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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Oct-2021
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Primo piano

Report giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2021, termina domenica, Monaco di Baviera - Germania
Giansandro Breccia di Pasco Italia regala nuova fisarmonica a famoso fisarmonicista di strada - Italia/Irlanda
Nuova Opera da Camera presso l’Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn - Estonia
23a edizione di Accordion Days Rheinsberg, febbraio 2022 – Germania
1° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Istanbul – Turchia
Ratoi Radu recital a Chișinău - Moldavia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Piero & Horacio Entertain at Palacio Legislativo - Uruguay
VIII International Festival Competition of Keyboard Accordion Performers "Accordionissimo" - Russia
Gorka Hermosa Entertains at Chillida Museum – Spain
Video: Castelfidardo Between History, Music & Nature - Italy
2021 Trophée Mondial Results to be Announced Online - France
Video: “Ghost Riders in the Sky” – New Zealand
2021 Fortissimissimo Firenze Festival - Italy

Future events

Klaus Paier Duo "Vision for Two" Concerts - Germany
Øivind Farmen and Håvard Svendsrud 2021 “Trekkspillcafe” Accordion Tour - Norway
Accordionists Entertain at 10th Annual Fairfax Irish Festival, California - USA
"Sinfonisches Akkordeon Orchester Hessen" Concert Weekend - Germany
Accordion Dancing Gala - France
Online: “Squeeze This!: A Cultural History of the Accordion in America” with Dr. Marion Jacobson – USA

Childrens Corner

10 Year Old Colin Kennedy Wins Scholarship at Cotati Accordion Festival - USA

New and Updated Sites

Report giornalieri, foto e risultati, PIF Castelfidardo - Italia
Concerto di beneficenza della London Accordion Orchestra, Inghilterra - UK
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Primo piano

Report giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2021, termina domenica, Monaco di Baviera - Germania

Daily Reports Header 2021 Coupe Mondiale
2021 Coupe Mondiale posterVideo sopra: Naoko e Andreas Nebl al concerto di apertura della Coupe Mondiale.
I Report Giornalieri con video e immagini sono iniziati mercoledì 13 ottobre con il Concerto Inaugurale. Ci saranno video di tutte le esibizioni e concerti dei concorrenti della Coupe Mondiale, forniti dal CIA Video Archive and Education Project. Risultati online con la conclusione delle premiazioni il 17 ottobre 2021.
Video Homepage e Orario a: 2021CM-Video
Report giornalieri, immagini, risultati a: 2021CM-Report
Bundesministerium für Kultur und Medien


Giansandro Breccia di Pasco Italia regala nuova fisarmonica a famoso fisarmonicista di strada - Italia/Irlanda

Tom McNamara
Giansandro BrecciaVideo: "Questo è il mio bambino!": La gioia di Tom alla sua nuova fisarmonica. Tom ha ringraziato il Presidente di Pasco Italia, dicendo: “Sono contento di lui, e di tutto il lavoro della fabbrica. Vorrei dire grazie mille".
Con un bel tocco, l'azienda ha personalizzato lo strumento con il nome di Tom.
Il giornalista Nick Rabbitts di Limerick Leader, Irlanda, ha recentemente pubblicato un articolo online sul famoso musicista di strada locale Tom McNamara che suona la fisarmonica in uno dei suoi punti abituali nel centro della città.
“Per decenni, Tom McNamara, che ha 84 anni, ha suonato musica in tutta la città. Ma inevitabilmente, il suo strumento ha subito un po' di usura in quel periodo. Uno dei suoi vicini ha sottolineato a Limerick Leader il mese scorso che il musicista ha bisogno di un nuovo strumento.
Giansandro Breccia, Presidente di Pasco Italia (foto a sinistra), che ha sede a Castelfidardo, nell'Italia centro-orientale, ha dichiarato di voler donare a Tom uno strumento nuovo di zecca”.
Parlando al quotidiano Limerick, ha detto: “Ho letto la vostra storia riguardo Tom su Internet. Alcuni miei amici irlandesi mi hanno confermato che è molto popolare non solo a Limerick, ma in tutta l'Irlanda. L’idea mi è venuta subito, perché non [donare]?
“Ho 60 anni e ho passato la mia vita nel mondo della musica. So che per ogni musicista il suo strumento è come un bambino. Quindi so che Tom sta cercando un nuovo bambino dopo molto tempo", ha aggiunto il presidente dell'azienda.
La fisarmonica, un nuovissimo modello d'élite di Paolo Soprani, il più popolare in Irlanda, ha ora trovato la sua strada dall'Italia a Limerick, e Tom si è detto "felicissimo".


