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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Apr-2015
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Buona Pasqua a tutti i nostri lettori di tutto il mondo - Worldwide
Mika Väyrynen Festeggia 30 anni di Concerti - Finlandia
Rapporto sulla Convention della National Accordion 2015 (NAA) in Texas
AAA Aggiornamento sulla Faithe Deffner Accordion Competition - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

REELZ TV Reality Series Features the Accordion - USA
Luciano Ligabue in visita al Museo di Castelfidardo - Italia
Traditional Finnish Accordion With Markku Lepistö - Finland
Mirko Satto Sell Out Recital, Mantova - Italy
Video: ZDF tivi - Heidi TV Titlesong by Andreas Gabalier - Austria
Aniceto Molina (1939-2015), Texas - USA
Video: 123 Musette TV program - France
Video: José Valadez Concert, Monterrey - México
‘14 Years Ago’: Jörgen Sundeqvist and Oivind Farmen UK Tour, March 2001Jörgen

Future events

Beltango April/May Tour Dates – Germany, Austria, Netherlands
‘Accordions of London’ Re-Opening Day, London – UK
Accord Orchestra Potsdam Tour – Malta
Krzysztof Dobrek Concert, Vienna – Austria
Marko Kassl Diary Dates - Germany
Akkordeonale 2015 - Germany/Austria
Roy Hendrie @ Renfrew Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Max Bonnay Master Class, Monte Carlo – Monaco
Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes, Ourense – Spain
Accordion Class @ Music Festival, Perpignan – France

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work Cocolito Beach
Work Titled Koriana Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

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Buona Pasqua a tutti i nostri lettori di tutto il mondo - Worldwide

Easter Greetings
Accordions Worldwide augura a tutti i nostri lettori una Pasqua molto felice, ovunque voi siate, e che continuiate a godere della musica della fisarmonica per tutto il prossimo anno e oltre.

Questo sito esiste per soddisfare i bisogni dei fisarmonicisti, e contiene una grande quantità di informazioni, se si naviga tra i nostri numerosi link e pagine. Le nostre notizie settimanali ti tengono in contatto con eventi e comunicati provenienti da tutto il mondo, e accogliamo con piacere i vostri contributi.

Non mangiate tutte le uova di Pasqua in una volta!!

Rob Howard - Editor


Mika Väyrynen Festeggia 30 anni di Concerti - Finlandia

Mika VäyrynenIl rinomato il fisarmonicista finlandese Mika Väyrynen festeggia il suo 30° anno come concertista, dopo aver iniziato la sua carriera da artista nel maggio 1985.

Il 12 marzo Mika si è esibito con St. Michel's Strings, sotto la direzione di Sasha Mäkilä, eseguendo 'Barabba Variations' di Aulis Sallinen per fisarmonica e orchestra d'archi. Mika ha suonato questo pezzo più di 40 volte con varie orchestre.

Oltre al suo insegnamento presso l'Accademia Sibelius di Helsinki, Mika Väyrynen è stato recentemente nominato Visiting Professor di Fisarmonica presso l'Accademia di Musica dell'Università di Pola in Croazia.

Oltre alle sue esibizioni e l'insegnamento, Mika sta mettendo gli ultimi ritocchi al suo prossimo CD 'Danse Macabre'. Il 22° in quella che è ormai diventata una vasta collezione di registrazioni, il suo nuovo CD includerà quattro registrazioni in prima mondiale di musiche di Paavo Korpijaakko, Pasi Lyytikäinen, Aulis Sallinen, e il suo lavoro. Altri brani sono pezzi in stile romantico di Rachmaninow, Galynin, Grieg, e Saint-Saens/Horowitz.

Il CD sarà rilasciato alla fine dell'estate, e sarà disponibile presso la Coupe Mondiale 2015 a Turku, dove Mika si esibirà come uno degli artisti ospiti in un recital il 9 ottobre, a Turku.

Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di visitare il sito www.accordions.com/mika


Rapporto sulla Convention della National Accordion 2015 (NAA) in Texas

NAA header
La Convention 2015 della National Accordion Association (NAA) ha avuto luogo presso il Southfork Hotel and Conference Center dal 5 al 7 marzo 2015 a Plano, Texas.

