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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-Jul-2018
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Primo piano

REPORT GIORNALIERI: AAA 80th Anniversary Festival, Washington - USA
13° World Music Promozione “Save the Date” - Germania/Austria
Classic Kyiv Duo Date Tour Estivo - Regno Unito
Accademia Musicale Santa Cecilia Bergamo Masterclass Estive, Bergamo - Italy

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Gorka Hermosa Records New CD, Santander – Spain
Nihad Hrustanbwgovic Concert, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
NAO 2018/2019 Competition Music Lists Now Published – UK

Future events

‘Accordion Games’ Competition, Novo Mesto - Slovenia
Sergei Teleshev Concerts, Washington, Oregon – USA
Accora Orchestra concert with Orchestre d'Accordeon du Sundgau, Altkirch – France
Irish Dancing Competitions, Adelaide, Queensland – Australia
Accordion Orchestras in Charity Concert, Hampshire – UK
Antonello Salis and Simone Zanchini Concert, Monselice Jazz Festival – Italy
LJAO Bayern & Forderverein Concert, Munich – Germany
La Notte Dei Mantici, Castrocaro Terme - Italy
John Douglas @ Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, Cumbria – UK
Accordion Concerts, Osimo – Italy

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: SqueezinArt – USA
Updated Site: Donald E. Grzanna New music - USA

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Primo piano

REPORT GIORNALIERI: AAA 80th Anniversary Festival, Washington - USA

AAA Poster
Video: Kennedy Center Millenium Stage Concert by Grayson Masefield, Introduction by AAA Historian Joan Grauman, © 2018 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Grayson MasefieldL'80° anniversario AAA di questa estate sarà emozionante dall'inizio alla fine!

Lunedì 9 luglio 2018, ore 18:00
Il pluripremiato campione del mondo Grayson Masefield è sponsorizzato dall'American Accordionists' Association (AAA) per esibirsi al Kennedy Center Millenium Stage e promuovere l'80th Anniversary Festival dell'AAA che inizierà mercoledì, due giorni dopo questo concerto.

Il concerto dimostrerà le capacità musicali della fisarmonica variando dal barocco alle opere originali dei compositori Bach, Scarlatti, Mozart, Chopin, Angelis, Hermosa a stili moderni come Nuevo Tango.

Per coloro che non possono partecipare al concerto, il Kennedy Center trasmetterà il concerto 60 minuti dopo la fine della performance. Troverete qui il link della performance.

Concerto di Opere Originali AAA, 11 luglio 2018, 16:00, Gli spettacoli sono:
1. Prima rappresentazione di "Sonata In F Major (in the Classical Style)" composta ed eseguita da Joseph Natoli, commissionata dall'AAA per celebrare l'80° anniversario dell'AAA.
2. "Ka Mate" composta da Gorka Hermosa, interpretata da Grayson Masefield
3. "Carousel of Dreams" composta da Guy Klucevsek, interpretat da Cody McSherry

Per coloro che non possono partecipare al concerto, il sito AAA trasmetterà il concerto entro 30 minuti dalla conclusione dello spettacolo. Troverete qui il link della performance.

Tra gli straordinari artisti ospiti del festival figurano anche Stas Venglevski, Mary Tokarski, Lionel Reekie (Nuova Zelanda), Joan Sommers che dirige l'Orchestra del Festival e molti altri. Il festival offre una moltitudine di concerti, workshop, attività e fiere.

Report giornalieri dell'AAA 80th Anniversary Festival.
Ci saranno report giornalieri con immagini e video sul sito web dell'AAA, dall'11 al 15 luglio.
Il link ai report sarà qui l'11 luglio.

Dettagli completi del festival a: AAA
AAA Workshops


13° World Music Promozione “Save the Date” - Germania/Austria

World Music Save the Date
Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), organizzatore del 13° World Music Festival, promuove "Save the Date" per promuovere le date del Festival 2019, dal 30 maggio al 2 giugno 2019.

Le numerose attività sono elencate di seguito e Innsbruck è ancora una volta la popolare città ospitante. Le informazioni di registrazione saranno presto disponibili.


Classic Kyiv Duo Date Tour Estivo - Regno Unito

Classic Kyiv DuoIl Classic Kyiv Duo - i fisarmonicisti Igor Sayenko e Oleksiy Kolomoiets - la prossima settimana inizieranno il loro tour estivo annuale nel Regno Unito. Igor e Oleksiy, dall'Ucraina, sono entrambi virtuosi fisarmonicisti di Kiev. Nel 2006 si sono entrambi diplomati all'Accademia Nazionale di Musica dell'Ucraina a Kiev e da allora hanno intrapreso la carriera musicale.

