21 Dicembre 2007
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Nota dell'Editore
Composizioni “Franco Evangelisti” in RAI-Radio 3 - Italia
19° Festival Internazionale 'Bayan and Bayanists', Mosca - Russia
Prima assoluta di una Nuova Versione delle 'Stagioni' di Piazzolla - Croazia
Frank Morocco 'Master Class & Concert' DVD, California - USA
2° Concorso Internazionale, Begunje - Slovenia
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
'FunAccord' Helps Celebrate Christmas, Sydney - Australia
Further Broadcasts of Nativity Story - UK
Accordion Yellow Pages, Update Your Own Details - Internet
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Alexandra Paris New Year's Eve Concert, Paris - France
Gordon Glenn Concert, Stockport - UK
'Cruise of Irish Stars' - Caribbean
German Article that was sent
Schlüchttal-Akkordeon-Orchester Gurtweil - Germany
Concertsm with Salvatore Cauteruccio - Italy
Fisitalia Black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Yehuda Oppenheimer
Nota dell'Editore

Questa edizione del notiziario settimanale di Accordions Worldwide è l'ultima del 2007; saremo di nuovo on line l'11 Gennaio 2008. Il team di Accordions Worldwide augura a tutti i lettori, clienti e collaboratori ovunque essi siano un Buon Natale, felicità e buona muisca e, soprattutto, buona salute per il 2008.

Editore: Rob Howard
Gary Dahl esheet
Composizioni “Franco Evangelisti” in RAI-Radio 3 - Italia
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

domenica 23 dicembre p.v. dalle ore 22:00 alle ore 22:45 su RAI-Radio3 verranno trasmessi i brani vincitori delle ultime tre edizioni del Concorso Internazionale di Composizione "Franco Evangelisti".

edizione 2005
Francesco Palazzo (1969)
Movimento perpetuo per fisarmonica (alla fisarmonica l'autore)

Salvatore Piras (1970)
Clouds Gang III
per fisarmonica, flauto, clarinetto,violino e violoncello

Dario Flammini fisarmonica
Alter Ego Ensemble
Manuel Zurria flauto, Paolo Ravaglia clarinetto, Ludovico Tramma violino, Michele Chiapperino violoncello

edizione 2006
Silvia Lanzalone (1970)
Il suono incausato
improvvisa-zione per clarinetto sospeso, clarinettista ed elettronica

Massimo Munari clarinetto

Apostolos Loufopoulos-Myrto Korkokiou (Grecia -1974)
59 Winds per flauto ed elettronica

Myrto Korkokiou flauto

edizione 2007
Leonardo Polato (1963)
per voce, violoncello e pianoforte

Sara Gamarro voce

FontanaMix ensemble
Nicola Baroni violoncello
Franco Venturini pianoforte

19° Festival Internazionale 'Bayan and Bayanists', Mosca - Russia
Contributed by Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif of Friedrich Lips Productions

Each small picture below
links to a large picture.

Friedrich Lips - click to enlarge

Stefan Hussong - click to enlarge

Angel L. Castaño click to enlarge

Yuri Shisckin click to enlarge

White Day click to enlarge
Each small picture links to a large picture.

Con la partecipazione dell'agenzia federale della cultura e della cinematografia, l'Accademia della Musica Gnessin e il fondo Friedrich Lips, il tradizionale 19° Festival Internazionale 'Bayan and Bayanists' ha avuto luogo nella sala da concerto dell'Accademia della Musica Gnessin di Mosca dal 5 al 9 Dicembre.

Un obiettivo tradizionale del Festival è onorare le pietre miliari della storia della Fisarmonica e del Bayan. Quest'anno il festival ha celebrato il 100° anniversario della costruzione del primo Bayan in Russia. È stato onorato anche il famoso Maestro Artigiano Y. Volkovitsh, responsabile di diversi importanti passi nello sviluppo dello strumento, celebrando il suo 80° compleanno

Storia dello sviluppo del Bayan - History of Bayan Development.

