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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Apr-2010
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Primo piano

Primo festival internazionale, Rostov-sul-Don - Russia
3° STRUMENTI & Musica Festival, Spoleto - Italia
Brittes Alejandro e João Gentil al 'Mundial de Acordeon', Valledupar - Colombia
Nuovo lavoro della compositrice Elizabeta Ilievska-Bete - Skopje - Macedonia
Dee Esegue Langley con la St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Finland’s ‘Kuunkuiskaajat’ in Eurovision Song Contest, Oslo – Norway
Debra Peters’ New Accordion Tuition DVD, Texas – USA
NAAFC Festival 2010, Scotland – UK

Future events

Milos Milivojevic @ the Wignore Hall, London – UK
Lips Accordion Workshop, Imst - Austria
Frédéric Deschamps Travel/Masterclass Schedule – China, Lithuania, Europe
‘Red Cardell’ Concerts, Brittany – France
David Vernon Concerts, North Staffs AC, Stockport AC – UK
Guy Klucevsek Concert, New York – USA
Katherine Hunka and Dermot Dunne Concert, Dublin – Irish Republic

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Primo piano

Primo festival internazionale, Rostov-sul-Don - Russia

Rostov Festival banner
Yuri Shishkin, Alexander PoeluevIl Primo Festival Internazionale di Rostov-sul-Don, Russia, si svolgerà dal 26 al 28 aprile. La zona di Rostov ha una lunga tradizione di ottimi fisarmonicisti, e questo festival sarà incentrato intorno alle hall della Filarmonica di Rostov, presentando concerti dedicati ogni serata a diversi generi musicali.

Il festival prevede conferenze stampa, incontri creativi e corsi di perfezionamento; tutti avranno l'opportunità di parlare e fare domande a esecutori e organizzatori.

26 aprile, h 19:00 - Little Philharmonic Hall, concerto di musica classica con
Alexander Poeluev (foto in basso a sinistra) e Yuri Shishkin (foto a sinistra), entrambi vincitori di vari concorsi internazionali e russi per fisarmonica e bayan. Alexander Poeluev ha già al suo attivo vari tour internazionali e concerti in molte città della Russia. Yuri Shishkin è un 'Artista Onorato di Russia', e professore onorario nei Conservatorio di Shanghai e Tsitsiharskogo University (Cina). Ha suonato in più di 30 paesi, è un organizzatore di festival, corsi di perfezionamento, partecipa a corsi estivi d'arte in tutto il mondo, e
ha registrato 7 CD.

27 aprile, h 19:00 - Grande Philharmonic Hall, una serata di musica folk, con la partecipazione di Pianoff (Mosca), Osipova, il fisarmonicista Gennady Kalmykov, Ossipow, il cantante Victor Skolozubov, e l'ensemble Cosacchi del Don, con Sergei Cochin al bayan.

28 aprile, h 19:00 - Grande Philharmonic Hall, concerto Jazz con il noto fisarmonicista Renzo Ruggieri (Italia), e il locale quartetto New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet (Rostov-sul-Don).

In russo: 2010 Rostov Programma e Informazioni


3° STRUMENTI & Musica Festival, Spoleto - Italia

Spoleto logo
Mika Väyrynen, Mirco PatariniL'associazione culturale (IAC italian Accordion Culture), in collaborazione con ARS Spoletium Edizioni Musicali srl sta organizzando la terza edizione dello Strumenti & Musica Festival, Spoleto 15-23 maggio.

L'evento comprende un Concorso Internazionale per solisti di fisarmonica e gruppi di musica da camera 'Premio Strumenti & Musica' e la selezione dei candidati italiani per la partecipazione alla 63a Coupe Mondiale CIA (UNESCO), che si terrà a Varazdin, Croazia, dal 19 al 25 ottobre 2010.
Regolamento Spoleto 2010 (2010 Spoleto Rules.)

La giuria internazionale selezionerà i due migliori fisarmonicisti italiani che la IAC sponsorizzerà per viaggio e hotel a Varaždin.

