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Weekly News from Around the World - 07-May-2021
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Primo piano

Trasmissione video della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)
Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica 2021, Museo mondiale della fisarmonica - USA
Online_Absolute Premiere Streaming 9 maggio 18_30 - Italia
In onda: "La Fisarmonica" domenica 9 maggio, ore 21.15 su Sky Arte (canali 120 e 400 di Sky) - Castelfidardo/talia
Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica 2021, Brasile, Portogallo, altri - Internazionale
Online: World Accordion & Tango Festival - Canada

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Sarajevo Music Academy Double Celebration for WAD - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Video: 2021 World Accordion Day at Karlssons Musik - Sweden
New CD: Guardia Nueva and Arja Koriseva Double CD Released May 14th - Finland
Scandinavian Echoes Music Show Celebrates WAD
WAD Celebrations by Confederación de Acordeonistas de Chile
Alex Meixner World Accordion Day Special – USA
Video: Aydar Gaynullin & Euphoria TV Performance - Russia
AccArt and The Band from Joensuun Konservatorio - Finland
Closing date for Online: 17th National Accordion Competition for Soloists and Chamber Music – Netherlands
Video: Maria Telesheva Plays Bach to Celebrate World Accordion Day

Future events

“Firasso” Releases Debut Album & CD Release Concert - Germany
Daddy Squeeze Performs Mother’s Day Concert – USA
Online: Paul Hutchinson “Folk Accordion Sessions”, England - UK
ATG Wednesday Workshops - USA
V All-Russian Open Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments named after I.Y. Panitsky, Saratov - Russia
Isabelle Debarre Orchestra Entertains at Olympic Park Hotel - Spain

Childrens Corner

Pan Jingyun Accordion Star International Winner - China

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Primo piano

Trasmissione video della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)

WAD banner
Kevin & GraysonGuarda il video sopra in grande formato su: WorldAccordionDay2021

Il video della Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica della CIA del 6 maggio è stato presentato in collaborazione da Kevin Friedrich e Grayson Masefield con l'apertura del presidente della CIA Mirco Patarini e la chiusura del segretario generale della CIA Kimmo Mattila.
L'interessantissimo programma video si concentra sull'educazione alla fisarmonica in età infantile in varie parti del mondo.
Sul sito della Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica, ci sono molte altre immagini e informazioni di fisarmonicisti da tutto il mondo. Visitate il sito web della Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica: WorldAccordionDay2021
Godetevi i festeggiamenti della Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica.


Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica 2021, Museo mondiale della fisarmonica - USA

AWAM poster
Broadcast starting at 1 pm

Broadcast starting 10 am, First concert at 11 am, see schedule below.
Guarda il video sopra in grande formato su: WorldAccordionDay2021

L'Harrington ARTS Center (HARTS) e A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) ospiteranno un festival di musica dal vivo a Superior, Wisconsin dal 6 all'8 maggio 2021. Questo evento si terrà in concomitanza con il World Accordion Day (la Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica) e la nona edizione del Palmer Festival.
• 5 maggio: prove della band
• 6 maggio: concerti, musica e conferenze per il World Accordion Day si svolgeranno dalle 10:00 alle 19:00 con rinfresco disponibile.
• 7 maggio: presentazione del Dr Willard del 9° Palmer Festival dalle 10:00 con concerti, dimostrazioni, workshop e concerti.
• 8 maggio: Evento speciale aperto al pubblico - La Norsk Hostfest Polka Service Band suonerà un'ora di musica folk.
La grande sala da concerto di AWAM consente le giuste distanze di seduta e sarà necessario indossare mascherine.
I biglietti possono essere ordinati o pagati alla porta per US $ 75 al giorno o US $ 125 per i primi due giorni. Il servizio di polka è gratuito.
Molte delle esibizioni saranno online. Un ricco programma di eventi a: 2021USWAM

Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare: A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM)
AWAM header


Online_Absolute Premiere Streaming 9 maggio 18_30 - Italia

Absolute Premiere
Robert Palermo, Renzo RuggieriGoing Live domenica 9 maggio alle 18:30

L'Associazione Promotion Arte guidata da Renzo Ruggieri organizza "Absolute Premiere", novità nel campo dell'organizzazione concertistica, come concerto online che accoglie artisti del mondo della fisarmonica che presenteranno in anteprima le loro produzioni.