Oleksiy suona nella National Radio Ukraine Orchestra e Igor nella National Philharmonic dell'Ucraina. Fanno tour nel Regno Unito ogni anno dal 2006, usando i loro talenti per raccogliere fondi per il Chernobyl Nuclear Appeal, costruendo nel contempo un seguito e una reputazione sostanziali.

Il loro programma di concerti include:
CM Widor - 'Toccata' (da Symphony Organ 5), S. Prokofiev - 'Dance of Knights and Marsch', T. Bor –‘McMozart’s Eine Kleine Bricht Moonlicht Nicht Musik', P. Heidrich - 'Happy Birthday variations', G. Bizet - F. Waxman - 'Carmen-Fantasy', A. Gaidenko - 'Under the River Seine’, A. Khachaturian - 'Sabre Dance', A. Babadjanyan - 'Elegy' (in commemorazione di A. Khachaturian), V. Novikov - 'Rozpryagayte khlopcy koney' (variazione basata sulla canzone popolare ucraina) e N. Rimsky-Korsakov-V. Zubitsky - ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’.

Date del tour:
Domenica 15 luglio - Fareham
Martedì 17 luglio - North Staffs Accordion Club
Mercoledì 18 luglio - Lindum Accordion Club
Giovedì 19 luglio - New Mill, Christ Church
Lunedì 23 luglio - Black Country Accordion Club
Mercoledì 25 luglio - Stockport Accordion Club
Sabato 28 luglio - Faversham Assembly rooms (mattino)
Sabato 28 luglio - Thurrock Accordion Club (sera)
Giovedì 31 luglio - Thurso
Mercoledì 1° agosto - Dornoch
Giovedì 2 agosto - Fortrose, Saint Andrew's
Venerdì 3 agosto - Dumbarton
Sabato 4 agosto - Doune
Lunedì 6 agosto - Broughton, Oxon
Mercoledì 8 agosto - Felsted
Giovedì 9 agosto - Chelmsford
Venerdì 10 agosto - Great Dunmow
Domenica 12 agosto - Hoddesdon

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: saenkoi@ukr.net


Accademia Musicale Santa Cecilia Bergamo Masterclass Estive, Bergamo - Italy

Alexander Selivanov seminarDal 2 al 7 settembre 2018, l'Accademia Musicale Santa Cecilia di Bergamo organizza Masterclass estive per fisarmonica.

Il corso di fisarmonica fa parte della serie di corsi estivi organizzati per pianoforte, violino, violoncello e musica da camera e per la prima volta - c'è la fisarmonica!

Il tutor di fisarmonica sarà Alexander Selivanov, professore dell'Accademia Russa di Musica di Mosca "Gnessins".
1° classificato vincitore delle competizioni Coupe Mondiale, Klingenthal e Castelfidardo;
Presidente del Comitato Musicale CIA.

Molti insegnanti famosi di diversi strumenti provenienti da tutta Europa daranno lezioni di perfezionamento alle Masterclass estive "Accademia Musicale Santa Cecilia", dove ci saranno 5 giorni per lavorare ad un concerto, un concorso o sul repertorio di formazione, oltre a studiare le migliori caratteristiche della scuola russa di fisarmonica, lo sviluppo di abilità tecniche, il lavoro a casa, trascrizione di musica classica per fisarmonica - caratteristiche dello stile di esecuzione russo e la comprensione dell'anima della fisarmonica russa.

Durante questi giorni potrete anche incontrare colleghi di altri strumenti musicali e avere accesso alla loro vasta esperienza e conoscenza musicale.

Ci sono molte opzioni per soggiornare a Bergamo, dagli hotel agli ostelli molto vicino all'Accademia nel centro della città.

Per informazioni, regole e iscrizione visitare: 2018Bergamo.pdf
Alexander Selivanov workshop


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Gorka Hermosa Records New CD, Santander – Spain

Gorka Hermosa
Picture above: Gorka Hermosa in the recording studio

Important Spanish accordionist, composer and teacher Gorka Hermosa writes: “Today I`ll start recording the CD I've been wanting to record for 20 years - ‘Fragilissimo’, an album in which I will gather my compositions for solo accordion.

It is very nice to hear how these pieces are played by accordionists from all over the world... and in this album I want to record, finally, how I feel them. Here we go!”


Nihad Hrustanbwgovic Concert, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nihad HrustanbwgovicBosnian concert accordionist Nihad Hrustanbwgovic wrote the following on social media: “Four days ago, on Sunday June 24th, I did not play the most important, but I played the most beautiful classical accordion concert ever in my life. Why? There were many people at the concert in the impressive Atelier Gallery Figure in Sarajevo. More people than the chairs! And it did feel like I had played in Paris or Amsterdam, of some other beautiful European city.

