07 Marzo 2008
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www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Accordion Yellow Pages - www.accordion-yellowpages.com
Musikmesse 2008, Francoforte - Germania
La più Grande Crociera della Fisarmonica nel Mondo - Finlandia
Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica, Vienna - Austria
Brett Gibson e la Longmont Symphony Orchestra, Colorado - USA
Città dell'Arte e della Musica, Kassel - Germania
Accordion Sculpture from the CIA Winter Congress, Skopje - Macedonia
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Lars Karlsson Band Tours - Austria
Juha Silfverberg performs Piazzolla, Kansas - USA
Accordion Extravaganza, Doncaster - UK
Prossimi Appuntamenti
International Tango Festival, Rome - Italy
Jean-Marc Marroni Training Course - France
Loughborough Folk Festival - UK
Wazemmes Carnival, Lille - France
Duo Esprit at Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey - UK
Fisitalia Black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Pagine Gialle della Fisarmonica- www.accordion-yellowpages.com
Aggiorna i tuoi dati su Internet
Contributo di Harley Jones

Le pagine gialle della fisarmonica/Accordion Yellow Pages sono stati completamente ridisegnato dal Webmaster Roberto Zambelli per permettere a ognuno di aggiungere o modificare informazioni sul proprio conto direttamente sul sito. Ti verrà richiesta una autenticazione usando il tuo indirizzo email personlale per verifica, dopo di che le tue informazioni saranno istantaneamente online

Accordion Yellow Pages offre grautitamente l’inserimento di qualunque tipo di servizio relativo alla fisarmonica, professionale o privato. Sei quindi invitato a controllare le tue informazioni online per essere sicuro che siano corrette ed aggiornate. Per richieste contattare il nostro  webmaster:webmaster@accordion-search.com
Gary Dahl esheet
Musikmesse 2008, Francoforte - Germania
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Dal 12 al 15 Marzo Fancoforte sarà di nuovo la sede del più importante appuntamento per l'industria musicale globale. Da più di 25 anni la Musikmesse di Francoforte è la più grande fiera degli strumenti musicali.

La Musikmesse offre una unica ommnicomprensiva eposizione di ogni tipo di strumento musicale, con oltre 30,000 prodotti dalla chitarra elettrica ai sistemi di missaggio, software musicale e strumenti classici. Un interessante programma di dimostrazioni, eventi, concerti, workshops e cerimonie di premiazione si svolgerà su Agora Stage, Acoustic Stage e Musikbiz Stage; inoltre conferenze, discussioni, presentazioni, visite scolastiche, riconoscimenti modaioli, Music4kids…

Le fisarmoniche si possono trovare alla Hall 3.1., dove la maggior parte della aziende produttrici italiane e di tutto il mondo esibiranno i loro prodotti, e dove si potranno incontrare importanti artisti internazionali. Da non perdere!
Accordion Jazz Chords
La più Grande Crociera della Fisarmonica nel Mondo - Finlandiaa
Contributed by Kimmo Mattila & Minna Plihtari

La Grande Crociera della Fisarmonica 2008 si è svolta sulla nave Silja Europa da Turku fino in Svezia e ritorno il 2 e 3 Marzo. Il Festival Internazionale della fisarmonica Sata-Häme Soi e l'Associazione dei Fisarmonicisti Finlandesi hanno organizzato questa crociera per la 17° volta.

Kimmo Mattila (Direttore Artistico della Crociera), Jacques Mornet e Frédéric Deschamps (Francia) e Sirpa Sippola (Direttore del Festival Sata-Häme Soi) stanno ascoltando Sami Hopponen durante la cerimonia di apertura.

A questo immensamente popolare evento annuale hanno partecipato più di 2.500 amanti della fisarmonica provenienti da tutta la Finlandia e da Russia, Gran Bretagna, Francia, Italia e Svezia. L'intera nave risuonava di musica con la fisarmonica di diversi stili, nella sala da concerto, nei pubs e nella sala da ballo. Musica e fisarmonica giorno e notte!

Aino Ojakoski (violino) e Kimmo Mattila (fisarmonica) suonano nella cerimonia di apertura.