Mini concerti con repertori eseguiti per la prima volta che fanno da preludio ai prossimi concerti/produzioni. L'evento sarà trasmesso in streaming su accordions.com e su Facebook e YouTube il 9 maggio 2021 alle 18:30.

- Vincenzo Abbracciante "Orizzonte"
- Andrea Di Giacomo "Suite Abruzzo"
- Marco Gemelli "Resíliens"
- Roberto Palermo Ensemble "Mediterranima"
- Renzo Ruggieri Mauro De Federicis "Ciak"

Dettagli di ogni nuova composizione in italiano e inglese: AbsolutePremiere.pdf
Absolute Premiere


In onda: "La Fisarmonica" domenica 9 maggio, ore 21.15 su Sky Arte (canali 120 e 400 di Sky) - Castelfidardo/talia

Il docufilm “La Fisarmonica” in onda su Sky arte nel 40° anniversario del Museo
Un lavoro importante di promozione culturale, un tassello prezioso ed ulteriore del dossier che sostiene la candidatura a patrimonio Unesco. Nobilitato dalla voce narrante di un’artista di spessore come Raphael Gualazzi, frutto della professionalità di un team di esperti e stimolato dalla volontà istituzionale, approda domenica 9 maggio alle 21:15 su Sky arte (canali 120 e 400 di Sky) e sulla piattaforma Now tv il documentario “La fisarmonica”.

Prodotto da Sonne Film e K+ per la regia di Giangiacomo De Stefano con il sostegno della Regione Marche e del Comune in collaborazione con Sky Arte, il film è un racconto che da locale diventa universale descrivendo l’evoluzione e i protagonisti principali di un’eccellenza made in Castelfidardo. Una scintilla scoccata grazie a Paolo Soprani negli anni successivi la battaglia risorgimentale del 1860 e che si è riverberata poi nelle tante aziende che in questo settore hanno operato nel tempo e continuano ancor oggi a produrre uno strumento incredibile e complesso, le cui peculiarità sono efficacemente testimoniate nel docufilm da artisti di fama come Richard Galliano.

La data della messa in onda corrisponde con il 40° anniversario di fondazione del Museo internazionale della fisarmonica che verrà ricordato nell’intera giornata con musica in filodiffusione a tema per le vie del centro storico, ingresso gratuito (per soli residenti) e aperitivo musicale alle 17.30.

Il Museo internazionale della fisarmonica, recentemente sottoposto a un restyling logico e strutturale che ha consentito di rinnovare fra l’altro le ambientazioni e i percorsi espositivi, venne infatti inaugurato il 9 maggio 1981 dopo un grande lavoro di preparazione e raccolta del materiale, cui diede eccezionale impulso la partecipazione nel mese di febbraio ad una puntata del famoso “Portobello” condotto da Enzo Tortora, dei promotori e fondatori Gervasio Marcosignori (immagine in alto a destra), Beniamino Bugiolacchi (immagine al centro a destra) e Vincenzo Canali (l'immagine in basso a destra).


Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica 2021, Brasile, Portogallo, altri - Internazionale

Video 1:
Video 2:
WAD headerVideo 1: 10 clip delle performance. Ordine alfabetico del nome.
Video 2: Video di Fabrica de Gaiteiros introdotto da Sarah Albuquerque dell'Istituto Oswaldinho do Acordeon
Brasile e Portogallo hanno collaborato per celebrare il centenario di Astor Piazzolla organizzando 15 esibizioni di fisarmonicisti da tutto il mondo.
La Quitanda Musical Booking Agency, in collaborazione con l'Istituto Oswaldinho do Acordeon e Mito Algarvio - Associazione dei fisarmonicisti dell'Algarve (Portogallo), ha riunito alcuni famosi fisarmonicisti per celebrare questa data molto speciale.
L'evento è stato un grande successo ei video clip qui sopra vi daranno un'idea di tutte le performance dei concerti.
Performers list


Online: World Accordion & Tango Festival - Canada

Festival posterIl World Accordion & Tango Festival 2021 online è iniziato il 6 maggio, in occasione della Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica, e si svolgerà fino al 9 maggio 2021 da Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Il festival è iniziato con un "Concerto per la Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica" il 6 maggio di Jelena Milojevic (fisarmonica), OrLa Scott (fisarmonica), Nikolay Bine (fisarmonica) e Emily Carr String Quartet.
Ulteriori eventi come segue:
7 maggio ore 19: "Da Bach a Piazzolla"
Jelena Milojevic (fisarmonica) e il Bergmann Piano Duo
8 maggio:
• 13:00 - “49 minuti con Renzo Ruggieri”
• 14:00 - "49 minuti con Gorka Hermosa"
• 16:00 - "49 minuti con Michael Bridge"
• 19:30 - Concerto "West My Friend"
9 maggio: workshop di tango
• 13:00 - Maja e Marko (Maja Petrovic e Marko Miljevic)
"Camminare per orchestre diverse: D'Arienzo vs. Di Sarli"
• 18:15 - Sandra e Jorge (Sandra Naccache e Jorge Lopez)
"L'energia circolare dell'Abrazo - comprenderne l'importanza"
• 20:00 - Miriam & Leonardo (Miriam Larici e Leonardo Barrionuevo) "Tango, Vals & Milonga - esercizi utili per migliorare la tua musicalità"
Tutti gli eventi sono gratuiti, ma le donazioni sono benvenute. Per i dettagli scrivere a: contact@watf.ca


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Sarajevo Music Academy Double Celebration for WAD - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo header
The Sarajevo Music Academy decided to unite two important accordion days: World Accordion Day on 6th May 2021 with the 100th anniversary of the birth of Astor Piazzolla.

Two professors from the Sarajevo Music Academy, Belma Šarancic and Djani Sehu (pictured below) performed Piazzolla's Cafe 1930 from Histoire du tango, especially arranged and artistically recorded for this event.


Video: 2021 World Accordion Day at Karlssons Musik - Sweden

Karlssons Musik, Fjärås, Sweden with an hour of accordion music.

The 6th of May is World Accordion Day / Accordion Day and normally we have an open house with different artists performing on 3 different occasions for a packed venue!

Now the situation is as it is so this year it will again be that we do a streaming without visitors on site, but instead of several shorter broadcasts like last year, we will have a more pure concert at 20:00! ????

Johan Kullberg
Jörgen Sundeqvist
Hanna Blomberg & Petter Ferneman

A warm welcome to be with us live this evening!
Sven, Lars, Siv, Ingvar, Sofi, Daniel, Peter
Karlsson's Music


New CD: Guardia Nueva and Arja Koriseva Double CD Released May 14th - Finland

Guardia Nueva CD
A new live double CD by Guardia Nueva (conducted by Raimo Vertainen) and vocalist Arja Koriseva will be released on May 14th, 2021 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Guardia Nueva.

The CD include popular pieces such as "King Cobra", "On the Beach", "Bread, Gentle, Warmth" and "Tico Tico".

The CD also contains a 12-page booklet with plenty of pictures, information and golden memories.

Guardia Nueva recorded a May Day concert in 2020 when their hometown of Kokkola turned 400. The concert began and ended with a march to Kokkola composed by Ossi Runte.

