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Weekly News from Around the World - 13-Nov-2020
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Primo piano

Coupe Mondiale 2021, 13-17 ottobre 2021 - Germania
Marta Cubas Hondal vince il Premio Speciale Cantabria per la musica - Spagna
9° Giornata internazionale della fisarmonica “AkoPoznań 2020” Conferenza online - Polonia
Concerto di laurea del concorrente internazionale Liu Hongting - Cina

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Peter Wood Nominated for Scots Trad Music Awards - Scotland
Results: International Competition "Friedrich Lips Cup", Yemanzhelinsk - Russia
National Accordion Association Training Centre - USA
Organ and Accordion Recital in Auckland - New Zealand
Results: 71st Perth Accordion and Fiddle Festival – Scotland
Alex Meixner Band Special TV Recording – USA
Video: Lucy Alves Guest Performance with Petrobras Sinfônica - Brazil
Wallace Liggett (1936 - 18 October 2020) - Australia/New Zealand
Nathan Neuman Performs the “Ballot Counting Polka” - USA

Future events

Dan Newton Online Shows - USA
“Drops of Green” Perform for Online Milwaukee Irish Fest - USA
Luca Pignata Guest Performer in Baroque Concert, s-Hertogenbosch - Netherlands
Chaika Band Live Concert, Sydney - Australia
ATG Masterclass: The Accordion: A Foundation of Success! - USA
Milwaukee Accordion Club Christmas Party – USA

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Primo piano

Coupe Mondiale 2021, 13-17 ottobre 2021 - Germania

2021 Coupe Mondiale header
DHV logoGeorg HettmannSalvate le date nel vostro calendario per la Coupe Mondiale 2021 ospitata a Monaco di Baviera dalla Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), il membro tedesco della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).

Con la promessa di vaccini disponibili dall'inizio del 2021, si ritiene che la distribuzione di vaccini consentirà di viaggiare entro ottobre 2021 in sicurezza dalla maggior parte dei paesi.

Il primo vicepresidente DHV e delegato della CIA Georg Hettmann (foto a destra) desidera invitare i concorrenti della fisarmonica e i loro sostenitori da tutto il mondo a partecipare alla Coupe Mondiale 2021 dal 13 al 17 ottobre 2021.

Le regole del concorso, le informazioni su viaggio e alloggio saranno pubblicate a dicembre.


Marta Cubas Hondal vince il Premio Speciale Cantabria per la musica - Spagna

Marta Cubas HondalMarta Cubas Hondal (studentessa di Gorka Hermosa) è stata premiata come la prima fisarmonicista a vincere il Premio straordinario per l'educazione musicale professionale, che il governo cantabrico assegna ogni anno al miglior studente. La competizione si è svolta il 10 ottobre presso il Conservatorio del Monastero di Gesù di Santander in 2 fasi. Nella prima fase, Marta ha presentato una registrazione di tre brani di stili diversi, della durata massima totale di 15 minuti.

Superata questa fase Marta è poi passata alla seconda fase che consisteva nell'interpretazione dal vivo faccia a faccia di due brani di stili differenti, della durata massima di 10 minuti ciascuno.

La valutazione dei premi è stata effettuata secondo i seguenti criteri:
a) Livello tecnico. Fino a 25 punti.
b) Coerenza estetica e stilistica. Fino a 50 punti.
c) Presenza scenica. Fino a 10 punti.
d) Difficoltà del lavoro presentato. Fino a 15 punti.

La giuria era formata da José Ramón López, Ispettore Generale dell'Istruzione e diversi consulenti musicali specializzati. Il premio consiste in 500 euro e opportunità di promozione.


9° Giornata internazionale della fisarmonica “AkoPoznań 2020” Conferenza online - Polonia

Akopoznan header
Video: registrazioni e conferenze che si sono svolte nell'ambito delle Giornate internazionali della fisarmonica 2020.

