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Weekly News from Around the World - 04-Feb-2022
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Primo piano

23° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica 2022 – Austria
14° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica & Festival "Ascoltate" 2022 – Lituania
Concerto 20° anniversario Guardia Nueva alla pista di pattinaggio di Kokkola – Finlandia
Concerto "Tribute to the Ural Bayan Trio", Nyagan – Russia
ATAM 60° Annual New England Music Festival & Competition – USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Orquestra Sanfônica do Rio de Janeiro FIBRA Festival Concert - Brazil
Video: Tribute to Vladislav Zolatariev 80th Anniversary - Russia
Postponed: "Pearl of Kuban" Competition New Dates, Krasnodar - Russia
Online International Viber Accordion Community Established – Worldwide
Updated Composers Guide to the Piano Accordion on the AAA Site
Video: Cory Pesaturo on Jimmy Fallon TV Show "That's my Jam" - USA
Vladimir Ushakov Entertains at "Accordions & Metelitsa" Festival - Russia

Future events

ATG Professional Development Workshop on February 13, 2022 - USA
Ruslan Kochkin & and Olzhas Nurlanov Perform at "In the Homeland of Panitsky" Festival Concert, Saratov – Russia
Sun Yang Kim Performs Piazzolla Double Concerto, Daegu – South Korea
Accordion Masterclass, Conference & Recital - Portugal
London Tango Quintet Valentine's Concert, London - UK
Vardos Trio Entertains at Melbourne Recital Centre - Australia
Dancing Holiday with Amandine Musichini - Spain

New and Updated Sites

Convention NAA 2022: "Siamo tornati e stiamo rivitalizzando la Convention!" - USA
Spedizione gratuita, disponibile fino al 7 febbraio - Francia
Accordion-YellowPages.com inserzioni gratuite di Eventi fisarmonica - Cyberspazio
2022 AAA Festival Postponed to 2023 - USA
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Primo piano

23° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica 2022 – Austria

23rd International Accordion Festival 2022
Festival posterFriedl PreislIl 23° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica 2022 si terrà a Vienna, in Austria, dal 19 febbraio al 20 marzo 2022, organizzato da Friedl Preisl (foto a destra).

L'evento comprenderà 41 eventi con una vasta gamma di concerti, film muti, commedie, workshop e balli. I concerti includono quelli che sono stati prenotati per il Festival della fisarmonica 2021 e non si sono svolti in quanto erano caduti vittime delle circostanze e delle restrizioni del Covid-19.

Il festival celebrerà anche il 101° compleanno di Astor Piazzolla nel marzo 2022. L'importanza di Piazzolla per la musica e soprattutto quella suonata con la fisarmonica/bandoneon non può essere sottolineata abbastanza.

Scarica il programma del festival qui: 2022Akkordeonfestival.pdf


14° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica & Festival "Ascoltate" 2022 – Lituania

“Ascoltate” 2022 poster
KADIl 14° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica & Festival "Ascoltate" (XIV Tarptautinis Akordeonistu Konkursas) si terrà presso la Kaunas J. Gruodis Conservatory Concert Hall di Kaunas, Lituania, dal 29 aprile al 1° maggio 2022, organizzato dall'Unione Nazionale Lituana dei Fisarmonicisti, la Società della Fisarmonica di Kaunas, il Conservatorio J. Gruodis di Kaunas e dalla Scuola di Musica di Kaunas.

Gli organizzatori hanno in programma un evento dal vivo tuttavia, a causa della pandemia, hanno anche un piano di riserva per un evento online, se necessario.

Invitano tutti a partecipare in vari modi: a partecipare direttamente alla competizione, ad ascoltare le esibizioni del concorso e a interagire con colleghi provenienti da tutta la Lituania e dall'estero.

La giuria del concorso sarà composta da membri e leader della CIA (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes). I valori della competizione rimangono invariati: correttezza, attenzione a tutti,
buon spirito e grandi emozioni.