La semifinale dei concorsi Golden e Silver Accordion si è svolta Domenica. I finalisti della Golden Accordion 2008 sono: Matti Kakko, Konnevesi; Tarja Lepistö, Kiuruvesi; Henriikka Santamaa, Ulvila; Timo Sormunen, Siilinjärvi; Henna Tahvanainen, Tohmajärvi, Ukko-Pekka Yliranta, Kittilä.

I finalisti della Silver Accordion 2008 sono: Ella Elomäki, Pori; Johan-Antti Kivilahti, Haapajärvi; Mikko Makkonen, Palokka; Viljami Morander (a destra), Somerniemi; Paula Rehula, Lappeenranta; Eveliina Suomalainen, Karkkila; Viivi Tigerstedt, Helsinki.

Le finali TV Silver e Golden Accordion si svolgeranno il 25 Giugno al Sata-Häme Soi Festival. Il voncitore della Golden Accordion rappresenterà la Finlandia al concorso Primus Ikaalinen internazionale, che sarà trasmesso in diretta TV il 27 Giugno 2008.

For further information email Public Relations Director Minna Plihtari: minna.plihtari@satahamesoi.fi
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica, Vienna - Austria
Contributed by Harley Jones

Il 9° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica si sta svolgendo in diversi luoghi a Vienna, dal 24 Febbraio al 25 Marzo. 200 artisti da 27 Paesi diversi suoneranno in 47 concerti.

La lista degli ospiti include: Raúl Barboza - Argentina, Renato Borghetti - Brasile, Marinette Bonnert & Pere Romaní, Cile Cheeps, Heinz Ditsch, Krzysztof Dobrek, Richard Galliano - Francia, Lars Karlson - Svezia, Otto Lechner, Martin Lubenov (picture left), Madagascar, All Stars, Motion Trio - Polonia, Klaus Paier, Ciro Perez, con il suo Trio P.S.P., Sascha Shevchenko, Beni Schmid, con Stian Carstensen e Georg Breinschmied, Stefan Sterzinger, Riccardo Tesi - Italia, Tini Trampler, Attwenger e Roland Neuwirth, Ulrich Kodjo Wendt, e Zamballarana, e molti altri.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
Charnwood Graded Music

eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
Brett Gibson and the Longmont Symphony Orchestra - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Kansas City based accordionist Brett Gibson performed several works, including Piazzolla's ‘Concierto para Bandoneo y Orquesta’, ‘Tres Tangos para solo Bandoneon Y Orquesta’ and Gardel's ‘Por Una Cabeza’, under the direction of Michael Booneas, guest soloist on the Tango Romantico Concert in Longmont, CO, with the Longmont Symphony. Performing to a capacity audience, Brett received a standing ovation for his performances.

Brett was born in Auckland, New Zealand but now makes his home in the Kansas City area where he has established himself as one of the leading accordion specialists in the Celtic music scene having performed several seasons with The Elders, Gabriel's Gate and is a regular musician with Eddie Delahunt.

Brett began playing the accordion at the age of seven and at the age of 12 won his first New Zealand championship for that age category and continued to seriously perform and compete into his late teens as a soloist and with duet, trio, quartet, ensemble and orchestra. He went on to tour overseas with both the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra and also the UMKC Accordion Orchestra.

CD - Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira
City of Art and Music, Kassel - Germany
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Since the late 1990s the Musikakademie in the city of Kassel has inserted the accordion into their teaching curriculum, offering a diploma course of studies and also artistic training.  In the last two years, the accordion has now also become both a main and subsidiary subject at the city’s university.

The Faculty for Education and Human Sciences offers the possibility for teaching training, for those interested.  At both institutes - the music academy and University of Kassel – the accordion teacher is Mrs. Mirjana Petercol (picture right).

The city of Kassel is famous for its permanent art exhibition, which includes works by Rembrandt, and also as the home of the Brothers Grimm.   Kassel lies in the centre of Germany and enjoys all advantages of a large city, with a calm and marvellous surrounding countryside.  The university and its different faculties as well as the famous academy of art and the music academy shape the townscape.

For further information email: MirjanaPetercol@gmx.de
Fisitalia Black
Accordion Sculpture by Nikolina Trajanovska - Macedonia
Contributed by Anica Karakutovska

The accordion sculpture made by Nikolina Trajanovska specially for the CIA Winter Congress, which was held in January in Skopje, is another proof that the accordion is a great inspiration for artists to create beautiful works.

