23 Novembre 2007
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Nuovo Sito Pagine Gialle della Fisarmonica - Mondo
Attività di Raimondas Sviackevicius, Gaida - Lituania
Friedrich Lips Tour in Siberia - Russia
Jeff Lisenby Candidato per Cinque Grammy Nominations, Nashville - USA
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Beltrami Accordion Festival, Aberdeen - UK
Richard Galliano and Michel Portal at the Wigmore Hall, London - UK
Kevin Solecki New CD, Pittsburgh – USA
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Motion Trio Concert Schedule, Warsaw - Poland
NAO North West Championships, Fleetwood – UK
Tony Lovello Concert, Kentucky - USA
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano Concert, Leicester – UK
Yehuda Oppenheimer, Free Holiday Hymn - Israel
Italian-style Lunch Party, Wazemmes – France
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Events 2008 – Finland
Marco Lo Russo Performances, Rome - Italy
Fisitalia Black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Gary Dahl esheet
Nuovo Sito Pagine Gialle della Fisarmonica - Mondo
Contributed by Harley Jones

Il sito Pagine Gialle della Fisarmonica è stato completamente ridisegnato dal Webmaster Roberto Zambelli per permettere a chiunque di aggiungere informazioni o cambiare i propri dettagli direttamente sul sito. A ognuno sarà poi richiesto di autenticare le informazioni usando il proprio indirizzo e-mail come verifica, dopodichè le informazione saranno immediatamente online.

Per favore, controlla subito le tue informazioni per essere sicuro che siano corrette ed aggiornate.

Il nuovo sito Pagine Gialle della Fisarmonica offre gratuitamente elenchi per ogni tipo di servizio per fisarmonicisti. Contrariamente ai motori di ricerca (Google, Yahoo etc.), non avrai bisogno di avere un sito web per fare in modo che i fisarmonicisti ti possano trovare e contattare.

Il sito Pagine Gialle della Fisarmonica ti permetterà molto presto di aggiungere i tuoi dettagli sulle liste Gold o Silver per un piccolo costo extra, così da essere posizionato all’inizio dei risultati di ricerca. Questo è un servizio addizionale ideale per operatori collegati alla fisarmonica che desiderano essere trovati per mezzo di internet.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Attività di Raimondas Sviackevicius, Gaida - Lituania
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Dopo il successo della Prima esecuzione del primo Concerto per fisarmonica e orchestra sinfonica di Feliksas Bajoras’ ‘Promise’ al Gaida Festival, il fisarmonicista Raimondas Sviackevicius ha dato due concerti in un altro festival in Lituania chiamato ‘Muzikos Ruduo’ (Autunno Musicale). Raimondas ha ancora due date in questo festival verso la fine di Novembre.

Il 20 Novembre a Kupiskis e il 22 Novembre a Rokiškis, Sviackevicius ha suonato con il Trio Backus/Sviackevicius/Mikeliunas - violino/fisarmonica/violoncello – opere di compositori lituani per trio, duo con violoncello e nastro magnetico, varie improvvisazioni e la Prima esecuzione delle opere del compositore Lituano Algimantas Raudonikis.

Raimondas Sviackevicius suonerà a New York, chiamato tramite l‘Associazione Lituana della Fisarmonica, – ‘AKO-07’, un concerto per fisarmonica e orchestra da camera di Jurgis Juozapaitis – il 28 Novembre a Utena e il 29 a Ziezmariai.

Per maggiorni informazioni inviare una e-mail a: sviackevicius@gmail.com
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Friedrich Lips Tour in Siberia - Russia
Contributed by Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif of Friedrich Lips Productions

Recentemente Friedrich Lips ha fatto un tour in Siberia, Russia, visitando città come Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk e Novosibirsk. Ha tenuto seminari e dato concerti; il suo programma comprende opere dei compositori L. Boellmann, A. Cholminov, A. Khatchaturjan, S. Gubaidulina, A. Piazzolla, J. Strauss, e altri. Ha anche suonato il concerto ‘Aconcagua’ di Piazzolla con una orchestra da camera, provocando l’entusiasmo del pubblico che lo ha acclamato.

