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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Feb-2019
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Weird Al Vince 2019 Grammy Award - USA
3° Concorso Internazionale degli Artisti della Fisarmonica "Dizzy Accordion" - Russia
79° Annual ATG Accordion Festival a Denver 24-27 Luglio 2019 - USA
7° Festival della Fisarmonica MEHFEST 2019 - Serbia
DHV Osterarbeitswoche (Settimana di Pasqua), Trossingen - Germania

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

2019 National Accordion Convention Registrations in Texas - USA
Blues, Hues and Views - a New CD by William Schimmel and Elliott Sharp
Video: Vardo Trio of Matthew Dennett, Julien Castegnero and Simon Watts - USA
George Curletto Center and Museum for Electronic Accordions opening in Duluth – USA
GR8 IDEAS Accordion Symposium in Ohio – USA

Future events

XV International Biannual Accordion Festival - Latvia
CNIMA and Eric Bouvelle Composing and Arranging Workshop – France
3rd International Accordeons-nous Competition ASBL – Belgium
Frédéric Deschamps Masterclass in Drohobych - Ukraine
Italian Accordionist Guest at Guildford Accordion Club – England
Excursion with Lady's Bicycle! Concert- Sweden
4th Annual Charm City Django Jazz Festival – USA
Accordion Babes Calendar 2020
Sergei Teleshev March/April Concert Tour - USA

New and Updated Sites

New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK
Updated Site: Franck Angelis Two New Works Published - France

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Weird Al Vince 2019 Grammy Award - USA

Il fisarmonicista e parodista Weird Al ha vinto un Grammy 2019 il 10 febbraio 2019 per Best Boxed o Special Limited Edition Package. Ha battuto i nominati Guns N 'Roses e Grateful Dead.

"Weird Al" Yankovic ora ha la particolarità di essere il primo artista discografico con un Grammy Award per un album confezionato all'interno di una fisarmonica! Il suo cofanetto retrospettivo della carriera si chiama "Squeeze Box: The Complete Works of 'Weird Al' Yankovic".

La collezione comprende tutti i suoi 14 studio album, oltre a un 15° disco di rarità, in un contenitore che replicava la forma di una delle sue fisarmoniche preferite, ogni disco aveva il proprio posto all'interno dei soffietti espandibili.

Sono state create due edizioni: una per i CD, l'altra per LP in vinile da 12 pollici.

Yankovic ha condiviso il premio per Squeeze Box: The Complete Works of "Weird Al" Yankovic con Meghan Foley e Annie Stoll, che si sono unite a lui nel progetto come art director e nel backstage dei Grammy prima della trasmissione della cerimonia.

Carriera di Weird Al scritta da Rita Barnea in inglese a: 2019Grammy.pdf
Meghan Foley, Weird Al, Annie Stoll,


3° Concorso Internazionale degli Artisti della Fisarmonica "Dizzy Accordion" - Russia

Dizzy Poster
Yuri KrikunIl 3° Concorso Internazionale degli artisti della fisarmonica "Dizzy Accordion" si terrà dal 5 al 9 aprile presso l'Altai State Music College di Barnaul, in Siberia, organizzato dal comitato dell'Altai State Musical College e diretto da Yuri Krikun (foto a destra). L'evento è stato progettato per promuovere lo sviluppo della creatività degli artisti con la fisarmonica, il miglioramento delle loro capacità professionali, la cultura, il gusto artistico, l'identificazione di artisti dotati e promettenti, la perfezione delle abilità pedagogiche e la divulgazione della fisarmonica.

Il concorso comprende lezioni di fisarmonica per solisti, ensemble, classici (esecuzione di musica classica, da solista o in ensemble); Varietà (esecuzione di musica leggera su un assolo di fisarmonica, con ensemble o accompagnato da un fonogramma); Fisarmonica elettronica (solista o ensemble, che coinvolge una fisarmonica, con un sistema MIDI (digitale) - da non confondere con un sistema di microfoni incorporati); - Tango (esecuzione di musica nello stile "Tango", da solista o in un ensemble); Folklore (esecuzione di musica folk, da solista o in un ensemble). Ognuna di queste classi ha una varietà di categorie di età.

Tutti i partecipanti sono invitati: studenti di scuole di musica e università, musicisti dilettanti e musicisti professionisti provenienti dalla Russia e da altri paesi.

