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Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

De todo el mundo
Accordion Yellow Pages - Actualiza tus datos en Internet
Nuevos trabajos discográficos de Friedrich Lips - Rusia

El Festival ATG presenta a Alexander Shirunov, Nashville - EEUU
Angel Luis Castaño en el Festival de Arte Sacro Madrid - España
Alexander Shirunov en la feria de la música de Frankfurt - Alemania
Reportajes sobre conciertos, cursillos,etc
Hohner Artistes' Concert, Alsace - France
Eastbourne Accordion Festival, England - UK
Julian 'Speedy' Gonzales in 2008 - France
Proximos enventos
Emily Smith Concerts, England - UK
Victor Prieto Performances, New York - USA
Workshop with Lars Holm, London - UK
Carnival Press Conference, Wazemmes - France
Foster & Allen Tour Dates - UK
Jon Hammond Invites You to 'HammondCast Show KYOU Radio', New York - USA
Peter Piccini music
Critica De CD
Sitios Nuevos Actualizados

De todo el mundo
Yehuda Oppenheimer
Informacion a cargo de  Harley Jones

La web Accordion Yellow Pages (Paginas amarillas del acordeon)  han sido completamente rediseñadas por su Webmaster Roberto Zambelli para pemitir a cada usuario introducir o modificar los datos directamente desde la propia web. Para poder efectuar estas operaciones el usuario debera autentificar su identidad a traves de su direccion de correo electronico pudiendo actualizar sus datos online instantaneamente.

Las paginas amarillas del acordeon ofrecen de un modo gratuito diferentes clasificaciones de usuarios y servicios bien de carácter comercial o particular. Invitamos a todos a comprobar la informacion correspondiente a su actividad y a actualizar los datos online. Para cualquier duda o información contacte con nuestro webmaster: webmaster@accordion-search.com
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion
Información a cargo de Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif of Friedrich Lips Productions

Los dós últimos y recientes Cds de Friedrich Lips LA CUMPARSITA” y “¡BUENOS DIAS; ASTOR!” están dedicados a Astor Piazzolla. Cuando Friedrich Lips comenzó a descubrir la música de Piazzolla en  los años 1970, se puede decir que para él que fue un momento y una experiencia que le transportaba hacia la plenitud a través de las emociones, colores y ritmos que    iba descubriendo en esa música.  Primero incluyó uno de sus tangos en su repertorio en solitario. Después vino el proyecto llamado “Piazzolla – Studio”.

Fue en Septiembre de 1993 en formato de quinteto y en el sala pequeña del Conservatorio de Moscú. El CD que apareció a raíz de ello fue el  “Argentinean Tangos by Astor Piazolla” y los músicos que tomaron parte en el mismo fueron:Friedrich Lips - bayan, Vladislav Igolinsky - violin, Kirill Rodin - cello, Svjatoslav Lips - piano, Mark Pekarsky - percusión, Nikolay Lgovsky – percusión, y Vladimir Toncha - cello.

cree que Piazzolla no nos ha abandonado sino que sencillamente ha pasado a otra dimensión en nuestras vidas a través de sus creaciones que se pueden considerar únicas. Es por ello que Lips  a través de este nuevo CD que contiene varios de esos maravillosos tangos quiere decirle:  “Buenos Dias, Astor!”

Información herbert@accordion-cd.co.at

Accordion Jazz Chords
El Festival ATG presenta a Alexander Shirunov, Nashville - USA
Información a cargo Kevin Friedrich

La edición número 68ª del Festival y Concurso Internacional de la asociación de acordeonistas y profesores Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG) se desarrollará en el Hotel Preston Nashville, Tennessee, entre el 12 y el 15 de Junio.

Este año el festival ha querido invitar al joven talento ruso Alexander Shirunov, CIA en la categoría de Piano así como valedor de otros muchos galardones. Shirunov  que a través de su dinamismo se está convirtiendo en la nueva sensación del acordeón ofrecerá un concierto como invitado especial del Festival internacional así coo ofrecerá una Master Class. CD "Absolute".

Además de la participación de Alexander, El Festival ATG presentará al acordeonista local Jeff Lisenbyasí como otras actividades; workshops, conciertos, The popular Festival Orchestra, eventos sociales y actividades de interés para cualquier amante del acordeón.

Más información a cargo de la presidenta de la ATG, Joan C. Sommers Joan C. Sommers a: Sommersj@umkc.edu o
Fisitalia Black
Angel Luis Castaño en el Festival de Arte Sacro Madrid - España
Información a cargo de Alio Modo Música

El Festival de Arte Sacro de Madrid incluye este año varios conciertos del Dúo Alio Modo (Angel Luis Castaño), acordeón y David Apellániz, violonchelo). Este dúo ofrecerá tres conciertos en MAdrid los días 19, 23 y 24 de Febrero. En el programa se incluyen obras de S.Gubaidulina, S.Kaufmann, J.S.Bach, I.Kuusisto y L.de Pablo. Algunas de estas obras estan incluidas en el último CD del dúo titulado "Perspectivas".

