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Weekly News from Around the World - 07-Dec-2012
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Primo piano

11 ° World Music Festival, Innsbruck - Austria
'Lips Concerto' Nuovo CD, Mosca - Russia
Concerti Nebl & Nebl & Masterclasses, Pechino, Tianjin e Shanghai - Cina
Mumford & Sons Nominato per 5 Grammy Awards - Regno Unito, Stati Uniti d'America
'El Encuentro: Un film per Bandoneon e violoncello' DVD, Monaco di Baviera - Germania
Regali di Natale per amici e parenti - Worldwide

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

João Gentil on tour in Brazil and Argentina
Video: Canto di Natale di Renzo Ruggieri
New CD ‘Spanish Music for Solo Accordion’ by Angel Luis Castaño - Spain
Video: XXVIII International Accordion Festival, St Petersburg – Russia
Video: Manu Blanchet song "It was in France that I was born!" - France
Chris Brinn & Jim Hyland @ NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA
Video: Trio Dacor Performing Live in Winterthur - Switzerland
Video: 'Rester Au Village' (Stay in the Village) by Mathieu Martinie - France
Many Groups Featuring Accordionists Nominated for Grammy Awards - USA
Video: Jérôme Robert Plays 'J'ai rangé dans ma mémoire' - France
‘14 Years Ago’ – James Bond supports the accordion!!

Future events

AAA Coupe Mondiale Qualifying Competitions, 16 March - USA
Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Alakotila Concerts/New CD – Austria, Czech Republic
Jubilee Klezmer Ensemble @ Aqus Café, California - USA
Rob Howard & John Jones @ Stockport Air Raid Shelters, Cheshire – UK
CNIMA Christmas Courses - France
Klezmer Dance Party & Yiddish Song, California – USA
Natalya Chesnova Concert, Milan – Italy
Zoltan Orosz Concerts, Budapest, Balatonlelle – Hungary

New and Updated Sites

Karen Fremar New Music
Gary Dahl updates music
New Website for Susan M. Hall, Artist, Kenya

CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

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Primo piano

11 ° World Music Festival, Innsbruck - Austria

11th World Music Festival, Innsbruck
Migliaia di fisarmoniche verranno ascoltate durante il 11 ° Festival World Music a Innsbruck, Austria, dal 9 al 12 maggio. Circa 10.000 amici della fisarmonica, circa 250 orchestre e gruppi provenienti da 15 paesi sono attesi in una delle gare di fisarmonica più grandi del mondo presso il convegno internazionale Centro Congressi di Innsbruck, e le altre fasi adiacenti.

Scarica la brochure Informazioni: 2013Innsbruck.pdf
con i regolamenti e le informazioni complete di contatto
Modulo d'iscrizione: 2013Innsbr_registration.pdf

Il concorso internazionale comprende diverse categorie, come orchestre e ensemble di fisarmoniche, musica da camera, orchestre, ensemble armonica organetto diatonico e nuovi strumenti musicali misti di fisarmonica e orchestra del mondo e gruppi folcloristici con un minimo di 1 fisarmonica con altri strumenti.

L'evento comprenderà anche ottimi concerti le sere e la Domenica 12 maggio, per la cerimonia di premiazione finale presso il Padiglione Olimpico di Innsbruck.

Dal 1983 il tedesco Deutscher Harmonika-Verband eV (DHV) organizzano il World Music Festival, ogni tre anni a Innsbruck, in Tirolo, Austria.

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare Margit Steinhilber, e-mail: steinhilber@dhv-ev.de


'Lips Concerto' Nuovo CD, Mosca - Russia

‘Lips Concerto’  CD coverQuesta settimana ha visto l'uscita di un nuovo CD di Friedrich Lips dal titolo 'Lips Concerto'. Catalogo: CD025

Nel suo 'Concerto per Bayan e Symphony Orchestra' (2009) AN Kholminov ha creato un imponente affresco, in cui sullo sfondo dell'orchestra sinfonica, è stato descritto il bayan come strumento solista in un modo molto luminoso e pulsante.
La dedica speciale dell'artista si esprime nel titolo di E. Podgaits ''Lips Concerto per Bayan e Symphony Orchestra ''(2001) si basa su una serie di simboli concreti. Così, l'invenzione di Bach in fa maggiore inizia con 'fa - la' , che corrisponde alle iniziali dell'artista.

