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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Jul-2011
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Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Morley Accordion Orchestra’s CD and Travel Plans, London – UK
Accordion in the Best Concert Halls, Moscow - Russia
Corrado Rojac conclude la stagione Rondò alla Palazzina Liberty, Milano - Italia
VI. Paksi Harmonika Fesztival - Hungary
‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordionists Part of Hong Kong’s 1997 Festivities…

Future events

4th ‘Accordions Now! 2011’, New Hampshire – USA
Djordje Gajic Classical Concert, Scotland – UK
Marco Lo Russo’s Dates and News - Italy
Second Benefit Concert,  Hohner Conservatory, Trossingen - Germany
Angus Accordion and Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK
Stage d'accordéon, Vichères-Liddes – Switzerland
Beaches Accordion Festival, Newfoundland – Canada
8th International Accordion Festival, Lucca – Italy
Julie Blocher Concerts – France
Larry Lindberg Performs at Di Ciccio’s, California - USA
Wu Wei and the Euphonia Accordion Orchestra Concert, Berlin – Germany
Accordion Workshop Day, Staffordshire – UK

New and Updated Sites

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni Releases 4 Arrangements
Alexander Selivanov Updated Site
Franco Cambareri
Zevy Zions Releases New Arrangement
Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni Releases 4 Arrangements
May Accordion USA News Online 1st May
May 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st May
May Accordion Russia News Online 1st May

CD Reviews

Winter Sketches CD by Bjarke Mogensen

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Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival header
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival brochure coverLe notizie giornalire di Kevin Friedrich online al Sata-Häme Soi.
Il 39° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica Sata-Häme Soi ha avuto luogo ad Ikaalinen dal 28 giugnno al 3 luglio 2011.
I risultati del concorso:
- Vincitore premio Golden Fisarmonica Timo Hautamaki
- Vincitore premio Silver fisarmonica Sonja Lampinen
- Finali Primus Ikaalinen - risultati prossimo articolo

I concorrenti per il Primus Ikaalinen sono:
Matthias Matzke (Germania), Alexander Veretennikov (Russia), Cory Pesaturo (USA), Danijel Stankovic (Austria), Julie Blocher (Francia), Giorgio Albanese (Italia), Natanael Teizeira (Portogallo) oltre al vincitore del Golden Accordion 2011.

La settimana del Festival include anche circa 50 concerti ed eventi con approssimativamente 1000 finlandesi e circa 100 stranieri. Si attendono circa 35000 visitatori con 15000 biglietti venduti per i concerti. Una metà dei concerti sono gratuiti.

Alcuni concertisti più noti sono:
- Budapest Klezmer Band
- Duo Syrius (France) di Julien Gonzales (vincitore 2007 Primus Ikaalinen , fisarmonica) e Cyril Carbonne (clarinetto)
- Peter Maric (Serbia) vincitore 2010 Coupe Mondiale
- Terem Quartet (Russia) con la solista finlandeseJonna Pirttijoki
- Finnish National Youth Accordion Orchestra, formata recentemente , con giovani studenti di musica

Daily reports di Kevin Friedrich online dal 28 lugllio al Sata-Häme Soi



Cory Pesaturo
Primus Ikaalinen 2011 resultsIl concorso internazionale della fisarnonica Primus Ikaalinen si è tenuto al Sata-Hame Soi Festival. Il concorso è stato organizzato per la settima volta e la finale è stata trasmessa dal vivo sulla TV finlandese Nazionale.
Il vincitore del Prius Ikaalinn è stato Cory Pesaturo (USA) e Giorgio Albanese (Italia) si è piazzato secondo

