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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Nov-2018
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Primo piano

NAO Area Festivals e 70° Anniversario NAO UK Championships - Regno Unito
AAA Festival 2019, 17-21 Luglio, King of Prussia, PA - USA
Friedrich Lips 70° Compleanno 18 Novembre, Mosca - Russia
Nick Ariondo @ Hollywood Bowl, California - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Francis Lai (1932-2018), Paris – France
Midland Accordion Festival Success, Dudley – UK

Future events

Lacides Romero Duo Concert, Barranquilla – Colombia
Di Gassin Trio @ ZlezMore Festival, Vienna – Austria
‘Be Brave and Come Home Safe’ WW1 Drama, Daventry – UK
Jeanette Lewicki’s Klezmer Workshop, California – USA
‘Rhapsody for Vukovar’ Premiere Concert, Zagreb – Croatia
Cairdin Music Weekend, County Offaly – Irish Republic
Super Nova Mushkalica Band Concert, Belgrade – Serbia
Eric Bouvelle Concert, Nogent-Le-Rotrou – France

New and Updated Sites

New Site: Nova Wan Site and First Composition Released, Shanghai - China
Gary Daverne Accordion Orchestra Arrangements Released - New Zealand
Stas Venglevski Announces Two New Compositions - USA
American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Store - Now open for business!
K Trio New Site Address - USA
Updated Site of Mike Middleton, Texas - USA

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Primo piano

NAO Area Festivals e 70° Anniversario NAO UK Championships - Regno Unito

Raymond BodellSono state pubblicate le date del National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) Area Festival 2018/19 - nell'elenco qui sopra. Ogni Area Festival è una qualificazione per gli importanti 70° Anniversary Celebration NAO UK Championships 2019, che si svolgeranno nuovamente presso l'Adelphi Hotel, a Liverpool, dal 26 al 28 aprile 2019.
La NAO è stata fondata nel 1949, come risultato della collaborazione tra il dott. Otto H. Meyer, HJ Bridger e James Black, come mezzo per amministrare i festival regionali e nazionali di fisarmonica della Gran Bretagna e dell'Irlanda del Nord.
Nel 1950, la NAO fu ammessa alla Confédération Internationale des Accordéoniste (CIA), consentendo così ai rappresentanti del Regno Unito di partecipare alle competizioni della CIA Coupe Mondiale. Il primo presidente della NAO è stato Toralf Tollefsen, e Jack Emblow attualmente detiene questo incarico.
L'attuale presidente della NAO è Raymond Bodell, eletto per la prima volta in questo ufficio nel 1992. Raymond Bodell ha anche lavorato per molti anni come vicepresidente della CIA e poi per 8 anni (2009-2017) come presidente della CIA.
L’UK Accordion Championships è il fiore all'occhiello annuale della NAO e l'organizzazione festeggia il suo 70° anniversario a Liverpool - sono previsti numerosi ospiti internazionali e una serie di attività speciali tra cui un'orchestra d'epoca, laboratori speciali, uno sguardo nel passato storico dei 70 anni del NAO così come le competizioni tradizionali, durante un fine settimana ricco di divertimento.
Ulteriori informazioni saranno pubblicate su: NAO
NAO Founders


AAA Festival 2019, 17-21 Luglio, King of Prussia, PA - USA

AAA 2019 Festival posterL' American Accordionists’ Association (AAA) annuncia l'AAA Festival 2019, che si terrà presso il Valley Forge Casino Resort (Radisson Hotel), dal 17 al 21 luglio, King of Prussia, PA. I dettagli sono sul volantino AAA.
Tutto questo segue l'eccezionale 80° Anniversary 2018 AAA Festival che ha incluso una moltitudine di concerti, workshop, attività e una fiera.
AAA 80° Anniversary Festival Report Giornalieri con immagini e video a: 2018AAA80th


