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Weekly News from Around the World - 05-Jul-2019
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Primo piano

2019 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann - Irlanda
AAA Festival, 17-21 Luglio 2019, Pennsylvania - USA
29° Festival Annuale di Cotati - USA
Nuovo Libro “Accordion Revolution: A People’s History of the Accordion in North America” ​- Canada

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

July 4th Celebrations with Daddy Squeeze - USA
Stockport Accordion Club President & Vice President’s Evening - UK
Sutherland Music Club Showcases Accordion – Sydney, Australia

Future events

July Accordion Masterclass in Osimo - Italy
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand
“Rebel Lovers” Concert in San Francisco - USA
2019 Annual Ripley Event – England
Cambridge Folk Festival – England
Benefit Concert for Student Accordionists - USA
Francesco Palazzo Masterclass – Italy
Upcoming Accordion Repair Course - UK
"Jingle all the Way" Concert - New Zealand

New and Updated Sites

New Works by Franco Cambareri - Australia
Updated Site: Friedrich Lips 3 CD and 6 CD Specials Pages Updated - Austria

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Primo piano

2019 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann - Irlanda

Fleadh banner
entertainersIl 2019 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann è la celebrazione annuale più grande del mondo di musica, lingua, canzoni e balli irlandesi e si svolgerà a Drogheda, Co. Louth, dall'11 al 19 agosto. Il festival prevede workshop per giovani musicisti, concorsi, concerti, canti, céili e tanto divertimento per tutta la settimana.
Le categorie di competizione includono: bande di Ceili e altri tipi di gruppi, fisarmonica a pulsanti (varie fasce d'età), melodeon, fisarmonica a piano (varie fasce d'età).
Negli ultimi anni il numero di persone che frequentano il Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann è cresciuto a più di 400.000 persone presenti a Derry nel 2013.
Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: info@fleadhcheoil.ie
Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann


AAA Festival, 17-21 Luglio 2019, Pennsylvania - USA

AAA header
AAA flierAprite il sipario! Accendete le luci! L'AAA Festival è quasi arrivato! Tante nuove e meravigliose sorprese quest'anno: grandi concerti, grandi concorsi, grandi laboratori e alcune esibizioni folgoranti. Parteciperanno molti ospiti a sorpresa: vorrai incontrarli tutti!
Si inizia mercoledì 17 luglio alle 15:00 per 5 giorni interi di fisarmonica inclusa la prima del nuovo lavoro commissionato da AAA di Joseph A. Natoli, "Child's Play", un lavoro da camera per 2 fisarmoniche, violoncello e percussioni. La fisarmonica è il nostro Dr. Robert Young McMahan e, naturalmente, il compositore Joseph A. Natoli. Il violoncellista Cecylia Barczyk non è estraneo ai concerti dell'AAA, come il percussionista Bill Trigg, è un onore che si esibiscano entrambi.
L’evento d’inizio è il Ricevimento di Benvenuto di mercoledì 17 luglio aperto a tutti i partecipanti registrati, seguito dal After Hours Club. Due grandi workshop nel pomeriggio susciteranno sicuramente il vostro interesse.
Il giovedì, artisti del Concerto di Pranzo, Nathan Chapeton, Stan Colcicovsci e Joe Soprani sono pronti ad intrattenervi. Serata Pasta - oh WOW - tanti artisti a portata di mano, Chris Brettschneider, Ray Oreggia, Cody McSherry, Mario Tacca e Mary Mancini, e la Westmont Philharmonia Orchestra, tutti sicuramente vi stupiranno!
Il venerdì si va al centro commerciale, dato che alcuni dei nostri partecipanti si dirigono al King of Prussia Mall, che celebra il mese di "Give the Gift of Music". Varie aree nel centro commerciale avranno degli artisti ad intrattenere i clienti del venerdì. Poi si torna al Radisson, pronti ad essere abbagliati!
L'ensemble da camera dà il via al programma seguito da Petar Maric e dallo straordinario Michael Bridge! Questa è la prima volta di Michael ad un Festival dell'AAA e sicuramente delizierà il pubblico.
Fisarmoniche? Avete detto fisarmoniche? SÌ e le abbiamo tutte. Sostieni i nostri produttori di fisarmoniche e visita le mostre nella Buchanan Room – Livello Inferiore della Radisson Tower. Vorreste provare qualcosa di nuovo? Sono disponibili anche tutti i tipi di musica, registrazioni e accessori.
Competizioni, Workshop, After Hours, Junior Orchestra, Youth Jazz Ensemble, Festival Orchestra - qualcosa per ogni fisarmonicista. E tutto è incluso nella registrazione al Festival, ad eccezione del cibo e del concerto di venerdì sera. Registrati e assicurati di avere sempre con te il tuo badge identificativo.
Visita la pagina del festival sul sito Web di AAA per visualizzare i volantini e le informazioni su tutti gli eventi.
Scarica i volantini al 2019AAAFlyers.pdf
Non vediamo l'ora di incontrare nuovi amici e rivedere i nostri partecipanti abituali. Non tardare - Registrati online oggi! AAA Shopping Cart


