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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Jun-2022
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Primo piano

Prima volta: Ryan Corbett è BBC New Generation Artist - UK
NOVAM Orchestra Festival 2022 al completo - Paesi Bassi
Festival della fisarmonica 2022 ""Rundt om Harmonikaen" - Danimarca
Les Nuits de Nacre de Tulle Festival - Francia
Premiere di Grayson Masefield New Quintet Aotango – Nuova Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Blackhill Accordion Band Performs to Celebrate Queen’s Jubilee – Northern Ireland
Accordion Concert Evening with Students of Grzegorz Stopa – Austria
58th Cambridge Folk Festival - England
2022 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Association Championships and Festival Daily Reports - New Zealand
Accordionists Compete at Tirana Talent Competition – Albania
Online: Rita Barnea Presents Eugene Ettore 100th Birthday Concert - USA
Accordion Association of Calgary Annual Festival – Canada
Video: Liub Anya Performing Balkan Dance - Russia
Juan José Mosalini 1943-2022 - Argentina/France
Renzo Ruggieri Updates Popular Volo Degli Angeli Solo Arrangement - Italy
Alan Young (1955-2022), Isle of Wight - UK

Future events

Bachtopus Performs at River Arts Music Tour, New York - USA
Trio Miaero Performs June Concerts in Goiânia - Brazil
Online: ATG Student Recital - USA
Muamer Kebic Balkan Music Workshop – Austria
Vardos Trio Perform at Montsalvat WinterFest – Australia
Folk Trio “Legends About Us” Concert – Lithuania
7th Běchovice Accordion Festival Concert – Czech Republic
Dominique Paats “Sous le ciel de Paris” Concert - Netherlands
“Music of Spain, Italy & Greece” Concert, Moscow – Russia

Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

Childrens Corner

Video: Accordion Duo Plays Samba by Derbenko - Lithuania

New and Updated Sites

_Concorsi virtuali del Festival AAA 2022 – USA
Laboratori di fisarmonica CNIMA di luglio - Francia

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Primo piano

Prima volta: Ryan Corbett è BBC New Generation Artist - UK

Ryan Corbett
BBC logoVideo: Ryan Corbett esegue J.S. Bach - Klavierkonzert A-Dur BWV10 55 in un concerto nel settembre 2021 dedicato ad Astor Piazzolla.

Sono stati annunciati i BBC New Generation Artists per il 2022-24 e per la prima volta includono un fisarmonicista, Ryan Corbett (Scozia - foto a sinistra).

Ryan "si unirà agli artisti new generation che sono nel programma dal 2021 e rimarranno su di esso fino a dicembre 2023".

"Lanciato nel 1999, il programma New Generation Artists supporta i giovani musicisti all'inizio della loro carriera internazionale con opportunità di esibizione a Londra e in tutto il Regno Unito. Questi includono recital solisti, esibizioni con le orchestre della BBC e apparizioni ai BBC Proms, al Cheltenham Festival, all'Edinburgh International Festival, alla Wigmore Hall di Londra, all'Ulster Hall e allo Snape Maltings tra molti altri luoghi.

Attraverso le trasmissioni su Radio 3 queste stelle nascenti sono ascoltate dagli ascoltatori di tutto il Regno Unito e in tutta Europa attraverso l'Unione europea di radiodiffusione".


NOVAM Orchestra Festival 2022 al completo - Paesi Bassi

NOVAM poster
Le iscrizioni per la 4a edizione del NOVAM (Netherlands Organisation for Accordion and Harmonica) Orchestra Festival che si terrà il 16 ottobre 2022 sono ora al completo.

L'evento è organizzato dal Novam Working Group Orchestras composto da Christa Groeneveld, Tim Fletcher, Leo van Lierop ed Evert van Amsterdam, che organizzano anche l'elenco del repertorio e le richieste di incarichi di composizione per orchestre di fisarmoniche.

Il festival di quest'anno si svolgerà in una nuova sede, Het Muziekcentrum van de Omroep a Hilversum che ha una bellissima sala acustica.

