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Weekly News from Around the World - 02-Sep-2022
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Primo piano

XXIX Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria" - Spagna
24ª Giornata della fisarmonica Rheinsberg 2023 - Germania
Ladislav Horák si esibisce all'Archina 30 Year Gala Event – Repubblica Ceca
Skipinnish al Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo – Scozia
Chiusura iscrizioni: 4° Concorso Internazionale di Composizione "Città di Spoleto" 2022 - Italia
CNIMA Jazz Manouche Masterclass settembre – Francia
Volontari, Coupe Mondiale 2022, Zofringen - Svizzera

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Cremona Musica International Exhibition and Festival – Italy
Pop Accordion Festival Concert - France
Tracey Collins Entertains at Diamond Ball – New Zealand
Weird Al Yankovic Biopic Released in November 2022
Video: Duo “Two Bellows” Festival Performance - Macedonia

Future events

Oktoberfest with Alex Meixner Band – USA
Black Pencil Performs at Uitgast Festival - Netherlands
Accordionist Fernando Ávila Performs with OSPA String Quintet – Brazil
Maciej Zimka September Duo Concerts - Poland
Amandine Musichini Dance Parties – France
Ian Lowthian Classical and Continental Accordion Weekend - UK
Titano NZ Special Music Afternoon – New Zealand
Accordionists Perform at 3rd Eberstedter Mühlenrauschen - Germany
Chango Spasiuk Entertains in Buenos Aires - Argentina
Budapest Café Orchestra Performs in Winchester - England

Links to Previous News Still Current

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New and Updated Sites

Programma concerti PIF Castelfidardo 2022 – Italia
Fisarmonica Diatonica IDA 2022, Concorso Internazionale – Italia

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Primo piano

XXIX Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria" - Spagna

HauspozIl XXIX Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria" si svolgerà ad Arrasate-Mondragón (Paesi Baschi) dal 2 al 4 dicembre 2022. Il concorso è aperto a solisti di qualsiasi età e nazionalità.

Il vincitore del concorso sarà invitato dagli organizzatori a tenere una serie di concerti al XXX Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria". Tutte le spese saranno coperte da "Hauspoz" Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea.

Le iscrizioni chiudono il 30 settembre 2022.

Scarica qui il regolamento del concorso in inglese, francese e spagnolo: 2022Hauspoz.pdf


24ª Giornata della fisarmonica Rheinsberg 2023 - Germania

24th Accordion Days Rheinsberg 2023
Sono aperte le iscrizioni per la 24a Giornata della fisarmonica Rheinsberg 2023, che si terrà presso la Music Academy Cavalier House of the Palace Complex Schlossanlage a Rheinsberg, in Germania, dal 17 al 19 febbraio 2023, organizzata da DHV Brandenburg.

L'Associazione tedesca di armonica (Deutsche Harmonika Verband - DHV) invita bambini, fisarmonicisti giovani e adulti, alunni, studenti, insegnanti, orchestrasti e direttori d'orchestra a fare musica insieme per tre giorni e ad imparare gli uni dagli altri.

L'evento del 2023 mira a costruire sulla buona risposta degli anni passati, quindi includerà i docenti affermati Lars Holm (corso di musica solista e da camera), Hans-Günther Kölz (corso per orchestra) e Sabine Kölz (per il workshop "Ran an Tasten & Knöpfe"). È stato aggiunto un nuovo corso "StarterKids" al programma, per bambini fino a 12 anni guidato da Sabine Kölz, assistita da Lars Linke.

Scarica le informazioni sull'evento e il modulo di iscrizione in lingua tedesca qui: 2023Rheinsberg.pdf


Ladislav Horák si esibisce all'Archina 30 Year Gala Event – Repubblica Ceca

Archina 30
Ladislav HorákLadislav Horák si esibirà all'Archina 30 Year Gala Event, che si terrà presso la Smetana Hall Municipal House di Praga, Repubblica Ceca, il 24 settembre 2022 alle 19:00.

L'organizzatrice musicale Monika Trávnícková ha una lista di musicisti e cantanti popolari che si esibiranno in questo evento, e includerà anche la presentazione cerimoniale della coppa del premio Inspireli Award per il 7° anno.

Vedi poster per i dettagli.


