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Weekly News from Around the World - 12-Nov-2021
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Primo piano

Concerto di Natale 20° Giubileo di Guardia Nueva, Kokkola - Finlandia
Video: Volodymyr Runchak, Concerto Piccolo per fisarmonica e orchestra d'archi - Italia
Richard Galliano “Piazzolla Jazz Trio” Tour - Giappone
“Duo Accosphere” esegue la prima mondiale con Airis String Quartet - Polonia
I “Black Pencil” si esibiscono al Prix Annelie de Man 2021 - Paesi Bassi

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Results: 3rd All-Russian Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments – Krasnoyarsk - Russia
Video: Results of Online CMA Trophée Mondial De L'accordéon - France
Accordionists Entertain at Festivals – Argentina
New CD: Italian Folk Collection Vol 1, Spoleto - Italy
Passing of Donna Dee (Anderson) Ray (March 13, 1947 to November 09, 2021)
New CD “Morning Birds” - Italy
Adelaide Accordion Orchestra Entertains - Australia
Video: "Waves of the Danube" - Ukraine

Future events

Fofa Nobre Entertains at Virada Sustentável 2021 - Brazil
Victor Prieto Trio at “Terraza 7”, New York - USA
Accordion Club Oedheim 30th Anniversary Celebrations – Germany
Garry Alexander Performs at “Tavern 1843” - Scotland
15th World Accordion and Tango Festival – Canada
Dr William Schimmel Performs with Boston Symphony Orchestra - USA
Accordion Weekend at Conservatoire du Calaisis - France
Duo Fuoco/Pardino Chamber Concert - Italy
Andreas & Naoko Nebl Perform at Benefit Concert - Germany
Alex Meixner Band Performs at Rock’n River Walk - USA
Sharon Shannon 2022 Concert Tour - Ireland

Childrens Corner

Young Boy Entertains on his Accordion

New and Updated Sites

ATG online: Friedrich Lips Workshop - USA
Storia delle Commissioni Musicali AAA del Prof. Robert McMahan - USA

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Primo piano

Concerto di Natale 20° Giubileo di Guardia Nueva, Kokkola - Finlandia

Guardia Nueva header
Guardia Nueva celebra il suo 20° anniversario del Giubileo di Diamante con una serie di concerti nel 2021 e 2022. L'11 dicembre alle 19:00, questa orchestra di grande successo diretta da Raimo Vertainen eseguirà uno speciale Concerto di Natale di una versione ricomposta delle "Quattro Stagioni” di Vivaldi presso la chiesa di Kokkola a Kokkola, in Finlandia.
Questo nuovo lavoro "Recomposed Four Seasons" del compositore tedesco Max Richter include danza e animazioni, è stato orchestrato da Raimo Vertainen e arrangiato per Guardia Nueva.
Una parte essenziale dell'opera è la danza, che raffigura il cambio delle stagioni e, allo stesso tempo, il ciclo della vita umana. Primavera-estate-autunno-inverno: dai simboli della natura, dalla nascita alla morte. Le animazioni proiettate sulla parete della chiesa completano il tutto.
Tutti i dettagli sui concerti del 20° anniversario di Guardia Nueva sono su: 2021DiamondJubilee
Guardia Nueva


Video: Volodymyr Runchak, Concerto Piccolo per fisarmonica e orchestra d'archi - Italia

Volodymyr RunchakVideo: Denis Snigiryov (fisarmonica) solista e l'Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria diretta dal compositore Volodymyr Runchak (Ucraina), al PIF 2021 Castelfidardo. L’esibizione si è tenuta presso il Teatro Astra, il 1° ottobre.


