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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-Dec-2012
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Primo piano

XX-Arrasate Hiria Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica - Spagna
XXIV Festival Internazionale 'Bayan e Bayanists', Mosca - Russia
MusicForAccordion.com Premiato sito popolare # 1 nel loro segmento - Europa
Celebrazione 45 ° Music Store 'ACCORD', Mosca - Russia
Disegno di Rolf Harris per il fisarmonicista Stan Shakespeare, Londra - Regno Unito
Regali di Natale per amici e parenti - Worldwide

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide
Now Reprinted: 'Vintage Accordions' Book by Rob Howard - UK
Video: XXVIII International Accordion Festival, St Petersburg – Russia
Discovered: Historic Accordion Method Book from 1839 - Italy
Video: Jamaican Accordion - Poland
Frederic Deschamps and Grayson Masefield in Chile - South America
Portuguese Language Video: Brazil Commemorates Centenary of Luiz Gonzaga - Brazil
Roulette TV Features Guy Klucevsek - USA
‘Mazaika’ play for Pushkin Trust’s 25th Anniversary Dinner, Belfast – UK
Romano Viazzani to New York, 'Flying Transatlantic' - USA
Ivan Sverko Solo with Belarusian State Philharmonic - Belarus
‘14 Years Ago’ – News from Japan

Future events

CIA Winter Congress and General Assembly of Delegates, Vienna – Austria
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide
Lionel Reekie Performs in Novosirbirsk on January 4th - Russia
Picture Required of Constant Busson (1801-1900) by Rob Howard
Marko Sevarlic Concert, Valladolid - Spain
Irish Open Accordion Festival 2013 - Ireland
Akkordeonor Orchester Akonima Concert, Baden-Württemberg - Germany
CT Tango Ensemble @ Cape Town World Music Festival – South Africa
Harry Hussey Christmas Squeeze, West Sussex – UK
Yuri Tarasenok Concert, Berlin – Germany
Accordion Babes show, California – USA
Gjovalin Nonaj and Ilir Zoga Concert, Brussels – Belgium
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide

New and Updated Sites

Friedrich Lips release new CD
Karen Fremar New Music
Gary Dahl updates music

CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

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Primo piano

XX-Arrasate Hiria Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica - Spagna

Maciej Frackiewiecz (Poland)Il XX Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica Arrasate Hiria ha avuto luogo presso il Comune di Arrasate-Mondragón (Paesi Baschi), dal 7 al 9 Dicembre. C'è stato un concorso internazionale con 11 partecipanti e concorsi nazionali.

L'evento è stato organizzato da Hauspoz, (Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea) Associazione basca dei fisarmonicisti.

I risultati del concorso internazionale sono:
1 °: Maciej Frackiewiecz (Polonia, foto a sinistra) € 3,600 montepremi e un tour di concerti.
2 °: Tomasz Ostaszewski (Polonia) € 1,800 montepremi
3 °: Yngvild Haaland Ruud (Norvegia) € 900 montepremi

I membri della giuria sono stati: Iñaki Alberdi (Spagna), Geir Draugsvoll (Norvegia), Alexey Artemiev (Russia), Stefan Hussong (Germania) e Gabriel Erkoreka (Spagna).


XXIV Festival Internazionale 'Bayan e Bayanists', Mosca - Russia

Bayan Festival Poster
Il 24 Festival Internazionale 'Bayan e Bayanists' è attualmente in corso dal 12 dicembre al 16, presso la Sala dei Concerti della Musica Gnessin Academy, Mosca. Il programma di questo fine settimana include:

14 dicembre - sessione di associazione Inter-regionale di bayanists e fisarmonicisti, Gnessin Little Hall

14 dicembre, 16:00 - 70 anniversario della nascita di Vladislav Solotaryov, presso la sala concerti Gnessin, con "Words about a friend" - Friedrich Lips, Vladimir Volkov, Josif Purits, Samgar, Semion Shmelkov.

