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Weekly News from Around the World - 05-Mar-2010
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Primo piano

'Festival Fisarmonica in Crociera' - Italia, Grecia, Croazia
Cofanetto CD dei '100 brani di fisarmonica Preferiti ', Como - Italia
Campionati NAO UK, Blackpool - Regno Unito

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra, Glasgow – UK
VAMÖ-Accordion Competition, Vienna - Austria
Ryskov Accordions Brand, London – UK

Future events

Pascal Contet Concerts – France
CFAC AccordionFest 2010, Florida - USA
Mika Väyrynen to Conduct Master Classes in France
‘Hell Said The Duchess’ Concert, Norfolk – UK
Richard Galliano Concert, Chisinau - Republic of Moldova
Festival ‘Rue de l’accordéon’, Orleans - France
Victor Prieto Manhattan Trio, Ourense - Spain
Wazemmes Carnival Day, Lille – France
Solo Zydeco Festival, Texas – USA
Accordion Tuition Weekend at Halsway Manor, Somerset – UK
Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival, Kent – UK

New and Updated Sites

March Diatonic News Online 1st March
Larry Malmberg New Music Releases
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
March USA News Online 1st March
NAA Publications New Music Releases
Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 2 new arrangements
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
NAA Publications New Music Releases

CD Reviews


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Primo piano

'Festival Fisarmonica in Crociera' - Italia, Grecia, Croazia

Frank Marocco and Romano Viazzani
Una 'Accordions Cruise Festival', a bordo della nave Costa Vittoria, si svolgerà dal17 al 24 Aprile 2010, con partenza da Venezia (Italia) e tappe ad Ancona (Italia), Santorini (Grecia), Mykonos (Grecia), Atene / Pireo (Grecia), Corfù (Grecia), Dubrovnik (Croazia) e ritorno a Venezia. L'organizzatore è Donato Di Tullio.
Tra I fisarmonicisti ospiti segnaliamo Frank Marocco (USA), Giancarlo Caporilli (Italia), Riccardo Taddei (Italia), Romano Viazzani (UK), Gianni Mirizzi (Italia), e Gennaro Ruffolo (Italia).

Il festival galleggiante offrirà:
• Concerti ogni giorno
• workshop gratuiti di fisarmonica jazz, tenuti da Frank Marocco
• session band libere di fisarmonica, dirette da Romano Viazzani
• dimostrazioni di prodotti di MusicTech, Victoria Accordions, Ballone Burini, e
• Tutte le offerte standard Costa Crociere

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a Romano Viazzani romanoviazzani@btconnect.com


Cofanetto CD dei '100 brani di fisarmonica Preferiti ', Como - Italia

Deja vu cd'The World's Greatest Virtuosos Play the Accordion 100 Favourites’ è una raccolta di 5 CD con 100 brani di solisti, duo e quartetto, pubblicato il 3 marzo dal Records Déjà vu, con Peter Soave, Mady Soave, Sebastiano Zorza, Richard Galliano, e Denis Biasin.

Questa grande collezione comprende note composizioni di musica classica e standards di compositori come JS Bach, Scarlatti, Jerome Kern, Richard Rodgers, Maurice Jarre, Sousa, Frosini, Piazzolla e molti altri.

I brani sono molto conosciuti, come 'Preludio e Fuga in mi minore', 'Medley Strauss Waltz', 'Acquarelli Cubani' 'Migiavacca', 'Dark Eyes', 'Espana', 'Olive Blossoms', Autumn Leaves ',' Siboney ' , 'Petite Fleur', 'Blue Moon', 'Misty', 'All The Things You Are', 'Arrivederci Roma', 'La Vie en Rose', 'El Relicario', 'Torna a Surriento', 'La Cumparsita' , 'Besame Mucho', 'Volare', 'Perfidia', 'Tea for Two', 'Jealousy', 'indifference', 'Cavaquinho', 'El Choclo', 'Libertango', 'Tico Tico', e molti altri.

Per informazioni e-mail roy.tarrant@kindofbluerecords.com


Campionati NAO UK, Blackpool - Regno Unito

NAO banner
Dopo il notevole successo dei Campionati NAO UK 2009 a Blackpool, la manifestazione 2010 si svolgerà di nuovo presso l'hotel Metropole e sul Molo Nord, Blackpool dal 23 al 25 aprile.

