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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-Mar-2020
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Primo piano

2020 Congresso Invernale e 143° Assemblea Generale dei Delegati - Repubblica Ceca
Beltango Quinteto Tour in Austria
Buon compleanno, George Washington! - STATI UNITI D'AMERICA
NOVAM Accordion Orchestra Festival, 22 orchestre - Paesi Bassi

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Frankfurt Musikmesse 2020 Postponed - Germany
Art Bonus Supports the Accordion Museum Castelfidardo – Italy
Successful NAO Thames Area Festival & Special Awards – UK

Future events

Duo Tutto a Dio plus Neringa Radėnaitė on 29 Concert Tour
Stas Venglevski Presents 5 Concerts/Workshops in 5 days, Washington, DC - USA
Duo Fisarco Launch Concerts - UK
Accordionist Ivan Tecla at Quiosque Do Alemao - Brazil
Kosmos Ensemble at Linlithgow Arts Guild Concert - Scotland
Accordionist Pietro Roffi Performs in “Pinocchio” - Italy
Mixed Instruments Workshop in Ettrickbridge - UK
Moscow International House of Music Concert – Russia
Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes – Spain

New and Updated Sites

Sito NZAA aggiornato: Raccolta Fondi per la Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica per i concorrenti della Coupe Mondiale della Nuova Zelanda - Nuova Zelanda
Pagine Gialle/Eventi Fisarmonica - Cyberspace
Kateryna Pylypenko New Music and Recordings - Ukraine

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Primo piano

2020 Congresso Invernale e 143° Assemblea Generale dei Delegati - Repubblica Ceca

2020 Winter Congress header
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaJirí Lukeš, Kevin FriedrichLa Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), il Presidente Mirco Patarini, il Segretario Generale Kimmo Mattila, hanno tenuto la 143° Assemblea Generale dei Delegati e Congresso Invernale a Praga, Repubblica Ceca, da venerdì 28 febbraio a domenica 1° marzo. Il Congresso Invernale è stato ospitato dal membro votante della CIA, il Conservatorio di musica di Praga sotto la direzione di Jirí Lukeš. Programma degli eventi: 2020Winter.pdf

Oltre alle riunioni dell'Assemblea Generale della CIA, alle riunioni del Comitato esecutivo e musicale, l'evento di tre giorni comprendeva eventi come concerti, eventi educativi e impegni sociali. Un momento culminante è stato un concerto dedicato alla memoria di Milan Bláha e Václav Trojan in cui l'ospite d'onore ha incluso la signora Bláha e Václav Trojan Junior. Inoltre, un altro concerto ha visto la Czech Accordion Music, esibizioni delle compagnie musicali ceche Harmonikas, Delicia e Techgal, una crociera serale sul fiume e una cena ospitata dalla Czech Accordion Association.

Durante le riunioni dell'Assemblea Generale, sono stati condotti numerosi articoli, tra cui l'organizzazione dei prossimi festival Coupe Mondiale e degli incontri del Congresso Invernale e altri elementi commerciali. Cinque nuovi membri votanti sono stati accolti alla CIA:
* Bosnia ed Erzegovina - Association of Artists (Bijeljina);
* Bulgaria - The Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts (Plovdiv);
* Francia - Centre National et Internationale de Musique d'Accordéon (CNIMA J. Mornet);
* Corea del Sud - Korean Accordion Association
* Slovenia - Association of Slovenian Accordionists (Starše).

La posizione dell'ambasciatore della CIA (un incarico esecutivo consultivo dal 2009) è stata trasferita a membro a pieno titolo del comitato esecutivo. Kevin Friedrich, che ha ricoperto la nomina iniziale, è stato nominato dalla Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) e all'unanimità eletto per continuare la sua posizione di ambasciatore in questo ruolo recentemente ristrutturato.

Attirando più di 35 delegati da tutto il mondo, l'evento di tre giorni è stato un enorme successo e sono stati offerti molti riconoscimenti al Conservatorio di Praga, membro votante alla CIA, per la sua eccellente organizzazione e ospitalità.

Ulteriori informazioni riguardanti la CIA e la Coupe Mondiale sono reperibili online e periodicamente aggiornate man mano che vengono annunciate informazioni e attività.
Congress attendees and concert performers


Beltango Quinteto Tour in Austria

Beltango Quinteto
Il Beltango Quinteto sarà in tournée in Austria questo mese con una varietà di concerti popolari.

Beltango è stata fondata a Belgrado, in Serbia, nel 1998, dal professore, bandoneonista e compositore Aleksandar Nikolic. Quinteto Beltango esegue una varietà di pezzi di tango, da quelli tradizionali, composizioni della tendenza tango nuevo di Astor Piazzolla e tango moderno. Presentano anche le loro composizioni Beltango dell'opera "Balkango".

