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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Mar-2019
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Primo piano

2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival
Pubblicato il nuovo CD di Friedrich Lips Intitolato Quodlibet - Austria/Russia
XI Dani Harmonike, 12 - 16 aprile, Bijeljina - Bosnia ed Erzegovina
Successo della 32° NAA 2019 Convention - USA
La nuova fisarmonica a mosaico sarà svelata - Nuova Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Premiere of a new Finnish Accordion Concerto in Espoo - Finland
Blue Mountains Music Festival – Australia

Future events

All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica 2019 – Russia
International Klezmer Festival Fürth – Germany
St Patrick’s Day Irish Music Weekend - UK
Dúo Contrastes Concert - Colombia
Band Workshop Day – England
Alzheimer's Society & Research Concert - UK
“Accordion Stories from the Heart” – USA
Chaika Launch Tour 2019 – Australia

New and Updated Sites

New Compositions by Franco Cambareri - Australia

CD Reviews

CD Review: Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips

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Primo piano

2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival

header 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival
Poster 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion FestivalIl 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival si terrà dal 13 al 14 aprile a Shanghai come parte del 36° "Shanghai Spring" International Music Festival, conosciuto a livello internazionale. Scarica il poster stampabile: 2019PosterShanghai.pdf

Al fine di promuovere lo sviluppo diversificato, nazionale e internazionale dell'arte della fisarmonica nella regione del "Delta del fiume Yangtze", il 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival presenta i concerti di fisarmonica "Belt and Road" che si terranno dal 15 al 20 aprile a Changzhou, Ma'anshan e Ningbo.

Informazioni dettagliate in cinese sui partecipanti e orario a: 2019cnShanghai.pdf

Parteciperanno Artisti Internazionali e di Shanghai:
- Orchestra di fisarmoniche della Normal University di Shanghai
- Shanghai Accordion League Orchestra
- Tango Reaction, Aleksandar Nikolic & Petar Maric (Serbia)
- Radu Ratoi (Moldova), vincitore della Coupe Mondiale 2019
- Esse Quintet (Russia),
- Tutto a Dio, Augustinas Rakauskas e Greta Staponkute (Lituania) vincitore 2019 Coupe Mondiale Ensemble.
- Squadra di fisarmonica della regione del delta del fiume Yangtze

Programma dei concerti:
- 13 aprile 19:00 Hongqiao New Town Central Park (n. 2238 West Yan'an Road)

- 15 - 20 aprile, Tour del Delta del fiume Yangtze a Changzhou, Ma'anshan, Ningbo.
Spettacoli di fisarmonica di Yangtze River Delta Group.

- 13 e 14 aprile Hongqiao New Town Central Park (n. 2238 West Yan'an Road, distretto di Changning, Shanghai)

Il primo Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival si è tenuto nel 2006 e c'è stata una fierissima storia di festival della fisarmonica nella regione di Shanghai. Puoi leggere degli eventi passati a:
2006 Shanghai | 2008 Shanghai | 2009 Shanghai | 2011 Coupe Mondiale | 2017ShanghaiConcert | 2018Shanghai
Organisers 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival


Pubblicato il nuovo CD di Friedrich Lips Intitolato Quodlibet - Austria/Russia

Quodlibet CD header
Quodlibet CD cover, Friedrich LipsÈ appena stato rilasciato un nuovo CD intitolato "Quodlibet" di Friedrich Lips. Questo CD contiene la musica dei maggiori compositori russi della seconda metà del XX secolo fino all'inizio del XXI secolo.

Catalogo: CD029 Quodlibet CD

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Elenco delle tracce:
1. Mikhail Bronner (*1952) "Katuv" per bayan, pianoforte e orchestra sinfonica 37:18 con Symphony Orchestra della Gnesin Academy RAM diretta da Andrey Lebedev.