Richard Galliano “Piazzolla Jazz Trio” Tour - Giappone

Richard Galliano
Questo mese si terrà il tour in Giappone del “Piazzolla Jazz Trio” di Richard Galliano.
Il Jazz Trio comprende Richard Galliano (fisarmonica - foto sopra di JBMillot), Sebastien Giniaux (chitarra e violoncello) e Diego Imbert (contrabbasso). Il loro programma includerà opere di Piazzolla e Galliano.
Date del tour come segue:
21 novembre: Shirakawa
22 novembre: Tagasaki
25 novembre: Kanagawa
26 novembre: Osaka
27 novembre: Gifu
28 novembre: Mishima
30 novembre: Tokyo
Per ulteriori dettagli e-mail: solathierry@gmail.com


“Duo Accosphere” esegue la prima mondiale con Airis String Quartet - Polonia

Duo AccosphereAiris String QuartetIl “Duo Accosphere” (foto in alto a sinistra) composto dai fisarmonicisti Alena Budzináková e Grzegorz Palus, eseguirà la prima mondiale di “Sux pour Six” del compositore Milosz Bembinow con l'Airis String Quartet (foto in alto a destra) presso la Chamber Hall di Kielce, Polonia il 30 novembre 2021 alle 18:30.
Il brano è stato scritto appositamente per due fisarmoniche e un quartetto d'archi e realizzato grazie al cofinanziamento del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e dello Sport del Fondo di Promozione della Cultura - fondo statale a destinazione specifica, nell'ambito del programma "Contratti di Composizione", realizzato dall'Istituto Nazionale di Musica e Danza.
L'Airis String Quartet è composto da Aleksandra Czajor (1° violino), Grazyna Zubik (2° violino), Malwina Tkaczyk (viola) e Mateusz Manka (violoncello).
Il loro programma includerà anche musiche dal periodo barocco fino ai giorni nostri come Concerto per due cembali e orchestra in do minore (Bach), Quartetto d'archi n. 4 (Laks), Studio Jazz per quartetto d'archi (Czyz), Sei danze caratteristiche dalla Suite Lo schiaccianoci (Tchaikovsky) e Di Sisifo e Prometeo — due miti istruttivi (Runczak).
Per dettagli email: info@duoaccosphere.com


I “Black Pencil” si esibiscono al Prix Annelie de Man 2021 - Paesi Bassi

Prix header
BP CD coverVideo: Brano dal nuovo CD Black Pencil "Come Out, Caioni!" intitolato Three Dances.
Il Prix Annelie de Man 2021 si terrà dal 1 al 5 dicembre 2021 presso la sala concerti Orgelpark di Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi.
La Fondazione Annelie de Man organizza il festival e concorso internazionale Prix Annelie de Man per compositori e clavicembalisti per promuovere e sostenere il repertorio clavicembalistico contemporaneo.
I “Black Pencil”, (foto sotto) formati dal fisarmonicista Marko Kassl, Jorge Isaac (flauto dolce), Matthijs Koene (flauto di pan), Esra Pehlivanli (viola) ed Enric Monfort (percussioni), sono l'Ensemble residente all'evento.
Il loro programma includerà Hierarchie (composta da Moritz Eggert nel 2019) per Black Pencil e clavicembalisti: Jane Chapman, Gosia Klajn, Kristian Nyquist, Victoria Lerche, Silvia Marquez, Ere Lievonen (organo), Conservatorium van Amsterdam ensemble.
I Black Pencil eseguiranno anche brani del loro nuovo album "Come Out, Caioni!" (foto in alto a sinistra).
Per i dettagli e-mail: info@marko-kassl.de
Black Pencil


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Results: 3rd All-Russian Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments – Krasnoyarsk - Russia

3rd comp header
Artem MalkhasyanRuslan KochkinVideo: Final gala concert and prizewinner announcement

The III All-Russian Music Competition for Performers on Folk Instruments including Bayan and Accordion was held in Krasnoyarsk, Russia from November 3rd to 9th, 2021, organised by FGBUK - "Federal Directorate of Music and Festival Programs Rosconcert".

1st: Alexey Pankratov (Moscow) – picture below
2nd: Artem Malkhasyan (St. Petersburg – picture above left), Robert Alevetdinov (Moscow)
3rd: Ruslan Kochkin (Moscow – picture above right), Sergey Pavin (Krasnoyarsk), Pavel Masyuk (Rostov-on-Don).