Nuova Opera da Camera presso l’Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn - Estonia

Minnie pic
Estonian Academy of Music and TheatreUna nuova opera da camera intitolata "Minnie" composta da Tze Yeung Ho, sarà eseguita presso la Concert and Theatre Hall, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre a Tallinn il 20 ottobre 2021 alle 19:00.
"Minnie" è stata scritta da Tze Yeung Ho come parte del suo concerto di dottorato, tenuto in collaborazione con Opera Veto, Estonian Academy of Music e Theatre and AccordionFest Estonia. L'opera è generosamente sostenuta da Norsk kulturråd (Consiglio per le arti della Norvegia), Nordic Culture Point, Nordic Culture Fund, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Norwegian Society of Composers, Music Norway/The Foreign Ministry of Norway e The Royal Norwegian Embassy a Tallinn.
Tra gli interpreti figurano i fisarmonicisti Kristel Laas (Estonia), Mikk Langeproon (Estonia), Momir Novakovic (Estonia), Sini Ström (Finlandia), Sonja Vertainen (Finlandia) e Theodore Parker (chitarrista elettrico/improvvisatore - Estonia) che saranno accompagnati da solisti di Norvegia, Finlandia ed Estonia.
L'opera ha sede a Nanchino, che fu capitale della Cina tra il 1927 e il 1937. Nanchino fu devastata dall'esercito imperiale giapponese durante la seconda guerra mondiale e ospitò il Ginling College, la scuola in cui Wilhelmina "Minnie" Vautrin trascorse la sua vita come insegnante per ragazze.

Minnie, missionaria e devota cristiana, ha scritto molti ricordi di guerra nel suo diario che sono raffigurati nell'opera.
Tze Yeung Ho (nato nel 1992) è un compositore norvegese-canadese con sede a Helsinki, direttore di festival, ricercatore d'arte e appassionato di lingue di origine cantonese.
Per dettagli email: info@eamt.ee


23a edizione di Accordion Days Rheinsberg, febbraio 2022 – Germania

DHV logoIl 23° Accordion Days Rheinsberg si terrà dal 18 al 20 febbraio 2022 presso la Music Academy Kavalierhaus di Rheinsberg, in Germania, a seguito della cancellazione dell'evento del 2021 a causa del Covid-19.
L'Associazione tedesca dell'armonica (DHV Brandenburg) invita i fisarmonicisti giovani e adulti di tutta la Germania – alunni, studenti, insegnanti, musicisti d'orchestra e direttori d'orchestra – a fare musica insieme per tre giorni e ad imparare gli uni dagli altri.
L'evento prevede workshop di:
• Lars Holm - corso solistico e di musica da camera
• Hans-Günther Kölz - corso d'orchestra
• Sabine Kölz – workshop “Ran an die Tasten und Knöpfe”
Le iscrizioni sono ora aperte. Scarica le regole e le informazioni per l'iscrizione qui: 2022RheinsbergRules.pdf


1° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Istanbul – Turchia

1st Turkey festival poster
Il 1° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Istanbul si svolgerà dal 28 ottobre al 1° novembre 2021, presso il Centro Culturale Mustafa Saffet, in collaborazione con l’Akorder Accordion Association, l'Università di Istanbul Okan e la municipalità distrettuale di Atasehir a Istanbul, in Turchia.
L'evento prevede workshop e concerti.
Per i dettagli e-mail: info@akorder.com


