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Weekly News from Around the World - 16-Aug-2019
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Primo piano

Risultati, Report Giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2019, Inizio Lunedì 12 Agosto, Shenzhen - Cina
La National Accordion Association annuncia la Convenzione nazionale della fisarmonica del 2020 - USA
Concerti giornalieri AperiPIF presso PIF Academy - Italia
Guilde des Accordéonistes et des Enseignants, International, 79ème Festival Annuel - Etats-Unis

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

“Brandon McPhee Hour” on TV – UK
40th Annual Minnesota Bluegrass August Festival – USA
Lithuanian Folk Trio at World Music Festival – Japan
Two Accordionists Pass Away this week – USA

Future events

29th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival - USA
Accordion Workshop at “Folk ‘n’ Detail” – Denmark
Beltango Quinteto “La Milonga Fru Fru” - France
Cajun and Country Music Weekend - UK
Duo to Perform at Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fundraiser - USA
British Chromatic Accordion Weekend, Shropshire – UK
“Lemon Bucket Orkestra” Perform at Jazz Festivals - Canada
Concerts at Guildford Bandstand - England
2nd IDEAS Symposium – USA

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Primo piano

Risultati, Report Giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2019, Inizio Lunedì 12 Agosto, Shenzhen - Cina

2019 Coupe Mondiale Hall

Daily Reports

Video Center

2019 Coupe Mondiale posterIl Presidente della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Mirco Patarini e il Segretario Generale della CIA, Kimmo Mattila, danno il benvenuto a tutti e, per coloro che non sono in grado di partecipare, raccomandano i Report Giornalieri con immagini, informazioni e video dei concorrenti oltre a tutti i risultati quando vengono annunciati.

I report giornalieri iniziano lunedì 12 agosto a:

Homepage dei video e orari su: 2019CM-Video

Il concerto di apertura è lunedì sera. Ci sono concerti ogni sera. Il sorteggio per l'ordine in cui gli artisti si esibiranno è martedì con le competizioni che vanno dal mercoledì al sabato.

La Coupe Mondiale 2019, la più grande di sempre, promette musica meravigliosa e il più alto livello di competizioni con sette categorie di competizioni internazionali.

Un grande ringraziamento agli organizzatori e agli sponsor elencati di seguito.
2019 Coupe Mondiale Organisers and Sponsors


La National Accordion Association annuncia la Convenzione nazionale della fisarmonica del 2020 - USA

NZZ banner
NAA smallI funzionari della National Accordion Association (NAA) annunciano con orgoglio la Convenzione nazionale della fisarmonica del 2020!

Per rivedere i momenti divertenti della convention di marzo 2019, visitare il sito Web appena aggiornato e aprire il menu a discesa Galleria e sondaggio 2019. Troverai i risultati della 31a convention annuale e vedrai oltre 250 foto e video.


La "Call for Convention Presenters" annuale è in arrivo! Il Consiglio di amministrazione e i coordinatori si riuniranno a metà agosto per presentare i piani della convenzione 2020. Al momento opportuno, tutti coloro che figurano nell'elenco dei fisarmonicisti della NAA saranno contattati via e-mail.

Per essere avvisato, contattare il presidente Norman Seaton: NatlAccordion@sbcglobal.net

Un avviso speciale verrà consegnato nel numero di settembre di AccordionUSA del 1 ° settembre 2019


Concerti giornalieri AperiPIF presso PIF Academy - Italia

PIF logo
AperiPIF (concerti di aperitivi) si terrà a mezzogiorno ogni giorno del Festival PIF (dal 19 al 22 settembre) presso l'Auditorium Binci di Castelfidardo. A questi concerti seguiranno rinfreschi di cibi e bevande.

Quest'anno l'AperiPIF avrà il tema "Promesse" con quattro esibizioni internazionali di fisarmonica classica. Il festival è profondamente coinvolto nella promozione dello strumento e come tale stabilisce una serie di collaborazioni con molti festival internazionali che ospitano il vincitore annuale del PIF e, a loro volta, inviano i loro "campioni" sul palco del PIF.

Gli ospiti di AperiPIF di quest'anno saranno:

19 settembre: Luka Silic (Serbia) - una giovanissima studentessa di Vladimir Mandic (Conservatorio di Kragujevac, Serbia), vincitrice del concerto premio in collaborazione con il "Festival internazionale degli artisti della fisarmonica" sponsorizzato dal Ministero della Cultura della Serbia e dal Comune Kragujevac.

20 settembre: Artem Malhasyan (Russia) - uno studente di Vladimir Orlov (Conservatorio di San Pietroburgo), vincitore del concerto premio in collaborazione con il festival "Accordéon-nous.org" (Mons, Belgio) con la direzione di Olivier Douyez.