2. Suite (1951) Alexander Kholminov (1925-2015) Canzone 3:44
3. Scherzo 2:49
4. Notturno 3:37
5. Final

6. Efrem Podgaits (*1949) Odessa-Quodlibet (dedicato a Friedrich Lips) 6:40

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Le informazioni su ogni traccia sono online, compreso l'ordine via Internet all'indirizzo:
Catalogo: CD029 Quodlibet CD
Friedrich Lips


XI Dani Harmonike, 12 - 16 aprile, Bijeljina - Bosnia ed Erzegovina

Il festival Dani Harmonike (Giorni di Armonia) si è tenuto per la prima volta a Ugljevik nel 2009, organizzato dalla Scuola di musica "Kornelija Stankovic".

Oltre a concerti, seminari, conferenze professionali, si tiene ogni anno la competizione tra solisti, ensemble da camera e orchestre con una giuria internazionale e artisti internazionali.

L’XI Dani Haronike, 12 - 16 aprile 2019, presenta i solisti Vladimir Murza (Ucraina), Yuri Shishki (Russia) e Mirco Patarini (Italia).

Il termine ultimo per l’iscrizione alla competizione è il 25 marzo 2019
Per ulteriori informazioni contattare Slaviša Peric, Email: msks.festival@gmail.com


Successo della 32° NAA 2019 Convention - USA

NAA Convention
Norman SeatonLa 32° Convention 2019 della National Accordion Association (NAA) si è conclusa domenica scorsa! L'evento è sempre incentrato su persone, fisarmoniche, connessioni, cameratismo e divertimento.

Per gli appassionati di fisarmonica, c'era qualcosa per accontentare tutti e ho partecipato a molti workshop, concerti e jam session, e sono stato ispirato da tutto quanto.

Si è svolto un importante evento musicale: la World Premiere dell'orchestrazione di fisarmoniche di "Two Plus One" composta da Gary Daverne, è stata eseguita dalla NAA Festival Orchestra e diretta dal conduttore, cantante e fisarmonicista neozelandese Lionel Reekie. Lionel ha anche tenuto dei workshop, ha cantato e intrattenuto.

Il 2019 NAA ha presentato molti concerti/workshop e 200 persone hanno partecipato ai concerti e ai banchetti serali!

Congratulazioni al Team di Gestione della Convention e Consiglio di Associazione della NAA 2019:
Norman Seaton (foto a destra), Nancy Bernstein, Rebecca Ratcliff, Sharon Seaton, Nick Ballarini, Markus e Sabine Baggio

Visitate il 1° aprile US National Accordion News AccordionUSA per i report dettagliati con video e foto.

Foto sotto: Norman Seaton, Rebecca Huck, Jamie Maschler, Gabe Rodriguez
Norman Seaton, Rebecca Huck, Jamie Maschler, Gabe Rodriguez


La nuova fisarmonica a mosaico sarà svelata - Nuova Zelanda

Kevin concert poster
Kevin FriedrichIl fisarmonicista Kevin Friedrich (foto a destra) terrà il suo 12° concerto annuale "Kevin Friedrich and Friends" al Dargaville Museum Lighthouse Function Center il 31 marzo. L'evento di quest'anno ha come tema "Music from Stage and Sound" e presenterà musiche di spettacoli come Les Miserables, Fantasma dell’Opera, My Fair Lady ed Evita.

Una caratteristica dell'evento di quest'anno sarà la presentazione di una fisarmonica a mosaico (realizzata dal mosaicista locale Kim Harrison) durante l'esecuzione di una nuova opera "Song of Peace" del compositore neozelandese Gary Daverne. La fisarmonica a mosaico è decorata per celebrare l'ANZAC.

Tutti i proventi del concerto saranno devoluti al Museo Dargaville e l'evento si prospetta un tutto esaurito. Per ulteriori dettagli sul concerto, telefono: +64 9 439 7555

Report di eventi degli ultimi anni a: 2018Dargaville


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Premiere of a new Finnish Accordion Concerto in Espoo - Finland

On March 7th, 2019 a new large scale Finnish work “Concerto da Camera” (by Kalle Välimaa, a well-known Finnish accordionist and composer) was performed for the first time by Finnish accordionist and conductor Jukka-Pekka Kuusela as a soloist in Suvela Chappel, Espoo. The orchestra part was played by the composer himself on piano.