Ratoi Radu recital a Chișinău - Moldavia

Radu poster
Il fisarmonicista Ratoi Radu terrà un recital presso la Sala cu Orga (Sala dell'organo) di Chisinau, in Moldova, il prossimo 19 ottobre alle 18:00 nell'ambito del Festivalul "Zilele Muzicii Noi" ("Giornate della nuova musica").
Il suo programma includerà S. Gubaidulina - De profundis, Gh. Ciobanu - Expanding Spaces (prima edizione), L. Berio - Sequenza XIII, M. Lindberg - Jeux d'Anches, S. Haapamaki - Power, A. Kusyakiv - Sonata nr. 6, B. Lorentzen – Lacrime e T. Hosokawa – Melodia.
Per dettagli telefono: 022 22 25 28


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Piero & Horacio Entertain at Palacio Legislativo - Uruguay

Piero & HoracioVideo: “Piero & Horacio” performing at the 2020 Grand Final of Got Talent Uruguay

Popular accordion and violin duo “Piero & Horacio” entertained at the Palacio Legislativo in Montevideo this week on October 14th.

The Palacio Legislativo was built between 1908 and 1925 in Montevideo and was inaugurated on August 25th, 1925 as a tribute to the 100 years of the Declaration of Independence.

The duo also have a busy weekend with wedding and 80th birthday performances on October 15th and 16th.

“Piero & Horacio” were popular finalists in the 2020 grand Final of Got Talent Uruguay and gained a third placing from hundreds of artists.

For details phone: +598 98 975 384


VIII International Festival Competition of Keyboard Accordion Performers "Accordionissimo" - Russia

Accordionissimo header
venueThe VIII International Festival Competition of Keyboard Accordion Performers "Accordionissimo" will be held in Ufa, Russia from December 1st to 3rd, 2021.

This year’s event is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Ufa College of Arts in Russia and will include the competition, concerts, master classes, scientific and practical conference, courses of professional development of teachers, excursions and round table.

Due to Covid-19, the competition will be held in two stages:
Stage one – online video competition with applicants performing 50% of their program

Stage two – live performance of finalists at the Ufa School of Arts. Competitors will perform their entire program.

Time line of events as follows:
• November 1st: Applications close
• November 10th: Round 1 results announced
• November 10th to 15th: Invitations for Stage 2 will be sent
• December 1st: Stage 2 begins with participant registrations and press conference from 12 midday and participant auditions from 2pm.
• December 1st: Opening ceremony concert "The Magic of the Accordion" at 7pm
• December 2nd: Competitive auditions begin at 10am
• December 2nd: Scientific and Practical Conference "Accordion and Modernity" at 3pm
• December 2nd: Evening concert by laureate of international competitions Radu Ratoi at 7pm.
• December 3rd: Competitive auditions of participants at 10am.
• December 3rd: Master classes. Round table. Sightseeing tour of the city of Ufa (for those who wish) at midday
• December 3rd: Closing ceremony of the festival-competition, announcement of results, awarding, concert of laureates at 4pm.

Download competition rules here: 2021AccordionissimoRules.pdf


Gorka Hermosa Entertains at Chillida Museum – Spain

GorkaGorkaPhotos by: Mikel Mtnez Lezea.

Gorka Hermosa entertained last weekend at a "Witches and Witchcrafts" event at the Chillida Museum in Hernani, Spain. He was accompanied by Toti Mtnez de Lezea and Edurne Zabalo.


Video: Castelfidardo Between History, Music & Nature - Italy

Fratelli AlessandriniVideo: Davide Rampello takes us to the discovery of Castelfidardo, a few kilometers from Ancona: a medieval village surrounded by hills and woods and where ancient history and tradition can be breathed in every corner.

The video in Italian language, includes information on accordion artisan manufacturing in Castelfidardo including Fratelli Alessandrini and featuring Tonino Alessandrini and sister Daniela Alessandrini, showing a little of how accordions are made and some music.


2021 Trophée Mondial Results to be Announced Online - France

TM logoConfederation Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) President Frederic Deschamps has announced that the results of the 2021 Trophée Mondial video competition will be announced online in October (from 22nd to 24th) and November (from 5th to 14th) this year.

The online category judging began in September and winners of each category will have the privilege of participating in the creation of an original recording in duo with Richard Galliano (a new World Premiere composition by Richard Galliano for each category).

Due to the current Covid-19 situation in Ukraine, further details regarding the Trophée Mondial Premium, due to be held at the end of November, 2021 will be announced as soon as possible.


