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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Aug-2019
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Primo piano

Weekly News Delayed to 11:30 am Saturday Italy time for Coupe Mondiale Results - China
Report Giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2019, Inizio Lunedì 12 Agosto, Shenzhen - Cina
31° Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordeon - Canada
Eventi Futuri di Friedrich Lips 2019 - Norvegia, Italia, Stati Uniti, Cina e Russia
Viaggio Gratuito in Nuova Zelanda per Insegnante del Vincitore e Studente - Nuova Zelanda
Brandon McPhee Intrattiene i Reali- Scozia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

2019 International Accordion Competition "Kition" Results - Cyprus
Performer Applications Now Open for 2020 Fairbridge Music Festival – Australia

Future events

Brandon McPhee to be Featured on Sky 376 TV - UK
Accordion at Prague Summer Academy - Czech Republic
Bryant Park Accordion Festival, New York - USA
Accordion Masterclasses in Italy
“Rusty Creek” Perform in Vancouver - Canada
Cajun French Music Accordion & Fiddle Competition - USA
Musette Performance by Patricia Crolbois - Belgium
CNIMA Hold Claude Thomain Workshop - France
KPTZ 2019 Deep Squeeze Festival – USA
World Café Trio Perform at City Hall, Heidelberg, Gauteng – South Africa

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Primo piano

Weekly News Delayed to 11:30 am Saturday Italy time for Coupe Mondiale Results - China

AWW header
The next edition is delayed until 11:30 am Saturday Italy time for the publishing of the 2019 Coupe Mondiale Results. In the meantime, please view the hundreds of pictures and videos that are online in the Coupe Mondiale Reports and Videos, link buttons below.


Report Giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2019, Inizio Lunedì 12 Agosto, Shenzhen - Cina

2019 Coupe Mondiale Hall

Daily Reports

Video Center

2019 Coupe Mondiale posterNella foto sopra: un enorme striscione sopra l'ingresso della sala principale. Guarda quanto sono piccole le persone!

Il Presidente della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Mirco Patarini e il Segretario Generale della CIA, Kimmo Mattila, danno il benvenuto a tutti e, per coloro che non sono in grado di partecipare, raccomandano i Report Giornalieri con immagini, informazioni e video dei concorrenti oltre a tutti i risultati quando vengono annunciati.

I report giornalieri iniziano lunedì 12 agosto a:

Homepage dei video e orari su: 2019CM-Video

Il concerto di apertura è lunedì sera. Ci sono concerti ogni sera. Il sorteggio per l'ordine in cui gli artisti si esibiranno è martedì con le competizioni che vanno dal mercoledì al sabato.

La Coupe Mondiale 2019, la più grande di sempre, promette musica meravigliosa e il più alto livello di competizioni con sette categorie di competizioni internazionali.

Un grande ringraziamento agli organizzatori e agli sponsor elencati di seguito.
2019 Coupe Mondiale Organisers and Sponsors


31° Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordeon - Canada

Eric & Sandra BouvelleIl Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordeon si terrà a Montmagny, Quebec, dal 29 agosto al 2 settembre. Questo festival annuale si svolge da oltre 30 anni e comprende artisti del Quebec, Canada e ospiti internazionali che si esibiscono su palchi interni ed esterni.

Gli artisti comprendono Éric e Sandra Bouvelle (Francia - foto a sinistra), il duo Bayan Tonic che comprende Øivind Farmen (Norvegia) e il fisarmonicista svedese Lars Karlsson (foto sotto), Le Duo Els Pardals (Spagna) che comprende il fisarmonicista Carles Sanz, Le bal Taquin (Francia) che comprende il fisarmonicista Daniel Raillard e molti altri.

Scarica le informazioni complete sul programma qui: 2019CarrefourProgram.pdf

Per ulteriori informazioni sul festival scrivere a: accordeon@montmagny.com
Lars Karlsson & Øivind Farmen


Eventi Futuri di Friedrich Lips 2019 - Norvegia, Italia, Stati Uniti, Cina e Russia

LipsDi seguito è riportato un elenco di concerti e masterclass di Friedrich Lips per il resto del 2019.

