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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Oct-2021
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Primo piano

Report giornalieri, foto e risultati, PIF Castelfidardo - Italia
Stas Venglevski alla prima della stagione della Jefferson Symphony Orchestra - USA
Concerto celebrativo del 20° Giubileo di Ottobre di Guardia Nueva, Kokkola - Finlandia
Concerto di Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, Dnipro – Italia/Ucraina
Risultati: XIX Concorso Internazionale & Festival "Vivat, Bayan!", Samara – Russia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

26th Le Grand Soufflet Festival – France
Accordionists Perform at 2021 Ryder Cup Golf Tournament Function – USA
Fofa Nobre Appears on TV - Brazil
Stockport Accordion Club's Broken Cross Concert, Cheshire – UK
Children’s Orchestra Performs at Benefit Concert – Germany
Video: Rose City Accordion Camp Concert, Oregon - USA

Future events

“Mr Accordion Man” Entertains at Napoli Mercato, Perth - Australia
Friends Classical Music Almere – Music Day and Anniversary Concert – Netherlands
Marc Pircher Entertains at Young Farmers Oktoberfest – Austria
A World of Accordions Museum Oktoberfest - USA
Accordion Orchestra Jheronimus “From Piazzolla to Bach!” Concert - Netherlands
Honky Tonk Jump Perform Texas Swing Entertainment – USA
Zoe Tiganouria Performs at Ionian Cultural Festival – Greece
Good Habits Homecoming Tour 2021, England – UK
Sharon Shannon Performs in Series of Shows - Ireland

Childrens Corner

Video: Los Luzeros De Rioverde - USA

New and Updated Sites

Sito di Franck Angelis aggiornato MusicForAccordion.com - Internet
Sito aggiornato: Workshop di fisarmonica CNIMA per adulti - Francia

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Primo piano

Report giornalieri, foto e risultati, PIF Castelfidardo - Italia

PIF Castelfidardo header
Report giornalieri, foto, risultati, giuria, concerti e informazioni online su: 2021Castelfidardo  sulla 46° edizione del PIF Castelfidardo in programma dal 27 settembre al 2 ottobre.


Stas Venglevski alla prima della stagione della Jefferson Symphony Orchestra - USA

Concert poster
Stas VenglevskiDr William MorseLa Jefferson Symphony Orchestra (nella foto sotto), sotto la direzione del Dr. William Morse (foto a destra), è entusiasta di annunciare che il loro primo concerto della stagione vedrà la partecipazione di Stas Venglevski (foto a sinistra).
Il concerto si terrà il 17 ottobre 2021 alle 15:00 presso il Green Center, Colorado School of Mines, a Golden, CO., dove verrà presentata l'intera stagione.
Stas Venglevski, fisarmonicista, musicista, arrangiatore, intrattenitore e insegnante eseguirà il "Concerto n. 2 per fisarmonica" di Galla-Rini.
Per i dettagli e-mail: info@jeffsymphony.org
Jefferson Symphony Orchestra


Concerto celebrativo del 20° Giubileo di Ottobre di Guardia Nueva, Kokkola - Finlandia

Guardia Nueva header
Video: Primo concerto della serie del 20° anniversario che si è tenuto il 18 settembre 2021 al Konservatorio in Finlandia con la musica di Piazzolla.
Il secondo concerto di Guardia Nueva della serie di 5 concerti si terrà l'8 ottobre alle 15:00 per gli anziani e le case di servizio. Questo concerto è sold out.
Il concerto, intitolato "Together forward Kokkola-Sali", vedrà la partecipazione dei solisti Maria Autio e Jiri Tammilehto.

L'orchestra diretta da Raimo Vertainen celebra il suo 20° anniversario del Giubileo di Diamante realizzando cinque diversi concerti che mostrano la multidimensionalità dell'orchestra, il concerto principale è il 19 febbraio 2022.
Tutti i dettagli dei concerti del 20° anniversario di Guardia Nueva a: 2021DiamondJubilee
Guardia Nueva


Concerto di Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, Dnipro – Italia/Ucraina

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi concert poster
Video: Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi esegue colonne sonore di film di Nino Rota con la Georgian Philharmonic Orchestra diretta da Nikoloz Rachveli.
Il bandoneonista italiano Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi si esibirà in un concerto con il “Leaders String Quintet” nella Sala Grande della Filarmonica di Dnepropetrovsk a Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ucraina il 3 ottobre 2021 alle 19:00.
Il concerto intitolato “La Nuova Dolce Vita” è una dedica alle grandi melodie del cinema italiano di Nino Rota, Ennio Morricone, Luis Bakalov e Nicola Piova.
L'evento è organizzato con il supporto di Biosphere Corporation e Charisma Fashion Group.
Vedere locandina per i dettagli.