Skipinnish al Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo – Scozia

Angus McPhailVideo: Walking on the Waves al Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Finale sotto la pioggia.

La band popolare "Skipinnish", che comprende il fisarmonicista Angus MacPhail (foto a sinistra), ha dichiarato che è stato un grande onore che due dei loro brani siano stati presentati al Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo di quest'anno.

"The Hag Set" vicino all'inizio e "Walking on the Waves" nel finale (vedi video sopra).

Skipinnish ha detto, "Che strana ed eccitante sensazione che la nostra musica venga trasmessa in tutto il mondo dalla BBC a oltre 100.000.000 di spettatori!"

La band eseguirà entrambi questi brani (tra gli altri) al loro concerto ad Usher Hall, Edimburgo, il 23 settembre 2022.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: info@skipinnish.com


Chiusura iscrizioni: 4° Concorso Internazionale di Composizione "Città di Spoleto" 2022 - Italia

Strumenti & Musica Festival
Spoletto PosterSi chiuderanno presto le iscrizioni al 4° Concorso Internazionale di Composizione "Città di Spoleto" 2022, organizzato da L'Associazione Italian Accordion Culture (IAC) in collaborazione con ACEP, UNEMIA e Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche Ars Spoletium s.r.l.

Le categorie del concorso includono composizione per fisarmonica solista, così come fisarmonica e pianoforte, massimo 10 minuti.

Scadenza iscrizioni: 18 settembre 2022.

Scarica qui il regolamento del concorso: 2022SpoletoRules.pdf


CNIMA Jazz Manouche Masterclass settembre – Francia

CNIMA logo
Ludovic BeierVideo: CNIMA 2021 Masterclass Jazz Manouche con Ludovic Beier.

CNIMA diretto da Nathalie Boucheix terrà una Masterclass jazz Manouche dal 27 al 29 settembre 2022 con i tutor Ludovic Beier (foto a sinistra) e Philippe Mallard.

Il corso vi incoraggerà a "Immergervi nella musica gitana per scoprire tutti i suoi segreti".

C'è un limite di 10 per classe.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: cnima@orange.fr


Volontari, Coupe Mondiale 2022, Zofringen - Svizzera

2022 Coupe Mondiale header
2022 Coupe Mondiale posterSi chiede ai volontari di contribuire alle riprese video delle gare e dei concerti della Coupe Mondiale 2022, a Zofringen, dal 4 al 9 ottobre 2022.

I volontari si offrono per aiutare il CIA Video Archive and Education Project a fornire un servizio gratuito di video di tutti i concorrenti e dei concerti della Coupe Mondiale 2022 a fisarmonicisti e insegnanti di tutto il mondo.

Le riprese video non sono complicate e viene fornita una formazione. I volontari di età compresa tra i 15 anni e i cittadini in pensione sono incoraggiati a fare volontariato e ad aiutare.

Si prega di inviare via e-mail i propri recapiti e i giorni in cui si può essere volontari a: harleyjones.nz@yahoo.com Harley Jones, Relazioni pubbliche della CIA.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Cremona Musica International Exhibition and Festival – Italy

Cremona 2022
The Cremona Musica International Exhibition and Festival Accordion Show Cremona, held from September 23rd to 25th, 2022, at the Cremona Exhibition Centre in Cremona, Lombardy, Italy, will feature a variety of concerts, competitions, presentations, historical exhibitions and conferences.

Events include:
• September 23rd - Mariano Dallapè exhibit of both historical works and classic instruments, organized by the Accordion Museum of Stradella and the Municipality of Stradella; exhibition of historical accordions from the Mauro Manicardi collection; information on construction and publications on bellows instruments by Luca Zanetti; concert by Matteo De Angelis and Francesca Grifoni, who will present traditional and unreleased pieces; concert by Roberto Fuccelli (Beltuna Accordions); concert by Diego Trivellini entitled “Journey Across Sound Tracks”; concert by Matteo Di Pietrantonio (Paolo Soprani).