Jeff Lisenby Candidato per Cinque Grammy Nominations, Nashville - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

I Membri dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Registrazioni, Arti e Scienze (NARAS) sta votando per le ultime Grammy Award Nominations e tra quelle in considerazione c’è il fisarmonicista di Nashville Jeff Lisenby.

Jeff è candidato per una nomination in cinque categorie:
* Migliore Album Jazz Strumentale (Campo 10, Categoria 48)
117. "A Spy In Tortuga"
* Migliore Solo Jazz Strumentale (Campo 10, Categoria 47)
139. ‘Twelve’
* Migliore Composizione Strumentale (Campo 23, Categoria 85)
244. ‘Solina’
* Migliore Arrangiamento Strumentale (Campo 23, Categoria 86)
137. ‘Ring Of Fire’
* Migliore Arrangiamento Strumentale di Accompagnamento al Canto (Campo 23, Categoria 87)
017. ‘Bill Bailey’, suona Abby Burke

Il 27 Novembre alle 18 :00 Jeff darà un concerto gratuito al Belmont University's Curb Cafe, celebrando l’uscita del suo primo Album Jazz solo ‘A Spy in Tortuga’, dove suonerà brani dal CD con una band e, ospiti speciali, le voci Jaclyn Brown e Abby Burke. Il CD è disponibile online con alcuni frammenti audio scaricabili.
The International Trio - CD available.

Charnwood Graded Music
Beltrami Accordion Festival, Aberdeen - UK
Contributed by Romano Viazzani

Norman English (picture left), Manager of Pianos and Keyboards at Bruce Millers Music Store, Aberdeen, visited the Aberdeen Arts Centre earlier this year. Nothing strange about that you may think! However Norman’s attention was less focused on the stage and more on the great acoustics and ambience of this intimate theatre.

Norman said, “It struck me immediately that it would make a great venue for an accordion festival”, and within two weeks of that visit he had booked the theatre for October 21st, confirmed local artistes and set about obtaining the services of two international class accordionists, Mauro Carra (picture right), from Italy, and Emir Bosnjak, a Bosnian artiste who is in great demand for recitals and concerts through out the world.

Having previously hosted a performance by Mauro within Bruce Millers that was very warmly received, Norman felt strongly that the public would again welcome an opportunity to experience accordion playing taken to a new dimension. On that occasion the audience was delighted by the quality sounds from the hand made Beltrami accordion that Mauro was demonstrating. Norman compered the Arts Centre event and delighted the crowd with his own interpretation of the ‘Dark Island’ and ‘Nut Rocker’.

Sadly, Emir’s performance at the festival was called off at the last minute due to ill health. However Mauro’s talent and wonderful choice of music brought gasps from the audience and tumultuous applause. He again held the enthralled audience in the palm of his hand.

On the bill alongside the international performers were local talents accordionists Gordon Middler and Tom Orr (both picture above), and singer Lauren Hart (picture right). Lauren, who this year performed at the Edinburgh Festival, sang Italian Arias and traditional Burns songs, which were very well received, and Anne Deans ably accompanied her.

Representing up and coming young musicians was Craig Patton (picture left), Under 16 Scottish Champion. Craig demonstrated his accordion skills admirably and his personality also shone through. The audience were also privileged to have Ian Middler, accompanied by his son, Gordon, Tom Orr and Duncan Christie. Ian sang a selection of Scottish songs and contributed to the variety in the show.

The packed evening demonstrated the versatility of accordions with a mixture of traditional Scottish, popular and classical pieces.
The program of singing and playing had something to offer amateur and professional musicians alike and those who simply appreciate others talent and enjoy family entertainment in comfortable surroundings. The impromptu rendition of ‘O Sole Mio’, by Lorenzo, one of the group of Italian visitors over for the festival, was a perfect finale.
CD - Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira
Richard Galliano and Michel Portal at the Wigmore Hall, London - UK
Contributed by Romano Viazzani

November 20th was a special night indeed at the Wigmore Hall where we were treated to a feast of extemporisation from two masters of their art form. Richard Galliano has drawn on his Classical, Jazz, Musette and Tango influences to create his own truly unique sound. A multi-instrumentalist, Michel Portal, who not only played clarinet, bass clarinet and soprano saxophone but bandoneon, too, joined him on stage.