Friedrich Lips 70° Compleanno 18 Novembre, Mosca - Russia

Friedrich LipsFriedrich Lips è nato il 18 novembre 1948, nella città di Yemanzhelinsk, negli Urali orientali, in Russia. Lips festeggia il suo 70° compleanno il 18 novembre e il mondo della fisarmonica onora una vita professionale di oltre 50 anni piena di tanti successi con la fisarmonica.
Sono in programma "Concerti giubilari" a Magnitogorsk, Smolensk e Mosca e gran parte del festival "Bayan e Bayanists" di dicembre sarà in onore di Friedrich Lips.
Una biografia aggiornata per il 70° compleanno da Herbert Scheibenreif è online su: Lips Biography
Questa biografia aggiornata illustra una vita di risultati raggiunti da Lips, la pagina iniziale del sito: Friedrich Lips
i suoi 29 CD: un'incredibile storia musicale.
Per festeggiare, tutti i CD di Lips fino al 70° compleanno sono disponibili con spedizione gratuita:
- CD da € 16 ciascuno, inclusa la spedizione.
- Scelta di 3 CD qualsiasi di Lips (valore di € 48 più spedizione) per soli € 41, comprese spese di spedizione.
- Scelta di 6 CD qualsiasi di Lips (valore di € 96 più spedizione) per soli € 80, comprese spese di spedizione.
- Tutti i 29 CD, (valore € 464) per soli € 312 comprese le spese di spedizione.
Per ordinare, invia un'email a musicforaccordion@yahoo.com con una lista dei CD desiderati e ti verrà inviata una fattura che potrai pagare con carta di credito o con Paypal, dopodiché i CD verranno spediti.
Sotto: 29 copertine di CD
Friedrich Lips 29 CD covers


Nick Ariondo @ Hollywood Bowl, California - USA

Video: Violin Overture di Sandy Cameron - Nightmare Before Christmas Live @ The Hollywood Bowl 27 Ottobre 2018. Nick Ariondo (fisarmonica).
Il 26, 27 e 28 ottobre il fisarmonicista americano Nick Ariondo si è esibito all'Hollywood Bowl, a Los Angeles, per la 25° celebrazione di Danny Elfman di "The Nightmare Before Christmas" di Tim Burton con membri del cast, orchestra, film e coro originali. Gli artisti presenti includevano Sandy Cameron (violino solista), Nick Ariondo (fisarmonica), Rusty Higgins (sax alto), Mike Valerio (contrabbasso) e John Mauceri (direttore d'orchestra).
Nick Ariondo, fisarmonicista, pianista e compositore, ha lavorato sul palcoscenico e su colonne sonore di film con molti personaggi dello spettacolo noti come Placido Domingo, Bette Midler, Randy Newman, Nicola Benedetti e Michael Buble. È stato descritto dalla critica come "il Yehudi Menuhin della fisarmonica".
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: accomusic@nickariondo.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Francis Lai (1932-2018), Paris – France

Francis Lai
French composer, accordionist and pianist Francis Lai died on November 7th at the age of 86. He specialised in composing film music and popular songs, and had a long and successful career in cinema, recording studios, and also French television.

His notable movie credits include ‘A Man and a Woman’ and ‘Love Story’, and for the latter he received both an Oscar and a Golden Globe award for the best film music in 1970. Other films include ‘Hannibal Brooks’, ‘Edith et Marcel’, ‘International Velvet’, ‘La Belle Histoire’, ‘Passion Flower Hotel’, and many more.

Lai was born in Nice, played accordion and piano, and while he was still in his 20s, settled in the Montmartre district of Paris. He soon became accompanist to the legendary chanteuse Edith Piaf. He began writing songs for her as well, and his total song output exceeded 600.

His composition ‘Aujourd'hui C'est Toi’ (Today It's You) is probably best known in the UK as the theme music for the long-running BBC TV current affairs documentary series ‘Panorama’.

Francis Lai worked with many show business names in an exceptionally prolific career both as a writer and as a musician, including Edith Piaf, Yves Montand, Alain Delon, Petula Clark, Mireille Mathieu, Johnny Hallyday, Charles Aznavour, Nana Mouskouri, Françoise Hardy, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Andy Williams, Elton John, Ella Fitzgerald, Engelbert Humperdinck, Carly Simon, and many more.

He is survived by his wife and three children.
Picture below: Francis Lia with Nicole Croisille.
Francis Lia with Nicole Croisille


Midland Accordion Festival Success, Dudley – UK

Barry Smith & the Black Country Accordion Band
Classic Kyiv DuoThis year’s Midland Accordion Festival, organised by Barry Smith from Friday November 2nd to Monday 5th at The Quality Hotel, Dudley was well attended and a great success with almost non-stop music throughout the weekend.

The three evening concerts offered a wide range of music, with the Classic Kyiv Duo (picture right) receiving standing ovations for each of their three performances. Roy Hendrie & Dave Morrice (midi accordion/fiddle duet) played a variety of music, including Scottish dance music. Amaryllis’ English folk dance tunes, Harry Hussey’s jazz, Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton’s duets of accordion arrangements, Helen Rich’s accordion classics, Rosemary Wright’s accordion specialities, Jovan Rnjak’s accordion classics and popular songs, and Malachy Cairns’ Irish traditional tunes and songs between them provided a very wide range of quality music.