La 9° Giornata internazionale della fisarmonica "AkoPoznan 2020" è iniziata il 5 novembre 2020. L'evento online è iniziato con una conferenza "Ricordo dei compositori polacchi di musica per fisarmonica", che comprendeva discorsi di:

Tempo sul video:
04:22 - Prof. Dr. Bogdan Dowlasz: "Precursori della letteratura polacca originale sulla fisarmonica"
37:30 - Prof. Dr. Joachim Pichura: "Ricordo dei principali creatori della fisarmonica polacca"
01:06:18 - Prof. Dr. Teresa Adamowicz-Kaszuba: "Ricordando... Andrzej Krzanowski e Bronislaw Kazimierz Przybylski nella mia vita musicale"
01:35:01 - MGR Gabriela Lesniak: "Sviluppo della figura creativa di Ralf Jung. Rapporto del compositore con la comunità della fisarmonica polacca"
01:59:18 - MGR Grazyna Krzanowska: "Ispirazioni e dediche nelle composizioni di Andrzej" Krzanowski
02:24:42 - Dr. Grzegorz Palus: "Duo di fisarmoniche nelle opere di compositori polacchi. Riflessioni esecutive sull'esempio di opere selezionate dalla letteratura del XX secolo"
02:48:11 - Prof. Dr. Hab. Elwira Sliwkiewicz-Cisak: "Aphorismen Ralfa Jung. Composizione per fisarmonica e orchestra dedicata a Bronislaw Kazimierz Przybylski - aspetti esecutivi
03:13:23 - Prof. Dr. Jerzy Madrawski: "La fisarmonica nell'opera di Miroslaw Niziurski"
03:35:36 - Prof. Dr. Elzbieta Rosinska e Dr. Anna Sawicka: "La fisarmonica nell'opera di Roman Gordiejuk"

È seguita una presentazione sulla musica per i non vedenti e uno scambio di esperienze nell'insegnamento della musica ai non vedenti.

Come parte dell'evento, c'è stato anche un concerto online di musica polacca per fisarmonica.


Concerto di laurea del concorrente internazionale Liu Hongting - Cina

Liu HongtingVideo: Liu Hongting presentato dal suo insegnante Prof. Crystal Wang durante il 10° anniversario della Shanghai Normal University Accordion Orchestra. Recensione completa di questo evento a: 2018Shanghai (8 giugno)

Liu Hongting (foto sopra al centro) è stato uno dei tre studenti che si sono esibiti in un concerto il 4 novembre a Shanghai. Il concerto è stato tenuto dagli studenti che stavano per diplomarsi allo Shanghai Normal University Music College.

Liu ha rappresentato la Cina alle Coupe Mondiale 2018 e 2019 e ad altre competizioni internazionali.

Il programma solista di Liu Hongting includeva:
Valentango (Renzo Ruggieri),
Coco Mazurca (Joao Frade e arrangiato da Renzo Ruggieri),
Playing Love (Ennio Morricone e arrangiato da Renzo Ruggieri)
Tango Italiano (Renzo Ruggieri).

Liu Hongting sta studiando fisarmonica con il professor Crystal Wang, vicedirettore del dipartimento di musica strumentale dello Shanghai Normal University Music College.

Nella foto sotto: i laureandi Hou Jintong (organo digitale), Liu Hongting e Ye Ye.
Graduation photo


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Peter Wood Nominated for Scots Trad Music Awards - Scotland

Scots Trad Poster
Peter WoodAccordionist Peter Wood has been nominated for the MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards 2020, Musician of the Year award sponsored by The University of the Highlands and Islands.

Public voting opened on November 2nd and closes at midnight on November 15th. Please consider casting your vote for Peter who says “Remember this is all about highlighting traditional music so all votes extremely appreciated.”

These highly regarded annual awards give recognition to excellence within Scotland’s thriving traditional musical culture. Results will be broadcast on BBC ALBA on December 12th, 2020 at 9pm.


Results: International Competition "Friedrich Lips Cup", Yemanzhelinsk - Russia

Lips competition posterThe 2020 VIII International Competition "Friedrich Lips Cup" for bayanists and accordionists was held from October 29th to November 3rd in Yemanzhelinsk, Russia.

The Friedrich Lips Cup is held every three years and this year participants sent in videos as the competition could not be held in a live format due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Download full result list in Russian language at: 2020ResultsLipsCup.pdf


National Accordion Association Training Centre - USA

NAA header
Sharon SaetonThe National Accordion Association (NAA) is now hosting a virtual training area for the accordion world, coordinated by Dr Sharon Seaton (picture right). The purpose is to provide a single reference area for digital training areas.

Online training options include:
1. Covid-19 survival kit
2. Training sessions
3. Youtube videos

Sharon is waiting for your recommendations and helpful hints. What ideas have you used personally, or observed in other musicians, to revive lagging playing engagements?