La prima parte del concorso si è conclusa con 4 suonatori che sono andati in finale. Nelle finali si sono qualificati a parimerito Cory e Giorgio e la giuria ha deciso di consegnare il primo premio a Cory.
La serata è terminata con un duetto di Cory Pesaturo e Giorgio Albanese che hanno suonato Libertango di Astor Piazzolla.
1- Cory Pesaturo, USA
2- Giorgio Albanese - Italia
3- Matthias Matzke, Germania
4- Marko Kotilaine, Finlandia
5- Julie Blocher, France & Alexander Veretnnikov, Russia
6- Natanael Teixeira, Portogallo
8 - Danijel Stankovic, Austria
I membri della giuria sono stati:
Gary Daverne (New Zealand/Jury President), Kevin Friedrich (USA), Renzo Ruggieri (Italia), Julien Gonzales (Francia), Alexander Shirunov (Russia), Satu Sopanen (Finlandia).
Ulteriori informazioni nel Daily Reports di Kevin Friedrich online al Sata-Hame Soi



Yulia Amerikova, Sergey Osokin, Maria Vlassova, Maestro Rozhdestvensky and L’ubov Rubtsova
Foto sopra: Yulia Amerikova, Sergey Osokin, Maria Vlassova, Maestro Rozhdestvensky and L’ubov Rubtsova

La serie di concerti "Gennady Rozhdestvensky conducts music by Tchaikovsky" è un anniversario con una serie di concerti dedicato alla celebrazione di 80 anni di uno dei direttori leggendari della Russia Sovietica.

Per il concerto del 19 giugno al "Tchaikovsky" Fhilharmonic Concert Hall a Mosca, il programma ha incluso La Suite nr.2 di Tchaikovsky, uno dei primi esempi sull'utilizzo della fisarmonica per musica sinfonica composta dal più famoso cosmpositore russo Piotr Tcaikovsky.

Tchaikovsky ha usato 4 armoniche semplici da suonare basate su 2 accordi- Mi maggiore e Si maggiore, che hanno due diversi suone su ogni bottone in chiusura e apertura. Probabilmente il solo strumento che è in grado du suonare in questo modo à una concertina.
Gennady Rozhdestvensky ha invitato a suonare con lui quattro fisarmonisti a piano,
Yulia Amerikova, Maria Vlassova, L’ubov Rubtsova e Sergey Osokin.

Tutto in concerto ed in modo speciale la Suite nr.2 è stato un fantastico successo. Dopo il concerto, i fisarmonicisti hanno potuto parlare con Rozhdestvensky che li ha ringraziati per la loro partecipazione. Il Maestro Rozhdestvensky ha confermato la necessità di usare il suono della fisarmonica nella sinfonia orchestsale per questo lavoro, d'accordo con l'idea di Tchaikovsky che diceva: "Usando le fisarmoniche, possiamo avere tutti i diversi colori del suono orchestrale e per questo è assolutamente necessario che le invitiamo a suonare".



Klemen LebenIl 22 maggio a Berlino il fisarmonicista sloveno Klemen Leben ha tenuto un concerto per fisarmonica e violini "The Journey" scritto da Nina Senk, che ha dedicato la composizione al giovane virtuoso sloveno. Il concerto ha avuto luogo alla Cattedrale Fridrichstadt al Gendarmenmarkt-Place a Berlino.

L'interpretazione di Klemen Leben e della Kammersymphonie Berlino, diretta da Jurgen Bruns ha incantato il pubblico che ha dedicato agli interpreti un lungo applauso. Dopo il concerto il direttore Jurgen Bruns, in una intervista in TV, ha descritto il solista come un "Akkordeonist der Weltklasse" (fisarmonicista di classe mondiale).

Klemen Leben sta suonando come solista e musica da camera in Europa e ha ricevuto numerose acclamazioni per le sue esibizioni a festival prestigiosi. Ha studiato al Franz Liszt Academy a Weimar (Prof. Ivan Koval) e alla Sibelius Academy ad Helsinki (Prof. Matti Rantanen). Ha vinto parecchi concorsi (Klingenthal, Pula, Castelfidardo ...) e registrato per parecchie compagnie.

Klemen Leben insegna attualmente alla Franz Liszt Academy a Weimar e da settembre 2011 insegnerà al Conservatory of Music and Ballet- Ljubljana.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Morley Accordion Orchestra’s CD and Travel Plans, London – UK

The Morley Accordion Orchestra (MD Ian Watson) is planning to travel to Innsbruck, Austria, in 2013 for the 11th World Music Festival, Innsbruck, Austria where thousands of accordionists from around the world gather every three years for accordion orchestra competitions and concerts and festival.

