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Weekly News from Around the World - 16-Jul-2021
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Primo piano

Risultati_Concorso Festival Sata-Häme Soi - Finlandia
Servizio fotografico: Festival internazionale della cultura e dell'arte della fisarmonica 2021 "Shanghai Spring" - Cina
Simposio Summerschool 2021 e Music Day - Paesi Bassi
Øivind Farmen Nuovo CD "My Classical Accordion" - Norvegia
Tour e tutto esaurito di Tracey Collins “Luck of the Irish” – Nuova Zelanda
Concerto “Music Without Borders”, Mosca - Russia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Lucy Alves, oltre 1,8 milioni di visualizzazioni - Brasile
32nd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finland
Video: Alexander Poeluev “The Way to Happiness” - Russia
Video: Vlada Veselinović Performs Cardas – Serbia
Video: Gordon Shand Composes “Shindig March” - Scotland

Future events

Guildford Accordion Club July Meeting, Cobham - England
Jamie Maschler and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues at Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival, Alaska - USA
Live: Sharon Shannon at DeBarra’s Folk Club - Ireland
2021 Sidmouth Folk Festival – UK
Online: 2021 Not Just Oompah! Accordion Concert and Workshop Featuring Joseph Natoli - USA
Registrations Open for “Free Reeds Unlimited” Workshop - Germany
2021 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia
Alabama Accordion Association Presents Elijah Clements - USA

Childrens Corner

Madlyn Dugue Entertains on 1,2,3 Musette Show - France

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site, pigini-excelsior.ru Importing Italian Accordion to Russia
Sito aggiornato: Friedrich Lips 3 e 6 CD speciali, Lips Whole Collection Special - Austria/Russia
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

CD Reviews

CD Review: Double Mirror CD by Friedrich Lips

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Primo piano

Risultati_Concorso Festival Sata-Häme Soi - Finlandia

winnerstrophy tableIl festival e concorso Sata-Häme Soi si sono tenuti la prima settimana di luglio a Ikaalinen, in Finlandia.

Il festival ha incluso la finale dei concorsi di fisarmonica Golden e Silver, trasmessa in diretta su Alfa-TV. Il programma TV in diretta di 2 ore è stato visto da 0,5 milioni di persone, un pubblico davvero enorme in Finlandia con una popolazione di 5,5 milioni di persone.

Guarda l'intero programma TV su:

La competizione Golden Accordion 2021 è stata serratissima, si è conclusa in parità di punti (uguali dieci e uguali nove) per i due migliori interpreti. Risultato storico finale = due vincitrici Sonja Lampinen e Vilma Wiren foto in alto sul retro. La vincitrice della silver accordion è Annabel Heikola.

La giuria era guidata da Raimo Vertainen (membro del comitato musicale della CIA) e lo spettacolo televisivo in diretta è stato condotto da Kimmo Mattila e Lola Odusoga, ex Miss Finlandia.

Il Sata-Häme Soi Festival continuerà a Ikaalinen dal 13 al 15 agosto, quando organizzeremo diversi eventi sul palco del parco e concerti nella chiesa e Oma Tupa.


Servizio fotografico: Festival internazionale della cultura e dell'arte della fisarmonica 2021 "Shanghai Spring" - Cina

Shanghai Spring Festival poster
Foto Superba reportage fotografico del terzo festival internazionale di arte e cultura della fisarmonica “Shanghai Spring” del 2021: vista a 2021SSIA
Shanghai Spring Festival logo


Simposio Summerschool 2021 e Music Day - Paesi Bassi

2021 summerschool NL
Il simposio Summerschool 2021 e il Music Day si terranno il 31 luglio e il 1° agosto 2021 a Borculo, Gelderland, Paesi Bassi, organizzati dalla Fondazione per l'educazione alla fisarmonica basata su progetti nazionali.

Ci sarà anche la possibilità di partecipare online.

Il Music Day del 1° agosto è una giornata musicale socialmente orientata, che includerà uno spettacolo di gruppo con "The show must go on" (Queen) e Air (J.S. Bach).