Risultati: XIX Concorso Internazionale & Festival "Vivat, Bayan!", Samara – Russia

Sergey VoitenkoVivat trophiesIl XIX Concorso Internazionale & Festival "Vivat, Bayan!" si è tenuto a Samara dal 21 al 25 settembre 2021.
L'evento ha incorporato la 2a Selezione Interregionale del XVIII Concorso Internazionale Sergey Voitenko (foto in alto a sinistra), Deputato della Duma Provinciale di Samara e Direttore Artistico del Concorso.
La giuria comprendeva Friedrich Lips (presidente della giuria), Evgeniy Afanasyev, Boris Aron, A. Bolshakov, Aleksandr Gataullin, Vladimir Grachev, Sergey Kotkov, Aleksey Maslov, Mark Mayer, Kats Alla Mikhailovna, Vladimir Orlov, Ivan Ovchinnikov, Khmeleva Mariya Petrovna, Yuri Solaev, Andrey Statsenko, Pyotr Tkachenko, Alexander Selivanov, Pavel Ukhanov, Lyudmila Varavina, Sergey Voitenko e Alexander Yurov.
Scarica l'elenco completo dei risultati qui: 2021VivatResults.pdf


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

26th Le Grand Soufflet Festival – France

26th Le Grand Soufflet poster
Adrien SéguyThe 26th Le Grand Soufflet Festival will be held in Rennes, France from October 6th to 16th, 2021. The event will include concerts, exhibitions, meetings, conferences, masterclasses and shows.

Performers include “The Schinear Project” (which features accordionist Denis Spriet – picture below) who will perform on October 7th, 8th and 9th plus a special presentation entitled “Trip to Accordionistan” by accordionist Adrien Séguy (picture left) on October 8th and 16th.

Adrien will show a travel diary in pictures and music on his trip recording many musicians and collecting their stories, accompanied by his accordion. From Turkey to Central Asia, via the Caucasus and Iran, this trip took him to China, for the final stage of his project: to find the Chinese Sheng.

For details phone: +33 2 99 41 33 71
The Schinear Project


Accordionists Perform at 2021 Ryder Cup Golf Tournament Function – USA

Ryder cup logoDan Fedoryka accordionVideo: Skerryvore performing “Together Again”

Accordionists entertained at the 2021 Ryder Cup Golf Tournament Kohler Golf Party held at Whistling Straits in Kohler, Wisconsin, USA on September 25th.

The 43rd Ryder Cup Golf Tournament was postponed from 2020 due to Covid-19 and rescheduled in September this year. Two teams, one each from Europe and the USA competed for the cup, which was won by the USA team.

The event included free entertainment from a variety of musicians including USA group “Scythian” (accordionist Dan Fedoryka – picture right and below) and “Skerryvore” (which includes brothers Daniel on accordion and Martin Gillespie on pipes, whistles and accordion – picture above), who represented Scotland.

Ryder Cup organisers expected to host 40,000 to 45,000 spectators on site per day, plus the event was televised to millions of people around the world.
Scythian - Dan Fedoryka accordion


Fofa Nobre Appears on TV - Brazil

Fofa poster
Video: Recording of the television show which featured an interview and performances by Fofa Nobre.

Fofa Nobre appeared on the Brazilian television show “De Campo e Alma” presented by Fabio De Oliveira on September 25th.

Fofa played some solo pieces then performed with Grupo Acords (see video of the show above).

Fofa Nobre has won a variety of contests including Tri Champion Do Enart (Gaulla Ponto 8 Baixos category), and Tri Champion Na More (8 Baixos). She has also twice represented the state of Rio Grande do Sul at the Rio de Janeiro International Meeting of Accordion, as well as participating in other events in different states.


Stockport Accordion Club's Broken Cross Concert, Cheshire – UK

Rob & JohnJohn JonesOn Sunday afternoon September 26th the members of Stockport Accordion Club (picture top) performed their annual charity concert in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice at the Broken Cross Club in Macclesfield, Cheshire. The first concert was in 2000. As last year’s concert was cancelled due to the pandemic, the 2021 concert was the 20th event, for which a special souvenir programme was produced.

The concert was well attended and went very well indeed, despite us losing star soloists Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and Walter Perrie beforehand through health concerns. There was a large audience, and the hastily re-arranged programme saw the Stockport Accordion Band, Accordion Spice, John Jones, Helen Rich, and John Jones & Rob Howard (picture above left) putting together an entertaining show that went down well with all present.

The Band’s pieces were Colonel Bogey, Amapola, Vienna City of my Dreams, Lichtensteiner Polka (MD Adrienne Sharpe), Aces High, If you love me, Moonlight Serenade, Bonanza (MD Brennan Wilson), and Black Forest Polka, Alexander's Ragtime Band, Metsakkukia, These Foolish Things, My Way (MD Marj Howard). John Jones (picture above right) played a set of Abba songs, and Accordion Spice's pieces were The Thunderer (Sousa), Little Swiss Polka, As Time Goes By, Harmonika Mit Gruss, and Phantom of the Opera. Accordion Spice featured Helen Rich, Chris Green, and Adrienne Sharpe (picture below).