29° Festival Annuale di Cotati - USA

Cotati header
Cory PesaturoPietro AdragnaIl 29° Festival Annuale di Cotati si terrà a La Plaza Park, Cotati, in California, il 17 e 18 agosto. Non perderti la stravaganza della fisarmonica di quest'anno con oltre 40 atti internazionali e nazionali su 7 palchi. Vieni ad ascoltare l'eccellente musica di Cory Pesaturo, Ginny Mac, Pietro Adragna e tanti altri!
Quest'anno, ci sarà musica Zydeco da mezzogiorno al tramonto per ballare. Diventa un venditore! La richiesta anticipata garantisce la migliore selezione. Non è troppo tardi per fare pubblicità online o nel programma! Non dimenticare di comprare i tuoi biglietti!
Gli artisti includono:
Accordion Apocalypse Stage, Anaïs Bessières, Andre Thierry, Amber Lee Baker, Art Peterson & Laurie Miller, The Bellow Shakes, Big Lou’s Dance Party, Big Lou the Accordion Princess, Corky Bennett, Cory Pesaturo, Crème Brülée, Creosote, Dona Francisca, Duckmandu, En Canto, Future Accordion Stars, Gary Blair, Geoff Berner, Ginny Mac, Golden State Accordion Club, Grand Finale, The Great Morgani, Intuitive Compass, Jim Gilman, Junk Parlor, La Agency, the Mad Maggies, Mark St. Mary, Miss Moonshine, MotorDude Zydeco, Nathan Rivera Jessie Anders, Penny Opry, Pietro Adragna, Rene Sevieri, Skyler Fell, Sourdough Slim, Steve Balich, The Wild Catahoulas, ZLA VILA  
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: info@cotatifest.com


Nuovo Libro “Accordion Revolution: A People’s History of the Accordion in North America” ​- Canada

Book coverBruce TriggUn nuovo libro del presentatore di Accordion Noir Radio Bruce Triggs intitolato “Accordion Revolution: A People’s History of the Accordion in North America” (Rivoluzione della fisarmonica: una storia popolare della fisarmonica in Nord America) ??è stato pubblicato con una festa di lancio il 28 giugno presso la sede della Accordion Noir, CFRO Co-Op Radio a Vancouver.
Al momento del lancio, Bruce ha firmato i libri con il suo timbro di fisarmonica personalizzato. Ci sono stati premi, letture multimediali, musica dal vivo e torta gelato-fisarmonica! La seconda ora del lancio è stata trasmessa da CoopRadio.org
Brossura, 6 x 9 pollici, 440 pagine
58 illustrazioni storiche
Prezzo di listino: $ 20 US, $ 25 CAN
Stampa ISBN: 978-1-9990677-0-0
Ebook (presto): 978-1-9990677-1-7
Per informazioni sul libro e-mail: accordion.noir@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

July 4th Celebrations with Daddy Squeeze - USA

Hank Williams and Fats Domino
Accordionist Dan Newton and the Daddy Squeeze Band celebrated July 4th at The Como Pavilion in St Paul, Minnesota with a performance entitled "Hankerin' for Fats". The popular band played songs by Hank Williams (picture left) and Fats Domino (picture right).

On July 6th the band will entertain a similar program at Crooners in Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota. This performance will include Dan singing his favorite Hank Williams and Fats Domino tunes in a special happy hour in the Dunsmore Room at the Crooners Lounge.

For further details phone: 763-760-0062


Stockport Accordion Club President & Vice President’s Evening - UK

Stockport orchestra
The Stockport Accordion Club held a successful President & Vice President’s Evening on June 26th in Stockport. The enjoyable event included a well supported concert with the SAC Band (conducted by John Trigg, Adrienne Sharpe and Marj Howard) opening the proceedings with popular polkas and marches among others.