The link to the training area is: http://www.accordions.com/naa/t-Overview.html

For any suggestion or questions, email: AccordionSharon@yahoo.com


Organ and Accordion Recital in Auckland - New Zealand

Stephen Vincent & Stephanie Poole
Organ programWell known New Zealand organist Stephen Vincent (picture above left and below) presented a magnificent recital at New Zealand's Holy Trinity Cathedral in Auckland on Sunday, November 8th, 2020. Holy Trinity houses New Zealand's largest organ, designed and built by the organ building company of Nicholson & Co Ltd in the United Kingdom and it consists of 91 speaking stops spread over four manuals and pedals, with 5,432 pipes.

Stephen, also an accordionist, is organist at St. Luke's in Auckland and previously at St. Matthew-in-the-City. He studied organ with John Carter and is a former student of the late Betty Stewart. Stephen is currently enjoying further studies with Dr. Phillip Smith. He is Vice President of the Auckland Organ Association and has been a driving force behind the St. Luke's Organ refurbishment project, almost at completion.

Stephen was joined by accordionist Stephanie Poole (picture above right). Stephanie is an accordion pedagogue, examiner and former accordion tutor at Auckland University's Conservatory of Music. She is a regular adjudicator at national and International accordion competitions including the CIA Coupe Mondiale. Stephen and Stephanie were both former members of the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra, performing on International Goodwill Concert Tours.

Stephen and Stephanie were featured performing duos including an arrangement of Noel X -Grand jeu et Duo by Daquin and Carnaval des Animaux by Saint-Saëns. In addition, the recital featured Stephen performing works by Copeland, Lindberg and Lesley concluding with the Fantaisie pour Orgue by Saint-Saëns.
Stephen Vincent


Results: 71st Perth Accordion and Fiddle Festival – Scotland

Perth logoThe 71st Perth Accordion and Fiddle Festival took place online this year due to Covid-19.


All Scotland Senior Traditional Accordion Solo Championship
Jimmy Shand Challenge Shield
1st: Liam Stewart, Galston

Senior Pipe Music Accordion Solo
Bill Black Challenge Cup
1st: Susan MacFadyen, Polmont

Senior Musette Accordion Solo
1st: Ciorstaidh Chaimbeul, Glasgow

Senior World Music Accordion Solo
Accordion World Challenge Cup
1st: Ciorstaidh Chaimbeul, Glasgow

Download full results at: 2020PerthResults.pdf


Alex Meixner Band Special TV Recording – USA

The Alex Meixner Band was honored to be asked to record a version of the "World News Polka" for the program "World News Now" that airs overnights on the television station, ABC in the United States.

The band includes Alex Meixner (accordion & vocals), Tom Haller (drums), Paddy King (violin), Jake Willis (tuba) and Nicholas Owen (guitar).

The video was recorded at Ohio Recording Company
Video & Audio: Brennan Willis
World News Polka was written by Barry Mitchell
© 2020 Harris Music Productions

For details email:


Video: Lucy Alves Guest Performance with Petrobras Sinfônica - Brazil

Lucy AlvesVideo: Lucy Alves (accordion and vocals) performance on the Guest Series with the Petrobras Sinfônica (Petrobras Symphony Orchestra) conducted by Isaac Karabtchevsky.

The concert was held in the Vivo Rio concert hall in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to honor Northeastern music!


Wallace Liggett (1936 - 18 October 2020) - Australia/New Zealand

NZAA header
Book CoverWallace LiggettIt is with great sadness that the New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) has learned of the passing of Life Member Wallace Liggett.

As a young man he met with the "father of the accordion" in New Zealand, teacher Allan Jones. His teaching introduced Wallace "to a level of technique and musical interpretation, although more common in top accordionists of today, was unknown in NZ at that time." The realisation of this motivated Wallace to practice hours each, so that within about five years, he had established himself as the leading New Zealand concert accordionist of the day.

He was the first New Zealander (circa 1958) to play and record using free bass accordion on National Radio and transcribed a number of the works of the great masters for free bass accordion.

For some years he enjoyed a dominance in the concert accordion field in NZ, such that when an early winner of the NZ Solo Accordion Championship was asked in a radio interview about his further accordion ambitions, he replied, "To become as good as Wallace Liggett".

Wallace Liggett recorded for both the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation and the Australian Broadcasting Commission.

In 1990, the NZAA New Zealand Accordion Association commissioned Wallace Liggett to be the author of the book "The History of the Accordion in New Zealand) , to ensure that information about the early history of the accordion in New Zealand, the individuals and their struggle for the wider acceptance and appreciation of the accordion by musicians and public alike, was not lost through the passage of time.