L'evento prevede anche una serie di concerti importanti, tra cui il pianista Nicola Piovani (Oscar per la colonna sonora di Roberto Benigni 'La vita è bella'), che sarà accompagnato da fisarmonicista Mirco Patarini (foto in basso a sinistra).

L'evento si svolgerà nella serata del 21 maggio presso il Teatro Nuovo, e ci sarà anche il Finlandese Mika Väyrynen (in alto foto a sinistra), uno dei più grandi fisarmonicisti contemporanei, con l'orchestra d'archi 'Collegium Tiberinum', e anche il clarinettista Gabriele Francioli . I biglietti sono già disponibili e possono essere acquistati direttamente dal www.ticketitalia.com
2010 Spoleto Rules.


Brittes Alejandro e João Gentil al 'Mundial de Acordeon', Valledupar - Colombia

Alejandro Brittes and João GentilMolti fisarmonicisti solisti ed ensemble di fisarmonica hanno già confermato la loro partecipazione al secondo 'Mundial de Músicas de Acordeon', che si svolgerà a Valledupar, Colombia, dal 23 al 26 giugno. Gli ultimi ad accettare l’invito, al debutto in questo contesto, sono Alejandro Brittes, Argentina, e João Gentil, Portogallo.

Il Mundial de Músicas de Acordeon, il cui direttore è Lolita Acosta, è un festival che prevede concerti, concorsi e show di danza; con spettacoli nazionali ed internazionali di tradizioni popolari musicali provenienti da paesi come Argentina, Uruguay, Portogallo e Repubblica Ceca.

Il festival è un evento organizzato dalla Fundación Reyes e Juglares Vallenato con il sostegno del Comune di Valledupar e la Corporación Biblioteca Departamental Rafael Carrillo Lúquez e Corpocesar.

Alejandro Brittes, di Buenos Aires, sarà accompagnato da un chitarrista. Brittes, anche compositore e arrangiatore, è un esponente della tradizione popolare regionale Chamamé dell'Argentina che ha fatto molto per aumentare la visibilità delle Chamamé attraverso concerti, tournée e registrazioni in tutta l'Argentina e anche all'estero, soprattutto in Brasile.

João Gentil, Portogallo, è un interprete di tango e di diverse tradizioni musicali internazionali. Ha iniziato gli studi musicali in Svizzera, e al ritorno in Portogallo ha frequentato il Conservatorio di Musica di Figueira. Attualmente è Visiting Professor presso il Conservatorio di Anca ed è un collaboratore di Accordions Worldwide.

Si è esibito alla radio e alla televisione portoghesi, in molte città del Portogallo, e in numerosi festival in Italia, Irlanda, Norvegia, Francia, Svizzera, Spagna, Stati Uniti e Canada.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: eldiariovallenato@gmail.com


Nuovo lavoro della compositrice Elizabeta Ilievska-Bete - Skopje - Macedonia

Elizabeta Ilievska-BeteL’annuale “Giornate della Musica Macedone 2010”, organizzato dall'Associazione dei compositori di Macedonia - SOCOM, sotto il patrocinio del Presidente della Repubblica di Macedonia e il Ministero della Cultura, si è tenuto dal 23 al 31 Marzo a Skopje.

Al concerto “Giovani Compositori Macedoni', tenutosi il 28 marzo nel Museo della città di Skopje, la compositrice Elizabeta Ilievska-Bete ha presentato il suo nuovo lavoro 'Tango Macedone' per violino, fisarmonica e pianoforte, per una grande interpretazione degli eminenti musicisti e pedagoghi Anna Kontradenko al violino, Zorica Karakutovska alla fisarmonica e Katerina Kostadinovska-Gelebesheva al pianoforte (foto sopra), molto ben accolta dal folto pubblico, e anche la critica ha recensito ottimamente questa composizione.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: anica2206@yahoo.com


Dee Esegue Langley con la St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota - USA

Dee Langley
Dee LangleyLa St. Paul Chamber Orchestra (Minnesota) ha suonato con Dee Langley alla fisarmonica l’opera di Thomas Adès '' Sinfonia da camera per 15 musicisti, Opera 2 '.

