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Weekly News from Around the World - 04-Oct-2013
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Primo piano

Gli Scienziati Scoprono che i Musicisti ' hanno le menti più nitide ' , Scozia - Regno Unito
Confédération Mondiale de l' Accordeon , 63 ° Trophée Mondial 2013 - Russia
Fisarmonica Open Day e Concerto Vetrina Italiana , RAM - UK
Mika Väyrynen versioni CD di opere di Bach , Volume 2 - Finlandia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

"Shetland Accordion and Fiddle FESTIVAL 2013" - Scotland
Roland Germany 2013 V-Accordion Festival Competition - Germany
Martin Lubenov Documentary Wins Award, Agropoli – Italy
Video: Mika Väyrynen Performs Sonata No. 1 "Ultra" by Paavo Korpijaakko- Finland
‘The Magic of Accordion’ CD, Oregon - USA
Video: VII Roland Final Nacional Iberia V-Accordion Contest - Spain
Video: Martin Jáňa Peforms Sous le Ciel de Paris - Slovakia
"Do you Remember Nisse Lind?" TV Show Available, Stockholm – Sweden
Video: Nikolay (accordion) and Alexander (guitar) Kolpakov - Russia
Video: Bingo Fox Trot Performed by William Isabel
‘14 Years Ago’ – Cruising Accordions in 1999

Future events

Peter Soave with Palm Court Orchestra - Canada
Erika & Jean-Marie Dance, Soignes – Belgium
Corky Bennett Show, Nevada – USA
Gianni Mirizzi Concert, Massafra – Italy
Igor Outkine at the Green Room (The Actors Club), London - UK
Ksenija Sidorova Concert, Riga – Latvia
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano @ North Staffs AC, Newcastle-under-Lyme – UK
Brandon Loveall rock-poetry spectacle, Paris – France
Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA
Johnny Lee Leslie and Rosemary Wright @ Harlow AC, Essex – UK
Julian Sutton (Melodeon) features on Sting's 'The Last Ship'.
Zoe Tiganouria Concerts, Athens – Greece
Alex Meixner October & November Gigs - USA

New and Updated Sites

Don Grzanna releases new music
Klaus Paier releasing music
le petit accordéoniste

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Logos Futura CD by N. Antonio Peruch

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Primo piano

Gli Scienziati Scoprono che i Musicisti ' hanno le menti più nitide ' , Scozia - Regno Unito

World Accordion Orchestra
brainYahoo News UK Report : suonare uno strumento musicale potrebbe aiutare a proteggere la mente dal declino mentale attraverso l'età o la malattia, secondo un nuovo studio . I musicisti hanno una mente più nitida e sono in grado di raccogliere e correggere gli errori più velocemente rispetto ai non musicisti , hanno scoperto i ricercatori della St Andrews University.
 Hanno misurato le risposte comportamentali e del cervello di musicisti dilettanti rispetto ai non -musicisti durante l'esecuzione di semplici compiti mentali . I risultati hanno mostrato che suonare uno strumento musicale , anche a livelli moderati , migliora la capacità di una persona di rilevare gli errori e regolare più efficacemente delle risposte .
 I musicisti hanno risposto più velocemente di quelli con poca o nessuna formazione musicale , e senza mancanza di precisione.
 La ricerca è stata guidata dalla psicologa Ines Jentzsch , un lettore della Scuola di Psicologia e Neuroscienze.
" Il nostro studio dimostra che anche una moderata attività musicale può beneficiare al funzionamento del cervello ", ha detto . "I nostri risultati potrebbero avere implicazioni importanti dato che i primi processi coinvolti sono tra persone colpite da invecchiamento , così come un certo numero di malattie mentali come la depressione . 
"La ricerca suggerisce che l'attività musicale potrebbe essere utilizzata come un intervento efficace per rallentare , fermare o addirittura invertire l'età o il declino nel funzionamento mentale " .
 Lo studio , pubblicato sulla rivista Neuropsychologia , si basa su un lavoro precedente che mostra i benefici dell'attività musicale sul benessere mentale e fisico .
 Il Pianista Dr Jentzsch ha detto : "L'attività musicale non solo arricchisce immensamente la nostra vita ma i benefici associati al nostro funzionamento fisico e mentale potrebbero essere di ancora più ampia portata rispetto a quanto proposto nelle nostre ricerche precedenti " .
Harley Jones , CIA Pubbliche Relazioni , scrive :
" Questo è un importante studio scientifico che credo le associazioni di fisarmonica di tutto il mondo dovrebbero promuovere per i propri membri e il pubblico, e la fisarmonica è probabilmente il miglior strumento di tutti i maggiori benefici per :
- L' attività fisica e mentale di utilizzo del soffietto in combinazione con :
- Le diverse tastiere
- I fisarmonicisti suonano una melodia più l'accompagnamento
- La fisarmonica è un eccellente strumento di formazione di gruppo
il che significa un enorme stimolo mentale divertendosi a suonare la fisarmonica .
Questo è uno studio importante per i genitori di bambini piccoli per conoscere come l'educazione musicale di oggi ha molti concorrenti e dobbiamo far sentire la nostra voce al fine di garantire che una formazione di fisarmonica è pienamente apprezzata e considerata da tutti i genitori " .


