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Weekly News from Around the World - 07-Mar-2014
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Primo piano

Musikmesse 2014, Francoforte - Germania
Congresso Invernale, Confédération Internationale des accordéonistes ( CIA) - Bosnia -Erzegovina
Laurent Koscielny Assiste Maugein Accordions - Francia
Prima mondiale di " Dizzy Fingers: la vita di Joe Soprani ', Philadelphia - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

FMAE/MESA Accordion Event and Joan Sommers 80th Birthday Celebration - USA
Video: Stas Venglevski Work Polka 'Accelerando', Mesa Accordion Event Orchestra - USA
‘J'habite une frontière’ New Marco Lo Russo CD, Latina – Italy
Video: Stefan Hussong Performs Igor Stravinsky "Tango" - Germany
Norwegian Composer Bjorn Bolstad Skjelbred to Tour US with his New Accordion+Cello Work
Video: Ensemble Black Pencil Live in Concert Performing 'Buffoni!' - Netherlands
Accordion Babes 2015 Calendar, California – USA
Video: TNT Trio Featuring Tracey Collins (accordion) Perform Shamal - New Zealand
'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', Two New Chapters Released
Video: Cafe Accordion Orchestra, Dan Newton (accordion) 20th Anniversary Dance - USA
Video: Huib Hölzken and Jo Brunenberg Duo Perform 'Sirtaki' - Greece
‘14 Years Ago’: Ari Haatainen performs with Pavarotti

Future events

Declan Aungier Gigs, Waterford, Galway – Irish Republic
CT Tango Ensemble @ Stellenbosch University – South Africa
Marko Kassl Diary Dates - Germany
Renee de la Prade Gigs, California – USA
Cajun Specials Dance, Manchester – UK
Marcelo Caldi and Soraya Ravenie Gigs, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Summer Accordion Academies – France, Germany

New and Updated Sites

New Douglas Ward Site, Charnwood Publishing - UK
Renzo Ruggieri Publishes Virtuoso Entertainment Composition - Italy
Renzo Ruggieri Releases New Solo Virtuoso Arrangement - Italy

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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Primo piano

Musikmesse 2014, Francoforte - Germania

2014 Musikmesse posterLa Musikmesse di Francoforte si terrà dal 12 al 15 marzo, e i produttori di fisarmoniche sono ancora una volta ben rappresentati. Ci saranno dimostrazioni dei nuovi strumenti e prodotti nello splendido padiglione d'esposizione Hall 3.1. Questa è l'occasione perfetta per vedere e sentire tutto ciò che è nuovo e incontrare appassionati di fisarmonica e musicisti provenienti da tutto il mondo!

Venite a vedere, sentire, ascoltare i tanti artisti che dimostrano nuovi modelli dalle fabbriche di fisarmoniche, che potete trovare presso i seguenti stand:
Beltuna Accordions S.r.l .Location 3.1 C63
Bugari Armando srl. Location 3.1 B63
Cagnoni S.p.A.Location 3.1 B52
Dino Baffetti di Baffetti G. & C. snc Location 3.1 C54
Mengascini Nello S.r.l. Location 3.1 A49B
MusicTech di Sabbatini Claudio & C. snc Location 3.1 C58
ORLA srl Location 5.0 B30
Paolo Soprani Location 3.1 A49C
Pasco Italia S.a.s. Location 3.1 A49C
Piermaria, Industria Musicale Castelfidardo- S.r.l. Location 3.1 A50
Pigini Srl Location 3.1 B44
Roland Germany Location 3.1 A55
Scandalli Accordions s.r.l. Location 3.1 B46
Victoria Accordions 1919 location 3.1 A07
Zero Sette Location 3.1 B63

Artisti Accordion Stage
Mercoledì 12 Marzo 2014
11:00 - 11:30 Andreas Schertel
12:00 - 12:30 Matteo Petronio - Mengascini Nello s.r.l.
13:00 - 13:30 Jerome Richard
14:00 - 14:30 Matthias Matzke - Roland Germany
15:00 - 15:30 Pino di Modugno - Beltuna Accordions s.r.l.

Giovedì 13 Marzo 2014
11:00 - 11:30 Tobias Mayer
12:00 - 12:30 Rodrigo Mauricio - Mengascini Nello s.r.l.
13:00 - 13:30 Jerome Richard
14:00 - 14:30 Matthias Matzke - Roland Germany
15:00 - 15:30 Mario Gatto - Beltuna Accordions s.r.l.