Oltre 400 iscritti sono attesi nelle varie categorie di solisti e ensembles, e in più il festival 2010 sarà ancora una volta sede di:
- Concorso dei compositori NAO '- una opportunità molto importante per la promozione di nuova musica per il nostro strumento;
- finale nazionale Regno Unito del Concorso Roland V, - in collaborazione con Roland UK, per la quale 10 finalisti sono stati selezionati per competere nelle categorie Junior e Senior.

Gli eventi tradizionali, come il Ceilidh nella notte di Sabato con Gary Blair e la sua band e l’esposizione di strumenti presso l'Hotel Metropole, saranno ancora una volta organizzati in occasione dei Campionati NAO 2010 del Regno Unito.

La giuria internazionale per il 2010 comprenderà Kevin Friedrich (USA), Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria), Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales (Francia) e Djorge Gajic (Serbia / UK).

Per ulteriori informazioni: naouk@btinternet.com oppure visitare il sito web NAO.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra, Glasgow – UK

Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra
The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra was originally formed by Jimmy Blair in the early 1970s, evolving into several bands that competed at Preparatory, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced levels in NAO regional competitions and the All Britain Championships. By the late 1970s, the orchestra was the dominant force on the competition scene, winning competitions in all orchestra sections as well as many of the band members winning group, duet and solo sections. The band also played concerts at home and abroad, and foreign visits included trips to France, Belgium and Canada. With the untimely death of Jimmy Blair in 1981, the JBAO was taken over by his wife Lola, and then by son Gary. Gary maintained the high standard of the band, but unfortunately the band folded in the later 1980s due to a lack of commitment.

In August 2009 Gary Blair decided the time was right to form a new orchestra under the prestigious Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra name. The new orchestra entered the NAO West of Scotland Championships in February 2010, came first in all their sections, with the intention of competing at the NAO UK Championships, Blackpool, in the Elementary and Advanced sections, April 25th to 25th.

The new orchestra also recently won through at the semi-finals of the 'Quest for Talent' competition at the David Lloyd Centre, Glasgow, and will be in the finals of the competition which are to be held in the Paisley Town Hall, March 26th. Hopefully the band will be able to impress yet again and go the full way in the competition!

The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra will perform in concert at St Andrew's Academy, Barrhead Road, Paisley PA2 7LG, on Saturday March 13th, 7.30pm.

For further information email: gazzapt@yahoo.co.uk


VAMÖ-Accordion Competition, Vienna - Austria

VAMOOn the last Sunday in February, the well established accordion competition of VAMO (association of amateur musicians and clubs in Austria) took place in Vienna. The cultural center of the 10th Vienna district (Waldmüller Center) made a beautiful venue for the competition.

The number of participants was lower compared to previous years, but the level of performances was still amazingly high. The repertoire of the candidates was of traditional accordion compositions, contemporary works and rarely performed pieces.

During the gala ceremony the Vice President VAMO, Gerhard Göbl awarded the prizes. The concert was opened by the youngest participant, Rene Alber (6 ½ years old), followed by the performance of each category winner showing again all their skills. At the conclusion the winners of category 3 (adults), Drapinski Maciej, from Poland, with outstanding musicianship and technique performed Astor Piazzolla's ‘Sentido Unico’ and Moritz Moszkowski’s ‘Etincelles, op 36 / 6’, which the audience enthusiastically applauded.

The jury included Herta Habersam-Wenghoefer, Eva Haupt, Professor Felix Lee, Kathrin Thorack, and MMag with Adolf Wutscher. Hermi Kaleta (Chairman of the VAMO) organized the competition.


Ryskov Accordions Brand, London – UK

Nikolai RyskovLondon-based Russian accordionist Nikolai Ryskov has registered the company name ‘Ryskov Accordions’. He is now the owner of a new accordion brand: ‘Ryskov Accordions’, and has now received his first accordions. These are B system button accordions, and there are 2 models:
3 rows in the right hand with 55 buttons and left hand with 100 basses;
5 rows in the right hand with 92 buttons and left hand with 120 basses

Nikolai Ryskov, well known as a professional accordionist, also arranges and sells music for accordion.

