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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-Jul-2017
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2017 China Shenzhen Bao'an Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica
Convention Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Las Vegas 2017 - USA
22° Campionato Mond. Organetto/Fisarmonica diatonica - Italia
Nuovo CD di Tian Jianan, De Profundis, Pechino - Cina
Ignacio Hernández, Paula Hernández Maturana, Traduzione per News in Lingua Spagnola - Cile
Osimo tra i Girasoli e 2017 Coupe Mondiale e Eventi internazionali Castelfidardo - Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: BMFC Tango Quintet - Muerte del Angel by Astor Piazzolla - Switzerland
Mika Väyrynen Records Kaipainen's Accordion Works - Finland
Video: Michael Bridge Performs Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" - Canada
Accordion Featured, RAM Graduation Ceremony, 5th July 2017 - UK
Accordions Around the World in New York, NY - USA
Video: "Carrousel des Tuileries" - composer Jacques Pellarin
Remembering Maddalena Belfiore-Greco by Cornelius White - USA

New and Updated Sites

Uscito Nuovo Album di Lips "Hymn to Aphrodite" - Austria
Gary Dahl July Promotion, Any 3 or more eBooks @ 50% off - USA

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2017 China Shenzhen Bao'an Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica

Shenzhen header
Prof. Li CongIl 2017 China Shenzhen Bao'an Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica sarà il 2° concorso e festival di fisarmonica internazionale che si terrà a Shenzhen City, dal 23 al 27 Luglio. Il Prof. Li Cong Presidente della China Accordion Association accoglie calorosamente gli appassionati di fisarmonica da molti paesi del mondo a Shenzhen.

Il tentativo di record mondiale per il più grande ensemble di fisarmonica si terrà il 24 Luglio. I record passati sono stati nel 2014 con 1.361 fisarmonicisti, raggiunto a Shenzhen e nel 2016 con 1.517 fisarmonicisti a Tacheng, in Cina.

Si uniranno molti insegnanti cinesi importanti come giurati per i concorsi internazionali (ordine alfabetico) Raymond Bodell (presidente CIA - UK), Jeff De Haes (Belgio), Kevin Friedrich (USA), De Brito Hermenegildo (Portogallo), Grayson Masefield (Svizzera), Heather Masefield (Nuova Zelanda), Mirco Patarini (Italia), Zoran Rakic (Bosnia), Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria), Viatcheslav Semionov (Russia), Alexander Selivanov (Russia), Antonio Spaccarotella (Italia), Kazys Stonkus , Jörgen Sundeqvist (Svezia) e Samgar Tolkynkhan (Kazakistan).

Il programma dei concerti elencato di seguito include artisti cinesi, sia classici che d'intrattenimento e Alexander Poeluev, Yuri Sidorov e Anna Kryshtaleva dalla Russia.

Programma 2017 concerti e concorsi a: 2017ShenzhenSchedule

Gli organizzatori e gli sponsor sono:
-Publicity Department of Communist Party of China of Shenzhen
- China Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians Association
- Bao'an District People's Government
- Shenzhen Literary and Art Association

Ci saranno importanti notizie quotidiane online, foto e video dei concorsi e festival a: 2017 Shenzhen


Convention Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Las Vegas 2017 - USA

Las Vegas International Convention Header
Cory Pesaturo & Grayson MasefieldJoan Sommers and Mary Tokarskiil programma per la 18° edizione di Las Vegas Int. Accordion Convention (LVAC) inizia con il fisarmonicista visionario e amico di tutti, Cory Pesaturo, e termina con un grande finale con Grayson Masefield e l'International Accordion Orchestra sotto la direzione del professor Joan Sommers.

L'organizzatore dell'evento Paul Pasquali scrive: "A grande richiesta siamo di nuovo in autunno - un grande momento dell'anno per venire a Las Vegas e ascoltare un superbo elenco di performer stellari.

Adesso è il momento di iscriversi alla 18° edizione di Las Vegas Int. Accordion Convention e assicurarsi un'iscrizione anticipata.
Dettagli a: 2017LVAC-Reg.pdf
Leggi l'ultima newsletter: 2017LV-News.pdf

Oh, quanto ci divertiremo dal 23 al 26 Ottobre 2017 - abbiamo tantissima musica fantastica, perciò accettate il mio invito a venire ad aderire al miglior evento di divertimento e intrattenimento di fisarmonica mai a Las Vegas!"