Confédération Mondiale de l' Accordeon , 63 ° Trophée Mondial 2013 - Russia

CMA banner
Sergey Voitenko and Frederic DeschampsIl 63 ° Trophée Mondial CMA si è tenuto a Samara, in Russia dal 24 al 29 Settembre 2013 organizzato da Sergei Voitenko (foto a sinistra ) ed Elena Tatarinova . Il Presidente CMA Frédéric Deschamps (foto in basso a sinistra ) è stato lieto di accogliere un numero record di concorrenti nelle varie categorie del concorso che si è aperto con una crociera di 3 ore sul fiume Volga per tutti i visitatori .
La categoria Classique senior è stata vinta da Kolomiytsev Alexander ( Russia , foto sopra ) , a cui si affianca Nikola Pekovic ( Serbia ) nel 2 ° posto . Altri vincitori di categoria sono stati anche fotografati : Radu Laxgang (Senior Varieté ) , Aleksandar Nikolic ( Junior Classique ) , Jean - Baptiste Baudin ( Junior Variété ) , Sergei Lobkov (National Trophée ) , Alessandro Gaudio ( diatonica ) , Duetto Siberiano di Bayan ( Ensemble ) e Russkie Perubi ( Bayan Mix) . Questa nuova categoria di Bayan Mix ha raccolto ottimi risultati .
I risultati completi : http://www.accordions.com/cma/2013/results2013.html
L' evento è stato trasmesso in livestream e tutte le prestazioni e possono essere consultate presso la "Libreria video" alla web tv fisarmonica: Deschamps Channel
La giuria internazionale ha incluso: Friedrich Lips , Miljan Bjeletic , Zoran Rakic ??, Renzo Ruggieri , Kazys Stonkus , Danilo Di Paolonicola , Graham Laurie , Stephane Chapuis , Alexander Veretennikov , Ernesto Calderon , Antonio Spaccarotella , Sergey Voytenko , Alla Katz , e Vladimir Orlov , come così come i membri esecutivi CMA Frédéric Deschamps , Raymond Bodell e Jacques Mornet .
Al Congresso Annuale CMA, Jacques Mornet è stato eletto nel ruolo di Vice Presidente e Anna Bodell in quello di Segretario Generale .
Tutti i dettagli della manifestazione e tutti i risultati si possono trovare sul sito web della CMA : www.accordions.com / cma
CAM winners


