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Weekly News from Around the World - 02-Jun-2023
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Primo piano

Aperto il sistema di iscrizione online alla Coupe Mondiale 2023 - Finlandia/B&E
Rundt om Harmonikaen Camp - Danimarca
3° Festival della Fisarmonica di Houtkerque - Francia
Report giornalieri 2023 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Association Campionato and Festival - Nuova Zelanda
Seminario Internazionale Estivo - Croazia
Corso Estivo di Fisarmonica 2023 – Paesi Bassi

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘Dargaville Impressions’ makes Impression on Dargaville - New Zealand
Activities of the Carinthian Accordion Club KAV - Austria
Successful AATA Competitions and Festival – Australia
Successful DHV 2023 Congress – Germany
Video: Morander Brothers Perform “The Trooper” - Finland
Pantonale Friedens (Peace) Festival in Berlin – Germany
Video: Shanoli Sen Performing “Where are You?” - India

Future events

June is National Accordion Awareness Month - USA
Bachtopus Performs at “River Arts Tour” – USA
French Music & Dance Week at Halsway Manor, England - UK
Spiers & Boden 2023 Midsummer Tour – England
Five Accordionists Perform at "Accordion-O-Rama" - USA
Ville Hiltula Performs Three Concerts in Toyko – Japan
Gregorio Uribe Performs at 50th Anniversary Season of Carnegie Hall Citywide – USA
Gemini Duo Performs at Royal Danish Academy of Music – Denmark
Bruno Maurice Entertains at Gâcogne Festival - France

Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

New and Updated Sites

Concerti dell'UMKC Community Accordion Ensemble - USA

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Primo piano

Aperto il sistema di iscrizione online alla Coupe Mondiale 2023 - Finlandia/B&E

2023 Coupe Mondiale header
Coupe Mondiale poster, Slaviša PericMirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaVideo: Informazioni sulla Coupe Mondiale 2023, le sale e i prezzi degli hotel.

Il segretario generale della CIA Kimmo Mattila annuncia che il sistema di iscrizione online alla Coupe Mondiale 2023 è ora aperto per le iscrizioni alla 76a Coupe Mondiale dalla pagina delle regole generali della competizione 2023: 2023CM-Rules

Il presidente della CIA Mirco Patarini invita i quasi 50 membri della CIA a registrare i delegati al 150° Congresso Internazionale dei Delegati che si riunisce due volte a Bijeljina, in Bosnia ed Erzegovina. Il Presidente Patarini invita anche i concorrenti di tutte le nazioni a presentare le loro iscrizioni ben prima della data di chiusura, in modo tale da assistere gli organizzatori in quella che sarà sicuramente una grande Coupe Mondiale.

La 76a Coupe Mondiale si terrà dal 5 al 9 ottobre 2023 a Bijeljina, ospitata dall'Associazione degli artisti, membro della CIA (Bijeljina), contatto Slaviša Peric. Il vicepresidente onorario della CIA Slaviša Peric dà il benvenuto a tutti a Bijeljina e alle eccellenti strutture e sale per concorsi e concerti.

Il festival sarà caratterizzato da concorsi come segue:
• 76° Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• Concorso Internazionale per Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Concorso Internazionale Junior per Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Musica da camera - Classica
• Musica da camera - World Music

La data di chiusura delle iscrizioni è il 15 luglio 2023 e tutte le informazioni per l'iscrizione sono online all'indirizzo: Coupe Mondiale
Iscrizioni online su: 2023CM-Rules


Rundt om Harmonikaen Camp - Danimarca

camp poster
Sono aperte le prenotazioni per il Rundt om Harmonikaen Camp (campo estivo della fisarmonica), che si terrà presso la sede Mariehaven di Ansager, nello Jutland occidentale, in Danimarca, dal 27 al 29 luglio 2023, diretto da Kristian Rusbjerg.

Quest'anno sono attesi partecipanti da Danimarca, Norvegia e Svezia, che potranno godere di una varietà di musica folk, musette francese, jazz vivace e fisarmonica classica "in un programma che risveglia tutti i sensi sia degli artisti che del pubblico".

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: mail@musikgalleriet.dk

Il poster qui sotto include un elenco di artisti.