Video: “Ghost Riders in the Sky” – New Zealand

Video: Accordionist Annie Gong performs “Ghost Riders in the Sky” with New Zealand based international guitarist, Gray Bartlett. Annie Gong plays drum, bass & rhythm guitar as a backing band on a digital accordion. Filmed and recorded in their home studio.


2021 Fortissimissimo Firenze Festival - Italy

Firenze poster
Irene SquizzatoAnna BodnarThe 2021 Fortissimissimo Firenze Festival was held in Florence, Italy from September 13th to October 5th, 2021.

The festival featured 14 concerts dedicated to young Italian musicians and opens the concert season of the Amici della Musica di Firenze.

Accordion performances were given by students of the Scuola di Musica Sesto Fiorentino (picture below) which included Irene Squizzato (picture above left), Anna Bodnar (picture above right) and Antonio Saule on October 5th at the Conservatorio "L. Cherubini".
Scuola poster


Future events

Klaus Paier Duo "Vision for Two" Concerts - Germany

Paier/ValcicVideo: Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic - Vision for Two, 10 Years.

Klaus Paier (accordion and bandoneon) & Asja Valcic (cello) will perform three concerts entitled “Vision for Two, 10 Years” (after their latest album) this weekend in Germany.

“The pair have been making music as a duo for over ten years. Their journey together began in 2009 with their debut album “À Deux”, and since then Paier and Valcic have proceeded to make their unique accordion & cello sound into a thing of wonder.”

Performance dates as follows:

• October 15th: St Agathe Church in Schopfheim, Baden-Württemberg
• October 16th: Forum Merzhausen in Merzhausen, Baden-Württemberg
• October 17th: Heubacher Hauskonzerte, Weilheim

For details email: klaus.paier@aon.at


Øivind Farmen and Håvard Svendsrud 2021 “Trekkspillcafe” Accordion Tour - Norway

Norway poster
Accordionists Øivind Farmen and Håvard Svendsrud will begin a “Trekkspillcafe” (Accordion Café) tour of Southern Norway this month.

The tour will begin on October 19th at the Tydal Museum in Trondheim, Trøndelag County. The duo will perform a program of pieces by Pietro Frosini followed by a mixed repertoire with impromptu interaction and audience requests.

The concert tour will finish with a performance at the Systra Café in Ørskog on October 31st.

The duo hope to meet many accordion and music enthusiasts on their way around southern Norway.

See poster for performance schedule.


Accordionists Entertain at 10th Annual Fairfax Irish Festival, California - USA

Irish fest poster
The 10th Annual Fairfax Irish Festival will be held in Fairfax, Marin County, California on October 23rd, 2021.

The event is free for all ages and will include a variety of musicians and dancers performing jigs, reels, hornpipes, polkas, waltzes and more.

Performers include “The Gas Men” with Barry O'Connell (accordion & vocals), accordionist Renee de la Prade with “Culann's Hounds”, Erica & Friends (Charlie Hancock - accordion), The Ring Of Truth Trio (Roxanne Oliva accordion & vocals), The Pure Drops (Daniel Schoenfeld on accordion – picture below) plus soloists Felim Egan and Riggy Rackin (concertina).

See poster for venue details. For further information email: fairfaxirishfestival@gmail.com
Pure Drops


"Sinfonisches Akkordeon Orchester Hessen" Concert Weekend - Germany

Sinfonisches Akkordeon Orchester Hessen poster
Video: Performance and information about the Sinfonisches Akkordeon Orchester Hessen (SAkkOH), produced by H-Da Studenten (Sound and Music Production, Motion Pictures).

The Sinfonisches Akkordeon Orchester Hessen (SAkkOH) conducted by Thomas Bauer, will perform two concerts this month in Germany.

“Under the title “Back in Concert”, the audience can look forward to an outstanding program packed with musical highlights and music that will quickly make you forget the break caused by the coronavirus.”

Guest performers include pianist Erik Reischl, soprano Nora Friedrichs and American tenor Michael Porter.

Concert dates are:
• October 23rd, 2021 at 8pm at Congressforum in Frankenthal
• October 24th, 2021 at 5pm at Kurhaus Wiesbaden, Hesse

Their program will include works by Franz Liszt (First concert for piano and orchestra), Charles Gounod (from “Roméo and Juliette”), Gaetano Donizetti (from "L’elisir d’amore"), Giacomo Puccini (from “La Bohème”) and Franz Léhar (from “The Land of Smiles”).

