10 Agosto 2007 
Weekly news from around the world

Accordions Worldwide client indexDirectory of Accordions Worldwdie advertisers and clientsInternational Weekly News in 7 languagesaccordions.com  (English)www.akkordeon.com (Deutsch)www.accordeon.com (Francais)Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listingswww.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listingAccordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listingwww.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system


Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

De todo el mundo
Reportajes diarios de la 60ª Copa Mundial, Washington DC - USA
Celebracion de 150 años de Hohner, Trossingen – Alemania
5ª edicion del “International Accordion Competition”, Trieste – Italia
“Accordions Worldwide” seleccionada como la mejor pagina web del mundo sobre el acordeon
Reportajes sobre conciertos, cursillos,etc
Folk Festival, Castelfidardo - Italy
Lorenzo Munari in Cultural Event, Savignano - Italy
Proximos enventos
'Accordions by the Sea' Festival, Victoria BC - Canada
David Price at Club Accord, Birmingham - UK
Mika Väyrynen Helps Celebrate Finland's Independence, Kotka - Finland
Sergio Robledo Concert, Mexico city - Mexico
All Ireland Flead Cheoil, Tullamore - Ireland
Milivojevic Festival Concerts, Dorset - UK

Critica De CD
Sitios Nuevos Actualizados

De todo el mundo
eSheet Music
Coupe Mondiale 2007 Daily Reports
Reportajes diarios de la 60ª Copa Mundial, Washington DC - USA
Informacion a cargo de Kevin Friedrich

A partir del 13 de Agosto estaran disponibles varios reportajes diarios sobre la 60ª Copa Mundial que se va a celebrar en Alexandria, VA (Washington DC) organizada por la “American Accordionists Association” (AAA) y la “Accordionists and Teachers Guild, Internacional” (ATG).

El evento que atrae a concursantes de mas de 25 paises, ofrecera ademas de las competiciones, conciertos, seminarios asi como la presentacion de la “World Accordion Orchestra” compuesta por 166 miembros.  Dirigida por Joan Sommers, la orquesta interpretara 3 obras incluyendo el estreno de “Lest We Forget”, escrita por Leonard Stack, un afamado compositor afincado en Los Angeles.

Se puede visitar www.coupemondiale.org para ver los reportajes diarios asi como para acceder a los enlaces de las retransmisiones diarias que se ofreceran desde en el Kennedy Center of the Performing Arts, que concluiran con la retransmision en directo del concierto de los 6 vencedores de la Copa Mundial CIA, el proximo Sabado 18 de Agosto a las 6.00pm.
Accordion Jazz Chords
Celebracion de 150 años de Hohner, Trossingen – Alemania
Informacion a cargo de Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Hohner va a celebrar el 150 aniversario de la fundacion de la compañia a cargo de un antiguo relojero, Matthias Hohner, los proximos 8 y 9 de Septiembre de 2007 con una gran fiesta. Hohner comenzo haciendo armonicas, para pasar a producir acordeones. Mas recientemente ha diversificado su produccion con la manufactura de otros instrumentos como guitarras, teclados y pianos.

Un extenso programa musical, una muestra de instrumentos, una feria e incluso un intento de record mundial de tocar la armonica seran los atractivos que esperan a los que visiten Trossingen.

Con el lema de ‘La musica suena en Trossingen’, la compania Hohner – dirigida por Dr. Horst Braeuning, el ayto. de Trossingen, la asociacion de fabricantes, el banco Volksbank de Trossingen, el centro de atracción y turismo, la cerveceria Hirsch y otras instituciones y clubs celebraran conjuntamente el aniversario con una gran fiesta.

Varios de los interpretes que actuaran en dichos actos son: ’Feldberger’ con Frau Waeber, ‘BB & the Blues Shacks, ‘Triple Sweet’ y Manfred Leuchter, ‘Dr. Quincy y los Lemonshakers’, ’Blues Delivery’, ’ Abi Wallenstein & Blues Culture’, Steve Baker, la ‘Hohner Akkordeonorchester 1927 e.V.’, el grupo ‘Art of Accordion‘, y la campeona del mundo de armonica de Trossingen, Kathrin Gass, acompañada de Hans-Guenther Koelz.

Uno de los principales atractivos sera la inauguracion de una especial exposicion del museo de las armonicas en el ‘Bau V’ construido en unos antiguos locales de la Hohner. Igualmente habra una jornada de puertas abiertas en la Escuela de Musica y en el Conservatorio.