• September 24th - Daily presence of the web radio Radio Stella Piemonte with Fabio Caucino, who will interview the artists, craftsmen etc., and will record all the concerts and conferences to prepare a show schedule devoted to the accordion show; concert by Duo of Francesco and Alessandro Fantozzi, who will play unreleased pieces from their first album and revisited famous pieces, arranged for two accordions; concert by Massimo Tagliata (Maxim’s Group); concert by Massimo Devo (Tiranti Fisarmoniche) who will perform pieces in Varieté style with variations and personal arrangements of his own composition; “Wolmer 100” event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Wolmer Beltrami's birth with Fiorenza Beltrami, Elio Bertolini, Alberto Sarzi Madinini. Music performances by Luca Zanetti and Tiziano Chiapelli. With a special exhibition dedicated to Wolmer; Conference & presentation by AMMA, Civica and the Municipality of Castelfidardo, by President Mirco Soprani who illustrates the project for the dissemination of the instrument in schools with some students of the Paolo Soprani Civic School of Music; concert of traditional music of the Val di Magra and Val di Vara, with Monica Milton Schettino (accordion) and Mauro Manicardi (accordion); Luca Zanetti, Paola Torsi and Fabio Caucino (accordion –cello - vocals) present “Chapeau”, their new discographic project; presentation of new Beltuna Matrix by Francesco Mengascini; concert by Marco Valenti (Pigini) - classical repertoire of varietè, and new transcription for solo accordion.

• September 25th – Conference “Our Accordion, Our Time” - innovations, the people, the stories and the historical events of Pigini Fisarmoniche, curated by Massimo Pigini, President of Fisarmoniche Pigini; demonstration “Reference Cable” with Luca Zanetti (accordion) & Stefano Santangelo (mandolin). A pit stop with Angelo Tordini, founder of Reference Cable, about the role of the cable in acoustic sets. 30 minutes to share with musicians and music lovers about how to protect the sound; Concert by Roberto Fadda (accordion) and Emanuele Bazzoni(vocals & guitar), presenting "Rhythms, harmonies and enthralling melodies of folk from Sardinia; Concert by Rita Di Tizio (accordion), Alessio Buccella (keyboards) & Marino Alberti (cajon); Concert by the Rita Di Tizio Trio (maxim’s Group); concert by Pietro Adragna, Artistic Director of the World Accordion Festival, in Sicily; Concert by Ermes Pirlo, "Viaggio nel Jazz" with original compositions, where music becomes improvisation, taking the audience to new dimensions of listening of the accordion; conference “Vercelli: Hub of accordions since the beginning of the 20th Century” (Cooperfisa) curated by Emiliana Roviaro; concert by Andrea Coruzzi (Beltuna Accordions).

For details email: info@cremonamusica.com


Pop Accordion Festival Concert - France

Video: information on the Pop Accordion Festival Concert event.

The Museum of Music is partnering with the city of Tulle, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France to prepare the opening in 2023 of the Cité de l'accordéon et des Patrimoines (City of the accordion and Heritage), which will present the largest collection of free reed instruments in Europe in conjunction with Manufacture d'accordéons Maugein.

The “Accordion Pop” festival concert will be held in Paris, France on September 17th and 18th, 2022 to honour the accordion, in its workmanship and in its repertoire through concerts (musette, jazz, classical) and the broadcast of the documentary “L'Accordéon Maugein, a centenary breath” by Mehdi Lallaoui.

Accordion presentations and manufacturing demonstrations will alternate throughout the weekend. Accordionists include Sébastien Farge, Gwénola Maheux and Rémi Sallard.


Tracey Collins Entertains at Diamond Ball – New Zealand

Tracey CollinsVideo: Tracey Collins performing during the fashion show at the Diamond Ball in Auckland.

Accordionist Tracey Collins (picture left) entertained at a fashion show held at the Geoskincare in conjunction with Maserati, What Women Want and Eye Magazine 10th Anniversary Diamond Ball.

The popular event was held at the Cordis Hotel in Auckland, New Zealand last weekend and celebrated 25 years of Eye Magazine and 10 years of “What Women Want”.


Weird Al Yankovic Biopic Released in November 2022

Weird Al YVideo: Weird: The Al Yankovic Story - Official Teaser Trailer (2022) featuring Daniel Radcliffe.

The “Weird Al” Yankovic biopic, which stars Daniel Radcliffe, will premiere on the Roku Channel on November 4th, 2022.