“Concerto da Camera” consists of 7 movements and lasts about 30 minutes. The composition (also entitled “Memories from La Palma”) and the performance were well acclaimed by the public.

The concert which was entitled “Accordion Concertos on a Spring Evening” included works by U. Jutila, J. Webb, V. Salmanov, B. Przybylski and J.S. Bach which were performed by young accordionists from Espoo and Hyvinkää.

The picture below shows accordionist Jukka-Pekka Kuusela and composer Kalle Välimaa.
Jukka-Pekka Kuusela and composer Kalle Välimaa


Blue Mountains Music Festival – Australia

Baltic Bar MitzvahThe Blue Mountains Music Festival is currently underway in Katoomba, Australia and will finish this weekend. The event included over 45 acts including daily performances by the group “Baltic Bar Mitzvah” which features a multi-instrumental line-up.

The group, which includes accordionist Neil Simpson play a contemporary interpretation of music from Eastern European and Jewish cultures. Each member of the ensemble has studied music extensively in their chosen disciplines and currently practice professional performance careers.

Combined with a constant focus to improvise and explore the music they perform, Baltic Bar Mitzvah’s dynamic sound traverses the frenetic melodies of the Balkans to the passionate embrace of Argentinian tango, and together with a progressive fusion of grooves, changes perceptions of what folk music can be, and leave the dance-floor wailing for more.


Future events

All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica 2019 – Russia

LipsThe All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica 2019 will be celebrated at the Gnesins RAM Concert Hall in Moscow on March 16th. The Department of the Bayan and Accordion of the Gnesins RAM established the event with project manager, Friedrich Lips (picture left).

The purpose of the event is to become a part of the national cultural project. According to the founders, in search of a national idea it is very important to support initiatives to preserve the traditions and achievements of our multinational country. The event is also Russia's contribution to World Accordion Day.

Accordion, bayan and harmonica players (both amateur and professional) in all regions of Russia have shown great enthusiasm for this event.

It is worth noting that throughout the twentieth century these reed instruments were an integral part of the life of the people of Russia: Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, and many others. The bayan, harmonica and accordion played an invaluable role during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Please see poster below for event information. Also link: 2019All-Russian.pdf
Bayan Festival Poster


International Klezmer Festival Fürth – Germany

Felix BandThe International Klezmer Festival Fürth & Jewish Music Today event will be held at the Kulturforum Fürth, Germany from March 15th to 17th organised by Stadtverwaltung Fürth.

The event will include a variety of workshops and concerts some of which are sold out.

On March 16th, Felix Shinder & Dengi Vpered (picture left), an 8 piece band from Ukraine (which includes accordionist Oleg Vasyanovych), will perform Wild Klezmer mixed with rough Balkan brass and "gangster songs". The band unites Russian and Ukrainian music, especially old folk songs from Odessa, with Yiddish songs and Klezmer melodies from all over Eastern Europe.

This will be followed by Mischpoke (Germany - picture below), a six piece band which includes accordionist Martin Terens. This group show their joy of playing with tempo, wit and charm, as well as melancholy and depth – attributes that characterize their sound.

Mames Babegenush (Denmark) which includes accordionist Nicolai Kornerup will provide further entertainment. This popular band has been bringing traditional Freilachs and Eastern European folk to the international stages for 15 years now and this year they present a project of a very special kind. Joined by a string quartet, the band embarks on a new musical territory. The result is absolutely worth listening to: sometimes klezmer, sometimes classical music, sometimes lively and excited, sometimes calm and melancholic.