I coordinatori del concorso sono Gražina Lukošiene, Mindaugas Labanauskas, Reda Labanauskiene e Laimonas Salijus.
Le iscrizioni chiudono il 15 aprile 2022. Scarica qui il regolamento del concorso: 2022AscoltateRules.pdf
Mindaugas Labanauskas, Gražina Lukošiene


Concerto 20° anniversario Guardia Nueva alla pista di pattinaggio di Kokkola – Finlandia

Guardia Nueva poster
Il prossimo concerto della serie del 20° anniversario di Guardia Nueva si terrà presso la pista di pattinaggio di Kokkola in Finlandia, il 19 febbraio 2022 alle 18:00.

Guardia Nueva, diretta da Raimo Vertainen eseguirà arrangiamenti per orchestra con i solisti Jarkko Ahola, Arja Koriseva, Jennie Storbacka e Teemu Roivainen.

Il loro programma includerà anche musica finlandese, tanghi, musica argentina e musica da film.

Tutti i dettagli dei concerti per il 20° Anniversario di Guardia Nueva a: 2021DiamondJubilee
Guardia Nueva


Concerto "Tribute to the Ural Bayan Trio", Nyagan – Russia

Ural tribute poster
Un concerto dal titolo "Tribute to the Ural Bayan Trio" si terrà al GCC "Planet" di Nyagan il 12 febbraio alle 12:00.

L'Ural Bayan Trio è l'orgoglio degli Urali, un ensemble unico nella scuola bayan russa. Ovunque questo ensemble si sia esibito: nella sala concerti Tchaikovsky o su un palcoscenico rurale, in una sala conferenze musicali o in uno studio televisivo a Parigi, ogni concerto è stato un successo clamoroso.

Nel corso di diversi decenni di attività creativa, il trio ha eseguito oltre 200 opere di compositori stranieri e russi, in migliaia di concerti e programmi radiofonici e televisivi.

Questo concerto si basa sul repertorio del trio che è una risorsa preziosa per i giovani musicisti. La loro musica sarà eseguita da "A Trio", vincitori del concorso per il premio Trio degli Urali per musicisti di bayan e vincitori di concorsi russi e internazionali.

Tra i membri del trio figurano i fisarmonicisti Alexey Shibaev, Andrey Gilyazetdinov e Artur Kazaryan.

Scarica il poster per ulteriori informazioni: 2022TrioPoster.pdf


ATAM 60° Annual New England Music Festival & Competition – USA

ATAM poster
Joe NatoliL'ATAM 60° Annual New England Music Festival & Competition si svolge dall'8 al 10 aprile 2022 a Newton, MA e virtualmente. Il New England Music Festival è un concorso musicale annuale sponsorizzato dalla Accordion Teachers Association of Massachusetts, Inc.

L'evento attira più di 3.000 iscrizioni e 800 concorrenti provenienti da tutto il New England e l'ATAM onorerà Joseph Natoli (foto a sinistra) al festival di quest'anno come membro onorario.

Le lezioni includono categorie competitive e non competitive per concorrenti di tutte le età, tra cui categorie soliste per tutti gli strumenti e voce, duetti, Battle of the Bands, categorie di intrattenimento, categorie virtuali e altro ancora!

Tutti i fisarmonicisti possono partecipare al concorso virtuale.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: peggyf1944@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Orquestra Sanfônica do Rio de Janeiro FIBRA Festival Concert - Brazil

FIBRA poster
The Orquestra Sanfônica do Rio de Janeiro performed a concert on the stairs of the Theatro Municipal (Municipal Theatre) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on February 4th, 2022.

This free event was part of the FIBRA Instrument Festival celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, coordinated by Marcelo Caldi.

Prior to this concert, the orchestra took part in an open rehearsal and TV recording especially for the festival (see picture below).

Their program included a repertoire of pieces by Dominguinhos.
TV pic


Video: Tribute to Vladislav Zolatariev 80th Anniversary - Russia

Video: The famous Soviet composer Vladislav Zolatariev was born on September 13th, 1942. He wrote a lot of wonderful music for accordion. If it weren't for his tragic death, he would have turned 80 this year.