This was followed by entertainment such as well-known Irish songs, lively country dance tunes, Edith Piaf and Abba medleys, a medley of music from 'Allo 'Allo finishing with an Italian medley.
Stockport supporters


Sutherland Music Club Showcases Accordion – Sydney, Australia

Larysa Kovalchuk, Tania Marx, Lionel Reekie
Lionel ReekieThe Australian Accordion Teacher’s Association (AATA) was pleased to share and showcase the accordion for the Sutherland Music Club’s July meeting on Tuesday 2nd July. The audience at the historical Sutherland Memorial Arts Theatre, Sydney, were entertained by the tremendous versatility of the accordion, with solo and duet performances.

The concert started with AATA president, Tania Marx (accordion) and Larysa Kovalchuk (bandura) performing traditional Ukrainian melodies. Both performers had recently featured at the World Music Festival in Innsbruck, Austria, and the Australian audience were obviously fascinated with this combination of instruments – rarely seen together in concert.

Two young players – both prizewinners from the recent Australian International Accordion Championships and festival then followed, Andrew Zhao (12 years) and Alvin Xiao (6 years) were real crowd pleasers, and received enthusiastic applause before featured soloist, Lionel Reekie from New Zealand took the stage.

Lionel’s program ranged from traditional melodies to popular jazz standards to entertain the audience. and their reaction showed why he is always in demand as an entertainer. Lionel also included a number of vocal renditions of stage/screen songs from his popular CD album, “From Russia with Love” after which Lionel returned to the accordion explaining its history and also how it works.


Future events

July Accordion Masterclass in Osimo - Italy

Osimo posterLips & MircoAn accordion Masterclass and evening concerts will be held in Osimo, Ancona, from July 9th to 13th under the artistic direction of Dario Flammini and Mirco Patarini.

The Masterclass will include instructors Friedrich Lips (Russia), Mirco Patarini (Italy), Dario Flammini (Italy), Vojin Vasovic (Serbia), Germano Scurti (Italy).

Concerts will be given by Duo Gabriele Mirabassi (clarinet) and Simone Zanchini (July 9th), Jef De Haes, Andrea di Giacomo (July 10th), Bandoneon, Fernando Gabriele Mangifesta, Walter di Girolamo (July 11th) and Fuccelli Fisarmony (July 12th).

For full information, registration details and prices download: 2019OsimoMasterclass.pdf


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand

AAS PosterThe Auckland Accordion Symphonietta will perform a concert entitled “No Words” at the Rose Centre in Belmont, Auckland on July 7th at 6 pm. The Auckland Accordion Symphonietta is conducted by well known vocalist and accordionist Lionel Reekie.

Their program will include some fun pieces such as “Two plus One” (Gary Daverne) , and “Trololo Song” as well as works by Rossini, Strauss, Rubinstein and Leroy Anderson.

For further concert details email: heathermasefield@yahoo.com


“Rebel Lovers” Concert in San Francisco - USA

Rebel Lovers band
“Rebel Lovers” (who are based in Hamburg, Germany) will entertain mid-show at the popular Burlesque Show Hubba Hubba Revue at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco, California on July 8th.

The duo, which includes Renee de la Prade on accordion and Ingo Braeuning on drums, play a high-energy blend of rock, blues, soul, New Orleans and Cajun music, with a mighty sound, despite the compact band size. Renee’s unique accordion style has been influenced a lot by her love of power chords and her passionate commitment to old grooves; especially, classic American grooves from the 40’s-70’s.

For concert details email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


2019 Annual Ripley Event – England

Tillingbourne AOThe 2019 annual Ripley Event will be held on July 20th on the village green in Ripley Village, Surrey (about 45 mins from Central London) starting at 1.30pm. This event is a free family day out supporting local and national charities.

Performers include the Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra (pictured) and the The Panama Cafe Orchestra. Other events include a Rock Choir and dancing display, stalls, vintage cars and a Dog Show, ongoing ring entertainment, children’s entertainer, bouncy castles and pony rides.

For further information email: ripleyevent@gmail.com


Cambridge Folk Festival – England

Cambridge folk festival
Cockle Bridge, The Darkening live at The Great Northern Soundtrack, Sage Gateshead, July 2018.
Festival picThe Cambridge Folk Festival will be held from August 1st to 4th in Cherry Hinton Hall Park, Cambridge, England. The festival is one of the longest running folk festivals in the world. Held each year since 1965 it attracts around fourteen thousand people (many of whom return year after year) and is renowned for its unique atmosphere and its eclectic mix of music.