Ellen Zijm (foto in alto a sinistra), lavorerà con musicisti esperti su Kunst der Fugue (J.S. Bach) per sperimentare i dettagli, la qualità del suono e la profondità musicale come un ensemble. Annemarieke van der Ploeg (foto in alto al centro con gli occhiali), Lieke op 't Roodt (foto in alto la seconda da destra) e Ilse Kok (foto in alto a destra) lavoreranno con musicisti di tutti i livelli sulla world music. In programma musica dall'Europa dell'Est, Argentina e Irlanda.

Per i dettagli e-mail: info@summerschoolnl.com


Øivind Farmen Nuovo CD "My Classical Accordion" - Norvegia

Øivind FarmenØivind Farmen negli ultimi 30 anni è stato uno dei principali fisarmonicisti norvegesi con grande successo internazionale. Sono passati undici anni dal suo ultimo album solista. Ha sentito che ora fosse il momento giusto per scegliere una selezione personale di opere dal suo attuale repertorio che è diventato l'album "My Classical Accordion".

Il repertorio è composto da musica che Øivind Farmen ama eseguire e con cui per vari motivi sente un forte senso di legame personale. La maggior parte delle opere sono registrazioni in anteprima per fisarmonica e alcune musiche sono registrazioni in anteprima mondiale. La musica spazia dal periodo barocco attraverso il periodo classico fino ai compositori del nostro tempo.
Øivind Farmen track list


Tour e tutto esaurito di Tracey Collins “Luck of the Irish” – Nuova Zelanda

Tracey Collins photo
La fisarmonicista Tracey Collins si unirà al cast dei famosi “Operatility” (cantanti lirici professionisti) per il loro tour di luglio e agosto in Nuova Zelanda dal titolo “Luck of the Irish”. Alcuni membri del comitato dell'Associazione della Fisarmonica della Nuova Zelanda hanno tentato di acquistare i biglietti per il concerto di Orewa, ad Auckland, solo per scoprire che i posti erano già esauriti!

Il tour di Operatility visiterà 26 location in tutta la nazione dal 9 luglio al 13 agosto 2021 e includerà "ballate mozzafiato, avrete l'Irlanda nel cuore sicuro, sicuro!"

I biglietti stanno vendendo velocemente e alcune location sono al completo. Per dettagli telefono: 0508 266 237


Concerto “Music Without Borders”, Mosca - Russia

Poster, Music Without Borders, Moscow
Igor GoldenbergUn concerto dal titolo "Music Without Borders" si terrà presso la bellissima cattedrale cattolica romana di Mosca, il 13 agosto 2021 alle 21:00.

Gli interpreti includono Arseniy Strokovskiy (fisarmonica) e Ivan Dyma (sassofono) membri del SaxAkkord Duo, affiancati da Michiru Soeda (violino) e Igor Goldenberg (organo).

Poiché il Covid-19 ha sfidato la libertà di movimento a livello internazionale e la capacità di ascoltare dal vivo musicisti di altri paesi, questo concerto unisce musicisti di tre paesi: Russia, Giappone e Germania.

Per dettagli telefono: +7 (499) 136-76-30
Arseniy Strokovskiy, Ivan Dyma


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Lucy Alves, oltre 1,8 milioni di visualizzazioni - Brasile

Il video della star brasiliana Lucy Alves del marzo 2020 ha avuto oltre 1,8 milioni di visualizzazioni, contribuendo ulteriormente alla sua carriera di superbo successo come compositrice, cantante, polistrumentista, presentatrice e attrice.

Lucy Alves e la Petrobras Sinfônica, direttore Isaac Karabtchevsky, eseguono Feira de Mangaio, video in uscita il 26 marzo 2020.


32nd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finland

32nd Haapavesi
Leija LautamajaJohanna TrioThe 32nd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival took place in Haapavesi, Finland from July 1st to 3rd, 2021. The festival offers music from different cultures all over the world, especially Scandinavian, Celtic and North American music.

The annual event included a variety of concerts, seminars and workshops with performers such as:
• Leija Lautamaja (accordion) and PK Keränen (vocals & guitar) picture above left
• Johanna Juhola Trio - Johanna Juhola (accordion), Roope Aarnio (guitar & vocals) and Teemu Korpipää (sound design) picture above right
• Markku Lepistö (accordion)
• MäSä-Duo - Kyösti Järvelä (violin & vocals) and Lauri Kotamäki (accordion & vocals) picture below


Video: Alexander Poeluev “The Way to Happiness” - Russia

Alexander PoeluevVideo: “The Way to Happiness” featuring Alexander Poeluev (accordion) and Andrey Machnev (saxophone) and looperboard.

