transferable. Phone: 0570-02-9999

Coba ha vinto numerosi concorsi internazionali e ha continuato a influenzare la scena musicale mondiale come uno dei principali artisti giapponesi. È stato premiato dal Comune di Castelfidardo nel 2017.

Link all'articolo completo: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=13-Oct-2017&lang=en&s=13589


Kevin Friedrich ricevimento e mini concerto per uscita CD - Nuova Zelanda

CD Cover & tracks
Kevin posterKevin Friedrich ha tenuto il ricevimento per il suo nuovo CD il 4 ottobre a Dargaville. All'evento hanno partecipato oltre 60 persone. Report completo su: TheJourneyCDrelease

Il CD intitolato "The Journey", contiene musiche del compositore neozelandese Gary Daverne che ha scritto brani specificamente per Northland come "Song of the Far North", "Gem of the Kaipara", "Day of Aranga" e "The Anzac Trilogy”, tutte presentate ai concerti annuali di raccolta fondi di Kevin al Dargaville Museum, spesso con il compositore presente.

Per questo evento, il Museo ha prestato la splendida fisarmonica a mosaico ANZAC (che Kevin ha commissionato all'artista dei mosaici Kim Harrison), per la sua performance di Song of Peace di Gary Daverne. Kevin ha anche presentato altri tre brani del CD alla reception.

Dopo il lancio, i partecipanti sono stati invitati a prendere parte a un brindisi celebrativo del CD "The Journey" di Harley Jones.

A causa degli attuali ritardi e restrizioni di spedizione correlati al Covid, i CD sono disponibili solo tramite Marbecks New Zealand. https://www.marbecks.co.nz/detail/585774/Journey
La distribuzione in USA/Europa inizia il 1° dicembre, quando saranno disponibili le scorte dell'emisfero settentrionale.

Report completo dell'evento su: TheJourneyCDrelease

Nella foto sotto: Kevin Friedrich, Elena e Lionel Reekie (con la fisarmonica a mosaico) che hanno eseguito "Song of Peace” al ricevimento.
Kevin, Lionel & Elena


Prima mondiale di Volodymyr Runchak eseguita da Maksym Hafych - Ucraina

Maksym poster
Maksym Hafych eseguirà la prima mondiale di un nuovo lavoro del compositore e direttore Volodymyr Runchak presso la Small Hall dell'Accademia Nazionale di Musica dell'Ucraina il 20 ottobre alle 18:00.

Il brano si intitola “Chinese Diptych No 2” per fisarmonica.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Gorka Hermosa Performs "Urretxutik Mundura" Composition on Basque TV - Spain

Gorka TV
GorkaBasque TV televised the Gorka Hermosa work "Urretxutik Mundura" on October 10th, 2020. Gorka considers this is the greatest work he has composed to date. The video above shows Gorka playing the piece with the Blanchard Strings, Easo Choir, Kea vocal soloists and the reciter Jon Maia in San Sebastian in Basque Country, Spain.

The piece was written in the first few months of this year and was premiered on September 12th as a tribute to musician Jose Maria Iparragirre (1820-1881), in the Trinity Square of Donostia to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth.

In recent months, Gorka Hermosa has presented his new CD "Blanchard Strings" on TVE1 Telediario, TVE Channel 24H, RNE1 (Pepa Fernández and the Critical Eye), Radio Euskadi, Catalunya Música, Euskadi Irratia, as well as in newspapers Diario Vasco, El Norte de Castilla, Diario Montañés, Gara, Berria, and Deia.
Gorka with orchestra


30th Anniversary of Music Artists Concert, Prague – Czech Republic

Prague concert
MarcelaMarcela Kysová Halmová (accordion), Zbigniew Kaleta (clarinet)
The 30th Anniversary of the Music Artists Association concert was held in the Bohusalava Martinu Hall of the Academy of Music in Prague, Czech Republic on October 6th.

Accordionist Marcela Kysová Halmová (picture left), Director of the Ostrava Creative Center presented two world premieres by Ostrava composers. The first was Jan Grossmann's Melodram "Ugly girls" for reciter and accordion, followed by Dance Preludes for clarinet (with Zbigniew Kaleta) and accordion by Irena Szurmanová.

Marcela also joined with an ensemble to perform the composition “Sketches” by Ostrava composer Milan Báchorek, founder of the Ostrava Creative Center. The performance was well received by both the audience and music critics.

Performances were also given by Martin Kasík, the orchestra of the Castle Guard of the Czech Republic and other ensembles.


XV International Folklore Festival "Griežynė", Vilnius - Lithuania

The XV International Folklore Festival "Griežyne" was held in Vilnius, Lithuania last month. A variety of accordionists performed at the event. Video above shows some excerpts from the festival concerts.


Sean McComiskey Mini Online Concert for Milwaukee Irish Fest - USA

Sean McComiskeyThe Milwaukee Irish Fest put together an online mini concert on October 8th, 2020 featuring Sean McComiskey (picture right), Haley Richardson and Alan Murray.

The trio played a variety of traditional Irish music in this second episode of CelticMKE Aoibhneas Sessions.


Video: Jamie Maschler and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues at Museum of Making Music, California - USA

Creosote Duo which comprises of Jamie Maschler and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues, give demonstrations and interviews plus discuss the dynamic range and ability of the accordion in this video.

The duo are both seasoned musicians, performing, arranging and composing on the accordion. They enjoy creating original and Brazilian music inspired arrangements with a unique and endearing twist and are planning to record their first full length album by the end of 2020.


