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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Mar-2019
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44° Concorso e Festival Internazionale Città di Castelfidardo PIF - Italia
79° ATG Accordion Festival Annuale a Denver 24-27 Luglio 2019 - USA
22° Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships - Irlanda del Nord
7° International Accordion Festival Stadskanaal - Paesi Bassi

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic Independence Day Concert – Bosnia
New CD “Cinema” by accordionist Marco Lo Russo - Italy
Video: Gluck: Dance of the Furies from 'Orfeo ed Euridice' by AKKO Quartet
Jane Christison – Janie Next Door® - Children’s Musician - USA
NAO History Updated On Website for 70th Anniversary - UK
Unique Bell Accordion Repaired and on Display on World Accordion Day - USA

Future events

London Accordion Orchestra with Slovenian Percussion Project Concert - UK
Miloš Milivojevic Tours - Spain, Italy, Netherlands
Sergey Osokin Tours Austria
Accordion Professor Jovica Dordevic Tours USA
XXVIII Grande Gala Internacional Do Acordeao 2019 - Portugal
“Django in June” - USA
VI International Jazz Accordion and Modern Harmony Master Classes – Spain

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44° Concorso e Festival Internazionale Città di Castelfidardo PIF - Italia

Renzo RuggieriL'amministrazione comunale di Castelfidardo comunica che il 44° Concorso e Festival Internazionale Città di Castelfidardo PIF si terrà dal 18 al 22 settembre 2019.

Il direttore artistico Renzo Ruggieri scrive:
Le regole per il 2019 rimangono in gran parte le stesse sebbene sia stato deciso di espandere le categorie per i giovani nella sezione World music. La sezione Jazz per "Solisti" o "Gruppi" ha la possibilità di richiedere un Trio di professionisti (chitarra, batteria, basso) disponibile gratuitamente per i primi 5 candidati.

Un'aggiunta interessante per il 2019 è il premio "Gervasio Marcosignori Award". Nato a Castelfidardo, il "Poeta della Fisarmonica" ha portato la sua arte ovunque e il PIF gli renderà omaggio con questo titolo speciale che vuole rispettare la tradizione e anche guardare avanti con regolamenti unici che permettono: Virtuale (voci), Midi (acustico con elettronica) ed Elettrica (acustica) con microfoni digitali multi effetto, looper, sequenze."

Regole e regolamenti delle competizioni in inglese e italiano su: 2019PIF-Rules.pdf
Data di chiusura delle iscrizioni: 31 agosto 2019 (30 aprile per la categoria Composizione)


79° ATG Accordion Festival Annuale a Denver 24-27 Luglio 2019 - USA

2019 ATG poster
Joe Natoli, Joan SommersIl presidente dell’Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG), Joe Natoli (foto a destra) invita tutti al 79° ATG Accordion Festival Annuale a Denver dal 24 al 27 luglio 2019.

L'evento sarà caratterizzato da concerti, workshop, concorsi, mostre, l'ATG Festival Orchestra, banchetti e tanto altro! Quest'anno l'ATG Festival ospiterà alcuni dei migliori duetti di fisarmonica per offrire il doppio del divertimento, raddoppiare la musicalità e raddoppiare l'intrattenimento.

Il festival 2019 includerà i seguenti personaggi: Jamie Maschler e Gabriel Rodrigues (Washington, USA); Augustinas Raukauskas e Greta Staponkute (Lituania); Kim e Dan Christian (Colorado, USA); John & Madalynn Neu con The Voice of the Wood Chamber Players (Colorado, USA).

Tutti i fisarmonicisti che partecipano al festival di Denver sono invitati a partecipare alla ATG Festival Orchestra del 2019. Non importa quale sia l'età o l'abilità, c'è una parte per te!

Il famoso direttore d'orchestra e ex presidente di ATG Joan C. Sommers (foto a destra), il professore emerito dell'Università del Missouri-Kansas City dirigerà la 2018 ATG Festival Orchestra.

L'Orchestra del Festival si esibirà durante il concerto di gala di sabato sera. Le prove si terranno giovedì, venerdì e sabato per preparare la performance del concerto.

Durante la procedura di registrazione del festival, potrai iscriverti all'orchestra e fornire il tuo livello. Contatta Joan Sommers all'indirizzo joansommers@kc.rr.com per qualsiasi domanda.

Per ulteriori informazioni visita il sito: ATG


22° Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships - Irlanda del Nord

The Doneyloopers
Clyde Johnston, Noelle McCarthy and Alan ShuteNella foto sopra: i Doneyloopers, vincitori della categoria Traditional Irish Group.