The repertoire consisted of some of Galliano’s own compositions like ‘Tango pour Claude’ and ‘Viaggio’, several of Astor Piazzolla’s compositions including ‘Oblivion’ and ‘Libertango’ as well as a beautifully improvised ‘Indifference’ (Colombo/Murena) duet on accordion and bandoneon. The Wigmore Hall, now getting in the habit of hosting accordionists, was full to the brim. After the concert a group of students from the Royal Academy of Music and myself went backstage to congratulate Galliano on his splendid performance. He is an accordion superstar who draws in audiences by the thousand. Power to his bellow-shaking elbow!

Photo: From Left to Right: Romano Viazzani, Royal Academy students Ksenija Sidorova, Franko Bosac, Richard Galliano, Naomi McClean, Rafal, and accordionist Nikolai Ryskov.
Peter Piccini music
Kevin Solecki New CD, Pittsburgh – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Kevin Solecki has released his second CD, ‘Solecktive Sounds!’, featuring Polish, Slovenian, French, Italian, Irish, Eastern and Standard style polkas and waltzes, two accordion novelties and a tango.

’Solecktive Sounds’ features 14 guest musicians, including accordionists Julien Labro and Mike Zawojsky. The 19 tracks include: ’ Accordion A Go Go’ - (Polish), Jolly Caballero’ (Novelty), ‘Fiore D'Abruzzo- (Italian), ‘La Cumparsita’ (Tango), ‘Irish Polka Medley’ (Irish), ‘Barbara Polka’ (Standard), ‘Hot Points’ (Novelty), and ‘Polish Polka Medley’ (Polish).

Kevin Solecki has performed all over the USA, and toured internationally in Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, the Caribbean, and Europe. He has also done numerous radio and television shows, and had the opportunity to perform at some of America’s top polka festivals, state fairs, county fairs, hotels, and cruise ships.

For further information email: kevinpolkacd@aol.com
Fisitalia Black

Finland Recordings
Motion Trio Concert Schedule, Warsaw - Poland
Contributed by Rob Howard

The Motion Trio, an accordion trio founded in 1996, are Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn. Their leader, Janusz Wojtarowicz, composes most of the group’s repertoire.

Motion Trio has recorded five albums – ‘Cry’, ‘Pictures’, ‘Play-station’, ‘Live in Vienna - Sacrum & Profanum’ and ‘METROPOLIS’. The group was honored in France with the ‘Gus Viseur’ award in 2005, and their international reputation includes performances in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Iceland, Japan, Canada, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Latvia, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA, Hungary and Italy.

Future concert dates include:

November 23rd – Greifswald, Germany
24th - Kulturverein Lasterbach, Elsoff
25th - Langenselbold Schloss
December 11th – Briancon, France
12th – Nice
14th – Nanterre
January 6th – Udine, Italy
13th – Carnegie Hall, New York, USA
April 28th – Bourges, France
29th – Alencon
May 17th – Arras
23rd - Strasbourg

For further information email: marcin@akordeonus.com
Titano Accordion Company
NAO North West Championships, Fleetwood – UK
Contributed by Gina Brannelli

The National Accordion Organisation’s North West Championships take place at the Marine Hall, Fleetwood, Lancashire, on Sunday November 25th. Organised by Gina Brannelli, the adjudicators are Fred Parnell, Raymond Bodell, Samantha Catling, Wendy Farran and Ken Farran.

Prestigious Challenge awards include ‘The Fisherman's Friend’ "Eros" Challenge Award, ‘The Les Dawson Show business Award’, ‘The Rudi Mancini’ top accordion soloist award, and International Awards: ‘The Maestro Gervasio Marcosignori Award’, ‘The Maestro Bio Boccosi Strumenti e Musica International Award’, ‘Adamo Volpi Challenge Award’ – Italy, and ‘The Paul Pasquale  'Concerto' Award’ – USA.