For details email: klezmer-festival@fuerth.de


St Patrick’s Day Irish Music Weekend - UK

Ian LowthianSome positions are still available for a St Patrick’s Day Irish Music Weekend for accordionists which will be held on March 16th and 17th at the Village Hall, Ettrickbridge End, Scottish Borders, organised by Ian Lowthian (pictured).

The event will include some of the standard singalong pieces as well as some polkas, jigs and reels. Some discussions on Irish ornamentation is planned too.

For further details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Dúo Contrastes Concert - Colombia

Dúo ContrastesDúo Contrastes which includes Lácides Romero (accordion) and Felipe Calle (piano) will perform a concert at the Uniandinos de Bogota in Colombia on March 22nd at 7.30pm.

Their program will include Hornpipe (Handel), Anitra’s Dance (Grieg), Rondo Gitano (Haydn), Lo Que Vendra Tango (Piazzolla) plus solo accordion works such as Malvaloca (Calvo) and Danza Eslava #8 (Dvorak).

Entrance to this concert is free of charge.

For further details email: lacidesromero@gmail.com


Band Workshop Day – England

Bert SantillyAn all-day Band Workshop with Bert Santilly (pictured) will be held at the Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St, Woodley in Stockport on March 23rd from 10am to 4.15pm.

Bert, who is known for his jazz and busking workshops at the Seacroft and Caister festivals, will cover various points of playing technique and also give individual guidance where necessary. Workshop numbers are limited.

For details email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Alzheimer's Society & Research Concert - UK

Karen StreetAccordionist Karen Street will team with her husband Andy (saxophone) to give a relaxed afternoon concert in aid of Alzheimer's Society and Alzheimer's Research as part of the Dementia Revolution. The concert will be held on March 24th at St John’s Hall, Mortimer, near Reading and the duo will play a mixture of musical styles.

The concert is free of charge and donations can be made before and after the event.

For details email: karen@karenstreet.com


“Accordion Stories from the Heart” – USA

In conjuction with the Connecticut Accordion Association and the AAA, on March 31st Paul Ramunni, founder of the New England Accordion Connection & Museum Company in Canaan, CT, will share stories from his new book “Accordion Stories from the Heart” at the Waverly Tavern in Cheshire, CT.

Paul will also perform several pieces and answer questions from attendees. The books will be available for purchase along with the author’s autograph before and after the event.

For further information phone Marilyn: 203-272-12 02
Accordion Stories Poster


Chaika Launch Tour 2019 – Australia

“Chaika Band” (which includes accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova) will tour Australia from April 20th to June 30th to launch their latest CD “Arrow”. Their first tour performance will be held at Smith’s Alternative, 76 Alinga Street in Canberra followed by concerts in Sydney, Katoomba, Brisbane, Wauchope, Wollongong, Avoca Beach, Bellingen, Nambour and Gosford. Please see poster below for concert details.

Pre-sales are now open for the band’s new CD, which is their third to date and comes in a lovely gatefold card case with artwork by band members Laura Altman and Susie Bishop.

The band also played some of their new songs at the Cobargo Folk Festival last weekend.

For further concert information email: info@chaikaband.com
Chaika poster


New and Updated Sites

New Compositions by Franco Cambareri - Australia

Music sampleFranco CambareriThree new compositions by Franco Cambareri of Australia have been released.

cfranco241 - Fantasia Lunatica
cfranco242 - Nostalgic Moments
cfranco243 - Triste Autunno

View sample page online, pdf format music sent to purchaser by email.


CD Reviews

CD Review: Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips

Hymn to Aphrodite CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Recent years Lips CD's:
CD028 Hymn to Aphrodite CD
CD027 Fachwerk | Kapote CD
CD026 Night Flowers CD
CD025 Lips Concerto CD
CD024 Under The Sign of Scorpio CD
CD023 Cocktail "Rio Rita" CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD022 Viva Voce CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD021 ecLipse CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD020 ¡Buenos Dias, Astor! CD & eTracks mp3 album


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