Le cifre del numero di telefono dell'artista (3152824) risultano in una melodia, che il compositore utilizza con umorismo in diversi passaggi. Durante tutto il concerto, la bellezza magnifica armonica dell'ellisse (questa parola contiene anche il cognome dell'artista) è affascinante per il pubblico.

Grazie alla sua visione brillante e ottimistica del mondo, il compositore conferma la vita, la bellezza e la gioia dell'esistenza.

Per ulteriori informazioni e per l'acquisto online: CD025
‘Lips Concerto’  CD inlay


Concerti Nebl & Nebl & Masterclasses, Pechino, Tianjin e Shanghai - Cina

Nebl & Nebl Concert in Beijing
Tango 1 (by Andreas Nebl), performed by Andreas Nebl (accordion) and Frank Nebl (clarinet)
Divertimento 5. Satz KV 439b (W.A. Mozart)
Il duo tedesco di fisarmonica / clarinetto Nebl & Nebl ha accettato l'invito del Prof. Cao Xiao-Qing a visitare la Cina,dal 19 novembre al 27. I due sono fratelli, Andreas Nebl (docente di fisarmonica presso il conservatorio Hohner-Trossingen) e Frank Nebl (clarinetto). Foto sopra.

Il primo concerto si è svolto il 20 novembre al Conservatorio Centrale di Pechino, e il 22 il duo è stato ospite presso il Collegio di Musica di Tianjin. Questi erano i primi concerti da parte di un duo europeo di fisarmonica / clarinetto in un'accademia di musica cinese, e sono stati previsti con molto interesse ed entusiasmo.

Il 20 e 21 novembre le master classes di Nebl & Nebl si sono tenute presso il Conservatorio Centrale di Pechino, e il 24 Andreas Nebi ha tenuto una conferenza sulla fisarmonica a Tianjin. Il duo poi si è recato presso la Normal University di Shanghai, per un concerto organizzato dal Prof. Li Cong e Asst. Prof. Crystal Wang, e per tenere una conferenza sul tema della musica da camera.

Il tour è stato reso possibile grazie al generoso supporto della Hohner.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: AndiNebl@gmx.de
Participants in Beijing


Mumford & Sons Nominato per 5 Grammy Awards - Regno Unito, Stati Uniti d'America

Mumford & Sons
Mumford & Sons Babel CD Cover, Ben Lovett (accordion)Mumford & Sons Nominato per 5 Grammy Awards - Regno Unito, Stati Uniti d'America
Rita Davidson

I 2.013 candidati ai Grammy Awards sono stati annunciati il ??Mercoledì 5 Dicembre 2012, come parte della trasmissione televisiva "The Grammy Nominations Concert Live!" Di Bridgestone Arena di Nashville.

Kanye West, Jay-Z, Frank Ocean, Mumford & Sons, fun. e Dan Auerbach dei The Black Keys tutti collegati per maggior numero di nomination, 5 nomination per ciascuno!

Mumford & Sons sono stati nominati nelle seguenti categorie:
Album of the Year - "Babel"
Miglior Performance Rock - "I Will Wait"
Miglior canzone Rock - "I Will Wait"
Miglior Album Americano - "Babel"
Miglior canzone scritta per Visual Media - "Learn Me Right ( da Brave)"
Miglior Video Musicale Long Form - "Big Easy Express"

Mumford & Sons sono un gruppo rock inglese. La band è composta da Marcus Mumford (voce, chitarra, batteria, mandolino), Ben Lovett (voce, tastiere, fisarmonica, batteria), "Country" Winston Marshall (voce, banjo, dobro, chitarra), e Ted Dwane (voce, stringa basso, batteria, chitarra).