Nikolina Trajanovska is a member of the Macedonian Association of Accordionists and a fan of the accordion. She is a graduate in medicine, and art is her hobby. The accordion sculpture was her realization of our mutual idea and another beautiful co-operation between fans of the accordion in Macedonia.

After the congress this sculpture is now displayed in the accordion classroom of Professor Zorica Karakutovska in the DMBUC ‘Ilija Nikolovski-Luj’, Skopje, and together with the original caricature (symbols of the CIA Winter Congress 2008), is enriching the nice accordion atmosphere in the music school.

Congress delegates drawing: left to right, Herbert Schiebenreif (Austria), upper Mirco Patarini (Italy), lower Kevin Friedrich (CIA President - USA), upper Ray Boddell (UK), middle Zorica Karakutovska (Macedonia), Jacques Mornet (France), Kimmo Matilla (Secretary - Finland), Frederic Deschamps (France).
Peter Piccini music
Lars Karlsson Band Tours - Austria
Contributed by Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif of Friedrich Lips Productions

Sweden’s Lars Karlsson Band will be touring Austria next week.  Concerts will take place in Neunkirchen, St. Georgen/Lavanttal, and at Vienna's International Accordion Festival, from March 7th to 9th.

The Lars Karlsson Band was formed in 1997 and has recently released the latest CD ‘Tungo’.  Their music is a mix of Nordic folk music combined with influences of blues, rock, jazz and tango.  The band has appeared on different TV shows, are constantly performing at festivals in the Nordic countries.

Lars Karlsson has for the last 12 years been one of Sweden´s most well known accordion artistes and is especially known for his innovating way of mixing different musical styles, becoming influential for young accordionists in recent years.  He became Nordic Champion on diatonic accordion in 1993 and has since been a judge in different accordion competitions.  In 2001 the Swedish Accordionists Association voted him ‘Accordionist of the Year’, the first time ever awarded to a diatonic accordionist.

In 2006 he made a nationwide tour, including 18 concerts in Sweden together with Régis Gizavo from Madagaskar, and Lelo Nika from Serbia.  The same year Lars was one of the artistes in the opening gala show for the European Championships of Track & Field with a live performance for a crowd of over 100,000 people, appearing on a TV show seen all over Europe.

The Lars Karlsson Band members are: Lars Karlsson (diatonic accordion), Thomas Andersson (guitar), Dan Herbertsson (bass), and Göran Viksten (drums).

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
Aww Recordings

Finland Recordings
Juha Silfverberg perform Piazzolla, Kansas - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Kansas City based accordionist Juha Silfverberg performed Piazzola's ‘Milonga sin Palabras’ with pianist Dr. Martín Cuéllar on the recent concert 'Martín Cuéllar and Friends' at Emporia State University in Kansas.

Pianist Martín Cuéllar is Assistant Professor of Piano at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas.  An active performer, Dr. Cuéllar has played concerts in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, and Spain. He frequently serves as adjudicator and workshop clinician in piano competition and workshops throughout the Midwest and other parts of the United States.
Accordionist Juha Silfverberg is regularly found entertaining professionally in the Kansas City area, where he freelances in a wide variety of ensembles. He has toured Finland, Estonia, New Zealand, Japan and throughout the USA with diverse musical groups ranging from Zydeco to Klezmer, from Classical to Pop. 

A native of Finland, Juha came to the USA to study accordion at the University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) as their first overseas accordion student. He holds the titles of both Finnish and Scandinavian Champion. In addition to performing, Juha also keeps busy repairing and tuning accordions and pianos.

Pictured below are the performers on the piano and accordion concert, from left to right: Paul Moore (piano), Melinda Groves (piano), Juha Silfverberg (accordion), Janice DeBauge (piano)and Dr. Martín Cuéllar (piano).
Titano Accordion Company
'Accordion Extravaganza' Doncaster - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

On Sunday March 2nd an all-day festival titled ‘Accordion Extravaganza’ took place at Doncaster Racecourse in South Yorkshire, in the North of England.  Organised by enthusiast Harry Kipling, the brand new Doncaster Racecourse conference and hospitality suite proved to be an ideal venue for an event that was indeed a great day for the accordion. 