Fisarmonica Open Day e Concerto Vetrina Italiana , RAM - UK

Massimo PiginiMercoledì 6 Novembre, dalle 10:00 in poi , un Open Day della fisarmonica e un Concerto Vetrina Italiana si svolgeranno presso la Royal Academy of Music di Londra .
Ci sarà un programma interessante con ospiti speciali :
10:00-11:30 : Owen Murray , capo del Dipartimento della fisarmonica parlerà del lavoro del suo dipartimento , lo sviluppo del repertorio della fisarmonica nel corso del 20 ° secolo e le prospettive di carriera che cambiano per i giovani fisarmonicisti .
13:05-14:00 : concerto all'ora di pranzo di solisti e ensemble.
 14:30-17:00 : Massimo Pigini (foto a sinistra ) , direttore della fabbrica di fisarmoniche Pigini di Castelfidaro parlerà della costruzione della fisarmonica e dello sviluppo e della presentazione del nuovo modello di fisarmonica concerto Nova .

19:30 : Concerto di Fisarmonica Showcase - ' Da Bach a Contemporanea ' . Il concerto sarà caratterizzato da un recital di studenti di fisarmonica di Massimiliano Pitocco ( foto in basso a sinistra ) del Conservatorio S. Cecilia di Roma . Il concerto sarà caratterizzato da Samuele Telari , vincitore del Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo del 2013.
 Le sessioni diurne sono gratuite senza prenotazione necessaria . I biglietti per il concerto serale £ 7.50 ( concessioni £ 5,50 ) . Telefono Accademia Box Office (020 7873 7300) oppure presso la biglietteria nella sala d'ingresso , Marylebone Road , London NW1 5HT .
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: o.murray @ ram.ac.uk


Mika Väyrynen versioni CD di opere di Bach , Volume 2 - Finlandia

Mika VäyrynenIl fisarmonicista Finlandese Mika Väyrynen ha rilasciato il suo ultimo CD , opere di Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) , Volume 2 .
Incluse nel CD sono le Suites francesi n ° 4 in Mi bemolle maggiore BWV 815 , n ° 5 in Sol maggiore BWV 816 e la n ° 6 in Mi maggiore BWV 817 , Preludio e Fuga in La minore BWV 543 e l' Aria dalla Suite Orchestrale No. 3 in Re maggiore BWV 1068 .
Il CD (ABCD 361) sarà rilasciato il 7 Ottobre dalla Alba Records e sarà disponibile dal loro sito web http://www.alba.fi/ . Il CD Bach , Volume 2 , segue l'acclamato Vol. 1 , pubblicato nel 2012.
 Mika Väyrynen ha iniziato la sua carriera discografica 1990 e ha continuato a registrare più di 20 CD tra cui il suo repertorio da solista , concerti e musica da camera con etichette di tutto rispetto come la Finland/Warner Japan , JVC Victor Japan , Naxos , Alba , CPO e Fine . E 'anche apparso in CD di altri artisti , tra cui con il cantante Jorma Hynninen , YL- Coro e altri. Registra regolarmente con la Finnish National Broadcasting Company ( YLE ) dal 1985.
 Il 28 Ottobre Mika presenterà un concerto delle Suites Francesi di Bach al Kauniainen Music Festival . Il concerto si terrà presso la Chiesa di Kauniainen alle 18:30 .
Per maggiori informazioni su Mika Väyrynen e la sua carriera straordinaria , si prega di visitare il sito www.accordions.com / mika


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

"Shetland Accordion and Fiddle FESTIVAL 2013" - Scotland

Gianni Mirizzi in concert during the Shetland Accordion and Fiddle FESTIVAL 2013 at the "Sandwick Social Club" e "Festival Club" in Lerwick - Shetland from the 10-14th of October


Roland Germany 2013 V-Accordion Festival Competition - Germany

Matthias Matzke
Matthias Matzke at the World Music Festival, Innsbruck
Dorin GramaVideo above: Published on May 29, 2013, Matthias Matzke at the Roland Stand, World Music Festival 2013 in Innsbruck.