Il 22° Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships tenutosi al Belfast Loughshore Hotel Carrickfergus il 23 febbraio è stato un evento di grande successo. Organizzato da Clyde Johnston, (foto a destra) è il più grande festival della fisarmonica nell'Irlanda del Nord e ha attratto oltre 200 iscrizioni.

Foto in basso a destra, giudice Noelle McCarthy e Alan Shute, vincitore delle categorie soliste Senior Frosini, Senior Scottish e Senior Jimmy Shand.

I Campionati sono riconosciuti dalla National Accordion Organization of the United Kingdom (NAO) come qualificanti per i Campionati del Regno Unito, che si terranno ad aprile a Liverpool. Clyde è stato felice di dare il benvenuto ai concorrenti della Chilton School of Music di Co.Cavan, della Trudy Maguire's Accordion School e della Gerry Kelly’s Accordion School di Co Meath e della Keith Dickson Accordion School, in Scozia per la loro terza visita.

Oltre ai concorrenti locali, ci sono state anche altre iscrizioni da Co.Meath, Co.Dublin, Inghilterra e Glasgow.

L'evento comprendeva stand commerciali esposti da Sean O'Neill, Alan Shute, Tom Cruickshank, Rob Howard, Glitterbug Bagz e Scotland Accordions che hanno aggiunto ulteriore interesse e atmosfera al Festival.

Clicca qui per i risultati completi e un report dettagliato. 2019NIreland.pdf
Foto in basso: giudice Noelle McCarthy mentre si esibisce e Ciara Masterson vincitrice della categoria Senior Recital.


7° International Accordion Festival Stadskanaal - Paesi Bassi

Netherlands Festival Poster

Video 1: Pietro Adragna - Tico Tico e Flight of the Bumblebee durante il 4° International Accordion Festival Stadskanaal.

Video 2: Second Souffle esegue Oblivion di Astor Piazzolla.

Il 7° International Accordion Festival Stadskanaal si terrà presso il Theater Geert Teis di Stadskanaal, in Olanda, il 10 marzo. L'evento includerà esibizioni di Pietro Adragna (Italia), Vincent van Amsterdam (Paesi Bassi), Second Souffle (duo di fisarmoniche dal Belgio) e Gert Wantenaar (Paesi Bassi).

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: info@accordeonfestival.nl
Theater Geert Teis


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic Independence Day Concert – Bosnia

Nihad HrustanbegovicBosnian composer and accordionist, Nihad Hrustanbegovic was honoured to perform a solo classical concert on March 1st for the Diplomatic Corps in the Sarajevo City Hall during the Celebration Academy of the Independence Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nihad was invited to perform at the event by Amira Redzic, (the Chief of Culture at the Ministry of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Abdulah Skaka (UNESCO coordinator) and the Mayor of Sarajevo.

His performance included Vivaldi's Winter of the Four Seasons, Gymnopédies 1 & 3 (Erik Satie), Asturias (Albéniz), Chevaliers de Sangreal (Zimmer), Take Five (Desmond), Oblivion & Libertango (Piazzolla), and the premiere of his new composition “View from the White Fortress”, inspired by Sarajevo and dedicated to Bosnia and Herzegovina.


New CD “Cinema” by accordionist Marco Lo Russo - Italy

The new CD entitled “Cinema” by Marco Lo Russo is now available on the Universal Music label. The CD is a compilation of songs by Astor Piazzolla, Goran Bregovic, Gottan Project, Michal Lorenc and Nino Rota, and is entirely dedicated to the world of accordion in cinema.

Tracks are:

1. Gottan Project – Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre)
2. Astor Piazzolla – Remembrance
3. Francois Parisi – Ballad Du Paris
4. Ensemble Polaris – Le Manine Di Primavera
5. Claudio Ragazzi, Guillermo Vadala – Miranda
6. Tomasz Gassowski – Pretty Estrangeira
7. Orquesta Filarmonica De Moravia Olomouc – Suite Punta Del Este
8. Sophie Solomon, Perry Montague-Mason, Ian Watson, The Easy Virtue Orchestra – Easy Virtue Tango
9. Marco Lo Russo – La Valse D’amelie
10. Maciej Zielinski – Tango De Amor
11. Glover Gill – La Cosa Pequena
12. Marco Lo Russo – Life Is Beautiful
13. Goran Bregovic – Talijanska
14. Tosca Tango Orchestra – Mi Otra Mitad De Naranja
15. Dr. Nelle Karajlic, Dejan Sparavalo, Vojislav Aralica – Daddy’s Gone (Instrumental)
16. Goran Bregovic – Gypsy Reggae
17. Tango Attack & Sadecka Orkiestra Kameralna – Por Una Cabeza
Cinema CD cover