Hanno avuto altrettanto successo esibendosi su grandi podi di concerti, sale sinfoniche, palcoscenici teatrali, sale da camera classiche, balli di tango, gran milongas, festival e in altri luoghi in cui rivive lo spirito del tango. Infatti, nei loro 20 anni di attività artistica hanno suonato più di 900 concerti in circa 30 paesi.

Quinteto Beltango ha anche collaborato con l'Associazione Tango di Belgrado e ha ospitato l’International Belgrade Tango Festival per 10 anni (2004-2013).

Hanno pubblicato cinque CD disponibili online su: Beltango
Le date del tour sono le seguenti:

19 marzo: Viennese Accordion Festival, Ehrbar-Saal, ore 20:00
20 marzo: Vaz der Arbeiterkammer NÖ, ore 19:30 - 40 Years of International Accordion Concerts in Neunkirchen
21 marzo: Bad Leonfelden, Haus am Ring, ore 19:30
28 marzo: Steyr, Pfarrsaal, ore 21:00
29 marzo: St. Andrä, Rathausfestsaal, ore 17:00

Per ulteriori dettagli sul concerto scrivere a: info@beltango.com


Buon compleanno, George Washington! - STATI UNITI D'AMERICA

US Air Force Band
Below: Recent US Air Force Band videos with Senior Master Sergeant Busso:

Senior Master Sergeant Frank BussoVideo: video recenti della US Air Force Band con il Sergente Maggiore Busso:
Nella foto sopra: US Air Force Strolling Strings, gruppo completo, USAF Band, a Mt Vernon.

In commemorazione del 288° compleanno di George Washington, la United States Air Force Strolling Strings si è esibita a Mount Vernon in Virginia, negli Stati Uniti, il 22 febbraio.

Le selezioni includevano "Ashokan Farewell" di Jay Ungar, "Hoe Down" di Aaron Copland dal suo balletto "Rodeo", "Billie Jean" di Michael Jackson e "I Feel Good" di James Brown.

Il fisarmonicista dell'Air Force Strolling Strings è il Sergente Maggiore Frank Busso, originario di Staten Island, New York, USA.

Le sue prossime esibizioni pubbliche saranno con l'ensemble Celtic Aire della US Air Force Band, 6-8 marzo al North Texas Irish Festival a Dallas, Texas, USA.
Senior Master Sergeant Frank Busso


NOVAM Accordion Orchestra Festival, 22 orchestre - Paesi Bassi

Muziekcentrum van de Omroep
NOVAM posterIl festival orchestrale NOVAM (Nederloadse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica) si terrà presso il Muziekcentrum van de Omroep (foto sopra) a Hill Lane, Hilversum il 26 aprile 2020.

Ad oggi, 22 orchestre si sono registrate per l'evento e le iscrizioni sono ancora aperte.

Tutti gli appassionati di fisarmonica sono invitati a partecipare.

Per dettagli scrivere a: info@mco.nl


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Frankfurt Musikmesse 2020 Postponed - Germany

musikmesse logoThe Musikmesse gathers about 56,000 visitors and close to 1,000 exhibitors annually.

"Public-health authorities in Frankfurt for 2020 required a health check to prevent the Covid-19 virus infection spreading and Messe Frankfurt is unable to implement such measures for such numbers" says Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt GmbH.

Therefore the Musikmesse 2020 has been postponed indefinitely. The new dates will be announced in the near future. Visitor admission tickets continue to be valid.

For further details phone: +49 69 7575-6335


Art Bonus Supports the Accordion Museum Castelfidardo – Italy

Museum Castelfidardo
The Accordion Museum Castelfidardo building is currently being refurbished after some 40 years and will reopen on May 9th, 2020. Some 15,000 people visit each year, making the Accordion Museum Castelfidardo one among the most popular venues, of the Marche region.

The Municipality of Castelfidardo has organised an Art Bonus which will allow contributors to take advantage of significant tax benefits in the form of a tax credit of 65%, for donations to support culture. Donations can be made as follows:

Beneficiary: Municipality of Castelfidardo
IBAN: IT11N0200837281000040883886
Purpose: Art Bonus - Municipality of Castelfidardo - International Accordion Museum - Entering tax code or VAT number of the patron / subscriber

The refurbishment includes the creation of additional display cases, an updated and modern exhibition, the installation of equipment such as a projector, awning, computer and LED monitor.

The musuem writes: If you love the accordion, help us to complete the Museum with the Art Bonus project.