“The film explores every facet of Yankovic's life, from his meteoric rise to fame with early hits like 'Eat It' and 'Like a Surgeon' to his torrid celebrity love affairs and famously depraved lifestyle”.


Video: Duo “Two Bellows” Festival Performance - Macedonia

Video: Duo “Two Bellows” (Aleksandar Kolovski and Anna Kolovska) performance at the Accordion Festival in Bitola, Macedonia on July 19th, 2022. Viatcheslav Semionov - Moscow Fantasy (Serbez Donka)


Future events

Oktoberfest with Alex Meixner Band – USA

AM Band
The Alex Meixner Band will entertain at a series of Oktoberfests during September and October in the USA.

Details as follows:
• September 2nd to 5th: Cleveland Oktoberfest - Middleburg Heights, Ohio.
• September 16th to 18th: Krause's Oktoberfest – New Braunfels, Texas.
• September 22nd to 24th: Fort Worth Oktoberfest – Fort Worth, Texas.
• September 25th: McKinney Oktoberfest – McKinney, Texas.
• September 30th: Reading Liederkranz Oktoberfest – Reading, Pennsylvania
• October 1st: Deutscher Club Oktoberfest – Clark, NJ

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Black Pencil Performs at Uitgast Festival - Netherlands

Uitgast poster
Black Pencil (which includes accordionist Marko Kassl) will perform at the Uitgast Festival in Lelystad, Flevoland, Netherlands on September 4th, 2022. The concert will take place at the Natuurpark Lelystad main stage.

Their program will include the premiere performance of the winning “2022 Black Pencil Composition Prize” piece, inspired by the theme “Music and Nature” entitled “Muurhagedis” by Florence Anna Maunders.

This will be followed by their programme “Come Out, Caioni!”

For details email: info@blackpencil.org
Black Pencil


Accordionist Fernando Ávila Performs with OSPA String Quintet – Brazil

Fernando ÁvilaAccordionist Fernando Avila (picture left) will perform a concert entitled “A Lua de Santiago” (The Moon of Santiago) with the OSPA String Quintet.

This concert will take place at the OSPA Recital Room on September 4th, 2022 at 6pm in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Free entry. For further concert details email: fernandoacordeon@gmail.com


Maciej Zimka September Duo Concerts - Poland

Maciej ZimkaMaciej Zimka (picture right) will perform four duo concerts during September in Poland as follows:

• September 4th, 2022: Concert in Racibórz, Slaskie with Magdalena Kulig (mezzo soprano). Their program will include works by Mahler.
• September 9th, 2022: Concert in Sopot, Pomorskie with Magdalena Kulig (mezzo soprano) and Wieslaw Ochwat. Their program will include works by Telemann and Handel.
• September 11th, 2022: Concert in Smolas, Krotoszyn with Peter Summer. Their program will include works by Chopin and Szymanowski.
• September 15th, 2022: Concert in Cracow, Malopolskie with Maria Slawek (violin). Their program will include works by Bach and Mozart.


Amandine Musichini Dance Parties – France

AM 4thAM 5thPopular accordion entertainer, Amandine Musichini will perform at two September dance parties as follows:

September 4th: Dancing Le Palatino, Labergement les Seurre
September 5th: Dancing de Chavannes, Drôme, Chavannes

For details email: amandine.musichini@gmail.com


Ian Lowthian Classical and Continental Accordion Weekend - UK

Ian LowthianIan Lowthian will hold a Classical and Continental Accordion Weekend in Ettrickbridge, in the heart of the Scottish Borders, UK on September 10th and 11th, 2022. Accordionists can attend in person or online.

The event will include tunes from the continental accordion repertoire plus some light classical music arranged for accordion.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Titano NZ Special Music Afternoon – New Zealand

Titano logo
Grayson MasefeldTitano NZ are sponsoring a special music fun afternoon at the Takapuna War Memorial Hall in Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand on September 11th, 2022.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic causing numerous lockdowns and event cancellations over the past 2½ years, this music afternoon organised by well known New Zealand accordionist Grayson Masefield (picture left) aims to give young and old the opportunity to perform solo or duo in front of an audience and to have some fun playing in a massed ensemble group.

All accordionists and enthusiasts are welcome to attend.

