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Weekly News from Around the World - 07-Feb-2014
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Primo piano

Carl Fortina (1929-2004), California - USA
8° Accordion Art Festival & Concorsi, Orpheus Award 2014 - Italia
Richard Galliano, Premio per il Miglior Compositore, ultimo video,Pacco regalo di 5 CD Rilasciato - Francia
Raduno Shand Morino, Scozia - Regno Unito

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Beltango Performing at the 10th Belgrade Tango Festival - Serbia
Video: Martynas Levickis Video and Performances - UK, Europe, China
Paul Chamberlain and Tuning his Accordion, Castelfidardo – Italy
Video: Miloš Milivojević Bach to Baby - UK
Video: Joe Escalante - USA
Video: Sonata by E. Podgaits - Russia
‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Accordion Dreams’ TV Documentary, February 2000

Future events

East Antrim Seniors Orchestra Concert, Belfast – UK
Jacques and Corinne Pellarin Gigs – France
Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA
Bruno Maurice Concert, New CD 'Mitango’, Paris – France
2014 Selbufestivalen Folk Festival - Norway
Gary Blair Gigs, Eastbourne, Cambridge, Guildford – UK
‘Grand Soiree Patoisante’, Saint-Joseph – France

New and Updated Sites

Amy Jo Sawyer releases her new eSheet music

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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Primo piano

Carl Fortina (1929-2004), California - USA

Carl FortinaCarl Fortina, forse "il fisarmonicista più registrato del mondo", è stato il primo fisarmonicista a farsi una carriera come turnista nel mondo del cinema di Hollywood, aprendo la strada per gli altri, in particolare Frank Marocco.
Fortina ha suonato nella colonna sonora di oltre 550 film, tra cui 'Colazione da Tiffany', 'How the West was Won', 'Love Me Tender ', 'Paint Your Wagon', 'Star Trek ', la trilogia 'Il Padrino' ecc, e anche per una stima di 25.000 spettacoli televisivi, come 'Bonanza'.
Quando Nino Rota, il compositore che ha scritto la musica per 'Il Padrino', ha sentito Carl suonare la colonna sonora, ha detto a Carl "Non suoni con le mani, tu suoni con il cuore".
Figlio di un fisarmonicista, Carl inizia a suonare all'età di 4 su un piccolo strumento. Con grande gioia di suo padre, Carl lo ascoltava suonare un semplice brano e poi lo ripeteva. Dotato di intonazione perfetta e una grande memoria, Carl seguiva le lezioni del noto maestro di San Francisco John Pezzolo, e all'età di appena 5 anni, fece il suo debutto pubblico in un concerto ad un festival della fisarmonica in California, davanti ad un pubblico di 15.000 persone.
Questo è stato l' inizio di una lunga carriera di grande successo come fisarmonicista.
Dopo due anni nell'esercito, Carl si stabilì a Los Angeles nel 1953.
Nel 1973, Carl era diventato un direttore d'orchestra per molte produzioni di Hollywood, e nel 1976 divenne il direttore d'orchestra per la Paramount Motion Pictures, una posizione che ha tenuto per 30 anni. Ha collaborato con molti personaggi famosi, come Elvis Presley, Cher, Barbara Streisand, John Williams, Marvin Hamlisch, Henry Mancini, per citarne solo alcuni.
Carl Fortina è stato nominato direttore onorario alla Convention Internazionale della fisarmonica di Las Vegas nel 2008. Era molto ben voluto e rispettato dai suoi pari, e considerato come un vero gentiluomo da parte di tutti coloro che lo conoscevano. E' deceduto a causa di un enfisema il 30 gennaio 2014 all'età di 84 anni.