Se desideri partecipare all'evento di quest'anno, gli organizzatori stanno ricevendo le iscrizioni per la lista d'attesa. Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: christa.novam@gmail.com


Festival della fisarmonica 2022 ""Rundt om Harmonikaen" - Danimarca

Marie haven
Rundt logoVideo: Informazioni sull'evento di fisarmonica Around the Accordion 2022.

Il Festival Rundt om Harmonikaen 2022 (Around the Accordion 2022) si terrà a Mariehaven ad Ansager, nello Jutland sud-occidentale, in Danimarca, il 30 luglio 2022 da mezzogiorno a mezzanotte.

Le informazioni sui performer saranno aggiornate regolarmente sui social media.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: mail@musikgalleriet.dk
Rundt info


Les Nuits de Nacre de Tulle Festival - Francia

Nuits poster
Il festival Les Nuits de Nacre de Tulle si terrà a Tulle, in Francia, dal 23 al 26 giugno 2022.

L'evento inizierà con un gran ballo su Quai Baluze con musiche di Mathieu ed Emilie del gruppo "Aux couleurs du temps" (foto sotto).

Il festival Nuits de Nacre è un importante evento culturale in Corrèze, che ha sempre coltivato l'arte della fisarmonica. Tre giorni per festeggiare 34 anni di scoperte, condivisioni, storie di vita, incontri con tanti concerti, mostre ed eventi in tutta la città!

Altri artisti del festival includono Quatuor Aeolina, A-M-A Trio, Bobazar Dans l'Soufflet, l'Ultrabal, Jean Baptiste Baudin Quartet, Duo Didier Ithursarry e Christophe Monniot, Duo Pichard & Vincendeau e molti altri.

Vedi il poster sopra per i dettagli.
Aux couleurs du temps


Premiere di Grayson Masefield New Quintet Aotango – Nuova Zelanda

APO Tango Things
Grayson MasefieldVideo: Aotango registra Escualo di Astor Piazzolla.

Grayson Masefield (foto a sinistra) fa parte di un nuovo gruppo chiamato Aotango, un eccitante quintetto specializzato in Tango e World Music. Tra i membri dell'Aotango figurano il concertmaster Andrew Beer della Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra (APO), il bassista Gordon Hill, il pianista neozelandese Somi Kim, il chitarrista jazz Sam Swindells e il fisarmonicista campione del mondo Grayson Masefield.

Aotango eseguirà una serie di concerti sponsorizzati dall'APO dal titolo "Piazzolla Tangos In Your Neighbourhood". I primi concerti si terranno nelle seguenti date:

• 13 giugno alla St Heliers Church, Auckland alle 18:30
• 14 giugno al Titirangi War Memorial Hall, Auckland alle 18:30

I biglietti sono quasi esauriti per il primo concerto.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Blackhill Accordion Band Performs to Celebrate Queen’s Jubilee – Northern Ireland

Queen's JubileeBlackhill bandThe Blackhill Accordion Band will perform two concerts this weekend to celebrate and congratulate Queen Elizabeth on becoming the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 year’s of outstanding service.

The first concert will be held at the Burnfoot Community Centre in Bonnanaboigh, County Londonderry on June 3rd and the second will be held at the Aghadowey Presbyterian Church in Aghadowey, Coleraine, Co Londonderry on June 4th.

Both concerts are open to the public to attend.


Accordion Concert Evening with Students of Grzegorz Stopa – Austria

MUK-WienGrzegorz StopaVideo: Concert was broadcast as a live stream. Download the May 24th, 2022 concert program here: 2022GStopaProgram.pdf

After the music universities in Graz and Linz, the "Music and Art Private University of the City of Vienna" was the third educational institution in Austria with a major in "accordion".

Since 2005, Grzegorz Stopa has sought cooperation with other international centers and many accordion students have chosen to study with him in Vienna. Many of his graduates, such as Nikola Djoric or Bogdan Laketic, have meanwhile made international careers with their projects.