The event finished with a gala concert at the Small Concert Hall of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Academy along with the announcement of the laureates. Performances were given by competition and diploma winners. The concert featured works by Russian composers as well as works by Domenico Scarlatti.
Alexey Pankratov


Video: Results of Online CMA Trophée Mondial De L'accordéon - France

CMA online 2021
CMA President, Frederic Deschamps has announced the winners of the CMA Online 2021 Trophée Mondial De L'accordéon categories.

CMA Masters
1. Danil Sharavyev (Russia) 23.53
2. Viacheslav Moseichuck (Ukraine) 23.46
3. Egor Shapovalov (Russia) 23.32

CMA Junior Classique
1. Mykola Synyahivskiy (Ukraine) 23.88
2. Naixin Zhang (China) 23.71
3. Zhouyang Zhai (China) 23.58

CMA Junior Variete
1, Matteo Tortora (Italy) 23.68
2. Mathias Rugsveen (Norway) 23.49
3. Emanuel Viti (Italy) 23.34

CMA Chamber Music Senior
1. Maksym Melnychenko and Pavlo Arkhypenko Fiery Expression (Ukraine) 23.76
2. Duo Black and White (Portugal/Ukraine) 23.18
3. Accordion Ensemble of Shenzhen University (China) 22.43

CMA Chamber Music Junior
1. Yiwei Liu (China) 23.54
2. Matejková & Breuerová (Czech Republic) 22.85
3. Ottich - Duo (Russia) 22.80

CMA Composition
1. Julien Beautemps (France) 23.71
2. Sergey Lugovskoy (Russia) 22.48
3. Patrik Kotlár (Czech) 22.13

CMA Senior Variete and Senior Classique categories final rounds yet to be completed.


Accordionists Entertain at Festivals – Argentina

Argentina posterBrea Pozo posterAccordionists Miguel Figueroa and his Conjunto ensemble plus the Antonio Figueroa Trio have been entertaining at festivals in Argentina this week.

On November 9th, they performed at the Grand Closing Party of the Las Juntas Guasayán in Santiago del Estero. See poster above left.

On November 11th, they had a busy schedule performing at the Brea Pozo Festival (see poster above right), followed by a performance at the Arraga Festival (see poster below), both in Santiago del Estero, Argentina.
Arraga poster


New CD: Italian Folk Collection Vol 1, Spoleto - Italy

Folk CD coverA new CD entitled “Italian Folk Collection Vol 1” includes 9 pieces for accordion you can dance to, by a variety of different artists.

All pieces on the CD have been composed by Gianluca Bibiani and the album features various accordionists including Bibiani himself, Massimo Fabiani, Federico Bianchetti and Ivano Pescari.

Tracks include “Blu Fox” (Quickstep), “Riflessi nella Notte” (Musette Waltz), “El Niño” (Tango), “Burlona” (Polka) and “Tormento” (Beguine) etc.

For details contact: Ars Spoletium Publishing


Passing of Donna Dee (Anderson) Ray (March 13, 1947 to November 09, 2021)

Donna Dee (Anderson) Ray

Donna, Dennis and familyVideo from 2018 ATG Festival, July 25 - 28 in Lisle (Chicago), Illinois.

AWW is shocked and very sad to inform you of the sudden passing of Donna Ray Anderson from a fall. Donna Dee was a highly respected accordionist, friend, teacher, wife, mother, and grandmother, beloved by all who were fortunate enough to experience her warm smile and gentle, friendly personality.

Donna Dee (Anderson) Ray began studying accordion with Joan Cochran Sommers at age six. Excerpts from the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) website: She became concert mistress of the University of Missouri at Kansas City Accordion Orchestra at age fifteen. At age sixteen, Bill Palmer awarded her a score of 108 on her choice piece in the virtuoso division at the Mid-America Music Association festival. At age seventeen, Donna Dee won the American Accordionists' Association Virtuoso Championship. Her intent was to enter UMKC as an Accordion Performance major.

Instead, at age eighteen, she began touring with Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians playing Cordovox in the orchestra. It was there that Donna Dee met her husband, Dennis Ray, a singer in the group.