Il tema della convention era "Duet Together" ("Duettare Insieme") e la Convention della NAA 2015 ha incluso molti duetti. Una nuova aggiunta per il 2015 è stato "Artists Interpretation of Music Art Show".

Il presidente NAA Norman Seaton segnala un evento di grande successo e Laura Niland ha preparato un ottimo resoconto PDF Acrobat con tante immagini che è possibile visualizzare a: 2015Convention.pdf
2015 Saturday Showcase


AAA Aggiornamento sulla Faithe Deffner Accordion Competition - USA

Faithe Deffner Accordion Competition
AAA logoAttenzione a tutti i concorrenti che intendono partecipare al:
FAITHE DEFFNER ACCORDION COMPETITION Sponsorizzato dall' American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 08-12 LUGLIO 2015 presso l'Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites - 625 King Street in Alexandria, Virginia.

$ 25.000 di premi in contanti

Le iscrizioni chiudono il 1° giugno 2015. Dettagli completi su Faithe Deffner International Accordion Competition e modulo di iscrizione a: 2015Deffner.pdf

Coloro che intendono competere sono pregati di contattare l'AAA entro o prima del 15 aprile 2015 in modo da darci la possibilità di coordinare le prove di percussione per "Herricks Road" di Karen Fremar, che è un requisito.

Tasse e dettagli non sono richiesti in questo momento (entro o prima del 1° giugno), ma l'AAA deve avere la conferma di partecipazione appena possibile.

Si prega di confermare la partecipazione via email: ameraccord1938@gmail.com
o fax: 203-484-5095


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

REELZ TV Reality Series Features the Accordion - USA

Chardon Polka BandReelz logoThe accordion will be featured in a new TV program! Exciting news from Rachel Bass,the Public Relations oordinator of the television network REELZ Channel.

Polka Kings is a REELZ original reality series premiering Saturday, April 11 at 9:30pm ET/ 8:30pm CT and featuring the Chardon Polka Band in their foot-tapping quest to survive each other and bring polka to the masses. The group is always finding themselves in crazy situations ranging from private parties to nursing homes, Ukrainian summer camps to the Duct Tape Festival in Avon, Ohio. Each week Polka Kings follows the dynamic group’s attempts to break through and achieve mainstream status.

“Meet the Polka Kings” on Saturday, April 11 at 9:30pm ET/ 6:30pm PT. In “Meet the Polka Kings” viewers can get to know the band members Jake Kouwe, Pops Magooch, Mike Franklin, Emily Burke and Paul Coates—all who have interesting day jobs and hobbies when not on the road for the band.

Jake Kouwe, 27, is the charismatic leader, accordion player and vocalist of the band, and also the glue holding the group together over the past decade.

This REELZ original series shows the incredible journey the band embarks upon as they try to survive each other and keep their personal and professional lives from derailing their quest for stardom. ??

For further information: Rbass@reelz.com
Phone: 505-212-8809


Luciano Ligabue in visita al Museo di Castelfidardo - Italia

Accordion Museum Castelfidardo
Luciano Ligabue in giro con il suo sold out del suo “Mondovisione Tour” , è stato graditissimo ospite di Castelfidardo, accolto dal sindaco Mirco Soprani e da Vincenzo Canali, fondatore del Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica.

Il rocker emiliano, ha avuto in loro due eccezionali guide per cogliere le peculiarità artistiche ed imprenditoriali del territorio nel corso di una visita strettamente privata con un’immersione nello scrigno di via Mordini che custodisce i 150 anni di storia della fisarmonica.

Per lui recentemente è stato scritto un pezzo folk per fisarmonica e la ditta Pigini (Francesca Pigini) l'ha offerto un organetto personalizzato, assicurando che nei suoi prossimi concerti lo farà conoscere al suo pubblico”.


Traditional Finnish Accordion With Markku Lepistö - Finland

Video: Markku Lepistö Trio live at Helsinki Music Centre 26th November 2013, video published 14 December 2014.


Mirko Satto Sell Out Recital, Mantova - Italy

Mirko SattoMirko Satto’s recital at the Feste di Palazzo Gonzaga, Mantova, on Sunday March 29th proved to be a sellout and a critical success.

