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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Sep-2023
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Primo piano

Report giornalieri: 48° Premio e Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica "PIF Città di Castelfidardo" - Italia
Guardia Nueva alla Oulainen Music Week – Finlandia
Macedonian Trio, Zorica Karakutovska (fisarmonica) in concerto a Roma - Italia
8° Accordéon Passion Festival - Francia
Fisarmonicisti suonano all'Oktoberfest di Fort Worth – USA
Aotango Quintet Concert Tour - New Zealand

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Black Pencil Winners: Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award 2023 - Netherlands
Ksenija Sidorova Appointed Visiting Professor at RAM - UK
Free Celebration mp3 Album, Honoring Lou Jacklich, Accordion Pioneer, Teacher, and Artist – USA

Future events

Accordionists Entertain at Elfia Festival - Netherlands
Budapest Cafe Orchestra Mini Tour - Scotland
Brandon McPhee Performs at The Plaza - England
Ville Hiltula Tango Cuarteto Tokyo Concert - Japan
Noria and The Parisians at Open Studio - Australia
Vardos Trio Concert at Melbourne Recital Centre - Australia
Honky-Tonk Jump Perform with Guitarist Pat Donohue - USA
Hanzhi Wang Begins 2023/2024 Concert Series – USA & Canada
Annual NorthEast Squeeze-In - USA
Hugo Travi Performs at Centro Cultural San Martin - Argentina

Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

New and Updated Sites

Resoconti giornalieri, 76a Coupe Mondiale 2023, Bijeljina - Bosnia ed Erzegovina

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Primo piano

Report giornalieri: 48° Premio e Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica "PIF Città di Castelfidardo" - Italia

PIF logoReport giornalieri dal 13 settembre online all'indirizzo: 2023Castelfidardo

I report giornalieri includono immagini, video e risultati man mano che vengono rilasciati. Il programma del 48° PIF di Castelfidardo ha una lista molto ampia di concerti e concorsi musicali, e i numeri dei partecipanti sono tornati a livelli pari ai Festival PIF prima del covid.

Report giornalieri dal 13 settembre online all'indirizzo: 2023Castelfidardo


Guardia Nueva alla Oulainen Music Week – Finlandia

Guardia Nueva
HyperboreaOulainen Music WeekLa Oulainen Music Week si terrà a Oulainen, in Finlandia, dal 29 ottobre al 19 novembre 2023 e prevede concerti di musica classica, jazz, musica folk e musica per bambini, accompagnati da nomi di spicco dello spettacolo.

I Guardia Nueva si esibiranno in questo evento con il cantante Jarkko Ahola il 3 novembre 2023 alle 19:00 nell'Yläkoulu Sali. Il loro repertorio comprende tango argentino, musica finlandese, tango elettronico, musica da chiesa e musica natalizia.

Direttore d'orchestra e direttore musicale di Guardia Nueva sin dall'inizio è Raimo Vertainen. L'orchestra Guardia Nueva ha appena completato il suo ultimo programma di concerti estivi al Naantali Sunfest e ripeterà questo programma alla Oulainen Music Week.

Tra gli altri fisarmonicisti presenti al festival figurano Hyperborea (foto sopra a sinistra) il 1° novembre 2023 al Merkuriussali alle 19:00. Il gruppo include il fisarmonicista Antti Paalanen.

L'8 novembre 2023 alle 19:00 la Ryyppymäki String Band (fisarmonicista Henna Hannula) suonerà presso la chiesa di Oulainen alle 19:00.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: musiikki@oulainen.fi
Guardia Nueva


Macedonian Trio, Zorica Karakutovska (fisarmonica) in concerto a Roma - Italia

Macedonian Trio
Il Macedonian Trio è composto da professori della Facoltà di Musica di Skopje. I musicisti sono: Zorica Karakutovska (fisarmonica), Marija Gjosevska (pianoforte) e Aleksandar Kotevski (violoncello) dell'Orchestra Filarmonica Macedone.