Matthias Matzke goes to the international finals in Rome

On the 1st October 2013, Leibnitz, Styria Roland Germany held the German Finals for the International "V-Accordion Festival 2013". With a thrilling finale against very strong competition, Matthias Matzke secured the ticket for the international finals in Rome and also received a brand new Roland V- Accordion FR - 8x.

Results: 1st Place: Matthias Matzke, 2nd Place Dorin Grama (picture right), 3rd Place: Alexander Orlov.

Jury member and V-Accordion veteran Uwe Steger wished the young winner, who also won the audience vote, good luck. Steger had in 2007 participated in the first international festival and took second place.

Prior to the event, Roland Germany lent each candidate a new V-Accordion FR- 8x so the candidates could with sufficient lead time to prepare against strong international competition in Rome. For Matthias Matzke, Rome is not an unknown as in 2011, Matthias missed the win by only a few tenths of points.

The national competition was framed by a spectacular guest appearance by jury member Uwe Steger and the first Roland V-Accordion Orchestra REVAPO under the direction of Walter Bigler.

The VII International V-Accordion Festival, from 18th and 19th October 2013 will be held Rome and Roland Germany wishes Matthias Matzke good luck. Full Daily Reports and video will be on accordions.com
REVAPO Roland  Digital  Accordion  Orchestra


Martin Lubenov Documentary Wins Award, Agropoli – Italy

Martin Lubenov‘Jazzta Prasta’ or ‘Which are the Bulgarian Notes’, the documentary traditional Rom music and the reality of life in Bulgaria and other parts of central Europe today for gypsies, accompanied by Bulgarian accordionist Martin Lubenov, directed by Andrey Slabakov, has won an award at the annual Mediterraneo Video Festival in Agropoli, Italy.


Video: Mika Väyrynen Performs Sonata No. 1 "Ultra" by Paavo Korpijaakko- Finland

Published on Jul 11, 2013: Mika Väyrynen performs Sonata No. 1 "Ultra" by Paavo Korpijaakko (b. 1977). This sonata was premiered in 2008 an is dedicated to Mika Väyrynen.


‘The Magic of Accordion’ CD, Oregon - USA

‘The Magic of Accordion’ CD‘The Magic of Accordion’ is a new solo CD by US-based Russian accordionist Sergei Teleshev, featuring pieces that range from the baroque works of J.S.Bach to jazz to today's "new age" music. Sergei Teleshev is a member of the Trio Voronezh.

Classically trained at the Academy of Music in Voronezh, Russia, Sergei Teleshev has won many regional and international accordion competitions.

1. J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor
2. J. Colombo/T. Murena - Indifference
3. S. Teleshev - Movie Suite Part 1 Trip to Vegas
4. S. Teleshev - Movie Suite Part 2 Foreign Accordionist
5. S. Teleshev - Movie Suite Part 3 Ruby’s song
6. S. Teleshev - Movie Suite Part 4 Vegas Strip
7. R. Galliano - Waltz for Nicky
8. R. Galliano - New York Tango
9. V. Chernikov - Voronezh Cowboy
10. A. Musiyuk/A. Lisker/S. Sorokin - Fly with Me
11. C. Chaplin - Smile
12. J.S. Bach - Fugue in C

For further information email: info@triovoronezh.com


Video: VII Roland Final Nacional Iberia V-Accordion Contest - Spain

Video 1. Blai Navarro (Spain) "Digitours"

Video 2. Joao Barradas (Portugal)
Video 1. Blai Navarro (Spain) "Digitours" is a mix of pieces, compositions and improvisations, aiming to show some of the multiple options a V-Accordion is able to offer in a 10 minutes long piece.