There were two accordion bands - Kennett Accordion Orchestra (MD Nigel Pasby, whose appearance as Freddie Mercury for their Queen medley was a sight and sound like no other!) and the lively Black Country Accordion Band (MD Barry Smith). Alan Young on keyboard played great late night party music, David & Angie Lukins with son Andrew on guitar played some amazing solos and group pieces, and Sue Bennett backed by Harry Hussey performed some hilarious pieces on both accordion and hand bells.

The final concert ended with a rowdy performance from The Master Butchers Band, led by Barry Smith on accordion, bringing the festival to a crescendo finale.

The workshops included Elementary Orchestra - Jean Hanger, Scottish Orchestra – Angie Lukins, Folk Orchestra – Tracey Middleton, Vintage Orchestra – Jean Hanger, Busking for Beginners – Alan Hess, and also some One to One Lessons - Sue Bennett with Harry Hussey. There was an entertaining performance from each of the festival orchestras on the Sunday afternoon.

The trade show featured the Birmingham Accordion Centre, Rob Howard’s Publications, Alan Shute – accordions, accordinas, and extras, Harry Kipling’s Accordion Treasures, and Roy Hendrie – MIDI.

Next year’s festival is set for November 1st to 3rd 2019.

For further information email: accordions2010@hotmail.co.uk


Future events

Lacides Romero Duo Concert, Barranquilla – Colombia

Lacides RomeroThe Duo Contrastes - Lacides Romero (accordion) and Felipe Calle (piano) – perform in concert on Saturday November 10th, 6.30pm, at the Auditorium of the University of Atlantico, Barranquilla, Colombia. Their programme includes works by Handel, Grieg, Dvorak, Piazzolla, Ignacio Cervantes, and Darius Milhaud.

For further information email: lacidesromero@gmail.com


Di Gassin Trio @ ZlezMore Festival, Vienna – Austria

On Saturday November 10th, 8pm, the Di Gassin Trio from Israel performs in concert at the ZlezMore Festival in Austria. The venue is Vindobona, Wallensteinplatz 6, 1200 Vienna.

The Di Gassin Trio are Gal Klein – clarinet, Janusz Horowitz – accordion, Meidad Cohen – double bass, and Uri Naveh – percussion. They perform Klezmer, Balkan and other Eastern European music.

For further information email: gasntrio@gmail.com


‘Be Brave and Come Home Safe’ WW1 Drama, Daventry – UK

Be Brave
Romani Viazzani‘Be Brave and Come Home Safe’ is a drama with music, song and dance, focusing on the end of World War One, written by Martin Riley and directed by Matthew Sharp. The story is based on real-life experiences of soldiers from Daventry and Rugby during WW1. The musicians involved are Romano Viazzani (accordion - picture right), Matthew Sharp (cello), Anton Butler-Clarke (clarinet), and the actors are Matthew Sharp, Cici Howells and Rosanna Lowe.

The venue for this performance, which takes place on Sunday November 11th (Armistice Day), 3pm, is Daventry Community Centre, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Admission: adults £8,
children £2 (on the door).

The premiere performance of ‘Be Brave and Come Home Safe’ took place on Thursday November 8th at Rugby School in Warwickshire, England.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Jeanette Lewicki’s Klezmer Workshop, California – USA

Jeanette LewickiOn Sunday November 11th, 3.30pm to 6.30pm, accordionist Jeanette Lewicki leads a klezmer workshop titled ‘Chasing the Changes’. The venue is Kehilla Community Congregation, 1300 Grand Ave, Piedmont 94610, California.

Jeanette Lewicki writes: “We will be playing by ear, listening to tunes and trying to catch the chord changes. We will survey some klezmer forms and rhythm patterns, analyze some written music, and you will go home with some sheet music as well. If you'd like to break free from little dots on a page...if you're not sure how to jump in and out of the tune...if you want to keep up with the changes...this may be the class for you!”

For further information email: jams@klezcalifornia.org


‘Rhapsody for Vukovar’ Premiere Concert, Zagreb – Croatia

On Wednesday November 14th, 8pm, accordionist Semir Hasic performs the premiere of ‘Rhapsody for Vukovar’ in a concert at Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog, Trg Stjepana Radica 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. On the LED screen in the background during the performance of ‘Rhapsody for Vukovar’ will be shown pictures of the destroyed town of Vukovar. The President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, will be in the audience.