Successful NAO Thames Area Festival & Special Awards – UK

NAO banner, Eddie Giffney, Alison Worthington, John Cumiskey
TrophiesPicture above, left to right: Eddie Giffney (adjudicator), Alison Worthington (organiser) and John Cumiskey (MC).

As the rain once again fell over the UK on February 29th, the NAO Thames Area Festival provided an opportunity to keep dry. On offer was soloists, duets, ensembles and orchestra competitors playing programs ranging from Beethoven, Scarlatti, Galliano to TV shows (Game of Thrones) to Movie Scores (Mary Poppins and Schindler's List).

The adjudicator this year was Eddie Giffney, who has recently moved from New Zealand to London, UK. He is a multi-instrumentalist and received his Masters of Music with Distinction from the Royal College of Music. He has achieved considerable success on three instruments: piano, accordion and harpsichord. He has competed at the Coupe Mondiale and has twice been the South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) Champion on the classical accordion.

There was a record number of orchestras attending this year, with 5 orchestras entering 6 different classes. It provided for an exceptional afternoon of music, with a variety of genres to please everyone.

Three awards were presented:

Bridget Cumiskey Trophy:- Highest Mark for Solo/Duet - awarded to Ann-Claire Herr

The James Mullally Cup:- For outstanding performance and encouragement - awarded to Sylvester Maschi.

The London Accordion Cup:- Highest Mark for Ensemble/Orchestra - awarded to Amici.

Pictures below:
- Amici, left to right - Marion Szuman, Melanie Wright, Ben Smith, Richard Cotmore, Ruth Matthews and Cheryl Beasley.
- Kennet Accordion Orchestra
Amici, Kennet Accordion Orchestra


Future events

Duo Tutto a Dio plus Neringa Radėnaitė on 29 Concert Tour

Tutto a Dio
Video 1:

Video 2:
Tutto a DioNeringa RadenaiteVideo 1: Tango pour Claude - "Tutto a Dio"
Video 2: Augustinas at 2018 Coupe Mondiale 1st Round.

The duo Tutto a Dio of Greta Staponkute-Rakau (viola) and Augustinas Rakauskas (accordion) write: "This year (officially on March 11) is the 30th Anniversary of Lithuania independence and we created a special program.

One part is Lithuanian music arrangements and original pieces and the second part is mostly Tango including many pieces by Astor Piazzolla. This is why we called this series of concerts "Baltic Tango”. The goal to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Lithuania was to make 30 concert tour that includes concerts in USA, Canada, Switzerland and Lithuania."

One club had to cancel at the last moment so this is why you see 29 concerts listed below.

"Tutto a Dio" duet has held recitals in California, Meine, Florida, the Consulate General of Lithuania in New York (USA), Switzerland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece.

The Duo has achieved international competition sucess at the “Coupe Mondiale in 2017and 2018”.

2020 "Baltic Tango" Performances include:
Greta Staponkute-Rakau (viola), Augustinas Rakauskas (accordion), Neringa Radenaite (soprano):

1. February 25th., 6 pm., GSTAAD (Switzerland)
2. February 28th., 12 pm., Nashua Public Library, NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA)
3. February 28th., 6 pm., Rodgers Memorial Library, HUDSON, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA)
4. February 29th., 12 pm., St. Mass, 13 pm, Concert KENNEBUNK, MAINE (USA)
5. February 29th., 7 pm., Maironis Park, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSSETTS (USA)
6. March 1st., 1 pm., Lithuanian Hall, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND (USA)
7. March 3rd., 8 pm., The Resurrection Monastery, TORONTO, ONTARIO (Canada)
8. March 4th., 5:30 pm., Vilnius Manor House, TORONTO, ONTARIO (Canada)
9. March 6th., 1 pm., Private event at the Lithuanian Embassy, OTTAWA, ONTARIO (Canada)
10. March 7th., 2 pm., Dawn Gate Parish Hall, MONTREAL, QUEBEC (Canada)
11. March 8th., 1 pm., Lithuanian Music Hall, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)
12. March 10th., 4 pm., 5500 Grossmont Center Dr, La Mesa SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
13. March 10th., 6:30 pm., 5500 Grossmont Center Dr, La Mesa, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
14. March 11th., 8 pm., First Christian Church of North HOLLYWOOD, L.A. CALIFORNIA (USA)
15. March 12th., 7:15 pm., The Runaway Restaurant, NAPA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
16. March 13th., 7:30 pm., Welcome Grange at 3275 Hagen Road, NAPA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
17. March 14th., 2 pm., 1st Congregational Church, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
18. March 15th., 3 pm., Chetcuti Community room, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
19. March 17th., 5 pm., “The Hamilton” 555 Byron St., PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
20. March 19th., 7:30 pm., NAA Convention Hayatt Regency Hotel North Dallas, Richardson, TEXAS
21. March 20th., 7 pm., 280 DonOre Rd., SALT SPRING ISLAND (CANADA)
22. March 21st., 8 pm., UVic Legacy Art Gallery, VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)
23. March 22nd., 3 pm., 1812 9th Ave, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
24. March 22nd., 7 pm., Ronald United Methodist Church, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
25. March 23rd., Accordion Workshop, Petosa Accordions, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
26. March 27th., 7 pm., Accordion Recital, Lithuanian Hall, EDMONTON, (CANADA)
27. March 28th., 5:30 pm., Accordion Recital, Lithuanian Cultural Society, CALGARY, (CANADA)
28. April 2nd., 12.30 pm., Caecilia Hall, GENEVA (SWITZERLAND)
29. April 16th., Gariunai Hall, VILNIUS (LITHUANIA)