The World Music Festival is widely considered to be the largest accordion event in the world because of the thousands of accordion playing participants.

To keep the cost manageable for the orchestra’s 30 players it is intended to do some fundraising activities, one of which is their newly released CD. All proceeds from the sale of these CDs goes towards the Morley AC’s Innsbruck 2013 Fund. The CD can be purchased via the Morley Accordion Orchestra website.

The CD tracks include: ‘Ariel Overture’ – I. Watson, ‘Waltz from Jazz Suite No. 2’ - D. Schostakovich, ‘A Soupcon of Simple Sambas’ - arr. Ivan North, ‘James Bond Concert Suite’ – arr. Kolz / I.Watson, ‘Duo Concertante’ - Mario Conway, ‘Dalmatinische Tanze’ - Adolf Gotz, ‘Jovano, Jovanke’ (Macedonian song), ‘Kolo’ (Bosnian dance), ‘Hirtenweise’ (from the ‘Crna Gora’), ‘Brzo’ (Serbian dance).

For further information email: aam@morleyaccordions.org.uk


Accordion in the Best Concert Halls, Moscow - Russia

Chamber Hall of Moscow International Musical House “MMDM”, Yuri MedianikUsually June is one of the summer “quiet” months for Moscow musical life. However, this June button and piano accordion were very popular instruments featured on the best stages of Moscow in different styles of music from classic to folk.

2nd of June in Chamber Hall of Moscow International Musical House “MMDM” where one of the finest Russian accordionists, Yuri Medianik (right), gave a premiere performance of his new program – “Latino in White”, dedicated to musical styles of South America, Italy and Spain.

During the first days of June at MMDM “Svetlanovsky” Concert Hall, we had a really fantastic opportunity to listen the festival “Pearls of Mediterranian Sea”, with folk, classical and pop groups from Greece, Italy, Croatia and Portugal which featured accordion regularly.

On the 5th June, the famous Portugal “fadu” singer Crisitina Branco had the concert with accordion solos in her group. June 8th was when a Moscow audience met with the well-know Italian jazz piano and accordion player Antonello Salis from Italy, who introduced his project “Il Vino Del’Opera”.

On the 9th June accordion sounds were heard, used by Italian Napolitano group “Pietrarsa”.

On the 19th June accordionists were playing in the symphony orchestra at the Tchaikovsky” Philharmonic Concert Hall. See article above.

Accordion was featured frequently to Moscow audiences during June.


Corrado Rojac conclude la stagione Rondò alla Palazzina Liberty, Milano - Italia

Corrado RojacAnche quest’anno la stagione Rondò di Milano ha presentato al pubblico italiano importanti eventi nell’ambito della musica contemporanea.

La stagione, iniziata in primavera, si è conclusa l’8 giugno. L’ultimo concerto ha visto protagonista la fisarmonica di Corrado Rojac. Il fisarmonicista triestino, insegnante di fisarmonica presso il Conservatorio della sua città, ha presentato al pubblico milanese due classici della letteratura per fisarmonica da concerto: il De profundis di Sofia Gubajdulina e Feria IV di Franco Donatoni. Accanto ad essi, il brano di un giovane compositore turco, Yigit Ozatalay, per fisarmonica e oboe.

Ad esibirsi accanto a Corrado Rojac, l’oboista milanese Luca Avanzi, già primo oboe del Teatro Alla Scala.

Il pezzo di Ozatalay, Porte, è di natura virtuosistica, dal suono a tratti ruvido, a tratti ipnotico, ed esplora a fondo tutto il repertorio effettistico dei due strumenti.

Successo entusiasmante.