La giuria sarà formata dal comitato organizzatore e includerà i principali musicisti e insegnanti di musica della Russia e dei paesi stranieri.

Le iscrizioni al concorso chiudono il 19 marzo. Per ulteriori dettagli a: 2019Dizzy.pdf


79° Annual ATG Accordion Festival a Denver 24-27 Luglio 2019 - USA

2019 ATG Festival poster
Il Presidente dell’Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Joe Natoli invita tutti al 79° Annual ATG Accordion Festival a Denver dal 24 al 27 luglio 2019.

L'evento comprenderà concerti, workshop, concorsi, mostre, l'ATG Festival Orchestra, banchetti e tanto altro!

Il Festival del 2019 è l'anno dei duetti e quest'anno presenteremo alcuni dei migliori duetti per fisarmonica per offrirvi il doppio del divertimento, della musicalità e dell'intrattenimento. Gli artisti presenti sono: Augustinas Raukauskas e Greta Staponkute (Lituania), Jamie Maschler e Gabriel Rodrigues (Washington, Stati Uniti), Dan & Kim Christian (Colorado, USA), John & Madalynn Neu con The Voice of the Wood Chamber Players (Colorado, USA).

Per ulteriori informazioni sul Festival 2019, visitare il sito Web: Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG


7° Festival della Fisarmonica MEHFEST 2019 - Serbia

Mehfest Poster
Duo NeblIl Duo Nebl composto da Andreas Nebl (fisarmonica) e Frank Nebl (clarinetto) si esibiranno al concerto di apertura del 7° Festival della Fisarmonica - MEHFEST il 12 aprile presso la Megatrend University di Belgrado, in Serbia. Il loro programma comprenderà Sonate G-Moll (C.Ph.E. Bach), Allegro Rustico (Gubaidulina) e Divertimento KV 439b (Mozart).

Il festival avrà luogo dal 12 al 14 aprile organizzato da Milos Civic e prevede un concorso di fisarmonica per solisti, ensemble di musica da camera e orchestre. I concorrenti saranno giudicati da una giuria composta da eminenti professori provenienti dalla Serbia e dall'estero.

Le iscrizioni chiudono il 30 marzo 2019.

Scarica le informazioni sulla competizione a: 2019MehfestRules.pdf


DHV Osterarbeitswoche (Settimana di Pasqua), Trossingen - Germania

DHV Osterarbeitswoche header
Deutsche Harmonika-Verband (DHV) vi invita cordialmente al suo famoso evento di formazione, l'Osterarbeitswoche (Settimana di Pasqua). Fare musica, essere creativi, educare e scambiare idee - questo è ciò che offre il DHV Osterarbeitswoche.

Target Group - Direttori per orchestre di adulti, potenziali conduttori, musicisti orchestrali e ensemble, leader giovanili, istruttori junior, suonatori di armoniche.

Oltre a insegnare una nuova letteratura, tecniche per suonare e condurre nei corsi, c'è un programma di supporto accattivante e informativo nella città della musica di Trossingen.

Tra i tutor: Thomas Bauer, Andreas Nebl, Hans-Günther Kölz, Wolfgang Ruß, Silke D'Inka, Carmen Hey, Kathrin Gass, Eva-Maria Gebauer, Manfred Kappler, Martina Kluge, Ulrike Mülle, Robin Schmidt e altri.

Scarica ulteriori informazioni sui corsi, tutor e il modulo di iscrizione a: 2019Osterarbeitswoche.pdf


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

2019 National Accordion Convention Registrations in Texas - USA

NAA banner
The 2019 National Accordion convention will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Richardson, Texas from March 6th to 9th organised by the National Accordion Association (NAA).

The event will include a variety of concerts, workshops, jams, training sessions, dances, individual digital tutoring sessions, accordion sales, displays and demonstrations.

Registrations opened on February 7th. Convention-based performers will be selected from those who express an interest on the 2019 Registration Form. Hotel Reservations need to be finalised by February 15th.

Check out the NAA website for some fun. New for 2019: Wear Your Cap or Hat!
2019 Preparation Assignment 1: Know your 2019 Presenters! See how many you recognise.

For further details email NAA President Norman Seaton: NatlAccordion@SBCGlobal.net
NAA Presenters


Blues, Hues and Views - a New CD by William Schimmel and Elliott Sharp

William SchimmelDr. William Schimmel, Accordion - Elliott Sharp, Del Arte Ancuman Guitar and Mandocello, have recorded a new CD centered around the Blues. It contains Roots as well as Contemporary departures - always returning to the main scourcginalle of The Blues.