El intento de romper el record mundial actual de la “mayor orquesta de armonicas” tendra lugar el domingo 9 de Septiembre a las 4.00pm y se requiere para ello del maximo de ejecutantes. Se efectuara un ensayo el dia anterior. El record actual data del 2005 en Seattle, Washington, EEUU, donde se juntaron 1.706 armonicistas.

5ª edicion del “International Accordion Competition”, Trieste – Italia
Informacion a cargo de Holda Paoletti-Kampl

La 5ª edicion del Concurso Internacional de Acordeon tendra lugar en Trieste (Italia) durante los proximos dias del 28 al 30 de Septiembre de 2007. Este festival esta organizado conjuntamente por la escuela de musica de Glasbena, las asociaciones culturales Altamarea y Cluster, y la orquesta de acordeones ‘GM Synthesis 4’.

El evento incluye conciertos a cargo de Renzo Ruggieri, Igor Zobin, el duo de Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi y Andrea di Paolo, el trio Nata Bene, el duo de Ivano Battiston y Ivano Paterno, el duo de Alessandro Ipavec y Paola Chiabudini, y la orquesta de acordeones ‘GM Synthesis 4’.

El concurso incluye distintas categorias, solistas, concertistas, grupos de camara y orquestas de acordeones. El concierto de clausura se retransmitira en directo por radio y televisión.

Las distintas categorias son:
Categoría A – Hasta 10 años
Categoría B – Hasta 12 años;
Categoría C – Hasta 14 años;
Categoría D – Hasta 17 años;
Concertistas: Category F – sin limite de edad;
Grupos de camara y orquestas de acordeones.
La fecha limite de inscripcion es el 7 de Septiembre.

Mas informacion: trst@glasbenamatica.com
An  A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard
“Accordions Worldwide” seleccionada como la mejor pagina web del mundo sobre el acordeon

Nos es grato comunicar que nuestro portal “Accordions Worldwide” ha sido nombrado por Beesker como el mejor portal de Internet en el mundo dedicado al acordeon. “Accordions Worldwide”, se creo en 1996, ideado por su director Harley Jones, y ha desarrollado su actividad durante 11 anos gracias al esfuerzo y la dedicacion de muchas personas de diferentes partes del mundo.

Beesker es el principal directorio mundial de websites. “Enhorabuena por su excelente website,” fueron las palabras de Alex Reid, Editor de Beesker Extonet Ltd, Cambridge, Reino Unido.
Fisitalia black
Reportajes sobre conciertos, cursillos, concursos, etc
Charnwood Graded Music
Folk Festival, Castelfidardo - Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The Locandina Folk Festival took place in Castelfidardo, from July 26th to August 5th. This colourful event featured bands, singers and dance teams, including several performers from other countries. The many musicians involved included melodeon players - Tim Edey (England), Filippo Gambetta, Clara Graziano, and Brendan Power (New Zealand) - harmonica.
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion

Lorenzo Munari in Cultural Event, Savignano - Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Classically trained accordionist Lorenzo Munari performed at the first Savignano Festival, organized by the Commune of Savignano in collaboration with Art & Show Productions. He played three concert evenings on July 12th, 19th and 26th, all in the piazza Falcone. The concert on July 19th, titled 'From Bach to Piazzola', was performed with vocalist Marina Coli.

Lorenzo Munari also performs with clarinet player Andrea Medici, and their repertoire includes classical music to ethnic music, jazz and tango.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Proximos eventos

'Accordions by the Sea' Festival, Victoria BC - Canada
Contributed by Rob Howard

The first 'Accordions by the Sea' Festival takes places from August 10th to 12th at the Victoria Edelweiss Club, 108 Niagara Street, British Colombia. This event is organised by the Victoria Accordion Club

The guest artistes include S. Bahn, Mario Pedone, Marc Wald, Ron Lankford, David Mazoff, Bertram Levy, Ries Vink, Irv Lang, Mary Ross, and the Victoria Accordion Club Band. Activities include concerts, jam sessions, dancing, workshops, private lessons (by arrangement), and a bandoneon demonstration.

For further information email: midimary@shaw.ca
Finland Recordings
David Price at Club Accord, Birmingham - UK
CoContributed by Rob Howard

Leicester accordionist David Price, well known as a player of electronic and midi instruments, makes his debut as the guest at Club Accord on Monday August 13th, at 8pm. Club Accord meets at the Catshill WMC, near Bromsgrove, Birmingham - near the junction of the M42 and M5.