The program of the May 24th, 2022 concert evening of the Grzegorz Stopa class included works by J.S. Bach, D. Scarlatti, B. Mantovani, O. Respighi, T. Lundquist, H. Enstad, H. Yao, M. Ravel, Y. Bao, O. Hübner, A. Bibalo and K. Aho.

Download the May 24th, 2022 concert program here: 2022GStopaProgram.pdf


58th Cambridge Folk Festival - England

Cambridge FF header
Spiers & BodenChico TrujilloVideo: Spiers & Boden performing Bailey Hill / Wittenham Clumps from their latest album "Fallow Ground".

The 58th Cambridge Folk Festival will be held at the Cherry Hinton Hall in Cambridge, England from July 28th to 31st, 2022.

The event will include “four stages packed with the very best UK and international Folk, Blues, and Americana artists”. The festival is one of the longest running folk festivals in the world and attracts around fourteen thousand people, many of whom return year after year.

The Festival is renowned for its unique atmosphere and its eclectic mix of music, traditional folk artists as well as American country, blues and roots artists.

Accordion performers include the Spiers & Boden (picture above left) folk duo (John Spiers on melodeon & concertina and Jon Boden on violin, guitar, vocals, concertina and rhythm), Chico Trujillo (Chile – picture above right), and the Fèis Rois Ceilidh Trail (picture below).

For details email: tickets@cambridge.gov.uk
Fèis Rois Ceilidh Trail


2022 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Association Championships and Festival Daily Reports - New Zealand

NZAA banner
Renee JeffriesThe New Zealand Accordion Association will hold their annual South Pacific International and New Zealand National Accordion Championships and Festival at the Takapuna War Memorial Hall, Takapuna, Auckland.

The 2022 event is open only to New Zealand and Australian residents due to Covid-19 restrictions, and will be held on June 4th and 5th. This year is much smaller due to covid. Competitions Secretary Renee Jeffries (picture right).

Daily Reports: Videos and pictures of competitors, concerts and the results will be placed online over the weekend at: 2022SouthPac


Accordionists Compete at Tirana Talent Competition – Albania

Iliana MiciAlesio SaraciThe 13th Tirana Talent Competition was held last week in Tirana, Albania.

Two students of teacher Erand Kurani competed in the event: Alesio Saraci (picture above right) and Iliana Mici (picture above left).

The Ambassador of Poland Mrs Monjika Zuhnjak Pazdan, awarded prizes and gifts to the competitors. Alesio Saraci was awarded a diploma certificate for his performance (picture below).
Tirana certificate


Online: Rita Barnea Presents Eugene Ettore 100th Birthday Concert - USA

Eugene Ettore
Rita BarneaOn May 17th, 2022, Rita Barnea (picture left) presented a ZOOM Concert/Lecture in celebration of the 100th birthday of Eugene Ettore. Joe Natoli, founder and president of the group, “We Love Accordion”, sponsored the free concert which featured Rita discussing the music and life of Eugene Ettore along with her performance of many of his virtuoso compositions.

Rita Davidson Barnea filled glasses of water to create a musical scale and tapped out little songs with a spoon at the age of 4!! Her parents took her to Major Music in Irvington, New Jersey where Eugene Ettore became her accordion teacher at the age of 9. Rita loved the minute she was given her first little red accordion, and to this day, not a day goes by that she is either playing, listening to, writing about the accordion. After years of instruction and playing in bands, she performed in many venues with the Sano Symphony conducted by Eugene Ettore. Rita also learned to play the piano and the violin. Auditioning on the accordion for the University of Connecticut music department, she was a piano major in music education. For over 30 years she taught Pre-K to Grade 5 vocal and special education music in the West Orange, NJ public schools using the accordion every to accompany her students. On beautiful, warm days, she took her classes and accordion outside to teach lessons. Ms. Barnea is an AAA Governing Board member.

For 14 years Rita has been and still is the National Editor of Accordion USA News covering accordion events, artists, concerts, etc. which take place on the North American continent. Rita welcomes accordion news, photos, and information for the USA News. Email her at: Ritabelll@aol.com.