La presentazione del Programma descrive la composizione ed il ruolo in essa della fisarmonicain questo modo: "sonorità jazz spezzate predominano nel primo movimento, con basso pizzicato, tromba con sordina, e con suoni sinuosi di basset (flauto basso) e clarinetto basso. L’arioso secondo movimento comincia con un rombo di note basse di pianoforte, un suono che si ripete ciclicamente più volte sotto gli strati melodici superiori. La fisarmonica fa un primo ingresso, ma ben presto la musica accelera in terzine fluenti e piomba della terza sezione, questo si interrompe improvvisamente al culmine, lasciando solo il respiro quieto della fisarmonica ad iniziare l’adagio finale, che fiorisce materializzandosi dagli archi e le profonde risposte dei clarinetti portano poi ad una conclusione sussurrata ".

La Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, giunta alla sua 51a stagione, è l'unica orchestra da camera nazionale nazionale stabile, ed è generalmente considerata come una delle migliori orchestre da camera del mondo. Accogliendo il Direttore Assistente della San Francisco Symphony Donata Cabrera, questo Concerto di St. Paul ne ha segnato il debutto con l'orchestra.

Presidente della Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG), Dee Langley è fisarmonicista specializzata sia come solista che nella musica d’insieme e ha suonato con l'Orchestra del Minnesota, St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Quartetto Ancia, Minnesota Sinfonia, Minneapolis Philharmonic Orchestra Filarmonica e Minnesota Philarmonic Orchestra.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Finland’s ‘Kuunkuiskaajat’ in Eurovision Song Contest, Oslo – Norway

Kuunkuiskaajat (Susan Aho and Johanna Virtanen)After the many hard rock bands and a dico act in recent years, two members of Finland’s most successful contemporary folk group Värttinä will represent the country at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo on May 29th.

Susan Aho and Johanna Virtanen perform as the duo ‘Kuunkuiskaajat’ (‘Moon Whispers’). Their cheerful and charming performance at the Finnish national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest conquered the hearts of the Finns. Kuunkuiskaajat beat all the pre-contest favourites by receiving 42 per cent of the votes.

The Finnish entry is titled ‘Työlki Ellää’, composed by Timo Kiiskinen. Part of the song is performed in Karelian dialect, which is spoken in Eastern Finland. The tongue-in-cheek title translates as “You can also make a living by working” (but it's business that makes you rich).

Susan Aho began playing accordion at the age of 13. She has obtained a Master of Music degree at the Sibelius Academy Folk Music Department. Susan is not only a professional musician, but also a puppeteer. Currently she works at the internationally renowned puppet theatre Sampo.

Johanna Virtanen studied folk music and singing at the Central Ostrobothnian Conservatory in Kokkola, and at the Sibelius Academy. Johanna is a professional vocal teacher and is specialized in childbirth singing. In addition she plays harmonium, kantele, and 2-row button accordion.

As members of Värttinä, Susan and Johanna have toured extensively in Europe and all over the world, in more than 30 countries in total. One of the group’s most notable projects in recent years was composing music for ‘The Lord Of The Rings’ theatrical adaptation.


Debra Peters’ New Accordion Tuition DVD, Texas – USA

‘The ABCs of Accordion Basics’ DVD cover‘The ABCs of Accordion Basics’ is a new tuition DVD by accordion teacher and performer Debra Peters, from Austin, Texas, explaining and demonstrating the uses of 25 bass patterns for stradella bass accordions. The DVD includes a booklet with 36 patterns.

This DVD is volume three of a series looking at the development left hand techniques.

For further information email: dpeters33472@sbcglobal.net


NAAFC Festival 2010, Scotland – UK

NAAFC photosBox & Fiddle logoMarch 13th saw the Inchyra Grange Hotel host the 36th National Association of Accordion and Fiddle Clubs (NAAFC) Festival. The organising team was headed by James Coutts, Lorna Mair, and Richard Ross.

Despite the change of date, there was a large entry level in the competitions. This, allied with the large number of enthusiasts and traders in attendance, created a great atmosphere and buzz throughout the day.

The adjudicators were extremely impressed with the standard of playing across the competitions, and it was especially pleasing that there were so many new faces in the classical accordion classes.