Video 2. Joao Barradas (Portugal) performs at the Final Nacional Iberia V-Accordion Contest


Video: Martin Jáňa Peforms Sous le Ciel de Paris - Slovakia

Published on Oct 3, 2013. Martin Jána Peforms Sous le Ciel de Paris


"Do you Remember Nisse Lind?" TV Show Available, Stockholm – Sweden

Lars Ek Hot Trio
Lars EkThe Frosini Society, organised by Lars Ek, has now made available a special TV-program (30 minutes) from 1982 "Do you Remember Nisse Lind?" The music is:

1) ‘That's a Plenty’ (Lew Pollack) - Lars Ek Hot Trio
2) ‘Limehouse Blues’ (Philip Braham) - Lars Ek Hot Trio
3) ‘King Cotton’ (John Philip Sousa) - Lars Ek Hot Trio
4) ‘Honeysuckle Rose’/‘Nobody's Sweetheart’/‘Diana’/‘Chinatown’ (Waller-Erdman/Schoebel-Schartz) - Lars Ek Hot Trio
5) ‘Temptation Rag’ (Lodge) - Lars Ek Hot Trio
6) ‘St. Louis Blues’ (W. C. Handy) - Lars Ek Hot Trio
7) ‘Hot Accordion’ (Nisse Lind) - Lars Ek Hot Trio
8) ‘Tiger Rag’ (La Rocca arr. Nisse Lind) - Lars Ek Hot Trio

The Lars Ek Hot Trio are: Lars Ek (accordion), Henry Lundin (Nisse Lind´s original double bass player), Karl Erik Holmgren (guitar).

The TV program is to be found at www.frosinisociety.org under FS concerts, unique videos.


Video: Nikolay (accordion) and Alexander (guitar) Kolpakov - Russia

The accordion and guitar duo of Nikolay and Alexander Kolpakov, are members of the famous artistic Russian-Romani family Kolpakov. The duo "announce they are available for concerts, festivals, private parties and more. Their repertoire includes music such as Russian, Romani (Gypsy), classical, jazz, Eastern European and world music."

For further information email: kolpakovjunior@yahoo.com


Video: Bingo Fox Trot Performed by William Isabel

Video published 29 September, 2013, A nice easy listening video mix by William Isabel of Bingo composed by Francesco de Diego.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Cruising Accordions in 1999

Kimmo MattilaThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending October 1st 1999 included a report from Finland about a forthcoming large scale cruise for accordionists. Such a cruise must have been nirvana for those on board this ship.

Cruises for accordionists have nowadays become more commonplace, sailing happily and musically around the Arctic regions, and in the warmer climates of the Caribbean and Mediterranean. The Finnish cruise has maintained its huge popularity and is still being held annually on the largest ship of the region.

Great Accordion Cruise - Finland
Contributed by Kimmo Mattila (pictured)

The Finnish Accordion Association have organized a ‘Great Accordion Cruise’ on March 5th and 6th 2000. The biggest car ship in the world ‘Silja Europa’ has been booked and over 2,500 accordion lovers and players are expected to attend. The ship will leave Turku, Finland on Sunday evening and sail to Stockholm, Sweden, returning on Monday evening March 6th.

The cruise will include the semifinal of ‘The Golden Accordion’ competition, (the Finnish national accordion competition for entertainment music) as well as instrument exhibitions and many accordion entertainers.


Future events

Peter Soave with Palm Court Orchestra - Canada

Peter SoaveFormer World Champion accordionist Peter Soave will perform several concerts in Canada in October with the Palm Court Symphony Orchestra and the DieMahler Chamber Ensemble. In addition to his performances, he will also present Master Class and Private Lesson opportunities while in residence in Victoria, BC.

The concerts with the Palm Court Orchestra, titled 'Flying Down to Rio' with Peter as soloist, will take listeners on a journey to Latin America. The concert program includes: The Golden Tango (Silvester); Estrellita (Ponce); Peanut Vendor (Simons); Milonga, Song of Elizabeth, and Angela (Romero); El Choclo (Villolda); Cinema Paradiso (Morricone) ; Jealousy (Gade); El Relicario (Padilla); The Girl from Ipanema and Desafinado (Jobim); Brazil (Barroso); Selections: West Side Story (Bernstein); Ave Maria, Oblivion, and Libertango (Piazzolla).