There were also some changes in the program and I performed not 1, but 2 new compositions: ‘Danja’ and ‘Breath of life’. I've never had so much inspiration and intention to play with love and energy in the music performance during the concert like on Sunday June 24th.

Thank you Atelje Galery Figure in Sarajevo and Federal Television of Bosnia Hercegovina for the invitation in their TV program and for the concert.

It has been a great moment to start Summer 2018 and to give honor to the International World Music day 2018; love and music with Antonio Vivaldi – ‘Summer’, Erik Satie – ‘Gymnopédie I & III’, Isaac Albéniz – ‘Asturias’ (Leyenda), Hans Zimmer – ‘Chevaliers de Sangreal’, Astor Piazzolla – ‘Escualo’, ‘Milonga del Angel’, ‘Fracanapa’, ‘Oblivion’, ‘Libertango’, Yann Tiersen – ‘Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, Nihad Hrustanbegovic – ‘Danja’ and ‘Breath of Life’ - World premiere – ‘Stork suite’ (World promenade, Sevdah, Jazz Balade, Flamenco wals, Balkan soul), George Gershwin – ‘Summertime’, and to have 4 encores because people just wanted to hear more and more.

I guess it’s just all the time press the key with love and to give the public all you have and you can! This has been the magic in the air of the accordion after long time”.


NAO 2018/2019 Competition Music Lists Now Published – UK

NAO header
NAO logoThe 2018/2019 Music Lists are now available from the National Accordion Organisation of Great Britain (NAO) website, complete with new sections for Late Starters and Returners. Why not enter your local NAO area festival?

Music lists at:


Future events

‘Accordion Games’ Competition, Novo Mesto - Slovenia

Slovenia poster
Accordion GamesThe ‘Accordion Games’ is a competition held from July 5th to 8th at KKC Dolenjske Toplice, Seidlova cesta 29, 8000 Novo Mesto, Slovenia. This completion has had more than 500 accordionists enter its qualifying stages, and on Saturday evening July 7th, 8pm, there will be a free concert of prize-winners in the KKC Dolenjske Toplice Hall. On Sunday evening July 8th, 8pm, there will be another free concert on the platform in front of KKC Dolenjske Toplice, featuring accordionists from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Accordion Games committee includes Jože Muhic (Mayor of Dolenjske Toplice Municipality), Martin Težak (Slovenia), Zoran Rakic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mihail Sharabarin (Russia), Martin Pushich (Canada), Saša Bastalec (Croatia), Tatjana Marx (Australia), Tomaž Kastelic (Slovenia), Danijela Rakic (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

For further information email: info@accordion-games.com


Sergei Teleshev Concerts, Washington, Oregon – USA

Sergei TeleshevUS-based Russian accordionist Sergei Teleshev performs concerts this month, as follows:

July 6th - Guemes Island, WA
July 7th - Anacortes, WA
July 8th - Guemes Island, WA
July 13th - Seattle, WA
July 14th - Linden, WA
July 15th - Bellingham, WA
July 19th - Cottage Grove, OR
July 20th - Junction City, OR
July 21st - Junction City, OR
July 26th - with Semmy Stahlhammer (violin) and Karie Prescott (viola), Edmonds, WA
July 27th - with Britt Symphony Orchestra, Jacksonville, OR
July 29th - with Masha Telesheva Eugene, OR

Classically trained at the Academy of Music in Voronezh, Russia, Sergei Teleshev has won many regional and international accordion competitions. As the accordionist in the Trio Voronezh and Valinor Quartet, he collaborates with many internationally recognized artists, ensembles, and orchestras (including London Philharmonic Orchestra, Doc Severinsen, Halie Loren, and many others), composing and arranging music, participating in recording projects of different genres. Sergei has been a jury member at International accordion competitions in Russia, Canada and the USA. Recently, he won the National V-Accordion Competition. As the US champion, Sergei represented the United States at the 7th Roland International V-Accordion Festival, in Rome, Italy, where he received a special prize for most online votes on the festival’s webcast. Sergei provides online accordion lessons and educational school programs for all ages.

For further information email: steleshev@yahoo.com


Accora Orchestra concert with Orchestre d'Accordeon du Sundgau, Altkirch – France

PosterThe Accora Orchestra, from Cavan in the Irish Republic, visits France to perform in a concert alongside the Orchestre d'Accordeon du Sundgau on Saturday July 7th, 8.30pm, at the Halle au Ble, Sundgau, Altkirch, Alsace, France.

The Orchestre d'Accordeon du Sundgau (MD Philippe Rey) was founded in 1967, and also has its own youth orchestra. They have recorded three albums, and have performed throughout France, and visited Russia, Germany, Croatia, and Italy, where they distinguished themselves at the Castelfidardo International Competition.

