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Weekly News from Around the World - 12-Feb-2021
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Primo piano

CONCERTI ORA ONLINE - XXIII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival - Finlandia
Online: 17° Concorso Nazionale di Fisarmonica per Solisti e Musica da Camera - Paesi Bassi
Online: Concerto Beltango "Una Milonga Mas" - Serbia
Rachael Xu sostiene l'International Music Council

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

III All-Russian Baroque Music on Bayan and Accordion, Moscow - Russia
Cancelled: NAA Convention in Dallas, Texas - USA
Historical Video: K Trio Concert in 1999 - USA

Future events

Online: Accordion Fridays for your Entertainment
Online: John Kirkpatrick “All Request Show” - UK
Now Online, COVID-19 will not stop RAM Concert - England
Concert to Celebrate 80th Birthday of Dominguinhos – Brazil
Online: Weltmeister Wednesday's Resume - Germany
Tracey Collins Performs at “Vive la France” in Milford – New Zealand

Childrens Corner

Kokkola Childrens Concert - Finland

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Jeff Lisenby

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Primo piano

CONCERTI ORA ONLINE - XXIII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival - Finlandia

Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival

13TH FEBRUARY CONCERT ONLINEhttp://www.accordions.com/kokkola/2021/index.htm#thirteen

12TH FEBRUARY CONCERT ONLINE http://www.accordions.com/kokkola/2021/index.htm#twelve

FIRST CONCERT http://www.accordions.com/kokkola/2021/index.htm#eight

SECOND CONCERT http://www.accordions.com/kokkola/2021/index.htm#nine

THIRD CONCERT http://www.accordions.com/kokkola/2021/index.htm#ten

4TH CONCERT http://www.accordions.com/kokkola/2021/index.htm#eleven

Kimmo Mattila, Raimo VertainenI concerti dall'8 al 13 febbraio del XXIII Kokkola Winter Festival sono ora online.
Introduzione a ogni concerto del presidente dell'Associazione finlandese della fisarmonica Kimmo Mattila e del direttore artistico di Kokkola Raimo Vertainen.
Visualizza il report completo con testo, immagini e video su: 2021Kokkola
Il finale del festival è sabato 13 febbraio dalle 19:00 alle 20:00, ora della Finlandia, con la famosissima Guardia Nueva e il loro Kokkola 400 Years: The Grand Entertainment Concert of 2020 by Guardia Nueva


Online: 17° Concorso Nazionale di Fisarmonica per Solisti e Musica da Camera - Paesi Bassi

NOVAM banner
A causa dell'incertezza causata dalla pandemia COVID-19, il 17° Concorso Nazionale di Fisarmonica per Solisti Musica da Camera 2021 si terrà online quest'anno.
L'evento per solisti di fisarmonica e musica da camera, organizzato da NOVAM (Nederladse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica) si terrà ad Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi, il 14 marzo 2021.
Le iscrizioni al concorso chiudono il 1° giugno 2021.
Tutti i video verranno esaminati da una giuria indipendente. Non ci sono premi quest'anno, ma ci sarà la possibilità di vincere una masterclass o un premio per un concerto e tutti i partecipanti riceveranno un report personale della giuria e un ricordo.
Per i dettagli scrivere a: secretaris@novam.net
La registrazione è gratuita. Scarica le informazioni su: 2021CompNOVAM.pdf