Laureate of international jazz competitions and festivals, participant of the New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet saxophonist - Andrey Machnev. International artist Alexander Poeluev has been playing with the New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet for over 10 years.

If you like the music, you can support their work online. https://www.paypal.me/alexanderpoeluev


Video: Vlada Veselinović Performs Cardas – Serbia

Video: Vlada Veselinovic (accordion) and Vlado Popovic (guitar) performing Cardas by Zoltan Orosz at a concert on June 23rd, 2021 to celebrate the promotion of the Government book "Games and songs from Pirot and its Surroundings" published by the Museum of Ponišavlje in Pirot, Serbia.

During the concert the duo played melodies from Pirot and the Balkans, original songs, but also popular music from around the world. This recording shows a part of the atmosphere from the concert - Chardash modeled on the interpretation of Zoltan Orosz. Recorded by Aleksandar Radovanovic and Robert Ilic.


Video: Gordon Shand Composes “Shindig March” - Scotland

song photoGordon Shand composed the “Shindig March” in “recognition of the great work that all the team at RadioGH do to promote our music.”

The piece is entitled after the station’s Sunday night programme.



Future events

Guildford Accordion Club July Meeting, Cobham - England

GAC banner
The Guildford Accordion Club have planned a meeting for July 23rd, 2021 at the Cobham Village Hall in Cobham, England, providing Government restrictions allow.

This will be a free evening to welcome members back to the club.

Players are welcome to join in a variety of favourite songs such as Alexander's Ragtime Band, Are You Lonesome Tonight, Beer Barrel Polka, Chattanooga Choo Choo, If You Knew Susie and many more.

For details email: anita.boothby@guildford-accordion-club.org.uk


Jamie Maschler and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues at Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival, Alaska - USA

Accordionists Jamie Maschler and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues (picture right) will give accordion workshops at the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival in Fairbanks, Alaska from July 26th to 30th, 2021.

Accordion Courses as follows:

• “Accordion For Kids” - Open to kids aged from 5 to 12. Come try out an accordion! This workshop will give a demonstration of how the accordion works, including a look at the inside and a chance to see and touch all the parts, along with the opportunity for your child to play one. Instruments will be provided and private lessons will be available during the week.
• “Accordion - Playing through Tunes” Ages 18+
We will walk through a variety of different styles featuring accordion i.e. Latin, Norwegian, and French and talk about a few tips and tricks to play more authentically and relaxed. There will be written arrangements for two or more accordions. We will have the opportunity to share these at the final concert series. Beginners welcome.
• “Accordion Workshop” Ages 18+ Jump deeper into accordion. Learn about the accordion mechanics, and some theory that allows you to open up opportunities on the accordion. Different bass accompaniment outside of our typical 3/4 and 4/4 patterns. This will include chord combining techniques and some bellows tips. Must be able to read music.

For further information: jamie.maschler@gmail.com


Live: Sharon Shannon at DeBarra’s Folk Club - Ireland

Sharon Shannon
DeBarra's folk clubSharon Shannon will perform live with Jim Murray and Jack Maher at DeBarra’s Folk Club in Clonakilty, West Cork, Ireland (picture left) on July 26th at 8pm (GMT).

The event will include the first “teaser” of the concert recording Sharon did on February 12th, 2020 just before Covid-19 began shutting down the world. “This is the first look at our stripped down acoustic performance at the DeBarras Folk Club.”

For details email: eolas@debarra.ie


2021 Sidmouth Folk Festival – UK

Sidmouth poster
Saul RoseThe 2021 Sidmouth Folk Festival will be held from July 30th to August 6th as an open air event in the Blackmore Gardens in Sidmouth, Devon, England.

The event will feature all day entertainment, street theatre, stalls, food court and evening concerts.

Entertainers include Granny’s Attic (Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (melodeon), Scottish trio Talisk (which includes concertina player Mohsen Amini - picture below) and Saul Rose (melodeon - picture left).