Video: Gluck: Dance of the Furies from 'Orfeo ed Euridice' by AKKO Quartet

Video: Composition by Christoph Willibald Gluck (17 14 - 1787) - Dance of the Furies from 'Orfeo ed Euridice' performed by the AKKO Quartet at the St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Cathedral, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Jane Christison – Janie Next Door® - Children’s Musician - USA

Jane Christison – Janie Next Door®
Jane ChristisonJane Christison of 'Janie Next Door' and 'Music With A Smile' publications and performances wrote a heart felt thank you to her parents:

"February 22nd!! This is the annual celebration of my first accordion lesson (picture left).

I never would have guessed then that playing the accordion would turn into something that I dearly love to do - now more than ever. I am so thankful for all the accordion friendships I've made around the world, which is also something I never would have imagined as the teacher placed my fingers on the keys and buttons for the first time.

Thanks to my Mom and Dad for what has turned out to be the most amazing gift! : )"

In 2018 Janie released: The “Come Sing Along with Janie Next Door™ LEARNING GUIDE” takes Jane Christison’s award-winning children’s CD and turns its 18 original, upbeat songs into attention-grabbing lessons that classroom teachers, music educators and homeschoolers will love teaching to their students, from preschool through early elementary.

Using classroom-tested techniques by music educator, Debbie Gray, this book comes with two CD’s – the original version with Janie singing and one without vocals that can be used for student performances – plus 90 coloring pages, puzzles, word searches and extension activities to connect MUSIC with:
- Art, math, science and language arts
- Reading fluency and comprehension
- Physical education
- and FUN!

Students will want to do these songs and activities again and again!

For further information:
Jane Christison – Janie Next Door®
www.janienextdoor.com 913-492-3883 janec@musicwithasmile.com


NAO History Updated On Website for 70th Anniversary - UK

NAO header
2019 NAO flierThe National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) has updated the History section of its website in honor of the 70th anniversary of the UK Accordion Championships.

The website update includes information on the first Accordion Day in 1935, the formation of the NAO in 1949, and the hosting of 5 CIA Coupe Mondiale World Competitions.

View the history page at: 2019NAO-History


Unique Bell Accordion Repaired and on Display on World Accordion Day - USA

AWAM logo
Bell AccordionA World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) will feature their unique Bell Accordion during the World Accordion Day and Dr Willard A. Palmer festival on May 4th and 5th, 2019.

The instrument was discovered by Stanley Darrow, who offered it to AWAM for purchase in the 1990s. At that time it was not functional and was merely set up as a museum display.

In 2013-15, Bob Ward was called to the museum to assess their electronic keyboards. He saw the instrument and volunteered to restore it in a series of processes that took ingenuity and uncounted work hours.

The instrument’s piano keyboard controls five octaves of bells through individual electronic wires fed through an umbilical from the accordion. The accordion itself contains three treble and five bass reed sets which sound in conjunction with the bells when stimulated by bellows movements.

The bells sound pure and clean, adding marvelous effects to special pieces such as “Carol of the Bells”.

For further information email: aworldofaccordions@gmail.com


Future events

London Accordion Orchestra with Slovenian Percussion Project Concert - UK

LAO Poster
The London Accordion Orchestra will perform a joint concert with the Slovenian Percussion Project at the St. Peter's Church in Central London, on March 2nd at 4pm.

This will be the second time the London Accordion Orchestra has performed with the percussion ensemble. The first was at the Philharmonic Hall in Ljubliana and they are delighted to be welcoming them to London for a second joint performance.

The percussion ensemble “Slovenski Tolkalni Projekt” (StoP for short), was founded in 1999. Academically educated musicians joined together to play quality chamber music and discover new percussion sounds. The unique ensemble consists of established percussionists from different parts of Slovenia: Barbara Kresnik, Marina Golja, Matevž Bajde, Damir Korošec, Franci Krevh, Tomaž Lojen, Davor Plamberger and Dejan Tamše. They have played on numerous stages in Slovenia and abroad.

For more information, please contact Ian Watson at: mail@londonao.co.uk


Miloš Milivojevic Tours - Spain, Italy, Netherlands

Miloš Milivojevic (picture right) will join the acclaimed RIAS Chamber Choir conducted by Justin Doyle (picture left) in a tour of Spain, Italy and Netherlands beginning this month.

They will perform a highly evocative program that combines the past and present through the Requiems of Tomás Luis de Victoria and Bernat Vivancos including Introitus: Requiem Aeternam, Kyrie, L’amour, le temps and Motectum: Versa est in luctum.