8-13 agosto: Master class e concerto a Voss (Norvegia)
18-22 settembre: capo della giuria al PIF di Castelfidardo (Italia)
14-17 ottobre: concerto e masterclass a Las Vegas (USA)
24 ottobre: S. Gubaidulina: “Fachwerk” per bayan, percussioni e archi a Kasan
25-31 ottobre: capo della giuria a Ekaterinburg
3-10 novembre: Masterclass a Tianjin (Cina)
13-16 novembre: Masterclass a Yakutsk (Russia)
28 novembre: E. Podgaits: “Double Mirror: per bayan, violoncello e orchestra sinfonica a Mosca
11-15 dicembre: 31° festival "Bayan and Bayanists" a Mosca

Il 2018 Bayan and Bayanists Festival dedicato a Friedrich Lips si è tenuto nella sala concerti della Russian Gnessin Academy of Music a Mosca dal 12 al 16 dicembre 2018. I video di tutti i 5 concerti principali e un report scritto dal Dott. Herbert Scheibenreif a: 2018Moscow

Una biografia aggiornata per il 70° compleanno di Herbert Scheibenreif è online su: Lips Biography

Questa biografia aggiornata descrive nel dettaglio la vita piena di successi di Lips e la home page del sito all'indirizzo: Friedrich Lips elenca i suoi 30 CD - un'incredibile storia musicale.

Sotto: grafica di 30 copertine di CD
30 Lips CD covers


Viaggio Gratuito in Nuova Zelanda per Insegnante del Vincitore e Studente - Nuova Zelanda

New Zealand Accordion Association header
Poster: 2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary DaverneLa New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) annuncia il 2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music del famoso compositore neozelandese Gary Daverne.

Questa è una grande opportunità per un insegnante e un fisarmonicista vincitore di visitare la Nuova Zelanda.

Si tratta di un "Concorso video online gratuito per fisarmonicisti di tutte le età e nazionalità" con un 1° premio di due biglietti aerei andata e ritorno per la Nuova Zelanda ai 2020 South Pacific Accordion Championships, 30-31 maggio 2020, Auckland, Nuova Zelanda. Alloggio per 3 notti incluso, più alcune altre possibilità di concerti/vacanze.

I concorrenti devono inviare una registrazione video .mp4 di una (o più) opere composte da Gary Daverne che ha un vasto repertorio di composizioni per fisarmonica tra cui:
- assolo;
- duetto di fisarmonica o fisarmonica con un altro strumento;
- trio/ensemble di fisarmoniche o fisarmonica con ensemble di archi;
- orchestra di fisarmoniche;
- solista di fisarmonica con orchestra di fisarmonica o solista di fisarmonica con orchestra d'archi o solista di fisarmonica con orchestra sinfonica.

La musica per fisarmonica è disponibile per qualsiasi concorrente gratuitamente su richiesta.

La giuria internazionale sarà composta da: Gary Daverne, Kevin Friedrich, Grayson Masefield, Stephanie Poole.

Le iscrizioni online chiudono il 5 gennaio 2020.

Informazioni complete su:


Brandon McPhee Intrattiene i Reali- Scozia

Brandon McPheeQuesta settimana Brandon McPhee, famoso fisarmonicista, intrattenitore e vincitore del premio Hot Country TV 2019, ha intrattenuto il principe Charles (duca di Rothesay), al Castello di Mey (il castello più a nord della Scozia).

Il giornalista David G Scott ha pubblicato un articolo sull'evento nel John O'Groat Journal & Caithness Courier: "È stato un vero onore essere invitato al castello ed è la sesta volta che suono per il principe Charles, anche una volta a Buckingham Palace ", ha detto Brandon. "Sono stato assolutamente felice di far parte dell'intera occasione."

Brandon ha detto di aver suonato tre diversi set di melodie per la festa reale che includeva Lord Snowdon e Lady Sarah Chatto - figlio e figlia della defunta principessa Margaret.

"Dopo aver suonato un medley, il principe Charles ha detto:" Non so come fai, devi avere sei dita!"