Venerdì 14 Marzo 2014
11:00 - 11:30 "Die Lustigen Drei" (Rulph Penz)
12:00 - 12:30 Buzor Nenic - Mengascini Nello s.r.l.
13:00 - 13:30 Jerome Richard
14:00 - 14:30 Ludovic Beier - Roland Germany
15:00 - 15:30 Pino di Modugno - Beltuna Accordions s.r.l.
16:00 - 16:30 Sarah Rittweger

Sabato 15 Marzo 2014
10:00 - 10:30 Lukas Höckel - Beltuna Accordions s.r.l.
11:00 - 11:30 Jerome Richard
12:00 - 12:30 Lelo Nika Trio
13:00 - 13:30 Antonio Spaccarotella - Scandalli Accordions s.r.l
14:00 - 14:30 Ludovic Beier - Roland Germany
15:00 - 15:30 Mario Gatto - Beltuna Accordions s.r.l.
16:00 - 16:30 Edo Krilic Duo


Congresso Invernale, Confédération Internationale des accordéonistes ( CIA) - Bosnia -Erzegovina

2014 Winter Congress attendees
Zoran Rakic and Raymond BodellLa Confédération Internationale des accordéonistes ( CIA) ha tenuto il suo Congresso Invernale CIA 2014 a Sarajevo orientale in Bosnia-Erzegovina dal 28 febbraio al 2 marzo 2014. L'Assemblea Generale e ricevimenti associati sono stati ospitati dal membro CIA Muzicka Akademija Istocno Sarajevo ( Eastern Sarajevo Music Academy ) sotto la direzione di Zoran Rakic.

Immagine dei partecipanti del Congresso qui sopra. Foto a destra, presentazione dell'ospite Zoran Rakic al presidente CIA Raymond Bodell.

Raymond Bodell da il benvenuto a tutti i presenti al primo evento della CIA tenutasi in Bosnia-Erzegovina, la 131° Assemblea Generale dei Delegati e il Congresso invernale.

Il Congresso ha ammesso due nuovi membri della CIA:
- VZW Accordeon Salon ( Belgio)
- International Art Centre e Acco Holiday Festival di Kiev ( Ucraina )

Tre candidature sono state ricevute per i CIA Awards. Tutti sono stati accettati:
- CIA Merit Award: Herbert Scheibenreif ( Austria )
- CIA Merit Award: Luigi Bruti ( Italia )
- CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion: Marco Cinaglia ( Italia)

Il Comitato Musica CIA ha finalizzato i piani per le promozioni di nuove composizioni che sono state accettate nel Portfolio Compositori della CIA. Essi potranno anche pubblicare le informazioni on-line per aiutare i compositori a scrivere per la fisarmonica.
I delegati dell'Austrian Accordion Association ( Harmonikaverband Österreichs - HVO ) Werner Weibert e Herbert Scheibenreif hanno riferito i preparativi per la Coupe Mondiale 2014 che si terrà presso il world class Salzburg Congress Center, dal 27 ottobre al 2 novembre.

Immagine qui sotto: banner di benvenuto con bandiere nazionali.

Scarica un rapporto più dettagliato del Congresso Invernale di Kevin Friedrich compreso l'elenco completo dei partecipanti a: 2014Winter
Welcome Banner


Laurent Koscielny Assiste Maugein Accordions - Francia

Maugein accordion
Laurent KoscielnyLa più antica fabbrica di fisarmoniche francese, prossima alla chiusura, ha ricevuto un improbabile aiuto dal calciatore dell'Arsenal (Holloway, Londra) Laurent Koscielny (foto a destra).

L'azienda Maugein Accordions è stata fondata nel 1919, ma è caduta in disgrazia recentemente a causa di esportazioni più economiche dalla Cina ed Europa dell'Est. Secondo il giornale The Guardian (UK), il sindaco Bernard Combes (Tulle) ha chiesto aiuto a Koscielny, anche lui di Tulle, città in cui si trova lo stabilimento Maugein.

Secondo il rapporto, Laurent Koscielny ha donato €600.000 e fa parte di un gruppo di investitori il cui obiettivo è quello di mantenere la società aperta e, di conseguenza, salvare 20 posti di lavoro.