Helen Rich performed solo pieces Fragrant Flowers (Pietro Frosini), Danza Orientale, Indifference (Tony Murena/Joseph Colombo), Besame Mucho, Magic Fingers (Charles Camilleri), Mariouska, Waltz for Kylin, and Golden Slippers (Frosini). Helen was on top form, and gave highly impressive performances. By way of contrast, John & Rob Howard followed by performing a set of music from the 1960s with Summer Holiday, All I Have To Do Is Dream, Delilah, It's Now Or Never, and You'll Never Walk Alone.

All proceeds go to the East Cheshire Hospice, and £950 was raised. Karen Johnston, CEO of the East Cheshire Hospice, gave a vote of thanks to John Jones MBE and all the other performers. All in all, it was an excellent afternoon of varied accordion music, and a win-win for everybody concerned.

The concert was recorded, and a CD is expected to be issued in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
Accordion Spice


Children’s Orchestra Performs at Benefit Concert – Germany

Akkordeon-Spielkreis Niederkassel
The children’s orchestra of the Akkordeon-Spielkreis Niederkassel (photo above by Helena Demirtzoglou/Anita Brandtstäter) performed a benefit concert at the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Wesseling in Bonn, Germany this week. The event was organised by the Bonn Musikschule Emotio.

The orchestra, directed by Elena Taran performed a program of music by Alexander Jekic - "Zwergenkonzert" (Dwarf Concert) which included an opening fanfare, a happy dance and a chorale ending.

Accordion soloists also entertained with works by Vivaldi and Russian film music.

All concert proceeds were donated to Helfen Helfen e.V. for the support of flood victims in Erftstadt, Euskirchen and Ahr.


Video: Rose City Accordion Camp Concert, Oregon - USA

Rose City Accordion Camp concert
Rose City Accordion Club logoVideo: Performance on September 2nd, 2021 by accordionists at the Rose City Accordion Camp held at the Collins Retreat Center in Eagle Creek, Oregon, USA.

Performers are Gail Campanella, Toby Hanson, Courtney Von Drehle and Gabe Hall- Rodrigues.


Future events

“Mr Accordion Man” Entertains at Napoli Mercato, Perth - Australia

Napoli logoMr Accordion Man“Mr Accordion Man” (Frank Miranda – picture right) will entertain at Napoli Mercato in Perth, Western Australia on October 2nd, 2021, from 11am to 2pm.

The event promises a day of food tasting (by the store chef), cafe, live music, dancing & more.

For details phone: +61 8 9398 3622


Friends Classical Music Almere – Music Day and Anniversary Concert – Netherlands

Music Day poster
Saturday October 9th, 2021 is a special festive Music Day and Anniversary celebration of the Friends of Classical Music Almere Foundation. The event features classical music for young and old with masterclasses and concerts in Almere Haven, Netherlands beginning at 10am.

As the Friends of Classical Music Foundation celebrated their 15th anniversary last year, this year’s music program comprises of “request musicians and pieces”.

Their program will include the Matangi Quartet & accordionist Carel Kraayenhof giving a mini concert and masterclass at 3.30pm (especially for young people), with music by Piazzolla.

The day’s events will end with a Jubilee concert at 8pm entitled “Beethoven vs Piazzolla” by the Matangi Quartet & Carel Kraayenhof, presented by Hans van den Boom.

Admission is free of charge for students under 18 years of age.

For details email: info@goederedeconcerten.nl


Marc Pircher Entertains at Young Farmers Oktoberfest – Austria

Marc PircherAccordionist Marc Pircher will entertain at the Young Farmers Oktoberfest which will be held at the Sautens Cultural Hall in Tyrol, Austria on October 9th, 2021.

Marc began live performances again in July this year and released his newest album "Die Herzen zum Himmel".

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the general distance & hygiene rules as well as other precautions must be observed at this event.

For details email: info@marcpircher.at


A World of Accordions Museum Oktoberfest - USA

AWAM header
Florian ChmielewskiPaul VargasonA World of Accordions Museum will celebrate this month with an “Oktoberfest with Music” in Superior, Wisconsin on October 10th, 2021 from 4pm to 7pm.

Performers include former Senator, Florian Chmielewski (picture above left), Cheryl Husby’s Ukulele Band, Accordion Concertina Music Studio Band (picture below) and Paul Vargason (picture above right) who will entertain on Lorren Lindevig’s PanCordion, Ronny Setniker’s Half-Chromatic, Helmi-designed Slovenian Button Diatonic, and maybe more!