The Official release date is March 19, 2019 but pre-orders can be made on Amazon.com. The Album will also be available for digital downloads.
The titles of each cut are:
1 "Breaking News"
2 "Clickbait"
3 "Blues in the Box"
4 "Armenia Intake" (after Scrapper Blackwell)
5 "Not a bug, It's an Amphibian"
6 "MetrOcala Modulators"
7 "Always a Ray of Sun in The Blues, Never in The Tango"

On New Years Eve, Dr Schimmel performed with The New York Philharmonic in a concert that featured the renowned soprano, Rene Fleming. Dr. Schimmel also accompanied Ms. Fleming in the Broadway run of Carousel in which the cast album received a Grammy Nomination.

In January, Dr. Schimmel performed at the Prototype Festival in New York in a new opera by Philip Venable entitled" 4.48 Psychosis" based on the play by Sarah Kane depicting her last moments.The performances took place at Baruch College. Originally from London, this was the American Premiere. It received rave reviews in every major New York Paper and Concerto. Net singled out Dr. Schimmel, calling him "The Venerable Bill Schimmel"

Also in January, Schimmel did a tour of Germany performing in Elliott Sharp's Opera, "Port Bou" - along with Jenny Lin, piano and Nicholas Isherwood, Bass Baritone. The performances took place in Bonn and surrounding cities.

On February 3,2019 Schimmel will perform with The Israel Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall under the direction of Zubin Mehta. He, with the orchestra will accompany Itzhak Perlman in the tango "Por Una Cabeza", the very tango that William Schimmel initiated with The Tango Project in the film, "Scent of a Woman", starring Al Pacino (who received an Oscar).

For further information: accordion bill@gmail.com


Video: Vardo Trio of Matthew Dennett, Julien Castegnero and Simon Watts - USA

Video: Minor Swing by The Vardo Trio of Matthew Dennett, Julien Castegnero and Simon Watts. Gypsy jazz style music, published in 2017.


George Curletto Center and Museum for Electronic Accordions opening in Duluth – USA

AWAM Banner
A World of Accordions Museum proudly announces plans to expand its physical outreach into Duluth, MN, through a second museum site specializing in the evolution of electronics in accordion manufacture.

This expansion was predicated by the massive collection of George Curletto (Washington, D.C.) donated to AWAM in November, 2018. The museum can now present an accurate overview of the technological evolution of the instrument that has been largely neglected by accordion historians.

The number of instruments in this genre has now reached a point where the correct set-ups require more space than they currently have available so they chose to reopen the original home of AWAM in west-Duluth. The 1908 building, designed by Swedish architect Lundquist, is qualified as a state/national historic site and will be advanced as an area attraction. Cosmetic and other improvements to the former church building are expected to be completed in 2019.

The photo below shows a portion of the current display in “Sue Spencer and Friends Electronics Room.” This exhibit will stay as part of the main “A World of Accordions Museum” display as a representation of the electronic accordion instruments
AWOAMuseum exhibits


GR8 IDEAS Accordion Symposium in Ohio – USA

GR8 IDEAS Accordion Symposium
Video above: Cory Pesaturo performing at GR8 IDEAS.

New Zealand professional accordionist and conductor Brian Holden, travelled to the USA to take part in a GR8 IDEAS symposium put together by Joe Natoli (picture above) and Michael Soloway in Warren, Ohio recently.

The symposium is believed to be the first of its kind in the world and its focus was the digital accordion.

The event included in-house concerts by a new group called GR8 IDEAS and some “impromptu craziness” by Cory Pesaturo and Michael Bridge. The event concluded with a final public concert with Bryan Holden conducting the new GR8 IDEAS ensemble (and vocalist) in 3 pieces including Joe Natoli’s arrangement of “The Prayer”.

Picture below of the GR8 IDEAS ensemble, Brian Holden conducting.
GR8 IDEAS ensemble


Future events

XV International Biannual Accordion Festival - Latvia

The XV International Biannual Accordion Festival will be held in Limbazi, Latvia from March 7th to 9th.