‘Rhapsody for Vukovar’, composed by Semir Hasic, is a rhapsody that points out the many worldwide mistakes of the 20th Century, and their consequences for people with sorrow, suffering, pain and misery around the world through never-ending war.

Semir Hasic, born in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a performer, teacher, composer and festival organiser. He has performed in Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland and the USA, and has given a command performance at the Vatican City for Pope John-Paul 11.


Cairdin Music Weekend, County Offaly – Irish Republic

On November 16th and 17th an accordion weekend – titled the Cairdin Music Weekend - takes place in Moneygall, County Offaly. The event includes a ceili, late night session, accordion workshops with Joe and Michael Searson, and a concert featuring All Ireland Champions – further details are on the poster.

For further information email: info@cairdin.net


Super Nova Mushkalica Band Concert, Belgrade – Serbia

On Friday November 16th, 8pm, the Super Nova Mushkalica Band, featuring accordionist Ljuben Blazev, performs at the Centru za kulturu Vlada Divljan, Belgrade, Serbia. Publicity states that the audience is promised “an explosion of emotion, rhythm and soul”! The band includes accordion, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, percussion and bass guitar.


Eric Bouvelle Concert, Nogent-Le-Rotrou – France

Accordionist Eric Bouvelle and the Romane Quintet perform in concert on Saturday November 17th, 8pm, at the Salle Pierre-Mendes, Nogent-Le-Rotrou, northern France.

Eric Bouvelle, born in 1972, was making recordings and winning competitions when still a teenager. In 1987 he toured Finland with Marcel Azzola, and in 1988 won the Entertainment Section at the CIA Coupe Mondiale in Trossingen, Germany. He has become one of France’s leading accordionists and has performed all around Europe, Russia, USA, Canada, and further afield in Martinique and Guadeloupe. He is much in demand as a musette dance and jazz musician, with many CDs and DVDs to his credit, and also as a workshop course leader.


New and Updated Sites

New Site: Nova Wan Site and First Composition Released, Shanghai - China

Nova WanNova Wan is a former international competitor who achieved 3rd place in the Virtuoso Entertainment category at the 2009 Coupe Mondiale. His tutor was Crystal Wang of Shanghai Normal University (SHNU).

After graduation, Nova Wan has continued composing and arranging, and is now a well known composer and arranger as well as accordion teacher and Conductor of the Shanghai Accordion Alliance Orchestra.

Nova Wan is going to release his compositions over the coming months.

Just released is:
Catalog: nova101 Umbrella Waltz composed by Nova Wan for quartet, ensemble or orchestra. Sample of music available online, music in pdf format sent to clients by email.


Gary Daverne Accordion Orchestra Arrangements Released - New Zealand

Gary DaverneTwo accordion orchestra arrangements released by composer, arranged and conductor Gary Daverne ONZM.

Catalog: gd101 Invercargill March composed by Alex Lithgow arranged for Accordion Orchestra.
Parts: Score, bass, glock, guitar, 8 accordion parts.
Invercargill Marrch is one of the worlds greatest marches and especially popular in the United States.

Catalog: gd102 New Zealand in Song. Arrangements of a medley of popular New Zealand historic melodies
Parts: Score, bass, kit drums, percussion, timpani, 8 accordion parts.


Stas Venglevski Announces Two New Compositions - USA

Stas VenglevskiTwo new Stas Venglevski compositions are now available.

Catalog: vstas055 Octobler Rondo (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas056 Summer Sunshine (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.

Recent Stas Venglevski compositions released.

Catalog: vstas051 Meg Tango (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas052 Maurisa (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas053 A Song (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas054 Stas' Tune (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.


American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Store - Now open for business!

AAA header
You don't have to wait for Black Friday, visit the AAA Store TODAY. You can become a member, pay your dues or support the youth programs by buying an 80th anniversary T-shirt. It's Easy!! Give it a try and let us know how we can improve!

View at: AAA-Store
80th Anniversary t-Shirts


K Trio New Site Address - USA

K Trio New Site Address. The K Trio of Mary Kasprzyk Tokarski, Julie Kasprzyk Cardona and Walter Kasprzyk have performed extensively nationally and internationally.

The K Trio has also released three CD's which are available online:
The K-Trio - Classically
The K-Trio - Images
The K-Trio - Take 2


Updated Site of Mike Middleton, Texas - USA

Mike MiddletonThe Mike Middleton website has been updated.

The site is promoting the CD albums, biography and musical activities of well known Texan Mike Middleton.


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