Il trio si esibirà in un concerto nella città eterna di Roma, che si terrà questa domenica (17 settembre) dalle 21:15 nella magnifica cornice del Teatro Marcello di Roma.

Il trio eseguirà una varietà di repertori tra cui trascrizioni di opere di L. van Beethoven; F. Schubert; W.A. Mozart; J. Brahms; S. Rachmaninov; E. Derbenco; I. Albeniz e A. Piazzolla. Eseguiranno anche una composizione del noto compositore macedone Bete Ilin intitolata "Parafrasi macedone n. 1". Questo lavoro è stato appositamente arrangiato per questo trio e questo concerto. Questa composizione accattivante composta in uno stile contemporaneo mette in mostra le complesse strutture ritmiche del folklore macedone (7/8, 9/8) eludendo l'ispirazione dalle canzoni tradizionali macedoni.

Il trio ha iniziato a esibirsi insieme molti anni fa, e ogni professore fa anche parte di altri gruppi professionali.


8° Accordéon Passion Festival - Francia

8th Accordéon Passion Festival
8th Accordéon Passion FestivalL'8° Accordéon Passion Festival si terrà a Beynat, Nuova Aquitania, Francia dal 22 al 24 settembre 2023 organizzato dal Club Bruyères.

L'evento sarà caratterizzato da tre giorni di attività dedicate alla fisarmonica come segue:
• 22 settembre: Concerto con Magali Ripoll al Beynat Gymnasium
• 23 settembre: visita al Muséum con il fisarmonicista Jean-Claude Labouchet alle ore 10:00; concorso di fisarmonica dalle 13:00 alle 18:00; e dalle 14:00 a mezzanotte, balli di gala con Denis Salesse, Sébastien Farge, Jean-Claude Labouchet, Nicole Berges, Anaïs Bessieres, Lucia Genilloud, Michel Chevarin, Guillaume Fric, Bernard Rual e Rémi Sallard.
• 24 settembre: messa in chiesa con Sébastien Farge; musica per le strade dalle 11:00; e dalle 14:00 al Beynat Gymnasium si ballerà con Gérard Gouny e i suoi 4 musicisti.

Per ulteriori dettagli telefonare al: 07 86 74 80 70
8th Accordéon Passion Festival


Fisarmonicisti suonano all'Oktoberfest di Fort Worth – USA

Fort Worth Oktoberfest
Mike MiddletonI fisarmonicisti suoneranno in occasione dell'Oktoberfest di Fort Worth a Trinity Park, Fort Worth, Texas, USA dal 21 al 2 settembre 2023.

L'evento è una "celebrazione di tre giorni della cultura tedesca con il meglio dell'intrattenimento bavarese".

Programma come segue:

• 21 ottobre: Alex Meixner Band alla Spaten Halle, Mike Middleton (foto a sinistra) al Karbach Biergarten, Alpenmusikanten con Alan Walling (fisarmonica, foto in alto a destra) alla Spaten Halle e Walburg Boys al Van Zandt Zelt.
• 22 ottobre: Alex Meixner Band al Van Zandt Zelt, Mike Middleton al Karbach Biergarten e The Walburg Boys (foto sotto) al Van Zandt Zelt
• 23 ottobre: Alex Meixner Band alla Spaten Halle, Alpenmusikanten al Van Zandt Zelt e Walburg Boys alla Spaten Halle.
Walburg Boys


Aotango Quintet Concert Tour - New Zealand

Concert Tour promotional video. The Aotango quintet which features World Champion accordionist Grayson Masefield, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra (APO) Concertmaster Andrew Beer, NZTrio pianist Somi Kim, APO Principal Bass Gordon Hill and Jazz guitarist Sam Swindells will perform a series of concerts in the North Island of New Zealand during October 2023.

The concerts are entitled “A Century of Tango” and will begin at the Dargaville Methodist Church in Dargaville on October 2nd, 2023. Further concerts will be held in Tauranga on October 4th, Taupo on October 5th and in Rotorua on October 6th.