Sito web: LVAC
many performers


22° Campionato Mond. Organetto/Fisarmonica diatonica - Italia

AMISAD header
Du 25 au 27/08/2017: 22° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Montorio nei Frentani (CB) 25-27 agosto 2017

Download Regolamenti et le formulaire d'inscription: 2017AMISAD.pdf

L’Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione con la Pro Loco e il Comune di Montorio nei Frentani (CB) e dell'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), con il Patrocinio del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, del MIUR-USR Molise, della Presidenza del Consiglio della Regione Molise, della Provincia di Campobasso, e dell’Associazione Borghi d'Eccellenza, indice ed organizza la 22° Edizione
del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi.

2) Alla manifestazione vi potranno prendere parte candidati di qualsiasi nazionalità selezionati in concorsi e in altre manifestazioni indette dall’A.M.I.SA.D. o in
collaborazione con la stessa Associazione, con strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo.

(strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi)
- Cat. A fino a 9 anni (nati dal 2008 in poi)
- Cat. B fino a 11 anni (nati dal 2006 in poi)
- Cat. C fino a 13 anni (nati dal 2004 in poi)
- Cat. D fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2002 in poi)
- Cat. E fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1999 in poi)
- Cat. F senza limiti di età

(strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre)
Cat. A fino a 12 anni (nati dal 2005 in poi)
Cat. B fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2002 in poi)
Cat. C fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1999 in poi)
Cat. D senza limiti di età

Categoria UNICA da 50 anni in poi (nati dal 1967 in poi)
(strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo)

Info: roncogia@alice.it,


Nuovo CD di Tian Jianan, De Profundis, Pechino - Cina

Release concert of De Profundis CD poster
Tian JiananIl 24 Giugno, il nuovo CD, catalogo tjianan05 De Profundis, è stato rilasciato presso il Conservatorio Centrale di Musica di Pechino. Poster sopra. Immagine a sinistra di Tian Jianan che si esibisce al lancio del CD.

Questo nuovo CD del vincitore di concorsi internazionali, Tian Jianan, sarà il suo 5° album.

La lista dei brani di De Profundis è:
1. Prelude and Fugue in F# minor BWV 883, J. S. Bach 7:08
2. Sequenza XIII "Chanson" L. Berio 8:58
3. De Profundis, S. Gubaidulina 11:26
4. Jeux D'anches, M. Lindberg 7:16
5. Sonata for Piano, (III) S. Barber 3:11
6. Sonata for Piano, (I, III) I. Stravinsky 5:19
7. High way for one, I. Hölszky 8:52
8. Sonata No. 6, A. Kusyakov 11:46

Alcune parole di Tian Jianan sul nuovo CD.
"Questo è un album indipendentemente dal costo".
"Questo è un album di performance stimolanti"
"Questo è un album per gusti artistici molto elevati"

Ulteriori dettagli e campioni sonori di ciascuna traccia a: tjianan05


Ignacio Hernández, Paula Hernández Maturana, Traduzione per News in Lingua Spagnola - Cile

Conservatorio Nacional de Acordeón
Ignacio HernándezAccordions Worldwide ha il piacere di annunciare che Ignacio Hernández, Direttore del Conservatorio Nacional de Acordeón, Santiago, Cile e sua sorella Paula Hernández Maturana sono i traduttori spagnoli per le News Settimanali di accordions.com.

Ignacio Hernández ha un nuovo sito personale che illustra la sua formazione e la carriera di fisarmonicista con importanti artisti e orchestre in Cile, in particolare la Chilean Folkloric Orchestra, la Chilean Symphony Chamber Orchestra e la Santiago Philharmonic Orchestra.

Internazionalmente, la sua partecipazione alla Prague Philharmonic Orchestra della Repubblica Ceca e alla colonna sonora del film "Salty" di Antonio Banderas.

Nuovo sito web: Ignacio Hernández


Osimo tra i Girasoli e 2017 Coupe Mondiale e Eventi internazionali Castelfidardo - Italia

Osimo City
Osimo è la location per la 2017 Coupe Mondiale dal 5 al 9 Settembre. Holda Paoletti-Kampl vive a Osimo e mi ha inviato questa foto mostrando quanto sia bella questa regione d'Italia. A soli 6 km da Osimo c'è Castelfidardo e il Castelfidardo International Competitions e Festival va dal 10 al 17 Settembre.

Le città di Castelfidardo e Osimo stanno lavorando insieme per promuovere e attirare concorrenti e appassionati di fisarmonica. Molti appassionati di fisarmonica stanno approfittando dei due eventi vicini per partecipare a due grandi eventi di fisarmonica al costo di un solo viaggio. Ci vediamo lì?