Recognized worldwide as a foremost master of the concert accordion, Peter Soave has established himself as a leading soloist of his generation. The hallmark of his performances is his unique combination of commanding stage presence and the excitement of his vibrant virtuosity. Of Italian descent, he has appeared with the San Francisco Symphony, the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra and the Detroit Symphony. He has also performed with "Three Tenors," and appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America."

Joining Peter for his Master Class and Private Lesson sessions will be his wife, Madeleine Soave. Madeleine is internationally renowned professional accordion teacher and musical artist, offers world-class lessons in person and through Skype. Together with her husband Peter, the couple offer artistically enriching and inspiring annual musician workshop retreats at their highly popular Peter Soave Music Academy in the Italian Alps. www.petersoavemusicacademy.com.

Peter's Canadian appearances are as follows:

Peter Soave with the Palm Court Orchestra
October 19, Victoria 7:30 pm
October 20, Duncan 2:30 pm
October 22, Sidney 2:30 pm
For information: call Palm Court Concerts line 250.748.9964

Peter Soave with the DieMahler Chamber Ensemble
October 26 (Victoria) 2:30 pm
St. Mary the Virgin Church
1701 Elgin Road, Oak Bay
Tickets at the McPherson Box Office (250-386-6121)

Peter and Madeleine Soave Master Classes and Private Lessons
October 24 - 26 (Victoria)
45 minutes duration, all levels from beginners to professionals welcome.
Booking: 250-721-1101 AccordionStudent@shaw.ca


Erika & Jean-Marie Dance, Soignes – Belgium

ErikaOn Saturday October 5th, 4pm, Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie, play for dancing at the Centre Culturel, Soignes, Belgium.


Corky Bennett Show, Nevada – USA

Corky Bennett Show posterAccordion entertainer and comedian Corky Bennett performs at Bavarian World, Reno, Nevada, on Sunday October 6th, 2pm.


Gianni Mirizzi Concert, Massafra – Italy

Gianni Mirizzi Concert poster
Gianni Mirizzi performs at the Teatro Communale, Massafra (TA), Italy, on Sunday October 6th, 8.30pm.


Igor Outkine at the Green Room (The Actors Club), London - UK

Igor OutkineOn Thursday October 10th, 8pm, Russian midi-accordionist versatile singer Igor Outkine will be entertaining at The Green Room (The Actors Club), 17 Kensington High St?, London W8 5NP, with his favourite music from his extensive repertoire of Russian, Gypsy, Balkan, Argentine, Italian, Tango, Classical, Opera, Hot Club Jazz, Latin, film music, International Pop and Rock and original music. Doors open: 6pm; tickets: £10 on the door.

“Igor Outkine is a sort of Russian Rick Wakeman of the button accordion, switches from a conventional instrument to a midi accordion – a veritable Tardis of an instrument, much more than it appears, from which he coaxes everything from guitar tones and saxophone solos to a James Brown back-up band” - The Scotsman.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Ksenija Sidorova Concert, Riga – Latvia

Ksenija Sidorova new CD ‘Fairy Tales’Accordionist Ksenija Sidorova performs solo concerts in Italy and Latvia this month, presenting her new CD ‘Fairy Tales’ (Champs Hill Records).