3° Festival della Fisarmonica di Houtkerque - Francia

3rd Houtkerque Accordion Festival
Il 3° Festival della fisarmonica di Houtkerque si terrà presso la Sala Gérard Vandaele di Houtkerque, in Francia, il 16 luglio 2023, organizzato dal Comitato del Festival di Houtkerque.

Quattro artisti, Yves Leynaert, Rudi Beauprez, Sylviane Mercier e Seppe Vande Walle, condivideranno il palco per uno spettacolo di quattro ore dalle 15:00 alle 19:00.

Vedi poster per i dettagli.


Report giornalieri 2023 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Association Campionato and Festival - Nuova Zelanda

NZAA daily reports
South Pacific Accordion Championships posterSabato 3 giugno presso il Raye Freedman Arts Centre di Epsom, Auckland, la New Zealand Accordion Association terrà l'annuale South Pacific International Accordion Championships e Festival.

Domenica 4 giugno si è tenuto un concerto finale presso la chiesa di San Giorgio a Takapuna.

Report giornalieri: Video e immagini dei concorrenti, concerti e risultati saranno messi online durante il fine settimana all'indirizzo: 2023SouthPac


Seminario Internazionale Estivo - Croazia

Croatia poster
L'evento della Scuola Internazionale di Fisarmonica 2023 si terrà a Pola, in Croazia, dal 17 al 22 luglio 2023, organizzato da Okud Istra.

I tutor includono Frederic Deschamps (Francia), Miran Voupotic (Croazia), Angelo Pignatelli (Italia) e Marko Sevartic (Germania).

Vedi poster per i dettagli.


Corso Estivo di Fisarmonica 2023 – Paesi Bassi

2023 Accordion Summer Course
Sono aperte le iscrizioni per il corso estivo di fisarmonica 2023 che si terrà presso il Beukenhof di Biezenmortel, Brabante Settentrionale, Paesi Bassi, dal 17 al 21 luglio 2023 e organizzato dal fisarmonicista Vincent van Amsterdam.

L'evento vedrà la partecipazione dell'insegnante ospite Bjarke Mogenson, professore associato presso la Royal Danish Academy of Music insieme a tutor (e organizzatori) Vincent van Amsterdam e Jef de Haes (Belgio).

Il corso è rivolto a fisarmonicisti dai 14 anni in su, che riceveranno lezioni private e di gruppo ogni giorno, avranno l'opportunità di discutere di musica e fisarmonica con persone che la pensano allo stesso modo e scoprire nuova musica.

Vedi poster per i dettagli.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘Dargaville Impressions’ makes Impression on Dargaville - New Zealand

Dargaville group
Kevin & MichaelPicture above from left to right: Michael Bell (organ), Lionel Reekie, Kevin Friedrich, Linda Emmett Litt and Joan Emmett Brown.

The Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Dargaville, New Zealand was filled to capacity on 28th May 2023 for the much anticipated concert featuring organist Michael Bell from Auckland and New Zealand born accordionist Kevin Friedrich who resides in New York. The concert celebrated the recent refurbishment of the historic George Croft organ commissioned by the founding family of the town, the Dargaville family. The upgraded organ contains many modern features, but still allows the use of the original organ pipes from 1925, as was demonstrated during the concert.

Picture left: Michael Bell and Kevin Friedrich beside the 1925 Croft organ.

The concert featured solos by each artist as well as items bringing the accordion and organ together including the World Premiere of the beautiful new work ‘Dargaville Impressions’ by well-known English composer Ian Watson, a moving tribute to Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1926 - 2022) and the premiere of renowned New Zealand composer Gary Daverne’s organ and accordion adaptation of his work ‘Song of the Far North’.

The audience were treated to other works by Mozart, Schubert, Boyce, Brahms, John Williams, Bach, Hine, Zolotaryov, Venglevski, Macky, Daverne, Piazzolla, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Handel, Lithgow and Sousa.

Michael and Kevin were assisted by local musicians Joan Emmett Brown and Linda Emmett Litt as well as Lionel Reekie and the North Shore Accordion Orchestra from Auckland and a guest appearance by composer and conductor Gary Daverne, who delighted the audience by accepting an invitation to guest conduct the North Shore Accordion Orchestra on one of his arrangements (See picture below).

All proceeds from the concert go towards the upkeep and maintenance of the organ.