Three years of research has resulted in a book that had grown from a projected maximum 100 pages to over 270 pages of text, information lists and photographs to become a major reference work for the accordion. Some 545 New Zealand associations, orchestras, and accordionists are included in the book.

Wallace was an Associate of the Institute of Registered Music Teachers and a Registered Secondary School Teacher. He was an admired accordion teacher, school teacher, regular judge at the NZ Accordion Championships and was appointed an examiner for the Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand in 1992.

In 2011, Wallace Liggett was made a Life Member of the NZAA for all his services to the accordion in New Zealand at the 40th Anniversary of the NZAA. An update to the book "The History of the Accordion in New Zealand" was completed for this event, the update being in digital pdf format and provided free with the original book.

In September 2011, Wallace Liggett moved to Australia to be with family members and into semi-retirement, then full retirement. He passed away 18 October 2020 in Coramba NSW, Australia.

Below picture: NZAA Secretary Heather Masefield and Wallace Liggett
NZAA Secretary Heather Masefield and Wallace Liggett


Nathan Neuman Performs the “Ballot Counting Polka” - USA

Accordionist Nathan Neuman wrote this song while waiting for the 2020 USA Presidential election votes to be counted. Nathan enjoys writing songs featuring acccordion and vocal, about topical events.


Future events

Dan Newton Online Shows - USA

Daddy SqueezeAccordionist Dan Newton – Daddy Squeeze has announced 2 upcoming online concerts as follows:

November 16th at Noon CT - Gulf Coast Music
November 23rd at Noon, CT - French and European tunes

For details or music requests email: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com


“Drops of Green” Perform for Online Milwaukee Irish Fest - USA

Drops of Green
Irish band “Drops of Green” will perform on Epsiode 5 of the CelticMKE “Aoibhneas Sessions” online concert series on November 19th at 6pm Central Time.

The five piece folk and ballad group includes Sean Kearney (accordion and vocals), Lee Campion (guitar and vocals), Ross Hennessy (mandolin, bodhran and vocals), James Ring (bass guitar, 5 String banjo and vocals) and Robbie Campion (banjo, guitar and vocals).

They bring their own unique and modern style to classic Irish ballads, along with a wealth of tradition, storytelling and passion.

Organisers of the Milwaukee Irish Fest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, put together the online concert series, called “Aoibhneas Sessions" for you all to enjoy. This is a free online concert.

For details email: dropsofgreen@outlook.com


Luca Pignata Guest Performer in Baroque Concert, s-Hertogenbosch - Netherlands

Baroque poster
Luca Pignata (Italy) is the special guest performer at a Baroque Accordion Concert at the Willem Twee Hall in s-Hertogenbosch on November 20th at 8.15pm. He will present pieces from his Baroque CD which includes works by Johan Sebastian Bach and Domenico Scarlatti

The concert will include a performance by the Accordion Orchestra Jheronimus which includes Jorind Josemans (accordion and bandoneon). They will play a program of music by Richard Galliano, Astor Piazzolla and Nino Rota.

See poster for details.


Chaika Band Live Concert, Sydney - Australia

Chaika poster
“Chaika Band” (which includes accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova) are pleased to announce their first live concert since lockdown. The band has just spent time working on some brand new material, some of which they will premiere at this upcoming show.

The concert will be held at the Leichhardt Bowling Club in Sydney on November 20th at 8pm.

There are only a limited number of tickets available due to Covid-19 restrictions.

For further concert information email: info@chaikaband.com
Chaika band


ATG Masterclass: The Accordion: A Foundation of Success! - USA

ATG header
ATG posterThe ATG November online Masterclass will be a panel discussion on November 22nd at 3pm Central Time.

The subject is The Accordion: A Foundation of Success!

Five music professionals will share their musical journeys which began with the accordion. They are Jeff Lisenby, Liz Finch, Jeff Taylor, Mark Weston and Bonnie Schurmann who will all discuss how studying the accordion has impacted their careers within (and without) the music industry.

The Masterclass is open to the general public at no cost.

For details visit: ATG


Milwaukee Accordion Club Christmas Party – USA

Jan Leman BandChristmas is just around the corner and the Milwaukee Accordion Club will hold their annual Christmas Party on December 13th at the Root River Center in Franklin.

The event will include a dinner, door prizes and entertainment by “The Jan Leman Band” (picture right).

Tickets will be available at their November 23rd meeting. For details phone 414-546-3370


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