The first part of the opening concert was arranged by the accordion orchestra 'Vivat, accordion!' conducted by Valentina Bobisheva of the Schnittke-Music College and the chamber orchestra of the Gnessin Music Academy conducted by Timur Mynbajev.

Soloists were pianist Svjatoslav Lips (Ephrem Podgaits: 'Rondo' for piano and orchestra) as well as bayanist People's Artist Friedrich Lips (picture left - Astor Piazzolla: 'Aconcagua', concert for bandoneon and chamber orchestra).

For the second part, young Russian prize-winners of international competitions of 2007 were acclaimed by the public: Victor-Daniel Eliasson, J. Puriz, D. Stadnjuk, I. Salachov, Semjion Shmelkov (bayan) with flautist O. Somanovskaya.

The following three evenings were dedicated to artists from different countries: S. Najko, Yuri Shisckin, Oleg Scharov (Russia), Max Bonnay (France), Angel L. Castaño (picture left - Spain), as well as 'Trio Mobile' (J.Gurevitsh, bayan; A.Groshev, flute; N.Telminova, violoncello) from Nischny Novgorod. All performers emphasized the different facets of the bayan in their way.

The Gala concert brought an absolute musical highlight with the appearance of Stefan Hussong (Germany). The large musical range from a traditional Gagaku of 10th century Japan to the musical avant-garde of John Cage or Adriana Hoelszky was very impressive. With V. Osipov (Concertino and xylophon), accompanied on the piano by Svjatoslav Lips, as well as the group of 'Bely Den' (White Day) the concert ended in lively fashion.

'Silver Discs' were conferred on accordionists/bayanists Stefan Hussong, Yuri Shisckin, Vatcheslav Galkin, Sergey Najko and to the masters V. Vassiliev, A. Tshernov und S. Kashinzev for merits in the bayan art.

Exhibitions and presentations of musical instruments of chief world producers took place in the foyer of the concert hall Russian Gnessin Academy of Music throughout the festival.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Prima assoluta di una Nuova Versione delle 'Stagioni' di Piazzolla - Croazia
Contributed by Rob Howard

Il fisarmonicista concertista croato Miran Vaupotic ha dato una serie di concerti con il noto chitarrista Robert Belinic e uno dei più famosi Ensemble Classici croati, 'Zagreb Soloists', con i quali ha debuttato al bandoneon in uno speciale, nuovo arrangiamento di 'Le Stagioni' di Astor Piazzolla per bandoneon, chitarra e orchestra.

Altri concerti hanno avuto luogo all' VIII Festival de Otono a Jaen nell' Aula Magna dell' Università e altre sale da concerto in Croazia a Velika Gorica, e alla Concert Hall dell'Istituto Musicale a Zagabria.

Le esecuzioni hanno riscosso grande successo, con i solisti e il gruppo che hanno entusiasmato il pubblico con le loro grandi musicalità, creatività interpretativa, tecnica raffinata e brani di grande difficoltà. Hanno ricevuto molte standing ovations, sfociate in diversi bis.

Miran ha anche collaborato con importanti compositori, delle cui opere ha dato la Prima, come A. Markovic, T. Uhlik, D. Palanovic e D. Bobic. Ha dato la Prima Croata dell' Eshaton Concerto di Davor Bobic, che è il primo Concerto per Bayan nella storia della musica Croata.

Miran intende registrare questo nuovo arrangiamento di 'Le Stagioni', Piazzolla, e pubblicarne la partitura.