Babel, il secondo album dei Mumford & Sons , ha debuttato al numero uno nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti ed è diventato l'album più venduto del 2012.

La 55 ° edizione dei Grammy Awards si terrà il 10 febbraio 2013 a Los Angeles presso lo Staples Center.
Mumford & Sons


'El Encuentro: Un film per Bandoneon e violoncello' DVD, Monaco di Baviera - Germania

Dino Saluzzi and Anja Lechner
El Encuentro DVD cover'El Encuentro: Un film per Bandoneon e Violoncello', di Norbert Wiedmer ed Enrique Ros, segue il bandoneonista Dino Saluzzi e la violoncellista Anja Lechner in Argentina, Germania, Armenia, Italia, Paesi Bassi e Svizzera. "La percezione della musica e il modo di suonare cambia quando sei in viaggio", dice Anja Lechner. La fotocamera si unisce al viaggio e sottolinea il punto, illuminando i processi del fare musica in contesti molto diversi.

Questi due musicisti provenienti da esperienze diverse - Dino da tango del Sud America e tradizioni popolari e Anja dal mondo della musica classica europea, hanno lavorato a stretto contatto sin dalla metà degli anni 1990.

'El Encuentro' (L'incontro) offre approfondimenti sulla vita di questi musicisti che viaggiano, come si è visto, in tour e con il compositore Tigran Mansurian, l'arrangiatore Levon Eskenian, il pianista George Gruntz, e il fratello di Dino, il sassofonista / clarinettista Felix Saluzzi.

Il viaggio culmina in un concerto di musica di Dino con la Metropole Orchestra nel Musziekgebow, Amsterdam.

Il DVD è in formato Pal, disponibile su tutte le regioni, pubblicato il 3 dicembre 2012 e disponibile su Amazon.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: ecmrecords@ecmrecords.com


Regali di Natale per amici e parenti - Worldwide

Christmas GiftsSono state inserite delle novità alla sezione Idee per un regalo di Natale: 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Queste idee sono state pensate per attirare la vostra attenzione e per trascorrere momenti con artisti della fisarmonica, compositori, arrangiatori e le imprese.

Vi invitiamo a sostenere l'industria della fisarmonica e a scegliere tra oltre 2,100 brani musicali “e-sheet”, 270 CD / DVD 's, 990 eTracks, e 833 opere su carta stampata, libri (testo) tra cui scegliere. 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

João Gentil on tour in Brazil and Argentina

Portuguese accordionist João Gentil was invited to the Festival Porteño de Fado y Tango de Buenos Aires, Argentina. The invitation come from the famous Tango singer Karina Beorlegui, who met João Gentil on his tour last year.
João Gentil returns to the southern hemisphere for a tour, passing by Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and Argentina.

With the aim of promoting his CD called ‘ConLatinidade’, João Gentil has a busy schedule with concerts in Porto Alegre, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Paranà.
Featured in the concerts is the Festival Porteño de Fado y Tango de Buenos Aires, where he performed on December 5th at the Almagro Tango Club.
This is the third consecutive year that the Portuguese accordionist has crossed the Atlantic to promote his work. "Being invited to participate in the first Festival Porteño of Fado y Tango de Buenos Aires, makes me very happy! Back to the land of tango where I started recording my album ‘ConLatinidade’ and also to visit friends and musicians there as the accordion player Alejandro Brittes", says João Gentil.
On his return to Portugal, where he lives, he will perform at the Cultural Center acapella in Coimbra, Portugal, on December 21st, at 11.30pm.

For further information email: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Video: Canto di Natale di Renzo Ruggieri

Renzo RuggieriConcerto jazz di Natale tratto dal celebre racconto di Charles Dickens, adattamento letterario di Clio Pizzingrilli. Renzo Ruggieri (accordion), Tiziana de Angelis (voce, recitazione) and Mauro de Federicis (guitar).