David Price has just released a new CD of 'easy listening' music, 'Accordion Mix', which includes 'My Way', 'Charmaine', 'Alley Cat Song', 'Maigret', James Bond Theme', 'Charade', 'New York, New York', and others.

For further information email: CAccord@Amaryllis.force9.net
Sebastiano Cali
Mika Väyrynen Helps Celebrate Finland's Independence - Finland
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen will perform with the Kymi Sinfonietta in Kotka on August 15th. This concert is held to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the independence of Finland. Exclusively featuring Finnish music, Mika will perform the 1st and 2nd movements of the 'Baltic' Concerto for accordion and chamber orchestra by Veikko Huuskonen as well as other Finnish works. This concert will be repeated on 17th August in Kouvola, Finland.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Sergio Robledo Concert, Mexico city - Mexico
Contributed by Rob Howard

Mexican accordionist Sergio Robledo Acevedo and his tango quintet 'Entretango' perform in concert on August 18th, 6pm, in the room Carlos Chávez room at the University Arts Center. The program will include the works of Ástor Piazzolla, Carlos Gardel, Angel Villoldo and Michel Colombier.

Entretango was formed in 2003, and comprises Sergio Robledo Acevedo - accordion, Luis Felipe Gutiérrez Zermeño - violin, Rodrigo Rivera Espinosa de los Monteros - electric guitar, Víctor Hernández Stumpfhauser - piano, and Carlos Rangel Terrazas -bass.

For four years, this ensemble has performed in important cultural centres in Mexico, and released its first CD 'Entretango' at the beginning of 2007, containing the works of Ástor Piazzolla.

For further information email: sergiorobledoacevedo@hotmail.com
Karthause Schmuelling Musik and Media
All Ireland Flead Cheoil, Tullamore - Ireland
Contributed by Rob Howard

The 2007 All Ireland Flead Cheoil takes place in Tullamore, County Offaly, in the Republic of Ireland, from August 19th to 26th. Organised by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, the Flead Cheoil is the largest Irish traditional music event in the world, attracting over 250,000 people, including 10,000 competitors and performers annually.

Apart from the competitions, the festival includes a wide selection of outdoor and indoor concerts, ceili dances, parades, workshops, street sessions and events throughout the week. Ceili bands performing include the Glenside, Sean Norman, Fodlha, Matt Cunningham, James Hogan & Colin McGill, and St Colmcille.

The competitions include age-graded sections for piano accordion, 2-row diatonic button accordion, concertinas, harmonicas and ceili bands. 3-row diatonic and Continental chromatic accordionists are also catered for, competing in mixed instrument sections.

For further information email: info@fleadh2007.com
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Milivojevic Festival Concerts, Dorset - UK
Contributed by Harley Jones

Accordionist Milos Milivojevic appears at the Burton Bradstock Festival of Music and Art, Dorset, which takes place from August 14th to 19th.

August 16th, St Mary's Church, 7.30pm
London Tango Quintet featuring: David Juritz, Milos Milivojevic Craig Ogden, Mary Sculley and Timothy Carey

August 17th, 7.30pm - St Mary's Church
Programme includes works by Brouwer, Grieg, Brahms, Albinoni
and Schnittke's 'Suite in the Old Style' for violin and accordion.

August 18th, 7.30pm - St Mary's Church
Programme includes works by Elgar, Purcell, Vivaldi, JS Bach, Schubert, Piazzolla and Mozart - 'Adagio and Rondo K617' - accordion and string quartet)
Performers: David Juritz, Milos Milivojevic, Craig Ogden, Neil Black, Martin Kegelmann, Adrian Bradbury, Caroline Dowdle, Mary Scully, Tim Carey

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com

Critica De CD

  Revisión cerca
 Joan Cochran Sommers   
Accordion Illusions por Stanislav Venglevski
Fisitalia black
Sitios Nuevos Actualizados
Comprendre Votre Accordeon - Thierry Benetoux
Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 3 new works for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Beer Barrel Polka’, ‘Fascination’, 'The Music Of The Night'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Karthause Schmuelling music catalog
The website for the Accordion Museum in Stradella, Italy, has been recently updated: www.accordions.com/museumstradella
Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week