Online: Concerto Beltango "Una Milonga Mas" - Serbia

Beltango poster
Il Beltango Quintet di Belgrado, Serbia, eseguirà il loro primo concerto online dal titolo "Una Milonga Mas" il 13 febbraio 2021 alle 21:00 CET, dettagli sul poster qui sopra.
Il leader Aleksandar Nikolic scrive: "Stiamo lentamente entrando in una situazione in cui voi, il nostro pubblico, ci mancate molto, ci manca la comunità e dobbiamo anche preoccuparci economicamente. Non abbiamo trovato la giusta via d'uscita dalla situazione, ma dobbiamo fare qualcosa: fare qualcosa è meglio che non fare niente.
Questo è il motivo per cui vorremmo suonare per voi nel nostro studio privato nel nostro edificio residenziale a Belgrado, musica dal nostro portfolio che segue un tema. Cos'altro può essere il 13 febbraio 2021, vigilia di San Valentino, se non l'amore.
Sosteneteci condividendo questo evento, promuovendolo, acquistando i biglietti. Trasformate il vostro soggiorno in una pista da ballo, per due o con una scopa o semplicemente divertitevi a ricordare le milonghe passate".
Il Beltango Quintet ha suonato più di 1.000 spettacoli in oltre 30 paesi, e include Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon), Ivana Nikolic (piano e voce), Antonija Barna (violino), Bogdan Pejic (chitarra) e Petar Holik (contrabbasso).
Si divertono a suonare una varietà di musica di tango, comprese le composizioni di Aleksandar Nikolic e altri membri del gruppo.


Rachael Xu sostiene l'International Music Council

Rachael Xu
La fisarmonicista undicenne Rachael Xu (Cina) ha annunciato la sua decisione di donare l'intero reddito del suo prossimo tour asiatico estivo all'International Music Council. Il tour inizierà a luglio 2021 e porterà la musicista in Cina, Giappone, Corea e Singapore.
Influenzata da suo padre Lin Xu, lui stesso virtuoso della fisarmonica ed ex campione dell'American Accordionists' Association Competition, Rachael ha iniziato a suonare la fisarmonica all'età di 7 anni e ha presto dimostrato un talento eccezionale superando il livello più alto (livello 10) del Provincial Music Proficiency Examination nella categoria Fisarmonica, classificandola come la persona più giovane a superare l'esame a tale livello.
Sotto la tutela di Grayson Masefield (pluricampione mondiale di fisarmonica), Rachael ha rapidamente ampliato il suo repertorio e ha gareggiato e suonato a livello nazionale e internazionale, partecipando in media a 30 eventi all'anno.
Leggi l'intero comunicato stampa IMC: IMC-Press-Release-09-February-2021.pdf


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

III All-Russian Baroque Music on Bayan and Accordion, Moscow - Russia

competition poster
The organ and harpsichord department and the department of bayan and accordion Gnessin RAM in Moscow announce the III All-Russian competition "Baroque Music on Bayan and Accordion" will be held at the Gnessin RAM Organ Hall in March 2021.

The competition is open to players of all ages will be held in 2 rounds and include works by Bach in both rounds in addition to other Baroque composers.

The competition jury will include teachers from the RAM Gnesin departments of organ/harpsichord and bayan/accordion.

The winner of the First Prize is invited to participate in a festive concert dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica, which will be held on March 20th, 2021 in the Great Hall of RAM.

Applications must be received by March 10th, 2021 to the Dean of RAM Gnesin or by email: vlassovamaria@mail.ru


Cancelled: NAA Convention in Dallas, Texas - USA

NAA banner
cancelledIt is with great regret that NAA President Norman Seaton has had to announce that the March 2021 Convention due to be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas, Texas is cancelled due to Covid-19.

The convention team will begin preparations for the 2022 event in November 2021.


Historical Video: K Trio Concert in 1999 - USA

K Trio
Video: The K Trio performs at the 1999 AAA Festival. Selections include: “Jolly Caballero”, “Carnival of Venice”, “Accordiana” excerpts. Thanks to Cory Pesaturo who found the tape in his home movies. His father had filmed the event.

Sadly, Julie Kasprzyk Cardona, 72, of North Haven, USA passed away unexpectedly on January 15th, 2021 at her home. She was a member of the K Trio, AAA, American Accordionists' Association and the Connecticut Accordion Association.