There was a continuous rolling 12-hour programme of concert performances from guests Pearl Fawcett Adriano, Romano Viazzani, Harry Hussey, Alan Young, Sam Pirt & The Hut People, Rosemary Wright, banjo player Bill Sables, and the Burton Ensemble.  Harry Hussey, deputising for the indisposed George Syrett, did a sterling job as the compere, in addition to his playing stints.  The day included a Roland Virtual Accordion demo, a trade show, refreshments and meals. 

For further information email: henrykipling@fsmail.net
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux
International Tango Festival, Rome - Italy
Contributed by Harley Jones

The first International Tango Festival takes place in Rome from June 26th to 29th.  Choreographers/teachers include Sebastian Arce, Mariano Chicho Frumboli, Horatio Quota, Alex Cantarelli, Carlo Paolantoni, and Giusy Blandamura.  Guest dancers are Mariana Montes and Juana Sepulveda.

The festival includes a performance, for first time in Italy, of the incredible show ’Exodo Tanguedo’. The orchestras involved, featuring accordionists and bandoneon players, are Ensemble Hyperion and the Trio de Sombra.

For further information email: info@tangoinprogress.it
eSheet Music
Jean-Marc Marroni Training Course - France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

A training course for accordionists title “Stage Accordéon Arts et Cultures en Europe”, will be led by 1985 Coupe Mondiale Champion Jean-Marc Marroni. 

Jean-Marc is currently a professor of accordion with the ENM of Aix-en-Provence and Municipal principal of music of Saint-Cannat.  He is also Professor with the CEFEDEM of Aubagne and regularly writes articles for the review "Accordeon Magazine".

The training course will take place from July 13th to 19th at Serre Eyraud in the French Alps.

For further information email: Jeanmarc.marroni@wanadoo.fr
Yuri Medianik CD's
Loughborough Folk Festival - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The annual Loughborough Folk Festival takes place from March 8th to 10th at Loughborough Town Hall, and amongst the many artistes featured are accordionists Jim Causley, Martin Green, Paul Hutchinson, Hannah James, Shona Kipling, John Kirkpatrick and Steve Turner; melodeon players Anahata, Joe O’Connor and Saul Rose; and concertina players Richard Arrowsmith, Robert Harbron and Mary Humphreys.

The festival includes a variety of concerts, ceilidhs and instrumental workshops.

For further information email: box.office@charnwood.gov.uk  
CD - Inaki Alberdi Accordeon
Wazemmes Carnival, Lille - France
Contributed by Rob Howard

The central district of Wazemmes in Lille in northern France becomes the venue for a huge party during the annual Wazemmes Carnival, which is held between March 14th and 16th. 

The accordion is a prominent figure in this event, its strains audible at every corner.

For further information email: communication@wazemmeslaccordeon.com
The Art of Playing the Accordion Artistically - Lips
Duo Esprit at Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionists Ian Watson and Julie North, known as ‘Duo Esprit’ perform at Guildford Accordion Club, 7.30pm, on Good Friday, March 21st, Ripley Village Hall, near Guildford, Surrey GU23 6AF.  The organiser is John Cumiskey.

For further information email: myrabrooks@blueyonder.co.uk
Fabio Alderight CD

   Critica di Joan C Sommers
Dancing According to Me

by Jörgen Sundeqvist and Øivind Farmen
eSheet Music
 Gary Daverne compositions and CD's

Yehuda Oppenheimer

New information upon artists on the website of accordion manufacturer Fisitalia

New information on the website of the accordion producer Beltuna/Castelfidaro/Italy

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator,updates 3 of his works and release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Maria Elena’, '12th Street Rag' and 'You Can't Be True Dear'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

William Schimmel CD's

New concert information for Pascal Contet of France.

New CD/information regarding Anne Landa of Spain.

Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
CD Reviews and DVD Reviews index page updated.  See over 248 reviews of recordings since 1997 to 2008 by Renato Belardinelli, Tania Lukic-Marx, Alessandro Mugnoz, Paolo Picchio and Joan C. Sommers - a huge resource of information for those interested in accordion recordings.
Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week