This recording was broadcast on Alfa-TV “Winter Harmonica with Guardia Nueva” in Finland on May 1st, 2021.


Scandinavian Echoes Music Show Celebrates WAD

WAD show
The new Scandinavian Echoes Music Show featured all accordion music on the New Season 4, Episode 1 to commemorate World Accordion Day, May 6th, 2021.

The show featured an exclusive interview with Movie Star & accordionist Frank Toscano, who plays accordion in the movie, “The Many Saints of Newark.” The movie, which is a prequel to “The Sopranos” will be released on September 24th, 2021.

The Scandinavian Echoes Music Show will be online every Sunday.


WAD Celebrations by Confederación de Acordeonistas de Chile

Chile logoThe Confederación de Acordeonistas de Chile celebrated World Accordion Day beginning with an activity “that means a lot to us and we think it's important that everyone can participate”.

The association held a survey of accordionists with the intention of gaining information of the number of accordionists in the country, accordion musical activities, performances, tastes and musical preferences, among others.

For details email: confederacion.acordeonistas.cl@gmail.com


Alex Meixner World Accordion Day Special – USA

Alex Meixner celebrated World Accordion Day in conjunction with the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) with a 15-minute program in which he presented some favorite selections on piano accordion and button accordion.


Video: Aydar Gaynullin & Euphoria TV Performance - Russia

Aydar GaynullinVideo: Aydar Gaynullin (picture right) playing a medley of popular tunes on bayan, and accordina with the Euphoria Orchestra. The performance was televised on "Russia 1" TV in Moscow as part of the program “Izmailovsky Park”.


AccArt and The Band from Joensuun Konservatorio - Finland

A performance for World Accordion Day by AccArt and The Band from Joensuun Konservatorio. The Players are 16-19 years old and their teacher is Sirpa Kainulainen, from the Joensuun Konservatorio. Enjoy the music.


Closing date for Online: 17th National Accordion Competition for Soloists and Chamber Music – Netherlands

NOVAM posterThe closing date for the 17th National Accordion Competition for Soloists & Chamber Music Special Edition 2021 is June 1st, 2021.

The online event for accordion soloists, ensembles and chamber music, which is organised by NOVAM (Nederladse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica) will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

All videos are watched by an independent jury consisting of Vincent van Amsterdam, Elke de Meester, Froukje Klinge, Ellen Zijm, Gertie Bruin and Jef de Haes.

There are no prizes this year, but you have a chance to win a masterclass or concert prize and all participants will receive a personal jury report and a memento.

For details email: secretaris@novam.net

Registration is free of charge. Download information in Dutch and English at: 2021CompNOVAM.pdf


Video: Maria Telesheva Plays Bach to Celebrate World Accordion Day

Video: Maria Telesheva is playing Bach’s Prelude and Fugue No 2 in C minor to celebrate World Accordion Day for your enjoyment.


Future events

“Firasso” Releases Debut Album & CD Release Concert - Germany

Firasso CD coverVideo: Firasso performing "Käues", Track 1 from the debut CD.

“Firasso” will release their debut album entitled “Tales” on GLM Music, Germany on May 7th, 2021, which consists exclusively of original compositions.

The trio, which incudes Marko Kassl (accordion), Robert Beck (clarinet & bass clarinet) and Nils Imhorst (double bass) recorded the album during Covid-19 lockdowns.

For “Firasso”, music has a lot to do with life. “They tell stories of a walk through the autumn foliage, of chewing gum stuck under the heel, of uncertainty and fear in corona times... Life is everything: exciting, sad, angry, cheerful”.

A youtube CD Release Concert from “Firasso” will be held on May 7th, 2021 at 8pm from the Kornkammer Brühl in Brühl, Germany.