The huge entry, the biggest for 25 years, made for hectic scheduling, but all the solo and duet competitions finished in time to allow everyone to attend the Bands section - one of the highlights of the day. The Bands section and prize winners concert were recorded by BBC Radio Scotland. After the concert, Alan Gardiner's Scottish Dance Band gave a great performance at the dance, which was enjoyed and appreciated by a large crowd.

Accordion section winners included:

Under 10 Traditional Accordion Solo - Andrew Erskine
Under 12 Traditional Accordion Solo - Kyle Innes
Under 16 Traditional Accordion Solo - Sam Rutherford
Senior Traditional Accordion Solo - Liam Stewart
Senior Accordion Solo (Pipe Music) - Andrew Gibb
Open Button Key Accordion Solo - Graeme MacKay
Open Accordion Championship - Gary Sutherland
Under 12 Classical Solo - Alexander Girling
Under 14 Classical Solo - Emma Dickson
Under 16 Classical Solo - Nicola Smith
Under 14 Musette Solo – Alex Stewart
Under 14 Polka Solo – Alex Stewart
Open Classical Solo – Grant McFarlane
Open Musette Solo - Craig Paton
Open Musette Solo - Paul Capaldi
Open Classical Duet – Grant McFarlane and Paula Kelly
Under 13 Classical Duet – Adam Gibb and Emma Dickson
Under 16 Classical Duet - Duncan Muir and Roy Anderson
Overall Senior Accordion Champion (Bobby MacLeod Trophy) – Andrew Gibb
Overall Junior Accordion Champion (Alex Little Memorial Trophy) - Steven Todd
Bands Competition - Sam Rutherford

The 2011 Festival takes place at the Inchyra Grange Hotel on Saturday March 5th.


Future events

Milos Milivojevic @ the Wignore Hall, London – UK

Milos MilivojevicAccordionist Milos Milivojevic is to perform as a special guest at the Wigmore Hall, London, on Sunday April 11th, 7.30pm, as part of the Derek Butler Prize Competition. The Derek Butler Prize is contested by postgraduate students nominated by each of London’s four conservatories.

Milos Milivojevic, the Derek Butler first prize winner in 2008, will be performing Viktor Vlasov's, 'Five Views on Country GULAG'.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Lips Accordion Workshop, Imst - Austria

For the 11th time the city of Imst (located in the Tyrol, near Innsbruck) will organize a workshop for musicians and artistes of different styles from July 12th to 16th. Participants will have the opportunity to combine some relaxing days with artistic activity.

Bayanist/accordionist Friedrich Lips (from the Gnessin Academy of Music in Moscow) will give solo lessons to participants, giving his view of how to solve musical and technical problems, performance on stage, etc.

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Frédéric Deschamps Travel/Masterclass Schedule – China, Lithuania, Europe

Deschamps training course, 5-11 April 2010
Frédéric DeschampsGirls top: Cristel Sautaux (Swizerland), Olivia Cazals (UK), Caroline Ruhland (Fr), Aurore Touchard (Fr),
Boys lower: Joao Barradas (Portugal), Grayson Masefield (NZ), Augustinas Rakauskas (Lituania), Lorenzo Verwaerde (Fr)
photo from the training course, 5-11 April 2010.

Continuing a busy March and April of 5 training courses and 6 master classes, French teacher Frédéric Deschamps (picture left) has an even busier time in the coming months. From April 18 to 30 he is teaching in Shanghai, Beijing and Tienjin.

This is followed by a master class in Vilnius (Lithuania), probably the first Web master class with Skype with the Conservatory of Vilnius. Then Frédéric is in Monaco, Rome (Italy) and China again in June, before returning to France for training courses.

The Frédéric Deschamps training courses in France are taking place from:
July 5 to 11
July 19 to 24
July 26 to 31
August 2 to 7
August 16 to 22
August 30 to 5 September.
These summer courses will take place in la Selle sur le Bied,,100 km south of Paris, train station Montargis. They are frequented by accordionists of all ages, all nationalities, all levels and all brands of instruments used.

In addition to workshops and master classes planned, you can now take lessons with Frederic Deschamps on Skype video conference (appointments made by email).