"Canto di Natale" nasce da un'idea alternativa ai tradizionali concerti natalizi, nondimeno è rivolto ad un pubblico ampio. Definito come la più bella storia sul Natale, narra la conversione di un avaro impenitente in un uomo buono e generoso.Scrooge, termine che in inglese significa spilorcio, redime la propria misera e colpevole esistenza attraverso l'incontro di tre spiriti che rappresentano il Natale passato, presente e futuro.

Una ricerca musicale attenta alle atmosfere del racconto, ora gotiche, tenebrose, ora delicate e gioiose, accompagna l'ascoltatore nel magico mondo dickensiano. Il concerto si conclude con l'esecuzione di celebri melodie natalizie reinterpretate dai performer.

9 CD disponibile online su: Renzo Ruggieri


New CD ‘Spanish Music for Solo Accordion’ by Angel Luis Castaño - Spain

‘Spanish Music for Solo Accordion’ by Angel Luis Castaño CD coverSpanish concert accordionist Angel Luis Castaño has presented this week his new CD ‘Spanish music for solo accordion’ (volume 2). This CD includes works for solo accordion premiered and dedicated to Angel Luis Castaño by famous Spanish composers Tomás Marco, Claudio Prieto, David del Puerto, José Mª García Laborda, Enrique Igoa, and Carlos Perón.

The main objective of ‘Spanish music for solo accordion’, volumes 1 and 2, is to promote the new repertory for solo accordion  written by Spanish composers who, after having taken contact with the instrument and Angel Luis Castaño´s work as concert accordionist, they have decided to enlarge the Spanish repertory with original music for solo accordion.

Both CDs, volume 1 and 2, inlcude music by Spanish National  Music Awarded composers like G. Olavide (1987), T. Marco (2002), J. Rueda (2004), D. Del Puerto (2005), C. Camarero (2006), J. Soler (2009), and J. Torres (2012).
Angel Luis Castaño is preparing new recordings for next year: the expected CD for 2 accordions as a duo with the famous Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen, and a solo CD with original music and transcriptions.

For further information email: raquelru@gmail.com  and musicforaccordion@yahoo.com

7 CD's available online at: Angel Luis Castaño


Video: XXVIII International Accordion Festival, St Petersburg – Russia

Video 1
Video 2

Video 3
Two weeks ago, we had an article about the XXVIII International Accordion Festival was held in St Petersburg from November 3rd to 5th. A photo report is online at: XXVIII Report

Now, some videos of performances have been released by Vitaly Pugachev.

Video 1: Duo "Expression" Irina and Alexey Daraganov's (Minsk, Belarus) playing Czardas, V. Monti

Video 2: "Siberian duo" Andrey Bitutskikh and Alexander Sirotkin, playing "Breeze and Dreams"

Video 3: "Siberian duo" Andrey Bitutskikh and Alexander Sirotkin, playing "Caravan"


Video: Manu Blanchet song "It was in France that I was born!" - France

Manu Blanchet is the Jean Ségurel Chamberet Trophy winner for 2012 with his song "It was in France that I was born!" Registering his first appearance October 19, 2012


Chris Brinn & Jim Hyland @ NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA

New Hampshire Accordion Association Banner
Call it the luck of the Irish! On November 17th Saint Patrick's Day was celebrated four months early with a very pleasant surprise for members and guests at NHAA's monthly meeting.
NHAA members had anticipated hearing the award-winning accordionist Chris Brinn, but they had not expected him to bring along his multi-instrumental friend, Jim Hyland, who plays guitar, Irish fiddle, and diatonic button accordion.  
Chris and Jim perform regularly in and around Belfast, Maine, including at the Maine Celtic Celebration, an annual festival which will next take place July 19th-21st 2013.  
After a lively concert, Chris and Jim stayed around for an informal jam session and folks were having so much fun, that the rest of the planned meeting agenda was shelved.  