21 settembre: Bartosz Kolsut (Polonia) - uno studente di Mie Miki ("Folkwang Universitatder der K'nste", Essen, Germania), vincitore del concerto premio in collaborazione con il festival "XXI International Accordion Festival - Vilnius 2018" (Lituania ) con la direzione artistica di Raimonda Sviackevicius.

22 settembre: Vladimir Stupnikov (Russia) - uno studente di Alexander Dmitriev (Conservatorio di San Pietroburgo), "Young Man of the Year" con la vittoria della categoria Premio in PIF 2018; è stato invitato a tutti i festival sopra menzionati ed è infatti considerato tra i giovani più interessanti concertisti al mondo, per la fisarmonica classica.

Per ulteriori dettagli sul concerto scrivere a: info@pifcastelfidardo.it

Immagini in basso: 1. Artem Malhasyan 2. Vladimir Stupnikov 3. Bartosz Kolsut 4. Luka Silic
Artem Malhasyan, Vladimir Stupnikov, Bartosz Kolsut, Luka Silic


Guilde des Accordéonistes et des Enseignants, International, 79ème Festival Annuel - Etats-Unis

ATG festival orchestra
Balloon accordionGabe Hall-Rodrigues and Jamie MaschlerFoto in alto a sinistra della concorrente Josie Beach e la sua fisarmonica a palloncino.
Il Doubletree Hilton Hotel a Denver, in Colorado, è stato la sede del 79 ° Festival annuale ATG dal 24 al 27 luglio. Ben frequentato da ospiti provenienti da molti stati, l'evento si è aperto con una serata "Meet & Greet" con intrattenimento di Cory Pesaturo e il sassofonista di Denver Jeff Nathanson. Una buona varietà di antipasti è stata apprezzata da coloro che hanno partecipato. Workshop, Pranzi con intrattenimento, Banchetti, Concorsi, Orchestra ATG (foto in alto), Complesso giovanile e Concerti serali sono stati i momenti salienti dell'evento.

Il tema dell'evento di quest'anno è stato "The Year of The Duos" in quanto molti degli attori erano duetti tra cui squadre di marito e moglie. Artisti ospiti speciali dalla Lituania, "Tutto a Dio" - Greta Staponkute (viola) e Augustinas Rakauskas (fisarmonica) sono stati presentati in numerosi concerti. L'artista di fama internazionale, Cory Pesaturo, eseguì anche assoli e "duetti improvvisati" con Augustinas.

Anche gli artisti di Denver Dan e Kim Christian (marito e moglie) erano presenti. Gli artisti locali, John e Madalynn Neu, si sono esibiti con “Voice of the Wood Chamber Players”, un ensemble di violini, viola e violoncello di Denver. Un concerto di musica brasiliana con artisti di Seattle, Gabe Hall-Rodrigues e Jamie Maschler (foto in alto a destra), "Creosote", è stato apprezzato da tutti.

 Si esibì anche Betty Jo Simon, noto artista della zona di Kansas City. "Child´s Play", un brano commissionato dall'American Accordionists 'Association (AAA) è stato eseguito dal compositore Joseph Natoli con Madalynn Neu, Ken Baert, Michael Marecak (violoncello) e diretto da Joan Sommers.

L'ensemble del presidente, con il presidente dell'ATG, Joseph Natoli, Kenn Baert, Amy Jo Sawyer, Liz Finch e Gail Campanella, ha eseguito un nuovo repertorio per l'ensemble di fisarmoniche.

È tradizione ATG presentare un concerto pomeridiano di "Musica originale per la fisarmonica". Un grande ensemble, diretto da Joan Cochran Sommers, eseguì diverse selezioni originali. I solisti che eseguivano musica originale erano Donna Dee Ray (Fla), Beverley Fess, (Canada) e Gail Campanella, (California), nonché una performance di duetto di un brano originale, "Friendship", di Joe Natoli e Kenn Baert.
L'Orchestra ATG, sotto la direzione di Joan Cochran Sommers, è sempre un'occasione speciale per imparare ed esibirsi sotto la direzione di Joan.

Si sono svolti concorsi e sono stati assegnati trofei ai partecipanti provenienti da Kansas, Indiana, Illinois, California, Minnesota e Denver. Un Youth Mixed Ensemble, diretto da Beverley Fess, si è esibito al Concerto dei Premi.

Venerdì sera, al banchetto di gala, l'ATG ha introdotto Amy Jo Sawyer nella Hall of Fame dell'ATG. (foto sotto)
Amy Jo Sawyer Hall of Fame pic


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

“Brandon McPhee Hour” on TV – UK

TV show poster
Popular accordionist Brandon McPhee has a weekly TV program entitled the Brandon McPhee Hour. The show is broadcast on SPOTLIGHT TV (Formally Keep It Country TV), Sky 376 & Freesat 516 as well as streaming live on the internet. The show is a blend of music popular in the far North of Scotland, where Brandon visits many locations in the County of Caithness.