Rita has produced over 175 monthly issues of www.accordionusa.com
Her 14 plus years as editor includes over 5,250 individual articles.
With 175 publications and about 70,000 page views per month, that equals 12,250,000 page views over 14 years since Rita began serving as Editor.

Rita presents workshops and concerts on the "Life and Music of Eugene Ettore", ”The Use of the Accordion in the Teaching of Music in School”, and "How to Organize a Children's Birthday Party" centered around the use of the accordion. She has performed in recitals, concerts, workshops, and at accordion festivals throughout the US. Rita is the creator and curator of the Eugene Ettore Memorial Website, which contains photos, articles, and other valuable information about Eugene Ettore.

Her “Music of Eugene Ettore” album is now a free download at: http://www.musicforaccordion.com/eTracks/inform/davidson/index.htm

Eugene Ettore began to study the accordion at age 5 with his father, Antonio, a Vaudeville accordionist. Truly a Renaissance man with varied interests, Eugene always excelled in any subject that he devoted himself to. He specialized in composing original accordion compositions, as well as arranging music for concert solo and ensemble accordion groups, organ, and guitar (pop and standard tunes.) Mr. Ettore has to his credit over 300 published and unpublished copyrighted works of all types.

He was the author of method books for the accordion, French horn, recorder, and melodica, and the Chief Editor and Arranger for Pietro Deiro Publications from 1955 to 1965. Eugene was President and Vice President of the American Accordionists' Association (AAA), and awarded as an “Outstanding Composer and Arranger” of that organization, as well as Vice President of the Accordion Teachers Association of New Jersey. He was the recipient of ASCAP Standard Pane Awards for 1964 and 1965 and listed in 1955 in "Who's Who in the East".

For further information on scheduling a live or zoom concert for your organization: Ritabelll@aol.com


Accordion Association of Calgary Annual Festival – Canada

Calgary Accordion header
The Accordion Association of Calgary will hold their Annual Music Festival and Competitions in the Killarney Hall in Calgary, Canada on June 25th, 2022.

The competition includes age group classes for soloists, duos, chamber groups, show groups and ensembles playing own choice music, popular/Jazz (Music reflecting North America culture of the 20th and 21st centuries), Folk/Ethnic (Old-time and dance music of non-North American origin) and Virtuoso (Grade 8 or higher).

A post festival concert and picnic will be held on June 26th at the Scarborough Community Hall, from 2pm to 4pm.

For details email: kenwedemire@telus.net
Calgary Accordion Assoc. logo


Video: Liub Anya Performing Balkan Dance - Russia

Liub Anya, which includes accordionists Liubov Akhanova and Kristina Krahmal from Moscow, Russia performing Balkan Dance.


Juan José Mosalini 1943-2022 - Argentina/France

Juan José Mosalini
Video: Public Television News report on bandoneonist Juan José Mosalini.

Juan José Mosalini (picture above), born on November 29th, 1943 in Buenos Aires, Argentina died on May 28th, 2022.

Mosalini, who comes from a musical family, began learning the bandoneon as an autodidact at the age of eight. At thirteen he began playing in dance halls, and at the age of seventeen he became a professional musician. In 1961 he won first prize in the Canal 13 music competition Nace una estrella, and began his career in renowned Argentine tango orchestras, with Leopoldo Federico and Osvaldo Pugliese. He also worked with Susana Rinaldi and with Astor Piazzolla and founded the avant-garde ensemble Guardia Nueva with Daniel Binelli.

In 1977, like many other artists and intellectuals, he left his home country because of the military dictatorship that had ruled since 1976 and went into exile in Paris. There he founded a trio with the pianist Gustavo Beytelmann and the bassist Patrice Caratini at the beginning of the 1980s, which modernised traditional tangos in a new arrangement with jazz elements as a variant of Tango Nuevo.

In the following years, he devoted himself to the further development of bandoneon music as well as to the composition of film music and chamber music and orchestral works. As a soloist, he has played with numerous renowned symphony and chamber orchestras, such as the Ensemble Modern, with whom he appeared at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival in 2002.

