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Weekly News from Around the World - 04-Dec-2015
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Primo piano

XXIII Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica Solista "Arrasate Hiria" - Spagna
Video: 10° Anniversario Giubileo Concerto di "Harmony", Rostov-on-Don - Russia
Regista di "Accodion Rising" Roberta Cantow Vince Due Premi - Stati Uniti d'America
Ambasciatrice del Giappone in Uruguay, Una Fisarmonicista Entusiasta! - Uruguay, Giappone
Guardia Nueva Sibelius Tema Natale, Kokkola, Kalajoki - Finlandia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Michael Late, Semi-Finals, Britain's Got Talent 2015 - UK
Accordion Masterclass and Gala Concert in Genk - Belgium
Video: 10th Chinese Golden Bell Award For Music, Accordion Competition - China
Idan Raichel records his first solo album, Kfar Saba – Israel
Video: Organ & Accordion Quartet Performance - New Zealand
Thousands raised by Lewis and Harris Accordion and Fiddle Club - Scotland
Video: Michael Bridge Duo "Rock Bach" New Album - USA
World War 2, Imprisonment, and the Accordion in Karaganda – Kazakhstan & Japan
David Vernon’s St Andrews Night Ball, Warsaw – Poland
Video: Joseph Natoli Performs Epic Cinema Soundrack - USA
‘14 Years Ago’: Lácides Romero Performs in Cathedral, November 2001 - Columbia

Future events

Cory Pesaturo To Perform with Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra
Akkordeon-Orchester Baltmannsweiler e.V. Concert, Baltmannsweiler – Germany
London Accordion Orchestra (LAO) Concerts, London – UK
Peter Burke Dancing Gigs, Cork, Tipperary, Limerick – Republic of Ireland
Zoe Tiganouria performs each Sunday in December, Athens – Greece
Roman Jbanov Recital, Auvergne – France
Rob Howard & John Jones @ Stockport Air Raid Shelters, Cheshire – UK

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 2 New Works Released - Australia
Updated Site: Gary Daverne Site Updated and New Navigation - New Zealand
New and Updated Site: Sergey Osokin, New CD, Performer and Teacher, Moscow - Russia
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 2 New Works Released - Australia

CD Reviews

CD Review: “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo

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Primo piano

XXIII Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica Solista "Arrasate Hiria" - Spagna

Hauspoz (Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea)
XXIII International Accordion SoloIñaki Alberdi, Gorka HermosaHauspoz (Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea) in collaborazione con il Comune di Arrasate, il Consiglio Provinciale di Gipuzkoa, il governo basco e la Fondazione SGAE organizza il XXIII Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria", XXXVI Concorso di Fisarmonica Gipuzkoa e Gipuzkoa XXVIII Festival della fisarmonica, dal 4 al 6 Dicembre 2015 ad Arrasate.

Oltre al concorso internazionale, ci sono molte classi nazionali e un festival con circa 350 fisarmonicisti provenienti da diversi paesi.

Scarica il programma di 56 pagine del 2015: 2015AHiria.pdf

Sono pervenute iscrizioni da: Austria, Cina, Finlandia, Germania, Polonia, Russia, Serbia, Slovacchia e Slovenia. Dettagli dei concorrenti nel programma.

La giuria internazionale comprende: Vojin Vasovic (Serbia), Matti Rantanen (Finlandia), Iñaki Alberdi (Spagna), James Crabb (Scozia), Stefan Hussong (Germania).

Concerti e Lezioni includono: Jaso e Marcelo Javier Lopez Quartet, Gorka Hermosa e Francisco San Emeterio, concerti di premiazione con i vincitori dei concorsi del 2014.


Video: 10° Anniversario Giubileo Concerto di "Harmony", Rostov-on-Don - Russia

Jubilee Concert - Part 1 (wait a few seconds for the video to load) Jubilee Concert - Part 2 (wait a few seconds for the video to load)
International Music Center 'Harmony' logo10th Anniversary Harmony PosterL'International Music Center 'Harmony' festeggia 10 anni di successi musicali con uno speciale 'Concert of Harmony' per il 10° anniversario nel Palazzo della Cultura Rostvertol.