Brandon is currently sitting at number 36 in the Top 200 Artists Charts compiled on radio airplay worldwide. The biggest names in country music feature in this chart.


40th Annual Minnesota Bluegrass August Festival – USA

Honky Tonk JumpThe 40th Annual Minnesota Bluegrass Festival was held at El Rancho Mañana, Richmond, MN from August 8th to 11th.

Over 4,000 people attended the event which has been nominated as the IBMA Event of the Year FIVE Times!

The festival included hands-on workshops for people to bring their instruments and learn something new, a square dancing tent, evening dances, beginners jam, family area with talent shows, scavenger hunt, beginner workshops, group games and treasure hunts.

Popular group Honky Tonk Jump, (which includes accordionist Dan Newton) entertained at the festival on the main stage, gave a workshop and also played at a swingin' dance under the biggest outdoor dance tent in Minnesota.


Lithuanian Folk Trio at World Music Festival – Japan

The above video shows accordionist Nerijus Bakula and Ineta Meduneckyte singing Lithuanian folk songs and playing games with children from the Hakodate kindergarten. The children are having lots of fun.

“Folk Trio” from Lithuania visited Japan earlier this month to take part in the World Music Festival held in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan.

The trio includes Nerijus Bakula (accordion), Ineta Meduneckyte (vocals) and Jan Maksimovic (saxophone).

They play meaningful traditional Lithuanian folk songs with delicate improvisations of saxophone and accordion.


Two Accordionists Pass Away this week – USA

Lynn Singleton EwingScott GentryThe accordion world has sadly lost two accordionists this week.

A memorial service will be held for friends and family of Lynn Singleton Ewing (picture left) in 2 to 4 weeks. A family service is expected to be held this weekend. Lynn was the President of the San Francisco Accordion Club.

UMKC accordion family member, Scott Gentry (picture right) from Kansas City passed away last weekend.

Our condolences to the families of these two accordionists.


Future events

29th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival - USA

Cotati poster
Cory PesaturoThe 29th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival will be held on August 17th and 18th at La Plaza Park in Cotati, California.

This year’s festival is a two-day, multi-cultural, multi-generational accordion extravaganza that will feature over 40 international & national acts on 7 stages including the Jam Tent, Polka/Zydeco, two main stages, Accordion's Apocalypse Stage, Student Stage, and Friar Tuck's Pub.

Performers include:
Accordion Apocalypse Stage, Anaïs Bessières, Andre Thierry, Amber Lee Baker, Art Peterson & Laurie Miller, The Bellow Shakes, Big Lou’s Dance Party, Big Lou the Accordion Princess, Corky Bennett, Cory Pesaturo (picture left), Crème Brülée, Creosote, Dona Francisca, Duckmandu, En Canto, Future Accordion Stars, Gary Blair, Geoff Berner, Ginny Mac, Golden State Accordion Club, Grand Finale, The Great Morgani, Intuitive Compass, Jim Gilman, Junk Parlor, La Agency, the Mad Maggies, Mark St. Mary, Miss Moonshine, MotorDude Zydeco, Nathan Rivera Jessie Anders, Penny Opry, Pietro Adragna, Rene Sevieri, Skyler Fell, Sourdough Slim, Steve Balich, The Wild Catahoulas and ZLA VILA.

Over the past 29 years the festival has generated positive public relations and given credibility for their community, Cotati, and the accordion. By producing these problem-free events that have benefited our local schools, they have donated over $470,000 to local communities.

For further information email: info@cotatifest.com


Accordion Workshop at “Folk ‘n’ Detail” – Denmark

Karen Tweed“Folk ‘n’ Detail” will be held at Løgumkloster University, Brorsonsvej 2, in Løgumkloster, Denmark from August 18th to 22nd. Accordionist Karen Tweed will join an international team, teaching students ideas for composing, focusing on "fantastic phrases & marvellous melodies". The course Director is musician, composer, arranger and performer Kristine Heebøll.

Karen’s workshop will include information on composition, working firstly with a strong melody and pleasant harmony, combined with the use of the accordion to explore this. If players can read music and need more prescriptive scoring; Karen will discuss how to go about providing that so they sound fantastic as players and in turn that will help them make music sound the best it can. Fun / joy is a big element of Karen’s music writing, as is visual imagery.

During the event, Karen will give informal performances for the participants. She will also play at the Tønder Folk Festival Jamscenen in Tonder on August 22nd at 3.15pm.

For any further information email: info@karentweed.com


Beltango Quinteto “La Milonga Fru Fru” - France

Beltango poster
The Beltango Quintet will perform in a concert entitled “La Milonga Fru Fru” at Salle Europa in Aix-en-Provence, France on August 25th.