Mirko Satto performed music by Vivaldi, Albinoni, Couperin, Daquin, Rossini, Solotarjow, Fancelli, Lecuona, Rota, Galliano, and Piazzolla. His performance earned a standing ovation.


Video: ZDF tivi - Heidi TV Titlesong by Andreas Gabalier - Austria

Video: ZDF tivi program titled Heidi. The title song is by Andreas Gabalier, Published on Feb 10, 2015.


Aniceto Molina (1939-2015), Texas - USA

Aniceto MolinaWell known accordionist and Aniceto Molina died on March 31st at the age of 76. After being hospitalized in February for respiratory problems, Molina died due to a bacterial infection in his lungs. 

Born in El Campano, Córdoba, Colombia in 1939, Molina began playing the accordion at the age of 12. He quickly took to the cumbia rhythm, mining the triplet beat for incredible squeezebox riffs. In 1973, the 34-year-old singer and accordionist moved to Mexico City, where he established a successful recording career with his band Los Sabaneros.

In 1984, Molina moved to San Antonio, Texas, setting up shop in a city quite fond of the diatonic accordion. In addition to his popularity in San Antonio, Columbia and Mexico, Molina had a particularly strong following in El Salvador.


Video: 123 Musette TV program - France

Popular 123 Musette TV program hosted by Pierre-Yves Lombard and Jérôme Richard, with invited accordionists.


Video: José Valadez Concert, Monterrey - México

Video 1: 1st movement, Concerto Armonico by Roberto Caberlotto
Video 2: 2nd movement
Video 3: 3rd movement
Video 1: 1st movement, Concerto Armonico by Roberto Caberlotto
Video 2: 2nd movement
Video 3: 3rd movement

Accordionist José Valadez, accompanied by the Orquesta Intermedia, conducted by José Bartolomé Martínez, performed a classical concert on March 25th at the Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey, Monterrey, México.

The program included music by Schubert, Rossini, Ponchielli, J.S. Bach, and others.


‘14 Years Ago’: Jörgen Sundeqvist and Oivind Farmen UK Tour, March 2001Jörgen

Jörgen Sundeqvist, Steve Massam (BBC) and Oivind FarmenOivind Farmen and John ClelandAbove: Historic video of Jörgen Sundeqvist and Oivind Farmen performing a duet arrangement of the popular Jolly Caballero by Frosini, before a large crowd in Sweden, 1999.

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending April 6th 2001 included a report about Jörgen Sundeqvist (Sweden) and Oivind Farmen (Norway), who had just performed a concert in Hull, UK. It is not often that two virtuoso accordionists team up together for a tour of England, and audiences were treated to a series of exceptional performances, including a memorable one at the writer’s Stockport Accordion Club on Tuesday March 27th 2001.

Successful Radio Interview for Sundequist & Farmen – England
Contributed by Heather Smith

The Kingston upon Hull Accordion Club presented a concert on March 20th, featuring Scandinavian accordionists Jörgen Sundeqvist and Oivind Farmen. The evening's entertainment began with a performance by the club ensemble, who played ‘World's Fair March’ (Charles Nunzio), ‘Janita’ (tango) and ‘Spanish Eyes’, followed by 10 year old John Cleland (picture right of Farmen and Cleland) who played two pieces. John's teacher Heather Smith then played duets with another of her students, Colin Milner. Guests Jörgen and Oivind completed the successful program.

Prior to this concert, Jörgen & Oivind were invited to the BBC Radio Humberside studios, for an interview with presenter Steve Massam (picture left), who asked them to play two pieces of music live. Their performance of a Frosini composition and a beautiful Russian folk song greatly impressed the studio team and can only help in the promotion of the accordion.