Il video del 'Concert of Hamrony" sarà online qui da domenica mattina, orario Europeo.

Potete leggere dei 10 anni di storia dell'International Music Center 'Harmony' a: 2015Harmony

Il più grande progetto dell'International Music Center 'Harmony' nel 2016 sarà quello di ospitare la Coupe Mondiale 2016 a Rostov-on-Don, 11-17 Settembre.


Regista di "Accodion Rising" Roberta Cantow Vince Due Premi - Stati Uniti d'America

Accordions Rising
Accolade AwardRoberta CantowLa regista Roberta Cantow con "Accordions Rising" ha ottenuto due prestigiosi riconoscimenti al recente Accolade Global Film Competition, California:

- Documentario - Premio di Merito
- Movie Trailer - Premio di Riconoscimento

I vincitori passati hanno in seguito vinto Oscar, Emmy e altri importanti premi cinematografici.

Roberta Cantow scrive: "Accordions Rising" riflette qualcosa del paesaggio della nostra America, la nostra cultura e i nostro presente.
Più mi innamoravo della fisarmonica e la sua musica della fisarmonica, più ero determinata a celebrare il talento di coloro che suonano e compongono."
Se non avete aderito alla Accordions Rising mailing list e volete essere informati quando questo film sarà disponibile su DVD o in streaming, visitare
www.accordionsrising.com (e cliccare su Contatti).

Per ulteriori informazioni: rcantow@originaldigital.net


Ambasciatrice del Giappone in Uruguay, Una Fisarmonicista Entusiasta! - Uruguay, Giappone

Keiko TanakaDa un articolo del Financial Times di Lucinda Elliott.

Keiko Tanaka, da Tokyo, recentemente nominata ambasciatrice del Giappone in Uruguay a Montevideo, vuole mettere a punto i legami commerciali con l'America Latina - e raccogliere qualche costume musicale.

Immagine a destra: Keiko Tanaka con la sua fisarmonica al Teatro Solis, il teatro più antico di Uruguay.

Il suo primo incarico diplomatico è insolito sotto diversi aspetti. Può sembrare una scelta naturale per un diplomatico, dopo una carriera di successo nel mondo degli affari per 33 anni e tre continenti con la casa automobilistica Nissan. Il Giappone sta cercando di promuovere legami commerciali in America Latina e ha spesso nominato dirigenti del settore al suo servizio diplomatico e Keiko Tanaka è la prima donna ad eseere nominata.

Un'elettrica chitarrista e appassionata di musica, Tanaka è anche un'entusiasta cantante di karaoke di J-Pop (pop giapponese). "Mi immagino un po' come una rocker alla mia età, con lunghi capelli grigi", ride Tanaka.

Ispirata da tanghi e milonghe dell'Uruguay, ha anche preso la fisarmonica con grande entusiasmo.


Guardia Nueva Sibelius Tema Natale, Kokkola, Kalajoki - Finlandia

Video 1:
Video 2:
Raimo VertainenVideo dal recente concerto 2015 Coupe Mondiale.
Video 1: Sa et Kyynelta NAA
Video 2: Tico Tico

La favolosa orchestra di tango finlandese e intrattenimento Guardia Nueva, che si è recentemente esibita alla Coupe Mondiale 2015 a Turku e al Festival di Usedom, Germania, ha due nuovi concerti in programma per questo fine settimana.

Si tratta di concerti di Natale a tema Jean Sibelius. Quest'anno è il 150° anniversario della nascita del grande compositore finlandese (1865-1957) e Guardia Nueva ha incluso molti brani di Sibelius nel programma.

Guardia Nueva eseguirà tutta la musica di Natale che Sibelius ha scritto, anche la celebre composizione 'Valse Triste', arrangiata dal direttore Raimo Vertainen per l'orchestra. Il solista per l'orchestra è uno dei più famosi basso-baritoni della Finlandia, Juha Uusitalo, che ha avuto una carriera di successo nei maggiori teatri d'opera a Bayreuth, Germania, Covent Garden, Londra, e al Metropolitan di New York.