Dennis, her husband, hails from Nashville, Tennessee. He is a self-taught musician playing 5-string and tenor banjos, guitar, and upright rhythm bass. His biggest musical inspiration during his youth was The Kingston Trio from the American Folk Era. He grew up singing their songs in three-part harmonies with his brother and friends and later formed a trio in college while attending the University of Tennessee. Fred Waring’s Pennsylvanians did a concert at UT. Dennis’s trio performed backstage after the show. Mr. Waring invited them to attend Shawnee Press summer workshops for teachers and students and also perform at his Shawnee Inn golf resort for the summer. At the end of that summer, they were invited to join the concert tour.

Donna Dee and Dennis have three children. When the children were young, The Ray Family performed for community events, and toured summers appearing at state and county fairs and amusement parks. Donna Dee and Dennis performed as a duo for many years while also pursuing teaching careers. Both have Master’s degrees and were classroom teachers for over thirty years. Donna Dee taught elementary school Music. Through a rigorous year-long multi-evaluation process, she earned National Board Certification the first year it opened for Music teachers. Dennis, a journalism graduate of UMKC, taught Television Production in high school. Dennis and Donna Dee started a business, 3D Video Productions, videotaping weddings on weekends when not in their classrooms teaching. This business eventually squeezed out opportunities to play music gigs. They enjoyed their busy careers but are happy to be recently retired. Both are loving having time to practice and perform music again.

Condolences to Dennis Ray, her family, friends and accordion friends who loved her so much.

Further videos at: http://www.accordionusa.com/#art4664
Donna Dee (Anderson) Ray


New CD “Morning Birds” - Italy

Morning Birds CD coverTrioVideo: Morning Birds – track one from the CD.

A new CD “Morning Birds”, which features Alessandro Sbordoni (bayan), Roberto Fabbriciani (flute) and Giuseppe Silvi (electronics - all pictured above right) has just been released on EMA Vinci records.

The CD includes a variety of pieces such as “Morning Birds” (Alessandro Sbordoni) for piccolo, bayan, sax and live electronics, “Maknongan” (Giacinto Scelsi) for bayan solo, “Rag Free 1” and “Rag Free 2” (Alessandro Sbordoni) for flute, bayan, live electronics and “Two” (John Cage) for flute, bayan etc.

For details email: email@emavinci.it


Adelaide Accordion Orchestra Entertains - Australia

Adelaide AO
The Adelaide Accordion Orchestra entertained diners at the German Club in Brooklyn Park, Adelaide, South Australia last week.

Attendees enjoyed German food and drink while listening to a variety of accordion entertainment.


Video: "Waves of the Danube" - Ukraine

We hope you enjoy this lovely version of "Waves of the Danube" waltz composed by Iosif Ivanovici in 1880. This piece is one of the most famous Romanian tunes in the world.

Performed by Sergey Gusachenko and Sergey Kondramashin (Ukraine).


Future events

Fofa Nobre Entertains at Virada Sustentável 2021 - Brazil

Fofa posterFofa Nobre will entertain at the Virada Sustentável 2021 event at Largo dos Acorianos in Porto Alegre, Brazil on
November 13th, 2021.

Virada Sustentável organizes one of the largest festival’s in Brazil involving the participation of civil society organizations, public agencies, cultural collectives, social movements, cultural equipment, companies, schools and universities, among others, with the aim of presenting a positive and inspiring view of sustainability.

Their mission is to expand information about sustainability in society, using art and recreational activities as main tools, inspiring people to see sustainability as a collective value.

Their festivals began in 2011 in São Paulo, with further events in Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Salvador and Manaus, among others.

For further details phone: +55 51 99602-0302


Victor Prieto Trio at “Terraza 7”, New York - USA

VP trioThe Victor Prieto Trio will perform at "Terraza 7" in Elmhurst, New York City on November 13th, 2021. The trio features Victor Prieto (accordion), Ricky Rodriguez (bass) and Juan Felipe Mayorga (drums).

These free concerts are part of the "Terraza 7" Jazz Outdoor Concert Series.