Future events

Beltango April/May Tour Dates – Germany, Austria, Netherlands

Beltango Quintet
The Beltango Quintet will be on tour in Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands during April and May, as follows:

April 5th - Bielefeld, Germany
April 10th - Trossingen, Germany
April 11th - Biberach, Germany
April 12th - Munich, Germany
April 25th - Feldkirchen, Austria
April 30th - Bonn, Germany
May 1st - Doorwerth, Netherlands
May 2nd - Munster, Germany
May 11th - Bautzen, Germany
May 14th - Berlin, Germany
May 15th - Hamburg, Germany
May 16th/17th - Flensburg, Germany
May 20th - Dortmund, Germany
May 23rd - Karslruhe, Germany
May 24th - Bregenz, Austria
May 26th - Budapest, Hungary

Beltango was founded in Belgrade, Serbia, 1998, by Aleksandar Nikolic. They present an abundance of tango repertoire including traditional tango pieces, compositions of the tango nuevo trend of Astor Piazzolla and modern tango, and also their own Beltango compositions from their ‘Balkango’ opus.

Internationally well-travelled, Beltango is the only European tango orchestra to be invited by the Ministry of culture of Buenos Aires to perform at the ‘World Tango Festival - Buenos Aires, 2007’.

CD releases include the Trilogia Triple CD Pack, the recently released CD Theatre of Soul and a duo CD titled Tango Reaction, all available online at: Beltango

For further information email: info@beltango.com


‘Accordions of London’ Re-Opening Day, London – UK

John LeslieRe-opening Poster‘Accordions of London’, the large accordion retail shop founded in the mid-1980s by John Leslie (picture left), is relocating between floors at its premises at 92 Loveridge Rd, Kilburn, London NW6 2DT.

On Easter Sunday April 5th, 11am to 4pm, there will be an open day featuring several accordionists entertaining.

‘Accordions of London’ carries a large number of new and used accordions, from a wide range of makes.


Accord Orchestra Potsdam Tour – Malta

Accord Orchestra Potsdam
The 54 strong Accord Orchestra Potsdam (MD Guido Roß), from Germany, visit Malta next week for a short tour, performing three concerts in conjunction with the Santa Maria Accordion Band (MD Marthese Busuttil Cassar).

Easter Monday April 6th, 7.30pm .B.C.A- St Joseph’s Home, Santa Venera
Thursday April 9th, 7.30pm – St Aloysius College, B’kara
Friday April 10th, 2pm - Wuerth (Wurth) Ltd Complex, opposite Toyota Main Showroom in Zebbug. All proceeds to Puttinu Care

For further information email: lutz.lorenz@accordorchestra.de
Accord Orchestra Potsdam


Krzysztof Dobrek Concert, Vienna – Austria

Krzysztof DobrekAustrian-based Polish-born jazz accordionist Krzysztof Dobrek and his trio perform in concert on Monday April 6th, 8pm, at Orpheum Wien, Steigenteschg, Vienna.

For further information email: krzysztof@dobrek.com


Marko Kassl Diary Dates - Germany

Marko KasslAustrian accordionist Marko Kassl has the following forthcoming dates in April:

April 7th, 8.30pm - Ensemble Black Pencil, Unerhorte Musik, Mehringdamm 34, D-10961 Berlin, Germany
April 8th, 7.30pm - Ensemble Black Pencil, mon ami, Goetheplatz 11, D-99423 Weimar
April 10th, 7.30pm – ‘Fiddler on the Roof’, Theaterkarree 1-3, D-44137 Dortmund
April 12th, 5pm - Soloist with the accordion orchestra Bayer-Uerdingen 1950, Evangelische Kirche, An der Linde, D-47445 Moers
April 22nd, 8pm - Ensemble Stationen NRW, Citykirche MG, Kirchplatz, D-41061 Mönchengladbach
April 23rd, 7.30pm – MIR, Kennedyplatz, D-45881 Gelsenkirchen 
April 27th, 7.30pm - duo with Anna Agathonos (mezzo-soprano), Kaffeehauskonzerte Buer, Ophofstraße 7, D-45894 Gelsenkirchen

Concert and other details can be found on Marko Kassl’s website.

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Akkordeonale 2015 - Germany/Austria

Servais HaanenThe annual festival Akkordeonale 2015, organized by Dutchman Servais Haanen (picture left), offers a wide range of accordion styles/genres, including jazz, musette, avant garde minimal music, Irish traditional, etc, at various locations between April 8th and 30th.

Performers: Teija Niku (Finland), David Yengibarian (Armenia), Niamh Ní Charra (Ireland), Thilo Plaesser (Germany) and Servais Haanen (Netherlands).