Information and registration: Frédéric Deschamps: 06 17 85 38 19 or email frederic.deschamps@wanadoo.fr


‘Red Cardell’ Concerts, Brittany – France

‘Red Cardell’ is a band based in Quimper, Brittany, formed in 1992 by guitarist/singer Jean Pierre Riou and accordionist Jean Michel Moal. The band’s music is a mixture of Rock and traditional Breton, and ‘Red Cardell’ have successfully produced their own recordings, marketed by Celtic Music (Keltia Musique). ‘Soleil Blanc’, their new CD and 12th album, was released on March 26th.

Concert dates:
April 9th - Espace Albert Camus, Maurepas
April 10th – Batofar, Paris
April 15th - départ transat AG2R, Concarneau
April 17th - Le triskell, Pont Labbé
April 23rd – Vauban, Brest
April 24th - Espace Jean Cocteau, Monts
May 7th - Palais des Arts, Vannes
May 21st – Festival, Plougonvelin
May 22nd - Aubercail Festival, Aubervielliers
May 28th and 29th - Le Trousse Chemise, Langan
June 5th - La petite scène, St Nolff
June 25th - Les Artzimutés Festival, Cherbourg


David Vernon Concerts, North Staffs AC, Stockport AC – UK

The versatile accordion entertainer David Vernon, from Edinburgh, is the guest artiste at North Staffs Accordion Club and Stockport Accordion Club on April 20th and 21st respectively.

The concert for North Staffs AC takes place on Tuesday April 20th, 8pm, at the Holditch Miner’s Welfare Club, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs.

The Stockport AC concert, Wednesday April 21st, begins at 8pm, at Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel Street/A560 Hyde Road, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1ND.

David Vernon has performed at musical events, accordion clubs and festivals all over the UK and abroad, including the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Iceland, the Middle East, Bangladesh, and others. In 2004 he was a guest at the ‘Rencontre Européene de l’Accordéon’ festival in Chartres, France.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Guy Klucevsek Concert, New York – USA

Guy KlucevsekOn April 27th, 8pm, accordionist Guy Klucevsek will be performing at The Stone, a 'New Artists' venue dedicated to experimental and avant-garde music, situated on the corner of 2nd St and Avenue C, in the East Village, New York.

Guy Klucevsek has created a unique repertoire for accordion through his compositions and by commissioning over 50 works from composers including John Zorn, Aaron Jay Kernis, Lois V Vierk, Fred Frith, Alvin Lucier, Mary Ellen Childs, William Duckworth, Jerome Kitzke, Stephen Montague and Somei Satoh.

In 1996, Klucevsek formed The Accordion Tribe, an international lineup including accordionists Maria Kalaniemi (Finland), Lars Hollmer (Sweden), Bratko Bibic (Slovenia), Otto Lechner (Austria), and Klucevsek (USA). They are the subjects of the documentary film, ‘Accordion Tribe: Music Travels’, which was released in theaters across Europe in 2004-2005, and featured at film festivals in North America.

Klucevsek has released 17 recordings, including ‘Polka Dots & Laser Beams’, ‘Who Stole the Polka?’, and ‘Transylvanian Softwear’. He also performs on John Williams's scores for the Steven Spielberg films ‘The Terminal’ and ‘Munich’, and has performed on Broadway in ‘Fiddler on the Roof’, ‘Victor/Victoria’ and ‘Piaf’.


Katherine Hunka and Dermot Dunne Concert, Dublin – Irish Republic

Katherine Hunka and Dermot Dunne Concert
Katherine Hunka – violin and Dermot Dunne – accordion will perform in concert on Sunday April 25th, 12noon, at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin. Admission free, and tickets will be available at the door.

Katherine Hunka is Leader of the Irish Chamber Orchestra, and Dermot Dunne is a regular performer throughout Ireland as a soloist and chamber musician, appearing at all major venues and festivals. Equally well known internationally, Dermot has performed in England, France, Portugal, Germany, Serbia, Macedonia and the Ukraine. The styles he performs range from Baroque to contemporary classical and from Bulgarian folk to Argentinean, which he regularly performs with the Nuevo Tango Quartet.


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