Their program “embraces Jazz, Tango, Classical and Celtic Roots enriched with new rhythms and colors”.

For details email: info@victorprieto.net


Accordion Club Oedheim 30th Anniversary Celebrations – Germany

Akkordeonverein Oedheim
AVO logoPicture above taken at the Accordion Club Oedheim 25th anniversary concert.
Video: Pirates of the Caribbean Movie theme

The Accordion Club Oedheim 1991 e.V. will celebrate their 30th Anniversary with a concert by their orchestra (conducted by Michael Ziegler) at the "Kochana" in Oedheim, Germany on November 14th at 4pm.

Their exciting program will include pop music, an Argentinian tango, African sounds, inspirations from Poland and Slovenian folk music.

For details email: info@avoe.de


Garry Alexander Performs at “Tavern 1843” - Scotland

GA posterVideo: Garry Alexander performing “Mason’s Apron” which he released as a single in April 2021.

Accordionist Garry Alexander will entertain at “The Tavern 1843” in Perth, Scotland, UK on November 14th and 21st, 2021.

Garry performs a mix of Scottish, Irish and Country music.

For details email: thetavern1843@outlook.com


15th World Accordion and Tango Festival – Canada

Jelena Milojevic, Michael Bridge
WTFest posterThe 15th edition of the World Accordion and Tango Festival will be held in Victoria, British Colombia, Canada, from November 17th to 21st, 2021. The event will include a variety of concerts and workshops.

On November 19th, accordionist Jelena Milojevic (picture above) will perform a concert with the German-Canadian Bergmann Piano Duo (Elizabeth and Marcel Bergmann), entitled “From Bach to Piazzolla” at “First Met Victoria” in British Colombia.

The ensemble will “celebrate the centenary of the iconic tango composer Astor Piazzolla in an exciting program of tango and more! Alongside the fiery and at times melancholic tango music specially arranged for the ensemble by Marcel Bergmann, they will present some works by Bach, highlighting his influence on Piazzolla's compositions.”

Other festival performers include Ladom Ensemble (Michael Bridge pictured above - accordion), Bertram Levy (bandoneon), Jorge Lopez & Sandra Naccache (tango dancers) and many more.

For further details email: contact@watf.ca


Dr William Schimmel Performs with Boston Symphony Orchestra - USA

Dr William SchimmelDr William Schimmel will perform with the Boston Symphony Orchestra (conducted by Andris Nelsons) at the Symphony Hall in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on November 18th, 19th, and 20th, 2021.

These performances feature “Towards Paradise (Labyrinth VI) for Trumpet and Orchestra” by Jorg Widmann.

Dr.William Schimmel’s versatility is evident by the many musical projects that he is involved in. He has devoted his life to musicianship utilizing the accordion.

For further information email: accordionbill@gmail.com


Accordion Weekend at Conservatoire du Calaisis - France

Téodoro Anzellotti poster
Sergio PétronioThe Conservatoire du Calaisis in Calais, France will hold an accordion weekend this month which will include a concert, masterclass and accordion exhibition.

On November 19th, Téodoro Anzellotti will perform a solo recital at the Didier Lockwood Auditorium at 8pm. His program will include works by J.S. Bach, J.P. Rameau,
L. van Beethoven, B. Bartok and T. Hosokawa.

See poster for details.

On November 20th, Sergio Pétronio (picture right) will give a masterclass on "Air-Sound Balance" from 10am - Noon and 2pm - 5pm.

Sergio Petronio studied with André Thépaz, creator of the ‘wind instrument accordion’ method with which he deepens the technique of the wind instrument for seven years.

This master class is free and open to all and is aimed at students in training of all cycles (audience members are also welcome).

For details email: lefebvre.romuald@sfr.fr

During these two events, the Calais Conservatory will hold an accordion exhibition where attendees will be able to try an instrument, with Philippe Imbert and the Bugari brand.

These events are subject to the Covid-19 health pass.


Duo Fuoco/Pardino Chamber Concert - Italy

Duo posterDuo Fuoco/Pardino (Pietro Pardino - accordion) and Debora Fuoco - violin) will perform a Chamber Concert at the "Regina Pacis" Hall of the Santuario del Carmine in Palmi, Reggio Calabria on November 20th at 7pm.