The first concert is on Thursday October 9th, 9pm, at Rotonda del Museo del Carcere “Le Nuove”, Via Paolo Borsellino 3, Turin, Italy. The programme includes:
Selection from BWV 831 – Bach
Variations K 265 - Mozart
Grieg Holberg Suite - Grieg
Scherzo Toccata - Londonov
Barcarolle – Rachmaninov
Tanti Anni Prima – Piazzolla
Fairy Tale - Schnittke Revis

On Tuesday October 15th, 7.30pm, at the Great Guild Hall, Riga, Latvia, Ksenija’s concert programme includes:
Overture in the French Style BWV831 - J. S. Bach
Also Sprach Zarathustra - Sergei Berinski
Scherzo- Toccata - Petr Londonov
Barcarolle Op.10 No. 3 - S. Rachmaninov
Scherzo from the "Midsummer Night's Dream" - Mendelssohn/Rachmaninov (arr. Alexander Sevatien)
Who's the Puppet? – Artem Vassiliev
Caprice Espagnol - M. Moszkowzski

For further information email: arproductions@btinternet.com


Pearl Fawcett-Adriano @ North Staffs AC, Newcastle-under-Lyme – UK

Pearl Fawcett-Adriano posterAccordion virtuoso Pearl Fawcett-Adriano is the guest at North Staffs Accordion Club, Holditch Miners Welfare Club, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire ST5 7PT, on Tuesday October 15th, 8pm.

For further information email: lilylynch1@yahoo.com


Brandon Loveall rock-poetry spectacle, Paris – France

French-based US accordionist Brandon Loveall will perform at Le Grand Jeau, Mister Jo Club, 45 rue Danrémont, Montmartre, 75018 Paris, on October 17th, 7.30pm, in a rock-poetry spectacle, ‘Juste avant que les mots sonnent’. Also performing will be Nell Sinn (electro-baroque music).


Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Victor PrietoThe Victor Prieto Trio continue their long running jazz residency on Thursday October 17th, 10pm, at Terraza 7 Live Music, 40-19 Gleane Street, Elmhurst, New York.

With accordionist Victor Prieto for this gig are Arturo O’Farrill – piano, Carlo De Rosa – bass, and Vince Cherico – drums.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Johnny Lee Leslie and Rosemary Wright @ Harlow AC, Essex – UK

Harlow Accordion Club posterJohnny Lee Leslie and Rosemary Wright are the guests at Harlow Accordion Club on Thursday October 24th, 7.30pm. The organizer is Jean Hanger. Harlow AC meets at the Links Social Club, Parsloe Rd, Harlow, Essex CM19 4RT. There is a car park and public bar. Tickets cost £7 in advance, and £7.50p at the door.

For further information email: jeanhanger@icloud.com


Julian Sutton (Melodeon) features on Sting's 'The Last Ship'.

StingA new musical The Last Ship will soon sail onto a Broadway stage after a stop in Chicago. Producers announced that the show, inspired by Sting's memories of growing up in a shipbuilding community in northeast England, will appear on Broadway in the fall of 2014 after it makes its world premiere next summer at Chicago's Bank of America Theatre.

The musical has a story by Red playwright John Logan and Next to Normal writer Brian Yorkey. It will be directed by Joe Mantello, who directed Wicked and have choreography by Steven Hoggett, who did the same for Once.

The move comes amid a surge in singer-songwriters from the worlds of pop and rock aiming for theater stages. Sting is joining a list that includes Cyndi Lauper, Sheryl Crow, John Mellencamp, Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos, Edie Brickell, David Byrne, Fatboy Slim, Burt Bacharach and Elvis Costello.

The Last Ship will come on the heels of Sting's wife Trudie Styler's off-Broadway debut as actress and producer. She will star as the fading actress Irina Arkadina in an adaptation of Anton Chekhov's The Seagull at the Culture Project.

Sting, a 16-time Grammy Award winner and former lead singer of The Police who was born in Newcastle, has just released his latest album called The Last Ship, inspired by the forthcoming musical.

The Last Ship is the eleventh studio album by English musician Sting, released on 24 September 2013. It is his first release of original material since his 2003 album Sacred Love.

It's a collection of songs for the original play about the destruction of the shipping industry in Newcastle, the English port city where he grew up, as well as a meditation on mortality, community and fatherhood. It will explore the themes of homecoming and self-discovery, drawing upon Sting's memories of growing up, and reminiscing universal truths – the complexity of relationships, the passage of time and the importance of family and community.