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

2019 International Accordion Competition "Kition" Results - Cyprus

Kition posterVideo: Trio "Musical Impressions" presented an arrangement of 'Music for a While' from opera "Oedipus: A tragedy" composed by Henry Purcell in the end of 17th century. Arranged by Alexander Yashkin Daszkiewicz for Voice, Accordion and Piano, the arrangement was performed on the 2nd Accordion Competition "Kition 2019", Larnaca, Cyprus, and won the 1st Prize in the Chamber Music Category.
Michael Yashkin Daszkiewicz (vocal), 11 years old.
Anna Vlasova (accordion), 14 years old.
Alexander Yashkin Daszkiewicz (piano), 15 years old.

The 2nd International Accordion Competition "Kition" 2019 was held in Larnaca, Cyprus on July 9th, organised by the Cyprus Accordion Association.

Category 1 – 10 years and under: 1st Daniel Mormoris (Cyprus)
Category 2 – 11 to 13 years: 1st equal Nagia (Cyprus) & Christina Theodorou (Cyprus)
Category 3 - 14 to 16 years: 1st Anna Vlasova (Moldova)
Category 4 - 17 to 19 years: 1st Georgy Stanimirov (Bulgaria)
Category 5 – 20 years and over: 1st Peter Ivanov (Bulgaria)

Duo class 24 years and under: 1st Duo Accordion – Dmitry Bocharov with Anastasia Tsourounaki

Chamber Music category: Trio Musical Impressions – video of their performance above

Picture below of prizes and medals for contestants
Cyprus competition prizes


Performer Applications Now Open for 2020 Fairbridge Music Festival – Australia

Fairbridge header
Fairbridge FestivalPerformer Applications for the Fairbridge Music Festival 2020 are now open. They are gearing up for another fantastic festival and are on the hunt for artists and performers to be a part of Fairbridge Festival history.

The Fairbridge Festival will be held in Fairbridge Village, Pinjarra, Western Australia from April 17th to 19th, 2020.

The event is an annual family-friendly celebration of folk, world and roots music in a traffic-free, self-contained, heritage-listed village and includes almost 100 acts.

Organisers are looking for street performers, concert artists and music workshop providers for adults and children.

Applications close on 8th September 2019.

For further information on international performer applications email: artists@fairbridgefestival.com.au


Future events

Brandon McPhee to be Featured on Sky 376 TV - UK

Brandon McPheeBrandon McPhee: 2019 Hot Country TV award winner future event as follows:

Filming of Caithness Music’s Brandon McPhee Hour from the Mey Games by Caithness TV producer Robert Cameron for a forthcoming programme. The program is due to be aired on August 15th at 4pm on Sky 376, Freesat 516, worldwide on the web on Phil Mack’s Spotlight Channel.


Accordion at Prague Summer Academy - Czech Republic

Jukka-Pekka KuuselaFor the very first time the accordion has been accepted in a master course program at the renowned Prague Summer Academy together with stringed instruments and piano.

Jukka-Pekka Kuusela, well-known Finnish accordionist (former student of Friedrich Lips) and orchestral conductor, has been invited to conduct the international master course of accordion held from August 6th to 18th, 2019. The concerts of the Prague Summer Academy will take place in Prague on August 13th, 16th and 18th.


Bryant Park Accordion Festival, New York - USA

Los TexamiacsBeto JamaicaThe Bryant Park Accordion Festival Accordions Around the World Finale will take place on August 16th at Bryant Park, Manhattan, New York hosted by Mickela Mallozzi (Emmy Award-winning host of Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi).

The Accordion Festival is a five-hour finale to the Accordions Around the World series featuring a wide range of performers including “Toot Sweet” (Avant Garde Cabaret), “Aces of Rhythm” (Tango from Argentina), Fedor Chistyakov (Russian Rock & Roll), “Los Texmaniacs” (picture left - Texas-Mexican Conjunto), and Rey Vallenato Beto Jamaica (picture right - Vallenato from Colombia).

This year's Accordion Festival is particularly special as for the first time they are featuring conjunto tejano, music from the Texas and Mexico border.

The performances are free to the public and designed to be enjoyed casually – no tickets required. The park lends out 250 free picnic blankets for audience members to relax on while enjoying the show on the Lawn.