8° Accordion Art Festival & Concorsi, Orpheus Award 2014 - Italia

8th Accordion Art Festival & Contests graphic
Renzo RuggieriGerlando GattoSono aperte le iscrizioni per l'8° Accordion Art Festival & Concorsi e Orpheus Award 2014, che è il premio della critica per le produzioni ( CD, DVD, MP3 ) del 2013 in cui il fisarmonicista ( anche bandoneon, armonica, diatonica ) leader o co - leader è italiano.
L' Orpheus è un premio simile agli Oscar per i film, dedicato alle società di produzione di produzioni di fisarmoniche.
I concorsi,festival e premiazioni si svolgeranno a Roseto degli Abruzzi ( TE, Italia ), il 14 e 15 luglio. Il direttore artistico sarà il noto giornalista musicale Gerlando Gatto (foto a destra) e l'organizzatore dell'evento è Renzo Ruggieri ( foto a sinistra ).
Gli organizzatori sono l'Associazione per la Promozione dell'Arte in collaborazione con il Comune di Pineto ( TE, Italia), il Club Voglia d'Arte e sponsor privati ?. Le iscrizioni chiudono il 30 aprile 2014.
Scarica regolamenti (solo per gli italiani) a: 2014Orpheus
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: info@accordionartfestival.com


Richard Galliano, Premio per il Miglior Compositore, ultimo video,Pacco regalo di 5 CD Rilasciato - Francia

Richard GallianoRichard Galliano è stato incoronato vincitore nella categoria 'Miglior Compositore di Musica Classica per la sua composizione dal titolo <<Fables of Tuba>>' alla 21° edizione di 'Victoires de la Musique Classique' il 3 febbraio presso il Grand Theatre de Provence Aix -en - Provence. L'evento è stato trasmesso da France TV.
Video sopra: Richard Galliano e Rafael Mejias ( duetto ) il 6 febbraio 2014, video della famosa composizione di Galliano Fou Rire eseguita in duetto con Rafael Mejias.
Un Pacco Regalo di 5 CD di Richard Galliano contenente 5 album diversi da questo leader fisarmonicista francese è disponibile tramite Amazon.
Disco 1: Waltz for Nicky, Java Indigo, Viaggio, Billie, Tango Pour Claude, Christopher's Bossa, Coloriage, Romance, Little Muse, Liberte Est une Fleur
Disco 2: Sang Mélé, Face to Face, Tribue to Joe Diorio, Beija-Flor, I Remember Clifford, Enlaces, Laurita, Berimbau/Sermao, Amandine, Framboise, Sous le Ciel de Paris, Azul Tango, Avec le Temps
Disco 3: Otoño Porteño, Invierno Porteño, Sur: Regreso al Amor, Concerto Pour Bandonéon et Orchestre "Aconcagua" – Final, Milonga del Angel, Michelangelo, Improvisation Sur le Thème "Libertango", Larura et Astor, Escuado, Présentation du Septet, Verano Porteño, Primavera Porteña
Disco 4: Tango Pour Claude, Taraf, Giselle, Little Tango, Oblivion, Chorino Pra Lee, Ivan Ivanovitch Kossiakof, Viaggio, Libetango, Indifference, Mozambique, Face to Face, J.F., Beija Flor
Disco 5: Ruby, My Dear, Insidieuse, Historia de un Amor, Bohemia After Dark, Gnossienne N°, Teulada, Naïa, Spleen, Waltz for Nicky


Raduno Shand Morino, Scozia - Regno Unito

Jimmy ShandShand MorinoIl raduno annuale Shand Morino si è tenuto domenica 19 gennaio presso l'Istituto Windygates, Fife, in Scozia, con la partecipazione di un gran numero di appassionati tra cui molti musicisti.
Bruce Lindsay Senior ha iniziato i procedimenti del pomeriggio con una breve storia della Shand Morino ( foto a destra ), una fisarmonica diatonica cromatica a 3 file britannica per primo prodotto da Hohner nel 1939 per Jimmy Shand.
Dopo il discorso introduttivo, c'è stato un concerto con George Wilson, Davy Ross, Roy Magna, Robin Waitt, Ian Cruickshanks, Alex Houston, Arthur Wood, Sandy McAllan, Archie Paterson, Davie Millar, Cody Roberts, Donal Ring, Scott Band, Roger Dobson, Andy Grieg, Bill Young, Ian Stewart, Gladys Wright - tutti solisti Shand Morino.
Il pomeriggio si è concluso in tipico stile scozzese con uno Stramash, con tutti i suonatori insieme sul palco per la finale con alcuni brani noti.
Ci sono stati molti altri musicisti presenti, alcuni hanno offerto l'accompagnamento, ma l'evento mira a celebrare l'iconica Shand Morino, resa famosa dal grande Sir Jimmy Shand (foto a sinistra).