Volodymyr Runchak brings your attention to the outstanding composer Vladislav Zolatariev with his own dedicated musical composition.

"Vladislav Passion" by Volodymyr Runchak for accordion and orchestra. Performers are the Symphony Orchestra of the Astrakhan State Opera and Ballet Theatre conducted by Artyom Gladkov and accordionist Dmitry Soloviev.


Postponed: "Pearl of Kuban" Competition New Dates, Krasnodar - Russia

Pearl poster
postponedDue to the current unfavorable Covid-19 epidemic situation in Russia, the organizing committee of the VIII All-Russian Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments "Pearl of the Kuban" have decided to postpone the competition. The competition was due to be held at the end of this month from February 28th to March 3rd.

The Decree of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory has introduced a “high alert regime”, and organisers want to maintain the format of live competitive auditions.

New Dates: October 17th to 22nd, 2022.


Online International Viber Accordion Community Established – Worldwide

Viber logoDusan MarkovicRight after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Dušan Markovic (Serbia) came up with the idea of establishing an online International Viber Accordion Community (IVAC).

Initially, the idea was to connect colleagues in Serbia and to have all the information about important events in the world of accordion gathered and available in one place.

The list of interested accordionists and enthusiasts soon gained an international character, with members from Russia, Belarus, Italy, Spain, France, Ukraine, USA, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, etc. Our members include distinguished professors and organizers of world competitions, festivals and master classes.

Therefore, we invite all colleagues to join us in order to further improve cooperation together, make communication as direct as possible and information available to all.

For details contact: (viber) +381 60 700 78 28


Updated Composers Guide to the Piano Accordion on the AAA Site

AAA header
Composers Guide coverCover, Composers Guide to the Piano AccordionThe updated and expanded “Composers Guide to the Piano Accordion,” by Prof. Robert Young McMahan is a free download on the AAA site at: http://www.ameraccord.com/commissions/ComposersGuide.pdf

The guide is to help accordionists encourage composers who may not play the accordion, to compose for our favourite instrument.

A shorter version of the guide was published in 2016 in the 4th edition of the widely used textbook The Study of Orchestration, by Samuel Adler.


Video: Cory Pesaturo on Jimmy Fallon TV Show "That's my Jam" - USA

Jam picVideo: Accordionist Cory Pesaturo appeared on the NBC television game show “That’s my Jam” with Jimmy Fallon this week.

Can you guess the songs he played?


Vladimir Ushakov Entertains at "Accordions & Metelitsa" Festival - Russia

festival posterVladimir Ushakov entertained at the "Accordions & Metelitsa" Festival, held at the "Coliseum" Arena concert hall in St Petersburg, Russia in December 2021.

The video above is the final number and encore in the concert performed by St. Petersburg musicians Vladimir Ushakov (accordion) and Sergey Bolotnikov (rock guitar) accompanied by the orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Metelitsa", conducted by Yuri Gorobets.