Stas Venglevski Presents 5 Concerts/Workshops in 5 days, Washington, DC - USA

Stas VenglevskiAcclaimed bayanist, Stas Venglevski, will begin a five day, five performance tour this month, starting on March 11th in Maryland. This first concert will be held at a prestigious independent living facility in Sykesville, Maryland. The following day he will perform in Washington, DC at a special event sponsored by the Embassy of Moldova, Stas’s birthplace.

On March 13th, Stas will perform at another prestigious independent living facility in Frederick, MD.

The weekend will include two concerts/workshops, the first, sponsored by Accordion Renaissance, will take place in Suffolk, Virginia on Saturday, and the second, sponsored by the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society (WMAS), will take place in Falls Church, Virginia on Sunday. The WMAS concert is open to the public.


Duo Fisarco Launch Concerts - UK

Duo Fisarco
Accordionist Ben de Souza and violinist Chloë Meade are pleased to announce the launch of Duo Fisarco! The pair have been playing together for 18 months but from now on will be performing under their new name.

Future concerts are:

March 7th: A Musical Medley at 7.30pm at Horfield Methodist Church, Churchways Avenue, Bristol.

March 13th: Lunchtime recital at 1.30pm at The New Room, The Horsefair, Bristol. Free entry

March 28th: Concert with the Birmingham Festival Choral Society at 7.30pm at The Ruddock Centre, King Edward’s School, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham.

For details email: ba.desouza@yahoo.co.uk


Accordionist Ivan Tecla at Quiosque Do Alemao - Brazil

Henzo poster
Accordionist Ivan Tecla will entertain with vocalist Henzo Delucca at live music venue Quiosque Do Alemao in Praia dos namorados, Americana, Sao Paulo on March 8th.

Ivan plays regularly with the popular vocalist.

For details phone: +55 19 99234-5351


Kosmos Ensemble at Linlithgow Arts Guild Concert - Scotland

Kosmos Ensemble
Video: Libertango by Astor Piazzolla. Kosmos Ensemble with Worthing Symphony Orchestra, Festival of Chichester, Chichester Cathedral, 5th July 2018.

The Kosmos Ensemble will perform at the Linlithgow Arts Guild concert in the Linlithgow Academy Theatre on March 14th at 7.30pm.

This concert is part of the Linlithgow Arts Guild 50th Anniversary Season of bringing excellence in Live Arts to Linlithgow celebrations.

The ensemble includes Milos Milivojevic (accordion), Harriet MacKenzie (violin) and Meg Hamilton (viola).

For details email: kosmos@kosmosensemble.com


Accordionist Pietro Roffi Performs in “Pinocchio” - Italy

Pinocchio poster
Pietro RoffiAccordionist Pietro Roffi (picture right) will perform in a production of Pinocchio by Dario Marianelli together with the Roma Tre Orchestra (conducted by Ferdinando Sulla). The event will take place at the Teatro Palladium in Rome, Italy on March 17th at 9pm.

For details email: roffimanagement@gmail.com


Mixed Instruments Workshop in Ettrickbridge - UK

Ians music weekends
Ian LowthianIan Lowthian (picture right) will hold the first 2020 Mixed Instruments weekend workshop on March 28th and 29th. The weekend will take place in Ettrickbridge in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders and will include a concert on the Sunday afternoon.

Ian will send out music in advance so you can be prepared to arrange and rehearse on the Saturday and Sunday morning in preparation for the Sunday concert.