La semana pasada Angel Luis Castaño apareció dos veces en Radio Nacional de España (RNE). En Radio 5 Todo Noticias realizaron un micro-espacio dedicado al acordeón y a uno de los últimos CDs de Angel Luis Castaño "Encore!" y en Radio Clásica le hicieron una entrevista a David del Puerto (compositor español, Premio Nacional de Música 2005) sobre su último disco "Alio Modo" (música para piano, acordeón y soprano interpretada por A.Sukarlan, C.Gurriarán y Angel Luis Castaño). La audiencia de esta radio española pudo escuchar "Diario" para piano y acordeón y "Sobre la noche" para soprano y acordeón de D.Del Puerto interpretadas por Angel Luis Castaño)

Más información e-mail: infoaliomodo@gmail.com
Yuri Medianik CD's for sale
Alexander Shirunov en la feria de la música de Frankfurt - Alemania
Información a cargo de Horst Fausel, Hohner Accordion Product Manager

Después de su paso por el NAMM Show - EEUU, Alexander Shirunovestará en la Feria de la música de Frankfurt que se celebrará entre el 12 y el 15 de Marzo. Shirunov actuará diariamente en el stand de Hohner Stand además del escenario acústico de la feria. Reconocido tanto en su faceta clásica como en la de música de entretenimiento tocará en sus actuaciones diarias con los modelos Hohner FUN FLASH piano accordion (foto de la derecha) y su Morino IV 120 C45 de Luxe free bass.  Las fechas, lugares y horarios de sus actuaciones son:

Hohner Stand, Hall 3.1 G25:
Miércoles 12 – 12 del mediodía y 3.00 pm
Jueves - 12 del mediodía y 4.00 pm
Viernes -  12 del mediodía y 3.00 pm
Sábado -  10.00am, 13.00pm y 16.00pm

Acoustic Stage Hall 3.Via, Raum Facette:
Jueves   - 17.00 pm
Viernes -  10.00 am

Más información: email: HFausel@hohner.de
An  A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard
Reportajes sobre conciertos, cursillos, concursos, etc Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Charnwood Graded Music
Hohner Artistes' Concert, Alsace - France
Información a cargo de Frédéric Deschamps

On January 27th, teacher Frédéric Deschamps (left), and Hohner artistes Julian Gonzales and Jérémy Buirette, were invited to perform at the music store 'Alsace Accordion Center' of Colmar, by the owner Pascal Didelot. Julian Gonzales and Jérémy Buirette performed classical and variety pieces, both solo and as a duo. Frédéric Deschamps held a master class, with local accordionist tutored through 'Libertango', by Astor Piazzolla.

In attendance were local teachers Philippe Brousse, Jean-Martin Meyer, Christine Parmentier, Philippe Ray, Andrzej Rytwinski, Patrick Keller, Adrien Bonnard, Président de l'A.P.H (Association des Professeurs Hohner), and Daniel Jurquet.

For further information email: Accordéon.centre.alsace@wanadoo.fr
Gary Dahl Arrangements
Eastbourne Accordion Festival, England - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Last weekend's Eastbourne Accordion Festival, organised by John Romero from February 15th to 18th, featured the talents of Scotland's Gary Blair Senior and Junior, Italy's Romeo Aichino and Giuseppe Grosso, Swiss-based Londoner Johnny-Lee Leslie, and the English-based Harry Hussey, Gennaro Fiondella, Romano Viazzani, and the jazz quartet Café Noir.

There were concerts featuring jazz, tango, classical, Continental and Scottish music, plus a series of technique based workshops and orchestral rehearsals. The performance of the festival was probably Giuseppe Grosso's brilliant rendition of Rossini's 'Barber of Seville', which received the only standing ovation of the weekend.
Edition Harmonia music catalog
Julian 'Speedy' Gonzales in 2008 - France
Contributed by Rob Howard

Julian 'Speedy' Gonzales, student of Frédéric Deschamps and winner of five international competitions, visited in Tunisia, the Palestinian cities of Jerusalem, Ramala and Gaza, and Israel during February. In Tel Aviv, 'Speedy' attended a specially arranged 'French Night' function.

On March 1st, 'Speedy' performs in a variety concert in Belgrade, Serbia, and the next day is on the jury for a competition. He then performs a series of concerts in Kuwait and the United Arabic Emirates, from March 10th to 15th.

Julian 'Speedy' Gonzales will also be spending time with his teacher Frédéric Deschamps, preparing for the competitions in Klingenthal and Castelfidardo, follwed by the CMA Trophée Mondiale, October 1st to 5th in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and the CIA Coupe Mondiale, October 21st to 26th, in Glasgow, Scotland.