I concerti si terranno presso la chiesa Kokkola venerdì 4 Dicembre, 19:30, e nella chiesa Kalajoki sabato 5 Dicembre alle 18:00.

Dettagli del programma Coupe Mondiale e video di tutti i concerti sono online all'indirizzo:

CD disponibile online all'indirizzo: Guardia Nueva


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Michael Late, Semi-Finals, Britain's Got Talent 2015 - UK

Britains Got Talent TV Show. Magician Michael's Austrian-themed act was a hit the first time - Semifinals Sunday 29th Oct. 2015.

Video 1: The Austrian Lederhosen Wearing Magician features an accordion "construction" specially made by Strasser with an extra length bellow for this act.
Video 2: Continues the Austrian theme music and style.


Accordion Masterclass and Gala Concert in Genk - Belgium

Wendy Remans, Ronald EhlenPicture above: Genk Academy Accordion Class conducted by Wendy Remans.

Last weekend, Ronald Ehlen and Wendy Remans (picture left) with their accordion sextet 'Aerophonic' organised a gala concert in association with the Genk Academy for Music, Word & Dance and the Genk Academy for Arts, to celebrate their 60th & 70th anniversaries.

The weekend started with a masterclass by Gorka Hermosa at the Genk Academy followed by a concert that showcased a wide variety of music of all genres and performers of all ages. It began with an orchestra comprised of the accordion class of the Genk Academy conducted by Wendy Remans.

Next Gorka Hermosa showcased his compositions ranging from traditional to contemporary music including Fragilissimo, Gernika, Paco & Pater Noster.

Next Aerophonic performed and then added Grayson Masefield as soloist, to perform the world premiere of Rhapsody No. 2 for Accordion Solo and Orchestra composed by Gary Daverne. This work was written for Grayson Masefield.

The concert finished with a solo recital by Grayson Masefield of classical and variety music. His program included Ka Mate by Gorka Hermosa and Semionov's Unforgettable. He also made the premiere of Disco Medley a new arrangement by renowned Jazz accordionist Renzo Ruggieri.

Picture below: Gorka Hermosa (left), Grayson Masefield Maori Haka War Dance introduction to Ka Mate.
Gorka Hermosa, Grayson Masefield


Video: 10th Chinese Golden Bell Award For Music, Accordion Competition - China

Tenth Chinese Golden Bell Music Award
Jiang Bolong, 3rd place
Li Churan, 4th place
10th Chinese Golden Bell Music AwardVideos above: Last week we featured videos by the 1st and 2nd place getters and this week we feature video of the 3rd place Jiang Bolong and 4th place Li Churan semi-final programs. Allow a few seconds for the loading of these videos.

Daily Reports of video, photos, rules and results at: 2015GoldenBell


Idan Raichel records his first solo album, Kfar Saba – Israel

Idan RaichelIdan Raichel (born 1977) is an Israeli singer/songwriter, pianist and accordionist, known for his Idan Raichel Project, distinctive for its fusion of electronics, Hebrew texts, Arab and Ethiopian music. Raichel has recently recorded his first solo CD, ‘At the Edge of the Beginning’, set for release in January 2016.

Born in Kfar Saba, a leafy central Israeli town, at the age of 9 Raichel first played and studied the accordion, an instrument introduced to him by his mother, along with mandolin played by his grandfather.

“I don’t think any kid picks the accordion to play,” laughed Raichel, who said he thanks his parents for “almost forcing” him to play the accordion. “It’s maybe the most uncool instrument. But it was these strong Israeli roots that made me aware of other kinds of music. The accordion is a very global instrument, and in all the melodies of the Idan Raichel Project and this solo project, you feel its influence.”


Video: Organ & Accordion Quartet Performance - New Zealand

1. Simple Gifts - in Jazz by Joe Utterback for accordion quartet and organ
2. Rigaudon by Andre Campra arranged for accordion quartet and organ by Stephen Vincent

Uploaded on Oct 3, 2015
Performed at St Lukes Church, Remuera, Auckland NZ
4 October 2015

Performers: Steven Vincent (organ), accordionists left to right: Stephanie Poole, Lionel Reekie, Campbell Bettridge, Alexandra Reekie (bass accordion).