Prima mondiale di " Dizzy Fingers: la vita di Joe Soprani ', Philadelphia - USA

Radio Times Interview with Marty Moss-Coane - The Life of Joe Soprani. This is a MP3 sound file.
Video: Joe Soprani and group playing Soft Summer Breeze. This is a preview of the soon to be released video.

Joe Soprani and ensemble perform "Anema e core," produced by Naut Pictures for its forthcoming documentary on Joe; "Dizzy Fingers."
Joe SopraniSopra: Intervista Radio Times - file audio MP3. Due anteprime video.

Il fisarmonicista Joe Soprani e il suo ensemble si esibirà Domenica 9 Marzo alla première mondiale del documentario ' Dizzy Fingers: La vita di Joe Soprani '.

Joe Soprani ( fisarmonicista, educatore e arrangiatore - compositore ), ha dominato la scena della fisarmonica a Philadelphia per più di 45 anni. I suoi numerosi successi includono essere l'unico fisarmonicista nella storia della Philadelphia Orchestra ad apparire come solista con Eugene Ormandy. E'stato anche solista di fisarmonica con la Banda dell'Aeronautica Militare degli Stati Uniti a Washington, DC, ed è stato per otto anni fisarmonica solista con la Pennsylvania Army National Guard Band.

Joe Soprani ( che ora ha 80 anni ), ha collaborato con Bon Jovi, suonato alla Casa Bianca e con i tenori Pavarotti e Russell Watson, con Peter Nero e Pops Philly, sulla TV nazionale, e altro ancora.

' Dizzy Fingers: la vita di Joe Soprani ' esplora una vita straordinaria piena di musica. Con la fisarmonica che vede una grande rinascita, è ora di riconoscere l'uomo che non l'ha mai lasciata indietro.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: ticketingstaff@worldcafelive.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

FMAE/MESA Accordion Event and Joan Sommers 80th Birthday Celebration - USA

Joan C SommersJoan C SommersAccordionists are a special type of people. If you are one, you automatically know what I mean. We are people who love the accordion…. playing it, attending concerts, learning about it, socializing and performing with people who like accordions….. and we are accordion groupies, and we worship the amazingly gifted ones…….. such as the late great jazz artist, Frank Marocco.

Then there are those who are not only all of the above but are even more. I am talking about Joan and Dan Grauman (picture left), who have a special gift of making friends and bringing them all together on "Planet Accordion", which happened to be annually in Mesa, Arizona for the past eight years. 

The eight years of the MESA accordion event originally named the FMAE (Frank Marocco Accordion Event) provided a unique musical experience for musician and non-musician alike. It was eight years of memorable times including the special years when the legendary Frank Marocco shared his musical expertise in a way both kind and exciting. Stas Venglevski took over the baton with great skill after Frank's passing. 

For the 2014 MESA event, in honor of her 80th birthday, Joan Sommers (picture right), Professor Emerita, University of Missouri – Kansas City Conservatory of Music, internationally known conductor and arranger, was invited to be the guest conductor and concert leader.

Everyone who attended left the MESA events with very special memories, new ideas, new friends, an encouraging and newly renewed enthusiasm for learning and performing, and a huge amount of gratitude to the devoted FMAE/MESA organizers, Joan and Dan Grauman.


Video: Stas Venglevski Work Polka 'Accelerando', Mesa Accordion Event Orchestra - USA

Stas VenglevskiThis work was composed, arranged for accordion orchestra and conducted by Stas Venglevski (picture right).

Dan Grauman writes: "It’s one of Stas’s cute new compositions titled Polka 'Accelerando'. It was performed at our Mesa Accordion Event concert and was very well received, as you will see from the audience reaction."

The performance took place in Mesa, Arizona on February 16, 2014.

Compositions and CD's available online at: Stas Venglevski


‘J'habite une frontière’ New Marco Lo Russo CD, Latina – Italy

Marco Lo Russo‘J'habite une frontière’ is new CD by Eva Lopez – vocals, Marco Lo Russo - accordion, piano and vocals, Massimo Zagonari - flute, sax, and Paulo La Rossa – percussion.

The music is “a tribute to French music and more…”, featuring the compositions of Jacques Brel, Charles Trenet, Serge Gainsbourg, Sergio Mendez, and Marco Lo Russo. The recording is by Rouge Sound Production.