John Kirkpatrick will conduct a Concert Band Workshop online from Monday to Friday between 9.30 and 11.00 am. Music will be available via the festival website.
John is also doing an online concert spot during the week.

For details email: info@sidmouthfolkfestival.co.uk


Online: 2021 Not Just Oompah! Accordion Concert and Workshop Featuring Joseph Natoli - USA

Joe flyer
Joseph Natoli will present a two-day online workshop on “Music Composition” and a special online concert, organised by Not Just Oompah! (NJO).

The Zoom Workshops are scheduled for:
August 23rd and 24th from 7pm to 9.30pm PM Central Time each night.

These workshops will focus on Composing Music and will include: Critical Elements in Composition & Arranging, Alternative Stradella Chord Voicings with examples, Using Accordion Registers Effectively (How to Orchestrate Possibilities Beyond That Master Switch), and How to Play Musically which is more than just notes to consider.

The Zoom Concert will be held on August 22nd from 3pm to 4pm Central Time and feature a variety of music from Joe’s creative collection. This concert is free to those taking part in the workshop.

For details email: ShirleyJ@Vjeverica.com


Registrations Open for “Free Reeds Unlimited” Workshop - Germany

tutorsRegistrations are now open for the “Free Reeds Unlimited” workshop, held at the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen, Germany from October 1st to 3rd, 2021.

Tutors Konstantin Reinfeld and Frank Haunschild (picture right) will focus on improvisation and harmony interplay and accompaniment.

The weekend will begin with a lecturers' concert on October 1st, followed by workshops and clinics on October 2nd.

On Saturday evening, both lecturers will coach an open session with course participants before Reeds-Unlimited ends on Sunday morning with further workshops and an internal final presentation around noon.

The event is open to all instruments including accordion. There will be a maximum of 20 participants.

For details email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


2021 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia

2021 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival
2021 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival posterThe 2021 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival will be held at the Maclagan Memorial Hall in the country town of Maclagan, Queensland, Australia on October 9th, 2021.

The event, which attracts accordionists from all over Australia, will include a variety of accordion and concertina performances from musicians who would like to showcase their talents, followed by a “Jam and Dance” to good old-fashioned accordion music.

For details email: maclagansqueezeboxfest@gmail.com


Alabama Accordion Association Presents Elijah Clements - USA

Alabama posterThe Alabama Accordion Association will present Elijah Clements in concert at the Brookwood Baptist Church in Mountain Brook, Alabama, USA on November 13th, 2021.

Elijah, who won the “Big Squeeze” contest in the polka category in Austin, Texas in 2019, will also give workshops at this event.

Admission is free, courtesy of the Alabama Accordion Association.

For further information email: csfunder@gmail.com


Childrens Corner

Madlyn Dugue Entertains on 1,2,3 Musette Show - France

Young accordionist Madlyn Dugue playing and singing Taureau Paso on the 1,2,3 Musette Show.

1,2,3 Musette is the only weekly accordion TV show broadcast throughout France and Belgium, on satellite, cable and ADSL as well as on TNT in several regions.



New and Updated Sites

Updated Site, pigini-excelsior.ru Importing Italian Accordion to Russia

pigini-excelsior.ru banner
Updated site: pigini-excelsior.ru business importing quality accordions to Russia
Main Office in Russia, Moscow, Bryusovsky per., 2/14
Open: Mon-Sat 10.00 - 18.00
pigini-excelsior.ru banner


Sito aggiornato: Friedrich Lips 3 e 6 CD speciali, Lips Whole Collection Special - Austria/Russia

Double Mirror CD by Friedrich LipsSito aggiornato: Friedrich Lips ha rilasciato un nuovo CD intitolato Double Mirror catalog CD030. Friedrich Lips ha ora pubblicato un totale di 30 CD di alta qualità nel corso dei decenni.

Questo CD Double Mirror è stato aggiunto a:
Qualsiasi pagina speciale di 3 CD su: CD3Packs
Qualsiasi pagina speciale di 6 CD su: CD6Packs
Tutta la pagina speciale della collezione su: CDPack
Friedrich Lips Whole Collection CDs


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Russia banner
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with information on upcoming events.


CD Reviews

CD Review: Double Mirror CD by Friedrich Lips

CD Reviews Index for the Review of Double Mirror CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers in English and German languages.


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