For details email: info@sakkoh.de


Accordion Dancing Gala - France

Gala poster
A Gala d’accordeon Exceptionnel (Accordion Dancing Gala) will be held at the Salle Limorin in Replonges, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France on October 24th, 2021 at 2pm.

Performers include Stéphanie Rodriguez and her band, Jerome Baudoui, Frederic Buch and Myriam Thiebaut.

The event will also include a special raffle with a prize of a “Dance Trip” for 2 people to win, offered by “Miléade”.

Event proceeds will go to the Pauline Stepping Association.

For details phone: 06 28 30 82 38


Online: “Squeeze This!: A Cultural History of the Accordion in America” with Dr. Marion Jacobson – USA

Squeeze This posterMarion JThe Brooklyn Accordion Club will present an online conversation with author Dr. Marion Jacobson (picture right) of "Squeeze This!: A Cultural History of the Accordion in America” on October 24th, 2021 from 2pm to 3pm.

She will be interviewed by Dean Olshur, podcaster and BAC member.

Dr. Marion Jacobson brings attention to the accordion with her book, "Squeeze This, A Cultural History of the Accordion in America". The University of Illinois Press calls it: "Everything you wanted to know about piano accordions in America--but were afraid to ask.”

She is an ethnomusicologist, educator, and author who has written hundreds of reviews and features of live concerts and events of all the major world music traditions.

Dr. Jacobson began digging for the fossilized remains of lost American accordion cultures in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Squeeze This! A Cultural History of the Accordion (University of Illinois Press, 2012/2015) is the first comprehensive scholarly book on the piano accordion, and winner of the Society for Ethnomusicology’s Klaus P. Wachsmann Prize for Outstanding Monographs in Organology (the historical study of musical instruments).

Marion has sparked great interest in and brought much attention to the accordion with her book. Whether you agree or disagree with her thoughts or are reading it to learn about the accordion, it makes us all think about the accordion, how it has influenced our culture, our lives, and how it is part of a new generation of musicians who realize and greatly appreciate its value in the world of music.

For further information: jerseyfolkarts@gmail.com


Childrens Corner

10 Year Old Colin Kennedy Wins Scholarship at Cotati Accordion Festival - USA

Video: 10 Year Old Colin Kennedy plays his first ever accordion show at the Cotati Accordion Festival and was awarded a scholarship. This video shows clips of some of the festival performers including Colin playing "Echoes of Vienna" (waltz by Joseph Zampiceni).


New and Updated Sites

Report giornalieri, foto e risultati, PIF Castelfidardo - Italia

PIF Castelfidardo header
Report giornalieri, foto, risultati, giuria, concerti e informazioni online su: 2021Castelfidardo  sulla 46° edizione del PIF Castelfidardo in programma dal 27 settembre al 2 ottobre.


Concerto di beneficenza della London Accordion Orchestra, Inghilterra - UK

LAO header
La London Accordion Orchestra presenterà il suo primo concerto in 2 anni presso la St. Gabriel's Church di Pimlico, nel centro di Londra, in Inghilterra, il 23 ottobre 2021, insieme alla sua seconda orchestra "London Accordion Players". Tutti i proventi del concerto saranno devoluti a “The Friends of St. Gabriel's”.
La capacità del pubblico sarà limitata a 150 (50%) per assicurarsi che tutti abbiano molto spazio per godersi la musica.
Con oltre 50 musicisti nei 2 ensemble, i partecipanti godranno di un'ampia varietà di musica tra cui brani di Astor Piazzolla, Stefan Hippe, Hans-Gunther Kolz, Adolf Gotz, Rudolf Wurthner e una prima mondiale del direttore principale della LAO, Ian Watson.
La London Accordion Orchestra sarà inoltre affiancata dalla violinista solista Sarah Crisp per un'esecuzione di 'Liebeslied' di Fritz Kreisler.
Per i dettagli e-mail: mail@londonao.co.uk


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Accordion Russia banner
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with information on upcoming events.


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