VI. Paksi Harmonika Fesztival - Hungary

Alexander Poeluev with orchestra
Zoltan OrsozPicture above - Alexander Poeluev and orchestra

From the 24-25 June 2011 the international competition festival for accordion-bayan was held in Paks, Hungary. The competition was attended by more than 40 contestants from seven European countries, Russia, Moldova, Hungary, Bosnia, Serbia, Austria and the results will be published when available.

The international jury were: Alexander Poeluev (Russia), Mirco Patarini (Italy), Clemens Tschallener (Austria), Zsanett Szatzker (Hungary).

Very successful were the festival concerts. There were concerts in memory of Piazzolla (Clemens Tschallener and Monica Tartsay - Austria), orchestra performances "Accordion Brio" (Moldova), and solo concerts by Alexander Poeluev and Zoltan Orosz (picture right).


‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordionists Part of Hong Kong’s 1997 Festivities…

1997 was the year the British administered colony of Hong Kong became part of China again, honoring an agreement made many years previously. The Accordions Worldwide news for June 27th 1997 included details of accordion events that were a part of the celebrations.

Contributed by Wu Jie

On July 1st at 10am there will be a grand celebration on Renminnanlu Square in Chengdu City to celebrate Hong Kong's reverting back to China. The celebrations will include many singers, dancers and traditional Chinese acts.

As part of the celebrations, approximately 400 accordionists (all of them being children, aged from 6 to 16 years old) will perform last on the programme. They will play in a massed orchestra performing two pieces of traditional Chinese music: "My Homeland" and "1997, Hong Kong".

It is estimated that there will be more than 200,000 people in the audience, with many more hundreds of thousands watching on television.

Ms Jiang Hong, an accordion performer and teacher in Lasha City of the Tibet province, is holding a party to celebrate Hong Kong's reverting back to China.

This will be held in an auditorium of the Worker Culture Centre in Lasha City on July 1st at 9.30am and about 30 accordion students of hers (aged 12 to 15 years old) will be playing the accordion as well as singing and dancing.

The students' parents as well as many others will also participate, with more than 500 people expected to be there. "This event is very important to my students. It is the first time we have held a party of this size, so we are hoping that they will perform successfully", said Ms Jiang Hong.


Future events

4th ‘Accordions Now! 2011’, New Hampshire – USA

Accordions Now! logoThe 4th annual festival, Accordions Now! 2011, takes place on August 12th and 13th at the Nashua Courtyard Marriott, Nashua, New Hampshire. Accordions Now! 2011 is co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Accordion Association and Accordion Connection LLC.

The festival line-up this year includes Tony Lovello, Gary Morin, Rita Davidson, Evan Harlan, Stephen Dominko, Lynda Fish, Donna Maria Regis, Fabio & Fabio, Sam Falcetti, Jerry Tramontozzi, Carmen Vitanza, Arthur Welch, and the Accordions Now! Festival Orchestra.

Accordions Now! 2011 includes concerts, workshops, lecture-demonstrations, open mike night, jam sessions, trade show, door prize drawings, festive lunch buffet, cocktail reception with entertainment, gala plated banquet, and more. The workshops will include a special feature by Rita Davidson on the life and music of the great Eugene Ettore (1921-85).

This year’s Accordions Now! 2011 Festival Orchestra will be conducted by Donna Maria Regis in ‘A Musical Tribute of Thanks to Tony Lovello’. Those wishing to take part in the Festival Orchestra are asked to apply by July 22nd to Suzanne Welch:

For further information email Donna Maria Regis: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Djordje Gajic Classical Concert, Scotland – UK

Serbian accordionist Djordje Gajic performs in concert on Sunday July 10th, 7pm, at Balquhidder Church, Lochearnhead FK19 8PN, central Scotland. The concert is the first in Balquhidder Summer Music, a series of six classical music concerts held in the beautiful surroundings of the Braes o' Balquhidder. The series is now in its 24th year.

Djordje Gajic, winner of the 1988 CMA Trophée Mondial, is now a Glasgow-based accordion teacher and concert artiste.

Djordje says, "My idea for the second part of the concert is to play classical music from around the world, based on traditional melodies and rhythms. I would like to introduce every piece and say a few words relating to the style and the origin of the music."