The concerts are a musical journey through the evolution of tango, showcasing popular favourites such as El Choclo, Por una Cabeza and La Cumparsita, to the revolutionary nuevo tango style works of Argentinian composer Ástor Piazzolla. Their shows highlight each member as world class artists. They perform as a quintet, as soloists and in other combinations to present a style of tango and world music that is very appealing to a wide audience base.

Purchase tickets for all concerts: Aotango Tickets


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Black Pencil Winners: Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award 2023 - Netherlands

Black Pencil
Black Pencil are the winners of the Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award 2023 for their unbridled commitment and commitment to a fair and sustainable practice in new music.

The award ceremony was held at the TivoliVredenburg music complex in Utrecht, Netherlands on September 8th, during the Gaudeamus Muziekweek.

The jury consisted of Karmit Fadael (composer, board member and chairman Nieuw Geneco Young), David Dramm (composer) and Davo van Peursen (director Donemus Publishing).
The jury used the following criteria for the selection process:
• fair remuneration for composition assignments
• respecting rights
• clear communication and agreements
• free artistic space for composers
• sustainable development of audience, repertoire and performance opportunities
• special impact on Dutch musical life and composers

“Ensemble Black Pencil distinguishes itself by commissioning compositions year after year for their special and challenging line-up. With the project Into Space, Black Pencil gave various commissions to Calliope Tsoupaki, Arnoud Noordegraaf, Aart Strootman, Meriç Artaç, among others, in which Flevoland, Land Art and new music inspire each other, under the motto daring new land, daring new compositions. In the opinion of the jury, the project serves as an example of "think global, act local".”
Black Pencil award


Ksenija Sidorova Appointed Visiting Professor at RAM - UK

Ksenija Sidorova Appointed Visiting Professor at RAM
Classical accordionist Ksenija Sidorova has been appointed Visiting Professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London, England, UK.

Ksenija is “excited to work with the wonderful students of Owen Murray, my professor, at my alma mater”.

Her appointment will begin this academic year.


Free Celebration mp3 Album, Honoring Lou Jacklich, Accordion Pioneer, Teacher, and Artist – USA

Lou Jacklich
August was a banner and roller-coaster month for Lou Jacklich, West Coast electronic accordion pioneer from the late 1950s, teacher and performer for nearly eight decades…and still at it!

August 2023 started with a guest solo appearance at the Silicon Valley Accordion Society monthly meeting in Los Gatos, CA. He delighted the audience with a technically elite program of his outstanding original virtuoso jazz standard and classic arrangements of: “Summertime,” “Misty,” “Bumblebee – Bumble Boogie,” “Holiday for Strings,” ”Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2,” and one of his signature pieces, “A Tribute to George Gershwin” (with the theme of “Rhapsody in Blue” accented with woven hits of “The Man I Love,” “’S Wonderful,” “Bess, You is My Woman Now,” “An American in Paris,” “Summertime,” “Fascinating Rhythm,” and “I Got Rhythm”).

Known for creatively composing original tunes on the spot with notes suggested by audience members, he dazzled them with four notes into a flirtatious melody using a wide range of advanced accordion skills.

Many are on his eTracks mp3 album: "Lou Jacklich Plays" Catalog: jacklicheT

Price is only US$8 for the mp3 album You can hear 30 second sound samples as well. As a special celebration of his 95th birthday, Lou Jacklich has authorised that his mp3 album be sent free to all who request. Please send your request for this excellent album to Pamela Tom,

Email: accordionpam@gmail.com Thank you to the amazing Lou Jacklich for the very fine gift. There is also an extensive history of his career online at: Lou Jacklich

At the 32nd Annual Cotati Accordion Festival, Elaine Cooperstein (SFAC Treasurer and Lou Jacklich student) introduced and paid tribute to her teacher and then presented Nicholas Plasichuk with SFAC’s 2023 $500 Student Scholarship in honor of Lou Jacklich. Unfortunately Lou could not attend due to Covid-19.