The next NHAA meeting is on Saturday December 15th. For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Video: Trio Dacor Performing Live in Winterthur - Switzerland

Trio Dacor performing live in Winterthur, published on 5th November 2012. Trio Dacor members are: Paolo d'Angelo (accordion), Jaqueline Ott (marimba), Jojo Kunz (double bass).


Video: 'Rester Au Village' (Stay in the Village) by Mathieu Martinie - France

An extract from the DVD of Mathieu Martinie titled "A la Ségurel" produced and distributed by Boulevard Studio and available from cdaccordeon.com


Many Groups Featuring Accordionists Nominated for Grammy Awards - USA

Corey LedetWilson SavoyThe 2013 Grammy Awards nominees were announced on Wednesday, December 5, 2013 as part of “The Grammy Nominations Concert Live!” telecast from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville. The nominees for the 55th Grammy Awards included some familiar Louisiana faces who were nominated in several categories.

In the Best Regional Roots album category, Corey Ledet (pictured left) & His Zydeco Band earned a nomination for Nothin' But the Best, as did supergroup trio Wayne Toups, Steve Riley and Wilson Savoy (pictured right) for their The Band Courtbouillon.

The complete list of nominees in this category are:
Best Regional Roots Music Album
Malama Ko Aloha (Keep Your Love) – Keola Beamer
Shi Kéyah Songs For The People – Radmilla Cody
Pilialoha – Weldon Kekauoha
Nothin’ But The Best – Corey Ledet With Anthony Dopsie, Dwayne Dopsie And
André Thierry
The Band Courtbouillon – Wayne Toups, Steve Riley & Wilson Savoy

More detailed news about the Lousiana groups which feature the accordion in the January www.accordionusa.com news.

The Grammy Awards will take place on February 10, 2013.


Video: Jérôme Robert Plays 'J'ai rangé dans ma mémoire' - France

Published on Dec 2, 2012, Extract from DVD, Site internet: www.jerome-robert.fr
Jérôme Robert Plays 'J'ai rangé dans ma mémoire' - France


‘14 Years Ago’ – James Bond supports the accordion!!

‘Capercaillie’ Band banner
The Accordions Worldwide news for December 4th 1998 included a report from Australia that the actor Sean Connery, who is Scottish, had publicly praised Capercaillie, who were on tour from Scotland. James Bond star Connery’s endorsement did much to enhance Capercaillie’s support and reputation. Capercaillie, formed in 1984 by Donald Shaw, are still going strong.


The Daily Telegraph (Australia) included an article recently about Scottish funk band ‘Capercaillie’ who are currently touring Australia. The group, which includes accordionist Donald Shaw, believe that since popular film star Sean Connery called them "extraordinary", they have attracted younger, more diverse crowds.

He said, "audiences changed dramatically after the high-profile endorsement". When they first performed in Australia a few years ago they played for an older crowd who they believe went away confused as their music isn't the traditional sing-along sound people thought they were going to hear.


Future events

AAA Coupe Mondiale Qualifying Competitions, 16 March - USA

AAA logoIn a break from tradition, the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Coupe Mondiale qualifying competitions will not be held during their annual festival. For 2013, the Coupe Mondiale qualifying competitions will be held on March 16, 2013 at the Hanover Marriott in Whippany, NJ.

Because the Coupe Mondiale will be held in Victoria, BC just a few days after the AAA Festival in August, the AAA has arranged to host the qualifying events during the MAMTG Festival in March giving candidates sufficient time to prepare for the Coupe Mondiale in August.

Attachment for rules and category information: 2013AAA_Coupe.pdf

For additional information, contact the AAA office at ameraccord1938@gmail.com OR Mary Tokarski for individual category entry forms – mary.tokarski@comcast.net
203-484-5095 – 15 Maplewood Lane, Northford, CT 06472.


Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Alakotila Concerts/New CD – Austria, Czech Republic

Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Alakotila Concerts/New CD
Accordionist Maria Kalaniemi and pianist/harmonium player Timo Alakotila, from Finland, have released a new CD, ‘Akero’.

The duo are performing as follows:
December 7th - Forum Kloster, Gleisdorf, Austria
December 8th - Bühnenwirtshaus Juster, Gutenbrunn, Austria
December 9th - Palac Akropolis, Prague, Czech Republic

For further information email: sabina@cultureworks.at


Jubilee Klezmer Ensemble @ Aqus Café, California - USA

Jubilee Klezmer Ensemble
The Jubilee Klezmer Ensemble perform again at Aqus Café, corner of 2nd and H Streets, Petaluma, California, on Sunday December 9th, 2 to 4.30pm.

The band say, free admission if you say (or even don’t say) "I love klezmer music!" (although we do appreciate tips) We will have CDs for sale for those who would like to bring us home with them.

The band line up is: Paul Alexander (clarinet), Phil Lawrence (mandolin), Sonia Tubridy (accordion), Mark Peabody (acoustic bass), and Alby Kass (Yiddish vocals).

For further information email: jubileeklezmer@gmail.com


Rob Howard & John Jones @ Stockport Air Raid Shelters, Cheshire – UK

Rob HowardAccordionists Rob Howard and John Jones perform war songs and carols at the Stockport Air Raid Shelters on December 10th and 17th, 7.30pm. The evening includes a tour of the wartime shelters, mince pies and wine.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


CNIMA Christmas Courses - France

CNIMA Christmas Courses


Klezmer Dance Party & Yiddish Song, California – USA

The Klezmer Dance Party & Yiddish Song takes place on December 13th, 9pm, at Subterranean Arthouse, 2169 Bancroft, Berkeley, CA. Various singers, dancers and musicians include JIm Rebhan (accordion), and Ilana Sherer (violin).
For further information email: mperlmut@hotmail.com


Natalya Chesnova Concert, Milan – Italy

Natalya ChesnovaRussian accordionist Natalya Chesnova performs in concert on December 14th, 8.30pm, at Via Plana, Milan 45, Italy.


Zoltan Orosz Concerts, Budapest, Balatonlelle – Hungary

Zoltan OroszLeading Hungarian accordionist Zoltan Orosz performs this month as follows:

December 14th, 9pm – ‘Joy of Music’ concert, Marczibányi Téri Muvelodési Központ (Outdoor Activities Centre), Marczibányi tér 5/a (Square), Budapest

December 19th, 6pm – with guitarist Zoltan Balogh, Balatonlelle - Városi Muvelodési Ház és Könyvtár, Kossuth Lajos u. 2-4, 8638 Balatonlelle

December 23rd, 4pm – Town Hall square, 2400 Dunaújváros

December 29th and 30th, 7.30pm – Savaria Symphony Orchestra New Year’s Eve Galas, Bartók Hall, Rákóczi, 9700 Szombathely

For further information email: info@harmonika.hu

4 CD's available online at: Zoltan Orosz


New and Updated Sites

Karen Fremar New Music

Karen FremarKaren Fremar - accordionist, composer, releases 4 new original compositions for accordion, available for purchase online.

catalog: kfremar-FB-802 'Nocturne',
catalog: kfremar-A-104 'Turtle Tale (Blues)',
catalog: kfremar-A-105 'Jumping Jack',
catalog: kfremar-A-106 'Space Odyssey',

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl updates music

Gary Dahl music catalog:DH0171 - 'Pigalle'Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music title for purchase on-line.

catalog:DH0004 - 'Padam…Padam' and
catalog:DH0171 - 'Pigalle'

Sample for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


New Website for Susan M. Hall, Artist, Kenya

New Website for Susan M. Hall, Artist, Kenya showing her artwork, biography and contact information.


CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

Stas & Sam - Two Step CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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