For further information email: nryskov@googlemail.com


Future events

Pascal Contet Concerts – France

Pascal Contet poster
Pascal Contet performs as follows:

March 5th, 8pm – an evening of improvisation as a duo with Wu Wei, sheng, at the Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris
6th - Scène Nationale de Montbéliard, Seloncourt
7th, 5pm – Aurore de Murnau, Auxelles Haut
9th, 12pm - Les Mardis de la Saturation CDMC
10th, 6pm – Evreux
12th, 8.30pm – Ivry
18th, 8pm – Paris CNR
19th and 20th - Scène Nationale Theatre, Malakoff
21st, 5pm – Illkirch, Festival Printemps des Bretelles l'Illiade
23rd until April 3rd – Salle Boris Vian, Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


CFAC AccordionFest 2010, Florida - USA

The CFAC’ AccordionFest 2010’ takes place on March 6th, 12noon onwards, at Winter Park Elks Lodge, 4755 Howell Branch Road, Winter Park, Florida.

The Central Florida Accordion Club’s ‘Accordion Fest 2010’ is a day full of entertainment, dinner, and dancing with performances, jams, workshops, vendors, and more. Performers include Vince Aleandri, Jimmy Horzen, Jim Andrykovich, The Orlando Buttoneers, Virgil Baker and the Just-4-Fun band. The festival runs from noon to 8pm. Admission price includes buffet lunch (early afternoon) and a light snack served about 6pm. Admission is $22 for CFAC members/$25 for non-members.


Mika Väyrynen to Conduct Master Classes in France

Mika VayrynenApplications are now being accepted to enrol with Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen, who will conduct a series of Master Classes in France during the month of August at Le Centre National et International de Musique et d'Accordéon (CNIMA J.Mornet), under the direction of renowned French teacher, Jacques Mornet.

An integral part of the teaching system in France, Master Class seminars welcome students from around the country and abroad to study with local and international guest teachers.

In addition to group lessons covering various topics, Mika will be providing individual instruction covering topics such as ‘Technical Principles of Playing’, ‘Interpretation of various Musical Styles’, and ‘Challenges Associated with Performance’.

The two Seminars at CNIMA J.Mornet will be held from August 9th to 14th and 16th to 21st. Participants wishing to take advantage of this unique opportunity to study with one of the world’s most respected accordionists, can request further information and application forms by contacting: cnima@cnima.com

Mika Väyrynen has just released a new CD “Misterium” that is available online.


‘Hell Said The Duchess’ Concert, Norfolk – UK

Becky PriceA folk music concert by the intriguingly titled ‘Hell Said The Duchess’ accordionists Karen Tweed, Hannah Jones and Becky Price – takes place on March 7th, 4.30pm, at the Belfry Arts Centre, 23, Cromer Road, Overstrand, Norfolk NR27 0NT.

‘Hell Said The Duchess’ appear again at the Belfry on April 25th, 4.30pm.


Richard Galliano Concert, Chisinau - Republic of Moldova

Richard Galliano posterFrench accordionist Richard Galliano performs on concert on March 9th, 6pm, at the Sala Cu Orga (Organ Hall), Chisinau, Moldova. The local accordion ensemble ‘Concertino’ (MD Eugen Negruta) will open the concert, which forms part of the annual Spring Music Festival ‘Martisor-2010’.

For further information email: info@concertino.md


Festival ‘Rue de l’accordéon’, Orleans - France

Rue de l’accordéon poster‘Rue de l’accordéon’ is a new festival, taking place at venues in Orleans from March 22nd to 28th, organised by Bruno Dreux and Philippe Krümm. This festival aims to present the accordion, bandoneon, concertina and other instruments in a variety of music that includes musette, classical, jazz, rock and songs.

A press conference takes place on March 9th, 6pm, at l’Atelier, 223 de la rue de Bourgogne, Orléans.

The guest artistes include accordionists Marcel Azzola, Jérome Richard, Grayson Masefield, Gérard Blanchard, Petar Maric, Daniel Colin, Fred Ferrand, Regis Gizavo, Jean-Claude Laudat, Pascal Mahé, and Roel van Camp.

For further information email: dreux.bruno@wanadoo.fr


Victor Prieto Manhattan Trio, Ourense - Spain

Victor PrietoAfter almost 12 years in the USA, accordionist Victor Prieto has been invited to play for the first time since leaving in his home town of Ourense in Spain. The concert is on March 9th, 9pm, at Centro Cultural da Deputacion. His accompanists are Jorge Roeder – bass, and Otis Brown III – drums.

For further information email: vpcruz@gmail.com


Wazemmes Carnival Day, Lille – France

Wazemmes header
The 6th annual Wazemmes Carnival, involving many accordionists, takes place on March 13th, with the parade starting at 10am, workshops at 6pm, and a grand dance at 9pm.