Over the past 25 years, Marco Lo Russo has emerged as an internationally acclaimed accordionist, composer, arranger, teacher, producer, conductor and musicologist. 

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Video: Stefan Hussong Performs Igor Stravinsky "Tango" - Germany

Stefan Hussong Performs Igor Stravinsky "Tango"

Highly regarded Stefan Hussong is teaching at the Musikhochschule Würzburg where he is Professor for Accordion and Chamber Music and degrees offered are: Bachelor degree, Masters degree, PHD.

Hussong has premiered more than 80 works dedicated to him and he has recorded more than 25 CD`s, some of which have won several prizes.


Norwegian Composer Bjorn Bolstad Skjelbred to Tour US with his New Accordion+Cello Work

Bjorn Bolstad SkjelbredComposer Bjorn Bolstad Skjelbred, Oslo, Norway, will be flying to the USA to attend the first 7 performances of his newest work ‘ConVergEnce for Accordion and Cello’. Download Press Release (9 pages): SkjelbredPR

The concerts are scheduled in New York, New Jersey, Vermont, and Massachusetts. Together with ‘ConVergEnce’, the concert will also include Skjelbred’s classical guitar solo, ‘Moves’, Magnar Am’s ‘On the Banks of the Eternal Second’, and Wolfgang Plagge’s ‘Fractals’.

In April 2013, the Norwegian Composers Fund awarded Mr. Skjelbred a 60,000 kroner commissioning grant to write ‘ConVergEnce’. Mr. Skjelbred’s travel and lodging expenses are covered by generous grants from the Norwegian Association of Composers and Music.

The world premiere is scheduled at Everett Theater in Bennnington, VT, with cellist Michael Gilbert Ronstadt and accordionist Rocco Anthony Jerry. Cellists Jared Shapiro and Dr. David Bebe will be performing with Mr. Jerry for the later concerts in the tour. Classical guitarist Eric Despard will be performing Skjelbred’s ‘Moves’ at all the venues.


Video: Ensemble Black Pencil Live in Concert Performing 'Buffoni!' - Netherlands

Ensemble Black Pencil consists of: Marko Kassl (accordion), Jorge Isaac (recorder, artistic director), Esra Pehlivanli (viola), Mathijs Koene (panflute), Enric Monfort (percussion). This video is a live recording from their concert of 'Buffoni!' on 6th December 2013, at De Doelen Rotter (Eduard Flipse Zaal), Rotterdam, Netherlands .


Accordion Babes 2015 Calendar, California – USA

Accordion Babes 2014 CalendarThe Accordion Babes 2015 Album & Pin-Up Calendar is now in preparation, and the deadline for submission of photo, song on CD, etc, is May 1st. The calendar is expected to go to print by May 31st.

There are lots of tips and diagrams available from the organizer Renee de la Prade for producing a calendar-quality photo, including nuts-and-bolts stuff like image dimensions, and some do's and don'ts for your photo shoot. Please note that a photo needs to be accompanied by a photo release form signed by the applicant and her photographer.

There are only a few rules for the song submission:
1) You need a professional quality recording of your song, in WAV or AIFF format. You can also send a physical CD to: Renee de la Prade, 2511 Broadway, Oakland CA 94612
2) Your song can be a traditional (folk) song or your own composition: but no cover songs.
3) Your song needs to be accompanied by a song release form; available here: http://www.accordionpinupcalendar.com/contact.html
4) You must be playing accordion in the recording.

For further information email: accordionpinupcalendar@gmail.com


Video: TNT Trio Featuring Tracey Collins (accordion) Perform Shamal - New Zealand

Video Published on Feb 18, 2014. Together Tracey Collins (accordion) Tamara Djordjevic (cello) and Yoomia Sim (violin) are the amazingly talented and beautiful musicians that are the instrumental group TNT. The trio that was formed in 2011 and have their own unique music of instrument choice, sound, compositions and presentation.


'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', Two New Chapters Released

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' book coverJohn Bonica PT CMP NZRPJohn Bonica (PT CMP NZRP) releases the 9th and 10th chapters of his book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain'. An eBook, readers can enjoy the convenience of having the chapters e-mailed in Acrobat .pdf format.