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Beltango Performing at the 10th Belgrade Tango Festival - Serbia

Two videos published, 5th February 2014, of popular Quintet Beltango performing at the 10th Belgrade Tango Festival, Kolarac Concert Hall, Belgrade on 1st November 2013.

Video 1: Por Una Cabeza (Carlos Gardel)

Video 2: La Cumparsita (Gerardo Matos Rodríguez) with dancers Gustavo Rosas and Gisela Natoli.

Beltango Quintet members are: Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon/accordion), Ivana Nikolic (piano/vocal), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Bogdan Pejic (el.guitar), Ljubinko Lazic (double bass).

Available online, Triple CD Pack by Beltango


Video: Martynas Levickis Video and Performances - UK, Europe, China

Martynas LevickisVideo: Martynas Levickis Performs Adios Nonino by Astor Piazzolla

Lithuanian-born accordionist Martynas Levickis has a busy time in February, performing in several countries. His travels include:

February 5th to 9th - Italy
February 9th to 13th - UK
February 14th to 16th - Germany
February 17th to 27th - Lithuania
February 28th – special guest at ‘China’s Got Talent’, Shanghai, China


Paul Chamberlain and Tuning his Accordion, Castelfidardo – Italy

Paul ChamberlainKeeping an instrument in tune can be a nightmare for any professional musician, what with travelling to gigs on bumpy roads or playing in chilly concert halls. But few instrumentalists can claim to have as much of a journey as Paul Chamberlain, the classical accordionist who has just come back from Italy where he had his accordion tuned in the town where it was made.

Because of the complex nature of the accordion’s mechanisms, tuning Paul’s instrument requires a trip to Castelfidardo in Italy. When flying with the accordion, Paul has to purchase an additional seat as the instrument is just a little too large for normal hand-luggage requirements. Fortunately, tuning is only required every three or four years.

The complex tuning procedure involves splitting the accordion at the bellows to gain access to the instrument’s reeds, of which there are over 900. Each reed must be checked and double-checked until the tuning is correct, which most professional tuners are able to do by ear.

“Once all of the reeds have been tuned the accordion is re-assembled and a final check of all the reeds is done. I returned the following day to check everything and any minor corrections can be then done immediately,” says Paul. Saves a flight back to Italy!


Video: Miloš Milivojević Bach to Baby - UK

Video: Published on Jan 27, 2014 presents Miloš Milivojevic performing the "The Music Box" by Anatoly Lyadov.

Video by Alejandro Tamagno and copyright by Bach to Baby, critically acclaimed concerts for baby and you in locations across London and the South East. www.bachtobaby.com


Video: Joe Escalante - USA

Video: Joe Escalante and his group (picture below) performing at a church festival in San Antonio, Texas.

In the South Texas area, he is known as “The Abuser” or “The Accordion Abuser” because of the way his fingers hammer down on the buttons of his accordion.

Joe Escalante carries over forty years of musical experience around his shoulders, and he has recorded with many greats in the Tejano and Conjunto industry.
Joe Escalante (accordion) and group


Video: Sonata by E. Podgaits - Russia

Recorded at the Jubilee concert of Victor Romanko on the 27th December 2013 performed by A. Timofeev.


‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Accordion Dreams’ TV Documentary, February 2000

Hector Galan film makerThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending February 11th 2000 included an item about a documentary about the origins of the Texas-based Conjunto genre, also known as Tex-Mex

‘Accordion Dreams’ Documentary – USA
Contributed by Evy Ledesma

Documentary filmmaker Hector Galan is currently producing a documentary intended for national PBS broadcast in the USA entitled ‘Accordion Dreams’. This documentary will trace the journey of the accordion from Germany to South Texas, where it became the driving force behind a unique American musical genre called Conjunto, a music with German and Mexican influences. This program looks at today’s young rebel accordionists who have expanded this musical style to the fringes of rock, metal, and pop, while paying homage to its pioneers.