The concert is part of the 5th Accordion Festival that takes its name from the town of Palmi.

Their program will include the first public performance of "Anni di Anna" composed by Cesare Chiacchiaretta which he dedicated to his grandmother.

Admission to the Concert is free upon presentation of the Green Certification in compliance with Covid-19 regulations.


Andreas & Naoko Nebl Perform at Benefit Concert - Germany


Accordionist Andreas Nebl and Naoko Nebl (harmonica) will perform a benefit concert at the St. Theresia Church in Trossingen on November 21st, 2021 at 5pm. Both are lecturers at the Hohner-Konservatorium Trossingen.

Their program will include works by Handel, Mozart and Nielsen.

Concert proceeds will go to the Okumenischen Kleider and Tafellden Trossingen.

For details email: AndiNebl@gmx.de


Alex Meixner Band Performs at Rock’n River Walk - USA

Alex M poster
The Alex Meixner Band will perform at the Rock’n River Walk event in Stuart, Florida on November 28th from 1pm to 4pm.

The event, which is organised by Stuart Main Street and Rock'n Riverwalk, is free to attend and is part of the Downtown Stuart Sunday Concert Series.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Sharon Shannon 2022 Concert Tour - Ireland

tour schedule
Sharon Shannon has announced dates for her 2022 Concert Tour which will begin in Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland on January 1st, 2022.

Special guests include vocalists Frances Black and Mary Coughlan.

See poster for details.


Childrens Corner

Young Boy Entertains on his Accordion

This 8 year old boy from Eastern Europe entertains with a folk song on his beautifully decorated small accordion.


New and Updated Sites

ATG online: Friedrich Lips Workshop - USA

ATG header
Friedrich LipsL’Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) presenterà uno speciale seminario online del Professor Friedrich Lips (Mosca, Russia) il 12 dicembre alle 14:00, ora centrale degli Stati Uniti.

Il professor Lips discuterà il ruolo della fisarmonica nella cultura musicale generale di oggi. A livello globale, come interagisce con altri strumenti e gruppi?

Per i dettagli, visitate il sito Web ATG o inviate un'email a: atg.accordioniststeachersguild@gmail.com


Storia delle Commissioni Musicali AAA del Prof. Robert McMahan - USA

AAA Header
Prof. Robert McMahanIl Dr. Robert Young McMahan, presidente del comitato dei compositori dell'American Accordionists' Association (AAA) (foto a sinistra) ha scritto una serie di articoli molto interessanti sui lavori contemporanei per fisarmonica commissionati dall'AAA nel corso degli anni.

Robert McMahan è il professore di musica recentemente in pensione presso il College of New Jersey ed è stato anche coordinatore dell'area di musicalità e composizione, nonché artista-insegnante di fisarmonica classica.

Un elenco completo delle Commissioni musicali AAA è online all'indirizzo:

Una breve storia del Commissioning Committee dell'AAA Composers è stata rivista ed è online all'indirizzo:

Gli articoli sulle singole Commissioni musicali AAA verranno pubblicati nei prossimi mesi con l'elenco degli articoli da pubblicare su:

Il primo articolo intitolato: “The First [AAA] Commission: Prelude and Dance, by Paul Creston” è online all'indirizzo: http://ameraccord.com/commissions/creston.htm

L'AAA Composers' Commissioning Committee accoglie le donazioni di tutti coloro che amano la fisarmonica classica e desiderano vedere il suo repertorio di concerti originali e moderni continuare a crescere. L'American Accordionists' Association è una società 501(c)(3). Tutti i contributi sono fiscalmente deducibili nei limiti di legge. Possono essere facilmente realizzati visitando l'AAA-Store all'indirizzo http://www.ameraccord.com/cart.aspx che ti consente sia di effettuare la tua donazione che di ricevere immediatamente la ricevuta deducibile dalle tasse.

Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare il Dr. McMahan all'indirizzo grillmyr@gmail.com


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