This exciting eBook is being published chapter by chapter, with about one chapter being released each month. Released chapters to date are:

Chapter 1 - An Overview
Chapter 2 - Learning to Read Your Body’s Signals
Chapter 3 - Neck and Neck-Related Symptoms
Chapter 4 - The Shoulder
Chapter 5 - The Amazing Brain and What It Does For You
Chapter 6 - The Elbow
Chapter 7 - The Great Accordion Myth Uncovered
Chapter 8 - The Elbow Revisited
Chapter 9 - Wrist and Fingers
Chapter 10 - Caring for our Ten Precious Digits

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters. As a special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase the eBook: John Bonica


Video: Cafe Accordion Orchestra, Dan Newton (accordion) 20th Anniversary Dance - USA

Cafe Accordion Orchestra, led by Dan Newton (accordion). The Café Accordion Orchestra is a dance band for people who love to dance. Here they perform Blue Light Boogie at the Cafe Accordion Orchestra's 20th Anniversary Dance, held January 12, 2014 at the Cedar Cultural Center, Minneapolis Minnesota.


Video: Huib Hölzken and Jo Brunenberg Duo Perform 'Sirtaki' - Greece

Accordionists Huib Hölzken and Jo Brunenberg on beautiful Samos island performing
Greek folk music polka 'Sirtaki'.


‘14 Years Ago’: Ari Haatainen performs with Pavarotti

Ari HaatainenThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending March 10th 2000 reported that Swedish accordionist Ari Haatainen was soon to perform with the legendary Italian operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007). Many accordionists have had the privilege of working with Pavarotti, including Frank Marocco, Joseph Macerollo, Penny Sanborn, Mike Timoney, Frank Caruso, Bart Beninco, Robert Atwood, Lou Fanucci, and Vito DiSalvo.

Swedish Accordionist to Perform with Pavarotti in USA

Swedish accordionist Ari Haatainen will perform with Pavarotti in July this year in the USA. Ari has played with Pavarotti on a number of occasions during the last ten years, firstly in Stockholm, Sweden (1989), Los Angeles, USA (1994), Gotenborg, Sweden (1996) Paris, France (1998) and five concerts in Stockholm, Oslo (Norway), Munchen (Germany) and Helsinki (Finland) during 1999. Ari has also played on Pavarotti's CD recordings and television appearances. Pieces include Neapolitan songs with Symphonic orchestra such as Non ti scordar di me, Mamma and Chitarra Romana.


Future events

Declan Aungier Gigs, Waterford, Galway – Irish Republic

Declan AungierAccordionist Declan Aungier plays for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Saturday March 8th – Crottys Lounge, Lemybrien, County Waterford
Sunday March 9th - Cheevers Lounge, Craughwell, County Galway


CT Tango Ensemble @ Stellenbosch University – South Africa

CT Tango Ensemble
The CT Tango Ensemble perform a ‘Piazzolla and beyond’ concert at Endler Hall, Stellenbosch University, on Tuesday March 11th, 8pm.

The CT Tango Ensemble line-up is Stanislav Angelov - bandoneon and accordion, Willie van Zyl - clarinet and saxophones, Albert Combrink – piano, Dave Ridgway - double bass

Other bookings this month include:
March 18th, 7.30pm - Concert with Tango & Gypsy music, Erinvale Golf Club, Somerset West March 21st, 8pm - Tango Jazz, The Crypt Jazz Restaurant, Cape Town

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Marko Kassl Diary Dates - Germany

Marko KasslAustrian accordionist Marko Kassl, performing with Project STATIONEN II (contemporary music from North Rhine-Westphalia), has the following forthcoming dates in March and April:

March 15th, 8pm – Musikhochschule Munster, Ludgeriplatz 1, D-48151 Münster
March 16th, 6pm – Hangar 21, Charles-Lindberg-Ring 10, D-32756 Detmold
March 22nd, 8pm – Musikschule Dortmund, Steinstrasse 35, D-44147 Dortmund
March 23rd, 6pm – Rudolf-Oetker Halle, Lampingstr. 16, D-33615 Bielefeld
March 28th, 8pm – Alte Feuerwache, Melchiorstrasse 3, D-50670 Cologne
March 30th, 6pm – VaBbenfersaal an-der-Ev. Stadkirche, Schulgasse 1, D-42853 Remscheid
March 31st, 6.30pm – Folkwang Musikschule, Thea-Leymann-Str. 23, D-45217 Essen
April 6th, 8pm – Theater im Ballsaal, Frongasse 9, D-53121 Bonn
April 10th, 8pm – Klangbrucke im Alten Kurhaus, Kurhausstrasse 1, D-52062 Aachen
April 11th, 8pm – Theatermuseum, Jägerhofstrasse 1, D-40479 Düsseldorf