Band Members Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon), Ivana Nikolic (piano & vocals), Antonija Barna (violin), Bogdan Pejic (guitar) and Petar Holik (double bass) enjoy performing a variety of traditional tango pieces, Tango-Nuevo, Contemporary tango and Balkango.

For further concert details email: info@beltango.com


Cajun and Country Music Weekend - UK

Ian LowthianA few spaces are still available for the Cajun and Country Music Weekend held by accordionist Ian Lowthian.

This fun weekend will take place on August 24th and 25th in Ettrickbridge Village Hall in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders.

Music is provided and the event is for accordionists of mixed abilities.

For further information email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Duo to Perform at Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fundraiser - USA

Mario and MaryMary Mancini (vocals) & Mario Tacca (accordion) will perform at the annual Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fundraiser on September 9th organised by the American Accordionists Association (AAA). This year’s event will be held at the Famee Furlane of NA Club in College Point, Queens, New York.

The duo are also members of the Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble who enjoy getting together to have fun and make great music.

For concert details phone: 914-224-1241


British Chromatic Accordion Weekend, Shropshire – UK

John KirkpatrickThe ‘British Button Box’ workshop weekend takes place from August 30th to September 1st at The Church Barn, Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire SY9 5AF. The tutor is John Kirkpatrick, and the course is intended for players of the 3-row diatonic BCC# tuned British chromatic accordion.

John will be starting out from his very firm base in traditional English folk music, so the repertoire will be quite different from the Scottish country dance style made famous by Jimmy Shand and his many followers. This weekend is also very instrument specific, and will not be suitable for players of the two-row Irish style of accordion, nor the G/D melodeon, nor the piano accordion.

As well as covering the expected fields of Morris tunes, country dance tunes, and folk songs, John will also be looking at the complexities of playing in all the keys available on this gloriously compact instrument, and exploring swathes of repertoire that may not be immediately associated with the poor old push-pull squeeze-box! Whether you've been playing five minutes or fifty years, this is a great opportunity to come and learn at the feet of one of England's most dedicated and respected folk musicians.

The price £180, includes all tuition, includes lunches, and tea/coffee/cakes throughout the day.

For further information email: johnmkirkpatrick@icloud.com


“Lemon Bucket Orkestra” Perform at Jazz Festivals - Canada

Lemon Bucket Orkestra Live at Sunfest 2017

The Lemon Bucket Orkestra will entertain at two Jazz Festivals in Canada next month. The orchestra includes accordionist Marichka Marczyk along with guitar, drums, saxophone, trumpet, violin, trombone, darbouka and vocals.

Over the past 8 years they have performed all over the world from WOMAD in New Zealand and Pohoda in Slovakia, to Festival D’Été in Québec City, and Luminato in Toronto.

On September 12th they will perform at the Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival in Fredericton, Canada. Two days later on September 14th, they will entertain at the Kensington Market Jazz Festival in Toronto, Canada.

For further information email: ian@meta4world.com
Lemon Bucket Orkestra


Concerts at Guildford Bandstand - England

Crawley AO
Tillingbourne AOAccordion Orchestras will be entertaining at a concert series held at the Guildford Bandstand in the beautiful Castle grounds in Guildford, Surrey, England. The grounds have some beautifully maintained gardens and stunning flower displays for visitors to enjoy.

On September 8th, the Crawley Accordion Orchestra (picture above) will be playing from 2pm until 4pm. Their repertoire includes a wide variety of music, from popular easy listening tunes to the classics, including waltzes, tangos, marches & song medleys from shows.

This will be followed by a performance on September 29th by the Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra (picture left) from 2pm until 4pm. They will entertain with a varied programme of classical and modern music to please everyone.

Everyone is welcome to come along and support these orchestras and enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

For further information email: crawleyaccordionorchestra@gmail.com


2nd IDEAS Symposium – USA

IDEAS banner
Registrations are now open for the IDEAS (International Digital Electronic Accordion Symposium) second annual event which will be held from November 6th to 10th, 2019 at the beautiful Avalon Inn Resort and Conference Center located in Warren, Ohio (USA).

The Symposium will feature a comprehensive 4 full days of immersion into the exciting world of digital accordions and will offer several paths or “tracks” from which participants will choose to tailor their individual musical journey to include classes, lectures, presentations, demonstrations and hands-on-the-keyboard workshops that match each participant’s experience, knowledge, and areas of interest.

There will also be an opportunity to learn, discuss, and have your questions answered by renowned instructors whose only goal is to enhance your abilities, understanding, and appreciation of your instrument. They will participate in showing you how to leverage your Symposium experience to help elevate your musical journey to a higher orbit.

For further information and registration details email: thegr8.ideas@gmail.com


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