For further information email: info@greenhousepublicity.com


Accordion Masterclasses in Italy

Battiston posterEndrioIvano Battiston and Endrio Luti (picture right) will hold accordion masterclasses in Chiusi della Verna, Arezzo, Italy from August 26th to 31st.

The masterclasses are part of a number of International Courses of Musical Refinement (for various instruments), scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2019 aimed at young Italian and international musicians. The Artistic Director is Stefano Fogliardi.

Battiston has released a number of arrangements and compositions available online at: Ivano Battiston


“Rusty Creek” Perform in Vancouver - Canada

Rusty Creek posterSue BainesVideo: Pretty Little Things by Rusty Creek

Canadian group “Rusty Creek” will perform at the Eclipse Lounge at the Hastings Racecourse, in Vancouver, British Columbia on August 17th.

The 5 piece group, which includes Sue Baines on accordion and vocals, Alex Deeth (guitar, mandolin & lead vocals), Peter Callaway (guitar, banjo & vocals), Leonard Saidman (drums) and Lee Stephens (bass & vocals) enjoy playing a variety of folkrock, bluegrass, country blues and cajun fusion.

For further details email: info@rustycreek.ca


Cajun French Music Accordion & Fiddle Competition - USA

Cajun posterThe Cajun French Music Accordion and Fiddle Competition will be held at the Rayne Civic Centre in Rayne, Louisiana on August 17th. The accordion competition, which is sponsored by Cajunmusicradio.com is open to children and adults.

Registration will be accepted from August 15th, 2019 and entry is free of charge.

Download poster/rules here: 2019Cajun.jpg


Musette Performance by Patricia Crolbois - Belgium

PosterFrench accordionist Patricia Crolbois will entertain at an outdoor musette concert on August 18th in Ethe, Luxembourg, Belgium. The event will be held in a unique outdoor setting “La Guinguette” with plenty of shade for attendees.

For further details see poster or email: contact@ponette.fr


CNIMA Hold Claude Thomain Workshop - France

CNIMA logo
Claude ThomainCNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will run a workshop with accordionist, conductor, composer and arranger Claude Thomain (picture left) from August 19th to 23rd.

If, like many accordionists, you're a fan of the works of Claude Thomain and his innovative style, this workshop is a must!

The workshop will include your favorite solo and orchestral pieces and all participants will play in a special course orchestra.

For further details view the website CNIMA or email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


KPTZ 2019 Deep Squeeze Festival – USA

Deep Squeeze header
The Deep Squeeze Festival will be held in Port Townsend and Chimacum, Washington, from August 30th to September 1st organised by Deep Squeeze and KPTZ 91.9FM. The event is a fundraiser for KPTZ and The Community Wellness Project and will feature bands, soloists, shows, dancing, and more.

Performers include:

August 30th: Bertram Levy, Joe Schipani, Mad Maggies and Those Darn Accordions (TDA - picture below).
August 31st: Pickled Herring Band (Lori Hansen on accordion), Alternators - George Radebaugh (accordion) and Peter Evasic (violin), Vickie Townsend, Tangoheart, Murl Sanders, Those Darn Accordions (TDA) and Mad Maggies (Maggie “Mags” Martin on accordion)
September 1st at Finnriver Cidery, Chimacum: Joe Schipani, Murl Sanders, Alternators, Vickie Townsend, Those Darn Accordions (TDA) and Mad Maggies.

For further details email: mags@deepsqueeze.org


World Café Trio Perform at City Hall, Heidelberg, Gauteng – South Africa

World Cafe posterWorld Café Trio, which includes accordionist Stanislav Angelov, Petrus de Beer (violin) and Schalk Joubert (bass) will perform in City Hall, Heidelberg, Gauteng in South Africa on September 27th. Their program includes “The Four Seasons” by Vivaldi (one of his most famous works).

The original score was written for a string orchestra, church organ and violin soloist. With this rendition of Four Seasons, listeners hear the familiar piece of music in a different format, seldom heard before in South Africa. Picture these various violin parts performed with 3 instruments only - a violin, an accordion and a bass guitar. The Italian to Afrikaans translations were made by Dr. Dawid de Villiers.

For concert information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


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