The album features guest artists with roots in the northeast of England, including Brian Johnson from AC/DC, Jimmy Nail, The Unthanks, The Wilson Family and Kathryn Tickell and melodeon artist Julian Sutton, who features throughout the album.

Brought up in the well-known musical hotbed of Newcastle upon Tyne, Julian has been playing melodeon for longer than he cares to remember. He is probably best known for playing in a band with the renowned Northumbrian piper and composer Kathryn Tickell, with whom he has been working since 1998. He also has a growing reputation as a fairly decent accompanist of traditional song, having recorded and performed with amongst others Scottish singer and songwriter Karine Polwart, The Unthanks, Nuala Kennedy, and multi-award winning Barnsley songstress Kate Rusby.

From time to time Julian steps out of his comfort zone in order to work with musicians from beyond the folk sphere. Recent projects have involved performing alongside classical percussionist Evelyn Glennie, jazz saxophonist Andy Sheppard, Norwegian brass legends the Brazz Brothers and Anglo-Indian tabla master Juljit Bhamra. his most exciting music adventure to date has been recording with fellow Geordie and celebrated musician Sting for the project 'If On a Winter's Night' and now 'The Last Ship'.

Other on-going musical adventures include The Auvo Quartet (an Anglo-Finnish group rotted in traditional music with a wide range of other influences), the Wendigo (with Stephen Tyler and Anne-Marie Summers of medieval music duo Misericordia) and most recently a duo with French bagpiper Fabrice Besson, playing new compositions influenced by English and French traditional music. He current teaches at The Sage Gateshead Music Education Center.
Julian Sutton


Zoe Tiganouria Concerts, Athens – Greece

Zoe TiganouriaAccordionist and song writer Zoe Tiganouria, with accompaniment and dancers, performs a varied mixture of music that includes Latin, Tango, and traditional songs from Greece and Macedonia, for ANTart Productions, Athens, Greece, on Sunday October 27th, 9pm, and again on November 3rd, 9pm.


Alex Meixner October & November Gigs - USA

Alex MeixnerAlex Meixner: October

Oct 5, Hunter Mountain, NY, Hunter Mtn. Oktoberfest

Oct 6, Bear Mountain, NY, Oktoberfest

Oct 7, Paterson, NJ, The Brownstone, Oktoberfest "German Show"

Oct 8, Bethlehem, PA, Sands Casino

Oct 8-10, Garfield, NJ, Royal Manor, Oktoberfest "German Show"

Oct 11-13, Richmond, VA, Richmond Folk Festival

Oct 19-20, Oldsmar (Tampa), FL, Tampa Bay Downs, Oktoberfest

Oct 21-27, Helen, GA, Helen Oktoberfest

Nov 1-7, New Braunfels, TX, Wurstfest

Nov 10-11, Branson, MO, RFD Theatre, Mollie B. Christmas Special Taping

Dec 3, Albany, NY, Wolff's Biergarten


New and Updated Sites

Don Grzanna releases new music

Don Grzanna music sampleDon Grzanna - accordionist, composer, performer, releases 4 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Argentine Tango For Accordion', catalog: grza180,
'Argentine Tango Advanced Accordion', catalog: grza181,
'French Tango Advanced Accordion Solo', catalog: grza182

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Klaus Paier releasing music

Klaus Paier Music Book coverKlaus Paier has just released ‘Das Akkordeon Buch’ / ‘The Accordion Book’, a 3 volume set of accordion technique books. The text is in both German and English, and published by jova-music of Munich, Germany.

Purchase with credit card.


le petit accordéoniste

le petit accordéoniste



CD Reviews

Logos Futura CD by N. Antonio Peruch

Logos Futura  CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Logos Futura CD by N. Antonio Peruch, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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