Activities of the Carinthian Accordion Club KAV - Austria

Maciej Frąckiewicz & Roman PechmannThe Carinthian Accordion Association (KAV) was founded in October 2002 to promote the accordion in Carinthia with all its facets and especially to support accordion students. The diverse activities of the KAV include not only summer accordion camps, seminars and workshops, competitions and festivals, but also projects by the Carinthian Accordion Orchestra KAO (picture above), to whose concerts international accordion soloists are often invited.

Picture left: Maciej Frackiewicz together with Roman Pechmann (Professor at the Privat University in Klagenfurt).

After a concert in Ferlach and a successful participation in the "Day of the Harmonica" of the Austrian Harmonica Association HVÖ (grade "Excellent" in the accordion orchestra main level), the KAO and the Kiddys performed in a joint concert with Polish soloist and accordion teacher Maciej Frackiewicz in the music school of Villach.

KAO and Kiddys provided good entertainment with a varied program. Maciej impressed with his mature interpretations of J.S. Bach's "Goldberg Variations", M. Bronner's "Insomnia" and P. Tabakiernik's "WAM-iations. MOZART”, where well-known works by Mozart for organ and flute clocks are quoted.


Successful AATA Competitions and Festival – Australia

competition winners
concert posterPicture above: AATA competition winners.

The Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) held its annual championship at the Five Dock RSL Club in Five Dock, Sydney, NSW, on May 28th, 2023. This years’ event marked the return of face to face competition following the pandemic, so for many of the younger contestants, it was their first opportunity to compete in a major contest.

Each year this competition places special importance on giving young accordionists valuable competition experience. The youngest contestants were only 6 years of age, but there were a total of 21 different categories providing a variety of musical genres for all ages, from classical to ethnic, jazz to entertainment music and even duet classes.

The Jury featured some of Australia’s most respected accordionists and their positive encouragement towards all of the participants created a really supportive atmosphere.

The AATA joined forces with the Accordion Society of Australia (ASA) in a combined gala concert (see picture left) showcasing the tremendous versatility of our instrument with wonderful solo and ensemble performances to a large and very supportive audience.

International performers and competitors are warmly invited to attend next year’s 2024 Australian International Accordion Championships and any enquiries can be forwarded to AATA president, Tatjana Marx at: tats64@gmail.com


Successful DHV 2023 Congress – Germany

DHV congress
DHV logoThe DHV Congress 2023 "Shaping the Future Together" took place in Schmitten im Taunus, Germany in April 2023.

Current issues and challenges regarding the future of amateur music were discussed. The event was aimed at members of all club and association levels in the German Harmonica Association and the Hessian Harmonica Association. In various phases of work, participants developed important solutions and approaches to secure the future of accordion and harmonica orchestras as well as amateur music as a whole. In addition, outstanding examples from the association's work were presented and practical knowledge was imparted in seminars.

A multitude of competing leisure activities, an increase in bureaucratic hurdles, a decreasing interest in making music and involvement in society, a decreasing attachment to the place of residence as well as a shortage of teachers and conductors - these are some of the current challenges in the amateur music scene mentioned by the congress participants.

The aim of the DHV Congress 2023 was therefore to develop solutions together with experts from different fields and to formulate wishes and needs for the association in order to strengthen the amateur music landscape as important places of social coexistence and musical education, especially in rural areas.

"Recruiting and retaining members", "volunteer work" and "attracting teachers and conductors to amateur music" – these were among the central topics on which exchanges took place in various formats. Based on reports from the field on Friday evening, Saturday was all about the congress title "Shaping the future together". With the help of the "Future Workshop" method, which enables larger groups to condense complex interrelationships in different phases of work, solutions to the above-mentioned topics were developed in a total of eight working groups.

Numerous approaches to overcoming the challenges were developed by the participants. For example, the basic idea for a platform for the placement of musicians, teachers and conductors with orchestras was developed. In addition, the need for templates and handouts for the central topics of amateur music was strengthened.

In addition, the need for tailor-made training and qualification formats was mentioned. The results will now be discussed promptly by the DHV and led into further work.

On Sunday morning, the participants received concrete advice on how to organize their club life in one-hour impulse seminars. Lecturers included Dominik Eichhorn, head of the "Cooperation and Education" department at the Federal Association for Cultural Child and Youth Education, and Jutta Mettig, an expert in organizational consulting and development.