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Renee de la Prade Gigs, California – USA

Renee de la PradeAccordionist Renee de la Prade, soon to spend the summer months travelling and performing in Europe, performs gigs this month, as follows:

March 15th, 3-6pm - with the Irish rebel rock band the Bog Savages, Irish Bank pub, San Francisco
March 17th, 3-6pm - with the Irish rebel rock band the Bog Savages, Irish Bank pub, SF
March 21st, 9pm – ‘Whiskey & Women’ show, Redwood Café, Cotati, CA

For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


Cajun Specials Dance, Manchester – UK

Cajun Specials Dance poster
The Cajun Specials perform at Chorlton Irish Club, High Lane, Manchester M21 9DJ, on Friday March 28th, 9pm. There is a dance workshop at 8pm. The proceeds from the evening go towards local anti-fracking campaigns.


Marcelo Caldi and Soraya Ravenie Gigs, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Marcelo Caldi and vocalist Soraya RavenieAccordionist Marcelo Caldi and vocalist Soraya Ravenie perform on Tuesday March 11th, 7pm, at the Teatro Sesc Ginástico, Av. Graça Aranha, 187, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The guitarist and composer Edú Krieger will be a special guest.

The following evening, March 12th, 7.30 until 9pm, Marcelo Caldi and Soraya Ravenie will be performing a tango-based programme at the Teatro Rival BR, Rua Álvaro Alvim, 33, 20031-010 Rio de Janeiro.


Summer Accordion Academies – France, Germany

The International Academy of Music Villelongue - dels-Monts (Pyrénées- Orientales) will take place from July 30th to August 11th. This multi disciplinary meeting - in addition to instrumental lessons and chamber music provided by major figures of the classical disciplines, jazz or traditional - offers a wide range of workshops nourishing musical practice.

Four intense days of festival welcoming thirty concerts given by teachers and students will conclude this exciting academy. For further information email: academie.delsmonts@gmx.fr

The Academy - Cortinas Festival 2014 will take place from August 23rd to 30th in Villingen, Germany, the heart of the Black Forest. The accordion will join the piano, violin, viola and cello, for a week of musical exchange and instrumental development.

Each evening the teachers give recitals and the final concert will be reserved for students with the most advanced will have the opportunity to be accompanied by the Festival Orchestra (contact us for possible concertos or pieces). Information and registration email: festivalcortinas@gmail.com

Music academies are opportunities for exchanges, discoveries, and they provide a place and a time to grow in the short and long term. They offer the chance for students to be in daily contact with brilliant musical personalities of all walks of life and all generations and share music with all the families of instruments, allowing for music practice room. They cater for all ages and all levels of enthusiasts in search of discovery and musical enjoyment to pre- professionals wishing to prepare effectively to specialist and senior curriculum.

We choose to partner to enjoy every student in our two courses and our artistic experiences, transmitting their sensitivity and knowledge acquired from great teachers (Hugo Noth, Teodoro Anzellotti, Philippe Bourlois, among others) in our international journey.

For further information email: fanny.vicens@orange.fr


New and Updated Sites

New Douglas Ward Site, Charnwood Publishing - UK

Douglas WardA new site for Douglas Ward listing over 70 compositions and arrangement of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing. Purchase with credit card online.


Renzo Ruggieri Publishes Virtuoso Entertainment Composition - Italy

catalog: rrenzo504, 'Carnevale'
Carnevale by Renzo Ruggieri can now be purchased online. This virtuoso entertainment composition by Renzo Ruggieri is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Renzo Ruggieri Releases New Solo Virtuoso Arrangement - Italy

Renzo Ruggiericatalog: rrenzo503, 'Tango Italiano'
This newly available virtuoso solo arrangement by Renzo Ruggieri can now be purchased online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Video above is Renzo performing the same work with his group. This is NOT the solo arrangement.


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minorCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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