Per maggiori informazioni scivere a: artagent.vjeran@hi.t-com.hr  
Charnwood Graded Music
Frank Morocco 'Master Class & Concert' DVD, California - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Frank Marocco ha pubblicato un DVD contenente una 'master class workshop' live, dove il grande fisarmonicista entra nei dettagli nello spiegare e dimostrare come imparare a suonare il jazz e ad improvvisare, e come creare linee di basso per i grandi standard del jazz. Il DVD include anche un concerto completo di Frank che suona insieme a basso, chitara e batteria.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: frankmarocco@yahoo.com
CD - Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira
2° Concorso Internazionale, Begunje - Slovenia
Contributed by Rob Howard

Il 2° Concorso Fisarmonicistico Internazionale per il Premio Avsenik, avrà luogo dal 25 al 26 Gennaio 2008 a Begunje. Sono previste due categorie:

fisarmonica a piano, fisarmonica diatonica. Entrambe le categorie sono divise secondo l'età:

A - fino a 12 anni (nati fino al 1997)
B - da 13 a 15 anni (nati dal 1994 al 1992)
C - da 16 a 19 anni (nati dal 1991 al 1988)
D - da 20 a 35 anni (nati dal 1987 al 1972)
E - da 36 anni in poi (nati dal 1971 in poi)

Il 55° Avsenik Festival, che presenta la fisarmonica slovena e la musica folk, avrà luogo a Begunje dal 20 al 24 Agosto 20088.

Per maggiori informazioni, scrivere a: avsenik@avsenik.com
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel

Fisitalia Black
'FunAccord' Helps Celebrate Christmas, Sydney - Australia
Contributed by Melissa She, AATA committee

The Sydney based Accordion Ensemble 'FunAccord', whose members are Ivan Liashenko, Atila Fadi, Zhiyuan Ma, Richard She and Nick Shcherbakov, helped celebrate Christmas and performed at various Sydney venues including 'Scalabrini Village' and the ' Christmas Café Concert' in Petersham last week.

The accordion ensemble was formed a year ago and enjoys fine music making.
Finland Recordings
Further Broadcasts of Xmas Nativity Story - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Liverpool's modern take on the Christmas story reported in last weeks news, was played out in the streets of the city centre, and televised by the BBC told the story of Mary, a pregnant teenager and Joseph, an asylum seeker. .

A cast of 300 and 150 crew were involved in the event, and the hour-long production used songs from Liverpool's great pop legacy to bring the story to life. Accordionist Mark Bousie was seen and heard in various scenes and locations, featured often in close up as he accompanied vocal numbers.

Presented by actor (and melodeon player) Geoffrey Hughes, the music included songs by The Beatles, John Lennon, George Harrison, Teardrop Explodes, Echo & The Bunnymen, the Icicle Works, Dead Or Alive and The Las. Stars included Cathy Tyson and Jennifer Ellison. Local actors Jodie McNee and Kenny Thompson played Mary and Joseph.

The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra also performed at the event at William Brown Street. The Nativity was broadcast live on BBC Radio Merseyside and is going to have two further broadcasts.

The hour-long programme will be shown again on:
Sunday December 23rd, 10.45pm - BBC1
Tuesday December 25th, 7pm - BBC3

Further information on the BBC website.

Aww Recordings
Accordion Yellow Pages, Update Your Own Details - Internet
Contributed by Harley Jones

The Accordion Yellow Pages has now been completely redesigned by Webmaster Roberto Zambelli to allow each person to add information or change their own information directly to the site. You are then asked to authenticate the information using your own email address for verification and your information is instantly online.

The Accordion Yellow Pages offers free of charge listing for every type of service for accordion businesses and individuals. So please check your own information online that to make sure it is correct and updated.
Peter Piccini music

Titano Accordion Company
Alexandra Paris New Year's Eve Concert, Paris - France
Contributed by Rob Howard

Musette accordionist Alexandra Paris performs at Noisy le Grand in the eastern suburbs of Paris on December 31st.

Alexandra Paris has won competitions on the accordion in France, and also plays piano and bandoneon. 
Accordion Repairs Made Easy
Gordon Glenn Concert, Stockport - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

On Wednesday January 9th, 8pm, accordionist Gordon Glenn is the guest at Stockport Accordion Club. Gordon Glenn is a veteran of the accordion scene in the UK, having been active as a professional since the 1950s. His repertoire includes music by Strauss, Cole Porter, Leroy Anderson, Pietro Frosini, to name but a few, and his silky skills are always well received by his audiences.