15 dicembre - Concerto nella sala concerti Gnessin: 1a parte - Bayanists di Ufa (Bashkortostan), 2a parte - sul palco - armonica! Trio Bandoneon 'Amran' (Vladikavkaz), Igor Karlin (Saratov), Ivan Talanin (Mosca), Alexander e Alexander Malyarov Uskov (Mosca).

16 dicembre - Sala concerti Gnessin : 1a parte - 'Russian timbre' - Quintetto (Mosca) - 30 anni sulla scena, 2a parte - 'Jazz in Italia', Renzo Ruggieri (fisarmonica) e Paolo Di Sabatino (pianoforte); Consegna dei dischi d'argento per il 2012, a partire dalle 15:00.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


MusicForAccordion.com Premiato sito popolare # 1 nel loro segmento - Europa

PopularWebsiteAwards.com graphic
PopularWebsiteAwards.com graphicIl sito MusicForAccordion.com si è classificato il sito popolare # 1 nel loro segmento, in base al feedback raccolti dagli utenti del sito PopularWebsiteAwards.com.

Trina B, Direttrice Premi scrive: "Siamo molto lieti di darvi questo premio online. Vogliamo identificare le piccole e medie imprese e mostrarle a tutto il mondo.

Popular Website Awards premia i siti web in 42 categorie del settore e si propone di individuare e premiare siti web di aziende che hanno sempre impiegato un ulteriore sforzo per fornire un servizio di qualità ai propri clienti. "

Congratulazioni a MusicForAccordion.com e al direttore tecnico Roberto Zambelli e Webmaster Valerau Tidrai.
PopularWebsiteAwards.com graphic


Celebrazione 45 ° Music Store 'ACCORD', Mosca - Russia

Mr. Giansando Breccia, head of the Italian Brand Paolo Soprani and Pasco.
Giansandro Breccia/Paolo Soprani/Pasco.

Recentemente, uno dei negozi di musica più importanti, 'ACCORD', con sede a Mosca, ha celebrato il 45 ° anniversario, sotto la guida del direttore generale Sergey Sperankiy, con un grande evento musicale.
Molti ospiti ed artisti nazionali e internazionali, come il famoso jazzista A. Kuznetsov , hanno partecipato a questa straordinaria festa.
Presente alla festa è stato anche Giansando Breccia, responsabile del marchio italiano Paolo Soprani, e Pasco Italia, che ha collaborato per molti anni con la società sul mercato russo.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: pasco@pascoita.com


Disegno di Rolf Harris per il fisarmonicista Stan Shakespeare, Londra - Regno Unito

Wonderful sketch
Rolf HarrisEcco una foto del famoso fisarmonicista Surrey - Stan Shakespeare, orgogliosamente in possesso di un disegno incorniciato datogli da Rolf Harris nei primi mesi del 2011 per via del figlio di Stan, Matthew.

Matthew Shakespeare è un produttore di film documentari che all'epoca lavorava con Rolf Harrison su una serie di programmi televisivi denominati 'Rolf on Welsh Art'.
Rolf Harris, AO, CBE è un musicista, cantautore, compositore, pittore, e un personaggio televisivo.

Harris, che è nato in Australia, si è trasferito nel Regno Unito nel 1952, dove ha iniziato la carriera musicale, inizialmente cantava e suonava la fisarmonica a piano. Nel 1957, ha scritto "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport", che in seguito divenne un hit da Top 10 in Australia, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti. Rolf ha radici gallesi, i suoi genitori emigrarono da Merthyr Tydfil e suo nonno era un artista gallese.
Poco tempo dopo le riprese, Rolf ha prodotto questo disegno meraviglioso "Per Stanley da uno Spirito Affine" per Matthew come un regalo speciale per suo padre.