He toured with Juraj Galan and Norbert Dömling in the Jazz Meets Tango project. He also founded the Gran Orquesta de Tango, a large formation with which he reworks the history of tango. He was also involved in productions by Irmin Schmidt and Jean-Pierre Mas.

In 1986 he opened a bandoneon school. In the early 1990s he received a professorship for bandoneon at the National Conservatory of Gennevilliers, where he had already been giving courses since 1989.

Mosalini played the final scene of the Swiss feature film Der Verdingbub in 2011.

His son Juanjo Mosalini also performs as a bandoneonist.
Juan José Mosalini with group


Renzo Ruggieri Updates Popular Volo Degli Angeli Solo Arrangement - Italy

Renzo Ruggierirrenzo502 - Updated Volo Degli Angeli Solo arrangement in June 2022 by Renzo Ruggieri. The original arrangement was made about 2007.

Volo Degli Angeli (Flight of the Angels) composed by Carmen Carozza, was arranged for virtuoso accordion by Renzo Ruggieri:

"Volo degli Angeli" is a famous melody composed by Carmen Carozza which many artists have played in their virtuoso programs. I made this arrangement especially for international competitions and with this arrangement, my students won many competitions.

Other virtuoso arrangement by Renzo Ruggieri

rrenzo500 - Song For S.B (Accordion and Orchestra) and (Accordion and String Orchestra)
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)
rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli (Solo)

rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo) this very successful solo has been updated in February 2021 (ver. 1.3). Tango Italiano for 5 types of ensembles rrenzo522 (ensemble)

rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango (Solo)
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo)
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo)
rrenzo510 - Grande Jo (Solo)
rrenzo511 - Figaro (Solo) or (Solo with string orchestra)
rrenzo512 - Accordion Kids (10 pieces) simple and modern compositions
rrenzo514 - La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things)
rrenzo515 - Peccatum et Gratia for electronic (hybrid) accordion
rrenzo516 - Lo Scuro e il Chiaro (accordion duo)

rrenzo517 - Il bosco incantato (for free bass accordion, solo) This work for free bass accordion and string orchestra is catalog rrenzo524

rrenzo518 - Valentango (Solo)
rrenzo519 - The Jackson Medley (Solo)
rrenzo520 - Acquarelli Italiani for Accordion and Orchestra
rrenzo521 - ll Tuo Sguardo (solo)

rrenzo522 - Tango Italiano (ensemble) (full score and individual parts). The solo version is catalog rrenzo503

rrenzo524 - Il Bosco Incantato for free bass accordion and string orchestra (full score and individual parts). The solo version is catalog rrenzo517


Alan Young (1955-2022), Isle of Wight - UK

Alan YoungAlan Young (picture left), accordionist, pianist, vocalist, and accordion & piano technician/tuner, passed away from cirrhosis of the liver and sepsis on May 25th 2022 at the age of 67. He is survived by wife Ginny, daughter Imogen and son Edward.

Alan, who was self-employed, was the son of the renowned accordion technician Arthur Young and had been immersed in accordion repairs and tuning from a young age. He was also a technician employed by the famous Steinway piano company.

As an accordionist Alan had a special love of jazz, and at accordion festivals was often seen playing alongside the likes of Harry Hussey, Jack Emblow and Tony Compton. As a pianist he entertained in hotels, and at accordion festivals performed concerts singing and playing keyboard, and also for dancing.

Alan was a well-known and popular figure at accordion festivals such as Eastbourne, Caister, Dudley and Blackpool, where he was present as an accordion technician and as a performer, and he also was a guest at several accordion clubs. He was a real character, with a great sense of humour, and will be missed by his many friends. R.I.P.

Picture below left to right: Harry Hussey, Alan Young, Jack Emblow, Tony Compton
Harry Hussey Alan Young Jack Emblow Tony Compton.jpg


Future events

Bachtopus Performs at River Arts Music Tour, New York - USA

Bachtopus logoVideo: Bachtopus performing “String of Garlands” by Guy Klucevsek.

The Bachtopus Accordion Ensemble is excited to release the fourth commission from their 2020 Composers Commissioning Fund, entitled “String of Garlands,” which was originally written by composer and accordionist Guy Klucevsek for accordion orchestra and then arranged for Bachtopus.