Thousands raised by Lewis and Harris Accordion and Fiddle Club - Scotland

Cheque presentation
Pictured is the presentation of the cheque. Report by the Stornoway Gazette.

A hugely enjoyable night took place at the Lewis and Harris Accordion and Fiddle Club’s November event, the ‘Iain Crichton Memorial Charity Night’, where a cheque for £2,890 was donated this year to ‘Enable’, a charity that supports those with special needs on a daily basis.

The money was raised by members of the club playing at the Coop and Tesco stores plus the proceeds on the night.

This brings the total donated to local bodies by the club since 2000 to £27,607.

For an equally enjoyable evening of accordion and fiddle music the club meets in the Caladh Inn, Lewis and Harris, on the first Thursday of every month starting 8pm and all are welcome.


Video: Michael Bridge Duo "Rock Bach" New Album - USA

Michael Bridge (accordion) and Kornel Wolak (clarinet), video published on Nov 23, 2015. Brahms: "Rondo alla Zingarese"

Armed with accordion and clarinet, Double-Double Duo uniquely fuses classical showpieces with rock, jazz and world music. This piece was released on Double-Double's "Rock Bach" album in November, 2015.


World War 2, Imprisonment, and the Accordion in Karaganda – Kazakhstan & Japan

Yuisuke Tanaka2015 marks 70 years since the end of World War II and this is especially notable, because so few who lived during that terrible period of conflict are alive today.

For the 70th Anniversary, there have been many news stories around the world about WWII and some of these stories have featured accordion pictures. Just last month while visiting the CIA Archives in Finland, I was shown a book of photographs of accordion/soldiers selected from WWII archives by the Finnish Accordion Association. Pictures showed prisoners and soldiers enjoying accordion music together.

Below is a story, this time from Japan of how the music of the accordion helped in terrible times.

Yuisuke Tanaka, a member of the Japanese Kwantung Army occupying Manchuria, was one of 1,000 Japanese soldiers imprisoned in Karaganda in central Kazakhstan, which was part of the former USSR.

Yuisuke Tanaka, now 89 years old, was 19 years old when he was detained. He and his comrades were sent to a Soviet labour camp, where conditions were very bad and the work was hard. Anyone who tried to escape was gunned down. The temperatures in Karaganda dropped below minus 40C in winter. Tanaka lost two fingers to frostbite and suffered a serious head injury due to a fall while working laying railway tracks. “Living was harder than dying,” he recalled.

Yet even within this harsh life, there were happy moments. A German soldier in the camp taught Tanaka to play the accordion, and the heartwarming tunes of the instrument soothed his desperate mind.

Tanaka returned to Japan in 1949 and after much hard work became a musician. Since the 1980s, he has been sharing his experiences in the camp and the importance of music to the soul while playing the accordion, which continues to do to this day.


David Vernon’s St Andrews Night Ball, Warsaw – Poland

David Vernon
Scottish accordionist David Vernon writes, “Another great night on Saturday, playing for the Warsaw Caledonian Society. Personally it was my 28th trip to play for them, and the 20th year doing their St Andrews Night Ball.

Singer/guitarist Andy Ramage and I did the first one in 1996. Saturday was very much focused on fund-raising for local charities, (especially children) and the charity auction/raffle at midnight raised an astonishing 160,000 Zloty, which is approximately £26,500.

Now that's a result in anyone's book!!”


Video: Joseph Natoli Performs Epic Cinema Soundrack - USA

Joseph Natoli Performs Epic Cinema Soundrack. Joe Natoli was performing at the “Carrefour Mondiale de L’Accordeon", an annual international accordion and diatonic festival in Montmagny, Quebec, Canada.


‘14 Years Ago’: Lácides Romero Performs in Cathedral, November 2001 - Columbia

Lácides RomeroThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending November 30th 2001 included an article announcing a concert at the cathedral in Montería, Columbia, to be given by Lácides Romero.