The Accora Orchestra – formerly known as the Castletown Accordion Orchestra - was formed in 1981 as a marching band. In 1993, the current Musical Director John Chilton took over and changed the band to an accordion orchestra. They have won numerous titles at All Ireland level and at other events held throughout Ireland, including the Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships. Individual members have won many solo, duet and ensemble competitions. 

For further information email: halleauble@mairie-altkirch.fr


Irish Dancing Competitions, Adelaide, Queensland – Australia

logoIn the next two weeks there are two major Irish dancing competitions taking place in Australia, both involving accordion accompaniment.

On July 7th and 8th the City of Adelaide event takes place at Norwood Morialta High School, 505 The Parade, Magill, Adelaide. The musician for all sections is Seamus O'Sullivan (Scotland).

The 2018 Oireachtas (Irish Dancing Competition) will be held at RACV Royal Pines Resort, Ross Street, Benowa, Gold Coast, Queensland, on Friday July 13th, Saturday 14th, and Sunday 15th. The accompanists are accordionists Stephen Carolan (Australia/Ireland), Sean O’Brien (Canada), and Seamus O'Sullivan (Scotland).

For further information email: secretary@aidainc.com


Accordion Orchestras in Charity Concert, Hampshire – UK

PosterOn Saturday July 7th, 7.30pm, there will be a charity concert featuring the Kennet Accordion Orchestra (MD Nigel Pasby) and the Dorset Accordion Orchestra (MD Sammie Peckover). The orchestras will perform music from TV and the cinema. The venue is St Leonards & St Ives Village Hall, Braeside, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 2PH.

Ringwood is a historic market town and civil parish in Hampshire, England, located on the River Avon, close to the New Forest and northeast of Bournemouth.

For further information email: thedorsetaccordionorchestra@gmail.com


Antonello Salis and Simone Zanchini Concert, Monselice Jazz Festival – Italy

Antonello Salis (accordion and piano) and Simone Zanchini (accordion) perform on stage together on Saturday July 7th, 9.30pm, in the final concert of the Monselice Jazz Festival. The concert takes place at the Parco Buzzaccarini-Boschetto Dei Frati, via San Giacomo, Monselice (PD), Italy. The concert has free admission.

Monselice is a town and municipality located in north-eastern Italy, in the Veneto region, in the province of Padua.


LJAO Bayern & Forderverein Concert, Munich – Germany

This year's concert of the youth accordion orchestra LJAO Bayern & Forderverein is on Sunday July 8th, 4pm, at the Kleiner Konzertsaal, Rosenheimer Str. 5, 81667 Munich. Under the direction of Stefan Foot, the young accordionists will perform, among others, Wolfgang Jacobi’s ‘Niederdeutsche Volkstänze’ and works by Dvorák, Handel, Márquez, and more.


La Notte Dei Mantici, Castrocaro Terme - Italy

PosterLa Notte Dei Mantici is an accordion concert set for Tuesday July 10th, 9pm, at the Piazza Machiavelli, Castrocaro Terme, featuring 16 accordionists, and presented by Patrizia Ceccarelli.

Castrocaro Terme is in the Province of Forlì-Cesena in the Italian region Emilia-Romagna, located about 60 kilometres southeast of Bologna and about 10 kilometres southwest of Forlì.


John Douglas @ Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, Cumbria – UK

John DouglasOn Thursday July 12th, 7.30pm, accordionist John Douglas is the guest at the Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is St Margaret Mary Social Club, Scalegate Rd, Carlisle CA2 4JX.

John Douglas, from Dumfries in southern Scotland, is a very experienced Scottish dance band leader and recording artist. He is also the proprietor of John Douglas Music, a long established accordion retailer and music shop in Dumfries.

For further information email: julie27best@icloud.com


Accordion Concerts, Osimo – Italy

PosterA series of evening accordion concerts takes place from Monday July 16th to Saturday July 21st at venues in Osimo, Italy, featuring Mirco Patarini, Alexander Selivanov, Antonio Spaccarotella, and others. The poster provides further information.


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: SqueezinArt – USA

SqueezinArt logoSqueezinArt, home of unique gifts for accordionists and accordion enthusiasts, now has a downloadable price list and colorful catalogues in PDF format: http://squeezinart.com/catalogues.html

SqueezinArt will be exhibiting at the American Accordionists’ Association’s 80th anniversary Festival in Alexandria, Virginia, July 11-15. New items, such as the accordion trivet (picture below) made of Corian®, as well as a variety of t-shirts, pins, and many other gift items will be available for purchase.
accordion trivet


Updated Site: Donald E. Grzanna New music - USA

Donald E. GrzannaDonald E. Grzanna new duet composition. Italian Tarantella solo has now had a duet part added, 1st accordion, 2nd accordion & score.

eSheet (pdf format) sheet music able to be emailed to you. View sample and purchase at Catalog: grza152D


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