This composition was written in memory of Anne Garland for her husband David and son Kenji. With a recording catalog spanning four decades, Guy Klucevsek remains one of the most accomplished and respected accordionists in the world.

The Bachtopus Accordion Ensemble’s 2020 Composer Commissioning Fund is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC). Contributors are Brooklyn Arts Council and New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

The Bachtopus Accordion Ensemble is back at the River Arts Music Tour held at the Dobbs Ferry Waterfront Stage in New York performing on June 4th, 2022 at 2pm and 3pm.

Their program will feature music from Guy Klucevsek, a world premiere from Denise Koncelik, and a few selections by J.S. Bach.

The performance will take place outside. Masks are not required, but will be available for those who prefer to wear one. Admission is free (donations are welcome but not required).

For further information: sinolev@yahoo.com

Picture below: Bachtopus members from left to right: Robert Duncan, Mayumi Miyaoka, Jeanne Velonis, and Peter Flint.
Bachtopus members


Trio Miaero Performs June Concerts in Goiânia - Brazil

Trio Miaero
Trio Miaero will perform concerts in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil during June which are all open to the public.

The group entertains on accordion, drums, triangle and vocals. See picture above for dates.

For further details email: contato@lucasbatalhasanfoneiro.com
Trio Miaero


Online: ATG Student Recital - USA

ATG posterThe Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) will present an online student recital on June 5th, 2022 at 3pm Central Standard Time.

Performances will be given by Julie and Michael, Amanda Balcom, Brandy DePhillip, Elayne Dogged, Siyuan Dpnnelly, Alexander French, Peter Gresser, Ken Hodina, Anand Joseph, Colin Kennedy, Emily Nguyen, Logan Sharp, Rochelle Thompson and Infinity and Quasar Thomson.

A link will be available on the ATG website prior to the event.


Muamer Kebic Balkan Music Workshop – Austria

Carinthian poster
Accordionist Muamer Kebic will hold a Balkan Music Workshop on June 10th, 2022 at 9.30am.

This is one of a series of workshops held at the Carinthian Music Academy (Carinthische Musikakademie Stift Ossiach - CMA) in Ossiach, Austria.

Muamer teaches accordion and musicology at Musikum Pinzgau in Austria.

For details email: muamer.kebic@musikum.at
workshop poster


Vardos Trio Perform at Montsalvat WinterFest – Australia

Winterfest poster
The Vardos Trio will perform two shows at the Montsalvat WinterFest in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on June 18th, 2022 at 7pm and 8.15pm.

The trio, which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman play a variety of eclectic modern Gypsy music from Romania, with vocal laments and ballads in Romanian and Romany (Gypsy) language.

The Winterfest will include live music and entertainment by warm crackling fireplaces with a guided lantern walk through the Montsalvat grounds.

For details email: vardos@hotmail.com
Vardos Trio


Folk Trio “Legends About Us” Concert – Lithuania

Folk Legends posterThe Folk Trio, which includes accordionist Nerijus Bakula will perform a concert entitled “Legends about Us” at the Užutrakis Manor Homestead Palace in Trakai, Vilnius, Lithuania on June 24th, 2022 at 3pm.

This concert replaces the original concert that was planned for October 3rd, 2021 and those tickets remain valid for the new date.

For details email: info@bilietai.lt
Folk Trio


7th Běchovice Accordion Festival Concert – Czech Republic

Czech poster
The 7th Bechovice Accordion Festival concert will take place in the Courtyard of the Old Post Office in Prague, Czech Republic on June 25th, 2022 from 2pm.

The event will include a variety of performances with guests Czech Accordion Ensemble (picture below) playing at the final concert at 5pm. Czech Accordion Ensemble members are Ladislav Horák, Martin Šulc, Martin Kot and Filip Kratochvíl.

See poster for details.
Czech Accordion Ensemble


Dominique Paats “Sous le ciel de Paris” Concert - Netherlands

Dominique Paats
Dominique Paats (accordion – picture above) will perform with Paulus Schäfer (guitar) at De Greune Zaol in Maastricht, Netherlands on July 10th from 1pm to 3pm.