The venue is Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire.
For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
eSheet Music
'Cruise of Irish Stars' - Caribbean

Two 7-night Caribbean cruises, on board the Costa Mediterranea, take place in the New Year, featuring Irish singers, dancers and musicians. The first cruise covers the western Caribbean, from January 26th to February 2nd, and the second sails around the eastern Caribbean, from February 2nd to 9th.

These cruises include much accordion entertainment, involving piano accordion players Paddy Noonan, Martin Doyle (of the duo Stephen's Green), and Jimmy McPhail, and button accordionist Fintan Stanley (picture left). The organiser is the singer Andy Cooney.

For further information email: andycooney@aol.com
Yuri Medianik CD's
Schlüchttal-Akkordeon-Orchester Gurtweil - Germany
Contributed by Harley Jones

The Schlüchttal-Akkordeon-Orchester Gurtweil Germany has been busy prior to Christmas under conductor Roland Schaaf. On Saturday the 15th December was a large concert. On Sunday 16th the youth orchestra of 17 players between 8 and 16 years performed.

For the first time the early music education group will appear on the stage to perform especially for their guests, from the kindergarten Gurtweil. Naturally the Santa Claus can not be missing with a gift for all the children there.
The Art of Playing the Accordion Artistically - Lips
Concerts with Salvatore Cauteruccio - Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Several concert dates with Salvatore Cauteruccio during Christmas festivities:
- Sunday 23th December at 6 pm Piazza Caloprese (Scalea, Cs) con il NOVA 4TET & Pietro Perrone.
- Monday 24th December at 8.30 pm on TV Articolo 21 / Telespazio TV, Salvatore together with NOVA 4TET & Pietro Perrone.
- Thursday 27th December at 7 pm Concert with Acoustic Music Ensemble at the Aula Magna del I Circolo Didattico di Sala Consilina (Salerno)
- Sunday 30th December at 9 pm Hotel Parco dei Principi di Scalea (Cs) in Solo
- Monday 31st Decemberat 9 pm Hotel Parco dei Principi di Scalea (Cs) with Acoustic Music Ensemble
- Thursday 3rd Jannuary 2008 - at 6 pm Piazza Italia (Praia a Mare,Cs)
- Wedenesday 9th january concert at the l'I.T.I.S di Sala Consilina
For information emaili: info@salvatorecauteruccio.it
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Renato Bellardinelli

StriCat Rats & Gentle People

eSheet Music

 Gary Daverne compositions and CD's

William Schimmel CD's
The famous Beltango group directed by Alexander Nikolic were stars at the 2007 Castelfidardo Festival in Italy and this new site selling is selling their pack of 3 CDs titled "Tradicional", "Piazzollando" and "Balkango". Sound samples are online. Music performed by Alexander Nikolic (bandoneon, accordion), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Ivana Nikolic (piano, vocal), Bogdan Pejic (el.guitar) and Ljubinko Lazic (double bass) of Serbia. Purchase online using bank secure server system.
Karthause Schmuelling Musik and Media
Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement of 'Souvenir d'amour'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
A new site selling three CDs titled "Viazzani Takes Stok" "Encore" and "Piazzolla Angel Suite - Bobic Liturgical Suite" with sound samples. Music recorded by Romano Viazzani of UK. Purchase online with credit card.

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Gigolino', 'La Giostra', . Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Sebastiano Cali  music catalog
Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'Feelin Blue'. Samples of these music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

History of Bayan Development: This article on the History of Bayan Development was written by Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif of Friedrich Lips Productions. The importance of the development of the bayan has had far reaching significance for all concert accordion design, manufacture and performances throughout the world.
Visit Viatcheslav Semionov site for xmas special.

Visit Friedrich Lips site for xmas special.

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week