After the past difficult years, in which the effects of the Corona pandemic have severely restricted cultural life in particular, it was a motivating and enriching experience for all participants to meet with association members at all levels in one place and discuss key issues. In this way, the DHV Congress 2023 was able to make an important contribution to securing amateur music and club structures and provide impetus for the future. The knowledge gained will help the association members in their voluntary work, but will also be made available to the entire amateur music and club scene in order to provide assistance in dealing with the challenges.


Video: Morander Brothers Perform “The Trooper” - Finland

Video: Morander Brothers (Viljami Morander and Herman Morander) from Finland perform the Iron Maiden accordion cover of “The Trooper”.

Arranged by the Morander Brothers.


Pantonale Friedens (Peace) Festival in Berlin – Germany

PantonaleVideo: 2023 Pantonale Peace Festival finale concert in Berlin, Germany

The 2023 Pantonale Peace Festival was held in Berlin, Germany from May 14th to 20th, 2023.

The event, which celebrates the versatility and sound of the accordion, concluded with an open-air concert at the Brandenburg Gate on May 20th.

This concert included a performance by Gorka Hermosa, of his latest work “Peace Dream” which was dedicated to the festival. Accompanied by the New Chamber Orchestra Potsdam ensemble, Hermosa performed the work with accordionists Anna Kolovska (Russia) and Dmytro Zharikov (Ukraine).


Video: Shanoli Sen Performing “Where are You?” - India

Video: Shanoli Sen (India) performing one of her favourite pieces “Where are You?” composed by Pandit V Balsara.


Future events

June is National Accordion Awareness Month - USA

Celebrate National Accordion Awareness Day this June to give the accordion its well deserved appreciation. This celebration has a specific purpose — to educate people about the accordion and acknowledge its contribution to music.

The accordion entered into popular music in the 19th century, with many accordionists including five players: Pietro Frosini, brothers Count Guido Deiro and Pietro Deiro, Slovenian brothers Vilko Ovsenik and Slavko Avsenik, and Charles Magnante, becoming major influences during this period.

Did you know that the accordion is the official instrument of San Francisco (USA) since 1990? Accordionist Tom Torriglia is responsible for making June “National Accordion Awareness Month,” and campaigned to make the accordion San Francisco’s official instrument.

How to celebrate National Accordion Awareness Month? Consider attending a live or Zoom concert or festival, purchase an accordion album on streaming platforms, watch an accordion event on social media, treat yourself to an accordion and lessons, visit the New England Accordion Museum in Connecticut, A World of Accordions Museum in Wisconsin or other accordion museums in your area, read the AWW accordion news publications each week/month to learn about what is happening with accordionists around the world, join an accordion organization/club such as ATG or AAA or one of many groups around the country where you will meet interesting people who share a common love for the accordion.


Bachtopus Performs at “River Arts Tour” – USA

Bachtopus logoBachtopus will perform at the 2023 “River Arts Tour”, held in Dobbs Ferry, New York, USA on June 3rd, 2023.

The event will include over 350 musicians performing throughout the Rivertown villages of Yonkers, Hastings on Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Ardsley, Irvington, Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow.

The Bachtopus quartet, which includes accordionists Robert Duncan, Peter Flint, Mayumi Miyaoka and Jeanne Velonis will entertain with contemporary, classical and folk-influenced music at the Dobbs Ferry Lutheran Church at 3pm.


French Music & Dance Week at Halsway Manor, England - UK

French Music & Dance Week
A French Music & Dance Week will be held at Halsway Manor National Centre for Folk Arts in Crowcombe, Somerset, England, UK, from June 5th to 9th, 2023.

Tutor Emmanuel Pariselle will work with DG melodeon players, exploring the use of chords and rhythms in accompanying traditional French dance tunes and songs.

The evenings “present opportunities to relax, play and dance informally together, and we’ll have a public Bal on the Thursday evening, with music from Emmanuel and others”.


Spiers & Boden 2023 Midsummer Tour – England

Spiers & Boden 2023 Midsummer Tour
Video: Spiers & Boden tour details followed by the duo performing their version of the Devil's Interval - traditional song The Midsummer Carol.

Spiers & Boden (John Spiers & Jon Boden) will begin their 2023 Midsummer Tour this month on June 7th, 2023 with a concert at The Crescent in York, England.

See poster above for tour dates and venues.