Solo Zydeco Festival, Texas – USA

Zydeco logo and Jeffrey Broussard
Zydeco FestivalThe annual Solo Zydeco Festival takes place on March 13th and 14th, at the Humble Civic Center, 8233 Will Clayton Parkway, Humble, Texas. This event, formerly known as the Crosby Zydeco Festival, is the largest zydeco festival in Texas and Southwest Louisiana, featuring the hottest zydeco bands for a full weekend of great zydeco music.

Performers at this year's festival include:Chris Ardoin and NuStep, Curley Taylor and Zydeco Trouble, J Paul and the Zydeco NuBreeds, Marcus Ardoin and the Zydeco Legends, Leon Chavis and the Zydeco Flames, Brian Jack and the Zydeco Gamblers, Jeffrey Broussard and the Creole Cowboys, and Lil Nate and the Zydeco Big-Timers.


Accordion Tuition Weekend at Halsway Manor, Somerset – UK

Karen TweedA weekend of small group tuition on the accordion with Paul Hutchinson and Karen Tweed takes place from March 19th to 21st at Halsway Manor, Crowcombe Somerset TA4 4BD.

Karen Tweed has an international reputation as a performer and teacher of Irish traditional and world music on the piano accordion.

Welshman Paul Hutchinson's career began as an organist and choirmaster, subsequently playing accordion with the bands ‘The Old Pull & Push’, ‘IQ40’, ‘Hoover the Dog’, and ‘Ida Red. He also freelances with various bands and as a recording session musician, and when time allows, presents the folk programme on Radio Maldwyn.

Halsway Manor, situated on the southern slopes of the Quantock Hills, is England's National Centre for traditional folk music, song and dance. It is the only residential folk centre in the UK.

For further information email: office@halswaymanor.org.uk


Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival, Kent – UK

Sevenoaks banner
The Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival is an annual competitive festival to be held in June 2010 at Walthamstow Hall Senior School, Hollybush Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3UL. The accordion classes, held on Saturday June 12th, will include (beginners, age 8 – adult; Grades 1 – 8; own choice, solo/group): Scottish/Irish traditional, Jazz, Musette, Polka/Tango, Recital, Duet/Group/Orchestra, Own Composition, Entertainment. The Festival Secretary is Margaret Holgate.

The last date for entries is Tuesday April 20th.

For further information email: candmholgate@btopenworld.com


New and Updated Sites

March Diatonic News Online 1st March

Diatonic news banner
The March 2010 Diatonic News online 1st March


Larry Malmberg New Music Releases

Larry Malmberg releases 4 new pieces, 'Alexander’s Ragtime Band', catalog:larrym001', 'Amazing Grace , catalog:larrym002', 'Anchors Aweigh, catalog:larrym003' and 'Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, catalog:larrym004'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 2 new pieces - 'La Cumparsita, catalog:mfa7027' and 'L i e b e s t r a u m, catalog:mfa7040'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


March USA News Online 1st March

USA news logo
The March 2010 USA News, online on the 1st March.


NAA Publications New Music Releases

National Accordion Association releases 2 new pieces, 'Twenty Fingers, catalog:naa132' and 'Bolero, catalog:naa134'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 2 new arrangements

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 2 new arrangements of Famous Classical Favourites for accordion. The very famous 'A I R (Suite No. 3) by J S Bach, catalog:OY598' and equally famous 'Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring by J S Bach, catalog:OY599'. Samples of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

Ole Guapa e-sheetMusicForAccordion.com site releases 6 new pieces - 'Sabre Dance, catalog:mfa6018', 'Lohengrin, catalog:mfa6036', 'Where Have All The Flowers Gone?, catalog:mfa6060, 'Skogsblommer, catalog:mfa6072', 'Valse, catalog:mfa7006' and '35 Traditional Songs From Russia, catalog:mfa7017', also release 2 new pieces arranged by Aleksandar Nikoli - 'Ole Guapa, catalog:niko106' and 'Aromas Mendocinas, catalog:niko107'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


NAA Publications New Music Releases

The Young Prince and the Young Princess e-sheetNational Accordion Association releases 4 new pieces, 'The Young Prince and the Young Princess, catalog:naa130', 'Canadian Sunset, catalog:naa131', 'Calliope, catalog:naa133' and 'Forgotten Dreams, catalog:naa135'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews


Misterium CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Misterium” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Mika Väyrynen.


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