Accordion entertainment will be provided by a number of groups including “Fisherman’s Friends” (picture below), “Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening” (which includes accordionist Amy Thatcher), Scottish three-piece band “Talisk” (accordionist Mohsen Amini), Yorkshire's comedy band “The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican”, “Holy Moly & The Crackers” (Rosie Bristow on accordion), Will Pound (harmonica) and Eddy Jay (accordion), “Bedlam” dance band (Will Hampson on melodeon), and 6 piece Ceilidh band from Cambridgeshire “Frog on a Bike” (Tom on melodeon and concertina).

For further festival information email: hello@cambridgelive.org.uk
Fishermans Friends


Benefit Concert for Student Accordionists - USA

The 6th annual Benefit Concert for Student Accordionists will be held at the Redwood Café in downtown Cotati, California on August 16th in conjunction with the Cotati Festival.

The concert will include an impressive line-up of popular western US accordionists including Paul Betken, Reno Di Bono, Lou Jacklich and Colette Ogata, Frank Lima (AKA the Great Morgani), and Sheri Mignano Crawford of Due Zhigi Baci (Two Gypsy Kisses with Michael Van Why (tenor).

Entry is by $5.00 donation per person.
Concert poster


Francesco Palazzo Masterclass – Italy

Accordionist Francesco Palazzo (accordion Professor at the Conservatorio di Musica "Niccolò Piccinni" di Bari) will hold a masterclass from August 29th to September 1st at "Le stanze della Musica" in Borgomale, Cuneo, Italy.

Topics covered will include the posture of the accordionist, postural problems and their remedies, basic yoga elements, techniques of concentration and relaxation, memory techniques and interpretation of the accordion repertoire.

Palazzo 3 CDs online: Francesco Palazzo

For further information email: info@lestanzedellamusica.com


Upcoming Accordion Repair Course - UK

Repair courseRepair picBookings are now open for a 2 day Accordion Repair Course run by PLG Marketing in Teddington on October 10th and 11th, 2019.

The course is an ideal opportunity to learn more about your accordion and how it all works. In addition you are free to bring along an instrument needing some attention for assessment and possibly fixing it depending on what the problem is.

The course is for 10-12 persons and includes some practical work. The tutor is Paul Flannery who is a piano tuner who became involved with melodeon and then accordion tuning and repairs some years ago now.

Over the two days, sessions will cover the working parts of the accordion and how the treble and bass switches work and common problems. Also reed block configurations, voices, how to undertake minor repairs, including valve replacement, sticky keys and switches, changing bellows gasket and general fault finding. Some practical work will be possible and materials are provided. Questions can be fielded throughout the course.

There will also be an optional dinner on the Thursday evening at a local Italian restaurant who allow us to play accordions after dinner (Instruments can be supplied).

Numbers are limited so if interested it’s advisable to book a place as soon as possible.

For details email: plg@plgmarketing.com


"Jingle all the Way" Concert - New Zealand

Kevin Xmas Poster
Accordionist Kevin Friedrich will hold an afternoon of music concert entitled "Jingle all the Way" at the Dargaville Museum Lighthouse Function Centre on December 8th. The Dargaville Museum hosts the Accordion Gems by Kevin Friedrich...A Master Collection of Accordions through Time... which is an anchor display in the newly established music room.

In conjunction with this display, Kevin holds an annual fundraising concert at the museum each March and these concerts are always a sell out. This is the first year Kevin has organised a Christmas concert which will give more people the opportunity to see the versatility of the accordion.


New and Updated Sites

New Works by Franco Cambareri - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has release three new compositions. Sample pages online. Music in pdf format that is emailed to the you.

cfranco244 Bolero Carnival Sample page online.
cfranco245 Farfallina Sample page online.
cfranco246 Granma's March Sample page online.


Updated Site: Friedrich Lips 3 CD and 6 CD Specials Pages Updated - Austria

Friedrich LipsFriedrich Lips page updates:
- Catalog: CD3Packs for any 3 CD specials price;
- Catalog: CD6Packs for any 6 CD specials price;
have been updated to include the latest Friedrich Lips CD, catalog CD029 Quodlibet.

With 30 CDs now published by Friedrich Lips Productions, this allows a huge choice of different music.


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