The K Trio performed all over the United States and were truly a trio of champions. Siblings Mary Kasprzyk Tokarski, Julie Kasprzyk Cardona and Walter Kasprzyk performed nationwide in competitions and concerts as youngsters. As young adults, life moved them to different areas of the United States! After 25 years apart, they all relocated to Connecticut again, and soon after began performing as The "K" Trio.

You can read more about her at: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=22-Jan-2021&lang=en#art17215


Future events

Online: Accordion Fridays for your Entertainment

Accordion Fridays
“Accordion Fridays” presented by Accordion babes will continue this year. The event is held online free of charge for everyone to enjoy, beginning on February 12th (February 13th at 8am UTC+13).

Performers include Shipcats (Renée de la Prade and Vanessa Cetin, Germany – picture above), Rowan Lipkovits (Canada), Calvaleigh Rasmussen (USA), and Salane's The Dark Family Hour (USA).


Online: John Kirkpatrick “All Request Show” - UK

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick (accordion, melodeon & concertina player) will hold an online “All Request Show” on February 13th, 2021 at 7.30pm UK time.

Attendees can send their requests to John at: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk

John was recently awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) in the 2021 New Year’s Honours List (UK) for services to folk music.

See news item: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=15-Jan-2021&lang=en#art17174


Now Online, COVID-19 will not stop RAM Concert - England

RAMThe Royal Academy of Music in London has announced “Covid-19 will not stop the accordion department’s chamber music concert” on February 18th, 2021 at 1pm.

Thanks to technology we can still enjoy an accordion concert online from the David Josefowitz Recital Hall of the Royal Academy of Music.

The concert will feature performances by the students who have had a tough year negotiating restrictions whilst trying to keep the studying time productive at the Academy.

As part of the “200 PIECES” project, students will perform new works by Des Oliver, Howard Skempton and Vykintas Baltakas, alongside other compositions for the instrument.

This concert is free to watch online.


Concert to Celebrate 80th Birthday of Dominguinhos – Brazil

Brazil poster
A concert to celebrate the 80th birthday of José Domingos de Morais (12th February 1941 – 23rd July 2013), better known as Dominguinhos will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on February 19th, 2021 at 7pm. Dominguinhos was a popular Brazilian composer, accordionist and singer.

The event will be celebrated with performances by Orquestra Sanfônica do Rio de Janeiro (picture below) and special guests.

See poster for details.
Orquestra Sanfônica do Rio de Janeiro


Online: Weltmeister Wednesday's Resume - Germany

Weltmeister 2021
Online Weltmeister Wednesday’s resumed in January 2021 and will continue on the first and third Wednesday of each month from Germany.

See poster for details.


Tracey Collins Performs at “Vive la France” in Milford – New Zealand

Video: Tracey Collins and Sonia Wilson promo video

Auckland accordionist Tracey Collins will entertain at the 2021 “Vive la France” day in Milford, Auckland, New Zealand on February 27th, 2021.

Tracey will entertain as a soloist and with her group Bonjour Madame (picture below), which includes guitarist & vocalist Sonia Wilson and Nigel Gavin. Their program will include Sous le ciel, La Mer, La Vie en Rose, Le Temps de l'Amour and many more.

The event will feature French culture, food, wine, market stalls, activities and entertainment for adults and children.

Picture below from left to right: Sonia Wilson, Nigel Gavin, Tracey Collins.
Bonjour Madame


Childrens Corner

Kokkola Childrens Concert - Finland

The first concert of the XXIII Kokkola Winter Festival featured young people.

The video above is one of the performers in the concert. Onni Isojarvi playing Libertango by Astor Piazzolla.

View the whole concert at:
Childrens concert


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Jeff Lisenby

Jeff LisenbyUpdated information and videos on the new page about Jeff Lisenby who passed away on January 6th, 2021.

Heinz Siemens has generously made available a video of the full 20 minute concert by Jeff Lisenby on August 11th, 1990 "to honor and remember this great talent and kind and giving gentleman." View it at: Jeff Lisenby


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