Festival participants are soloists and groups, laureates of international competitions from Russia (Nikita Vlasov), Italy (Samuel Telari), Denmark (Passion Duo), Estonia and Latvia (Natalia Melnikovich, Riga Saxophone Quartet and Altera Veritas).

Concerts will also be given by Trio "Milonga" from Latvia (accordion, violin and piano) who are laureates of international competitions under direction of Svetlana Stavitskaya and accordion duo Svetlana Stavitskaya and Vladimir Ushakov (Russia), who will perform on March 7th and 9th.

In addition to the opening and closing concerts, the festival program will include concerts of variety and jazz music, a concert of students of music schools and colleges, as well as an international competition of children's ensembles.

All accordion lovers are invited to attend the festival concerts and events!
Latvia Festival Poster


CNIMA and Eric Bouvelle Composing and Arranging Workshop – France

CNIMA header
Eric BouvelleA Composing and Arranging workshop with famous French accordionist Eric Bouvelle (pictured) will be held from March 4th to 8th organised by Nathalie Boucheix, Director of CNIMA, Saint-Sauves.

The workshop will include tips and tricks to help with composing and arranging accordion pieces for all levels and will cover:

Composition: setting, developing, writing and/or recording tricks
Develop an "invented" melody of 16 or more measures e.g. verse-refrain-bridge, choose a structure.
Harmonise this melody, left hand accompaniment, find/write variations.
Approach to orchestration: strings, winds, percussion, choice of instruments, adapted writing.
The copyright system

Only 8 trainee places available.

For details view the website CNIMA or email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


3rd International Accordeons-nous Competition ASBL – Belgium

The 3rd International Accordeons-nous Competition ASBL will be held from April 25th to 28th in Mons, Hainaut Province organised by the Arts2 (Royal Conservatory of Mons) and the City of Mons.

The competition includes categories in various age groups for chamber music, world music and variety. In addition this year there will be an “Accordeon-nous” Award for accordionists over 8 years of age. The winner will receive a cash prize, plus concert opportunities at the 2019 PIF in Castelfidardo, the 2019 Alcobaco Festival in Portugal and at the 2020 Accordion-nous event.

The jury will be chaired by Michel Stockhem (Director Arts2 Royal Conservatory of Mons) and consist of concert players, conservatory teachers and national and international guests.

Entries close on April 19th. Competition Rules and entry information at: 2019AccordeonNous.pdf

2018 Winners pictured below.
2018 winners


Frédéric Deschamps Masterclass in Drohobych - Ukraine

Frédéric Deschamps Masterclass PosterFrench teacher Frédéric Deschamps will give a masterclass at the XIIth International Bayan-Accordion Competition “Perpetuum Mobile” held in Drohobych, Lviv Region (Ukraine) on May 3rd in the Hall of DSPU Ivan Franko from 2pm to 6pm.

Frédéric Deschamps is a renowned teacher whose cutting-edge techniques have consistently produced international competition winners and he has taught master classes in very many countries of the world.

Information about the Ukraine event, competition rules and entry information at: 2019PerpetuumRules.pdf


Italian Accordionist Guest at Guildford Accordion Club – England

FabioItalian accordionist Fabio Turchetti will entertain at the Guildford Accordion Club in the Ripley Village Hall, Ripley, London on March 15th. He plays and sings his own compositions, jazz standards, tributes to tango and to Italian music.

Fabio has released over 30 CD’s and played in various festivals including the Philippine Jazz Festival in Manila and the Madrid Jazz Festival. He has also performed concerts in Los Angeles, New York, London and Paris.

Over the years the Guildford Accordion Club have had guests from Russia, China, Italy, France, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Finland and Canada, plus many fine players from all over England.

For further details email: anita.boothby@guildford-accordion-club.org.uk


Excursion with Lady's Bicycle! Concert- Sweden

Stockholm concert poster
Accordionist Matti Andersson will perform a concert entitled "Excursion with a Lady's Bicycle!" with Nils-Erik Sparf (violin) at the Stallet Världens Musik, Stallgatan 7, 111 48 Stockholm on February 17th.

The music was written by Lars Hollmer, a much-loved songwriter, artist, and accordionist who has now passed away. The duo wish to make a CD and perform concerts in his memory.

The works focus on modern improvisational music, where Hollmar collaborated with improvisation musicians from all over the world.