For details email: grayson@titano.com


Accordionists Perform at 3rd Eberstedter Mühlenrauschen - Germany

3rd poster
Video: D’Müllers (which includes accordionist Neza Torka) playing Tanzende Finger (Dancing Fingers).

Accordionists will entertain at the 3rd Eberstedter Mühlenrauschen held in Eberstedt, Germany from September 9th to 11th, 2022, organised by Ölmühle Eberstedt.

On September 9th, Saso Avsenik and his band will perform and on September 10th, D`Müllers (which includes accordionist Neža Torkar) will take the stage with a dance party.

The event will include lots of fun events such as a bouncy castle, animations for children, mini disco, wine tastings barbecue, and much more.

Admission is free. See poster for details.


Chango Spasiuk Entertains in Buenos Aires - Argentina

Chango poster
Video: Chango Spasiuk concert at the Fish and Wine Festival - Festival País 2022, in Gualeguaychu, province of Entre Ríos.

Accordionist Chango Spasiuk will entertain at Café Berlin in Buenos Aires, Argentina on September 17th, 2022 at 8pm.

Special guest is guitarist Marcelo Dellamea.

See poster for details.


Budapest Café Orchestra Performs in Winchester - England

The Budapest Café Orchestra, which includes accordionist Eddie Hession, will perform at The Arc in Winchester, England on September 17th, 2022.

The group play “a blistering barrage of traditional folk and gipsy-flavoured music from across the Balkans and Russia, Klezmer laments, Romanian Dominas, Hungarian Czardas and their own unique re-imaginings of some of the biggest tunes ever written by the classical greats”.

For details phone: +44 1962 398046


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland News Link
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Information
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Dr William Schimmel 2022 Dr William Schimmel’s Accordion Seminars, July 29-31, NY  News Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link


New and Updated Sites

Programma concerti PIF Castelfidardo 2022 – Italia

PIF Castelfidardo header
Antonio SpaccarotellaIl direttore artistico Antonio Spaccarotella afferma: "Il PIF deve diventare un veicolo per promuovere la fisarmonica come strumento poliedrico e flessibile, tra le culture e le influenze più diverse, e offrire l'opportunità ai giovani partecipanti di avviare una carriera".

PIF 2022Castelfidardo Programma dei concerti:

Mercoledì 28 settembre PIFday01 IDA International Worldwide Competition, Mario Biondi, Renzo Ruggieri, Paolo di Sabatino, Alessandro Gaudio & Salvatore Pace Duo, Balkanica Edo e Dina Krilic.

Giovedì 29 settembre PIFday02 Concerto consegna Premio IDA, Laimonas Salijus, Radu Ratoi, Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria diretta da Volodymyr Runchak.

Venerdì 30 settembre PIFday03, Samuele Telari, Mika Väyrynen, Trio Metro Cristiano Lui, Eric Bouvelle, Didier Laloy, Stefano di Battista & Fuccelli Fisarmony Orchestra.

Sabato 01 Ottobre PIFday04, Vincent Peirani Jokers, PIF 4 You, Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria

Domenica 02 Ottobre PIFday05 PIF 4 You, Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria, Concerto finale.

Regolamento e approfondimenti in inglese e italiano su: 2022Castelfidardo
Iscrizione online a: 2022PIF-Entry
La data di chiusura delle iscrizioni è il 4 settembre 2022.


Fisarmonica Diatonica IDA 2022, Concorso Internazionale – Italia

2022 IDA header
IDA 2022 posterL'"International Diatonic Alliance" (I.D.A.) d'Italia, in collaborazione con il PIF Castelfidardo (AN), bandisce e organizza la finale del "Premio IDA 2022 della Fisarmonica Diatonica – Concorso Internazionale Mondiale" che si terrà il 28 e 29 settembre 2022.

Le 9 categorie di concorso si svolgeranno presso l'Auditorium San Francesco di Castelfidardo il 28 settembre, ore 9:00 - 18:00 con un concerto il 29 settembre alle ore 18:00.

Scarica il regolamento in Inglese: 2022IDAregulations.pdf Italiano: 2022IDAregolamento.pdf
Scarica la locandina. 2022IDA-posters.pdf
IDA 2022 concert poster


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