Five Accordionists Perform at "Accordion-O-Rama" - USA

Accordion o ramaFive accordionists will perform at an Accordion-O-Rama held to celebrate National Accordion Awareness Month on June 8th, 2023 at The Belvedere at Crooners in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

The five accordionists are Dan "Daddy Squeeze" Newton, Patrick Harison, Dan Chouinard, Elizabeth Rowan and Calvaliegh Rasmussen, who will all perform a “round-robin squeeze-in”.


Ville Hiltula Performs Three Concerts in Toyko – Japan

Ville Hiltula poster
Ville 10th concertVille Hiltula (bandoneon) will give three concerts in Tokyo this month, beginning with a “Classic Cinema Tango” concert at the El Choclo Tango Bar in Kagoshima-ku, Tokyo on June 9th, 2023. Ville will be accompanied by Janne Tateno (violin).

Their program will include tango, movie music and classic masterpieces by Bach, Kreisler, Mosalini, Morricone and J. Williams. See poster above for details.

The following day (June 10th), Ville will perform with pianist Ikumi Nakayama at a concert entitled “Milonga Caminito”. This will be held at the Studio Caminito Rene y Junko in Tokyo. See poster left.

On June 11th, Ville will perform the third concert, an Argentine Tango concert with the Ville Hiltula Tango Cuarteto at the Mamehico Ginza in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, which will feature works “from classical tango to Astor Piazzolla and beyond”.

The quartet also includes Atsushi Yoshida (violin), Naoko Aoki (piano) and Shinji Tanaka (contrabass).

See poster below.
Ville 11th concert


Gregorio Uribe Performs at 50th Anniversary Season of Carnegie Hall Citywide – USA

Gregorio UribeGregorio Uribe will perform a free concert at the 50th Anniversary Season of Carnegie Hall Citywide in Times Square, Broadway Pedestrian Plaza between 43rd and 44th Streets in Manhattan, New York City, USA on June 9th, 2023 at 5pm.

“Gregorio Uribe can get any crowd dancing with an ‘intoxicating variety’ of musical ingredients”.

Carnegie Hall is honored to partner with local community organizations to present free concerts that are sensational celebrations of sounds from across the country and around the globe. At a Carnegie Hall Citywide concert, you can revisit your favorite music or try something new, stay in your home borough or journey farther afield. Whatever you choose, you’ll experience everything that makes New York City so vibrant.

For details phone: 929-277-2330


Gemini Duo Performs at Royal Danish Academy of Music – Denmark

Gemini Duo
winning trophiesVideo: The Gemini Duo performing at the 2022 PIF Castelfidardo prize giving concert after winning the Classic Chamber category.

The Gemini Duo will perform at Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium (The Royal Danish Academy of Music) Tivoli Concert Hall in Copenhagen, Denmark on June 11th, 2023.

The concert will include DKDM’s woodwind ensemble performing Mozart's Gran Partita and the accordion duo performing Stravinsky's iconic ballet Petrushka.

The Gemini Duo won 1st place in their ensemble category of the 2023 Okud Istra 46th international Accordion Competition held in Pula, Croatia recently. They were also awarded the title of best chamber music group with the highest score overall.

For concert details email: dkdm@dkdm.dk


Bruno Maurice Entertains at Gâcogne Festival - France

Bruno poster
Bruno Maurice will entertain at the Gâcogne Festival held at the Église de Gâcogne (Parish Church of Gâcogne) in Nièvre, in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region of France on June 10th, 2023 organised by the Gâcogne Festival Committee.

His program will include works by Bach, Piazzolla, de Falla, Semionov, Berio and Bedrossian.

See poster for details.


Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale Release of 2023 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations
2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2023  Competition Information
PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
World Accordion Day Information 2023 World Accordion Day, 6th May each year
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2023 Festival and Competitions AAA information, USA  2023 AAA Festival News Link


New and Updated Sites

Concerti dell'UMKC Community Accordion Ensemble - USA

UMKC poster
Il Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble (UMKC) diretto da Joan Cochran Sommers terrà concerti nel giugno 2023 come segue:

• 24 giugno ore 15:00 – concerto presso lo Swan Dive Events Centre, ristorante Vivilore a Independence, Missouri.
• 25 giugno alle 14:30 – concerto presso la Kansas City United Church of Christ Social Hall di Kansas City, Missouri.

L'ingresso è libero. Vedi poster per i dettagli.


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