Future events

ATG Professional Development Workshop on February 13, 2022 - USA

ATG header
ATG logoYou are invited to the ATG Professional Development series focusses on how to teach accordion, which is open to all levels of performers, including people who do not teach, but who want to learn a lot! It is scheduled for February 13, 2022 3-5:30 PM CT on Zoom.
Murl Allen Sanders will give a talk on how to teach people who are new to the accordion, but who already have a musical background on another instrument. He’ll address “some tips and essential things to address and learn, for both the student and instructor.” Murl is esteemed as both a performer and a teacher—having worked with such diverse artists as Chuck Berry, Etta James, Il Divo, Glenn Yarbrough, and the Seattle Symphony—and he is adjunct faculty at the Cornish College of the Arts and the Shoreline Community College in Seattle.
Michael Bridge, DMA candidate at the University of Toronto, will give a presentation on strategies for sight-reading and ear-training, and how to teach it. Michael shares, “I taught courses on this topic as a teaching assistant at the University of Toronto for many years, and have helped many students who struggle with ear-training. Fortunately, on accordion, we have a number of excellent music theory resources built in to our instrument, which we will use to our advantage. We will talk about rhythmic and melodic sight-reading skills, and how to recognize harmonic patterns with your ear.”
A few changes:
Based on survey results from our successful inaugural workshop last November, we have decided not to cap participation in the hopes of sharing knowledge as widely as possible! Three hours was quite a stretch mentally, so we will aim for two and a half hours, but extra questions will certainly be welcome.
The cost of attendance is $60 for ATG members, or $85 for non-members.
Register quickly for your front-row Zoom seats! We’re looking forward to a productive discussion.
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/professional-development-for-accordion-teachers-tickets-262330175617


Ruslan Kochkin & and Olzhas Nurlanov Perform at "In the Homeland of Panitsky" Festival Concert, Saratov – Russia

Saratov poster
The Festival of Folk Instrumental Art "In the homeland of Panitsky" will take place this month in Saratov, Russia. The event is a project of the Department of Folk Instruments of the Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinova.

Within the framework of the XIII All-Russian Festival of Folk Instrumental Art “In the homeland of Panitsky”, a concert will be held which will include a performance by laureates of All-Russian and international competitions, Ruslan Kochkin and Olzhas Nurlanov (class of Professor Friedrich Lips, People’s Artist of Russia).

The concert will take place on February 6th, 2022 at 5pm in the Great Hall of the SGC im. L.V. Sobinova, Saratov.

See poster for details.


Sun Yang Kim Performs Piazzolla Double Concerto, Daegu – South Korea

Sun Kim poster
Sun KimSun Yang Kim (bandoneon - picture right) will perform Piazzolla’s Double Concerto for Bandoneon and guitar with string orchestra at the Daegu Concert House Chamber Hall in Daegu, South Korea on February 8th, 2022 at 7.30pm.

Sun Yang Kim will perform with the Vielle Chamber Ensemble (formerly Daegu Strings Chamber Ensemble) at their first New Year concert in Daegu.

See poster for details.


Accordion Masterclass, Conference & Recital - Portugal

Seminar poster
The Accordion Association of Portugal and the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro will promote 4 activities on February 11th and 12th at DeCa University.

Program as follows:
• February 11th at 9:30pm in the Auditorium of CCCI/UA - Accordion Recital by João Barradas
• February 12th from 9am - 3 activities:
- Masterclass of Accordion directed by Professor João Barradas
- "Yoga for Musicians" directed by Professor Diana Freire (one session in the morning and another in the afternoon)
- Conference "Posture, Pain and Perception of Effort in Learning the Accordion" with Professor Liliana Aparício

For further information email: info.asacord@gmail.com


London Tango Quintet Valentine's Concert, London - UK

The London Tango Quintet are back in concert with their first 2022 performance at St Peter’s Church in Chiswick, London, England on February 12th at 7.30pm.

The group features accordionist Milos Milivojevic. Other members are: David Juritz (violin), Craig Ogden (guitar), David Gordon (piano) and Richard Pryce (bass).

Their program will include works by Piazzolla, Salgan, Pugliese and other tango greats! Dancers are welcome.

The concert will also be a celebration of Valentine’s Day two days early with some of the most romantic music ever written.

A limited number of seats are available. All members of the audience will be required to wear masks except when seated (unless medically exempt) and to be considerate of the needs of others by maintaining social distancing.

For details email: jayne@classicmgt.org.uk


Vardos Trio Entertains at Melbourne Recital Centre - Australia

Vardos Trio
Vardos Trio, which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman, will entertain at the Primrose Potter Salon, Melbourne Recital Centre in Southbank, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on February 18th, 2022 at 9pm.

The concert, entitled “A Window Into Every Village” includes the song ‘Ablakomba besütött a holdvilág’ (moonlight shines in my window), which is famous throughout Hungary and Romania and yet is played differently in every village.