Regali di Natale per amici e parenti - Worldwide

Christmas GiftsSono state inserite delle novità alla sezione Idee per un regalo di Natale: 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Queste idee sono state pensate per attirare la vostra attenzione e per trascorrere momenti con artisti della fisarmonica, compositori, arrangiatori e le imprese.

Vi invitiamo a sostenere l'industria della fisarmonica e a scegliere tra oltre 2,100 brani musicali “e-sheet”, 270 CD / DVD 's, 990 eTracks, e 833 opere su carta stampata, libri (testo) tra cui scegliere. 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide


Now Reprinted: 'Vintage Accordions' Book by Rob Howard - UK

'Vintage Accordions' Book by Rob HowardThe popular book 'Vintage Accordions' an illustrated history of the accordion with over 300 color pictures of all types of accordions plus text and articles (A4 size hardback) has been very popular. This required a reprint to satisfy Christmas demand when stocks recently ran out.

Author Rob Howard reports that the reprinted books are now in hand for those wanting copies. Available online at: robaccord05


Video: XXVIII International Accordion Festival, St Petersburg – Russia

Video 1

Video 2
Three weeks ago, we had an article about the XXVIII International Accordion Festival was held in St Petersburg from November 3rd to 5th. A photo report is online at: XXVIII Report

Now, some videos of performances have been released by Vitaly Pugachev.

Video 1: Alexander Shirunov and Nadia Guseva Duet

Video 2: Antonio Spaccarotella


Discovered: Historic Accordion Method Book from 1839 - Italy

Corrado RojacAt the Music Fund 'G. Greggiati 'Ostiglia (Mantova), they found an accordion method book, hundreds of exercises, and repertoire dating back to 1839. This book has been studied by Corrado Rojac (picture right), professor of accordion at the Conservatory 'G. Tartini' of Trieste, and Ilaria Nardi, his student and an accordion teacher.

The method, written in 1839 by a priest (Joseph Greggiati) working in Mantua, combined his passion for music, for the instrument and its repertoire. From the book details, Corrado Rojac was able to reproduce a replica of the model of accordion (picture right), which has been built by hand by Adriano Clementi of Pigini Accordions Factory, Italy.

The study included the revision and rewriting of the music contained in the method for the modern instrument, published in November by the Ars Spoletium. The book is titled: 1839 The accordion and the harmonica method bellows of Joseph Greggiati (picture right).

It is planned to introduce this historic project to many well known schools of accordion:
The Music Fund 'G. Greggiati' Ostiglia (Mantova), Conservatory 'G. Tartini' of Trieste, The Academy 'Gnessin' in Moscow (Russia), High Music School Trossingen (Germany), the University of Music in Graz (Austria), the Academy Arts in Bratislava (Slovakia), the Italian conservatories 'G. Rossini' of Pesaro and 'L. Cherubini' in Florence, the Conservatory of Prague (Czech Republic), Academy of Music in Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Faculty of Education at the University of Pula (Croatia), Academy of Music in Vilnius (Lithuania) and Conservatory of Mons (Belgium).


Video: Jamaican Accordion - Poland

Jamaican Accordion: Roch Poliszczuk (vocals, guitar), Mariusz Ambrozuk (accordion), Filip Sojka (bass), Kacper Bogacz (sampler, beat maker).


Frederic Deschamps and Grayson Masefield in Chile - South America

Ernesto CalderonLast month Frederic Deschamps and Grayson Masefield were invited to the Conservatoire National Accordion Santiago, Chile to conduct masterclasses and concerts.

Music occupies an important place in the culture of this country and crowds can suddenly become street bands without having discussed the idea of playing something together.

Ernesto Calderon (picture left top) organized in collaboration with the National Conservatory, the First National Accordion Contest Chilean. Accordionists from all around Chile found themselves in the capital Santiago and Daniel Rodriguez Calderon Hernann (picture lower left) was the first winner.