For further details email: stallet@rfod.se


4th Annual Charm City Django Jazz Festival – USA

Django poster
The Django Jazz Festival will be held in Charm City, Baltimore, Maryland on February 22nd and 23rd. The event will include a Django Fest Workshop by the duo Passarinho (which features accordionist Dallas Vietty and Bryce Milano on mandolin).

The duo was formed because of their shared passion for instrumental music from around the world. They enjoy playing gypsy jazz (the music of Django Reinhardt) and quickly discovered a variety of common musical interests from Bulgaria to Brazil.

For further festival details email: info@creativealliance.org


Accordion Babes Calendar 2020

Accordion Babes 2020
Artwork and planning is now underway for the 2020 edition of the Accordion Babes calendar. The calendar was first published 11 years ago and this year’s theme is: Accordion Babes 2020: Women of the Future: or: An Instrument Beyond Time.

The projected timeline for the 2020 calendar deadlines and dates are:

Art deadline for photos and songs: March 31st
Fundraiser period: April 15th-May 15th
Print date: June 1st

Photos can be funny, cute, strong or centerfold-type sexy! Age is no barrier as there is no age limit or a perfect body-type as the idea is to promote accordion music. (Photo of Marlene Dietrich above).

The calendar editor is a female street-performer/bookworm who plays a 2-row Irish system button accordion and considers herself a folk-rocker-nerd. She has been playing accordion professionally for 18 years and publishes the calendar because it feels good to do something she loves, makes people happy, and to help shift our culture to being more friendly, open, and fun.

For further information email: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com


Sergei Teleshev March/April Concert Tour - USA

Sergei Teleshev PosterUS based accordionist, arranger and composer Sergei Teleshev will tour the US in March and April. Sergei is a member of the Trio Voronezh and Valinor Quartet and has made concerts extensively in North America. Before moving to the USA Sergei was classically trained at the Academy of Music in Voronezh in Russia.

Tour dates are:

1st March: Oakland, OR
3rd March: Paso Robles, CA
5th March: Borrego Springs, CA
9th March: Harlingen, TX
11th March: Elko, NV
17th March: Austin, TX
21st March: Ponca City, OK
22nd March: Borger, TX
24th March: Las Cruces, NM
26th March: Silver City, NM
28th March: El Paso, TX
30th March: Waco, TX
5th April: Marysville, OH
7th April: Severna Park, MD
9th April: Orloville, CA
10th April: Grants Pass, OR
11th April: Roseburg, OR
12th April: Longview, WA
16th April: Cottage Grove, OR

For further concert information email: steleshev@yahoo.com


New and Updated Sites

New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK

Charnwood Publishing
Douglas WardTwo new works have been released by well known UK composer and performer Douglas Ward, published by Charnwood Publishing.

DW950 Backstage Waltz
This waltz is written in Eb major and starts with a four-bar introduction. This is followed by the next eight bars which take the treble melody through a tuneful dance, with phrasing, slight tempo changes, and dynamic variations. An eight-bar short middle section introduced both major and minor bass chords. This is followed by a reinstatement of the melody, which leads into a slightly unorthodox ending in that the waltz momentarily turns into a foxtrot in 4/4, before the final bar in 3/4.

DW951 Conundrum
This composition, in A minor, starts with a bold concert-like announcement as its introduction, but after four bars changes to an emotional motif for several bars. Suddenly a speedy, turbulent allegro con brio section takes over, with an abundance of off-beat accenting in both treble and basses, and dynamic markings. This is followed by a section that suddenly stumbles into an almost dream-like state of emotions and feelings, played rubato, followed by a treble cadenza, and a lead-up to a major key. It then recapitulates to the allegro con brio theme before aiming at the build-up towards the ending. This involves a four-bar bellows shake, followed by a 24-note rising chromatic run, with a surprise ending that is typical of an Argentinian tango. The composition requires accurate coordination of treble, basses and bellows, plus phrasing, dexterity and personal musical interpretation

DW952 Clown in a Pickle
DW953 Horseplay

Douglas Ward is now listing over 80 compositions and arrangements of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing Douglas Ward. Sample music pages online. Purchase with credit card online.


Updated Site: Franck Angelis Two New Works Published - France

Franck AngelisVery popular French composer Franck Angelis has published and made available for international sale two new works:
ang568 - Spleen (Solo) View information and sample page
ang569 - Fantaisie (Solo) View information and sample page

The music is in pdf format sent to the client by email.


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