The programme includes: Franck – ‘Choral No2’, D.Scarlatti – ‘3 Sonatas’, A.Repnikov – ‘Capriccio’, V.Zolotaryov – ‘Sonata No2’, V. Semyonov – ‘Bulgarian Suite’, R. Galliano – ‘La Valse a Margaux’, I.Albeniz – ‘Asturias’, Y.Dranga – ‘Fantasy’, V.Matveyev – ‘Variations on a Russian traditional theme’, E.Villa-Lobos – ‘The Dance of the White Indian’, and G.Rossini – ‘Cavatina Figaro’.

For further information email: summermusic@tullochlodge.co.uk


Marco Lo Russo’s Dates and News - Italy

Italian accordionist Marco Lo Russo recently performed in Arnhem in the Netherlands, at the ‘Night of the Fashion’, and his website includes a video.

Concert appearances for the very active Marco in July include:

July 1st, 9pm – with Roberto Stivali (oboe), Norma, Old town, Latina, Italy
July 3rd, 5.30pm - Ceremony and final concert of the academic year – by invitation only!, Marco Lo Russo Music Center, Sermoneta
July 8th, 9pm - Marco Lo Russo accordion solo in ‘Linguistic Variation’, Chiostro di San Domenico, Fondi, Latina
July 9th/10th, 9pm - Marco guest in singing contest ‘La Torre d'Oro’, Lanuvio, Rome
July 17th, 9pm - Marco Lo Russo accordion solo in ‘Linguistic Variation’, Treia, Macerata
July 23rd 9pm - Video, concert, story of Italy’s 150 years since unification with Marco Lo Russo accordion and Marco Grossi - vox, San Magno, Fondi
July 27th, 9pm - Marco Lo Russo quartet, Cava di Roselle, Grosseto
July 29th, 9pm - Marco Lo Russo accordion and ‘elettronic contamination’ with Massimo De Martino DJ set, Nolive', Latina seafront
July 30th, 9pm - Duo Ichnos in Noche de Tango!, after concert, Milonga Night open the public with Cristian Petricca, PIazzale Europa, Sperlonga

There is an interesting article, written in English, on Marco in the US publication america, Amici Journal...

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Second Benefit Concert,  Hohner Conservatory, Trossingen - Germany

A concert involving students of the Hohner Conservatory performing in various formations takes place on Sunday July 3rd, 7pm, in the music school Trossingen, Löhrstr. 32, 78647.

For further information email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


Angus Accordion and Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK

The annual Angus Accordion and Fiddle Festival takes place from June 30th to July 3rd, with concerts and dances taking place at the Reid Hall in Forfar, the Meadowbank Inn or the British Legion in Arbroath. Accordionists appearing include Steven Carcary’s Young Accordionists, Wayne Robertson, Leonard Brown, Susan MacFadyen, Niall Kirkpatrick, fiddle player Ron Kerr, and Scottish dance band Da Fustra.

The main festival organizers are Ron Ramsay and Steven Carcary.

Highlights of this festival will become available on DVD and CD, and previous festival recordings are still available via the festival website.

For further information email: ron@aaff.co.uk


Stage d'accordéon, Vichères-Liddes – Switzerland

Yves Moulin, Pierre LavalOn Sunday July 9th at 12pm and 4pm Yves Moulin and Pierre Laval (picture left) teach accordion techniques and musicality for playing jazz, musette, variety, and Argentinean tango, in Vichères-Liddes, Valais, Switzerland.

These courses are part of Stage Anime Par Magali Boissier, an event that runs from July 3rd to 9th.

For further information email: yvesmoulin@ymail.com


Beaches Accordion Festival, Newfoundland – Canada

July 8th
17th in



8th International Accordion Festival, Lucca – Italy

Bassissi AthosThe 8th International Accordion Festival takes place at the Stadio Comunale ‘Roberto Nobile’, Piazza al Serchio, Lucca, from July 15th to 17th.