Grayson Masefield performed classical and variety concerts around Santiago and had the chance to play with three ensembles including Ernesto Calderon’s group ‘Ensemble Transtlantico de Folk Chileno’ (picture below with Frederic Deschamps).

The competition and seminars led to the discovery of great new talent and 3 accordionists will travel next February to study in France with Frederic Deschamps to discover his teaching techniques and participate in international competitions.

You will be able to follow the evolution of the Chilean artists on the ‘Deschamps Channel’ from February 2013 until the organization of the upcoming Trophee Mondiale 2016 (CMA ) in Chile to follow!

Grayson eTracks MP3 album of classical and entertainment works is available at: Grayson Masefield
‘Ensemble Transtlantico de Folk Chileno’ with Frederic Deschamps


Portuguese Language Video: Brazil Commemorates Centenary of Luiz Gonzaga - Brazil

Luiz GonzagaPortuguese Language Video: The 13th December is celebrated as the centenary of Luiz Gonzaga and the date will be remembered with feasting and music throughout the Northeast.

In Caruaru, Pernambuco, at the museum dedicated to Luiz Gonzaga, there will be presentations throughout the day and in the region. The museum holds about 400 pieces. The space was created in 1999 and tells the story of Luiz Gonzaga from birth to death.


Roulette TV Features Guy Klucevsek - USA

Accordionist and composer Guy Klucevsek was recently featured recently on Roulette TV.


‘Mazaika’ play for Pushkin Trust’s 25th Anniversary Dinner, Belfast – UK

MazaikaOn December 4th The Duchess of Abercorn, founder of the Pushkin Trust, welcomed 100 guests including guest of honour Alexander Kramarenko, Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Russia to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to the Pushkin Trust’s 25th Anniversary Dinner.

The event was held in Titanic Belfast to celebrate the success of the Northern Ireland based charity’s work in the field of creative education and learning. Entertainment was provided by a traditional Irish band and the duo Mazaika, accordionist Igor Outkine and violinist Elizabeth Harrison, performing a variety of Russian folk, gypsy and operatic musical pieces.

The Pushkin Trust was founded in 1987 by the Duchess of Abercorn, a direct descendant of the acclaimed Russian laureate, Alexander Pushkin. It has inspired over 50,000 children, teachers and student teachers through its creative education programs.


Romano Viazzani to New York, 'Flying Transatlantic' - USA

John Bailey, Joanna Strand and Romano Viazzani
After surviving the hurricane in New York last month, Joanna Strand returned to New York to perform in a concert at Feinstein's - one of New York's top cabaret venues.

Joanna Strand was on stage with her Flying Transatlantic project right after Michael Feinstein had entertained the audience in the early part of the evening. Fellow hurricane survivors Romano Viazzani on accordion and John Bailey on piano, had performed with her last month in the rapidly rearranged debut concert at the other top New York cabaret venue, the Carlyle.

This change happened after the Metropolitan Room cancelled the two scheduled concerts due to the approaching hurricane.

The group, delighted audiences with their scintillating rhythms along with Nick Pini on double bass from the UK and Chris Stromquist from New York on drums in a jazz program of songs which spanned both sides of the Atlantic.

Joanna Strand being classically trained is equally at home singing Poulenc as she is Paul Simon and glides effortlessly between songs of contrasting styles and heritage. Pianist John Bailey provides most of the arrangements with one or two written by accordionist Romano Viazzani.

The accordion brings a unique quality not often heard in mainstream jazz which never fails to delight audiences who are always quick to comment on its presence.

After Flying Transatlantic's resounding success Joanna Strand should be back in New York with the band in the spring.

Three CD's available online at: Romano Viazzani


Ivan Sverko Solo with Belarusian State Philharmonic - Belarus

Published 13 Decemer is Astor Piazzolla Oblivion. The encore performed at the Big Concert Hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, Minsk with the guest conductor Miran Vaupotich and the soloist Ivan Sverko.