Admission is free of charge. For details email: aworldofaccordions@gmail.com
Accordion Concertina Music Studio Band


Accordion Orchestra Jheronimus “From Piazzolla to Bach!” Concert - Netherlands

Accordion Orchestra Jheronimus poster
The Accordion Orchestra Jheronimus, directed by Jorind Josemans, will perform a concert entitled “From Piazzolla to Bach!” at the Grote Kerk Protestant Church in Den Bosch, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands on October 10th, 2021 at 2.30pm.

Special guest accordionist Luca Pignata (Italy) will present pieces from his CD “Baroque Accordion”.

The afternoon program will feature music by Richard Galliano, Astor Piazzolla and Nino Rota (Jheronimus) as well as Baroque works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Domenico Scarlatti (Luca Pignata).

See poster for details.


Honky Tonk Jump Perform Texas Swing Entertainment – USA

HT Jump
Honky Tonk Jump will entertain with Texas Swing Music at the newly-opened, fully-tented outdoor venue, “Belvedere at Crooners” in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA on October 10th, 2021 at 4pm.

The group, which includes accordionist Dan Newton, will play music in the “tradition of Bob Wills, Milton Brown, Ernest Tubb and Spade Cooley with a sprinkling of Hank Williams and other early honky-tonk legends.”

For details email: honkytonkjump@gmail.com


Zoe Tiganouria Performs at Ionian Cultural Festival – Greece

Zoe poster
Accordionist Zoe Tiganouria will perform a concert entitled “200 Years” at the “Ionikes Giortes” in Nea Smyni, Athens, Greece on October 11th, 2021 at 9pm.

The concert is part of the Ionian Cultural Festival which began on August 26th presented by the Cultural & Sports Organization of the Municipality of Nea Smyrni. The event includes 42 nights of culture, with theatrical performances, concerts and musical tributes.

The event is held to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution (since 1821).
Entrance to this concert is free of charge. For details email: info@zoe-music.net


Good Habits Homecoming Tour 2021, England – UK

Good Habits
The "Good Habits" duo have spent 2020 and most of 2021 performing popular concerts in New Zealand due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, this month they will return to England to present their Homecoming Tour 2021, beginning on October 21st at the Manchester Folk Festival in Manchester.

The duo, which features accordionist Pete Shaw and singer-cellist Bonnie Schwarz, “create folk-ish musical tales, with captivating lyrics married with their unique brand of brisk instrumental virtuosity.”

For concert details email: hello@goodhabitsband.com


Sharon Shannon Performs in Series of Shows - Ireland

Sharon ShannonO Riadas Bar & RestaurantThe Sharon Shannon band will perform at O Riadas Bar & Restaurant in Maglass Ballymacelligott Co. Kerry, Ireland (picture right) on October 30th, 2021. This concert is one of a series of shows at the restaurant this year and will include guest vocalist Frances Black.

At their September concert, the group was joined by vocalists Michelle Lally Music and Seamus Begley for an impromptu performance of a few songs and lots of fun.

For details email: mjones.oriadas@gmail.com


Childrens Corner

Video: Los Luzeros De Rioverde - USA

Video: Los Luzeros De Rioverde, family group from Texas, USA playing and singing "40 Cartas" by Noel Torres.

The popular group have released three albums and travel the country, playing Norteño music.


New and Updated Sites

Sito di Franck Angelis aggiornato MusicForAccordion.com - Internet

Franck AngelisIl sito di Franck Angelis ha avuto informazioni sulla sua composizione Beijing 2011 aggiornate con:

Nuovo video della Coupe Mondiale in Canada, dove compositori selezionati sono stati invitati ad avere il loro 'Original Solo Work' (composto nel 2012/2013), da eseguire per la prima volta alla Coupe Mondiale, dall'artista di loro scelta.

Tian Jianan ha eseguito il lavoro e il lavoro ha vinto il Best Original Solo Work Award alla Coupe Mondiale 2013. Video online su: ang567 insieme a campioni dello spartito.
e il video di Franck Angelis durante un seminario in Cina che spiega in dettaglio ogni movimento di Pechino 2011 con l'esecuzione di Tian Jianan.

ang568 Spleen ha un video di Anna Kryshtaleva che esegue il concerto in anteprima.


Sito aggiornato: Workshop di fisarmonica CNIMA per adulti - Francia

CNIMA header
Nathalie BoucheixIl CNIMA diretto da Nathalie Boucheix (foto a sinistra) terrà un workshop di fisarmonica per adulti dal 25 al 29 ottobre 2021.

Il seminario tratterà gli stessi contenuti dei seminari regolari, tra cui tenere lo strumento, equilibrio del mantice, vari "tocchi", musicalità ecc., ma è più adatto ai problemi specifici che gli adulti possono incontrare.

Per ulteriori dettagli e-mail: cnima@orange.fr


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