The locals love these event and all proceeds will go to charity.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Moscow International House of Music Concert – Russia

Moscow poster
A concert featuring the music of Astor Piazzolla and text by Gabriel Garcia Marquez will be held at the famous Moscow International House of Music (picture below) in Russia on April 22nd, 2020.

Musicians performing include Sergey Osokin (accordion), Dmitry Selipanov (piano), Vladimir Troitsky (violin), Igor Ivanushkin (double bass), Alexander Botvinkin (percussion) and Nina Shatskaya (vocalist).
Moscow International House of Music


Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes – Spain

Prieto poster
Victor Prieto performs his original "Six Note Samba" live as part of The Checkout - Live at Berklee.

Registrations are now open for the VII International Jazz Accordion and Modern Harmony Master Classes with Victor Prieto at Centro Cultural Marcos Varcarcel in Ourense, Spain on July 11th & 12th and 18th & 19th, 2020.

There will be an open jam session at the "Cafe Cultural Auriense" jazz club on July 13th so all the participants can play with other instruments, experiment, socialize and have a great time performing in front of an audience.

The Master Class will cover Improvisation in different styles and understanding scales (pop, rock, bolero & jazz), comping: How to form chords, close position, open position, Upper structures, Poly-Chords: "Chord Approach on both hands", Styles - How to phrase and comp: Jazz, blues, Brazilian, traditional tango, new Tango and other styles of modern harmony, How to work and what to do in a recording studio when you get only chord changes.

Attendees will also watch videos and analyze them. A book with material will be given to each student for further studies and review (to take home) and they will practice and perform with a rhythm section (bass and drums).

There are 9 positions available. If interested please send a video recording of your solo or group performance to: info@victorprieto.net You will be notified if you have been selected to participate.


New and Updated Sites

Sito NZAA aggiornato: Raccolta Fondi per la Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica per i concorrenti della Coupe Mondiale della Nuova Zelanda - Nuova Zelanda

WAD poster
WAD logoSito NZAA aggiornato: La New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) sponsorizza il World Accordion Day con un concerto a sostegno dei concorrenti neozelandesi alla Coupe Mondiale del 2020, Jessie Chen, Catrina Lin e Angela Chen.

Il concerto, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica, mercoledì 6 maggio, inizierà alle 19:00 al Rose Theatre, 4 School Road, Belmont. Download del poster: 2020nz-wad.pdf

I gruppi che si esibiscono in supporto includono la Auckland Accordion Symphonietta diretta da Lionel Reekie, la North Shore Music Makers Accordion Orchestra diretta da Christine Johnstone e la North Shore Musicale Accordion Orchestra diretta da Megan Jennings.

Il finale del concerto sarà l'ospite speciale Grayson Masefield.

Il concerto sarà filmato per il sito Web della Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica e farà parte di molti altri eventi che si terranno in tutto il mondo per celebrare il 6 maggio 1829, data in cui la fisarmonica fu brevettata per la prima volta, a Vienna, in Austria, da Cyrillius Demien.
WAD header


Pagine Gialle/Eventi Fisarmonica - Cyberspace

Accordion-YellowPages.com header
Si ricorda a tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, competizioni e festival di elencare i loro Eventi Futuri nel nostro sito Web sulle pagine gialle. È gratuito e puoi farlo tu stesso. Puoi anche modificare e aggiornare tu stesso la tua lista non appena saranno disponibili ulteriori informazioni.

Il calendario delle pagine gialle della fisarmonica ed eventi futuri viene visualizzato nella parte in alto a destra delle notizie settimanali di accordions.com in tutte le 7 lingue oltre ad altri siti popolari come le USA News e Diatonic News.

Un numero enorme di lettori ogni anno visualizza gli Eventi Futuri nelle pagine gialle della fisarmonica, quindi tutti gli organizzatori di eventi di fisarmonica sono invitati a sfruttare appieno questo servizio gratuito per tenere informata la comunità della fisarmonica.


Kateryna Pylypenko New Music and Recordings - Ukraine

Rainbow AnimalsKateryna PylypenkoKateryna Pylypenko, accordionist, poet, artist and composer of Ukraine has released her first publications.

Catalog: pylypenko101 Rainbow Animals for accordion composed by Kateryna Pylypenko.

Rainbow Animals is an album of modern compositions for accordion designed for elementary school students. The album includes 7 different shaped compositions. 29 pages of music and artwork. Hear the sound samples online.

If you order the Rainbow Animals pdf book, you will also receive free of charge the sound files of the 7 complete pieces as performed by the composer.

Catalog: pylypenko102 Le Onde for accordion composed by Ludovico Einaudi,
transcribed by Kateryna Pylypenko.


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