The festival concludes with an evening concert starring Grant ‘Yogi’ Martin, from New Zealand, Blackpool’s Julie Langton, the contest winners plus a guest accordion orchestra.

The weekend also known as the Blackpool and Wyre Accordion Festival, includes competitive sections for keyboard, piano, guitar and voice.

For further information email: accordions@btinternet.com
John MacDonald CD - Years Apart
Tony Lovello Concert, Kentucky - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Tony Lovello, sometimes called ‘The Liberace of the Accordion’, is in concert at Hunter Presbyterian Church, 109 Rosemont Garden, Lexington, Kentucky, on Tuesday November 27th, 7pm.

Famous for his bellow shakes, glissandos, and rapid runs, Tony Lovello’s lively and upbeat style has made him a crowd pleaser for five decades.
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano Concert, Leicester – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Pearl Fawcett-Adriano is the guest at the Soar Valley Accordion Club, Rothley Village Hall, 12 Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley, Leicester LE7 7PR, on Saturday November 24th, 8pm. The organiser is David Price.
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion
Yehuda Oppenheimer, Free Holiday Hymn - Israel
Contributed by Harley Jones

From December 4th to 12th, there will be the Jewish Chanuka Festival. Yehuda Oppenheimer has published the main hymn of this festival, which is called Maoz Zur, and he is offering this eSheet music free to any who email for it.

This arrangement by Yehuda Oppenheimer is very easy but also very glorious (festive) hymn. To enjoy the fine music, email: MusicForAccordion@yahoo.com for a copy to be emailed to you.
Alexander Dmitriev - CD's
Italian-style Lunch Party, Wazemmes – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

An lunch party, with Italian cuisine and entertainment will be held at La Maison Folie de Wazemmes, 70 rue des Sarrazins, Lille, on Sunday December 9th, from 12.30pm – until approximately 7pm. The music will be performed by La Grappa Spumata: Thierry Montagno - accordion, Roberto Dossini – guitar/vocals, Paolo Dossini – drums, and Erich Pralat – bass.

For further information email: communication@wazemmeslaccordeon.com
Bernadette Conlon CD's
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Events 2008 – Finland
Contributed by Rob Howard

The next Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival will be organised from June 24th to 29th 2008. The Accordion Cruise will depart on March 2nd 2008, from Turku Harbour to Baltic Sea and Sweden.

For further information email: juhlat@satahamesoi.fi
Paul Chamberlain compositions
Marco Lo Russo Performances, Rome - Italy
Contributed by Rob Howard

Sabato 1 dicembre, alle ore 18.30, presso la St. Andrew’s Church di Roma (Via Venti Settembre 7), il notissimo fisarmonicista MARCO LO RUSSO sarà il protagonista del secondo appuntamento della Stagione 2007-2008 degli Amici della Musica di Roma, Associazione musicale operante sotto la Presidenza Onoraria di Ennio Morricone.

L’evento si svolge sotto l’Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica e con il Patrocinio del Comune di Roma-Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e della Regione Lazio-Assessorato alla Cultura, Spettacolo e Sport.
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Alessandro Mugnoz
Boite à Musique


Vladimir Sidorov (bayan)
 Gary Daverne compositions and CD's

William Schimmel CD's
MusicForAccordion.com site releases 2 new music of 'Jocelyn' and 'El Chocolo'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Karthause Schmuelling Musik and Media
Herbert Scheibenreif Production releases 2 new music of 'Kasatchok' and 'Gopak'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, releases 2 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Latin Tango', 'Splendid Waltz'. Samples of theses music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Yuri Medianik CD's
Visit Viatcheslav Semionov site for xmas special.
eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
Visit Friedrich Lips site for xmas special.
Sebastiano Cali  music catalog
A new site selling a CD titled "A Spy In Tortuga" with sound samples. Music recorded by Jeff Lisenby of USA. Purchase online.
Yehuda Oppenheimer
Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement of 'Tango'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week