Galan has already produced ‘Songs of the Homeland’, a documentary featuring the accordion.


Future events

East Antrim Seniors Orchestra Concert, Belfast – UK

East Antrim Seniors Orchestra
On Friday February 7th, 7.45pm, the East Antrim Seniors Orchestra (MD Clyde Johnston) performs in concert at the Joanmount Methodist Church Hall, 1 Wallacy Park, North Belfast, Northern Ireland.

For further information email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk


Jacques and Corinne Pellarin Gigs – France

Video: "Tzigane Party" composed by Jacques Pellarin

The duo JAC - Jacques and Corinne Pellarin accordion/vocals live performances as follows:

February 8th – ‘Le relai Fleuri’, Chermigon d 'en Bas, Valais
March 1st - Restaurant ‘La queue de cochon’, private party, Chambéry
March 28th and 29th - Restaurant La Fleur de Lys, Porcel, Fribourg

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr
The duo JAC - Jacques and Corinne Pellarin


Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Victor Prieto Trio
The Victor Prieto Trio perform their jazz set on Tuesday February 11th, 10pm, at Terraza 7 Live Music, 40-19 Gleane Street, Elmhurst, New York.

With accordionist Victor Prieto for this gig are Jorge Roeder - bass, and Eric Doob – drums.

Victor Prieto writes, “Hey guys, many of you are asking me, if I have changed my accordion. Yes! I am not longer using the black one, due to the weight, too heavy and also the registration of the left hand. This is a small beast with a great sound, lighter and with a few changes on the left registers”.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Bruno Maurice Concert, New CD 'Mitango’, Paris – France

Bruno MauriceBruno Maurice performs in concert on Thursday February 13th, 8.30pm, at the Salle Cortot in Paris. He will be promoting his new solo accordion CD, ‘Mitango’, recorded in the Church of San Antonio, Rome, Italy. The recording contains many of Bruno’s own compositions and improvisations.

Video above is excerpts from a recital at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China, April 20, 2011, published 5th May 2013, of compositions and improvisations by Bruno Maurice.

For further information email: bmaurice33@gmail.com


2014 Selbufestivalen Folk Festival - Norway

The Selbufestivalen Folk Festival will be held from the July 31st to 3rd August in Norway. Artists for 2014 include popular Øivind Farmen, Lars Karlsson Band, Skjalg Bjørstad and Ole Bjarnes.

The event is organised by the Selbu Gammeldanslag, Selbu Trekkspillklubb (accordion club) and the Selbusjøen Hotel and Guesthhouse

For further information, email: post@selbugammeldanslag.no


Gary Blair Gigs, Eastbourne, Cambridge, Guildford – UK

Gary Blair Gigs posterScottish accordionist Gary Blair goes south this month into England for some performances, as follows:

February 14th to 17th - Eastbourne Accordion Festival, Cumberland Hotel, Eastbourne
February 18th, 7.30pm – Cambridge Accordion Club, Village Hall, Main St, Stow-cum-Quy, Cambridge
February 21st, 7.30pm – Guildford Accordion Club, Ripley Village Hall, Surrey GU23 6AF. The Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra will also be performing.


‘Grand Soiree Patoisante’, Saint-Joseph – France

‘Grand Soiree Patoisante’ poster
The ‘Grand Soiree Patoisante’ takes place on Saturday February 15th, 7pm, at the Salle du Restaurant Scolaire, Saint-Joseph, France. This will be dining and dancing to music by several accordionists.


New and Updated Sites

Amy Jo Sawyer releases her new eSheet music

Amy Jo SawyerAmy Jo Sawyer - accordionist, composer, performer, soloist, releases 3 new compositions for accordion available for purchase online.

catalog: sawyer01, 'Diggin' Dorian',
catalog: sawyer02, 'Elida',
catalog: sawyer03, 'Juntos ("Together")',

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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