Servais Haanen writes: “It’s always huge fun for me to invent a new program every year with musicians from the most diverse countries, to be on tour with such a great gang and to put on such a great concert!”

8th April 2015 in 76131 Karlsruhe, Tollhaus,
9th April 2015 in 72762 Reutlingen, franz k,
11th April 2015 in 10117 Berlin, Admiralspalast
12th April 2015 in 29308 Winsen (Aller), Evangelische Kirche St. Johannes
14th April 2015 in 55122 Mainz, SWR live” im SWR Foyer
15th April 2015 in 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen, Stadthalle
16th April 2015 in 77654 Offenburg, Reithalle
17th April 2015 in 63303 Dreieich, Bürgerhaus Sprendlingen
18th April 2015 in 79106 Freiburg, E-Werk
19th April 2015 in 90530 Wendelstein, , Waldorfschule
20th April 2015 in 01097 Dresden, , Dreikönigskirche
21st April 2015 in 07743 Jena, Volkshaus
23rd April 2015 in A-8020 Graz, Gersthofen, , Stadthalle Gersthofen
24th April 2015 in A-9761 Greifenburg, Kulturhaus
26th April 2015 in 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck Veranstaltungsforum
28th April 2015 in 53129 Bonn, Harmonie
29th April 2015 in 50169 Kerpen, Schloss Loersfeld
30th April 2015 in 28816 Stuhr, Gutsscheune Varrel

For further information about venues: http://www.akkordeonale.de/


Roy Hendrie @ Renfrew Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Roy HendrieAccordionist Roy Hendrie is the guest at the Renfrew Accordion & Fiddle Club on Tuesday April 14th, 7.30pm. The club meets at the Moorpark Masonic Halls, Broadloan, Renfrew PA4 0SA, Scotland.

Roy Hendrie, a well-known dance band leader and recording artist in Scotland, appears at accordion clubs and festivals throughout the UK.


Max Bonnay Master Class, Monte Carlo – Monaco

Max Bonnay holds a master class on Thursday April 16th and Friday 17th at the Academie De Musique and Theatre Fondation Prince Rainier 111, Monte Carlo, Monaco.

On April 18th the master class begins at 11am until 1pm, and on April 17th the times are 10am until 12midday, and 6.30pm until 8.30pm.


Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes, Ourense – Spain

Victor PrietoVictor Prieto holds his annual Jazz Accordion Master Classes on July 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th, and 26th in Mugares, Ourense, Galicia, Spain. The tuition will be in Spanish only.

The master classes cover improvisation (using improvisation in different styles such as pop, rock, bolero, as well as jazz), accompaniment, policordes (Victor’s technique of chords in both hands), styles (jazz, blues, Brazilian, traditional Tango, Tango and other new styles of modern harmony), and more.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Accordion Class @ Music Festival, Perpignan – France

Fanny VincensFor the third year, the International Academy of Villelongue-dels-Monts music festival hosts an accordion class. Fanny Vicens (picture left) and Jean-Etienne Sotty will teach accordion techniques during the festival.

It will take place from Wednesday July 29th to Monday August 10th in Perpignan in the south of France. This multidisciplinary meeting - in addition to instrumental and chamber music lessons provided by major figures of the classical or jazz disciplines - offers a wide range of workshops for many instruments. There will be four days of intense festival activity, and thirty concerts given by more than sixty artists will close the Academy. More information is available at: www.academie-dels-monts.com

For further information email: fanny.vicens@orange.fr


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work Cocolito Beach

Cocolito Beach by Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released a new work:
Catalog No: cfranco194 - Cocolito Beach (solo)
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.

Cocolito Beach is a happy Latin beach party dance.


Work Titled Koriana Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

Gary DaverneKoriana by Gary DaverneComposer, conductor Gary  Daverne OMNZ has released his solo composition Koriana for sale online. This work is for standard bass and free bass instruments. Catalog No: ED0270_D

This work won the 2009 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Award for Best New Original Work.

The soundtrack of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale prize giving performance by Edward Giffney is available online at: Catalog No: coupe2009

Updated Site: Gary  Daverne Homepage and eTracks (mp3) Page


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