Daddy Squeeze Performs Mother’s Day Concert – USA

Daddy SqueezeDaddy Squeeze (Dan Newton) will entertain at a Mother’s Day concert on May 9th from 11am to 2pm. The event will be held at the historic Waldmann Brewery in St Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Concert goers will enjoy good music, food and beer in the outdoor garden with social distancing in place.

For details phone: 651-222-1857


Online: Paul Hutchinson “Folk Accordion Sessions”, England - UK

Paul HutchinsonVideo: Paul Hutchinson gives a brief description of his Folk Accordion sessions for all accordion players from beginner to professional.

Paul Hutchinson (picture left) will give a series of online “Folk Accordion Sessions” aimed at the accordionist who has reached a basic level and now wants to make further progress.

Paul wants to make this versatile instrument more appreciated in all musical circles and we will explore techniques to create space and different textures.

The sessions will focus on:
• dynamics
• phrasing
• articulation
• bellow control
• simple and effective left hand accompaniments

Each session will include a ‘surgery’ where you can ask questions.

Future dates are:
May 11th, 2021
June 29th, 2021
July 20th, 2021
August 3rd, 2021
August 17th, 2021

For details email: paulhutchinson@mail.com


ATG Wednesday Workshops - USA

Murl Sanders, Stas VenglevskiLiz Finch, Larry GoldingsThe Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) is presenting “Wednesday Workshops” every Wednesday at 7pm in May, 2021 as follows:

May 5th: Murl Allen Sanders presented a workshop on how to accompany oneself while singing and playing the accordion.

May 12th: Stas Venglevski presents: "Tips on Practicing Efficiently". Stas will share some experiences he has achieved over the years on how to approach and improve your study and practice habits of new compositions you are learning. One of his students will perform one of Stas’ original compositions and will share her experience of studying with Stas.

May 19th: Madalynn Neu and Liz Finch Co-Host: "Plays Well With Others". A discussion and overview of accordion performances with other instrumental ensembles, featuring video clips of great examples from around the world.

May 26th: Larry Goldings presents Making your right hand melodies more interesting/emotional with: counter melodies, clusters, right hand chording ideas and the importance of ear training.

For details check out the ATG website


V All-Russian Open Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments named after I.Y. Panitsky, Saratov - Russia

Saratov poster
PanitskyFriedrich LipsThe V All-Russian Open Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments named after I.Y. Panitsky will be held in Saratov, Russia from May 14th to 19th, 2021.The event is organised by the L.V. Sobinov State Conservatory and includes classes for accordion and bayan.

Friedrich Lips (picture right) is Head of the Jury at this competition. Other jury members include Elena Sidorova, Vyacheslav Bondarenko, Grachev Vladimir, Yuri Gurevich and Faizullin Abuzar.

Schedule of events:
May 14th – registration of contestants
May 15th – round 1 of the competition
May 16th – round 2 of the competition
May 17th – round 3 of the competition and the first rehearsal of the orchestra of participants
May 18th – final bayan competition classes, 2nd orchestra rehearsal and readings dedicated to the work of I.Y. Panitsky
May 19th – Jury Masterclass, followed by a Gala Concert and results.


Isabelle Debarre Orchestra Entertains at Olympic Park Hotel - Spain

The Isabelle Debarre Orchestra will entertain at an “Escape Under the Sun of the Costa Brava” trip to Olympic Park Hotel in Barcelona Province, Catalonia, Spain from June 6th to 12th, 2021.

The trip of 7 days and 6 nights is organised by the Agence de voyages Découverte (Discovery Travel Agency).

The Isabelle Debarre Orchestra will give evening performances for guests.

For details email: contact@decouverteengroupe.com

Download poster with full details: 2021IsabelleDebarre.pdf


Childrens Corner

Pan Jingyun Accordion Star International Winner - China

Pan Jingyun won the 2021 Accordion Star International Category 1:- 8 years and under.

The video above shows him playing the following pieces:
Sonata K201
Sonata in Classic Style 1st & 7th movements
Pan Jingyun Accordion Star


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