In a country where the diatonic accordion and folk music are dominant, Lácides Romero has trod a different path, performing mainly classical music on the accordion. He continues to this day giving recitals and master classes, not only in Colombia but in other countries also. Long may he be an inspiration to accordionists in South America.

Cathedral Concert – Colombia

Colombian Accordionist Lácides Romero, will perform at the Montería Cathedral in Montería on December 1st. The concert will take place to celebrate the appointment of the new Bishop, Julio Vidal. Romero's program will include ‘Allemande and Gigue in G Major’, ‘Pasacalle con Variaciones’ (Handel), ‘Saltarella’ (Leybach) and ‘Slavonic Dance No 8’ (Dvorak).


Future events

Cory Pesaturo To Perform with Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra

Video: Published on Aug 6, 2015. Business Rockstars has former Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion category winner and revolutionary Cory Pesaturo on the show! As usual, Pink Floyd's Scott Page brings the artist on.

Cory Pesaturo will perform with Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra at the Veteran's Memorial Hall in Providence on Friday, December 4, 2015 at 7:30 PM.. Cory has played with him many times in private settings and known him since 2010. The program is entitled "Big Band Holidays".

Get into the swing of the season with the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra. Under the direction of Pulitzer Prize-winning composer/trumpeter Wynton Marsalis, America’s preeminent jazz orchestra features 15 of the finest musicians working today. They’ll ring in the season with "Big Band Holidays", a night of swinging holiday favorites, New Orleans inflections and jazzy good cheer featuring the vocal stylings of special guest Denzal Sinclaire.

This is JALC’s fourth year in partnership with FirstWorks to educate young musicians across Rhode Island and keep America’s great big band tradition alive and swinging.

Cory is the youngest accordionist to perform with the Wynton Marsalis and JALC. (Jazz At Lincoln Center). For tickets call: 401-421-2787.


Akkordeon-Orchester Baltmannsweiler e.V. Concert, Baltmannsweiler – Germany

Baltmannsweiler posterOn Saturday December 5th, 7.30pm, the three orchestras of the Akkordeon-Orchester Baltmannsweiler e.V. perform in concert at the Kulturzentrum Baltmannsweiler, Baden-Württemberg, southern Germany.

Further details on the poster left.


London Accordion Orchestra (LAO) Concerts, London – UK

London Accordion OrchestraThe London Accordion Orchestra (MD Ian Watson) performs in concert twice in the next week, as follows:

Saturday December 5th, 6pm until 8pm - St Gabriel’s Church, Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AD; admission £12/£10

Friday December 11th, 8pm - Royal National Theatre, Southbank, London SE1 9PX; tickets are on sale via the National Theatre website.

The London Accordion Orchestra began life in 1999 as the Morley Accordion Orchestra. The LAO plays a wide variety of music – from original works to show tunes and film music. In 2013 the LAO performed at the World Music Festival in Innsbruck, Austria. In 2014 the LAO hosted two overseas accordion orchestras – Torkest, from the Netherlands, and the Nuremberg AO, from Germany, and in 2015 the Akkordeon-Orchester Wiesbaden, from Germany.

In 2016 the LAO will again perform at the World Music Festival in Innsbruck the World Music Festival in Innsbruck.

For further information email: mail@londonao.co.uk


Peter Burke Dancing Gigs, Cork, Tipperary, Limerick – Republic of Ireland

Peter BurkeUpcoming dance gigs dates next week for Irish accordionist Peter Burke include:

Saturday December 5th - Midleton GAA, County Cork
Sunday December 6th – Ownahincha, Cork
Monday December 7th - Templemore Arms, Main Street, Templemore, County Tipperary
Wednesday December 9th - Bulgaden Castle, Kilmallock, County Limerick


Zoe Tiganouria performs each Sunday in December, Athens – Greece

Zoe TiganouriaVideo: Zoe Tiganouria Television appearance as guest of Reni Tsitsimpikou and Peter Koumpli on EPT Television on 30th July 2015.