Each piece at the event will start with this influential song and then the window will open to the varying views that can be seen beyond.

For details phone: Melbourne Recital Centre Box Office: 03 9699 3333


Dancing Holiday with Amandine Musichini - Spain

Dance poster
Video: Amandine Musichini performing Turkish March (Mozart).

Accordionist Amandine Musichini will entertain at a “Dancing Holiday” 5 day trip from March 15th to 19th, 2022.

The tour will be held at the Costa Brava coastal region of Catalonia in northeastern Spain, organised by Ludovic Thause Tourism.

For details email: contact@lttourisme.fr


New and Updated Sites

Convention NAA 2022: "Siamo tornati e stiamo rivitalizzando la Convention!" - USA

NAA 2022
Party timeLa Convention 2022 della National Accordion Association (NAA) si terrà dal 16 al 19 marzo 2022 presso l'Hilton Hotel, Richardson, Texas, USA e comprende 42 sessioni di workshop, 16 relatori e 6 esercitazioni orchestrali!

"Siamo tornati!" speriamo di rivedervi tutti di persona. La National Accordion Convention del 2022 si concentrerà sulle attività di socializzazione, prove della banda, sessioni interattive, feste da ballo, ecc., abbiamo praticato il distanziamento sociale per troppo tempo!

La pianificazione per la Convention è a pieno regime. Abbiamo già registrato un ampio elenco di presentatori e artisti.

Ecco un assaggio delle attività serali:
• Mercoledì sera: Ricevimento di benvenuto. Incontrate e conoscete la musica.
• Giovedì sera: musica in giro per il mondo. Dedicheremo stanze a diverse città come Parigi, Roma, Monaco e altre. Ognuno avrà un presentatore principale, ma tutti sono invitati a suonare! Passeggiate con un drink in un viaggio divertente.
• Venerdì sera: Dance Party - ballate finché non vi cadono le scarpe! Avremo artisti sul palco che vi intratterranno con Folk, Polka e Balli da sala.
• Sabato sera: Cena di Gala con concerto finale.

Le informazioni sulla prenotazione, l’hotel e l’iscrizione alla Convention sono ora disponibili online su: NAA
NAA planning team


Spedizione gratuita, disponibile fino al 7 febbraio - Francia

Benetoux books
Spedizione speciale gratuita disponibile fino al 7 febbraio:
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion di Thierry Benetoux (catalogo benetouxen00). Un libro di qualità sulle riparazioni di fisarmoniche, l'accordatura ecc. che è davvero molto popolare. In inglese

In francese. Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (catalogo benetouxfr00).

Spedizione speciale gratuita disponibile fino al 7 febbraio:
Sounding Out The Accordion di Thierry Benetoux (catalogo bthierryen). Un libro di grande qualità che si prende cura del suono e dell'accordatura della tua fisarmonica. In inglese.

In francese. L'Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (catalogo bthierryfr).
Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon, L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore


Accordion-YellowPages.com inserzioni gratuite di Eventi fisarmonica - Cyberspazio

Accordion-YellowPages.com header
La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile.

La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com.

Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica.

Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com.

L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible.

Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com.

Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes.


2022 AAA Festival Postponed to 2023 - USA

AAA header
Frank Busso,Sr.CicconeDue to the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) commitment to the health and safety of our many loyal attendees and guest artists, and to help support our nation’s efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19, our AAA Governing Board had to make a difficult decision.

The 2022 AAA Festival has been postponed and will be rescheduled, along with the AAA Lifetime Achievement Award Dinner in honor of Frank Busso Sr. (picture left) for the summer of 2023.

Please visit our website: AAA often for updates and to view new articles and information that gets posted regularly. Stay tuned for information on upcoming virtual workshops, on the 2022 Virtual Competitions, the Elsie Bennett Composition Competition and the Carrozza Competition.

More information will follow shortly.


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Russia header
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with new additional articles.


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