‘14 Years Ago’ – News from Japan

Juha Silfverberg(accordion)The Accordions Worldwide news for December 11th 1998 included two reports concerning accordion concerts in Japan. The article below is about a Klezmer Consort tour. The other article, titled Exile Mini Concert, contributed by Toru Katou, is about two forthcoming concerts featuring accordionist Norimichi Nagasaka on December 12th at Higashi Osaka City.

On December 25th Norimichi Nagasaka was scheduled to perform with piper Tesshin Kaneko at a ‘Christmas Chapel Concert’ at the Toyo Hotel, Osaka.

Accordions Worldwide invites news from Japan. We know that there are many active Japanese accordionists, and would love to report more of their performances.

Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

On November 30th the Kansas City Klezmer Consort returned home after concluding a highly successful seven-concert tour of Japan with performances in Tokyo, Chiba, Iwaki, Numazu, Tanashi, and Tachikawa. The four-member group comprising Eric Tishkoff (clarinet), Kayo Hasekawa (violin), Juha Silfverberg (accordion, picture left) (pictured above) and Gay Lee Ludwig Bonney (double bass) performed its unique blend of klezmer, classical, and folk music, which was enthusiastically received by the Japanese audiences.

While in Japan, Juha Silfverberg had the pleasure of meeting several accordionists including the President of the Tashikawa accordion organisation Keiko Okawa.

Now back in the United States, the group will begin working on their first CD recording.


Future events

CIA Winter Congress and General Assembly of Delegates, Vienna – Austria

Winter Congress 2013 banner
The 2013 CIA (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes) Winter Congress and 129th General Assembly of Delegates will be held in Vienna, Austria, from February 1st to 3rd 2013, hosted by the Harmonikaverband Österreichs (HVÖ).

The CIA website has further details and a registration form to advise about attending. Delegates and attendees will stay at the Hotel Stefanie in Vienna.

Vienna International Airport is about 16 km east of Vienna in Schwechat. The city center can be reached quickly and in comfort.

For further information email werner.weibert@harmonikaverband.at by


Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide


Lionel Reekie Performs in Novosirbirsk on January 4th - Russia

Lionel ReekieNew Zealand based accordionist and singer Lionel Reekie will be performing as a vocalist in Novosibirsk, Russia on January 4th. Singing songs from his album “From Russia With Love”, Lionel is the featured soloist with the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Society’s Russian Academic Orchestra.

This ensemble uses Russian Folk instruments and features some of Siberia’s finest bayan players. Conductor, Rustam Dikmukhametov also studied bayan, before specialising as a conductor.

More details about the concert, and the ensemble can be found at:

eTracks MP3 album at: Lionel Reekie


Picture Required of Constant Busson (1801-1900) by Rob Howard

Rob Howard has written a biography of Constant Busson (1801-1900), the prolific accordion builder from Paris, France, but cannot find a picture of the man himself. Can anyone help?

As photography was invented in the 1850s, I thought it reasonable that Busson would have been photographed at some point, but nothing has come to light as yet. I thought the French accordion magazine and/or the National Library in Paris would have been able to help, but not so.

I have pictures of Friedrich Buschmann, Paolo Soprani and Marianno Dallape, all of which will be used in the future book 'More Vintage Accordions'.

Another picture I'd like is Cyril Damian (Cyrillius Demien), but he's another one I've drawn a blank on. You can't win them all!!

Email Rob Howard: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Marko Sevarlic Concert, Valladolid - Spain

Marko SevarlicSerbian-born accordionist Marko Sevarlic performs in concert on December 14th, 8pm, at Salón de Actos de Caja España (Plaza Fuente Dorada 6), 6-7 Valladolid, Spain.


Irish Open Accordion Festival 2013 - Ireland

Yvonne ChiltonThe Irish Accordion Association will be organising the Irish Open Accordion Festival on the 23rd & 24th March 2013 in the Castle Arch Hotel, Trim, Co. Meath (about 30km north of Dublin).