Towards the end of August Lou Jacklich was surprised by some of his students with a group SKYPE chat to celebrate his 95th birthday (picture below). Students wished him well and shared their favorite anecdotes among countless experiences he related as a performer. A favorite story during the call included the gig he once played at a nudist colony (he refused to follow the norm, “When in Rome…”). Jane Tripi performed her jazz interpretation of “Happy Birthday.”


Future events

Accordionists Entertain at Elfia Festival - Netherlands

Elfia logo
Duo ClercxAccordionists will entertain at the Elfia Festival held at Arcen Castle in Arcen, Venlo, Netherlands on September 16th and 17th, 2023. The event “presents itself as a fantasy country with an own flag, a national anthem, chosen queens, ambassadors, a home for every fantasy and historical creation possible.”

Festival events include a variety of concerts, demonstrations, costume parades, music workshops, magic shows, and lots more.

Accordion performers include:
• Duo Clercx (picture left) which includes brothers Hendrik Clercx (accordion & violin) and Gert-Jan Clercx (violin, tin whistles & bagpipes)
• Pirates’ Picnic consisting of Leo (accordion & cajon), with bouzouki, guitar, violin and vocals)
• Airboxes – accordion duo Bert Leemans and Guus Herremans
• Good Habits - pictured below - Pete Shaw (accordion) and Bonnie Schwarz (cello and vocals)
For details email: elfoffice@elfia.com
Good Habits


Budapest Cafe Orchestra Mini Tour - Scotland

Budapest Cafe Orchestra
The Budapest Cafe Orchestra began their mini tour of Scotland this week in Peebles, which will include a program of instrumental versions of traditional Gaelic folk tunes.

The group consists of Eddie Hession (accordion), Christian Garrick (violin), Kelly Cantlon (double bass) and Adrian Zolotuhin (guitar, saz, balalaika, domra).

Concert schedule:

September 16th: Strathpeffer Pavilion
September 18th: Dunvegan Community Hall
September 19th: Torridon Estate
September 20th: New Deer Public Hall
September 21st: Johnshaven Village Hall
September 22nd: Falkland Community Hall
September 23rd: St Andrew's Parish Church Moffat


Brandon McPhee Performs at The Plaza - England

Brandon McPheeScottish accordionist Brandon McPhee will perform at The Plaza, Stockport, England on September 17th, at 7.30pm.

It’s not often an accordionist tops the bill at The Plaza, and Brandon is a popular performer, composer and prolific recording artiste, has won numerous awards and competitions, including the prestigious All Scotland Championship.

A special guest at this event is Tony Allen (of Foster & Allen fame). For details phone: (0161) 477 7779


Ville Hiltula Tango Cuarteto Tokyo Concert - Japan

Ville Hiltula Tango Cuarteto
The Ville Hiltula Tango Cuarteto will perform a live concert at the Roppongi C*Laps Restaurant in Tokyo, Japan on September 18th, 2023 from 1pm.

Quartet members are Ville Hiltula (bandoneón), Atsushi Yoshida (violin), Naoko Aoki (piano) and Shinji Tanaka (bass).

Their program will feature works by Astor Piazzolla. For details phone: 03-6421-1263


Noria and The Parisians at Open Studio - Australia

Noria and The Parisians
Acclaimed French chanteuse Noria Letts brings the verve, swing, and excitement of a Parisian jazz club to the Open Studio in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on September 21st, 2023 from 7pm.

Backing Noria are the Parisians featuring Dave Evans (accordion), Steve Sedergreen (piano), Nick Heywood (bass) and Phil Collings (drums).


Vardos Trio Concert at Melbourne Recital Centre - Australia

Vardos Trio
The Vardos Trio which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman will perform a “Music to Spy to” concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre in Victoria, Australia on September 22nd, 2023 at 7pm.

The show “presents the intriguing true story of a violinist turned spy catcher in 1970s Romania through violin, piano accordion and double bass, exploring echoes of the Ceausescu regime that can be felt at every turn.”