Guest artists include accordionists Bassissi Athos (picture left), Stefano Domenech, Rita Di Tizio, Andrea Coruzzi, Walter Giannarelli, Corrado Medioli, saxophonist Stefano Mori, the Stefano Domenech Dance Orchestra, vocalists Alessandro Boschi and Sonia Borghesi, and the Choir Alps (MD Maestro Luca Bacci).


Julie Blocher Concerts – France

16 year old French accordionist Julie Blocher, fresh from appearing at the Primus Ikaalinen competition in Finland, performs as follows:

July 14th – Bal Musette, with the Orchestre Daniel Blocher, Abusigny (74), France
July 24th - Le p'tit bal perdu, with the Orchestre Daniel Blocher, Annecy (74)
July 31st – Dance Festival, with the Orchestre Jérôme Richard, Gençay (86)
August 6th – Le p'tit bal perdu, Annecy (74)
August 21st - La Guinguette de Montbazon, with the Orchestre Daniel Blocher, Montbazon (37)

Julie Blocher, taught by Frederic Deschamps, has competed in international competitions and to date has released two CDs.


Larry Lindberg Performs at Di Ciccio’s, California - USA

Accordion entertainer Larry Lindberg performs on Saturday July 16th, 6.30pm until 9.30pm, at Di Ciccio’s restaurant, 7038 N. West Ave, Fresno, CA, 93711.


Wu Wei and the Euphonia Accordion Orchestra Concert, Berlin – Germany

Euphonia Accordion Orchestra
A Gala concert starring Chinese Sheng virtuoso Wu Wei and the Euphonia Accordion Orchestra takes place on July 16th, 8pm, at the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Kreuzberg, Berlin. The event is a celebration of the 10th German-Chinese Youth Day, in which Chinese and German children and adolescents meet in Berlin's cultural and musical exchange.

The Sheng is an ancient Chinese reed blown instrument, from which the accordion and its free reed relatives were derived in the 19th Century, and Wu Wei is generally regarded as the greatest interpreter of the Sheng in Europe.


Accordion Workshop Day, Staffordshire – UK

Accordion teacher Pauline Hardwick leads an Accordion Workshop Day on Saturday July 9th, 9.30 - 4pm, at Barlaston Methodist Church, Park Drive, Barlaston, Staffordshire ST12 9DP. The day includes groups and individual tuition with Pauline Hardwick L.T.C.L. (TD) A.L.C.M., and is intended for those looking to improve their accordion playing.

The fee is £15 per person (limited places); tea/coffee provided (bring packed lunch). Participants should bring their own music stand and any specific music they would like to study.

For further information email: granet@btinternet.com


New and Updated Sites

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni Releases 4 Arrangements

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni releases 4 new pieces. 'Tim The Thatcher', catalog:ec215, 'Connaught Man’s Rambles', catalog:ec216, 'Coleraine', catalog:ec217 and 'Indian Point', catalog:ec218. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Alexander Selivanov Updated Site

Alexander SelivanovAlexander Selivanov, classical accordionist, 2004 World Accordion Champion and
Professor of “Gnessins” Russian Academy of Music site is updated in both English and Russian.


Franco Cambareri

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, release 1 new composition for accordion available for purchase online. 'Buzzing Bee', catalog:cfranco142. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Zevy Zions Releases New Arrangement

Zevy Zions releases 1 new arrangement, 'The Swan', catalog:zzions014. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni Releases 4 Arrangements

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni releases 4 arrangements. 'The Duke of Kent Waltz', catalog:ec211, 'Corellian Gigue', catalog:ec212, 'After the Battle of Aughrim', catalog:ec213 and 'Waltz from Norway', catalog:ec214. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


May Accordion USA News Online 1st May

USA Accordion News logo
May Accordion USA News Online 1st May


May 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st May

May 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st May


May Accordion Russia News Online 1st May

Accordion Russia News logo
May Accordion Russia News Online 1st May


CD Reviews

Winter Sketches CD by Bjarke Mogensen

Winter Sketches CD front coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Winter Sketches" CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. performer Bjarke Mogensen.


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