The event is a theater performance entitled “Sous le ciel de Paris”! where the musicians will “take you under the starry sky of Paris, the French capital of the great names of artists such as Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Sinti guitarist Django Reinhardt and accordionist Marcel Azzola”.

Their program will include a variety of French Chansons, Musettes, Hotclub de France etc so you can “imagine yourself under the Eifel Tower or in the picturesque Montmartre”.

For details phone: +31 6 81935569


“Music of Spain, Italy & Greece” Concert, Moscow – Russia

Cathedral concert
The “Music of Spain, Italy & Greece” concert will be held at the Cathedral on Malaya Gruzinskaya in Moscow on July 30th at 8pm.

Performers include Vivace Trio Group: Evgeny Geizler (accordion), Andrey Yumatov (guitar, mandolin), and Roman Moguchev (guitar), as well as Anna Suslova (organ).

Theit program will include works by de Torres, Albeniz, Rossini, De Curtis, di Capua, Theodorakis and others.

Tickets are available at the cathedral.


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland News Link
Friedrich Lips book Buy last stock at old price, "The Art of Accordion Playing" by Friedrich Lips News Link
ATG logo 80th Anniversary ATG: July 20-24, Chicago News Link
ATG logo Steirische Harmonika WM 2022  News Link
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Dr William Schimmel 2022 Dr William Schimmel’s Accordion Seminars, July 29-31, NY  News Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link


Childrens Corner

Video: Accordion Duo Plays Samba by Derbenko - Lithuania

Video: The accordion duo of J. Vozbutas and V. Mazeika from Lithuania, playing Samba by Derbenko at the 53rd Klingenthal Accordion Competition 2016.


New and Updated Sites

_Concorsi virtuali del Festival AAA 2022 – USA

AAA Header
Frank Busso JnrFrank Busso Jr., Presidente del Concorso dell’American Accordionists' Association (AAA) (foto a destra) invita i fisarmonicisti provenienti da tutti gli angoli del mondo, ad iscriversi e a divertirsi partecipando ai concorsi virtuali del Festival AAA 2022.

Le categorie includono assoli Standard & Open, duetti Standard & Open e Open Ensembles & Bands. I concorrenti nelle categorie Standard devono scegliere una selezione dall'elenco musicale Standard. Tutte le altre categorie sono Open, il che significa che puoi suonare tutto ciò che desideri, tranne nelle categorie Ethnic, Pop e Jazz, dove lo stile della musica è designato.

Scarica il regolamento del concorso virtuale, le categorie e l'elenco delle composizioni richieste all'indirizzo: 2022AAARules.pdf

La data di scadenza per le iscrizioni è il 1° luglio 2022. La data di scadenza per l'invio dei video è il 1° agosto 2022.

Per qualsiasi richiesta, si prega di contattare Frank Busso Jr., presso frank@bussomusic.com


Laboratori di fisarmonica CNIMA di luglio - Francia

Jacques Mornet and Nathalie BoucheixDall'11 al 16 luglio 2022 e dal 18 al 23 luglio 2022, la CNIMA terrà dei workshop di fisarmonica per tutti i livelli, le età e gli stili con Jacques Mornet e Nathalie Boucheix (nella foto a sinistra).

I workshop sono "un'opportunità per sviluppare la tecnica strumentale con il metodo Jacques Mornet, una pedagogia vincente che ha fatto guadagnare alla CNIMA i migliori risultati al mondo nei concorsi internazionali".

I partecipanti apprenderanno: Lavoro strumentale, approccio alla fisarmonica come strumento a fiato, gestione della colonna d'aria e del mantice, ricerca di un equilibrio tra corpo e strumento, lavoro sul tocco e sull'articolazione, ricerca della musicalità, lavoro su 1 o 2 brani a scelta (varietà, classica, musette, jazz, balcanica) e progressi in velocità accelerata.

Per ulteriori dettagli e-mail: cnima@orange.fr

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