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: BMFC Tango Quintet - Muerte del Angel by Astor Piazzolla - Switzerland

An excerpt from BMFC Tango Quintet's Piazzolla program in an open air concert in Cully at the Lauvaux Classique Festival June 30 2017 in Switzerland.

Performers (left to right) are: Marie Heck (violin), Adrien Praz (piano), Grayson Masefield (accordion), Bastien Monnet (double bass) and Laurent Cherruault (guitar).

The BMFC Tango Quintet is a group created in 2013 at the University of Music in Lausanne where they all the members studied.

During the course of chamber music, they began to work on Piazzolla's repertoire under the guidance of accordionist and bandoneonist Stéphane Chapuis. In the summer of 2014, they completed their exam with the maximum score performing the Seria del Angel by Astor Piazzolla, followed by a highly acclaimed concert at the Cully Classic Festival.

Thanks to these successes, they decided, along with their respective activities, to continue to share the beautiful music of Astor Piazzolla with enthusiasm.
BMFC Tango Quintet


Mika Väyrynen Records Kaipainen's Accordion Works - Finland

Mika VäyrynenWorld renowned Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen has just completed a recording of Jouni Kaipainen´s (1956-2015) accordion works. A unique and demanding project, this CD documents part of the life's work of this great and Internationally recognized composer.

Jouni Kaipainen studied at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki under Aulis Sallinen and Paavo Heininen. In addition to his accordion works, Kaipainen wrote over 100 works for the Stage, Symphony Orchestra, Concertos for numerous solo instruments, Chamber music, vocal and Choral works as well as a multitude of works for various instrumental soloists.

Mika knew Jouni Kaipainen from 1997 until his passing away on 23rd November 2015. During these 18 years of friendship, Mika kept in close contact with him and came to know how he wanted his music to be performed. Mika's goal in this project is to pass on these insights into the performance traditions of his works, create awareness of his accordion compositions and to pay respect to this great composer, man, influencer and friend.

In celebration of his upcoming 50th Birthday, Mika is currently preparing a spectacular Gala concert "Finland 100 - Väyrynen 50" to be held at the Helsinki Music Center on October 11th, 2017 at 7:00 PM.

The CD of Kaipainen's compositions will be released this autumn by the Finnish Accordion Institute. For more information please visit www.accordions.com/mika.


Video: Michael Bridge Performs Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" - Canada

Published on May 30, 2017. Michael Bridge is a Class of 2017 graduate of the University of Toronto's Masters in Music Performance program. He performs the beautiful "Hallelujah" composed by Leonard Cohen.


Accordion Featured, RAM Graduation Ceremony, 5th July 2017 - UK

RAM Accordion Graduation
Owen MurrayPicture above: Katariina Ahjoniemi, BMus (London) Honours. Inigo Mikeleiz-Berrade, MA (London) DipRAM. Professor Owen Murray, HonRAM. Iosif Purits, MA (London) DipRAM, Advanced Diploma, Ilona Suomalainen, MA (London), DipRAM

Iosif Purits was invited to perform at the Royal Academy of Music (RAM) Graduation on the 5th July in the presence of HRH The Duchess of Gloucester, Academy professors, Honorands, graduating students and many distinguished musicians.

The invitation was a great honour and also demonstrated just how well, the accordion is integrated into the life and work of the Academy.

Congratulations to Iosif Purits and RAM accordion tutor Prof. Owen Murray (picture right) for this success.


Accordions Around the World in New York, NY - USA

Bryant Park
Mario Tacca, Board of Director for the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) was one of the many featured artists performing in heart of New York City as part of the annual Accordions Around the World celebration.

Performing in the shadows of the New York City skyscrapers, the July 12th celebration included artists on Concertina, Bandoneon, Accordion, and Harmonium performing a variety of styles from Cajun, Tex Mex, Folk and Jazz, to Indian Chant, French Musette and more.

Pictured in the collage above are a sampling of the many artists including Rachelle Garniez, Dick LaVine (Concertina), Vitor Goncalves, Laura Vilche (Bandoneon), Eddie Van Tuba, John Sherman, Kenny Margolis, Albert Behar, Melissa Elledge, Mindra Sahadeo, Smörgåsbandet, Gregory Grene and Sadys Rodrigo Espitia.

'Accordions Around the World’, a four-week series of free music involving over 100 accordionists and players of free reed instruments, representing different musical genres culminates on Friday July 21st from 5.00 - 10.00 PM with an ‘Accordion Festival’ hosted by New York-based accordionist Rachelle Garniez, and featuring the Bil Afrah Project, Zlatni Balkan Zvuk, Osnelda (Brazil), Gregorio Uribe (Colombia), and more!