Video: Accordion and Saxophone - "Cinque Miniature" – Germany

Enjoy the combination of accordion and saxophone with this originally written composition for these two instruments by Andrea Sordano. Performers are Vanja Cirkovic (accordion) and Jan Fehrenbach (saxophone).


Future events

Classical Art Stars Concert, Yanao - Russia

October concert
On October 17th, at 6 pm the "Stars of Classical Art: 90th Anniversary of Yanao" concert will be held at the "Oilman" Leisure Center in Yanao District.

This is a new project for former graduates of the schools of arts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region. Students of leading music universities of Russia and Russian musicians Nikolai Sivchuk (bayan), Ram Urasin (piano), Boris Andrianov (cello) and Ksenia Dronov (soprano) will perform in the concert program.

Nikolai Sivchuk (bayan) is a soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic, a lecturer, virtuoso performer, concert musician, and the winner of numerous international and Russian awards, including the most prestigious in the field of bayan and accordion executive art - the World Cup.

Boris Andrianov (cello) is an honored Russian artist, soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic, and a teacher of the Moscow Conservatory by I. Tchaikovsky.

Ksenia Dronova (soprano) is a soloist of the Cultural and Business Center, winner of international competitions, participant of international festivals in Russia and Germany.

Their program will feature works by Bach, Handel, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and other composers.

For details phone: 8 (34922) 3-85-56


Louise Jallu Performs at Festival Jazzèbre 2020 – France

Jazz poster
The 32nd annual Festival Jazzèbre 2020 (organised by Strass) began on September 25th and will run until October 18th, 2020 at the "Maison Jazzèbre" in Perpignan, France and features over 30 concerts from a variety of artists.

On October 17th, Louise Jallu (bandoneon) will entertain with a solo concert. She enjoys performing modern tango music and is currently preparing a new album to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Astor Piazzolla. The CD will be released in January 2021 at the Philharmonie de Paris.

For details email: louise.jallu@free.fr


Zoe Tiganouria Regular Live Music Entertainment - Greece

Zoe poster
Zoe Tiganouria, composer, accordion soloist and performer from the Island of Samothrace in Greece, will begin regular weekly live performances at the renovated Polyspace Aition from October 24th. She will be accompanied by two up-and-coming performers, Lambros Vassiliou and Anna Katsoulis, together with Stelios Generalis on percussion.

Their program will include a variety of favourite Greek folksongs, own compositions and popular tango melodies.

These concerts will adhere to Covid-19 special regulations. Reservations are required.
Phone: 213 025 6666


“Twin Lakes Trio” Entertain at Milwaukee Accordion Club - USA

Jon DietzThe “Twin Lakes Trio” will entertain at the Milwaukee Accordion Club, Root River Center in Franklin, WI on October 26th at 7pm.

The trio consists of concertina player Jon Dietz, (who was inducted by the World Concertina Congress into the Concertina Hall Of Fame this year – picture left), his son Zack Dietz (drums & tuba), and Jason Anschutz (bass guitar & vocals).

For details email: skylinerguy@gmail.com


Canterbury Accordion Association Variety Concert - New Zealand

CAA poster
CAAThe Canterbury Accordion Association will hold their popular Sunday afternoon variety concert at St Stephens Church, Christchurch on November 1st at 2pm.

Guest performers include the Christchurch Accordion Orchestra (picture left) conducted by David Thorne and the Christchurch School of Music Junior Symphony Orchestra conducted by Anne Robinson plus other guest entertainers.

For details phone: 027 210 4600


"Music with Mary Accordion Academy" Virtual Event - USA

https://youtu.be/7AKFMH-F32g Harry Potter, Hedwig's Theme, written by John Williams, performed by Accordionist Mary Tokarski
Mary posterConcert accordionist, Mary Tokarski, will present a virtual 2 day event entitled “Music with Mary Accordion Academy”, on November 14th and 15th, 2020. There will be workshops, one-on-one lessons and a final concert.

As a concert accordionist Mary Tokarski has performed nationally and internationally with many musical groups. She has produced 8 CD's and regularly travels presenting workshops and master classes.

The guest artist will be Guy Klucevsek.

Registrations close on November 6th, 2020 and includes 4 workshops, One on One lesson with Mary and Final Concert.

For further information email: mary.tokarski@comcast.net


New and Updated Sites

34° Convention annuale della fisarmonica della NAA, Texas - USA

NAA poster
La National Accordion Association (NAA) terrà la sua 34° Convention nazionale annuale della fisarmonica presso l'Hyatt Regency Hotel di Richardson, in Texas, dal 17 al 20 marzo 2021.

Il presidente Norman Seaton ha confermato che l'evento manterrà il tema della convention del 2020 "Dal classico al folk - il mondo della fisarmonica". Le iscrizioni alla convention e agli hotel apriranno il 1° novembre 2020.

Per i dettagli vedere: NAA


AAA Historian Joan Grauman Contributes Articles on Accordion Personalities

AAA header
Joan GraumanAAA Historian Joan Grauman has placed more of her feature articles on the AAA website at: Archival Information

This month, articles on the lives of Frank Marocco, Manny Bobenrieth and Lou Coppola were added, plus two other articles including videos on Lou Coppola, bringing the current total to 23 of Joan’s articles in the AAA website at: Archival Information


CD Reviews

CD Review: Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips

Quodlibet CD cover by Friedrich LipsCD Reviews Index for the Review of Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers in English and German languages.


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