Tour dates are:

March 6th: L'Auditori de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
March 28th: Basilica di San Vittore, Varese, Italy
April 11th: Laurenskerk, Rotterdam, Netherlands
April 12th: Muziekgebouw aan 't ij, Amsterdam, Netherlands

For details email: admin@milosmilivojevic.com
Milos Milivojevic


Sergey Osokin Tours Austria

Sergey Osokin PosterRussian accordionist Sergey Osokin will tour Austria from March 5th to 12th, performing
in regions of Vienna, Lower and Upper Austria, Styria and Carinthia.

His program will include works by S. Gainsbourg, C. Thomain, H. Betti, J. Gart, V. Young, M. Ferrero, Whiteman, Mecano, R. Galliano, A.V. Damme, J.F. Baez, J. Richard, K. Weill, A. Astier and his own compositions.

Full information about Sergey Osokin, CD's available and the tour dates and venues at:


Accordion Professor Jovica Dordevic Tours USA

Jovica Dordevic  Poster
Accordionist Jovica Dordevic, (Professor at the Prayner Konservatorium in Austria) will tour the USA with popular vocalist Arijit Singh from 5th April to 4th May 2019 organised by Bright Brain Productions.

Tour information:
April 5th: Angel of the Winds Arena, Seattle
April 6th: Oakland, California
April 7th: Microsoft Theatre, Los Angeles
April 12th: Smart Financial Centre, Houston
April 13th: Prudential Centre, New Jersey
April 14th: Agganis Arena, Boston
April 20th: Eaglebank Arena, Fairfax
April 26th: Sears Areana, Hoffman Estates, IL
April 27th: CFE Arena, Orlando
April 28th: Calihan Hall, Detroit
May 4th: Infinite Energy Arena, Atlanta
May 5th: Curtis Culwell Centre, Dallas

For concert information email: brightbrainproduction@gmail.com


XXVIII Grande Gala Internacional Do Acordeao 2019 - Portugal

Domi EmorineGary BlairThe XXVIII Grande Gala Internacional Do Acordeao 2019 will be held in Portugal from March 14th to April 7th. The event will include 22 concerts with guest performers Gary Blair (Scotland - picture right), Domi Emorine (France - picture left), Petar Maric (Serbia) Luis Mira (Portugal), plus many more. See poster for concert details.

For further information email: fr.saboia@gmail.com
Poster with dates


“Django in June” - USA

Django in June Poster
Frank Petrilli“Django in June” is New England’s premier occasion to celebrate, study and just plain enjoy the musical tradition associated with Gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt. This year’s event will be held in Northampton, Massachusetts from June 10th to 16th.

The Django Camp will include a Django accordion program taught by Frank Petrilli (pictured), pre camp workshops, evening jam sessions, question time and concerts at Northampton’s historic Academy of Music theatre.

The organisers provide a “Core Repertoire” of tunes as a foundation for jamming. For further details email: djangojune15@gmail.com


VI International Jazz Accordion and Modern Harmony Master Classes – Spain

Victor Prieto Poster
Registrations and auditions are now open for the VI International Jazz Accordion and Modern Harmony Master Classes at the Centro Cultural Marcos Valcarcel in Ourense, Spain with Victor Prieto. Nine positions are available for the masterclasses which will be held on July 13th & 14th and July 20th & 21st.

The event will begin with a Jam Session at the Jazz Club "Cafe Cultural Auriense", and all participants will get the opportunity to play with other instruments, experiment, socialize and have a great time performing in front of an audience.

The masterclasses will be held in English (with Spanish trans lation available if required) and will cover:
Improvisation: in different styles and understanding scales. (Pop, rock, bolero)
Comping: How to form chords, close position, open position, Upper structures.
Poly-Chords: My technique "Chord Approach on both hands"
Styles: How to phrase and comp: Jazz, blues, Brazilian, traditional tango, new Tango and other styles of modern harmony.
How to work and what to do in a recording studio when you get only chord changes.
How to use the registers and voices of the accordion to orchestrate and have a bigger variety of colours and sounds.

Participants will practice and perform with a rhythm section (bass and drums), so everyone can apply all the information that they have studied.

Participants will also watch videos and analyze them. How the accordion interacts with other instruments depending of the instrumentation of the groups. (Duo, Trio, Solo, voclaist, piano). A book with material will be given to each student for further studies and review (to take home).

If you wish to participate, please send a solo or group video recording to: info@victorprieto.net
You will be notified in April if you have been selected to participate in the Master Classes.

For further details email Xohán Manuel Xil Páxaro: xmxpaxaro@gmail.com


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