The series opened when producer Ariana Hellerman, a New York arts consultant hosted "The Great Accordion Rendezvous, a "Make Music New York Mass Appeal and Celebration of the NYC Accordion Community" on June 21st.

Picture below: Internationally acclaimed vocalist Mary Mancini and husband accordionist Mario Tacca are pictured with event coordinator Ariana Hellerman.
Mary Mancini, Ariana Hellerman and Mario Tacca


Video: "Carrousel des Tuileries" - composer Jacques Pellarin

"Carrousel des Tuileries" composed by Jacques Pellarin, Published on May 9, 2017.
Composition for Accordion solo (French cinema style) which is part of an album "My French Cinema vol°3" ( 2017) by Jacques Pellarin available on the internet.


Remembering Maddalena Belfiore-Greco by Cornelius White - USA

Maddalena Belfiore-GrecoCornelius White published a very nice memory of the famous Maddalena Belfiore ( - 2007), accordion performer, teacher and AAA President. Cornelius White also referred to a very excellent interview by Kevin Friedrich at: Maddalena Belfiore

Cornelius White, July 13.

Remembering Maddalena Belfiore-Greco.

A recent program on television brought back a very poignant memory for me, where at the age of twelve, I was coaxed by my accordion teacher, (Elsie M. Bennett of New York), to enter my first American Accordionists' Association (AAA) competition.

It was the first time being challenged to play a piece from memory in front of a judge and
Maddalena was that judge. Her reputation preceded her as a "barracuda who could shred you to pieces with a glare!" :)

Needless to say, I was scared to death, but I continued on presenting a little ditty entitled "Mammy Roll".

As I sat down to play, I started out fine when all of a sudden, my mind went blank!
I started again...same thing happened.
I told myself, "you know this piece, you can do this", but after the third time, I still couldn't jump that hurdle.
I was devastated, for I thought I had surely lost, when all of a sudden, Maddalena got up, grabbed a music stand, and placed the music in front of me.

It was only then that I played the piece, noticing the area I had forgotten, and playing the rest from memory.

I learned something that day. Maddalena championed me. She wanted me to win, and her heart superseded those rumors.

I came in second in my division, and took home what looked like to me my "little accordion man Oscar."

This was over 43 years ago, but I never forgot what that moment did for me.
3 years later, I came in 1st in an Open division which I never dreamed possible!

So, because of that triggered thought, I'd like to say....
Thank you Maddalena.
God Bless you, and rest in paradise.
Celebrity Interview at:
Obituary at: Maddalena Belfiore


New and Updated Sites

Uscito Nuovo Album di Lips "Hymn to Aphrodite" - Austria

Friedrich Lips
Friedrich Lips Productions ha rilasciato il nuovo album, catalogo CD028 "Hymn to Aphrodite" che include Friedrich Lips esibirsi con tre diverse orchestre da camera e sinfoniche.

Le tracce dell'album includono:
1. "Hymn to Aphrodite" (2013) di Konstantin Yaskov
2-9. "I'm floating on the waves of love" (8 sonetti) di Michael Bronner
10. Tanguango di Astor Piazzolla
11. La Cumparsita di GM Rodríguez

L'album è disponibile anche come eTracks mp3 download a soli € 9,50

Campioni e informazioni complete nel catalogo: CD028 "Hymn to Aphrodite"

Questo porta a 28 album ora pubblicati dal notevole Friedrich Lips e disponibili online all'indirizzo: Friedrich Lips


Gary Dahl July Promotion, Any 3 or more eBooks @ 50% off - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlJuly promotion - Any 3 or more Gary Dahl eBooks @ 50% off. Email your order to: MusicForAccordion@yahoo.com and you will receive the invoice by email, payable online with Paypal (worlds largest) secure server system using your credit card.

Your eBooks music is emailed to you after payment.

Gary Dahl has released 10 great value eBooks in recent years. Click the links below for further information:
DH01-eB - Latin Spectacular! - eBook US$35.50
DH02-eB - Favourite French Standards - eBook US$35.50
DH03-eB - The American Songbook - eBook US$35.50
DH04-eB - Favourite Waltzes and Polkas - eBook US$46.50
DH05-eB - Easy Listening Variety - eBook US$35.50
DH06-eB - Easy Listening Variety - eBook US$57.50
DH07-eB - Traditional Polish Carols - eBook US$16.50
DH08-eB - Italian Spectacular - eBook US$35.50
DH09-eB - Traditional Christmas Carols - eBook US$18.50
DH10-eB - Polka - eBook US$18.50


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