Julian's other performances are as a duo with clarinet player Cyril Carbonne. Known together as the 'Duo Syrius', they have won 2nd prize at the 2007 Coupe Mondiale in Norway and performed concerts in Finland, England and Spain.
Proximos eventos
Finland Recordings
Emily Smith Concerts, England - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Scottish singer and accordionist Emily Smith is performing the following concerts dates around England:

February 23rd, 7.30pm - The Davy Lamp Folk Club, Washington Arts Centre, Washington, Tyne & Wear
February 24th, 8pm - Twickfolk, Cabbage Patch Pub, 67 London Road, Twickenham, Middlesex
February 27th, 8.30pm - Faversham Folk Club, The Chimney Boy, Preston Street, Faversham, Kent
February 28th, 8pm - Topic Folk Club, The Cock & Bottle, 93 Barkerend Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire
February 29th, 8pm - Carlisle Folk & Blues Club, The Sunset Suite, Carlisle United Football Ground
March 7th, 7.15pm - Otley Court House, Otley, West Yorkshire
Inaki Alberdi Accordeon
Victor Prieto Performances, New York - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Victor Prieto performs as follows - some dates are solo concerts, NY Tango Project gigs are with Emilio Solla, others are as the Victor Prieto Trio as a trio with Alexis Cuadro - bass, and Vince Cherico - drums:

February 27th, 8pm - solo at Olea, Brooklyn
29th, 9pm - Victor Prieto Trio at La Lanterna, New York
March 6th, 8pm - Victor Prieto Trio,Tea Lounge, Brooklyn
7th, 10pm - NY Tango Project, Smalls, New York
8th, 10pm - NY Tango Project, Smalls, New York
10th, 10pm - NY Tango Project, Fat Cat, New York
13th, 8pm - La Lanterna, New York
20th, 8pm - Kitano, New York
29th, 9pm - Victor Prieto Trio, Bar Next Door, New York

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com
James P O'Brien music catalog
Workshop with Lars Holm, London - UK
Contributed by Ownen Murray

Swedish accordionist Lars Holm has been teaching children for 40 years and is held in the highest esteem throughout the international accordion world. His brilliant pedagogical literature has inspired thousands of teachers and children and he is in constant demand holding workshops all over the world.

Teachers and students are welcome to attend his workshop on Sunday March 9th at the Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5HT. The day will begin at 10.30am and finish at 5.30pm and is free of charge. Please bring your accordion with you! This is a wonderful opportunity to be inspired by a great teacher.

For further information email: murray@post.tele.dk

The Art of Playing the Accordion Artistically - Lips

Carnival Press Conference, Wazemmes - France
Contributed by Rob Howard

A press conference to announce details of the next Wazemmes Carnival takes place on Tuesday February 26th, 6.30pm, at Maison Folie Wazemmes, 70 rue des Sarrazins, near Lille.

The Carnival is a festival including a parade, dances and concerts, and takes place on March 14th, 15th and 16th. Last year's event involved 2,000 participants, including many accordionists.

For further information email: communication@wazemmeslaccordeon.com
Comprendre Votre Accordeon - Thierry Benetoux
Foster & Allen Tour Dates - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The Irish singing and accordion duo Foster & Allen are one of the most commercially successful accordion-based acts in recent years with worldwide record sales in excess of 20 million. Their latest UK tour begins in March, and dates announced to date include:

March 16th - Grand Opera House, Belfast
April 1st - Llandudno
5th - Grand Opera House, York
9th - Beck Theatre, Hayes
13th - The Anvil & The Forge, Basingstoke
19th - Beck Theatre, Hayes
November 11th - Newcastle City Hall
12th - Southport Theatre and Hall Complex
13th - Grimsby Auditorium
Accordion Jazz Chords
Jon Hammond Invites You to 'HammondCast Show KYOU Radio', New York - USA
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

American accordionist, organist and media personality Jon Hammond has made available highlights from many of his daily radio shows, going back as far as 1969, on KYOU Radio available via podcast: 'HammondCast Show KYOU Radio'.

For further information email: jonhammond@jonhammondband.com

Finland Recordings
Comprendre Votre Accordeon - Thierry Benetoux
Critica De CD
CD Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira

   Review by Renato Belardinelli

Fences Come Down

by The Groanbox Boys
Cory Seznec and Michael Ward-Bergeman

Fisitalia Black
eSheet Music
Sitios Nuevos Actualizados
Thierry Benetoux is publishing a new book 'Sounding Out The Accordion'. This book will be available at the end of March and can be ordered in advance at a special price on the internet. The book, about sound diversity in the accordion, is such that many accordionists wish to explore the potential of their instruments to the full. This book, with its DVD, offers an opportunity to explore the varieties of sounds in various instruments. This incredible diversity is little known by the general public and even to some musicians. To find out more:

A new updated site for Cavagnolo Accordions in French language, soon to also be in English language.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
A new site selling a CD titled "La Cumparsita" with sound samples. Music performed by Friedrich Lips. Purchase online.

A new site selling a CD titled "Buenos Dias, Astor!" with sound samples. Music performed by Friedrich Lips. Purchase online.
William Schimmel CD's

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week