Please write to Yvonne Chilton for a list of test pieces, entry fees and rules for the forthcoming festival. Email: chilton_accordion@hotmail.com

Entry closing date is 14th February 2013.


Akkordeonor Orchester Akonima Concert, Baden-Württemberg - Germany

Akkordeonor Orchester Akonima
The Akkordeonor Orchester Akonima perform in concert on December 15th, 6pm, at the Wehrer Stadthalle, Baden-Württemberg. The concert, which might be titled, ‘Let’s Rock!’, involves a 22 strong pop and rock choir under the direction of Frank Döbele.


CT Tango Ensemble @ Cape Town World Music Festival – South Africa

CT Tango Ensemble
The CT Tango Ensemble perform for a Milonga dance at iKhaya Lodge, Cape Town, on Saturday December 15th, 5.30pm.

7.30 – 8.30 pm - free pre-milonga lesson for absolute beginners
8.30pm - midnight Year End Milonga

Cost: R120 cash at the door (R20 of each entrance will be donated to Nazareth House)

The CT Tango Ensemble line-up is Stanislav Angelov - bandoneon and accordion, Willie van Zyl - clarinet and saxophones, Albert Combrink – piano, Dave Ridgway - double bass


Harry Hussey Christmas Squeeze, West Sussex – UK

Harry HusseyOn December 15th, 1.30 to 4.30pm, West Sussex Accordion Club hold a ‘3 Hour Christmas Squeeze’, with Special Guest the incomparable Harry Hussey at The Youth Centre, St Andrews Church, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 0LG.

£4 admission includes seasonal nibbles and drinks. Christmas Raffle - Lots of Fun - Seasonal Tunes & Food - Ample Free Parking

For further information email: sqzbxs@aol.com


Yuri Tarasenok Concert, Berlin – Germany

Yuri TarasenokOn December 15th, 7.30pm, bayan player Yuri Tarasenok, born in Belarus and now based in Berlin, performs a programme of classical and contemporary music at Schwarzsche Villa, Grunwaldstrasse 55, 12165 Berlin.


Accordion Babes show, California – USA

Accordion Babes
Down Home Music in El Cerrito, California, is hosting an Accordion Babes show on Saturday December 15th, 2 until 4pm. The Accordion Babes will perform a concert, and will sell their 2013 calendars.

This music store is attached to Arhoolie records, which is the home record-label of Clifton Chenier, and a distributor for Celtic, Latino, Americana, and reissues of classic American albums.


Gjovalin Nonaj and Ilir Zoga Concert, Brussels – Belgium

Gjovalin NonajAlbanian accordionist Gjovalin Nonaj and jazz guitarist Remy Dunand perform in concert as a duo on Monday December 16th, 3pm, at the Centre Européen de Médiation (CEM), 119 rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies, Brussels. Their programme will include music from Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Russia, Italy, and France.

For further information email: Gjovalin_nonaj@hotmail.com


Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide


New and Updated Sites

Friedrich Lips release new CD

'Lips Concerto', catalog: CD025Friedrich Lips releasing another new CD titled

'Lips Concerto', catalog: CD025

with sound samples. Music performed by Friedrich Lips. Purchase online.


Karen Fremar New Music

Karen FremarKaren Fremar - accordionist, composer, releases 4 new original compositions for accordion, available for purchase online.

catalog: kfremar-FB-802 'Nocturne',
catalog: kfremar-A-104 'Turtle Tale (Blues)',
catalog: kfremar-A-105 'Jumping Jack',
catalog: kfremar-A-106 'Space Odyssey',

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl updates music

Gary Dahl music catalog:DH0171 - 'Pigalle'Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music title for purchase on-line.

catalog:DH0004 - 'Padam…Padam' and
catalog:DH0171 - 'Pigalle'

Sample for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

Stas & Sam - Two Step CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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