For details email: vardos@vardos.com.au


Honky-Tonk Jump Perform with Guitarist Pat Donohue - USA

Honkey Tonk Jump
Honky-Tonk Jump will perform a special show with guitarist & vocalist Pat Donohue at the Belvedere, Crooners Supper Club in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA on September 24th, 2023 at 4pm.

The show, “Jazz with a Cowboy Hat” will include a variety of “guitar-slinging, soulful singing and joke flinging with Western swing, boogie-woogie and the blues”.

Performers also include Dan Newton (accordion & vocals), Richard Kriehn (violin & vocals), Tom Schaefer (violin), Joe Savage (pedal steel & vocals), Dan Lowinger (guitar), Vaughn Asselstine (bass) and Dehl Gallagher (drums).


Hanzhi Wang Begins 2023/2024 Concert Series – USA & Canada

Hanzhi Wang
Accordionist Hanzhi Wang began her 2023/2024 concert series with a solo performance in New York, USA on September 7th, 2023, as part of the Classical Music Under the Stars in East Hampton music event.

Hanzhi will continue with a variety of solo and duo concerts in September, October and November 2023 as follows:

• September 27th: concert with violinist Lun li in New York, USA
• October 12th: concert in Bourgie Hall, Montreal, Canada with Avi Avital (mandolin – picture below).
• October 14th: concert at the Noords Center, Orem, Utah, USA with Avi Avital
• October 15th: concert at Zellerbach Hall, Berkeley, California, USA with Avi Avital
• October 16th: concert at Lobero Theatre, Santa Barbara, California, USA with Avi Avital
• October 19th: concert at Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga, NY, USA with Avi Avital
• October 20th: concert at New York Philharmonic, New York, NY, USA with Avi Avital
• October 21st: concert at Sixth & I, Washington DC, USA with Avi Avital
• October 22nd: concert at BrickBox Theater, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA with Avi Avital
• October 24th: solo concert at the Church of the Intercession in New York, NY, USA
• November 16th: solo concert in New York, NY, USA
Hanzhi Wang & Avi Avital


Annual NorthEast Squeeze-In - USA

Annual NorthEast Squeeze-In
The Annual NorthEast Squeeze-In will be held at the Wisdom House Retreat & Conference Center in Litchfield, Connecticut, USA from September 30th to October 3rd, 2023.

The event is a gathering of free-reed players and their partners—not a festival, not a tutorial camp, but a laid-back music-filled weekend organized and led by volunteers who play concertina, button accordion, piano accordion, and the like. Participants range from absolute beginners to seasoned professionals.

They offer each other workshops, play tunes and songs in an amazing assortment of genres, jam from early morning until late at night, and present an eclectic concert on Saturday in which performers of every level and any instrument are welcome. The concert is followed by a contra dance, along with informal sessions that take place in every nook and cranny of the venue.

For more information email: Lynnh1947@gmail.com


Hugo Travi Performs at Centro Cultural San Martin - Argentina

Hugo Travi Poster
Accordionist Hugo Travi will perform at Centro Cultural San Martin, Sala Enrique Muino in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 10th. 2023 at 8.30pm.

Their program will feature classical, jazz and traditional music.

See poster for details.


Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2023  Competition Information
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
World Accordion Day Information 2023 World Accordion Day, 6th May each year
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link


New and Updated Sites

Resoconti giornalieri, 76a Coupe Mondiale 2023, Bijeljina - Bosnia ed Erzegovina

Daily Reports Coupe Mondiale header
Coupe Mondiale posterHomepage video e orari video su: 2023CM-Video
Risultati, resoconti giornalieri, immagini su: 2023CM-Report

I resoconti giornalieri di video e immagini sono iniziati con il Concerto di Apertura. Ci saranno video di tutti i concorrenti della Coupe Mondiale e dei concerti, forniti dal CIA Video Archive and Education Project.

I risultati della Coupe Mondiale saranno annunciati alle ore 18 di sabato 9 settembre.

Scarica la locandina stampabile dell'evento su: 2023CM-poster.jpg
Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project


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