Accordionist Zoe Tiganouria entertains as part of a cultural show that pays homage to women on Sunday evenings throughout December 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th, all beginning at 9pm, at Libra, Kydathinaion Street, Plaka, Athens.

She will be playing some of her own compositions and also an international repertoire.

Also performing are the string ensemble ‘Athenian Rhapsody’, and several dancers and singers. Admission (with beer and wine): 12 €.

For further information email: info@zoe-music.net


Roman Jbanov Recital, Auvergne – France

Roman JbanovRussian accordionist Roman Jbanov performs a recital, with a program of Russian and French classical works on Thursday December 10th, 8.30pm, at Maison de l’Oradou, 88 rue de l’Oradou, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, Auvergne.

Roman Jbanov, born 1976 in Pervomaisk, Russia, won several competitions, most notably the CMA Trophée Mondiale in 1997 in Andorra. He subsequently moved to France, formed the Paris-Moscow Duo with Domi Emorine, and often performs and holds master classes.


Rob Howard & John Jones @ Stockport Air Raid Shelters, Cheshire – UK

Accordionists Rob Howard (picture left) and John Jones will be playing war songs and Christmas music in the Stockport Air Raid Shelters, 61 Chestergate, Stockport SK1 1NE, on Monday evenings December 14th and Thursday 17th.

Picture above with the Mayor of Stockport.

The evening consists of a guided tour at 7pm, followed by a singsong of war songs and carols at 8pm, with wine and mince pies. It's all very jolly and seasonal stuff, and Rob and John have been doing these gigs since 1999.

The Shelters, a huge labyrinth of tunnels that stretches everywhere underneath the town centre, opened in 1939, and became home each night for up to 7,000 people in 1940/41. The Shelters were closed in May 1945, and were restored and re-opened by the council as an educational resource and tourist attraction in 1996. This year marks the 75th anniversary on the Manchester Blitz, which began on December 22nd 1940.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 2 New Works Released - Australia

cfranco201 - L'ultima Bachata (solo)Franco Cambareri has released two new compositions this week:
cfranco201 - L'ultima Bachata
cfranco202 - Samba Rumbesca
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.


Updated Site: Gary Daverne Site Updated and New Navigation - New Zealand

From the Podium book cover
CD Accordion Concert MusicThe website of Gary Daverne, Accordion Composer - Music Director - Orchestral Conductor - Arranger - Record Producer, has been updated with new navigation and further information.

The recently released book "From the Podium" by Gary Daverne is available on the site. All the accordion compositions and recordings of Gary Daverne are available online at:


New and Updated Site: Sergey Osokin, New CD, Performer and Teacher, Moscow - Russia

Il Dolce Dolore CD by Sergey OsokinThe new Il Dolce Dolore CD by Sergey Osokin (accordion) features four major works performing with Nadezhda Tokareva (violin) and Andrey Berezin (violoncello):

1. Trio No. 1 Op. 9 for violin, cello and accordion (1986) Timo-Juhani Kyllönen 21:38
2. Dream Garden for Violoncello and bayan (1997) Mikhail Bronner 10:28
3. Fantasy in the Memory of Alfred Schnittke (1998) Efrem Podgaits 10:10
4. Il Dolce Dolore for violoncello and bayan (1990) Sergey Berinsky 10:40
Total time: 54:19

Sergey Osokin is a tutor at Schnittke's Moscow State Institute of Music and has been performing in many countries, including recently in China and Lithuania.

Il Dolce Dolore is available as a CD (posted to you) or as eTracks mp3 download available online at: Sergey Osokin

Site updates include the pages about two albums:
os601 Eternal Returning CD and eTracks album
os602 Il Cinema Per Sempre CD and eTracks album


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 2 New Works Released - Australia

cfranco199 - Walking SticksFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions last week:
cfranco199 - Walking Sticks
cfranco200 - Colours of Autumn
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.


CD Reviews

CD Review: “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo

“So Far, So Close” CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo – Alessandro Tampieri (violin), Giorgio Dellarole (accordion). Review by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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